Submitted by Steven Kaszab

I could not sleep last night. Watching the news casts about the war in Ukraine and Putin’s orders placed to put Russian Nuclear Weapons on high alert just took my breath away.  It’s like a time warp where we have returned to the 1960’s cold war. 

Have you noticed that we are desensitized to what is happening right now on the other side of the planet?

I will go to work later this morning worrying about things that really do not mean anything when you think about it, compared to the threat we are reliving. Possible nuclear war. Nuclear war. Mind blowing. We have not thought about nuclear weapons for decades, believing that those who control them are sane and wise stewards of the most demanding responsible job on the planet. Several nations have these devises of mass destruction including Russia, America, Pakistan, India, China and Israel who believes in Gods mercy but just in case got themselves a bomb too. Sure we worried about rouge nations like North Korea and possible terrorists attacks using these devises, but possible all out world war.

Humans have the ability to disassociate themselves from reality and create their own, satisfying their needs and beliefs. I have been interested in how a outwardly good family man can do all the things you and I would do in our associations with the family and community, and then go to a concentrations camp or prison camp in the gulag and torture and murder innocent people. This method of doing ones job and also being socially normal is particularly had to understand. Our need as human beings to survive and live our lives safely, mentally protects us allowing thoughts and beliefs that can be contrary to logic and reality to fool us into believing we are doing what’s personally and socially right. 

Today, some lunatic or nationalistic fanatic in the military could launch a nuclear missile at the NATO Nations, followed by a response that will assuredly wipe humanity out of existence. How about nuclear powered climate change. Horrible thought, and I am going to work today. Instead of joining many thousands who are protesting Russian aggression, militarism, the existence of horrid dictatorships through out this world I will go to an office and do my job. Am I so set in my routine and my disbelief that others will protect us no matter what? Can we put our trust in our elected officials to observe, assess and then act in the most logical way? Should I gather my family together and live a week of happiness, a vacation that will surely be transformed by what is happening, by what will happen in the present and future?

I am a man of self control, but honestly I am frightened for my family, children, community and really the whole world. Driving to do groceries yesterday I had to pull over because I began to weep at the wheel for some reason. Well with all the stresses we have all felt these past few years and now this to can make us quake in our winter boots. I wish I were in the Ukraine with a sniper rifle defending a people I truly know, a people who wish to live like us in a peaceful democratic nation, far away from Russian Oligarchy’s and nationalistic opportunism. 

I do not like how I feel right now. Helpless, fearful for others I love and people I don’t even know.  

Hear I was worried the Russians would hack into our power grid and make life truly difficult. What Putin has done is far more sinister, THREATENING POSSIBLE NUCLEAR WAR. He also said he had the talent and means to punish those who oppose him using new technologies we have never seen. Surprising that the great powers spend their wealth not on helping humanity, but developing horrible destructive weapons of mass destruction. The dictator of Iraqi was destroyed because of imaginary W.O.M.Destruction. Why are the evil nationalists of the world holding all the cards? Will the Free Worlds embargo of Russia be enough to calm the Russian Bear ? Questions galore with no answers. Anther thing to worry about. Guess we will all have to wait and see. 

Huge your loved ones and appreciate every day.

295 responses to “A People Insensitive to War”

  1. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    TLSN…Hal was right….those regions are the original SHITHOLES…with the biggest criminals in the world who put other world criminals to shame..

    who could forget how some of their finest THIEVES robbed ATM machines across the Caribbean thousands and thousands of dollars just in the last 5-6 years alone…some, i believe, are still in prison in Barbados and other Caribbean island for their THIEVING WAYS…but they act like they are so much better than Black/Afrikan people…..they too have to run to North America and other European countries to fight off poverty because most of their regions are DIRT POOR…..even with resources……then they are put as bosses over other people so they can practice their NASTY RACISM…

    don’t know why any Black leader in their right mind would involve themselves in or defend these KNOWN criminals…

  2. … or West Africa
    Repatriation is a must

    Poles have been in UK since WWII
    the Poles I met were young traveling
    and some had families and settled
    and were nicer than the indigenous Brits

  3. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Have we no shame? Our morals are at the lower end of the scale.”

