[Barbados Underground]  Yes Jeff, Charles Herbert faces a monumental task, not least because he has already been convicted in the court of public opinion. The social meaning of the case has become about the history of race relations in Barbados, so although the court case is supposed to consider the evidence dispassionately, I am not certain that a jury will lack bias

1,362 responses to “Chairman of Goddards Enterprises Asserts His Innocence”

  1. @whistleblower

    i hope you have noted the names of those officers for future reference. ok now i get the personal level of your anti corruption campaign. why do you think those officers were so bold? do you think it is rife in the police or confined?

  2. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    @ Greene

    I dealt with 5 different local Police Stations over a three year period after reporting varying matters.

    I experienced this type of behavior in 5 out of the 5 with those I interacted with.

    So you will have to draw your own conclusion.

  3. @John A

    Leroy Parris deserves the scrutiny he is getting. He is not innocent in the Clico mess.

  4. If there is a case against Mr Parris, then bring charges. If not STOP smearing the man.

  5. @ David

    I agree with you 100% all that I was saying is his rise from a salesman to a CEO with little formal education would of been an encouragement for others in the same boat.

    Now what he did when he got there is a whole other matter! We also got to accept though that the systems in place to protect the policy holders was a dismal failure, as CLICO laughed at the supervisors instruction to stop writing policies and just kept on printing them without any consequence.

    So you have 2 issues at play here, a company that did not respect the ruling of the supervisor and a supervisor that didn’t do one dam thing about it.

  6. @ Hal

    Come now there is more than enough facts to show wrong doing. Even the refusal to stop issuing policies when directed is a breach of law. If you want to say he wasn’t charged for anything, well yes I agree but that don’t make him innocent, it only means he wasn’t charged under our broke ass judicial system, just like Donville hasn’t been charged locally but wearing a bracelet compliments of the US government all like now.

    If you driving at 60 mph you guilty of speeding, because you don’t get charged don’t make you innocent.

    Can’t agree with you this time at all.

  7. @ John A

    I am not saying anyone is innocent or guilty. What I am saying is if there is a case against him then charge him. If not stop smearing the man.

  8. @ John A

    @ David

    I agree with you 100% all that I was saying is his rise from a salesman to a CEO with little formal education would of been an encouragement for others in the same boat.

    Now what he did when he got there is a whole other matter! We also got to accept though that the systems in place to protect the policy holders was a dismal failure, as CLICO laughed at the supervisors instruction to stop writing policies and just kept on printing them without any consequence.

    Glad you posted this as @ Hal Austin talking a roll of shite to defend corrupt Parris.

    I had one of those Policies sold by a Trinidian local Clico Agent after I was referred to him by a colleague who had invested $200,000 of the company’s money as he was the Accountant.

    About 6 months after and a year before Clico fully collapsed I was visited by Neval Greenidge who told me that I should withdraw my money through cancellation of the Policy paying %8.

    Neval Greenide was a very Senior Management person in Clico.

    He told me it was a fraud scheme that would fail.

    He also went onto say that he was leaving Clico to head ALICO a direct competitor whose offices were down by old US Embassy building close to Harbour Road.

    He said heapproached me so I could become a Client after he moved as CEO to ALICO.

    He made it clear that the Fraud was being perpetrated from TOP down which was the main reason he was leaving Clico after many years.

    Neval Greenidge is now a Barbados overseas Ambassador.

  9. Apologist running around BU like a disturbed colony of red ants.

    Isn’t it amazing how a blunt and inefficient system can be as precise as a sharp scalpel as it separates Charles Herbert from the others.

    Why is it that those who want to see justice applied equitably are painted as racist and those who believe that ‘whitey’ should always get a pass are not racist?

    How is it that some blacks are quite outspoken in supporting CH, but were silent when Mr O’Rourke interfered with the black lady? Their silence was deafening.

    How can the “poorest” of the three and lowly crew member be the financier and kingpin?

    And the richest of the three and ‘captain’ of the boat has no idea what is on boat is being transported. I am surprised no one has taken the position that he did not know where it went or was going to.

