[Barbados Underground] On the 16 August, 2018 Barbados Underground (BU) published the blog – Was Michael Carrington VAT Registered When he Invoiced the BIDC 706 thousand dollars?. The article also included a concern by the blogmaster about a 1.5 million dollar invoice submitted by Hal Gollop to the Barbados Water Authority (BWA) for services rendered. If we wanted to hammer home the point of abuse of taxpayers funds, flouting of government financial rules, graft and malfeasance practised by government officials AND private players,  $766,855 paid to Richard Byer for vetting a simple agreement for The Caves of Barbados under Denis Lowe’s watch should have been included –Make Legal (Professional) Fees Paid by Former DLP Government Public.

The Auditor General needs to be given some teeth to pursue individuals and companies that abuse the financial rules of government and receive taxpayers monies under questionable procurement practices.

A few simple questions based on the documents attached.

Is IFL Pipelines Inc a legally constituted company under the laws of Barbados?


157 responses to “Illegal Company (IFL Pipeline Inc) Invoiced BWA 3.4 Million Dollars”

  1. Everyone in such situations is deserving of moral support, it should not be grudged anyone, these types of situations are very daunting in large countries, you take support wherever you get it.

  2. @WARU August 23, 2018 6:31 AM “The source said the firm in Europe has recommended that Government acquires Volvo vehicles, which are said to be internationally-recognized dump trucks. “The company offered refurbished trucks free of cost to Barbados on condition that when things return to economic stability, the Government would give it the business,” the source said.”

    Are Volvos less expensive or more expensive?

    Are the parts less expensive or more expensive?

    Are the parts readily available? Or not?

    If the Barbados government agreed to “give the business” to a particular company would the government be guaranteed a competitive price well into the future?

    What if in future a different company offered a better price, a better product, or better service?

    So many questions. So few answers.

  3. Is Volvo owned by the Chinese? I know Volvo Cars are, but what about Volvo Trucks?

  4. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ WARU

    You said and I quote “…In saying that, they already got consular staff stationed in Europe on North America sitting on their asses doing very little or nothing, use them to set up these teleconferences instead of sending a gang to waste taxpayer’s money …it will also eliminate the bribe-taking snitches ability to give up itineraries and sell government information to business people…”

    That you go, spot on!

    In this day and age of teleconferencing you mean to tell me that Charles Me Love You Long time whose “Inseminate It” You tube channel has among his political disruption jobs a single seemingly disconnected presentation CANNOT BE LEGALLY ENGAGED TO EFFECT THIS FACILITY FOR GOVERNMENT?

    In fact, de ole man grandson has mentioned that Edutech 2018 should in fact be bumped to include such teleconferencing capabilities so that all schools in Barbados can be networked and that way people at the lesser provisioned schools can access the expertise of the more prestigious secondary schools.

    But that may be A BRIDGE TOO FAR for our Thought Leaders

    I will go on record to say that Madamoiselle Prime Minister Mottley is THE ONLY PERSON WHO CAN RUN THIS COUNTRY.

    It is her role and function to give her dimwit 21 ministers and most of her similarly challenged senate THE INNOVATIONS & IDEAS to advance this country.

    And you have ~ 150 days to deliver a blueprint OR WE ARE IN SHY*#E Street

  5. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    Alvin are you sure? I thought Volvo was taken over by a company from India.

  6. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Your assistance please with an item to WARU thank you

  7. Talking Loud,

    Volvo Cars was taken over by the Chinese.

  8. @David,

    what does the European fiasco if i could call it that has to do with transparency? transparency to me would dictate carrying on with the business at hand, see what part is being played by the shadow and make a report. then govt comes to a decision and let the public know all the facts.

    as it stands now we have to guess at the purpose of the shadow because of a rather impetuous decision to abort.

  9. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    Bizzy has been trying to get his greedy hands on BWA for free for years, he and his ilk would do anything with the help of their sell out house negros to make any sabotage happen to reach his goal…that is another one to put in his place, lock his greedy ass up if necessary….along with the lowlifes in government who take their bribes

    What is the proof that we don’t have a new collection of “house Negroes”?

    It is not how you start it is how u finish; that will determine if this lot are house Negroes or some other variety/species.

