[Barbados Underground]  Yes Jeff, Charles Herbert faces a monumental task, not least because he has already been convicted in the court of public opinion. The social meaning of the case has become about the history of race relations in Barbados, so although the court case is supposed to consider the evidence dispassionately, I am not certain that a jury will lack bias

1,362 responses to “Chairman of Goddards Enterprises Asserts His Innocence”

  1. Whistleblower now I know you are full of shit, no deceased guy is walking into any courtroom. But to get back to your earlier comment about dirty dealings …I am sure it happens but we are talking about this case…do you have info that the court does not have …..feel free to throw Russia into it if you are just using your instincts

  2. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    @ Greene

    I said from inception which were comments on BU in this case that Herbert would walk with things happening behind close doors.

    I have had local police tried to extort me AS A BUSINESSMAN FOR $$$THOUSANDS so I know what goes on behind closed doors.

    What was also telling for me was that after first walking out of Magistrates Court during first appearance Herbert did a recorded Press appearance in the Court yard talking about his innocence.


    Herbert had already spent 5 days with the drug squad Police so I knew from PERSONAL experience the fix was in.

  3. @ Greene,

    You are being hypothetical when you try to read the mind of the DPP for withdrawing the case. I am out of any further discussion on this matter.

    @m 9.52

    Sorry to have to agree with the hypocrite Hal but Barbados is indeed a “failed state”!(Quote)

    Plse explain.

  4. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    @ Lawson

    Now I know you are an ass or a comedian..

    Charles Leacock former DPP was not deceased 10 years ago when the charges was withdrawn by him.

    He died within the last several years.

  5. Interesting the comment from the AG that businessmen making the accusations about bribery of public officials have declined to come forward to give statements.

  6. @Hal

    fair enough. i dont know what went on so yeah i am speculating to some extent based on how such matters normally progress. if you know for sure what happened i will withdraw.

  7. “do you have info that the court does not have ”

    Lawson…you as usual…do you see any evidence from the court or the DPPs office….which should have been MADE PUBLIC ans BOTH OF WHOM ARE NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT…they COLLUDE WITH racists like Herbert…who never even wanted to see black people working in offices and insurance companies in Barbados in his lifetime …they help these DEMONS PERVERT THE COURSE OF JUSTICE…EVERY TIME..

    it is a pattern over 70 years old…

    the negros with titles STAY STUPID, CORRUPT AND SELL OUT.

  8. @David

    if you admit to bribing a public official would you come forward and implicate yourself without some type of immunity lol

    the AG is crazy to say that publicly

  9. @Pacha

    Besides the editorializing are you in possession of information related to this matter? Not the speculation we have been subjected to my many here.

  10. “@ Hal Austin
    I am talking about due process, not an investigation. To have a system in which the DPP, or any other prosecutorial lawyer, can walk in to court and say we are not continuing with this case, without explanation, will be perverse”

    Hal…the DPP has those powers to walk in a court room and stop a case, or free someone whether they are guilty or innocent….Charles Leacock did it all the time for the right price…that is why i keep saying the DPP has too much power to be corrupt…cause she is yet to charge Maloney…despite having evidence…but rushed off to free Herbert….THAT IS CORRUPTION..

  11. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Privilege makes people blind, and bigotry makes people stupid.

  12. Mueller is like the DPP!!

    However, even Mueller, had to let it go!!

    “Everybody” wanted a different outcome.

    … great minds and fools alike … especially fools!!

  13. quit following the swinging watch lol just answer the question do you have extra info or not pretty simple. If not…. its your opinion and opinion are like assholes everybody has got one. Heres mine …the cops have a reason for them going on the trip…they have a timeline …and they probably have info on access and opportunity .
    Well I hope he was alive when he withdrew the charges ….how do you tell your friends you were let off by the duppee of public prosecutions.

  14. @greene

    He is obviously covering his ass. If business people are bribing and scared to come forward why admit it? The statement is reminiscent of that time when former minister Sinckler claimed his life was threatened.

    The political class laughing at we.

