Submitted by Isidoros Karderinis
Submitted by Isidoros Karderinis

The region of Palestine since October 7 has entered into a terrible war. And, of course, there the flowers have withered, and the sun has disappeared because darkness has come, and the youths cannot sing, and the children cannot play carelessly in the streets, and the white doves of peace do not fly in the gloomy sky.

And who is to blame for this tragedy? Is it the fault of the Israeli people? Is it the fault of the Palestinian people? Clearly, no. Both peoples are innocent and good. Israelis are entitled to have their own state, but so are Palestinians, must have their own piece of land with state status. But the politicians, and primarily of the powerful Israeli side, in all the previous years, did not take the necessary right steps to solve this hot problem in the Middle East region, resulting in the current tragic situation.

And what are these steps? For 75 years–since 1948, when the State of Israel was established–the UN has made a decision on the creation of an independent Palestinian state and it has not been implemented. At that time, Israel occupied 52% of the area designated as “historic Palestine”, and in the remaining 48%, the borders were determined for the Palestinian state that was to be created.

And, of course, peoples all over the world are innocent and good. The people in every country overwhelmingly do not want war, they do not want killing, dead and crime. They want to live in an environment peaceful, beautiful and happy. They want peace. They want to smile every day and dream. All people in this world set goals and try to achieve them, thus giving meaning to their lives. They do not want these goals to be violently, suddenly, and abruptly interrupted, as happens when a country plunges into the throes of war. They don’t want to wallow in this horror for months or even years under any circumstances. Fathers and mothers want to see their children progress and make them proud. They don’t want to be sent to war and killed in the most gruesome way.

But who on this planet makes the wars? Of course, the huge economic powers that dominate our planet and through wars promote their interests, purposes and plans. They literally feed on wars and don’t care how many thousands or even millions die. Of course, some politicians who set, promote and try to implement extreme nationalist and conquering aspirations also have a role in the wars.

And today we see that humanity has been plunged into the madness of war. Humanity today is passing through the most critical phase of its history, as it is literally one step before the Third World War, the devastating results of which for human civilisation many of us will not live to see. And as Albert Einstein said “If there is a third World War, the fourth will became with batons”.

In any case, then, the people are the victims. They pay for the war with their blood. In the past there have been peoples who have been lured by their politicians through relentless propaganda, brainwashing and fear mongering down this pernicious and tragic path. Typical is the example of the German people who were victims of Nazism and Goebelian propaganda and thus turned into a lever for the extermination of other peoples.

And, of course, the soul and heart of every good and compassionate person is broken by the tragic events taking place today in the Middle East, but also in Ukraine and elsewhere. Any good person cannot help but weep before the hideous sight of people with severed heads, arms and legs. He can’t help but weep before the image of children disfigured and drenched in blood. He can’t help but weep with the caravans of refugees leaving their beloved land with bombs hanging over their heads. He cannot but shed tears for every person who is lost, whether he is armed or civilian, whether he is Palestinian, whether he is Israeli, whether he is Russian, whether he is Ukrainian, or of any other nationality. After all, all humans, biologically we are the same, we have come out of the same womb and have the same fate.

All people, and above all those in key positions of political power, and I want to believe that there are also sane politicians and politicians who have some political stature, we must fight to stop the merciless murderous wars, to avoid the catastrophic Third World War and to give birth to a new democratic world that will be based on cooperation, mutual respect and the peaceful coexistence of all states and peoples of the planet.

Palestine year 2023

A region steeped in war and in the mud

Without sun, without joy, without flowers

Watered with bitter tears and red blood

Without carefree children, without songs.  

Corpses gruesomely strewn everywhere

Without heads, without legs, without hands

Destroyed cities that look like death lands

And in the sky the pigeons nowhere.

Caravans of refugees without clear bourne

With bombs flying in the melancholic air

They leave their beloved homeland in fear

And on the pole the flag, bloody and torn.

