The following comment was posted to the blog University professor points at Yearwood and although concise in delivery the message is poignant for what it portends given the current state of local politics.

Just in case anyone didn’t catch this, this actually caused a constitutional crisis. Twice. Law is simply software; written for humans. There was a “bug” in the software; no one ever imagined that the Opposition wouldn’t win even a single seat. As I understand it, people had to “cross the floor” just to patch this bug.

Chris Halsall

The imbroglio at George Street where the other established political party continues to struggle to be relevant in local politics means that with just over 2 years from a constitutional general election, there is no viable alternative. There is the possibility the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) may suffer another trouncing at the polls. For the political diehards and the many ignorant about civic responsibility, we have the makings of a constitutional crisis. Some believe the crisis has been with us since 2018.

Unfortunately there is no easy fix to the problem. Although Barbadians have been publicly voicing concerns and feedback the DLP is a private group and its problems must be solved by the members. The irony is that the lack of preparedness of the DLP or any other opposition political party for that matter has deep implications for how the governance of the country.

Barbados has been included in many election observer missions over the years in the region and internationally. The feeble attempt to contrive political opposition since 2018 is embarrassing for a country known across the globe for its stable political climate. The narrow-sighted will protest that Barbados is politically stable, the blogmaster is inclined to disagree. The inability of parliament since 2018 to have adequate sitting members to ensure important working committees are staffed to provide oversight of the peoples’ business is an example of not being stable. The lack of robust public participation in the Parliamentary Reform Commission and Constitutional Reform Commission is a barometer of the level of maturity of our people. Matters of governance are considered to be boring and best left to a manipulative few. Someone once said “Every nation gets the government it deserves”.

In 2022 Prime Minister Mottley is quoted as saying – “It [this election] is a stop to continue the transformation of this country, and I say this to you in all humility, I may not get there at the end of this journey with you because the transformation is more than five years. I have said over and over that I believe this will be my last term.” Given what appears to be a dearth of leadership talent in the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) and the long running challenges within the DLP since the death of Barrow, it is conceivable should Mottley retire from active politics anytime soon the country may face the mother of all challenges.

If ever there was a time for a few good men and women to raise hands in the service of country, now is that time. How can we justify having allocated billions to the national education budget and find ourselves burdened with a leadership deficit?

148 responses to “Mottley’s retirement a concern”

  1. Terence M Blackett Avatar
    Terence M Blackett


  2. This is a lie!

    For the Israeli regime is not on the short list of countries with hypersonic weapons.

    Least the generation coming afterwards.

    Not even their masters in Washington after trying for years, unsuccessfully, has hypersonic yet.

  3. LOL
    Ha ha ha
    Murda!! You too love a joke…

    You nailed it.
    I didn’t comment for my level of comprehension would be questioned, but I laughed. Talk about the master of understatement. It is a special blindness, eyes seeing but brain not registering.

  4. @TB

    You are aware that Iran news is reporting that it was bad weather conditions prevailing?

  5. @Bush Tea

    Well we may see atrophy being having a disruptive effect therefore giving the next generation a ‘spring’.

  6. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Pacha
    We did not mention Thorne’s religious crusade because it really is of no immediate interest to us. Thorne is a part of the system and is quite free to express his religious/christian approach.
    What we would not do is to be too concerned with what’s happening in the so-called outside world because , we don’t see how comparisons with what is going on there solves any of our problems.
    We are yet to be convinced that we cannot solve the majority of our problems with a shift in how we actually see ourselves.
    We, unfortunately continue to see the Caribbean as a speck of dust or one grain of sand on the global beach and that is pure defeatism. We would not see our country as any 2×3 piece of real estate and we will not see our region as some inferior aberration, simply because it has been hi-jacked by a collective pack of jokers, who have no true Caribbean vision.
    Our Prime Minister is now admired more for being on the cover of Time magazine(global) than for getting the people of her country to drink clean water(national) !
    We have stayed clear of the nonsense at George Street because to pretend that there is no nonsense going on in Roebuck Street, is only comforting to those in the business of making sport. All of the policy blundering and floundering we are now swimming in is coming from Roebuck Street. It’s six and half dozen.
    We will continue to be steadfast in our philosophical position that we can easily eliminate our debt to our former slave masters’ so called lending agencies by feeding ourselves; better utilization of our regional talents in all areas; a progressive land use policy ; an enlightened approach to truly protecting our environment; comprehensive reforms of our education system and more respect for our diverse cultures.
    We have a collective lack of visionary leadership and that leads to inferior governance. If there is no fiber in our diet whatever we are eating would not help us to shit..
    The entire region is now seriously politically constipated. We need to change our diet.

