First it was the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, and now some heartless Barbadians have found a new dumping facility for their elderly relatives at the Harrison Point COVID-19 Isolation Facility in St Lucy. They are dropping off the senior citizens infected with COVID-19 but are not returning for them after they have recovered…

Emblazoned on the front page of the recent Sunday Sun was the embarrassing news some Barbadians are abandoning elderly family members at healthcare facilities. The latest being the newly outfitted Harrison’s Point. What caught the blogmaster’s attention was the cookie cutter quote attributed to Minister of Elder Affairs Kirk Humphrey – he described the development as concerning, pointing out that the situation was indicative of the work that was needed at the level of the family and government to ensure greater provisions for the elderly within a context of an ageing population …blah blah blah. Is this the same Humphrey who was to lead the new Blue Economy? 

Minister Kirk Humphrey this is a message for you. Have you ever been in the area of Top Rock gas station or Dover, and spotted an old lady with short grey hair, a slight stoop, and seeming confused wandering around talking to herself? If you have, then you would have seen Theresa Castro. 

It was brought to the blogmaster’s attention the elderly lady spends most of the day by Top Rock gas station. From reports, she sleeps in the gallery of her former home (where her daughter currently lives). There is a good Barbadian giving her food and has been trying to source assistance from several if not all of the social services for her. To no avail. It seems she has a mental challenge and is showing signs of dementia. It was reported to the blogmaster the plight of the elderly lady was reported to Minister Kirk Humphrey’s secretary. Up to the time of posting this blog there was no intervention from a single government agency to assist Theresa Castro.

Do you know Minister Kirk Humphrey was quoted in the 19 June 2022 edition of the Nation newspaper he has engaged the Barbados Police Service to assist with those who continue to abuse the elderly? …Blah Blah Blah
Is there any surprise Barbadians have become cynical and apathetic towards politicians?

The blogmaster further understands the plight of Theresa Castro was brought to the attention of the Nation and Barbados Today newspapers, Psychiatric hospital, George Griffith, family members et al- so far there has been no assistance forthcoming for Theresa Castro.

Have we become a soulless a society to ignore a senior citizen in her twilight years in need of assistance? What does it say about the society? What does it say about the good use of tax dollars funding Minister Humphrey’s Elder Affairs ministry?

347 responses to “Minister Kirk Humphrey and Theresa Castro”

  1. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    *as opposed to LITERARY…

  2. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    *and then by every LIAR FRAUD and PRETENDER in black face…

  3. David
    She goes around the back of Dover and over by the house a few times throughout the day. Sometimes I’m all over and missing her as she goes through a track or across a pasture while I’m in another road. She would go across the road by the trees at the bottom of the hill into Greame Hall, and I fear one of these days she might get knocked down by a car or something.

  4. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    I was taught to cleanup my yard rather go through the village telling people to clean up theirs.
    I don’t understand what a homeless person sleeping in any other part of the world has to go with one sleeping in Bridgetown.
    Telling me there are homeless people everywhere does not solve the plight of the homeless person in Bridgetown any better.
    But , I may be missing something.
    2. The nonsense never stops. We have a Blogmaster who trumpets citizen involvement but when citizens come here expressing legitimate concerns , he sits on high, like the political class he pretends to despise, and describes their contributions as “ froth “
    Nobody to guard the guardians.
    But we like it so.

  5. David,

    Too many complicated passwords for my aging brain. I have forgotten the password for my e-mail account and I’m logged out. I will fix it or create a new account so that Lisa can reach me. Some time today I will send you a message so that we two can link up.



    Be very careful of this individual who has conveniently forgot password to email account.

    Word to the wise.

  6. The nonsense never stops. We have a Blogmaster who trumpets citizen involvement but when citizens come here expressing legitimate concerns , he sits on high, like the political class he pretends to despise, and describes their contributions as “ froth “
    Nobody to guard the guardians.
    But we like it so.