  15. @David

    he probably thought he was going to get some political mileage with that but oh man. what a thing to say. the question is what will he do with that information? ask the police to investigate?

    what an asinine thing to say and he is my friend too.

    he has been talking a lot of nonsense lately

  16. @ peterlawrencethompson June 27, 2019 10:48 AM

    You know my cynicism. And it’s exhausting to play Charles Jong …

    Imagine if everyone here was constantly criticizing the government. Wouldn’t that be a bit monotonous? My task in this dialectical game is to create tension, turmoil and contradiction.

    If anyone else here could cheer the government, I’d be a little relieved. Before May 2018 we had A/C, after all. Not any more. Even Lorenzo has criticized the great prime minister here … You really can’t rely on anyone anymore.

  17. The deteriorating crime situation is creating pressure. We should not forget like Pacha has reminded we are reaping what was sowed years ago.

  18. PLT…this has nothing to do with BIGOTRY…this is about reality…had you spent your years in Barbados instead of outside…you would KNOW WHAT BIGOTRY LOOKS LIKE COMING FROM THE LIKES OF HERBERT…ya would have first hand knowledge, but since ya did not….well what can i say..ya just have to listen to what others have to say…

    And to get the BIGOTRY AGAINST BLACKS OUT OF BARBADOS…ya have to expose those who were nursed and raised on bigotry from the womb to the tomb…their entire lives the practiced bigotry when black people could not even UNDERSTAND WHAT BIGOTRY IS….and they have HAD lots of help from both governments practicing it on the majority population.

    ya see, some people don’t like when the tables turn on them….not one little bit…but are quick to convict black people….for everything…

  19. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    I know a number of evil White people who are absolutely delighted that Herbert is being pilloried. You see, they want Bajans to see everything in terms of race because then when the finger is pointed at their crimes they can pretend that the attacks are happening because they are White. Ironically, misinformed attacks on Herbert serve in this way strengthen White privilege.

  20. Hal..can’t remember if i posted the previous comment i had lined up, but to answer your question….the DPP has the power to walk into a court room and withdraw any charge from anyone whether they are guilty or innocent, it has been going on for far too long, .. the DPP has too much useless power to practice corruption…this is just an extension of those corrupt powers…most of her power needs to be taken away, i said that before she was given that title….because she is yet to use any of that power wisely

    this one is only continuing what Leacock started, can’t remember the other DPPs, never had interaction with any of the previous ones.

    A DPP who was not questionable…would have SHOWN THE PUBLIC THE EVIDENCE THAT CLEARED HERBERT…but they tend to forget their salaries come from the PUBLIC PURSE…most of them believe they work for criminal minorities…

    but it does not matter anyway, his ass is stained and tainted until he leaves this earth…has been that way for years, it’s only Bajans love to fool themselves..

  21. “Ironically, misinformed attacks on Herbert serve in this way strengthen White privilege.”

    actually, no it don’t …everyone knows Herbert…everyone also knows ..ALL THOSE WHITES and others, never forget the others, they are minorities, but also very dangerous…WHO ARE EVEN MORE CORRUPT AND CRIMINAL…all of them are now on someone’s RADAR…none of them will survive this unscathed…cause all of them have bribed ministers, bribed civil servants, run drugs and guns and people, destroyed the depressed areas with their criminality……and they are KNOWN…

    Herbert got away with a tarnished reputation…the others will not be that lucky..

    and the white privilege these criminal whites enjoy…comes from the BRIBED MINISTERS IN PARLIAMENT…the minute those frauds for useless black leaders are no more…WHITE PRIVILEGE IN BARBADOS DONE.

    why ya think Dale Whistlebower is SLOWLY BACKING AWAY FROM ARRESTING ANY OF THEM for bribery, corruption, money laundering, extortion, etc….they can call the name of EVERY MINISTER, LAWYER AND POLITICIAN THEY HAVE BRIBED OVER THE DECADES…..but we want them calling those names to international agencies…lol

  22. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    “A DPP who was not questionable…would have SHOWN THE PUBLIC THE EVIDENCE THAT CLEARED HERBERT…”
    Perhaps the same evidence is part of the case against the other accused. Then the DPP might not want to compromise that case by publishing the evidence at this point.

  23. David

    Again, you are opting for the same kind of BS. Those efforts are not dissimilar to those by the officials who conspired not to charge Charles Herbert.

    Do we not have enough observation to conclude that whether the criminal is Charles Herbert or other White people the systems of “law”, which you support, move heaven and earth to make sure White people never seem to receive the kind of justice Black poor people have to face daily.

