Submitted by Sarah Cyrus

The following two communications occurred between the blogmaster and Sarah Cyrus – David, blogmaster

Communication 1

With regard to Senator Franklyn’s response – Senator Caswell Franklyn Responds to Facebook Video Accusing Ministers George Payne and Dale Marshall of Fraud  to the video allegations, I can categorically state that he did speak to my cousin Ermine every Sunday.

However, his statements regarding Glenda Stewart not returning to Barbados are erroneous. Glenda visited Mr. Holder in his final days and paid for Mr. Holder’s funeral and her mother’s. I know of her visiting at least six times for extended visits. Further to that, she paid the loans that Mr. Holder had accumulated and she paid for the repairs when the home suffered a fire in 1986.

Mrs. Atwell was not a recluse. She was eccentric but very intelligent and sociable. She sold the land because the house had fallen into a state of disrepair and she needed to rectify some legal matters. As for documentation, I am in possession of all documents related to the sale and the entire estate. My cousin trusted me. Yes she was angry because her sister brought a legal tort, however, attempts to reconcile the matter were hindered by those being accused.

All attempts to rectify discrepancies in a civil and sensible manner were rebuffed again by those being accused.

Communication 2

Sorry for my delayed response.  There are some less than professional legal manoeuvrers on the part of those accused as I agree that my cousin Glenda, as a beneficiary of the estate, should have been duly notified by counsel prior to the sale. However, the sale of Weston was done in Ermine’s legal capacity as Executrix of the Estate of her mother Marie Louise Stewart.  My cousin Ursuline, the younger sister of Ermine and Glenda was the co-executrix but she died before the Testarix, Marie Louise Stewart leaving Ermine as the sole Executrix.  The lawyers advanced Ermine in excess of $200, 000 (yes, she provided me with every document that she signed) and to sell the land was the only way to pay the debt.  Pamela and Glenda have cause for legal action but not with regard to the sale of the land at Weston. There is a great deal more to this saga and I think those accused should be held accountable for their shenanigans. I am not sure that social media is forum but I guess they need to be heard.



267 responses to “The Estate of Marie Stewart – Family Feud Over Land Matter Gone Public”

  1. Question: What colour does a Factor have to be?

    Answer: Doesn’t matter, could be any colour ….. COW, Bjerkham, Payne, Marshall, Donville Maloney etc etc!!

    Question: What colour does the victim have to be?

    Answer: Doesn’t matter.

    The only colour that matters is green!!

  2. Caswell seems to have gone into hiding
    Nevertheless his name has.
    been attached to the likes of Dale and Marshall

  3. Ha, Ha…we understand the costs involved, banks and lawyers are different, you will note that neither PAIN nor TEETS, ah like…were executors, they appointed themselves representatives just stopping short of calling the executrix mentally incompetent …she of course obviously did not see that ploy or wouldn’t have understood anyway..

    with private individuals acting as executors it is not a nine to 9 job but an inconvenience, which the Will itself outlines compensation for … as long as they are not trying to change the contents of the Will for their own personal gain, as it appears happened in this case, which obviously backfired because the executrix was not as informed as she should have been…and TEETS and PAIN were patiently waiting for death to disappear the proceeds of sale.

  4. So wait..the Wrights haven’t gotten their Deeds yet, wuh happen, it getting harder to forge Title Deeds or what..and imagine that, Hal Gollop is in this mix, what a

    So who in Town Planning took bribes to approve an application without Title Deeds.

    TEETS and PAIN should not be on taxpayer’s payroll, they are both public menaces and are not working in the best interests of the BLACK PEOPLE who pay their salaries, they are sitting only looking for opportunities to sell out black bajans to foreign white people..they are both bandits and highway robbers of their own people, the worse types of negros, treacherous..

    It is also a serious indictment on the Judges in Barbados, too many of them have a reputation for refusing to give judgements and prolonging cases unnecessarily allowing lawyers to do as they like in their courtrooms because they are all such good friends…..something has to give..

