Submitted by Steven Kaszab

I could not sleep last night. Watching the news casts about the war in Ukraine and Putin’s orders placed to put Russian Nuclear Weapons on high alert just took my breath away.  It’s like a time warp where we have returned to the 1960’s cold war. 

Have you noticed that we are desensitized to what is happening right now on the other side of the planet?

I will go to work later this morning worrying about things that really do not mean anything when you think about it, compared to the threat we are reliving. Possible nuclear war. Nuclear war. Mind blowing. We have not thought about nuclear weapons for decades, believing that those who control them are sane and wise stewards of the most demanding responsible job on the planet. Several nations have these devises of mass destruction including Russia, America, Pakistan, India, China and Israel who believes in Gods mercy but just in case got themselves a bomb too. Sure we worried about rouge nations like North Korea and possible terrorists attacks using these devises, but possible all out world war.

Humans have the ability to disassociate themselves from reality and create their own, satisfying their needs and beliefs. I have been interested in how a outwardly good family man can do all the things you and I would do in our associations with the family and community, and then go to a concentrations camp or prison camp in the gulag and torture and murder innocent people. This method of doing ones job and also being socially normal is particularly had to understand. Our need as human beings to survive and live our lives safely, mentally protects us allowing thoughts and beliefs that can be contrary to logic and reality to fool us into believing we are doing what’s personally and socially right. 

Today, some lunatic or nationalistic fanatic in the military could launch a nuclear missile at the NATO Nations, followed by a response that will assuredly wipe humanity out of existence. How about nuclear powered climate change. Horrible thought, and I am going to work today. Instead of joining many thousands who are protesting Russian aggression, militarism, the existence of horrid dictatorships through out this world I will go to an office and do my job. Am I so set in my routine and my disbelief that others will protect us no matter what? Can we put our trust in our elected officials to observe, assess and then act in the most logical way? Should I gather my family together and live a week of happiness, a vacation that will surely be transformed by what is happening, by what will happen in the present and future?

I am a man of self control, but honestly I am frightened for my family, children, community and really the whole world. Driving to do groceries yesterday I had to pull over because I began to weep at the wheel for some reason. Well with all the stresses we have all felt these past few years and now this to can make us quake in our winter boots. I wish I were in the Ukraine with a sniper rifle defending a people I truly know, a people who wish to live like us in a peaceful democratic nation, far away from Russian Oligarchy’s and nationalistic opportunism. 

I do not like how I feel right now. Helpless, fearful for others I love and people I don’t even know.  

Hear I was worried the Russians would hack into our power grid and make life truly difficult. What Putin has done is far more sinister, THREATENING POSSIBLE NUCLEAR WAR. He also said he had the talent and means to punish those who oppose him using new technologies we have never seen. Surprising that the great powers spend their wealth not on helping humanity, but developing horrible destructive weapons of mass destruction. The dictator of Iraqi was destroyed because of imaginary W.O.M.Destruction. Why are the evil nationalists of the world holding all the cards? Will the Free Worlds embargo of Russia be enough to calm the Russian Bear ? Questions galore with no answers. Anther thing to worry about. Guess we will all have to wait and see. 

Huge your loved ones and appreciate every day.

295 responses to “A People Insensitive to War”

  1. When Stalin ordered the destruction of the Lenin Dam, many Ukrainians down stream were swept away according to this link.

  2. There is a system of dams on the Dnieper as it flows to the Black Sea.


    A satellite photo of the Kyiv Reservoir.

    Like other reservoirs, Dnieper reservoirs pose a potential threat of causing major flooding if their dams fail. Such damage may be inflicted by a powerful natural disaster (e.g., an earthquake), a human-made disaster, or a deliberate attack by terrorists or enemy (or even own military) forces at war.