  7. Skinner

    We’ve long known about your determination to see circumstances in Barbados as purely based on internal forces.

    Well, such an analysis stares into the face of everything weee know from or about the past, the present and the future.

    Was chattel slavery a purely internally bound logic?

    Was capitalism itself not imposed on the country?

    Did this very system of government not imposed by the British? How could any problem herein be addressed absent this?

    Did not whatever you see as Caribbean not come here from somewhere else, even if we go back 150,000 years?

    We have and must continue to contend that there can never be any sophisticated understanding of any of the problems in Barbados absent the interrogation of all the forces surrounding – local, regional, international.

    Is this not what happens annually at every budget presentation?

    Are the mindsets of most not designed by American media?

    None of the problems which show themselves is purely internally bound.

  8. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Pacha
    All that you have said is absolutely true . However, while as those before us recognise the exogenous realities, they have never allowed such realities, to stop them from realising and recognising, that we have the ability and the task of concentrating our mental, physical and intellectual energies on the full emergence of a truly functioning Caribbean state. We seem to put more emphasis on the global scene than the regional and that’s where we part company.
    For example nearly fifty years ago, a Barbadian designed a car that was built for the island, a few went on the road. Those cars would have eliminated much of the energy now consumed by the imported models. What’s the real sense of having gass gasslers on cart roads. ?
    As Mohamed Nasser persistently says or asks why did we allow the manufacturing sector to die and left the importation of billions of dollars in furniture and other items to a selected few. We need to get real. We are so elated with the PM regurgitating what Sandiford said before she was an MP, that the global community hails her as some trail blazer . Come on, they even determine when and how we could get on cover of time ! The global agenda would not and cannot hurts us as much as it does , if we were to put our collective energies into our region and leave the jokers to chase global acceptance.
    We seem to believe that expounding on what CNN and the others tell us every night that we are forgetting the real mission. We are clearly believing that when we
    highlight our prowess on global matters, we are intellectually more superior to those who place emphasis on regional matters. That approach is undergrid by nothing more than intellectual classism and snobbery .
    In other words we collectively determine that all the socio -economic conditions of the region are insignificant because some pure bred jack ass could end up as the president of the USA or the Prime Minister of England.
    We can talk at length about Gaza , Ukraine and so on but if we continue to concentrate so much on the global and pretend that the Caribbean is some backwater group of islands our future generations would have suffered the highest level of abandonment. Perhaps , we need to revisit Williams, CLR James, Best, Manley , Patterson and others rather than concentrate our energies on those who will kick our black asses to the curb whenever and wherever they get the chance.
    The only real difference between them and the slave masters is that they are located elsewhere geographically. They are just as racists and colonialists.

  9. A Bajan might have designed a car but his was only a reproduction of the concepts of what a car is, coming from over-and-away.

    We can also say that the Caribbean had an hermetically sealed country, in Cuba, and if there’s anything good about a blockade then we would have seen Cuba as a good place for ingenuity, technology, R&D.

    For 70 years no good came to the wider Caribbean largely because external forces determined that Cuba was best isolated.

    The external again.

    Skinns, we could counter you on all of your large points.

    Nasser’s point about furniture is well taken.. But it can never be properly understood merely as a problem with limited import, only s few local variables and not a wider function of globalization and neoliberal capitalism the rules for which are determined elsewhere.

    Let’s agree to disagree!