Dreams buried in the wounded terrain

And hearts broken into a thousand pieces

Pale faces lacerate by indescribable pain

And around the Death with his black horses.

Victims in this miserable and unfair world

They are always the innocent and good humans

Which give off a nice perfume by their soul

Either they are Israelis or Palestinians.

O Palestine, our soul is full of bitterness

For this terrible tragedy and savagery

Our planet is sinking into darkness

And in our eyes, anger and sadness.

Isidoros Karderinis was born in Athens in 1967. He is a journalist, novelist and poet. He studied economics and completed postgraduate studies in tourism economics. His articles have been published in newspapers, magazines and websites around the world. His poems have been translated into English, French and Spanish and published in poetic anthologies, literary magazines and literary newspaper columns. He has published eight books of poetry and three novels in Greece. His books have been translated and published in the United States, Great Britain, Italy and Spain.

937 responses to “For Palestine and the world”

  1. 1/2
    Once again you are confusing my tiny brain.

    Yesterday, you told me 80% of the US voters supports Israel. You stressed that this was mainly the elderly.

    Here are the demographics of the United States (2021)
    <18 years 22.2%
    18–44 years 35.9%
    45–64 years 25.2%
    65 and over 16.8%
    The voting age in the US is 18+.

    Today you tell me that more than 50%of youth believe that the Jewish state should cease to exist.

    The number of Christians in the US is about 63%

    Try as I might I cannot reach that 80% figure.

    Please work your Mathemagic and show me how.

    Let me block an escape route. The youths of today are active voters.

    Thanks in advance

  2. Grasshopper

    First of all you should reread the article, this time with your glasses on!!

    It isn’t your tiny brain that is at fault it is your two eyes, Umpire Clancy (Can’t See) Mack springs to mind!!

    The census will say 63% identify as Christian because that is what they were asked.

    That does not mean they are practicing Christians but their upbringing leads them to so identify.

    Even those who may identify with another persuasion would more than likely have been through a Christian upbringing because America was and is largely Christian.

    So how do you get 81% of the respondents of the poll supporting Israel?

    Because they were asked a different question, do you support Israel?


    Most people seeing the atrocities committed by HAMAS will support Israel.

    End of story.

    People who say they identify as Moslems, Hindus, atheists etc can be Christians or familiar with the Bible and the concept of Jews as God’s chosen people.

    Moslems for example acknowledge the Torah.

    Not all are for the genocide of the Jews.

    There will thus be more support for Israel than there are Christians but Christians will be the bedrock.

    Do you support Israel in a poll after the atrocities is a completely different question from do you identify as a Christian in a census!!

    After the Rapture, there will be no believers left in America, Israel will be on its own.

    The poll showing the numbers in the 18-24 age group is in line with this.

    If you looked at the questions that were used to produce the 63% in the census you would realize the number is probably understated.

  3. @🐇/🐰
    Man you are all over the place.
    1) Some nice mathemagic there to reach 80%.

    First, you identified Christians; next you added in those that are ‘largely christians’, then you even went further and added in Moslems.
    Got to get that 80%.

    2) I challenge the statement “Most people seeing the atrocities committed by HAMAS will support Israel”.

    Not true. People are not blind and can see the bigger picture.

    The Israelis have been conducting a war filled with murder of innocents, propaganda and lies.
    a) It’s now well known that the Isreali have been lying through their teeth about the number killed on October 7.

    b) Their claims about hospitals is now seen as murderous propaganda.

    c) They have seen the infanticide and genocide. They have seen the Isreali eyes so blinded by rage and hate that they also murder a few Jews and Christians.

    You continue to tout that more people are supporting Israel when the numbers are actually decreasing

    3) You seem to think that if a person does not support Israel then they are for the murder of Jews. I do not support the Israel in this war and I do not support the murder of Jews. But more than that… I do not support the infanticide and genocide conducted by Israel against children of Palestinians. Sad to say, they have learnt genocide well from the Nazis.