    The Dnieper reservoirs contain an additional major threat—after the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster in 1986, radionuclides washed away by rains badly contaminated the bottom silt of the Kyiv Reservoir and presumably the others. During the years following the disaster, there were suggestions to drain the Kyiv Reservoir because it was too shallow. It appeared that, if done, this could have created the threat of the tremendous amounts of radioactive dust travelling by wind, possibly affecting Europe.

    The dams are supposed to be strong enough to survive natural and terrorist threats. Both their construction schemes and government efforts work towards this goal. For instance, some engineers guarantee that every Dnieper dam will survive an earthquake (to its typical regional extent), meteorite or aircraft falling.[6] There are also countermeasures against overflooding and malfunction of dams. Authorities pay significant attention to safeguarding the dams and bridges by special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other security agencies.[7]

    A failure of the Kyiv Reservoir would cause a flooding of the low-lying areas of Kyiv, mainly densely populated residential neighborhoods.[8] The aftermath of a possible complex flooding also include the spread of radioactive material from the Chernobyl disaster contained in the reservoirs,[citation needed] the widespread contamination by industrial and urban wastes and creation of swamps on bottoms of emptied reservoirs.

    In 2001–03 the Security Service of Ukraine organized exercises on the Kyiv Hydroelectric station, simulating a possible terrorist attack. The results of the exercises were considered satisfactory.[8]”

  3. DavidFebruary 28, 2022 9:39 AM

    Why is it the West never reached out to Russia with a more conciliatory mindset the same way it does China for example?


    Check the list of sanctions the West is imposing.

    Each one of them represents a time the West reached out to Russia!!

    You can’t take back something from someone unless you reached out and gave the person.

    Putin don’t suit being round decent people!!

  4. CIA claim Soviet Union collapsed,
    but people know CIA were responsible.
    Russia now say USA is in Terminal Decline,
    they helped it along with Trump.

  5. From Russia With Love Vs. Illya Kuryakin

  6. David McCallum Vs. Dr Dre
    The Edge
    Next Episode

  7. Up In Smoke Versus If I Know Jah

  8. lyrics update
    (google is shit)

    Oh mama
    You gonna born me in the wrong time
    Oh you got me mama
    You gonna born me on the front line

  9. @David February 28, 2022 9:39 AM “Why is it the West never reached out to Russia with a more conciliatory mindset the same way it does China for example?”

    Because the west is afraid of angering China which has a military likely 3 million strong AND nuclear arms too, so it makes sense to be conciliatory towards China.

    Sometimes being afraid correct.

  10. @DPD “excellent well paying jobs in finance, engineering etc.”

    Why do you say excellent.

    I wonder if the mothers of these people understand what they do for a living.

    Getting a a little religious now.

    It may be time to beat our swords into plough shares and resolve not to make war anymore.

    Too besides working in the groun’ is so much fun, more fun than killing people.

  11. Now they are saying that Polish police are treating fleeing Africans differently.

  12. Racism is the only constant.

  13. Governments in the eastern and central parts of the continent that were once staunchly opposed to refugees have suddenly become some of the biggest supporters of an open-door policy — even as their welcoming stance appeared to be limited to Ukrainians

  14. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this article are those of the writer and not necessarily that of AOP.

    This hollywood dude is directly related to people in that region, he knows that they are ALL close blood relations in both countries, one bloodline, whatever his views, he knows that no one should get involved in family disputes, as ugly and unwanted as it is to some of us because of the violence and destruction, it will lead to nowhere either way.

  15. ““Why is it the West never reached out to Russia with a more conciliatory mindset the same way it does China for example?””

    the two faced West is in a propaganda war against China same as it is with Russia, and would love China to be drawn into this war too, but China play the long game while West play the short game.

    Blacks have been in the West since slavery in 1600s, Windrush generation from Caribbean came to UK in 1950s. The West are now trying or pretending to be against Racism, but it is only to brush over and protect themselves against the criticism and truth of their racist ways that is overdue.

  16. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Maybe some will eventually see that this is not a game for FLYWEIGHTS……or not…lol

  17. TheOGazertsMarch 1, 2022 12:20 AM

    Now they are saying that Polish police are treating fleeing Africans differently.