  10. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Pacha
    We don’t disagree. Like we said , you are absolutely correct about the external pressures.
    However, we should apply our strengths to dissecting our regional problems and finding more solutions for our unique circumstance Re: coming out of the slavery/colonial experience.
    We need to understand that this cannot be only about the exogenous realities. We have to focus on how best to counter them rather than appear hopeless.

  11. We can indeed do better, regardless of external pressures. My point exactly.

  12. Terence M Blackett Avatar
    Terence M Blackett


    “You are aware that Iran news is reporting that it was bad weather conditions prevailing?”


    #TrustNothingYouHear & #FarLessWhatYouSee coming from the #SpinDoctors in “MASS MEDIA MANIPULATION” who are nothing more “MASS EDUCATION DEVILS IN ACTION” ( #Media)!!!

    The #AlternativeNarrative is oftentimes the “TRUTH” hiding in plain site!!!

  13. Terence M Blackett Avatar
    Terence M Blackett


  14. Terence M Blackett Avatar
    Terence M Blackett



  15. We can always do better, it is one of the most used statements anyone. Nothing wrong with being aspirational.

    Then there is the reality of the situation. How can we do better given the circumstances. Given the realities. What are our realities?

  16. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ David
    Exactly what are you saying ? Don’t you know what our realities are and don’t you almost daily agree that we need and can do better? We hope you’re not playing from the standardized playbook of David Ellis, who is adept at throwing cold water on progressive ideas on the grounds that he is playing “ devil advocate”
    We are here on a daily basis showing our disregard for any subject about CARICOM and matters that directly affect us.
    We realize that some on BU , deliberately interject with “ global” topics, trying to give the impression that threads relating to the true development of CARICOM are a waste of time, while they pontificate on the global scene trying their best to connect dots that will never connect and in several cases cannot connect.
    We will proffer a bet that they don’t know about the dozens of initiatives designed by the technocrats in CARICOM that are delivering substantial gains to the region but the knowledge is poorly disseminated.
    The major problem with CARICOM is the failure to get member states to follow through on decisions and is what is commonly now accepted as an implementation deficit.
    We think that our entire livelihood and existence depends on the USA, Europe and now the Middle East and other groupings. That is pure romanticism.
    As recently stated by @ Donna , we can do better despite or in spite of the external forces.
    We are living in a dream world if we continue to follow those who because they got on a plane and ended up with some materialistic creature comforts that these islands are nothing more than junk states.
    The emergence of a true Caribbean civilization continues and it is unstoppable.
    Veneceremos !!

  17. Sensuous Branes Avatar
    Sensuous Branes

    Perhaps Terrance rabbiting on with various conspiracy conjecture is more about reading with an open mind with your eyes wide open

    and wondering and pondering without any commitment one way or the other

    down the line knowledge of “alleged” technology will be released in public domain

    like “alleged” drones and holograms after September 11th 2001
    alleged USA Israel false flags for dubious war for 911

    “fact allegedly exists; a non-fact allegedly doesn’t exist. But existence is something we can never know all about. It is a term in metaphysics, not in operational science.”
    ― Robert Anton Wilson, The New Inquisition: Irrational Rationalism and the Citadel of Science

    “If, as Colin Wilson says, most of history has been the history of crime, this is because humans have the ability to retreat from existential reality into that peculiar construct which they call The “Real” Universe and I have been calling hypnosis. Any Platonic “Real” Universe is a model, an abstraction, which is comforting when we do not know what to do about the muddle of existential reality or ordinary experience. In this hypnosis, which is learned from others but then becomes self-induced, The “Real” Universe overwhelms us and large parts of existential, sensory-sensual experience are easily ignored, forgotten or repressed. The more totally we are hypnotized by The “Real” Universe, the more of existential experience we then edit out or blot out or blur into conformity with The “Real” Universe.”
    ― Robert Anton Wilson, The New Inquisition: Irrational Rationalism and the Citadel of Science

    “Fifth-Circuit neurosomatic consciousness bleaches out all these problems at once. The disappearance of first-circuit “physical” illnesses only seems more “miraculous” than the transcendence of second-circuit emotionalism, third-circuit perplexity and fourth-circuit guilt. It is the Cartesian mind/body dualism that makes us think of such first-circuit “physical” cures as somehow stranger or more spooky than any rapid improvement on the other circuits.”
    ― Robert Anton Wilson, Prometheus Rising