    Do you realize that if some of BU black supporters of Herbert become politicians our black asses are still grass

  10. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Re @John …. You posted : “So you are saying if 2 people apply for a job with one being from Deacons Farm and the other from the Heights, the job should go to the one from the Heights. How then is the guy from Deacons who may be a harder worker, ever going to get a chance to better himself?”

    I PERSONALLY am saying no such thing but since I was a lad THIS Bajan society has been saying SOMETHING like dat most vociferously and still do in more muted tones!

    Class prejudice is as pervasive as racial prejudice the only difference being how more subtly it’s played!

    But let’s also be real and accept that …although some of us did, many of us here didn’t grow up in any Heights (even though we may live in such places now) … But we overcame and our parents and grand parents too … did we all not!

    Some failed to overcome and others were content to remain grounded in that milieu but those who wanted to move up and on, did just that!

    And so too will this generation and any after them!

    They will be pissed at the benefits of upper class privilege for sure but don’t the Dons maintain their own decorum with a similar spoils/privilege system!

    My point is that even as we rail and hyperventilate about the Herbert issue there are very similar dynamics at play amongst those very folks we perceive as disenchanted and angry!

    And @Hal made a great point when he noted that because of the public high profile awareness of this case that the DPP should be very “fastidious” to ensure it was handled well to avoid any claims of favoritism but I wondered “what would motivate her to be careful and fastidious”!

    Frankly, nothing.

    Her job is entrenched and unlike the US her position is not a stepping stone to higher political office so she could care less to appease public opinion..

    That’s unfortunate!

  11. @ Baje

    I going ask you one question and the answer will also tell you why Parris Like Donville, were not or will every be charged locally, here goes.

    Do you think if a US insurance company or other entity was part of the Clico PONZI scheme that all like now his tail wouldn’t be in a US Court too like poor Donville?

    Don’t confuse the fact that becaUse of our broke ass legal system and yardfowlism, that a man didn’t get charge means he innocent. How many big ass criminals you know never get charge in their hometown but were charged in the U.S system?

    You remember a fellow call El Chapo one of the biggest coke dealers ever? He used to walk bout his hometown like he own it. Where he is now? He ass lock up in a supermax prison in the USA. You remember the master of the PONZI scheme a fellow name Maddox, where he is now? You remember another one call Standford that you would think had own Antigua. He ever get charge for anything in Antigua? Where he is now too?

    Clico was nothing but a dam PONZI scheme taking the money of new policy holders to pay the old policy holders. You want a clearer example of a PONZI than that?

    How the hell the CEO hands could be clean and innocent only because he had ” friends” and never get charge?

    Plus the worst part is we the taxpayers ended up having to bear the cost of giving the policy owners a few cents on the dollar in the end.

    That whole issue really vexified me!
    (Yes it’s a word😁)

  12. @John A

    As you know Parris and Duprey were smart, they shared the donations and favours to everybody.

  13. @ de

    My comment about 2 guys applying for a job wasn’t directly meant for you but for the public to think on. My point is that our problem here is more class and financial prejudice than colour.

    Once you reach a certain level with the right ” friends” not even Elliot Nest can’t touch you!

  14. @ David

    If you don’t want the bread burn then butter both sides!

  15. @John A

    For what it is worth the line between class and race is blurred.

  16. For what it is worth the line between class and race is blurred.
    I’m not that sure that it is. We are working with a system that was set up as overtly racist and continued as such during slavery and apartheid colonialism. Since the 30s in particular up to now, we’ve seen the black elite co-opted to be its public face, while business as usual continues as before. It’s called elite accommodation. The black elite front for the racist power structure and get to share the benefits of being in the club. But in reality, they know where real power lies.

  17. The whole thing is a big blunder
    But let me tell one and all that in the eyes of the international world and those countries with whom barbados agreed to fight the war on drugs
    Barbados would be looked upon as suspect to harbouring drug dealers
    What the Dpp did yesterday would have huge ramifications towards the country and its people

  18. Do you think if a US insurance company or other entity was part of the Clico PONZI scheme that all like now his tail wouldn’t be in a US Court too like poor Donville?

    They would be facing 100’s of years incarceration or been convicted by now WITH HEAVY FINES INCLUDED..