    As a social scientist, observation and oral tradition etc are no less valid than other empirical data or the ‘evidence’ you seem to be seeking.

    Notwithstanding, we have evidence that Charles Herbert was/is an institutional racist. That he routinely paid White people vastly more than qualified and more experience Black people.

    Of course, we were telling you this same story back in the days when he, Charles Herbert, was your blue-eyed boy and that of Bushie, but you gave not an *uck then.

  24. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    Very true…but since Herbert was on bail anyway…why not present that evidence at the next hearing…without compromising the judicial process…which we know none of them care about anyway..cause if he is innocent…the evidence would apply to him only….cause she kept the charges for the other two….but we know how they operate, let’s see if that same evidence is now used to free the other one…at the next hearing..

    Just don’t get involved with any of them cause ya have no clue how these people operate…and they like when ya don’t know….easy fall guy…

    And as i said….they are ALL ON THE RADARS OF OTHER PEOPLE…


  25. @Pacha

    Observations will take us so far.

  26. David

    Jesus Christ man!

    A man was caught on a vessel transporting ‘tons’ of drugs to Barbados.

    For all we know it could have been the DEA with the intercepts etc who gave this case to the local police.

    Because they have not got the ability to apprehend the big drug barons.

    And hungry Bajans with their slavish mentalities are to find all kinds of justifications why this son of a bitch should not be in jail, forever!

    This is what your PLT once called ‘respectability’. But even he is willing to genuflect in the servile attempt to justify the unjustifiable.

    Bajans, especially the miseducated, really believe that rassouuuul White people do not belong in Dodds.

    David, you shall continue to reap what you have sown.

  27. This is happening under a prime minister Mugabe who is a real hardcore law and order brute.


    She has no sympathy for poor people who offend the law but not a word when her government let slide a man who helped to put her in office.

  28. I ain’t know too much about law but my take on what I see is different to many here. To me it seems more of a class and power thing than a colour issue. Here is why a say that.

    Up to now not a single charge has been laid against either Donville or Parris locally. They are not white but they are seen as better off and with powerful connections. Further to charging Parris and taking up his house and big rides, the tax payers ended up having to bail out those affected. If you recall even the money he had on the bank that was seized, was returned to him 3 days before elections by the DEMS.

    On the other end you have a poor man who only stole maybe a loaf of bread and some cornbeef through hunger, but he was ” loss way at dodds”.

    That is why to me it’s not so much a colour thing but a class and ” who you is” thing. This worries me more than the other option, because it means that ALL who have wealth and power will be dealt with differently by the system. It may not be racial prejudice therefore as much as it is financial prejudice.

    Just another view from the viewers gallery.

  29. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    “For all we know it could have been the DEA with the intercepts etc who gave this case to the local police.

    Because they have not got the ability to apprehend the big drug barons.”

    We done know that he nor the other one would even HAVE BEEN CHARGED on the island…..if an international agency had not been involved in some way….i said from the beginning, if the information came from one of those agencies, the police nor the government could not very well tell them………oh we don’t lock up white people in Barbados for drug trafficking and gunrunning and human trafficking and rapes of black women and children and corruption and thefts…we can’t do that, because we do it too….

    …oh no, they won’t dare be that freaking brazen…so they had to play this game…first…but just watch the next moves…

  30. @ John A

    Hope you are not falling in to the Parris bashing mode. Clico was a disaster; Clico was a regulatory catastrophe. We must be careful not to misinterpret gross financial regulatory incompetence as corruption.
    I have always said if this or any other government has evidence of criminal behaviour by Mr Parris he should be interviewed under caution, charged and face trial.
    I believe a lot of the smear, anger and hostility to Mr Parris has nothing to do with his performance at Clico (a legally incorporated company), but the fact that he did not go to Harrison College or any of the other leading schools.
    There is a belief by some of his critics that he was not formally educated at their level. The irony of this claim is that many of those critics, lawyers and university graduates, are semi-literate themselves. It is the pot calling the kettle black.
    We have now had over a year of a BLP government and, despite the hysterical claim by President Mottley within 48 hours of coming to power – waving lots of paper and breathing heavily, with her attorney general at her side – no charges have been brought against Mr Parris.
    We have had a judicial review which was a joke: no powers to subpoena witnesses or documents. Further, Sagicor is now being allowed to invest in the very illiquid assets that brought Clico to its knees.
    The more things change.