    “The unconscious Joyce represents is not merely an area within the brains of his creatures. It is a network of connections through time and space that extends beyond any awareness but the most absolute.”
    ― Robert Anton Wilson, Coincidance: A Head Test

  18. Poor Graeme Hall is faced with a choice: either been shot or stabbed to death with a knife. The wild life animals from the previous DLP used this environmental sanctuary as an open sewer. The encumbent party of Gorillas and chimps do not have the I.Q. to understand the significance of a mangrove forest.

    The new owner will no doubt want to develop real estate on the site. Mia is both the Finance and Prime Minister. She is 100% aware of the sale of the site and how it will be developed.

    We as a people lack the intellectual oversight to manage our island’s assets. We have a limited understanding of our environment and how it should be managed.

    These leaders should be kept in a cage. Let’s see King Kong Mia’s response to this sale.

  19. @ David,
    The London DJ, poet, and Jack of all trades appears to be mentally exhausted. Do him a favour and block his arse from your site for a couple of months. Let him rest for a period and recharge his limited batteries.

  20. right back at you Avatar
    right back at you

    I was going to say you was a dickhead but refrained

    The bigger questions that you always ignore are
    (a) where do you live in England with your backward mind?
    (b) are you Hal undercover like when he infiltrated the London Guardian Angels?

    you must be the first and only black racist I ever met in the offline and online world

  21. “But it can never be properly understood merely as a problem with limited import, only s few local variables and not a wider function of globalization and neoliberal capitalism the rules for which are determined elsewhere.”

    This! Say um louder for those in the back, in need of hearing aids or need their aids tuned. It’s why I continue to laugh at some of the BUI members who are baptised in the name of obsolescence, misinformation and naivety.

  22. Cat got your fingers????? Scroll past if you’re not in the mood for “Dubbing”! You’ll probably miss him when he’s gone.

  23. TLSN,

    How’s it going up in not so jolly ole England, the place to which you were so lucky to escape?

    How about that latest scandal? They keep getting worse and worse, don’t they?

    First, we had the Post Office Scandal, where hundreds of innocent people had their lives destroyed for decades by computer errors, known to the developers and the Post Office big wigs. People “paid back” huge, devastating sums that they had never stolen, some went to prison. And the inevitable massive cover up followed, one that went on for decades. Some died still seeking justice.

    Next, we learnt of the Water Scandal. Privatized, profit-driven water delivery and lack of governmental oversight has allowed raw sewage to be pumped with gay abandon into the waterways of England. People are bathing in, and being infected by, human faecal matter! Bottled water is necessary for drinking in certain areas. Clearly, the albino “gorillas and chimps” of England don’t have the IQ to understand the importance of clean rivers and streams to the environment!

    And now, before we can catch our breath, before we can blink our eyes twice, we have the Tainted Blood Scandal, where at least thirty thousand people, including children were carelessly infused with untested blood, imported from US prisons, from some of the riskiest donors alive!

    Thousands died of HIV and hepatitis C. And their surviving relatives were gaslighted for decades, having been told by the authorities that their loved ones “got the very best care possible”.

    Another incredible failure of the “superior” system, followed by the inevitable cover up of massive proportions!

    Ah! The pastures are always greener on the white man’s side!

    Surely the Guardian has an article to regale us with the glorious governance of Westminster!

    And I say all that to say this – we must disabuse ourselves of the much propagated myth of white superiority, strangely enough, most propagated by those who claim to be black and proud.

    These same people insult us at every turn as being the lowest of the low, the most incompetent, the most mendacious, the most thieving, the most corrupt, the most lazy, the most stupid, the absolute worst of everything and at everything.

    These people leave no insults for the white man to call us! And I keep wondering – how is this helpful?

    Yesterday, I saw a minibus man carrying home, free of charge, EVERY OLD PERSON he saw waiting for a Transport Board bus. “Show yuh ID,” he joked. The man just refused to leave “Gran” waiting for a bus that might take too long to come.