  10. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    Bizzy has been trying to get his greedy hands on BWA for free for years, he and his ilk would do anything with the help of their sell out house negros to make any sabotage happen to reach his goal…that is another one to put in his place, lock his greedy ass up if necessary….along with the lowlifes in government who take their bribes

    The former president of Zimbabwe was once a revered civil war fighter that fought he British in the pursuit of independence.
    Today many don’t see Robert Maubabge as such; history will not be kind to him imho ; becuase of how he finished not how he started.

  11. Speculate all you want, what we don’t have to speculate is the matter addressed in this blog and the outcome of Donville Inniss case in NY.

  12. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    Talking Loud Saying Nothing August 23, 2018 1:20 PM

    Alvin are you sure? I thought Volvo was taken over by a company from India.

    U maybe thinking of Jaguar Land Rover(JLR) that is owned by Tata of india. Geely owns the Volvo car brand; the trucks brand is still owned by the Swedish outfit.

  13. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ The Honourable Blogmaster

    Your assistance please with my WARU item

    @ SirFuzzy (I was a sheep some years ago: not a sheep anymore)

    You spoke the unspeakable word Mugabe. A word of caution. All references to Zimbabwe on BU are monitored by a duo who report to Mugabe of these indiscretions AND YOUR NAME IS WRITTEN DOWN.

    (interestingly enough references to homosexual proclivities and certain people “being a noose around our collective necks” seem not be be thusly recorded from 8 year old postings. so de ole man only suggesting that you dont mention Mugabe here oooops i did not notice that you spelt it “Muababge” ON PURPOSE?)

  14. @Lets’s not remember the FAILED DLP

    Haven’t the agreements for the desal plants been signed off? Who signed off on these agreements?

  15. @whiteHill August 23, 2018 7:38 AM “I Really don’t see what all the fuss is about as far as the car dealers being around wherever those who were tasked with sourcing supplies/materials. I should imagine this was good business strategy by the Dealers…”

    It may be good business strategy for this particular dealer, but what about other dealers who were not “in” on the “Inside information” aren’t those dealers citizens, voters and taxpayers too? Should not other dealers have the opportunity to bid for contracts?

    And good business strategy for the business, may not be good economic strategy for us the taxpayers/voters/citizens.

    If other dealers are excluded how will the taxpayers get best value for money?

    No bid contracts=BAD.

    We the working people whose labour keeps both the private sector and the government afloat do not want to have our eyes juck out.

  16. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)


    I will go on record to say that Madamoiselle Prime Minister Mottley is THE ONLY PERSON WHO CAN RUN THIS COUNTRY.

    When you fool yourself you are well fooled.

    They are many bajans and i know a few that can run this country; they however don’t want to be in politics.

    For Every single minister in this administration and the previous one there are bajan that can do a better jobs than them.

    Would anyone here believe that this crop is the best we can get from all the bajans alive & avaialbe? I say not!

    Politicians are about those seeking for themselves about he nation’s interest imho. MAM is the PM because better persons don’t want that mud slinging and associated nastiness that comes with elected office.

    And that is the big downfall of the “elective” politics. We honestly don’t get the best, but we get the nastiest; the toughest and the survivors;, all character traits that lend towards selfishness. Get my drift?

    Just saying.

  17. The former government stated the plan to install two temporary desal plants from Israel? Then there was the plan to build two permanent ones.


  18. Agree with your comment, the challenge for civil society is how do we woo those who can do a better job to public service? Are they so intelligent for not participating in a system their children friends et al have to exist? Just asking!

  19. We all know who the crazy people are, they spent years trying to tell us it was us.

  20. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    David August 23, 2018 2:13 PM

    I will add the nastiness and mudslinging i what we choose to make it and we condone it. If we are born in a duopoly; it doesn’t mean it was always a duopoly and must remain a duopoly. We refuse to think and project what Barbados can become instead we seem content at lookng back and projecting the past into the future.

    lock them to f… up. however the judge jury and accusers mostly dont have clean hands. It will not be a clean trial it will be a dirty trial; and that promotes political revenge etc.

    their in lies the problem. we reaping what we sowed. but we don’t like the taste of corruption etc, but cant remember or don’t wan to taste the uncorrupted flavour. Cause a man gotta get thru u kno?

  21. Skype, Facetime, WhatsApp, Messenger, etc. etc.

  22. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ Sir Fuzzy it was not Waru who said that remark it was de ole man

    There was a context that I made this statement in and on review i was not clear with my usual drivel

    So let me restate and clarify.