    Never a greater truth told

  7. Barbados has a homeless shelter run by a concerned Barbadian
    Makes with all the noise coming from within the halls of BU how many here has ever contributed
    #########Barbados alliance for the homeless

  8. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “he sits on high, like the political class he pretends to despise, and describes their contributions as “ froth “”

    well, pointing out that Afrikan people are eurocentric educated……A STEP DOWN…given our great ANCESTRAL HISTORY………and the usual boast that they are conservative……without understanding the true definition of that RACIST word…

    while knowing NOTHING about Fabianism or how the Afrikan population were PUSHED INTO THIS CURRENT TRAP…does not exactly engender confidence….

    still waiting for them to pretend they know what Fabianism is, but that one is definitely a bridge too far…..far out of reach of PRETENSE…

  9. William Skinner June 29, 2022 8:28 AM #: “Telling me there are homeless people everywhere does not solve the plight of the homeless person in Bridgetown any better.”

    Mr. Skinner

    I’ve not seen any contributor make any comparisons to homeless people in Barbados with homeless people in any other matters country…… as you and some others seem to be implying.

    So, I’m a bit curious as to what was the basis for your comments?

  10. ****** in any other country.

  11. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Artax
    All I am saying is that we need to clean up our yard first. I could have used any example: cleaning the streets; paying workers starvation wages; not holding those in authority, both public and private, accountable etc
    The only reason for my saying homeless is because that seems to be the subject matter under discussion at this time. I never attributed the statement to anybody.

  12. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    pointing out that Afrikan people are eurocentric educated……A STEP DOWN…given our great ANCESTRAL HISTORY……as the world’s FIRST EDUCATORS, creators of LANGUAGES and EVERYTHING ELSE…


  13. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    That’s our POINT OF REFERENCE, the starting point..

    .Afrikans CREATED, READING, WRITING and societies that could withstand the test of time…..with structures still IN PLACE from over 10,000 YEAR AGO…

    that’s why no one should pay any attention to the eurocentric slave mind, they cannot teach us anything except to be just like them……another STEP DOWN…..for the simple reason that OUR ANCESTORS TAUGHT EUROPEANS everything they know and TWISTED….

  14. The e-mail situation will be resolved when my son wakes up, you idiot. I hardly slept last night. Too agitated. Too dazed. I am perpetually shocked by people like Donald Trump. Those hearings were more disturbing than I imagined.

    If you receive word that the situation has not been resolved by three o’ clock you can talk your talk. I have stated many times that my son is nocturnal. He is still asleep. And my head is in a tailspin.

    There has never been ANYONE who has advised ANYONE to beware of me. I am open with who I am. But Lisa can allow a sniper like you to stop her from getting some help with Theresa, if she is so inclined.

    I could bet my last dollar that she’d be better off with me than with those who only peep out to cast aspersions on the character of a person I am willing to bet, they do not know. Because if you did know me, you would say that I am a sweetie until you “interfere” with me. The only people who have to be wary of me are those who attempt to harm me.

    ‘Cause Donna doan play!

    If more people were consistent, persistent and insistent in fighting for just outcomes for themselves, wunnuh would not be on BU moaning and groaning about the state of Barbados.

    As I have said here, I have won all battles that were important to me. I have friends who have been in similar positions and still haven’t achieved resolution.

    Bajans will never see change by talking, talking, talking!

    You bizzy body need to stop hiding and sniping. Expose yourself by posting full opinions on the issues.

    Or maybe you are simply posting under a second alias. Wouldn’t be the first time it has happened on BU.

    Lisa should beware of “snakes in the grass, dirty and slimy”.

    Donna puts it all out there. She ain’t hiding!

  15. Donna – Dullard = Izod?

  16. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Lisa will learn that they are VERY FEW people on BU she can trust, i learned that VERY EARLY……..they are known by their posts….DON’T BE FOOLED…take everyone with a grain or bag of salt until you sort them out…talk is CHEAP..

    .all we got on BU was talk for 16 YEARS, for me 10…then i put up educational websites because i realize that TALK ALONE GETS YOU NOWHERE, and we were reaching a very critical stage in the fraud perpetrated on Afrikans for the last century by black traitors…. and as i will not enable a talk only blog indefinitely…. THEY GOT PISSED OFF…

    so she will have to tread ever so carefully….