    TheOGazertsMarch 1, 2022 12:23 AM

    Racism is the only constant.



    Completely illogical!!

    Black American and British journalists don’t seem to have any problem working in Ukraine.

    Skin colour is clearly not an issue.

    The mostly male Africans who are fleeing need credible respected Governments which project their power and demand respect for their citizens if they want to get in line in front of the citizens of Ukraine.

    Home drums beat loudest!!

    …. or maybe it is something about being a journalist that sets them apart, or maybe it is that they are doing a job and the fleeing Africans are not doing a job.

    Personally, I think it may be that males are expected to fight and if a small group of males, regardless of colour, are given special treatment it will make the larger group doubt their resolve to fight.

    The fleeing African males don’t have Governments that can send a plane for them and have to get in line with the Ukrainians and receive the same treatment any male receives.

    Maybe one could argue sexism is the constant.

    After all, women claim equality and serve in armies around the world and yet expect different treatment.

    Maybe it is ageism, children get special treatment too along with their mothers.

    Fathers are expected to fight..

  18. For context history of white supremacy racism is best represented by history of America, where the 44th PotUS triggered a subliminal subconscious backlash by whites who felt misrepresented and threatened and voted for the 45th reverting back to their racist undertones when they were young.

  19. While John the Troll likes to play Devil’s Advocate with repugnant provocations.
    The Devil’s Psychology can best be exemplified by white Devil mindset of Rome Babylon and then Babylonian Roman Britain’s New World Colonies and Anglo-American White Supremacy Racism. The competition for conquering territories across all continents was between European Nations. USA is a white man’s land of opportunity for immigrants from Europe. blacks are deemed slave descendants and now criminals not immigrants.

  20. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Afrikans do have governments with planes that can remove them from that dangerous situation, it was a slow start and logistics….those borders are huge and wide, from Ukraine to Poland to Hungary ….and they would have to get all of them to one meeting point…which presents a major problem, only solved with time..

  21. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    John needs to take a trip to the continent…he would be surprised at how developed most large Afrikan countries are, unrivalled metropolises, more so than the deterioration found in the west after centuries, the continent has the resources to upkeep and build indefinitely ….all of it is visually appealing and futuristic…very impressive and pleasant to look at..

    still have a way to go in the rural areas…but right now they are very much ahead.

  22. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights ReservedMarch 1, 2022 8:17 AM

    John needs to take a trip to the continent…he would be surprised at how developed most large Afrikan countries are, unrivalled metropolises, more so than the deterioration found in the west after centuries, the continent has the resources to upkeep and build indefinitely ….all of it is visually appealing and futuristic…very impressive and pleasant to look at..

    still have a way to go in the rural areas…but right now they are very much ahead.


    I’ve lived in Eindhoven, Netherlands for one and a half years and in England for 3 years..

    I’ve driven and camped in many countries on the continent as far as Seville.

    I’ve even been to the Continent and the UK as a tourist and traveled all over the place.

    I never found myself in a country at war.

    Students feel entitled to special treatment, I know, been there done that.

    The correct route for the Black African Students to have taken is to go to their respective embassies.

    After all, most will be there as students because of some inter Governmental cooperation between Ukraine and their countries.

    That’s how I got to England and the Netherlands.

    In the Netherlands, like other foreign students I had to report to the Police every 3 months for them to know that I was still there.

    If they can’t get to their embassies, then go to the authorities and tell them which countries they are from and ask that they get them to their embassies, if they can.

    Otherwise, join the que with the other Ukrainians where women and children get priority and take what you get.

    Playing the race card is a waste of time and will only place you in a worser situation!!

    I am pretty sure the US and UK journalists if they find themselves in trouble will head for their embassies..

    Well, I suppose playing the race card got the various African Governments off their backsides and interested in the well fare of their citizens.

    Probably concerned the students will show them up.

