[Barbados Underground] On the 16 August, 2018 Barbados Underground (BU) published the blog – Was Michael Carrington VAT Registered When he Invoiced the BIDC 706 thousand dollars?. The article also included a concern by the blogmaster about a 1.5 million dollar invoice submitted by Hal Gollop to the Barbados Water Authority (BWA) for services rendered. If we wanted to hammer home the point of abuse of taxpayers funds, flouting of government financial rules, graft and malfeasance practised by government officials AND private players,  $766,855 paid to Richard Byer for vetting a simple agreement for The Caves of Barbados under Denis Lowe’s watch should have been included –Make Legal (Professional) Fees Paid by Former DLP Government Public.

The Auditor General needs to be given some teeth to pursue individuals and companies that abuse the financial rules of government and receive taxpayers monies under questionable procurement practices.

A few simple questions based on the documents attached.

Is IFL Pipelines Inc a legally constituted company under the laws of Barbados?


157 responses to “Illegal Company (IFL Pipeline Inc) Invoiced BWA 3.4 Million Dollars”

  1. I have to agree with you that these organizations have animals running loose in them..
    These international organisations are corrupt. Watching the video the man does not even show any sense of remorse. UNICEF continues to condemn the attacks on children in war torned Yemen and other African countries but refuse to condemn their own. The UN is a hypocritical organisation.

  2. Just submitted my bills for
    Payment due on receipt.
    Please acknowledge receipt

  3. It sure is..check out the criminals who prostitute women which hiding behind organizations like Oxfam, another bing scandal…those organizations are battling scandal after scandal with their rapists running loose.

  4. Donville Inniss arrest is only the tip of the Iceberg.More names to drop. His ass is grass. No way he will worm his way out of this one Already Employees were dealt with it
    If there was no there there -those people would not have been fired and Donvile would not have been arrested
    Therefore how Donville can be innocent as some people hope — even Barbados Today with their foolish caption Not Gulity over Donville’s photo seem to hope that he get away.
    Right now Big Red in jail waiting for fresh meat licking he chops and ready to serve
    KY Jelly is in order and on order.
    What does it profit a man ?
    Some people feeling for Donville but do not know if this is the only illegal act he ever committed

  5. Just Asking….it’s a game they play and the system allows, they plead not guilty, discovery process begins, the federal prosecutors show their hand, the lawyer takes forever to read the documents, if he sees… oh shit ….they got real evidence, this dude is going to prison for decades, he advises his client to cut a deal….if the client says hell no am fighting, the feds, if they have more evidence will say, well we also got evidence of racketeering with so and so which could tack on 50 or 100 more years….the accuse says, well I will plead guilty to one count of money laundering …and they start negotiations from them…that is one scenario. .

    Don’t worry, Donville is not slithering out of this without punishment, not after that 2 or 3 year investigation, the feds don’t hold you so you can get away, if it was a state crime, maybe..those dudes got evidence, plus pther names are being called, even one who as far as I know, was not in the indictment and still sitting shaking in his medical
    office chair in Barbados, plus the 3 who were fired from ICBL could be supoenaed

  6. Plus I suppose the OWNERS of barbadostoday got multiple reasons to be VERY AFRAID…lol

    Rightly .. Enuff.

  7. If Donny wants a deal, he must deliver namez. Local namez. No wonder, the former Barbadian AG came as a remedy from the NY chapter of the syndicate called DLP to “remind” him.

    Donny could face serious harm from the island´s lodges, the DLP-stalwarts within the BB judicial and security branches if he talks too much and ever returns to this island …

    Good luck, Donny! You must decide between States jail and returning to Bim afterwards OR shaming and staying in the States …

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