    I came home happily thinking that I was in possession of some good news to give my son.

    “Wuh dah was gine on every since, Mom,” was his reply. “Nuff uh dum does do dah.”

    Imagine that! The much maligned minibus men!

    Yesterday, I had yet another lovely day among my lovely black people in Barbados. We have their flaws, but we are far, far, far from the worst.

    We have plenty to work with in Barbados. Let us boost our self-confidance and get on with the job!

    P.S. I also met a young lady on that minibus, desperate to get to work on time. It was 11.30 a.m. only. She was in Bridgetown worrying that she would be late for her 2.00 p.m. shift in Six Rds. I assured her that she would be there long before 1.00 p.m. and yet she remained worried until she had passed the funeral traffic on Government Hill.

    She arrived in Six Rds at 12:15 p.m.

  24. Correction : We have OUR flaws

  25. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ TLSN ,
    There is nothing inherently wrong with our people and the ones who delight in calling us ” 2×3 ” islands really are victims of a 2×3 mentality.
    We note a headline in today’s Weekend Nation , May 24th.
    The Headline Reads:
    “Barbados Manufacturing stuck with old technology.”
    The following quote is attributed to Gerd Muller , Director General of UNIDO
    (United Nations Industrial Development Organisation )
    ” Mueller who is visiting Barbados to participate in the Global Supply Chain Forum
    highlighted the importance of building out more local industries with products that were locally grown.
    This morning in my hotel , they offered me mango juice . But you produce the best mangoes here. But the mango juice is from Italy. At my hotel the towels are from Turkey.
    I think that we have to think about the economy, Young people, they need perspective. They need jobs , so that means industrialisation and therefore, we are here to learn and to see . You have a lot of capacity.”
    We ask the globalist on BU and elsewhere to tell us what he is saying that @Donna and others are not saying.
    We can do much better than constantly pretend that every time a bomb is dropped in the Ukraine ; Hamas and the Isarelines kill each other or some pure bred jack ass could become president of the USA, that it stops us from planting a thousand mango trees , that within seven years or less will produce all the frigging juice we need to give the same tourists and save us from begging and passing tests given by the ruthless money lenders. And we will also create jobs and still have juice left over that could be sold in our supermarkets for less than the imported that we are now straing our pockets to buy.
    We need to stop the pseudo intellectual BS that we learned in the same slave masters universities and get back to what our elsders , who educated thousands by rearing pigs and chickens, to what they simply call : common sense.
    Imagine with all the pretty talk about making us an import/export hub , we are being told by a foereigner that we serving mango juice from Italy and importing towels from Turkey.

  26. Yes, I’m off right now to pick my sweet sweet mangoes to make mango juice. Got some in the fridge already. Make my own pomegranate juice, my own sorrel drink, soursop punch, coconut punch all from my own bounty. Waiting on my lime tree, Bajan cherry tree, golden apple tree and guava tree to reach maturity. Figs and bananas soon come again.
    Imported drinks are becoming less and less a feature in my household. It is not beyond us! We just have to believe like the old folks did.

    But I was amazed to see coconut water in the supermarket last week coming all the way from somewhere in Asia! Who the hell buys that stuff??????? And WHY would they buy it??????

    Well, my garden helper cousin has planted forty trees so far on his plot, planning quite a few more. Short ones, so that he won’t have to climb anymore.

    A wise person once told me to break down big tasks into small units. Big tasks tend to overwhelm the mind and fool us that they are insurmountable.

    On mornings, I drink bay leaf or lemongrass tea.

  27. As for the wonderful Sea Island Cotton – the birds have planted it all around my property and every day it blows into my garden. They use it for building nests, so they no longer need my mop. ☺️

    Why are we not producing cotton, high quality cotton? Why are we not making signature Caribbean clothes? Cool clothes in look and feel, instead of hot, imported, unnatural fibres!

    Talking about capacity?

  28. “The new owner will no doubt want to develop real estate on the site. Mia is both the Finance and Prime Minister. She is 100% aware of the sale of the site and how it will be developed.”