  23. Even Dinky Toy Barbados keeping tabs on its citizens in the Ukraine.

    What the African students are showing is they have absolutely no faith in their respective Governments to look out for them.

  24. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “The correct route for the Black African Students to have taken is to go to their respective embassies.”

    they did all of that….now their leaders know they have to act, and do much more,as your link now shows….there was a lot of deceptions initially and the truth finally came out, so the leaders understand that their people are in dire danger…

    because it’s not as simple with others, those who are nonstudents, resident in Ukraine, with Ukrainian families, all of this will have to be taken into consideration….and with them being CHASED BY RACISTS….the place is tainted with neo-nazis REAL RACISTS who have a distinct hatred for anyone of darker hue…so stop pretending otherwise…….and the issue of logistics Afrikans, including Caribbean Black/Africans now running all over the place in the deadly cold…it makes things that much harder….but people have been raising money so they can top up their phones, get them somewhere to sleep to stay warm and dry…and help with private transportation and across borders……most of the students are broke, like students always are….

    and the continent i referred to that you should see for yourself how our ancestral builders have revived the place for decades now… AFRIKA…..and that was before China went in with their belt and road whatever…..

  25. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Yes John…there is a whole lot more going on, you don’t know the half of it.

  26. Even with a dissolute Parliament, Barbados Civil Service is still able to project its power to such far away places as the Ukraine.

  27. Up to 18000 Russian vacationers are stranded in the Caribbean. How many in Barbados? Are there already figures here?

  28. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    That kid was attempting to cross the border on his own, the government could only tell him try to make it to one of the other countries, they have no other power, unless they can send him a plane…have not heard any updates about that recently…nearly one week now..

  29. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    John…ya starting to get delusional…take a break…

    pack mentality racism in Ukraine = neonazism… a warning to stay far away from that topic…’s a mental disease in those regions….noticed over the years that the tourism hungry/greedy have been inviting them to the region to release their poison..

  30. I just know my history and I’ve been around the block several times!!!

  31. The Ukrainians will never forgive or forget the genocide of Stalin’s famines of the 1920’s, 30’s and 40’s.

  32. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    and, this should serve as a warning to both Caribbean/Afrikan people and brown people from other regions to stay out of overly racist countries no matter what, it’s never worth it….it’s best the devils in this region that we all know,,,lol…

    we can only hope that the youngster from Barbados and others from across the Caribbean made/make it out safely, because those who made it across to Poland were also experiencing a lot of racism and they were refusing them shelter because of the color of their skin…….it was reported all over the newfeeds last night…

    this is a learning experience for Afrikan governments with all the other stuff that happened to open their eyes..

    but…..Caribbean governments??? we can only wonder…..they tend to never learn..

  33. … and they will also never forget the Nazi Fascists.

    Communism, Fascism, Socialism … all Godless ideologies which all end up in totalitarianism.

  34. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “The Ukrainians will never forgive or forget the genocide of Stalin’s famines of the 1920’s, 30’s and 40’s”

    they been fighting each other for centuries…..nothing new…blood cousins/same bloodlines….

    what about the Afrikan genocide, everyone believes that their genocide is more important than other people’s…when their own people is who genocided them and they want to take it out on others…

  35. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights ReservedMarch 1, 2022 1:06 PM

    and, this should serve as a warning to both Caribbean/Afrikan people and brown people from other regions to stay out of overly racist countries no matter what, it’s never worth it….it’s best the devils in this region that we all know,,,lol…


    The warning is to be careful of the Government you choose.

    If you are, you won’t waste time going to regions steeped in Communism.

  36. The Brits are stepping in to help.

    They realise the Governments in Africa really don’t give a dam.