    ….unfortunately, none of the foreign alphabet policing agencies can interfere …the local police either have to be investigating and locking the accuseds up for fraud, let’s see if the Commissioner sees this as a complaint… or this will have to be fought on the level of Human Rights violations…violating the rights of the elderly and elder abuse….which will then go international, either way they need to be made embarrassed until someone gets off their lazy asses and put an end to all of it…unless they like being exposed on Facebook.

  5. Wait a minute…did Mia not put Payne as Minister of Lands and Housing, is she crazy???…I know it has only been 3 months, but is she sure there is any land or housing left for black Bajans, with Payne at the helm..

  6. Perhaps they asked for those posts, so that they would be at the front and aware of any “land” problems….

  7. lol..stay there and fool yaself, ya right to laugh… PAIN is a well known nasty little man, when his greedy little eyes saw all that land he could sell to white people and he is in charge of the whole land bank, he probably wet himself.

    this is the same idiot who when trump won the election jumped out and said he predicted it, how much he liked trump and how much trump will help the Caribbean…same idiot, now tell me, what kind of mentality do you think that joker has..

    ….I can’t believe these two embarrassments to the people are in government, the island cannot move forward with their blighted stains of thefts of land and money from old black women following and haunting them.

  8. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ John the Quaker

    The dots are coming together.

    Ask a question about who Fitz D. Hoyte is AND YOU WILL FIND OUT WHO HE IS AND WHAT IS IS CLAIM TO FAME.

    Wow, there are going to be a lot of people WHO CANNOT GO BACK TO THE UNITED STATES WHEN THIS IS OVER

  9. This a Real life story of Yuh can Hide and buy land
    But yuh cant hide and wuk it
    These women ought to write a Book
    There stories are compelling enough to draw much needed attention lawyers preying on the elderly in Bubadus
    Still cannot wrapped my head around Caswell input and lack of kmoweldge as to this matter
    Caswell shame on you for stepping in fowl shite and pasting it across the pages of BU

  10. So wait..the Wrights haven’t gotten their Deeds yet,

    it sounds like there are Wrights, Whites and “whites” in the mix.

    Listen again!!

    The Wrights are on the Wet Coast, the White’s are at Orange Hill and the “whites” …. these are a figment of your imagination!!

  11. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right
  12. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ Mariposa

    Are you an idiot?

    Cant you detect that the public sentiment has started to change toward this matter that you have prosecuted so aggressively?

    You are spending time on Caswell who as it has been show by the very women WAS SOMEONE THAT THE DECEASED PARTY CALLED!!!

    If they, the virtual complainants in the matter, have been gracious enough to acknowledge that what the Senator has said about speaking to Ermine Atwell is true, why do you persist in this idiocy?

    You are truly a cretin.

    Focus on the two lawyers dufus and the fact that Chairman has to fire their scvunts IF SHE IS REALLY PRACTICING WHAT SHE IS PREACHING


  13. Ok I’ll bite

    Who or what is CGP Ventures led by Fitz Hoyte?

  14. Apparently a company dealing in real estate that lists properties in Barbados…there are dozens of them, some domiciled in Canada, a relative of mine applied for a job with one of them and found out they only list and sell properties in Barbados in the multi million dollar range, there are properties on the island that bajans do not even know exist, they will never be able to afford them and most of these are listed by real estate companies in Europe and North America…and bajans will NEVER own them again.

    those properties would have been stolen from old black men and women over the years by lawyers, the lowlife gang in the judiciary over the last over 4 decades who are avaricious and do not like to see those with the same skin color as themselves with anything…they should all be in prison or in the same situation Dumbville now finds himself in.

    I don’t know what is wrong with the old fowl…you want to see something happen, focus less on Caswell, he was misled and repeating what was told to him, it has been happening to you for years as a yardfowl…how many times did the corrupt ministers tell you lies and you ran on BU vomiting it out and had to be told it is a lie..focus on the meat of the issue at hand.

    John..please, they even got COW in the

  15. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ Sargeant

    John the Quaker has posted this item about 3 times interspersed amongst this article.