    “But that may be A BRIDGE TOO FAR for our Thought Leaders” refers to Waru’s suggestion for using the embassies as meeting points for our GoB outeaches to foreign entities and governments

    I concurred with WARU and went a step further to state that this technology should not only be used in this sphere of government outreaches given its obvious savings for our impoverished governmment BUT I WENT A STEP FURTHER TO SAY THE FOLLOWING.

    It was Mia Mottley who championed the $236 M fiasco called EDUTECH and it is the ole man’s feeling that the expertise of JONG, the disruptor and Infiltrator of CARICOM Parliament houses, should be redirected towards EDUTECH 2018.

    I suggest that those skills an example of which can be seen at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAl7wBfB0nc be used to to harmonize the education system SO THAT WHEN WILLIAM SKINNER is teach at say Harsun College that less fortunate students at say the Garsun, the school where Chris Stinkliar learnt mathematics and decimals like .007 or is that 0.07 all students would have the skills of Top Notch Teachers

    AND THERE WOUL BE NO FIGHT TO GET the Minister of Education to use trickery get my ingrunt son rock that he is to HARSUN COLLEGE by the back door

    It was in that context that I was saying that “I will go on record to say that Madamoiselle Prime Minister Mottley is THE ONLY PERSON WHO CAN RUN THIS COUNTRY.” because thought leadership concepts like these CANNOT COME FROM THOSE INGRUNT ROCKS WHOM WE THE ELECTORATE voted in in our historic 30-Love defeat.

  23. Somebody got fight in them, catch u later alligator.


  24. Pot Cover Bubbling Avatar
    Pot Cover Bubbling

    Waitttt… you sayin’ de bank give out a dirty loan widout checking de facts. A whole (wait lemme check de letter above) $31M? I wish dese quasi journalist would check all de facts. First….check and see if dey got pipe in de ground. Next check and see if de pump house in Graeme Hall dey. I suppose de people is to spend money and doan get back dey VAT right? You would buy someting fuh somebody and tell dem to hol’ back de VAT is alright you good? NO! A bunch a Jackasses looking fuh a story. Steupse… As to de name search ….I hope de person dat leak dat info ain’t got no high up position at de BWA cause dey find IFL Pipelines Inc. but not IFL Pipelines Ltd.? Seriously???? Did dey check de nature of de business of IFL Pipelines Inc.on de paperwork? Cause I bet yuh dat is de same said business dey was lookin’ for. Look leh muh go and read Naked Departure. Dey got betta journalism on dat site.

  25. Is the boat already prepared to ship Donville from Florida to Barbados? Who pays for it?

    Read my lips: Donville Inniss will NEVER EVER face a criminal trial in Barbados. He has nothing to fear on the lawless plantation called Bimshore.

  26. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    Garnett H. Sullivan
    Title: Attorney At Law
    Phone: (718) 528-6162
    Fax: (516) 285-1608
    Email: garnettsullivan@yahoo.com

    ♦ Juris Doctor, University of Wisconsin Law School (1981)
    ♦ Former Assistant District Attorney, Kings County D.A.’s Office
    ♦ Formerly Senior Homicide Trial Attorney – Kings County District Attorney’s Homicide Bureau
    ♦ Private Practice since 1986
    ♦ Tried hundreds of high stakes criminal & civil cases
    ♦ Defended numerous murder cases with outstanding results
    ♦ Numerous cases cited N.Y. Daily News, N.Y. Post, N.Y. Times.
    ♦ Argued precedent setting case before New York’s highest Court (Adams v. NYCTA)
    ♦ Admitted Federal District Eastern & Southern District of New York
    ♦ Federal Court Trial experience
    ♦ Member: New York State criminal defense lawyers Assoc.
    ♦ Federal bar Counsel; N.Y. State Trial Lawyers Assoc.

    Excerpt from Sullivan’s Website

    It is of note that the only party that was able to go to Donville’s assistance

  27. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    @ Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right August 23, 2018 3:05 PM

    I understand what u are about. The comment still stand. cuase until we can incentivise the right type of citizen into our brand of elective politics we will have the “others” at the helm steering us in whatever direction or towards whatever whim or fancy they call “good governance” .