  19. Baje you just answered your earlier concern sir. As much as we hate to admit it that is the unfortunate truth.

  20. There must come a point where we Bajans recognise that we are a laughing stock – a country with over 95% African descendants and over 50 years of ‘independence’ still running an apartheid system in 2019 that discriminates against the majority. A country where there is no rule of law because the law cannot apply to rich white people. The thing is that every Bajan knew this was the way this case was going to go and many said so from day 1. Come on Barbados, it’s time for change.

    Bang on Tee White!!

    Bajans are a bunch of slave-minded hypocrites. An absolute failed state in the making.

    What can we tell the boys on the block?

  21. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Barbados Underground Whistleblower June 27, 2019 11:45 AM “I must add the Court Prosecutor was taken by surprise that day when the deceased DPP Charles Leacock walk into the Magistrates Court .”

    Darn!!! I would be real real surprised too if a dead man walked in to court.

    Man! I might even faint.


  22. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    @ Simple

    Good one.

    I stand to be corrected, should have been now deceased as he was alive at the time.

  23. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @miller etc. “to trick 3 sequential prime ministers of Barbados.”

    I don’t believe that any Prime Minister was “tricked” at all.

  24. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    It is not only race, and it is not only class. We know that in Barbados white people are regarded as being of high social class, so race and class same damn thing.

    But it is also GENDER.

    Way too many Bajan men, of all races and all classes are too dishonest, to willing to bribe and be bribed.

    I have a sister who for many, many, many, many decades has said that when she comes back after death that she will come back as a WHITE MAN. She too sees, knows and understands the truth.

    In Barbados WHITE and MALE is the whole Venn diagram. It covers class, race and gender.

    Don’t care if the boys of BU cuss me.

    Don’t give a damn.

  25. @ Hal Austin June 27, 2019 5:37 PM
    “If there is a case against Mr Parris, then bring charges. If not STOP smearing the man.”

    That will happen when Parris joins hands in hell with the “Guyanese-born” DPP Charles Leacock who, like the former PM(s), was also a very close friend of the said Greenverbs.

    We shall never forget the ‘smear’ campaign you waged against the same ‘Guyanese born’ Leacock despite his Bajan heritage.

    What did the “Guyanese-born” DPP do to you to invoke such barbs from your slingshot of verbal abuse?

    Could you have contributed through your verbal slings and arrows to the man’s ‘untimely’ death?

    When are you going to stop smearing the local Muslim community with your ‘collective-guilt’ attitude towards those who have made Barbados their home even if you still insist in referring to them as the imported breed of Barbadians?

    Those who live in glass houses with smeared windows to look through should not throw stones.

  26. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Hal Austin June 27, 2019 5:37 PM “If there is a case against Mr Parris, then bring charges. If not STOP smearing the man.”

    You know that some of us worked with him, right?

    There is no smoke without fire.

  27. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Barbados Underground Whistle Blower “offered for sale a taser stun gun and pepper spray for $1500 by a uniform policeman. With the further offer of guns sold by him and other associates in the Police. The Taser stun gun I handed over to a prominent lawyer.”

    If this story is true then YOU are a big, big part of the problem.

    In case you do not understand what you did wrong let me explain it to you.

    A policemen sold you a stun gun which was not his to sell. And you bought it? WRONG.

    You handed it over to a prominent lawyer? WRONG, WRONG. As neither you nor the lawyer had any legal right to possess the stun gun.

    And by the way, I don’t know if you have noticed that David the blog master has a special column on lawyers. So why did you think that a prominent lawyer was a good person to give a stun gun to? Have prominent lawyers proven themselves to be better people than other people?

    Where is the stun gun now? You don’t know? WRONG.

    Maybe I should apply to BCC to teach the ethics class.

  28. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @John A June 27, 2019 5:46 PM “CLICO laughed at the supervisors instruction to stop writing policies and just kept on printing them without any consequence. So you have 2 issues at play here, a company that did not respect the ruling of the supervisor and a supervisor that didn’t do one dam thing about it.”

    You are WRONG.

    There WAS/IS a consequence to CLICO’s continuing to write the Flexible Executive Annuities. That consequence is that MY government has taken up MY tax money to reimburse the people who bought into CLICO’s dishonesty. I don’t like bearing bad consequences for other people’s bad actions. I don’t like how my tax money is being spent.