    Three Times!!! John the Quaker does not do things like that, IN AN UNRELATED ARTICLE

    First of all look at the Directors names (one of which has been denuded?) and then look at the addresses that are listed as being the addresses of record for the two parties. (partial Screenshot due to font not resizing)

    Look at the derivation of the name of the company on the Corporate Affairs record (use your peoples) heheheheheheh

    Then do a search on the very popular? inniss heheheheheheh

    google his address and that will give you an idea of where his place of domicile is

    But you playing you ent know who that is? why? heheheheheheh

  16. This has to be exposed to the 4 corners of the earth, it is a threat to the stability of the island AND the livelihood and future of the majority population..old people are in danger and at risk because of dirty lawyers and the white predators they steal land to sell or give away to…, we have always known this…I cannot see how these negro lawyers and dumb people in the judiciary, town planning, registrar’s office and the land registry CANNOT SEE THE THREAT THEY THEMSELVES REPRESENT TO THEIR OWN FUTURE GENERATIONS…

    it makes you wonder how Black people’s mentality got to such a decayed and degraded state that they have become totally unaware of the threats they themselves represent to their future generations and their inability to see their own approaching future demise because they live for the moment and what they could tief, take a bribe for or sell out to get a short feeling of satisfaction…

    Piece…could you believe how stupid these people are and cannot see themselves, where is PAIN going with all that land up ORANGE HILL, it’s been years people been talking about him and all that land, he should not be allowed anywhere near old people, neither him nor his sidekick TEETS…when people see them going anywhere near the elderly…they should call the police …IMMEDIATELY.

    There is not even enough of PAIN to put in a six foot hole, but he wants more and more land.

  17. Piece…yeah, Dumbville does have a real estate company, managed by his wife, not sure if this is the same one, but many people know of it.

  18. Land is a big ticket item!!

    …… like Mercs and BMWs and Audis!!

  19. The warped mentality of the black government this why Gline Clarke could not be given a ministry….they are all being exposed worldwide as corrupt to their core.

    “Photo: From left: President of 3S Barbados SRL, Jonathan Danos, Minister of Public Works and Transport Gline Clarke, and Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance Clyde Mascoll

    Danos Explains How Bridge & Flyover Kickbacks And Bribes Work

    If you want to know why our flyover and highway work costs so much, you need do nothing more than listen to Jonathan Danos – the President of the company that was awarded the flyover contract by the Barbados Government without a competitive bidding process.”

  20. Too much corruption, fraud and ripping off the elderly their land and other possessions, do something Mia…ya got the police and office of the something.

    Do you know how many Caribbean people including Bajans from the Diaspora would love to invest in the island and buy property etc…but are afraid because of tiefing lawyers and a useless judiciary.

    I have been telling my family for years not to buy property on the island because you do not know who the lawyers stole it from…now they are seeing what I was speaking about.

  21. BTW…..Dumbville lost real weight though, no more protruding, pregnant stomach, he probably has not felt this healthy in years, he has certainly never been this famous, he is all over the internet, he got cyberspace choked..

    Now he just gotta pray the feds don’t have anything else on him.

    I sincerely hope they pick up a few more of them.

  22. About 2 or 3 months ago there was this Trini minister, I think he is National Security, he was in court in NYC where he claimed that an old man GAVE him all his money and a building I think it was or some property in NY, the man’s family had to put this rat in court, the court made him return the property to the old man, sell it back to him for $10 bucks…the elderly man said he never gave him anything, but somehow he got access to it..removed over half million dollars off the man’s account and had documents drawn up for the man’s property..

    …..the elderly should not be exposed to politicians or lawyers at any time.

  23. If yuh don’t know why i am focusing on Caswell keep yuh mout shut
    The videos speak for them self .Those who have ears to ears let them hear
    Caswell has stated that he was involved with having conversations.
    However what is at play here with Caswell is why he ran the high risk of running cover for Payne what did Caswell have to gain.

    Jackie Stewart

  25. Time for an update of lawyers in the news…

  26. old fowl…ya going off script, do u want something done about the thefts or not, ya all over the place, Caswell can’t be penalized for saying he knew the executrix and spoke to her, what are ya going to charge him with…fool.

    you want the real criminals dealt with. or not.