    no they don’t, no shame, morals or ethics…

    they are yet to introduce Afrikan studies to the majority Black population, but got racist Argentina, who can’t tell anyone what they did with their Black/African populations talking about introducing their brand of Spanish speaking and culture in Barbados, similarly, they got Venezuela whose Black/African population is all but invisible, voiceless and live in EXTREME POVERTY, despite decades of Venezuela’s oil wealth, but always deliberately kept poor, talking about introducting their brand of Spanish which is different to others across the Americas., all have a distinct difference, and their culture……

    still nothing about Afrikan languages and cultures from these crabs…..their greed for tourism dollars and opening the doors for the lowest types of RACISTS makes them REPULSIVE…that’s why i was happy to see them embarrass themselves with this Ukraine situation..

  4. TLSNMarch 1, 2022 2:23 PM

    H.A. warned you guys about Eastern Europeans. In the UK we use to have more than a million Poles living there.


    H.A. needs to bone up on H.A.’s history!!

    Poles escaping Nazism made up the most successful RAF Squadron.

    From 1939, they fought in their countries, then the Battle of France, the Battle of Britain etc.

    Tens of thousands of Polish servicemen made it to England to continue the fight against Hitler.

    Poles, Czechs and other Eastern Europeans, Australians, New Zealanders, West Indians, Canadians, South Africans etc etc etc all combined to defeat Hitler.

    Russians, Ukrainians, Tartars, Lithuanians, French resisted.

    “By 1944 the Polish Armed Forces in the West numbered 195,000 personnel.”

    “Three Polish mathematicians, Jerzy Rozycki, Henryk Zygalski and Marian Rejewski also pioneered early decryption work that led to the Allies eventually cracking the ‘Enigma’ code, which is considered to have shortened the war by two years. Polish intelligence also operated one of the largest intelligence networks in Europe and Nazi Germany as part of the Allied war effort.”

  5. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    And if they think that Ukraine situation is going anywhere anytime soon…..ha!! last laugh is on will haunt them for a while…

  6. Enigma!!

  7. ” a million Poles”

    Poles were entitled to come to UK as citizens of Europe.

  8. It is being reported that Ukrainians have been refused entry to Israel. A country which practices apartheid against its Palestinian population.

  9. TLSN March 1, 2022 2:23 PM

    The proposed government iniative to enlarge our population by an extra 85,000 has to be challenged and beaten back.

    I am of the firm belief that you are an idiot who just like to criticise for the sake of it.

    Both the DLP and BLP talk bout increasing the population. What about that means that Mia Mottley plan to bring people from Europe, the Middle East or the other countries you keep talking about?

    There is an agreement within CARICOM that permits people from within the CARICOM region to live and work in any CARICOM state…

    So why the proposed increase in population can’t be made up from a combination of people from those islands?

  10. Obviously increasing the population has to be done in a way that will add value to Barbados economy. The problem is that we have an ageing population. We have to grow the tax base in a short time horizon. How do we do this to assure a win win. Let us leave the emotional and political clap trap outside.

  11. If H.A. knew H.A.’s history H.A. would realize that after WWII in 1945 and the collapse of Communism in 1991, most Jews in Ukraine would either be dead or had emigrated to Israel, their homeland.

    Genocide has a way of moving populations.

    Like the Ukrainians reserving space on trains for their women and children, H.A. will probably find something similar may be operating in Israel, space only for returning Jews.

    Has something to do with their appearance in the Bible as being God’s Chosen People..

    That’s where all the final action is going to take.

    H.A. should relax and just watch events unfold.

    “Ukraine had 840,000 Jews in 1959, a decrease of almost 70% from 1941 (within Ukraine’s current borders). Ukraine’s Jewish population declined significantly during the Cold War. In 1989, Ukraine’s Jewish population was only slightly more than half of what it was thirty years earlier (in 1959). The overwhelming majority of the Jews who remained in Ukraine in 1989 left Ukraine and moved to other countries (mostly to Israel) in the 1990s during and after the collapse of Communism.[22]”

  12. … in other words, Israel has already received the quota of displaced Ukrainians it is supposed to receive.

  13. … and they are awaiting the Messiah!!

  14. @555dubstreet,
    You need to become more conscious. Barbados is, thank God, a majority black country. I sometimes question your state of mind.