    4) “After the Rapture …”
    Up goes the bat light. In rushes GP with his verses and canned phrases

  4. theo

    by definItion it is true to say that ……………..

    After the Rapture, there will be no believers left in America, & that Israel will be on its own.


  5. TheOGazerts on December 24, 2023 at 8:59 PM said:
    Rate This

    Not true. People are not blind and can see the bigger picture.


    You don’t for sure …. and glasses won’t help!!

    But the 81% do!!

    All they need to figure it out is a smattering of Biblical knowledge and an awareness of how things always go well for Israel when it is attacked!!

  6. Isaiah 49:6 KJV
    And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.


    Watch Israel and you will see the light.

  7. The 2 Bu scholars are lame in the brain and are a burning bloody pain

    Ask yourself which side would Jesus be on

    It’s a no brainer

    He would support the oppressed

    Not the Yid Army occupation, killing babies like Herod, stealing land like white colonists, warmongering like the new nazis USA, with racist propaganda like KKK

  8. Jesus was born a Jew!!! No scholarship is required!!

    He is still alive so He must still be a Jew!! No scholarship is required.

    The Palestinians and Palestine are fictions, they don’t even exist. No scholarship is required.

    The Romans made up the word Palestina a century after the death of Jesus!! No scholarship is required.

    There is no state called Palestine and there never will be, the fictional Palestinians have shown it can’t exist side by side with Israel. No scholarship is required.

    The fictional Palestinians are evil, agents of the devil. No scholarship is required.

    “I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.” Isiah 49:6 No scholarship is required.

    “Salvation unto the end of the earth” Isiah 49:6. No scholarship is required.

    Salvation is through Jesus, a Jew!! No scholarship is required.

    Jesus was a Jew and he is the salvation unto the end of the earth. No scholarship is required.

    Watch Israel. It still exists as a light to the Gentiles. No scholarship is required.

    ….. nor are glasses!!

  9. Today, we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

    Happy Christ-mas.

    No scholarship required.

  10. ” Jesus was born a Jew!!! ”

    your exclamation marks are as annoying as your biased reasoning / retorts

    in the beginning was the light

    but what came before 1 the light
    it was 0 the void

    before Jesus was ‘born a jew’
    he was born a human

    yin and yang
    darkness becomes light
    light becomes darkness

    there is no right and wrong, positivity and negativity, it is relative
    grey is lighter than black and grey is darker than white

    inactivity and activity go hand in hand

  11. A bit more from Isiah!!

    Not only is it a true true account of history, and it also the Word of God.

  12. At his time of year this is a good one too.

  13. Two good test matches starting tonight and early tomorrow morning.

    Suspect Australia will have the upper hand against Pakistan but can’t tell for sure about India v. Soth Africa.

    India should but South Africa is much improved.

    Something to look forward to after Christ-mas.

  14. @ John on December 25, 2023 at 9:35 AM said:

    “Jesus was born a Jew!!! No scholarship is required!!
    He is still alive so He must still be a Jew!! No scholarship is required.”

    That must be the very reason Jews, even up to modern times, don’t recognize that Joshua impostor called Jesus!

    Horus and Dionysus must be having the last laugh at you, Johnny boy, the copycat Jew.

    Maybe you make-believe Christians should stop referring to him as “God” and, then, the modern-day Jews like Caiaphas will accept him as brother Isa; just as the Muslims do!

    Happy Pagan Day, for the birth of a new Sun!

  15. Star of David = Star of Bethlehem??

  16. Nice story.

  17. Some Jewish thinking.

  18. Warmongers + Propaganda = Psyops Avatar
    Warmongers + Propaganda = Psyops

    Religious Leaders + Endorsing Genocide = Extremist Terrorists

    Warmongers + Propaganda = Psyops

    Zeroth Dimension
    Bindu is the point of creation. This center is beyond the accepted beliefs. It is said Bindu stores all the karmas of a person from past life. These karmas are also present in the form of memories.