  27. Thanks for the reminder Sarge.

  28. This is how dangerous politicians and lawyers are to the elderly, they are indeed terrorists.

    Protect your elderly from lawyers and politicians..

    “National Security Minister Edmund Dillon has sold his luxury New York City apartment back to its original owner, his friend Neville Piper, for US$10 (TT$67).

    Since Dillon allegedly received the apartment as a gift from Piper, it would appear he has made a profit, although documents filed with the New York City Department of Finance show fees of US$177 (TT$1,186), leaving the National Security Minister at least US$167 (TT$1,119) in the hole. Dillon’s selling price is way below the average market price for the apartment, located off the north end of Central Park, at 301 Cathedral Parkway.

    The average price per square foot at the exclusive Towers on the Park III is US$1,122 (TT$7,517), with a one bedroom unit starting at US$500,000 (TT$3.35 million), and a two-bedroom unit at US$849,000 (TT$5.7 million), according to NYC real estate website,

    The deed denoting the transfer of Apartment 8L was dated April 4, and signed by Dillon, a copy of which was obtained by Sunday Newsday. The reason for the sale as listed on the real property transfer report, under section 14 (I) other unusual factors affecting sale price was described as “return of interest in subject property (second part illegible).” Dillon’s address was listed as an apartment in Brooklyn, while Piper’s was the apartment in question.

    By Youri Kemp
    Caribbean News Now associate editor

    NEW YORK, USA — Trinidad and Tobago’s national security minister, Edmund Dillon, was on Thursday ordered by the New York Supreme Court to stop any transactions related to the accounts and properties of an elderly and incapacitated man in Manhattan, New York, whom Dillon claims signed over access to his properties along with banking account details.

    Dillon, who was in court as the petition was filed by, and granted to a family member of the alleged victim, Neville Piper, has been back and forth to New York over the course of the last several weeks in an attempt to answer the fraud related charges and to address the court.

    The petitioner, Esther Nicholls, as a result of the recent court order, has been awarded temporary custody and guardianship of Piper until the matter is resolved.

    It is alleged that Dillon illegally transferred ownership of a New York condominium said to be the property of Piper.”

  29. @ David will they be sentenced to life in Lawyers in the news ? lol

  30. Not going off any script
    Follow the trail

  31. Now go look at the last video and see whose name is being attached

  32. Hal Gollop is their lawyer? The man on a losing streak longer than the Washington Generals

  33. It does not matter how many more names get attached, there are only 2 names who informed the court that they are the attorneys for the executrix in this obviously only now being recognized as a fraud case…those two would be PAIN and TEETS…only.

    .no matter how many names come after that, those two are the main characters involved in this despicable event…they are the leads in everything that went wrong with these properties and the victimized executrix and the still alive beneficiary…who am sure they were both hoping would croak before any of this came to light, not only does she have a daughter who is unafraid of the fly by night clowns posing as leaders in Barbados, but some people are difficult to wish death on, just ask Enuff’s buddy

    let me break it down for you, Caswell was repeating is not important to the event, it upset some people yeah..but that was it..

  34. PAIN and TEETS are GHOULS ..they are despicable, they prey on the dying and wish for death on old weak people, they both sat there and watched that old woman die in her filth and destitute, they both refused to lift a finger to help..why are they ministers being paid a salary by taxpayers again??…how many elderly, helpless black women and men and others have they done this to in the name of greed …

  35. @ WARU do you understand that ALL LAWYERS bout here are of the same ilk?
    The ONLY difference is that this woman is a black hat and is determined to keep pressure on the issue, but this has become common behaviour among these parasites in the profession.
    Plantation Deed’s story is even more heart breaking.

    Here is the problem…
    These lawyers have wormed their way into all areas of national life… infecting everything.

    With lawyers running everything bout here, who do you think will initiate ANY charges, investigation, inquiry or audit that would uncover such widespread behaviours in their own backyards?