    The above is a perfect example of what I mean about some BUI members and their sheer ignorance but convinced they’re smart. Isn’t the land at Graeme Hall to be sold privately owned? What stops the current owner from doing a “real estate” development? Then I thought I should research what type of development is permitted on the land. Others should do likewise

    PS: I’ve always thought TLSN was Hal Austin’s alter ego. A miserable, bitter, egotistical, chip on shoulder, height-challenged, know it all. 🤣🤣🤣

  29. “….Mueller who is visiting Barbados to participate in the Global Supply Chain Forum
    highlighted the importance of building out more local industries with products that were locally grown.
    This morning in my hotel , they offered me mango juice . But you produce the best mangoes here. But the mango juice is from Italy. At my hotel the towels are from Turkey.”
    Good Spot William.
    The problem with people like Mueller (and with the many ‘cuntsultants’ who we import) who arrive in Bim to advise us on policy and implementation, is that THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE ROOT PROBLEM.

    EVERYONE knows that we can produce mango juice, cotton, chicken, mutton, furniture, hotel rooms, breadfruit, etc, etc..

    What wunna REFUSE to acknowledge is that there is a set of albino-centric traitors among us, who have decided that black Bajans WILL NOT inherit the fruits of our black ancestors labour – EVEN WHEN THEIR OWN CHILDREN ARE INCAPABLE of doing so.

    These are the ‘shadows’ that collude to sell / give their ill-gotten businesses to Canadians such as EMERA and the various banks, to Irish, English, US, and most recently – since their oil boom, Trinidadians….. RATHER that facilitate the ‘eddykated’ Bajans who built those SAME businesses over the decades.

    Even when locals independently APPEAR to be on a path to success …in furniture manufacturing, farming, hotel ownership, supermarket retailing, or just plain ‘small business’, there charlatans CONSPIRE to find CHEAP, LOW-QUALITY imports from wherever – to be dumped on the local market to destroy ANY chance of growth.

    There are FAR TOO MANY examples for this to be disputed…. most notably with chicken, agricultural produce, furniture, …even sweet drinks…

    BUT THE MOST DASTARDLY ASPECT of the treason is the FACT that our OFFICIALS MUST OF NECESSITY be either completely stupid, blind, or MUST BE accessories to the treason.
    Note that WHICH EVER of the duopoly is in ‘power’, THE VERY SAME SHADOWS seem able to exert this UNHOLY influence.

    Julie ‘N COULD have been a game changer in food prices…
    Husbands and his industries COULD have been a major employer of youth in 2024…
    Bynoe had a MAJOR initiative going with waste management.
    ‘Kenmore Blackman’ COULD have been exporting yam and other agricultural products..

    ….EXCEPT that EVIL FORCES conspired with our petty-minded and easily bribed officials to run them out of business – WHILE welcoming with open arms, and with unbelievably lucrative INCENTIVES, unknown STRANGERS from Lord-knows-where…
    EVEN to Sandals – who was best known for ‘pissing’ all over Paradise and Almond.

    Mueller is thinking that Barbados is a ‘normal’ place….

    What a place
    What a curse…

  30. Allow me to focus on excerpts from three post:
    “We need to stop the pseudo intellectual BS”
    This is a real point. Sometimes, I come here and see what is supposed to be a brilliant and new post, but, often it is just a more polished version of what ‘the idiots’ here are saying or have said. Because we are not paid to write and because some of us are not employed in academia, our words fall on dry ground until they are somehow regurgitated back at us by ‘an official/qualified talking head’.

    How do I begin?
    It is the exception that makes the rule. You have mentioned the diversity of crops that you reap. As an exercise, please look around you, try to look at houses with the same acreage as you have and tell me how many are doing what you do.

    I am not a betting man but I will happily wager that you are more of an exception. I would like to think that we all love the island and that if it is doing well that we will say so. However, there are flaws that need to be mentioned and highlighted and some of us will mention both the good and the bad.

    “The above is a perfect example of what I mean about some BUI members and their sheer ignorance but convinced they’re smart. Isn’t the land at Graeme Hall to be sold privately owned? What stops the current owner from doing a “real estate” development?”