    I think Hal Austin or Charles Skeete mentioned a very good point, i think he was saying that “transparency” does not stop corruption”. I guess if its transparent every Tom Dick Jane and Harry cn see and know u are dong wrong

    Its impartial ruthless enforcement of the regulations and rules that is our best chance against corruption. But that’s hard in BIM “cuzz a man gotta get thru u kno”

  28. Don’t see any of his business partners Piece..not a one, only whom he can depend on at this time, hopefully it is a lesson learned.

  29. @ Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right,

    Donville made a good choice. He will likely get the best result possible.

  30. Who pays fo Sullivan? The Barbadian embassy in the USA, the lodges in Bim or the Barbados Bar Association or Donny himself?

  31. By the way, when is the New Legal Year opening? Cannot wait for the pictures where all the figures line up in church. A failed and faked legal system.

  32. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    Tron August 23, 2018 4:37 PM

    By the way, when is the New Legal Year opening? Cannot wait for the pictures where all the figures line up in church. A failed and faked legal system.

    hmm, Maybe it would be appropriate to take mug shots instead of a group photo ? of course u can use the church as a back drop if necessary?

  33. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ Well Well,

    None of the rest of them will risk going to the US to Donville’s aid because there are sealed indictments waiting on them too

    The party who acted as the go between has done so in good faith

    But you have to be careful because it exposes your family to certain repercussions WHICH ARE NOT WORTH THE PROBLEM OR THE LOSS OF YOUR REPUTATION

    And if de ole man can determine such just because of *** then the DEA and the FBI WITH THEIR ARSENAL OF RESOURCES, wll be able to zoom in on your actions.

    The fact is that you are not tainted but… IF THEY WANT YOU TO BE, YOU WILL BE

    A word to the wise is sufficient.

    @ Sir Fuzzy

    The point that Hal Austin and James Greene made is noted BUT HERE IS THE THING.

    This is the first step in a 1,000 mile journey (and not the 10,000 mile march of our Chairman Mia Mao)

    You nor I nor James Greene not Hal Austin HAVE THE POWER TO ENFORCE THE LAW but what we do have is the power to agitate and be extremely vocal here or in other fora as we fell inclined

    With the remote hope that our ineffectual Commissioner of Police or the idiot Teets or the DLP’s Director of Public Prosecutions WILL be forced to take action due to the pressure that is brought to bear here and elsewhere.

    Look at this Donville matter.

    Has he been allowed to leave the jurisdiction of the USA as a part of his release? Since he has not, as that is an assumption on my part, it means that he is considered a risk that he will run if released and that the US fears that the GoB will play around with extradition regulations.

    My point being that we have a banana republic with our rules and regulations and our laws

    As is supported by the fact that even in the face of the Auditor General’s reports for all of these years, NOT A FELLER ENT GET not GETTING LOCK UP!

  34. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    Your assistance is sought for an item thank you Honourable Blogmaster

  35. “@ Well Well,

    None of the rest of them will risk going to the US to Donville’s aid because there are sealed indictments waiting on them too”

    ya can take that to the bank.

    “The party who acted as the go between has done so in good faith.”

    Errrr!!! hold that thought, let’s see what unfolds, we got 2 months to October 23rd.

    “it means that he is considered a risk that he will run if released and that the US fears that the GoB will play around with extradition regulations.”

    When they got ya, they don’t feel the least bit inclined to let you leave the country until things get cleared up.

  36. As I said, give it 2 months Piece.

  37. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Pieces, lets not go overboard this moses….why would Inniss jump bail back to Bdos on such a trifling charge…are you aware of some info indicating the man has taken leave of his senses!

    Frankly, Ms Mottley would be in her glee I presume if he did…actually let me back up on that one…considering their alleged very cordial or close frienship I should add, she would be in her glee unless he has damaging info on her!

    If he absconded to return here she SHOULD cut a deal with US NOT to extradite him and tell them she will nail his backside locally if she gets their supporting evidence…that conviction would guarantee at least one more term surely.

    So let’s leave the lil moses alone Donville has way too much to lose not to attend his trial…he is a very low flight risk!

  38. What is “right type of citizen” and under whose framework does this “right type of citizen “belong
    Does this citizen have to be of a certain status
    What measuring stick and whose measuring should be used to determine if this citizen falls into a criteria of being a right citizen

  39. In my opinion the DPP and the COP should assist him in New York, since the COP is so sure there was no crime committed in Barbados (reason: no so-called complaint on the plantation).