    Do you see now why the politicians fail to pursue each other …even when CLEAR evidence is presented?
    Can you see why the BLP politicians continued referring to Carrington as ‘honourable’?
    Can you see why Thompson did not pursue those he accused of criminal activities?
    Luckily for us, Mia does NOT have a LEC….

    As long as there are lawyers (with LEC) running things in Bim, our ass is grass.
    Our ONLY slight hope now, is that Mia will be declared to be NOT a lawyer (for lack of the LEC),
    and that she will kick the whole rotten apple cart to the curb….

  36. Caswell stick his mouth where it did not belong
    Question why did he ?
    Now moving right along these two ministers have got no shame
    It is now left up to Mottley to discipline them
    Question it would be of best interest if she could arraigned a meeting with the parties involved
    There is sufficient evidence which shows the surviving sister was disadvantageous along with Erma
    These women have a lawyer and it seems that there need to turn to social media was part and parcel of Payne not willing to corporate with giving the lawyer necessary information

  37. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ Mariposa

    You owe the Honourable Blogmaster a public apology.

    For thou dist verily speak spurious things of the Honourable Blogmaster with alarming frequency.

    Observe how IN THE BACKGROUND HE (The OLD DAVID OF BU) was indeed reaching out to the specific parties and, while they might not have initially disposed to use the BU Blog, (though interestingly enough they were using FB!) he was able to get some very interesting documents that shed some damning? rather let me remove that word and say shed some further light on TEETS & PAIN.

    Here is what is going to happen here.

    For that 2 million dollar property the two persons are going to be paid ~$10 million dollars!

    They do not have any choice but to pay to have this matter go away.

    For the twins PAIN & TEETS this is indeed a terrible place to be in when, as the Attorney General of the new administration that is vying for International Monetary Fund funds that he can be soon so obviously in the fore of a shennanigan of this type.

    One that is now compounded by the animalistic state of the house for which they were claiming maintenance fees?


    Mia Mottley CANNOT AFFORD THIS stain on the BLP administration

    And if this matter goes on much longer IT WILL TARNISH THE EFFORTS OF THIS GOVERNMENT TO GET ANY $$$

    Let me see what de grandson can do to HELP THIS MATTER ALONG even though it will be said that the ole man is employing a strategy of IT SHALL NEITHER BE MINE NOR THINE heheheheh

  38. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item for Mariposa commending her effort but demanding an apology for your Honourable Self. The item then goes on to begrudgingly give her some kudos and tell her dat de grandson will ammmmm do a ting for her heheheh

  39. “Here is the problem…
    These lawyers have wormed their way into all areas of national life… infecting everything.”
    and completely wiped out of the people’s lives.. It does not get much worse than this, it’s horrible.

    Thanks to them, it will play out on the world stage unless something is done ASAP..I will noot hold my breath, it’s best to take in the exposure until things get too much for them to bear.

  40. That’s what they are, infectious diseases that need to be eradicated AND completely wiped out of the population’s lives..they should all be chased off the island Bushman.. a human being, you do not get more destructive than that, conmen, thieves, frauds and bandits, real life terrorists…that’s what these lawyers are…nothing more.

  41. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ The Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with and item for Mariposa

    a gentle reminder that she owes you an apology

  42. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

  43. Piece…as lawyers, they also know what “tenants in common” “equal parts” and “equal shares” means…Payne and Marshall KNOW, they never should have sold the properties without the explicit permission of the sister in UK…what they did was FRAUD, the executrix did not have the power to consent to any sales of properties without her sister’s consent, they knew that and they lied to the executrix, just as Marshall lied to the public that he won some case, with a big smile on his face while him and Payne continue to hold on to the 2.4 million dollar proceeds of the land sale…and still plan to drag the surviving beneficiary through the courts for what is hers….it does not get more criminal than that…

    …that supreme court has been misused as a weapon by the most evil of lawyers and most evil of insurance companies to drag the elderly through the courts to steal their properties and to drag injured people through the courts to deny paying them compensation for in many cases, horrific injuries…the current chief justice was warned many times how the court was being misused and abused to destroy the elderly and injured people from David Simmons tenure as CJ…and even decades before that….yet it is still allowed to continue.