  19. ultimate truth of nature and the universe Avatar
    ultimate truth of nature and the universe

    To uncover truth and peel away the lies you have to work backwards

    Israel’s actions are proving why October 7th happened

    The US heroin opioid crisis goes back to Afghanistan

    To understand oxymoronic “War on Terror” you have to understand false flags of 11th September 2001, 911, and identify partners in crime with their drone warfare technology

    To understand these continuous wars crimes against mankind this century you need to study NWO MO of PNAC

    To understand corruption of US MIC you need to go back to 1st Iraq War, Iran Contra, CIA drugs black ops, crack epidemic in ghettos,

    To understand the false state of Israel you need to study Apartheid South Africa and arrogance and racism of British Colonialists

    To understand white supremacy racism of USA you need to go back to the Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery and Colonialism by British Empire

    To understand the false state of Israel you need to study Apartheid South Africa

    To understand British Empire you need to go back to Roman Empire

    To understand the hypocrisy of white European Christians you need to study their paganism

    To understand prejudice and Wars against muslims you have to go back to Crusades

    To understand Abrahamic religions like Islam and Christianity you need to study Judaism Buddhism and Taoism that came before and to understand Judaism you need to study religions like Hinduism and other belief systems etc

    When you realise each of these interconnections..

    Eventually you will get back to the Particle Responsible for the Creation of Infinite Consciousness

    you can reach the highest plane of truth.
    Providing you with the ultimate truth of nature and the universe

  20. The Shroud of Turin was used to work back and produce an accurate 3D sculpture of Jesus.

    Quite amazing how well many images of Jesus created over the centuries match the data contained in the Shroud.

  21. This is an interesting one too Grasshopper.

    Most of the ideas in these clips I have either seen over the 15 years or through the various internet algorithms show up.

    It is quite interesting for me to watch how the algorithms work.

  22. That clip just showed up today, supposedly unprompted!!

    So, I get suspicious because a month or so I started looking for what Arabs in the Gaza Strip and Judean Samaria thought about HAMAS like I did for the US.

    I first hear about two polls taken by both Israeli and Arab institutions, and both say 82% of those Arabs support HAMAS and think the attack on Israel was justified.

    Now, here comes the opposite.

    So wuh fuh do?

    Keep an open mind and watch what happens!!

    There are very few absolutes in this world, and all are traceable to the Bible which is a book of absolutes.

  23. Some Jewish thinking.

  24. Here is an atheist talking with a Muslim about Israel and Gaza.

    You may be shocked.

  25. @ John on December 27, 2023 at 1:43 PM said:
    Now, here comes the opposite.
    So wuh fuh do?
    Keep an open mind and watch what happens!!
    There are very few absolutes in this world, and all are traceable to the Bible which is a book of absolutes.

    How can you say that???

    If your book of Jewish mythology is the “Word” of Yahweh maybe you can give an “absolute” reason why Yahweh rejected the offerings of Cain- the hard-working tiller of the land producing food from plants- while, on the other hand, He El, accepted the ‘sacrificial’ offering from a lazy sheep farmer called Abel whose animals used to ‘live-off’ the fat of Cain’s labour?

    What did poor Cain do wrong to merit that downright rejection of the remaining fruits of his hard labour?

    Why couldn’t your vicious ballistic Yahweh accept both sacrifices and allow the human race to live in brotherly peace instead of having to go through what we are witnessing in the Middle East today?

    If you can provide a solid reason why that Yahweh made such an ‘absolutely’ crazy choice, then we would place you on the same level as Bush Tea in the classroom of Epistemology.

  26. CIA-RDP06T00412R000200840001 Avatar


  27. UN getting itself exposed.

  28. Go and look on the internet.

    I can’t help you.

  29. Why was Cain not put to death for murdering his brother?

  30. I have to thank you for directing me to a question many have had problems understanding. I never thought about it.

    The extent of my knowledge was that Cain killed Abel.

    It was what was in Cain’s heart that rendered his sacrifice unacceptable to God and we know this how, … through a verse in Hebrews.