  17. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    and the government has SPIES ON THE BLOG daily…..both governments did that but BLP has a much STRONGER PRESENCE FOR reasons that many know about…

  18. I’m ‘trying extremely hard find out’ what methods someone would use to determine whether or not they could trust people on an ANONYMOUS blog, who they don’t know, never met….. or with whom they DON’T SHARE any personal, professional or casual relationship?

    But, at the end of the day, certain individuals’ sole purpose is making BU about them and their beliefs, while trying to alienate other people…… as evidenced by the ‘tail end’ of every thread.

  19. @Artax

    Leave it alone please.

  20. Everyone

    Thanks for the concern, but I’m a big girl and know how to handle myself.
    I’ve manage to reach my age always keeping an open mind and never allowing myself to become overly judgemental. I get to know people for myself, and allow people the grace to be themselves around me.

    This might be a sore spot with some, but we are too suspicious of each other.

    Yes, we are on a blog, but let us all share a space and have differences of opinions and still respect that we are all individuals with different experiences. We can all agree here that we need to see change and believe that politics and poor governance hurt us all, but remember that we can’t get anything done on our own.

    If we could come here some days and work on solutions, knowing the political party have virtual salmon tot retrievers to bring and carry news.. then lets give them ideas to implement. We are in agreement that they have no real ideas of their own, so lets come together here and give them something to work with for the good of the country.

    We can all make noise on this blog and argue till the cows come home, but we should also send the message that people want change and are willing to do just more than complain. As a majority black country, the reason why we can’t grow is the fact that we spend more time fighting against each other, while tripping over ourselves to help ‘others’. Let us start over and give each the space and respect to be ourselves and find some way of working together for the common good.

  21. We can all make noise on this blog and argue till the cows come home, but we should also send the message that people want change and are willing to do just more than complain. As a majority black country, the reason why we can’t grow is the fact that we spend more time fighting against each other, while tripping over ourselves to help ‘others’. Let us start over and give each the space and respect to be ourselves and find some way of working together for the common good



  22. The hypocrisy that came out of the many comments yesterday took my mind to a person who was fighting on behalf of their mother interest
    An interest that dug deep into the heart of named Minister lack of having a moral compass
    Remermber how Jackie Stuart was maligned and labeled as being dishonest and a trouble maker
    Her videos speaking of truths were taken down
    Now here listening to some who were the masters ond mistresses of labeling her talking about what should be said and done in this case
    Couldn’t makes this stuff up

  23. Lisa,

    I have sent an e-mail address to David, rather than the one I use for BU.

    I have asked him to pass it on to you.

  24. “I have become tired. being back here because it seems everyone has an agenda and a selfish undercurrent is ever present.”

    “They couldn’t just add the tax to the south coast people that benefited from the works, but the whole island has to pay.”

    Contradictory much?

  25. Donna
    Was out all afternoon looking for Theresa.. just got home so will check my email in a bit.

  26. Enuff
    I’ve been reading this blog for awhile see clearly why many on here take issue with you.
    You add nothing of value, and seem to represent the percentage on the rock who can be dismissed as being ass wipes.

  27. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Missed it maybe?
    Interesting how the hearing/case into PMs brother’s death is being heard in what for Bim is record time!

  28. Lisa
    Selfishness is selfishness. Feel free to join the anti-Enuff brigade but do continue to assist Theresa. Years now I’ve enjoyed seeing her bedecked and stepping like a hollywood superstar up and down the south coast. I recall a friend telling me years ago that her son sent money for her to the bank from overseas. Don’t know if that was true. Hope she gets help.

  29. @ NorthernObserver,

    The case should be of interest to those who intend to return to Barbados to live.

  30. Enuff
    I’m not the type of person that like saying nasty things, but I wasn’t in the mood for jibes. I get it.. you are a party faithful, but you just seem to come on the blog to blindly defend. Have you ever considered that defending a party the way you do, might at some point disappoint you? Swear for no one but yourself.