    A brutal civil war has been raging in Ethiopia over the last two years. Most countries are at best indifferent and unaware of this conflict. I feel for the Ukrainians however this country is overflowing with racists. We are witnessing a struggle between alpha male nationalists.

    The black world should never forget the treatment meted out to their brothers and sisters in the Ukraine in their quest to flee from a war zone.

    It is nonsensical to compare those post-war Poles with recently arrived Poles. They have little empathy for them. By the way, the Poles were largely supportive of the Nazis during the second World War. Don’t let John fool you.

  15. “You need to become more conscious. Barbados is, thank God, a majority black country. I sometimes question your state of mind.”

    BBD a breeding colony and a shipping port for slaves

    blacks don’t seem conscious rebels they seem subjugated

    “A brutal civil war has been raging in Ethiopia over the last two years.”

    there was a civil war for 25 years in Sr Lanka where terrorists killed civilians with suicide bombers. It was known as the war that the world forgot

    seems one white life is worth hundred black lives when it come to being news worthy

  16. And the USA have been carrying out drone air strikes in Somalia.

    But all of you who support everything certain countries do ain’t going to say nothing about that.

  17. @ David,
    Are you disagreeing with Frankless. Do you believe our Caricom family will lack the capacity to add value to our economy. Are you saying that other groups are better placed to perform this function?

  18. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    This is who the shameless, immoral and unethical are defending, they have a track record of defending racists to the end.

  19. @ 555dubstreet,
    I remember the civil war in Sri Lanka. And yes it was brutal. We in the Caribbean have remained a relatively safe haven. Sadly, this is not reflected in the development of our nation. We have regressed.

  20. “And the USA have been carrying out drone air strikes in Somalia.”

    Back to the USSR..
    maybe this new war will be the war to end wars as everyone seems anti-war but this could be spy vs spy propaganda for media

    when USA UK were droning and bombing ME they felt empowered and waved their flags in the air and it made their dicks hard

    same standards for investigations of war crimes should be retrospectively for wars UK and USA engaged in for last 20+ years

  21. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @555dubstreet March 1, 2022 4:20 PM “when USA UK were droning and bombing ME they felt empowered and waved their flags in the air and it made their dicks hard.”

    The women’s too?

    Or is getting an orgasmic joy from war and killing is an exclusively male-ist thingy?

  22. ONLY SOME PEOPLE HURT. (Blacks have to walk) also many other tales from blacks trying to leave Ukraine.
    Some were turned back at the Polish border and had to return and try Hungary.
    Hotels in Poland saying only Ukrainians, blacks sleeping on the streets.
    Burned in my memory is the site of the black players in the England football team being accosted on the field with vile abuse coming from the stands — by Ukranians.
    There are good people everywhere I appreciate, even in Poland where some black people have praised the treatment they received after arriving there from Ukraine.
    Demir has since come out and explained his choice not to wear the shirt, pointing towards the deaths of innocent people in the Middle East.

    Speaking to Football Anatolia, via Fanatik, Demir explained: “Thousands of people die every day in the Middle East.

    “I feel sad too. I share the pain of innocent people.

    “Those who ignore the persecution there are doing these things when it comes to Europe.

  23. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    John…how do you get it so wrong, those are NOT the people spoken about in the bible, they only WISH THEY WERE….they can’t even keep up the charade anymore, but you are still reaching with that lie…..

    ;RA..will not put up with you or that lie much longer…

  24. Caricom residents are free to visit Barbados to work in many areas including UWI grads.

  25. Wars always bring out the jingoism nationalism racism and mistrust of others, while uniting political parties together for a cause.
    Leaders in war times receive big boosts in popularity.

  26. “The women’s too?

    Or is getting an orgasmic joy from war and killing is an exclusively male-ist thingy?”

    Women don’t have penises but they still get horny their holes become dilated gaping begging to be filled

    Women get their tits out for the troops

    but give yourself a pat on the head to congratulate yourself for your reasoning for the Yoni Vag Sisterhood

  27. Yoni Vaj* Sisterhood

  28. begging to be filled with custard

  29. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    All the criminality against the world’s people for hundreds and hundreds of years, is coming to a head…take note.

  30. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @John March 1, 2022 7:42 AM “Black American and British journalists don’t seem to have any problem working in Ukraine. Skin colour is clearly not an issue.”