    This makes me sad. Are we a nation or are just a hodgepodge of landowners. Do we have a national interest or is it every man for himself? Should we allow the preserve to become plots for houses or does it benefit the nation to keep it?

    At this time I am not fully interested in the sale or what the next owner does with this land, I just want to know if we can use the good/benefit of the nation as a part of our decision making process. Is there such a thing as national interest or is it acquiring cold hard cash.

    Don’t you dare mention that anything that is wrong with Barbados. Whatever you can find wrong with us we can point out the same is happening in your neighborhood or elsewhere in the world.

    I laughed when some of you were talking about the water issues here in B’dos and were ignoring the problem in Flint Michigan. Remember that when you are pointing a finger at us, several are pointing back at your neighborhood.

  31. I see that the Bush master was on sending an excellent delivery down the pitch as I was struggling with my delivery.
    He has touched on some of the questions that has puzzledme for years.
    How can we have so many brilliant, talented and educated officials and cannot keep the bus on the road?

    How can we watch brilliant folks bungle everything and believe that these mistakes are accidental and not planned?

    Do words mean anything? We listen to fancy phrases and fancy schemes and shortly and applaud we know that it was just a song and dance show? Everything peters out to nothing.

  32. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Bush Tea ;et al
    Bush, you are absolutely correct . We apparently like living in the shark’s guts ! We celebrated borrowing as if it was the be all and end all of leadership.
    The shadows are longer these days and they come in every color and ethnicity. A few months ago we celebrated using people money ; now we have to find a way to pay it back.
    Enough of the bull shit. Produce or die…..Animal Farm in we backside and they looking for all the Boxers they can find.

  33. Enuff May 24, 2024 at 7:35 am #: “PS: I’ve always thought TLSN was Hal Austin’s alter ego. A miserable, bitter, egotistical, chip on shoulder, height-challenged, know it all. 🤣🤣🤣”

    @ Enuff

    I’m too scared to respond.


  34. Donna May 24, 2024 at 5:16 am

    ‘Well said.’

    Excellent contribution, as usual.

  35. @William

    To be fair you must give the borrowing matter context. The country transitioned from a period where because of our junk status ratings and inability to show our faces in the capital markets there was some satisfaction the country was able to access concessionary financing because you will agree physical infrastructure was crumbling. The blogmaster recalls we were picking up garbage with open back trucks being loaded by bobcats. The issue is that it is obviously not a sustainable way to do business. This is where the discussion just start.

  36. @Enuff

    In the same way your government has taken an aggressive approach with Savvy and Miss Ram lands the same should have been adopted with the Ramsar designated wetlands at Graeme Hall.

  37. In the Globalised Business World people sell up to American* Businesses, etc.
    But new American Businesses, etc are sharks who shortchange locals.

    (*) Canadians, Brits, Australians…

  38. To be fair, Donna is always excellent and logical.

    It is not my intention to snipe at or attack Donna. It is my intention to mar the beautiful picture she paints. It is not the Donnas that make us lose sleep; far from it.

  39. David

    Well they’d have to acquire it, no? But is it even necessary? Always talking just to oppose. What’s the latest on Savvy, no updates from your informant?

  40. OG

    “This makes me sad. Are we a nation or are just a hodgepodge of landowners. Do we have a national interest or is it every man for himself? Should we allow the preserve to become plots for houses or does it benefit the nation to keep it?”

    You should read more and talk less. Start with trying to find out what can or can’t be built on the land. Then ask TLSN what he means by “real estate” development since real estate development already exists on the privately-owned parcel that is allegedly up for sale. Once a suphide always a sulphide, whether Old Gas or Theo Gas, still putrid air.

  41. @Enuff

    The latest on Savvy is pending PM advisory promises by her since August last year when she takes time out of her international duties. And we wonder why apathy and cynicism is on the rise among the electorate.