  40. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    @ Mariposa at 6:03 PM

    I like your new style. Have you recently taken a Socratic oath ? Very effective.

  41. I have three thousand dollars to give to anyone who can l.p. o l.p. by be guided by the constitution explain “what is a right type citizens”
    Examples by name or work association would be acceptable

  42. Good luck Donville .
    Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie

  43. I have three thousand dollars to give to anyone who can be guided by the constitution explain “what is a right type citizens”
    Examples by name or work association would be accepted

  44. Mariposa,

    I hope you do not offer these dollars as an act of money-laundering.

  45. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    Mariposa August 23, 2018 6:03 PM

    I think u know what i mean. But let me help u a teeny weeny lil bit. Look at what we currently got or had for the past twenty years.

    If you have any of those negative characteristics u are not “thr right person”.

    I am looking for smart; meaning looking to learn and improve as a MP or minister. Honest; having true integrity. A truly honourable person. Fair; calls a jacket a jacket, not intimidated by the big-ups in our society. A patriot not willing to sell out Barbados for nutten. Hoping you will have ideas to take Barbados forward or to stop it from falling backwards. A strong sense and urgency of fair paly ona level playing field wil also be essential.

    There are many more good and positive traits that we need i our “right” MP to be. U can even add some if u wish.

    You can add any other traits to the soup u whch; but i think u catch my drift.

    Btw: You can be black white brown etc; of African Indian European descent etc. I dont care; but if you have the before mentioned qualities it will not matter where ur ancestors came from or which hue u adorn. Once u qualified to sit in Lower HoP Or Upper HoP
    oi think u will be a asset to Barbados.

  46. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    Mariposa August 23, 2018 6:45 PM

    I have three thousand dollars to give to anyone who can l.p. o l.p. by be guided by the constitution explain “what is a right type citizens”
    Examples by name or work association would be acceptable

    I would like to give an example from the bible; u may call it a story or a fable depending on your prospective. To the best of my knowledge Jesus was an pleb not born in any family of status etc,. had a father that was carpenter as was he.

    But today many of us will willingly abandon the bigup associations we are any part of in this the world to have Jesus as close friend/buddy; because we know the benefits of his friendship. Why maybe because you know we will willingly put his life on the line for you. How many others do u know will do that. Jesus possess certain characteristics that you appreciate and love and long for.

    I don’t think u can look at Jesus and determine how great he was if u just met him; the real good characteristics of any person is hidden ; likewise the evil characteristics.

    BY THERE ACTION WILL U KNOW THEM. I will add it is not how u start it is how u finish.

  47. Jesus was not accepted among his own because he was a common man he also demonstrated arrogance which most would probably be reject today as an attitude.
    The reason i started my comment in such a way is wanting to ask of u
    If a fisherman walk off brownes beach and demonstrated characteristics of arrogance but well spoken tells you he attended Parkinson high but in his /her conversation with you he /she was demonstrative of a person well schooled and well mannered would he/ she be accepted as a right type person

  48. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    thou clown dost thou not know what arrogance means?

    noun: offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride

    Are you for real?

  49. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    Mariposa August 23, 2018 8:00 PM

    Jesus was not accepted among his own because he was a common man he also demonstrated arrogance which most would probably be reject today as an attitude.
    The reason i started my comment in such a way is wanting to ask of u
    If a fisherman walk off brownes beach and demonstrated characteristics of arrogance but well spoken tells you he attended Parkinson high but in his /her conversation with you he /she was demonstrative of a person well schooled and well mannered would he/ she be accepted as a right type person

    Before i started some confuse arrogance with confidence. But i don’t think arrogance is the word u wanted to use in this post. But anyways,.

    Right person as a candidate for elections? Sure, as long as he/she can quality as a candidate. . But they will have to demonstrate this to many others not just me. Preferably over a period of time where person can feel them out for themselves. If they want to win a seat.

    Your scenario was rather narrow; please don’t extrapolate to much from my reply.

  50. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right August 23, 2018 8:17 PM

    thou clown dost thou not know what arrogance means?

    noun: offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride

    Are you for real?

    🙂 Verily thou scolding soundeth rather biblical in the words thou choseth. I saw it as a bit of humour; it not also truthful?.

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