    Both PAIN and TEETS should be arrested for fraud and disbarred, this is not the first nor tenth time they have done this, feeding off old dead bodies, they are famous on the island for land fraud…and criminal acts against the elderly to steal land.

    Wright and whomever else bought stolen pieces of land should sue both PAIN and TEETS to get their money back cause obviously they do not own the land but PAIN and TEETS got their money sitting on…so they should return all the stolen land in question to its rightful owners.

    A notice must be sent out worldwide to not purchase any land in Barbados because of scum lawyers like PAIN and TEETS…of which there are many…too many.

  44. Those are Mia’s two ghouls who feed off old dead bodies, she better get rid of them, they are both dead weight.

  45. So funny that Payne says that he would sue the two ladies
    It would be interesting to see his face when the same evidence presented to the court by the two ladies and the judge asked him “if he is crazy”

  46. it just highlights what we have been saying about the NASTY LAWYERS in Barbados for years..they rob you then sue you for what is yours…in NYC all of them would be DEAD, no one tolerates that level of evil in the real world..

    …., when we were telling everyone, including the current Chief Justice, that is what the lawyers do on the island, no one would listen, everyone made excuses and told us crap about ourselves……am glad they are being exposed to the world for their wicked deeds against people on the island.

  47. What Mia’s two ghouls PAIN and TEETS need to tell us, is which Judge sitting on the Supreme Court bench they went in front, which Judge took a bribe to steal land from the beneficiary to the Will.. Ms. Stewart.

    TEETS is the one said they won a case, on cameras and in public, ya don’t win a case without a Judge’s decision, so which Judge or Judges are taking bribes to rip off old black women their land and beneficiaries…cause I don’t see a corrupt Judge doing this for free.

    If those 2 Ghouls already spent the 2.4 million dollars, they better find it and return it to whomever paid them for stolen land.

  48. @ Mariposa
    Your tenacity is to be admired here, ….but how is this different from Carrington’s exploits with the old man in a wheelchair?
    Or Hal’s illegal $1.5M water works bill (which we are all paying now as some shiite tax)
    Or Byer’s bill to the Cave?
    Bushie seems to recall that you took an altogether different attitude then…. and even now, to those episodes.

    The lawyers are ALL scum. NO QUESTION.
    … but it is pissy, hypocritical, yardfowls like you that allow the situation to continue – so you should be MOST ashamed of yourself – while you are at it..
    It is the people who wink and smile when it is THEIR friends (wearing the right colours), or in the right Lodge, …or who went to the right school … that are the culprits.

    Bushie calls for a FULL review of the SYSTEMS, …and of the RECORDS, to create a clean, transparent slate

    Caswell, having put his mouth (prematurely) into this situation, probably can play a MAJOR role in highlighting the problem, and in leading the charge for CHANGE.

    Otherwise, we are just playing political games with this institutionalised thievery and systemic decadence.

  49. Caswell was being used, he thought he was doing the right thing, it’s not the first time he was mislead…Peter Harris looked Caswell directly in his face and lied to him too, but that will also all come to light…because all of it is tied into the Supreme Court, not much longer left for any of them.

    Caswell has to be careful of all of them, they have no problem stealing from old people and leaving them to die in filth, they will have no problem misleading him.

    My point with the Judges is, if a judge would take a bribe to help lawyers steal land from the beneficiary(ies) of a Will…am not saying they is Dale Marshall said he won a case where a judge helped him steal land from the beneficiary to a Will..he cannot take that back, he said it when people did not know that Ms. Stewart is a beneficiary to her mother’s Will…but he knew, if a Judge would sink so low to do that, it is nothing for insurance companies through their dirty lawyers to bribe a Judge to refuse to give a judgement in a personal injury case or any other case or to steal compensation from injuries people, that would give us some insight into why none of the cases ever finish in the Supreme Court and linger for decades unresolved….that means the problem is more serious than even we imagined and the CCJ knows a lot more about this than we do..

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