    So, here is your answer, faith.

    Hebrews 11:4
    “By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.” King James Version (KJV)

    I knew of this verse in the New Testament but never connected it back to the sacrifice in the Old Testament.

    Here is the other link back to the Old Testament in Genesis 4 KJV:

    9 And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper?

    10 And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground.

    Cain fully expected his fate to be death but for some reason God marked him so no one would kill him.

    So here is another question for you.

    Why would God do that for Cain, a murderer?

  31. So you see, the Bible provides an absolute answer …. faith, but we have to look for it.

  32. Israel's greatest propagandist in Barbados Avatar
    Israel’s greatest propagandist in Barbados

    John Knox of Kingsland Estate wins the award of ‘Israel’s greatest propagandist in Barbados’

    The renown right wing anti-liberal Conservative Barbados Underground talking head pundit has relished the unnecessary killing of women and children civilians in Gaza.

    There are moments in everyone’s life when you walk through the wrong door and enter the dark side. He does not require God’s forgiveness, he will require forgiveness from the murdered children in this life, or the next lifetime, to enter the kingdom of heaven.

  33. Grasshopper

    So you see even an atheist can support Israel, not only a Christian.

    How would you explain this?

    I think the atheist was appalled at the slaughter of the innocent people (including Israelis) on October 7 and the Jewishness of many did not enter his thinking.

    Now look at Cain.

    He apparently got off scotch free for killing Abel and was not held to account.

    Why was that?

    Because God had given no laws to be applied in the case of murder.

    Things got worse and worse as the population grew until God could bear it no longer and wiped the slate clean with Noah’s flood. All the murder, degradation and sin was cleansed from the world and God was prepared to start from scratch again.

    A few generations after Noah he chose one man, Abraham, with no descendants at the time.

    He made a covenant with Abraham and blessed him with children.

    God required of Abraham that he and his descendants live their lives according to His rules and be a light to all nations who were utterly lawless.

    The laws we have today originate in those rules.

    Can a person obey these rules and be a Gentile?

    Of course.

    That’s how the atheist in the example reached his position on Israel and the slaughter.

    No amount of persuasion from the Muslim could get him to change his support of Israel.

    He has accepted the laws of God but does not recognize God because he understands that there can be no civilization without rules and he values civilization over God.

    He values the things of God but not God.

  34. … and what of Abel?

    9 And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper?

    10 And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground.

    Even though Abel was dead God sill heard his voice.

    God hears the voices of those killed as He heard Abel’s voice.

    He will judge those who killed them when the time comes ….. and each one of the chosen knows the laws given by God even better than the atheist.

    It is not for us to judge.

  35. Some Jewish thinking.





    NOTE IN GENESIS 4:7 7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.


    For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.



  37. A happy morning to all.

    I need to look at some of the many 🐇/🐰’s comments

    What brought me here is how effective bat light is. Robin throws out a few Bible verses and in rushes Batman.. “Very good Robin, your crime fighting techniques are improving. Here are a few more tricks to use on the bad guys.

    I wanted 000 to be my Batman, but when he smokes he forgets who is his best friend and who is his enemy.😀

  38. Thank you GP.

    The Bible is so full of puzzles and solutions to those puzzles if we look for them.

  39. Grasshopper

    You got to admit Miller knows the Bible well.

  40. … but he is yet to figure out it can answer all of his questions.