    My response: Journalists are different. Journalists DELIBERATELY step into war zones. And they come prepared with money etc. Typically students do not go deliberately go into war zones

    @John March 1, 2022 7:42 AM “The mostly male Africans who are fleeing need credible respected Governments which project their power and demand respect for their citizens if they want to get in line in front of the citizens of Ukraine.”

    My response: In a sudden war which NONE of the African students started, being stuck outside in the cold of winter, being therefore LEGITIMATE REFUGEES someone border official is making assessments about the respectablity and credibility and power of various governments? And you don’t find that very, very strange?

    @John March 1, 2022 7:42 AM “Home drums beat loudest!!”
    What home drums you talking ’bout. Ukranians at the Polish border are not trying to get home, they are fleeing home. Africans at the Polish border are also fleeing Ukraine.

    @John March 1, 2022 7:42 AM “the fleeing Africans are not doing a job.”

    My response: Being a full time student IS A JOB. Being a migrant worker IS A JOB.

  31. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @TLSN March 1, 2022 2:23 PM “H.A. warned you guys about Eastern Europeans. In the UK we use to have more than a million Poles living there. Collectively this group and their neighbours have brought with them their racist customs to the UK.”

    I am really surprised to read that the Poles had anything to teach the British about racism. I would have though that the British had already perfected their racist ways against other peoples, indigenous Americans, Africans, Indians, Middle Easterners etc.

    @TLSN March 1, 2022 2:23 PM “H.A. warned you guys about Eastern Europeans. In the UK WE use to have more than a million Poles living there.

    My response: And when you write “WE used to have” who exactly is the WE to whom you refer?

    I would think that if you and Hal and my 3 siblings had a right to be in the UK, so do the Poles.

  32. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved March 1, 2022 2:50 PM “their brand of Spanish which is different to others across the Americas., all have a distinct difference,”

    All Spanishes spoken in the Americas are mutually intelligible.

    Just as all Englishes taught anywhere are mutually intelligible…except for Birmingham English. Those Brummies talk real, real funny. Nobody can understand them.

  33. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “All Spanishes spoken in the Americas are mutually intelligible.”

    all have distinct differences, i speak the language and so do my family, got a son totally fluent, got everyone jealous, difference in pronounciation, understandable, but people tend to be jealous with their pronounciations, verbs, nouns, sentence structures etc…Cuba speaks a different type of spanish to this one, that one speaks different to the other one, etc, etc….

  34. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    but…is that the take away you got from my comment…am speaking about Afrikan descents knowing VERY LITTLE to NOTHING about Afrikan languages, cultures, traditions, history etc…give me something about that…

  35. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @Frank March 1, 2022 3:27 PM “There is an agreement within CARICOM that permits people from within the CARICOM region to live and work in any CARICOM state…”

    And also permits then, to fall in love, to marry to beget children, to raise families. Caribbean people have always moved around. My gap is pretty typical, people from St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Grenada, Jamaica and Trinidad. Some have been in Barbados for more that 50 years. Some “just come” 3 or 4 years ago. All good neighbors.

    In my village growing up there were always migrant laborers from St. Vincent and St. Lucia. One married a cousin of mine and their son played cricket for Barbados. You can’t be more Bajan than that.

  36. “I am really surprised to read that the Poles had anything to teach the British about racism. I would have though that the British had already perfected their racist ways against other peoples, indigenous Americans, Africans, Indians, Middle Easterners etc.”

    Racist immigrants are loved up by Brits, when white South Africans came in late 80’s and early 90’s they were treated better than blacks born and bred in UK from the moment they stepped off the planes.

  37. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    am speaking about Afrikan descents knowing VERY LITTLE to NOTHING about Afrikan languages, cultures, traditions, history etc..but being bombarded for the last 40 years with several different versions of spanish right along with all the other alien cultures and languages……everything except their own ancestral beginnings…don’t that seem strange to you..

    am saying that because knowing what i know, our African history, languages, culture, traditions etc are the best and right up there with all the other original ones….don’t you think Afrikan descents should at least know about it….there is a new official Afrikan language for worldwide usage, Kiswahilli, i have already started studying it..