    Wasn’t the Supervisor of Insurance (a woman) sent on leave when she tried to do her job. And hasn’t this widely been seen that this could happen because Parris was not a leper, but rather David Thompson’s friend and subsequently another Prime Ministerial friend?

    Maybe I should teach the ethics class at BCC.

  29. @ SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife June 27, 2019 9:54 PM
    “I don’t believe that any Prime Minister was “tricked” at all.”

    So what would you call the game of string-pulling aka puppeterring?

    Would you be a bit more euphemistic in your description and refer to the scam as ‘falling under the influence and control (aka spell) of a financial godfather?

    Didn’t OSA shower praise of investment competence on the said astute management of CLICO after receiving a $75,000.00 cheque as a token of appreciation for such encouraging words ‘expressing confidence in the future of CLICO in Barbados?

    How do you explain Thompson’s deliberate fabrication of false invoices to launder money out of CLICO as forensically established by the JM?

    As a move to bail out Parris from bankruptcy since he was unable to subsist on $8 million?

    Why was Mrs. Braithwaite nee Drakes put on administrative leave for simply doing her legally-established duties as Regulator?

  30. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @TheOgazerts June 27, 2019 6:40 PM “How is it that some blacks are quite outspoken in supporting CH, but were silent when Mr O’Rourke interfered with the black lady? ”

    Black Bajan women are the wretched of the earth.

    Rarely do Bajan men black or white come to the defense of black Bajan women.

    Although ALL Bajan men ARE nurtured by black women, their black mothers, black grandmothers, black female nannies, black maids, black female school teachers.

  31. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Miller June 27, 2019 10:36 PM “So what would you call the game of string-pulling aka puppeterring?”

    Willing participation.

  32. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    @ Simple
    @Barbados Underground Whistle Blower “offered for sale a taser stun gun and pepper spray for $1500 by a uniform policeman. With the further offer of guns sold by him and other associates in the Police. The Taser stun gun I handed over to a prominent lawyer.”

    If this story is true then YOU are a big, big part of the problem.

    At the time other Police officers were involved with the planting of evidence because I refused to be extorted for S15,000 by one of their criminal associates a US Deportee which they were trying to railroad me to pay over to them on his behalf.

    Sometimes one has to fight skullduggery and dirtiness with any strategy available.

  33. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “Why was Mrs. Braithwaite nee Drakes put on administrative leave for simply doing her legally-established duties as Regulator?”

    To the tune of nearly a million bucks too…..at taxpayers expense too, just to shut her up about the Leroy Parris Clico thefts….she is still on leave at taxpayers expense as far as we know …and that was way before 2008.

    BLP did that and DLP continued it….both OWNED BY LEROY LEPER..

    “Black Bajan women are the wretched of the earth.”

    Rarely do Bajan men black or white come to the defense of black Bajan women.

    Although ALL Bajan men ARE nurtured by black women, their black mothers, black grandmothers, black female nannies, black maids, black female school teachers.”

    Second time i noticed you said that, first time i wanted to expand but was exhsusted, will do so now.

    Black women are NOT the wretched of the earth, viewed another way, it’s the STINKING WRETCHED OF THE EARTH…,all those you have mentioned and more….WHO HAVE BEEN TERRORIZING BLACK WOMEN FOR CENTURIES…but wait until we start fighting back motherfckers.

    In my opinion, black men and black governments who DO NOT PROTECT BLACK WOMEN ARE THE WRETCHED OF THE EARTH….the BLP government….is such scum.

    And some white men, even in Barbados, rare but it happens, do come to the aid of black women. You will find it more so in bigger countries, had an experience on a subway many year ago where this black dude decided he would rub himself on me on a packed train, i did not even realized a white dude had noticed and before i could react…immediately got up and gave me his seat….so gentlemen intent on protecting black women, can still be found….but black males need to step up more to protect black women….especially with black governments as dangerous and deadly to black women and children as BLP.

  34. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    I so LOVE to see when stinking racists are embarrassed worldwide.,.lol..,and this demon Bolsanaro is racist and evil to his core.

    “RIO DE JANEIRO — President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil has vowed to pursue drug traffickers relentlessly. So he was hard-pressed to explain how a presidential plane ended up carrying 86 pounds of cocaine across the Atlantic during an official trip.