  31. @ Hal.

    No i don’t feel Parris should be bashed for not going to Harrison’s, I actually was glad to see him reach the level he did even against the odds. He was however the CEO of the company when ” strange things” went on and asserts were “misplaced”. We both know in the USA what would of happened to him had he been there under the same circumstances. Likewise the Donville issue was nuff ” fluff” and hot air locally and in the end what?

    Don’t get me wrong I am not saying the small man should be allowed to break the law, but from what I see the system falls on them the hardest. On the other side of the coin the “untouchables ” seem to walk around laughing at us all regardless of their skin colour!

  32. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    John…these two shithole black governments are nasty and RACIST AS HELL AGAINST THEIR OWN BLACK PEOPLE…..from the negros earn a title AFTER BEGGING FOR VOTES…from the same majority population…cause that is all politicians are VOTE BEGGARS…..they go from being employees of the same voters…to being their black tiefing massas..

    case in point…the African Ambassador and others who know of the paradigm shift…are calling Africans home…we are all descended from Africa…we are all Africans, i don’t know where Mia is getting her shite from, but it cannot compute….those in spiritual connection to the continent, some more powerfully connected than others…UNDERSTAND WHY…

    and we watched as the whole damn THING ESCAPED MIA…then we knew for sure that these are black racists and massas who have no connection whatever to Mother Africa, their spiritual connection was rightfully SEVERED…

    ….and she not only tried to UPSTAGE THE AFRICAN AMBASSADOR…instead of working with her, she used the info she had and which she NEVER SHARED with black bajans…to try to SABOTAGE any efforts…for her own benefit..

    …..there was the Canada cockup, the UK cockup, well she bypassed NYC cause New Yorkers of any stripe just don’t fcuk around and she knows it..

    Then we heard all the rara about Rwanda and then the Ghanaian president got an invite and in true bait and switch style…she ran off to Morocco a slave trader country, most of whom look nothing like the majority population in Barbados and that includes Mia….she don’t care that they are known as dessert rats of the worst variety, but their skins are not black like hers and they got the inferior quality curly or silky straight hair that attracts the slaveminded……but there ya have it…until it blew up on her and she ended up with a human trafficking label…then she had to back off real quick from supporting the self proclaimed SADR bullshit…another cockup…

    these beasts in parliament are black racists and massas, but against their own people…and that is what the minority criminal racists….take full advantage of, because they got protection from both dirty governments..for the last 70 + years…

  33. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Good heavens @ John A ….finally!

    I waded through ALL the chats – some very instructive – and finally u banged the nail!

    The white thing is more red herring than anything else… None of the strident Black progressives here want to call it as u did and “As It Is* …as Gil Noble would assert on TV!

    Of course it’s a CLASS thing … ANY big wig Black man in Herbert’s situation (context of the drug haul and his nexus to it) would have been handled much the same.

    That does not deny the white privilege issues in Bim but as you cited what happened to Parris or Inniss or those of the Pele case or the police shootings (heading down towards Kensington) eons ago!

    Let’s recognize CLASS privilege!


  34. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    Look..I dislike the fact that the names of slave masters still exist on at least 3 learning institutions for children on the island…but let’s be realistic…

    Parris did not have to have anything more than a 5th grade education to do what he did…he did not have to attend any of the slave master named schools on the island either…unlike those with their degrees in this and that and the other and their titles in bullshit…….BUT PARRIS OWNED EACH AND EVERYONE OF THEM ANYWAY…still does…lol

  35. @ de

    That therefore sends a terrible message to the youth regardless of colour who may be poor. What we are saying is we are placing an X on their back just as a result of where they may live or were born.

    I have a serious problem with that! What are you doing is slamming the door in the face of people who may be able to better themselves and their families, simply because of their address and financial lot in life.

    So you are saying if 2 people apply for a job with one being from Deacons Farm and the other from the Heights, the job should go to the one from the Heights. How then is the guy from Deacons who may be a harder worker, ever going to get a chance to better himself?

    This really infuriates me as you can probably notice!