  37. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    John…some good could come out of all of this, hopefully, majority populations of Afrikan descent will now get even more courage and confidence to EXPOSE all the slimy racists in Barbados and the Caribbean, every minute of every day, they are not to have any more breathing room…

  38. For sure, no humanitarian aid is going to come from these guys in Arica.

  39. “… and they will also never forget the Nazi Fascists.
    Communism, Fascism, Socialism … all Godless ideologies which all end up in totalitarianism.”

    seems like you have never been subjected to racism or penury and have been wallowing in your privilege your whole life
    right wing are the most racist and selfish and support and perpetuate wealth inequality segregation apartheid and wars

    correct thinking comes from the left

    hence the term politically correct

    which the right wing brainwashed hate

    now the racist right think they can teach the world about anti-racism

    the youths know what they should do in these times to fight for their rights

    this does not include the racist alt-right white boy incelibate trump internet soldiers

    stop your twisting of truth or you will catch a judgement of fire

  40. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Poland’s ambassador to Nigeria Joanna Tarnawska dismissed claims of unfair treatment.”

    they know they are lying, exposure has made things run a little smoother….people with money were denied the ability to rent places because of the color of their skin….they never thought they would be exposed across the globe for their racism…ignorant, backward jokers…

  41. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    It’s Black brits raising the money because they saw what’s happening to Black/Afrikan people in that racist region…that is what the Afrikan family worldwide are supposed to do, have each other’s backs….took a while for Afrikan leadership to understand what was really happening and not the bullshit they were blinded with, but they too have started to organize..

  42. King Mohammad VI of Morocco supposedly has amassed a fortune exceeding $5.80 Billion!!!!

    He is # 5 in the world.

    It is some of his subjects who are squealing.

    They already dun know none of dem ent brekking up he night rest!!

  43. “King Mohammad VI of Morocco supposedly has amassed a fortune exceeding $5.80 Billion!”

    Bamboozled John and his white boy tropes

    How much do you think Queen Elisa is worth

    her money should be taken to pay for reparations

    including secret offshore banking banking accounts

    Global banking can sequester funds to make good

    others who are out of pocket from piracy robbery with aggravation

    slavery colonialism racism exploitation of people of colour god’s children

  44. H.A. warned you guys about Eastern Europeans. In the UK we use to have more than a million Poles living there. Collectively this group and their neighbours have brought with them their racist customs to the UK..

    Those from black majority countries need to get real. I have questioned on numerous occasions why our government continues to push a tourism model that is rooted in attracting racist tourists to these shores. Have we no shame? Our morals are at the lower end of the scale.

    The proposed government iniative to enlarge our population by an extra 85,000 has to be challenged and beaten back.

    How can we as a country seriously consider enlarging our population with a pack of racist immigrants. South America countries successfully reduced their African populations by numerous underhand methods. One of these methods was a migration policy that was limited to white Europeans. Argentina was a classic example of this pernicious model.

    Blacks need to wake up and fast!

  45. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    There is only one way this Russia/Ukraine conflict ends and that is with Russia taking over Ukraine. Only question is how long will it take and how many lives. This is more like a civil war than a traditional invasion war since Ukrainians and Russians have numerous family members in both countries.

    Zelensky’s attempt to drag the rest of the world into this conflict instead of surrendering and the world obliging with a never seen before unprecedented level of widespread sanctions on Russian banking, flights, citizens and businesses living outside of Russia has left Putin will no option but to continue his push until he wins the war. If Putin withdraws now, Ukraine will be accepted into NATO and nuclear weapons will be quickly placed on their border which was the primary reason behind going into Ukraine in the first place.

    The only way Ukraine can avoid being taken over by Russia is to drag the rest of the world into committing military resources which they are never going to commit to so the end result will be Russia occupation of Ukraine regardless of the time, resources or lives it takes. No other way out.

  46. .. or if Putin doesn’t want to take it over!!

  47. “ethiopia-to-repatriate-102000-citizens-from-saudi-arabia/”

    18:30 is TLSN’s time zone which means it is time for some more of his blatant inherent racism

    Ethiopia and Eastern Africa should repatriate 140,000,000 Africans across Americas and Europe too

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