    A Brazilian airman on that aircraft was caught with the shipment on Tuesday during a brief stop in Spain en route to the Group of 20 summit in Japan, Brazilian and Spanish officials said Wednesday.

    The cocaine bust was bad enough. But it was an extraordinary embarrassment for Mr. Bolsonaro, who has exalted the integrity and professionalism of Brazil’s military.”

  35. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife
    June 27, 2019 10:39 PM

    @TheOgazerts June 27, 2019 6:40 PM “How is it that some blacks are quite outspoken in supporting CH, but were silent when Mr O’Rourke interfered with the black lady? ”
    Black Bajan women are the wretched of the earth.
    Rarely do Bajan men black or white come to the defense of black Bajan women.
    Although ALL Bajan men ARE nurtured by black women, their black mothers, black grandmothers, black female nannies, black maids, black female school teachers.


    You have to admit black bajan women have changed!

    Here is an example of a young bajan male being nurtured by a black bajan woman.

    Why complain!!.


  36. @ John

    A symbol of a nation in decline. Where is our collective morality?

  37. @ Muhammad,

    I am assuming that you are of no significance in my social universe, but fabrication is part of your culture, judging from your name. Apart from describing the late DPP as Guyana-born, plse give a SINGLE example of the below statement. Was he born in Guyana or not? Despite your foreign heritage, you are struck with the Barbadian Condition. Don’t let truth get in the way. You are a parasitic smidgen.

    We shall never forget the ‘smear’ campaign you waged against the same ‘Guyanese born’ Leacock despite his Bajan heritage.(Quote)

  38. @John A
    For what it is worth the line between class and race is blurred.(Quote)

    Is this for real?

  39. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Hopefully president Mia has learned her lesson….when ya are a WEAK, POOR, CORRUPT GOVERNMENT…ya stay away from the slave trading, human trafficking countries or get CRUSHED…most of them fund terrorism..she could have easily rushed off to Tunisia …,since the other African countries that are not part of the dessert rat brigade of killers, enslavers and terrorists were obviously TOO BLACK FOR HER.

    “Twin suicide attacks rock central Tunis
    One killed and several others wounded in blasts targeting police patrol, police station in the Tunisian capital.

    12 hours ago
    Two suicide blasts have rocked the capital of Tunisia, killing at least one police officer and wounding several people.

    The first explosion on Thursday involved a suicide bomber who targeted a police patrol on Tunis’s central Charles de Gaulle Street, not far from the French embassy.

    One police officer was killed, while another was wounded, according to the interior ministry. Three civilians were also wounded.

    Body parts were strewn on the road around the police car, an AFP news agency correspondent reported.

    A loud explosion was heard throughout the surrounding neighbourhood.

    A second attacker blew himself up shortly afterwards on a national guard base in the capital’s al-Qarjani district, the interior ministry said. Four security personnel were wounded in that attack.

    “At 11am (10:00 GMT) an individual blew himself up outside the back door” of the base, interior ministry spokesman Sofiene Zaag told AFP.

    The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group (ISIL) claimed responsibility, saying the “executors of the two attacks on Tunisian security elements” were its “fighters”, according to United States-based monitor SITE Intelligence Group.”

  40. “To the tune of nearly a million bucks too…..at taxpayers expense too, just to shut her up about the Leroy Parris Clico thefts….she is still on leave at taxpayers expense as far as we know …and that was way before 2008.”


    In interest of FAIRNESS and CLARITY, the Supervisor of Insurance issued an order in August 2009 prohibiting CLICO International Life Insurance (CIL) from selling new business. The company contravened the order and sold over 800 new policies.

    On June 1, 2010, then Deputy Supervisor of Insurance Vernese Brathwaite filed a complaint urging the police to probe the sale of these new policies by CIL despite a prohibition order from her department.

    After months of investigation, then CoP Dottin referred the matter to then DPP Charles Leacock, who subsequently returned to the file to the police, triggering the process by which Leroy Parris and Terrence Thornhill were criminally charged under Section 185 of the Insurance Act, Cap 130, for contravening an order by the Supervisor of Insurance in August 2009.