  36. @ John A

    You are seeing part of the problem. If the allegations of criminality against Mr Parris and Clico are true, then it is incumbent on the state to take action. I say they have not because they are incompetent, grossly incompetent.
    Over ten years after the global banking crisis look at the way the bank and insurance regulators are operating in Barbados. Look at how some banks rip off account holders through over charging etc without a word from the regulator; look at Sagicor’s investment policies, investing in the same illiquid assets as Clico, while a dumb regulator stands by; look at how this government grabbed people’s money by defaulting on their obligations. If there is a case against Mr Parris, then bring a case, or shut up.
    The reality is that some institutions in Barbados are frightfully incompetent but it is easier to blame corruption, since it means individual or institutional competence is never questioned; Barbados is a failed state..

  37. @Hal

    Then the question is who is the biggest criminal, the person that takes advantage of a poorly policed system, or the regulators who look the other way when it occurs?

    In the case of Clico an order was placed to stop underwriting certain policies, they went on doing it and what was done to them? Not one RH as David would say!

    The Town Planner places a cease order on the building of a warehouse by the flour mill, the building continues and still stands today. So do we blame the individual who exploited the ” hot air” from the Town Planner, or do we blame The Town Planner for not pushing it down?

    I see why you refer to us as a failed state as it appears that nothing seems to work as it should.

  38. @ John A

    The regulators are not looking the other way; they are incompetent. They do not have a clue. You are right that Clico was ordered not to sell certain policies and they continued to. A report was sent to the DPP’s office and no action took place. Put the blame where it ought to be. So too the town planning infringement. The building should have been demolished.
    The institutions of our democracy do not work; thus Barbados is a failed state.

  39. There must come a point where we Bajans recognise that we are a laughing stock – a country with over 95% African descendants and over 50 years of ‘independence’ still running an apartheid system in 2019 that discriminates against the majority. A country where there is no rule of law because the law cannot apply to rich white people. The thing is that every Bajan knew this was the way this case was going to go and many said so from day 1. Come on Barbados, it’s time for change.

  40. I will share with you all why this class thing annoys me so much and how dangerous it is for our people and by extension our country.

    A few year back I was doing a project and towards the end we needed a bit of help to finish it, so I asked the supervisor if he new any young fellow looking for a few weeks work. His reply was ” boss I know a fellow but he from de Farm.” I told him if he want work bring him. To cut a long story short this guy was an amazing worker. One night after a few of us worked late I said to the guys, let me drop you home. When I asked him where he lived he gave me a st Thomas address, which i found out later was a family members. After dropping the other guys off he was the last and I asked him why he told me he lived in st Thomas and not Deacons. He said ” boss if I did tell you deacons you might of tell me don’t come work Monday.” I told him then don’t ever see your self as less than you are or others will see you the same way.” Today he owns his own small business and tells me ” I tell my children what you told me years ago about how you see yourself others will see you. ”

    My point for sharing this is that this guy saw an opportunity and took it, but it could also of gone the other way had he not of and today he could be either on the block or in Dodds. He would admit this too you as he preaches it to his own kids.

    Today he has a home a business and is comfortable, but is he not the same guy who started out in ” De Farm”? If he was still in De Farm would he be less of a man than he now is?

    This class system and it’s privelages is the problem more than any thing related to skin colour. It’s just many don’t like to admit it as it would mean looking inwardly at how they see people.

    My lecture is now finished and I shall humbly now return to the viewers gallery.

  41. It’s a big, fat lie that only white people are privileged here.

    Why aren’t DLP ex-ministers charged in Barbados? I always thought these figures came from the black underclass.

    If I follow your reasoning, those former ministers would be Oreos, to use racist typology: Only black skin, but white in substance.

    This Oreo metaphor shows the whole schizophrenia of classifying people according to their sun protection. The former ministers are not protected from prosecution because they are secretly white, but because in Barbados you don’t touch politicians and shit on compliance.

  42. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    For those of you who like to play smoke and mirrors or black vs white.

    I played 18 holes of golf with Charles Herbert many many times.

    I have had many conversations at the 19th Hole after a round and am very privileged to many conversations some with Charles Herbert present.

    It is no secret amongst us golfers what Charles Herbert has been involved in outside of his profession.

    There are many like Charles Herbert black, white and Indian who have vast resources acquired LEGALLY and ILLEGALLY.