  41. JOHN

    • Hebrews 12:24 The blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel
    • This verse powerfully describes the grace of God that is at work in Christ.
    • First note that the word Speaks is in the present tense which pictures the sprinkled blood of Christ as continually speaking
    • The word better implies superiority to something that is good
    • “The sprinkled blood of Jesus far surpasses the sacrifice of Abel (Heb. 11:4) and speaks better than the blood of Abel.
    • In Hebrews 12:24 we read that that we have come to Jesus and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.
    • “The sprinkled blood” is an extension of the description of Jesus’ role as mediator, and one that further underlines the contrast with Sinai, where the old covenant was ratified in sprinkled blood (Ex 24:8).
    • The text does not merely speak of the shed blood, but of “the sprinkled blood.”
    • In Genesis 4:10 we are told that God said to Cain, “What have you done? The voice of your (Abel’s) brother’s blood is crying to Me from the ground.
    • In Heb. 11:4 we read By faith Abel offered to God a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, through which he was commended as righteous, God commending him by accepting his gifts. And through his faith, though he died, he still speaks.
    • In this passage Christ’s sacrifice, and Abel’s sacrifice is compared.
    • From a survey of commentaries , this phrase is taken two ways.
    • One interpretation suggests that this blood was Abel’s literal blood, others posit that it is the blood of the animal which he offered for a sacrifice – the first recorded sacrifice from man to God in the Bible.
    • Whether we understand the latter as meaning the blood of Abel’s sacrifice or Abel’s own blood which was shed by Cain, it is still true that Christ’s blood speaks more graciously.
    • The blood of Jesus speaks better things than either the blood of Abel or the blood of Abel’s animal sacrifice.
    • The sprinkling of Jesus’ blood was to be sure His own literal blood, but since in other references in Hebrews the efficacy of His blood is directly contrasted with the blood of animal sacrifices, it would be very reasonable to interpret the phrase “the blood of Abel” as the blood which Abel offered to God in the form of animal sacrifices.
    • We say this because of the writer’s strong emphasis on Christ’s blood as better than that of animals –
    • “But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things to come, He entered through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this creation and not through the blood of goats and calves, but through His own blood, He entered the holy place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. For if the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling those who have been defiled, sanctify for the cleansing of the flesh, how much more will the blood of Christ, Who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? (He 9:11; 12; 13; 14
    • It is thus unlikely that it is Abel’s own blood which is compared here with Jesus’ blood, for the historical background and the analysis of the book show that the purpose of the writer is to prove that Jesus’ blood of the New Testament is better than and takes the place of the animal blood shed under the First Testament.
    • Our exegesis of this verse, therefore, is in line with the analysis of the letter in which the writer confronts his readers with the superiority of Jesus’ blood as over against that of the Levitical sacrifices.
    • The whole tenor of the Epistle, and of this passage in particular (Heb 12:18-22), is to show the superiority of Christ’s sacrifice and the new covenant, to the Old Testament sacrifices (of which Abel’s is the first recorded; and which was testified to by God as acceptable to Him above Cain’s), compare Heb 9:1-10:39.

  42. JOHN
    • For the explanation of this sprinkling we must look to the types of the Old Testament.
    • We first meet the blood of sprinkling In the Old Testament in Exodus 12 at the time when the Lord smote all the firstborn of Egypt. Then the blood of sprinkling meant preservation.
    • Like the redeemed firstborn of Exodus 12 we have been bought with a price, 1 Cor. 6. 20,
    • One other signification of the blood of the sacrifice was acceptance and access.
    • When the high priest went into the most holy place once a year, he did so with blood, which he sprinkled on the ark of the covenant and on the mercy seat, which was on top of it.
    • Blood sprinkled on the mercy seat ensured acceptance and fellowship with God, Exod. 25. 22.

    • Used in Exodus 24:7-8, the sprinkled blood signified the confirmation of a covenant.
    • Here the blood was sprinkled upon the book of the covenant, and also upon the people, to show that the covenant was, as far as it could be, confirmed by the people…….. who promised, “All that the Lord has said we will do.”

    • In many cases the sprinkling of the blood meant purification. If a person had been defiled, he could not come into the sanctuary of God without being sprinkled with blood. There were the ashes of a red heifer laid up, and these were mixed with blood and water; and by their being sprinkled on the unclean, his ceremonial defilement was removed.
    • According to the Bible, the red heifer—a reddish-brown cow, probably no more than two years old which had never had a yoke on it—was to be sacrificed as part of the purification rites of the Mosaic Law. The slaughtering of a red heifer was a ceremonial ritual in the Old Testament sacrificial system, as described in Numbers 19:1-10. The purpose of the red heifer sacrifice was to provide for the water of cleansing (Numbers 19:9), another term for purification from sin. After the red heifer was sacrificed, her blood was sprinkled at the door of the tabernacle.