    Ms Brathwaite was acting Supervisor of Insurance when she was sent on special leave and it was reported in an article appearing in the July 9, 2017 edition of the Daily Nation that:

    “Former acting Supervisor of Insurance, Vernese Brathwaite, who has been on leave for seven years, is being paid her annual salary of $98 087, or $686 609.”

    I cannot remember seeing any “follow up” article on this story or information relative to if, as at June 28, 2019, she is still being paid “at tax-payers’ expense.”

    Based on the available information, it is clear these events occurred between 2009 and 2010. Therefore, to suggest “this was way before 2008” is misleading the forum……. even though it may have not been done intentionally.

  41. @Artax

    The part about Thornhillband Parris being charged serves as a reminder as well. This case was setback to give priority to the judicial managers case? Can you remind us?

  42. so what offence Thompson would have committed re M/L if Parris and Thornhill were charged for a regulatory offence which i assume Section 185 of the Insurance Act, Cap 130, for contravening an order by the Supervisor of Insurance is and which took place in 2009

    can someone also post what the JM said about the monies routed to Thompson’s Law Firm by Parris. i really want to understand the offence Thompson is alleged to have committed.

    We as black bajans must check our eagerness to prosecute white bajans. hasnt it dawned upon us that Herbert may be innocent of this matter? let us get it right and be fair across the board. what we must do is where there is an allege crime, investigate, present the evidence and let the chip fall where they may.

    so if a white man committed a crime and is charged and is locked up -good. the same goes for all other races. the playing field must be level.

    i am all for addressing historical wrongs but we should not do so by committing modern day wrongs

    what i sense is a rabid rush to find a man guilty of a crime that he may or may not have committed and in any case a black bajan DPP dropped charges against him stemming from a drug investigation conducted by black bajan policemen.

    please let us be fair and when they are proven to commit crime throw the whole weight of the law upon them.

    i dont want to hear crap about Bim is corrupt. i have worked all over this world and i am yet to meet an uncorrupt country where the rich cant buy off politicians and civil servants. that is not to say that Bim shouldnt do anything about corruption. that is just being real

  43. @Greene

    Do a search of BU, the Delloittes forensic reports was posted.

  44. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Where did David Thompson get an over 30 million dollar estate from….information should be public knowledge but somehow it is a secret that even that halfassed chief justice is covering up.

  45. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Artax…we are all on the same page Ms Brathwaite was then and more than likely STILL IS…being prevented from even discussing that criminal act by Parris and his band of criminals….AS LONG AS SHE REMAINS ON TAXPAYERS PAYROLL….she is effectively GAGGED..

  46. @Hal

    My view is that it’s mainly about class not so much colour today. Its the fact that if you drive a big ride and you live in the “Heights ” you are a better person than the guy in Deacons. You may be a richer person but are you a better person too, I don’t think so.

    I had the misfortune of having to go to a function the other day and it confirmed everything I am saying. In the car park were the Benz, Audis and BMWs and inside all races were gathered mingling. The common denominator here was foreseen class and financial status. My stay was short as I had other things to do? So I got in my 7 year old Japanese car and left.

    Years ago it might of been about colour when places like the BARBADOS Yacht Club was in full bloom, but remember you also then had The Black Business Man’s Association. If you look today at organIsations like the Rotary Club for example, all colours lunch together at the Hilton.

    I don’t think the lines are blurred, I think they have clearly been redrawn, but this time they are based solely on social and economic prejudice as opposed to skin colour as was the case in the 50’s and 60’s say.

  47. Even if we are playing the enlightened ones here, we must not forget that in the industrialised countries it is a practice tolerated by the state to bribe coloured politicians in the South. I will just mention the Inniss case as an example. In the past, bribes could even be deducted from taxes as operating costs.

    So there are two sides to this: On the one hand there are the corrupt idiots in the south who destroy their own society, on the other hand there are much more corrupt hypocrites in the north who always preach morality to the south but deliberately profit enormously from the misery in the south.

    Political correctness or not: The whites supply the torches, the easily inflammable oil and the weapons, with which the coloureds massacre each other in the south. The blacks may be the direct perpetrators in their countries, but the whites are the indirect perpetrators and at the same time instigators and helpers.

  48. @ Tron

    Spot on.

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