    They have Police, Customs, Immigration, Political friends and other key people amongst their payroll and would stop at nothing to maintain Status Quo.

  43. So whistleblower are you saying he is not a racist or were you the caddy. But we are talking about this case what do you know more than the police

  44. @whistleblower

    have you ever bribed a public official? or put another way, contributed to the personal charity of a public official?

  45. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    @ Lawson

    I have never called Charles Herbert a racist as he has a pleasant demeanour in public.

    Why don’t you do some caddying for me and clean my irons, hybrids, woods and driver?

    You wouldn’t be the first white man to do so.

  46. @ Hal

    Yes it is a combination of failed enforcement systems in total that favour the privelage regardless of colour, combined with a society that values people based on their foreseen social and economic class that is our downfall.

    My friend from Deacons is a perfect example of how a good man could be deemed worthless simply because of his origin and financial class at the start of his life.

    If you look at certain ” clubs ” for instance you see all colours there but what is the one common denominator? It is foreseen class and social standing, don’t mind some may break as ass and living off 3 credit cards!

    Have you ever heard it is not the idea that is suggested that guarantees its adoption but who suggested it instead?

  47. @ John A June 27, 2019 2:34 PM
    “No i don’t feel Parris should be bashed for not going to Harrison’s, I actually was glad to see him reach the level he did even against the odds. He was however the CEO of the company when ” strange things” went on and asserts were “misplaced”. We both know in the USA what would of happened to him had he been there under the same circumstances. Likewise the Donville issue was nuff ” fluff” and hot air locally and in the end what?”

    Don’t you think it’s a very good thing he didn’t go to HC or Lodge?

    If he had gone to HC like his peers involved in ‘big white-collar’ crime in Barbados isn’t it possible that he could have been outed and outsmarted by the strategically-appointed CLICO Board members like Basil Springer, Haynes and Tony Marshall?

    The man graduated from the University of Life while receiving his training in the cane-pieces in Lemon Arbor to become one of the most controversially renown sons of the soil of St. John.

    Under the rearguard tutelage of Lawrence Duprey- himself a graduate from the business school of Ponzi- the ‘batty’ boy from St. John was able to trick 3 sequential prime ministers of Barbados and have them all in his rear pockets.

    That dalit of the Bajan Ponzi circle has dirt- both morally and financially- on virtually every politician in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean.

    Who do you think contributed most financially to the pomp, pageantry and vote buying circus performances over the last 25 or so years in the Bajan electoral theatre?

    Why do you think Leroi Greenverbs Parris is titled the King of Lepers in the Bajan society?

    The man of pure verbal bullshit is totally Untouchable!

  48. @ M

    So true but it proves one thing. Regardless of colour, once corruption reaches a certain level in the society he or she, basically becomes as I said in an earlier post ” untouchable”. You then are protected by the powerful you “favoured ” along the way. That sir applies to whether you went to Harrison College or Brumlee.

  49. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    @ Greene

    Let me put it this way in Barbados it is par for the course and accepted norm in the Business community across all races.

    I’ll give you a few examples I reported a major burglary at a business place and assisted the police in catching those involved whilst recovering 90% of the goods worth a lot of money.

    Basically I did the investigation and handed over the information to the Detective in charged of the matter.

    The next day those involved were brought to the Station.

    The Sargeant Detective asked me what I am going to give him and his boys who did the recovery of %90 of the items.

    I asked him to be specific he told me $1000 and I should keep it between the two of us.

    I said I would return the next day and let him know of my decision.

    Upon arrival the following day the Station Sargeant whom I knew from childhood asked to step into his office as he wanted a private word.

    I was then told that one of the items recovered worth $ several hundred he liked and asked if he could have it with no money passing hands.

    You can speculate the two outcomes.

    Another incident when I reported a matter to a different police station for a bounched check for over $7000 and was offered for sale a taser stun gun and pepper spray for $1500 by a uniform policeman.

    With the further offer of guns sold by him and other associates in the Police.

    The Taser stun gun I handed over to a prominent lawyer to show how rife the corruption is in the Barbados Police force.

  50. The lesson seems to be from our discussion today that if you going “thief then thief big” and share the sweets with the right people along the way. If you do that the only time you will see Dodds is if you pass by in you Benz with the Windows up and AC on!

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