    The imagery of the blood of the heifer without blemish being sacrificed and its blood cleansing from sin is a foreshadowing of the blood of Christ shed on the cross for believers’ sin. He was “without blemish” just as the red heifer was to be. As the heifer was sacrificed “outside the camp” (Numbers 19:3), in the same way Jesus was crucified outside of Jerusalem: “And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood” (Hebrews 13:11-12).

    All these examples were shadows or foreshadows of the current reality where Jesus would be an eternal mediator, sprinkling His own blood which does not merely cover over sins but takes them entirely away.

    • What is clear from these examples is that all approaches to God were made by blood.
    • There was no hope of a man drawing near to God, even in symbol, apart from the sprinkling of the blood.
    • And now today our only way to God is by the precious sacrifice of Christ.
    • Our only hope is through the ever-abiding merit of the atoning sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    • The Holy Ghost bids us enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus; there is no other way.

  43. @ John on December 28, 2023 at 12:52 PM said:
    “Thank you GP.
    The Bible is so full of puzzles and solutions to those puzzles if we look for them.”

    You are so right, Sir Johnny!

    For there is absolutely no way your idol Yahweh could have done away, there and done with the poor murderous Cain, the spawn of Satan, as He did with the first-born sons of the Egyptian bourgeoisie.

    How else would ‘Cain’ have been ‘Able’ to go to the land of Nod and find an incestuous wife who must have been either his imaginary sister or his promiscuous mother called Eve, or even Lilith?

    How else he, Cain, would have been ‘abled’ to spawn murderers and madmen like the misogynist Johnny Hyde and the wacko doctor GP?

    For there will always be ‘puzzles without solutions’ to those tall tales in your Jewish book of mythology.
    Mere man-made stories which have been brazenly stolen and repackaged from other Middle Eastern mythologies mainly Egyptian and Sumerian; with even Hinduism being mugged of a similar story about Cain and Abel but without the overdone embellishments of imaginary lies.

    When you can point me to the “solution” to the puzzle about the Earth preceding the existence of the Sun and those “two lights in the Sky” then the Miller will bow down and worship your idol YHWH (instead of RA).


  44. “How else he, Cain, would have been ‘abled’ to spawn murderers and madmen like the misogynist Johnny Hyde and the wacko doctor GP?”

    Miller vs the dynamic duo. They both claim to be the brain.

    Pinky and the brain

  45. John 1
    King James Version
    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    2 The same was in the beginning with God.

    3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

    4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

    5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.


    What or who do you think was the Word and what or who do you think was the light?

    My understanding is Jesus, the Son of God.

    New Testament reveals this.

    Now look at Jesus’ prayer in John 17.


    17 These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee:

    2 As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.

    3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

    4 I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.

    5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.


    So God the Father and God the Son existed before the world was created.

    This clip may help.

  46. Now, look at the Old Testament.

    Genesis 1
    King James Version
    1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

    2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

    3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.


    Sounds to me like God the Son was there too.

    In fact, verse 26 definitely shows the presence of others.

    26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

  47. legitimate religion Avatar
    legitimate religion

    Blacks have had Civil Rights for about 60 years now
    But Israel, Trump, GP and John are about 60 years behind still

    A total of 21,320 Palestinians have been killed and 55,603 injured in Israeli strikes on Gaza since 7 October
    But, Israeli military ‘regrets harm to civilians’ after dozens killed in refugee camp strike, where about 86 people were killed in the Israeli airstrike in the Maghazi camp earlier this week

    That’s a whole heap of bloody blood sacrifice to God

    I truly don’t believe white people can ever have a legitimate religion

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