    Everyone has seen Theresa and no one has helped her after all these years and I have a real problem with that.

    Theresa has a son who has mental health issues and lives in an abandon building. You should do Theresa a solid and get on the phone to one of your politician friends and tell them she needs help. I just got home from spending an afternoon walking about asking people if they seen her, maybe social workers from the NAB should hit the pavement to do their jobs.

    I will continue to help Theresa thanks, but these fucking agencies run by public sector morons should offer help. You are part of the problem for seeing her out there all these years.. yet did nothing. I swear I’m sick of humans.

  31. Lisa
    I blindly defend nothing. Get up good.

  32. Enuff
    I’ve been reading this blog for awhile see clearly why many on here take issue with you.
    You add nothing of value, and seem to represent the percentage on the rock who can be dismissed as being ass wipes.


    Didn’t take you long to assess the fool

  33. “Missed it maybe?
    Interesting how the hearing/case into PMs brother’s death is being heard in what for Bim is record time!”

    Two Barbadoses?
    No need to fix the system for the other.

  34. Everyone sees it TheO
    But we are so accustomed to such privilege by these ‘muguffies’ that we actually EXPECTED this.
    Normal Bowls would have been dismissed as trouble-makers for even questioning ANY medical responsibility for a death…and some have been many times – even here on BU.

    It is an interesting turn of events however, since many doctors have likewise been ‘doing as they like’ to ordinary folks for some time now… so it may be yet another case of “one-smart” reaching “two-smart’s” door.

    When “muguffy elephants” fight, the brass gets trampled boss….

  35. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar


    Your beloved USA enslaved people who look just like me and you from 1526 to 1865, by my count that is 339 years.

    Slavery existed in Barbados from 1627 to 1838 by my count that is 211 years.

    If you are going to make an argument it is wise to stick to the facts. The truth is that black people were treated very badly in colonial America, then the USA and in Barbados. That bad treatment has not ended in either place.

  36. @NO
    I was thinking the same thing but didn’t want to disturb the peace.

    Are you insinuating that someone pulled rank?

    Them that’s got shall get
    With a nod to Lady day

  37. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @William Skinner June 28, 2022 10:57 PM “Just yesterday on Brasstacks, I heard a woman called in and said that her weekly carry home wages was $136.42 ”

    I spoke to a lady today to ask her how much she paid her domestic helper, for cleaning and laundry, no cooking nor child or elder care. She told me $170 per day.

    We last hired a domestic helper to provide cleaning, cooking and elder care [no dementia] and we paid $50 per day up to the end of the first quarter of 2006. We also paid time and a half for anything over 35 hours per week.

    For gardening services I pay $100. The job takes about 3 hours, so that is $33.33 per hour.

    Nobody should work for $136.42 per week. That lady should advertise her services and charge at least $100 per day, plus the $7 or $14 busfare it will take her to get to/from her job. Perhaps she will need to work for 5 different employers, but making $500+ a week would make it worth her while. Excellent or even good housekeepers and gardeners are actually in short supply.

  38. Your beloved USA enslaved people who look just like me and you from 1526 to 1865, by my count that is 339 years.





  39. How many of you added your voice today in calling Elder Affairs or the NAB to make a report about Theresa?
    We come on here using it as a venting space, no one takes an active roles towards getting anything done. You all know that if questions were raised about the death of a family member it would be ignored. Even though I respect the need for any family doing what they could to get the answers they seek about a family members death, this looks bad for the family let it play out in public. It speaks to the privilege of a few, and the disregard of many.

  40. I’m so tired, I didn’t complete some words in my last post.

  41. How many of you added your voice today in calling Elder Affairs or the NAB to make a report about Theresa?




  42. BAJE

    Thanks for the offer to raise concern. After all, we are now in hurricane season and she and many others sleep outside.

    Someone told me about a little boy 11 years old that was put out some night last week, and the lady next-door saw him and took him in. The child services are involved because they’re 2 little boys being mistreated. They need someone willing to look after both little boys so they wouldn’t be separated.