  38. “but…is that the take away you got from my comment…am speaking about Afrikan descents knowing VERY LITTLE to NOTHING about Afrikan languages”

    There are over 100 African languages. I have met some Africans that speak 10-20 different languages

  39. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved March 1, 2022 5:47 PM “speaking about Afrikan descents knowing VERY LITTLE to NOTHING about Afrikan languages, cultures, traditions, history etc…give me something about that…”

    My family has been marrying into African families for nearly 50 years. There are already little grand Africans.

    We like marrying out, LOL!!! Africans, Chinese, Europeans, Filipinos, Jamaicans, St. Lucians, Trinis, Vincentians, sometimes we even marry people from St. Lucy, LOL!!!

    You need to chill.

  40. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    You chill….all those people your family married into…GOT THEIR OWN LANGUAGUES AND CULTURES etc……..chill on that…

    “There are over 100 African languages. I have met some Africans that speak 10-20 different languages”

    the dominant Afrikan group am from have 500 languages and dialects…it’s an Afrikan things…

  41. “the dominant Afrikan group am from have 500 languages and dialects…it’s an Afrikan things…”

    are you are knowledgeable African expert or a googler and bluffer

    psychopaths are master manipulators

  42. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Dummy…if you had googled it, like am sure others have, you would know which dominant Afrikan group speaks over 500 hundred languages and dialects…i have posted it on here before…what…you don’t think at least one Caribbean African knows which Afrikan lineage they originated from…while…newsflash…i know EVRYONE OF MINE…i made sure to find out…and many others, everyone in my family knows theirs…

    and if i know the European lineage i should at least know the Afrikan llineage as well..

    that’s how yall insult Black people, because you know most don’t know who they are or WHERE THEY CAME FROM, let alone their ancestral languages etc..

  43. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    you have only ever heard of 100 Afrikan languages…well there are literally THOUSANDS… now tell me how much more you know about Afrika than me, you have done it before…

    and as a matter of fact, i only mentioned one Afrikan ancestry…i carry quite a few different bloodlines, which all have different languages etc…

  44. so how many times have you been to Africa

    or is it only just the Africa of your mind

    Africa can be a romantic notion like Zion or Heaven

    with a brand name African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved that is not even in Africa

  45. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    you figure that one out, yall only interested in raping Afrika and destroying its original people ….i know which Afrikan bloodlines i carry…know my TRIBES and they know me….you can only squat there….

  46. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    bonne nuit SQUATTER…

  47. “yall only interested in raping Afrika and destroying its original people”

    you have the wrong number wrong perception runs you

    you have never been there but you won’t admit it

    you should ask you family and children to treat you

    as you would love it as a dream come true

  48. TLSNMarch 1, 2022 3:55 PM

    By the way, the Poles were largely supportive of the Nazis during the second World War.


    Especially the Poles who ended up in the Warsaw Ghetto.

    Many countries had their collaborators and for sure, there were some in the Warsaw Ghetto too.

    At the time of the war, even England and America had their Nazis (National Socialists) too, Communists as well.

    Once Hitler invaded the Ukraine as a prelude to invading Russia, members of the Communist Unions in America suddenly started working real hard in the shipyards where they were dilly dallying producing ships as America REACHED OUT to supply Russia.

    That’s why in many newsreels from the time you see the old Studebaker trucks on which are loaded Katyusha Rockets (Stalin’s Organ)

    America also REACHED OUT and supplied China in its fight against the occupying Japanese..

    After Pearl Harbour, all the communists and Nazis, well mostly all, (some became Democrats) became Americans

    Did you know that “The word ghetto comes from the Jewish area of Venice, the Venetian Ghetto in Cannaregio, traced to a special use of Venetian ghèto, meaning ‘foundry’, as there was one near the site of that city’s ghetto in 1516.[5] ”

    That is probably why the Warsaw Ghetto was also a Jewish area.

    Nowadays the only people who claim to live in a Ghetto are …well … not Jews as far as I can tell.

    Another demographic now claims habitation in the Ghetto as a badge of honor .. must be in memory of the Jewish experience!!.

  49. Cuhdear BajanMarch 1, 2022 5:57 PM

    … we even marry people from St. Lucy, LOL!!!


    The North of Barbados is quite distinct from the south.

    Anyone like to venture a guess as to why?

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