  42. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ David
    We have had garbage collection problems transcending both administrations and so it is with : public housing, health, education, sports, courts backlogs, crumbling infrastructure, failure to revitalize the tourism product, agriculture, failure to give the Auditor General proper reports, failure to revitalize Bridgetown, going to the IMF, failure to install landing docks at the airport, failure to control prices, failure of accountability and transparency , failure to have a proper public transportation system, and we can go on and on.
    Not one of these issues started or was created during the so- called Lost Decade.
    Both administrations have enjoyed three term stays at the wicket. And to be intellectually honest each and every problem/ failure listed here continues and in some cases has worsened in the last six years. The cost of living is a prime example.
    For at least a few moments , let’s see Barbados and not the BLPDLP.
    We all need to ask Barbados for forgiveness ; from the doncarish citizen who continues to litter the place leaving it for community groups to take up their trash to the Prime Minister who failed to be transparent with the loans she arranged with the International Loan Sharks.
    We all according to Malik “ for cup “ . Just let us move on from the petty political partisan bull shit.

  43. Missing the point, OG! Actually, you are missing two of them!

    BY ALL MEANS, DO voice the problems of Barbados and Barbadians. That must LOGICALLY be the second step in correcting them. But LOGIC also tells me that the first step is that problems must be correctly diagnosed.

    Let me try to assist you with your comprehension issues. ☺️

    One of our biggest problems is that inferiority complex masquerading as a superiority complex. That complex makes us (not me doah) always look to the white man for solutions. Not an accident! We have been so indoctrinated. (Me too, but I was born a rebel and it’s getting worse with age.)

    And here it is that those who say they wish to see our country do better always seem to hold up the white man’s countries as the standard to which we must aspire.

    Even in the face of the blatant, ridiculous flaws in Whitemanland, the mess they have made of their countries, you continue to speak as though nobody does it better! You constantly speak of “domestic Bajans” as though we are the worst at everything and everything.

    How is that helpful when Whitemanland is suffering from the exact same problems and sometimes worse?

    Do you think Barbados’ water supply problems will be solved by following the English example? Should Mia follow Margaret Thatcher down the path to privatization? How’s the water in England?

    We need to think for ourselves and be more self-reliant! This requires, not constant bashing, but HONEST reflection, finding our true selves and returning to the attitude and ways that saw our foreparents survive under the harshest of conditions. But see, they were closer to their roots. There was still that spirit of the African within them. We need, not to look to the white man, but deep within ourselves!

    I say, that even in the face of white shadows and black traitors, we can and must do better!

    Yet, though Barbados be a rose with thorns, I say, “How happy I am to have escaped from England to Barbados!”

    And, “I’d rather be here than there!” (In the US) ☺️

    I don’t want to challenge your comprehension, and so I will deal with the second point you missed next time.

  44. Why do I feel like a child who is getting a flogging for something a ‘sibling’ did.
    Seems as if comprehension was not challenged and that a lack was assumed.

    “I’d rather be here than there!” if I was to now assign a probability to that statement (since we had Trump) the probability would be much lower but …. wait for it… it is still above a half (0.5).

    Some of my statement of the US has been condemnatory. We have large internal issues; we have often been caught on the wrong side of an issue and we repeat that mistake again and again; our words often do not match our actions as we can speak of democracy but will support a dictator if it is in our interest. Surely, you do not expect me to comment on the US every time I comment on Barbados.

    I await your second comment. To accuse a man of missing two points is not a light accusation… For a moment …😆

  45. OG,

    You, TLSN and a few others – mout brothas from anotha motha.
    Same stupid great escape stories!

    You say I am reasonable and logical. Then you suggest that I expect you to talk about US problems every time you mention a Barbadian problem. How ridiculous is that?

    Read what I wrote again! Do I have to give you a comprehension test on my comment as one of our online papers has taken to doing with their articles?

    It makes no sense to move on to the next point until you have grasped the first. ☺️

  46. I have always seen myself as a one man army. A person who highlights both the good and bad of our society.

    I am surprise that I have been lumped with others; mind you, I do not consider them as bad company, but I am surprise that my unique approach and originality has been overlooked.

    But I can understand why I have been bundled with others. It allows for a ‘one size fits all’s type of argument, dare I say, a mental laziness. It is almost as bad as 000 posting his string of musical mishits.

    I resent it.

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