    An island this small should have enough community minded people to step in and help, but it seems that most are out for themselves only. People boast about the charities, yet going about daily they would step over someone on a path because no cameras are around to see you picking them up. The mentality here is very crab in a bucket.

    We have a broken society, where a call to action for change brings most fear instead of a response. Bajans are a cowardly bunch, fear of everything stops them from moving. Overall it is fear of a political class that keeps them in check, fear of the unknown response. NAB: +246 535 3131.

    You ask to speak with a social worker when you call the PBX. There is a new head of the dept, who told me she was now being updated on cases in the dept. I think she is still waiting on those updates.

  43. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “We are in agreement that they have no real ideas of their own, so lets come together here and give them something to work with for the good of the country.”

    What you don’t know about that, they get their best ideas from the BU Fowl Blog and what do they do with them….twist them into corruption to benefit themselves and minorities only….it’s a tried and true method, last person PLT gifted them the work at home concept during the pandemic….he GIFTED IT…they still tried to STEAL A GIFT…..gave themselves credit, tried to demonize PLT and they can’t move forward from that, upgrade it or anything, instead of engaging with the person who created it, now they don’t know what to do it’s a trend decades old…….stuck…

    you will learn all these things as you go along.

    “People boast about the charities, yet going about daily they would step over someone on a path because no cameras are around to see you picking them up.”

    the charities are scams for money laundering purposes or to RIP OFF THE TREASURY…

    “It speaks to the privilege of a few, and the disregard of many.”

    all by reflex..

    “That bad treatment has not ended in either place.”

    neither has it ended in UK and Europe…’s worldwide…for a reason that Afrikans have to stop pretending they FEAR and BRING IT TO AN END…..since Barbados is still a SLAVE OUTPOST, that never changed so don’t even try to pretend………remember, them and their stinking slave laws and slave codes still on statute books…..maybe THAT’S THE PLACE TO START TO MAKE THE RADICAL CHANGES…the former clearing house for the enslaved..

    “You add nothing of value, and seem to represent the percentage on the rock who can be dismissed as being ass wipes.”

    lawd….how uncannily PERCEPTIVE..

    “You are part of the problem for seeing her out there all these years.. yet did nothing. I swear I’m sick of humans.”

    those have devolved to SUBHUMAN…

  44. Morning Wura

    In fine form today I be good

  45. Wura

    I didn’t miss what they did to PLT.

    I saw the PM all over UK telly saying it was her idea. If they had engage with him, they might have been able to evolve and expand that project, but were indeed shortsighted.

  46. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Lisa…the one thing some of us on here will NEVER DO AGAIN…is give up any ideas for them to TIEF it to benefit themselves and minorities only…been there, done that…and if it’s no benefit to the majority population……THEY CAN’T HAVE IT…

    they are so lowclass and slimy, many of us don’t even want credit for anything we do to benefit the island, but these would come after you just for having the ability to create an idea….and try to reduce you publicly for being able to do it…while claiming it as their own,……lowlife scum…

  47. Sometime around the end of 2020, a ‘white bajan’ told me the PLT idea was that of some other pale fella, and I had to school her because I saw it from PLT on BU.

  48. @Lisa

    PLT has agreed he is Bajan and he will continue to work for the good of the people. Let us applaud his selflessness and encourage others to do the same.

    If you love Barbados.

  49. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Morning to you…

    “but were indeed shortsighted.”

    wicked, greedy and bad minded, that’s what got them in their current situation…they have been like that for WAY TOO LONG….4 generations..

    PLT…has the necessary intelligence…information…needed to move them forward, but because he is visibly more Afrikan descended than those they cater to, enable and are partners with, they thought they could push him over and benefit from it and did not see, as usual, that they are NOT INTELLECTUALLY CAPABLE of anything at that level..or have what it takes to bring anything to successful FRUITION…

  50. PTL’s idea did some longterm good for the economy though. I know someone personally who came here to work from home and her parents came to Barbados for the first time, and have since purchased a apt at Port St. Charles because they liked it here. I had to get involve with their dealings with the lawyers because the lawyers are really the lowest of the low here.

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