Submitted by Ras Jahaziel

This inferior behaviour substantiates the claim that your were just naked savages until the white-man came and civilized you.

Source: Rastafarivisions

176 responses to “THE CURSE OF INFERIORITY”

  1. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Pacha…not only are ALL THE ISLANDS still colonies and ACTIVE slave societies…BUT…WE ARE ALL COUSINS….BY BLOOD….

    that’s the foundation to build on…sans corrupt, greedy, power hungry politicians and wannabe dictators…

    les voleurs will always be in the background doing what they do best…..

  2. Waru
    Those familial connections are indeed true but even that simply truism has no effective resonance in this region.

    We do not even care about Bajans who went to Panama, and are this there today, as a function of socalled independence, repulblicanism, far less Haitians we consider too Afrikan in physiogamy, cultural practises etc. They can be ignored by us deemed nearer to the White god.

    Rassoul Bajans generally see Haitians as devil worshippers as ignorance prevent us from seeing Voodoo as the scientific and original manifestation of recognition by humans of The Creator’s presence.

  3. @Pacha

    Barbadians will view Haitians based on what they are being exposed i.e. western indoctrination and not fit for purpose educational system.

  4. Yes. And after 54 years of independence that is still true but instead of fixing that we are to double down with the further foction of republicanism.

    Just like the damage done to natural population growrh by Gollop and the FPA. Instead of fixing that, we promote bulling at the demands of the colonial power. These are the behavious of slaves, not free people.

  5. Fiction

  6. @Pacha

    Is it a reasonable expectation that moving to a republic could be part of a strategy to address the education deficit?

  7. David
    Dream on! Where has such an “irrational” expectation materialized anywhere in christendom.

  8. @Pacha

    “I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low. The rough places will be plain and the crooked places will be plain and the crooked places will be made straight…”

  9. This is the kind of talk which buttresses modern slavery formations.

  10. Why Pacha, because thought leadership is fueled by a visualization by individuals/leaders of what must change?

  11. David
    No. Those shiite talkers have been instrumental in leading us to this dead end with their propaganda.

  12. The same old tumble weed of loud noises and no substance

  13. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “We do not even care about Bajans who went to Panama,”

    yep…both wicked governments stole their properties and am sure robbed their bank accounts…there is no compassion or care for each other…only tiefing to prance around pretending they got pedigree…..and are infused with the minds of Slaves and fighting to kepp the population like minded…these are crimes against humanity…

    ..but we can identify the savages, and train the young to keep a distance and isolate them away from Black/African people…there are ways to section them off…everything is now dependent on the young people whose minds they are desperately trying to poison with their nastiness and self-hatred.

    with all the African centred education/studies available EVERYWHERE…that is now TAUGHT to African descended in more intelligent socieites…… and these clowns can’t get it going period..won’t even try… would they manage to do so just because the word republic is added…

    we got a branded Slave on here boasting how he was educated under the Slave system and how well he turned out…in his mind ….and don’t even realize how many people are reading his rubbish that only serves to prove us right…

  14. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Haiti ended slavery….

  15. WURA-War-on-U Avatar


    Haiti ended CHATTEL slavery….

    and not a dime in any reparations should go into the hands of corrupt, tiefing black governments..

  16. Here is a History lesson for Black Pickney

    The European White Man Stopped Slavery in 1833

    (the class shout hooray!!)

    But, then the European White Man colonised Africa 1870 when the heard of it’s resources

    (the class shout boo!!)

  17. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Pacha…ya see this statement here by Prof Hillary…as true as it is, the question the people have to ask all of them is WHY THEY CONTINUE THE COLONIAL CHARADE knowing that all it will ever do is lead to murder of the same leaders who UPHOLD IT…….because that is clearly what it has DEVOLVED TO over the last 50 years….black politicians are the ones keeping it alive and REFUSE TO LET IT GO..and DRAGGING Black populations right along with them,,,…

    and now we will here that is Europe, UK and North America forcing them to do it……wait for it…

    “The UWI Regional Headquarters, Jamaica – The assassination of President Moïse of Haiti is the latest dramatic reflection of the culture of murderous political violence that has typified the colonisation of the Caribbean, and whose legacy continues to speak to the devalued worth of black life, especially in our hemisphere.

    Political murder and social mayhem have long been the management tools used to maintain the misery and marginalisation of the Caribbean as it marches inexorably to the rendezvous of democracy as a freedom victory.

    No country in the modern world has paid as great a human and material price as Haiti in seeking to convert its rubble of bloody imperial domination into a viable democratic nation state. In this regard, the murder of Moïse is the latest in a legacy that includes political leaders such as Walter Rodney and Maurice Bishop.”

  18. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    UK just recently said they are not racist and removed themselves from any responsibility regarding the spread of racism in UK, so of course they “know nothing” about racism in Barbados and the Caribbean…”it wasn’t them.”

    ..if all these degreed colonial ministers etc…. can’t see it’s a sign… A TELL…. to remove THE PEOPLE from the colonial construct….they deserve to stay in it and KILL EACH OTHER…

    btw…do we have to remind the professor that politics…IS A COLONIAL CONSTRUCT…and just as deadly to Africans as all the other structures……

  19. It is being reported that Haiti’s Oligarchs are responsible for the President’s assassination. Could a similar fate be replicated in Barbados should it become a republic. Barbados has its own power crazed minority oligarchs who are hungry for power and appear to exercise more power on a daily basis.

    Left unchecked these individualss have the potential to destroy this government.

  20. So….the solution is to hang on to the white queen????

  21. As a woman who would actually have had to bear the umpteen children you sex-crazed men would have sired without any consideration for the distress it causes your partners, I thank WHOEVER for birth control.

    Only men, who experience the pleasure without the pain, begrudge women control over their own bodies.

  22. And next…. I suggest we are not promoting homosexual activity but simply accepting it.

    Who the rasshole do you think you are to seek to control the bodies of others?????!!!!!

  23. Unable to contribute.

  24. “UK just recently said they are not racist and removed themselves from any responsibility regarding the spread of racism in UK”

    But, U-know U-got-to put white shit in context… … Tory’s Rightwing / Racist Party’s self regulating self inquiry says there is no blatant systemic institutional racism anymore to minimise black lives matter protests and shut down truth. After 500 years of white supremacy racism and colonialism of British Empire their new racism v2.0 is more subtle and less blatant like the specious arguments of alt-right of trump trolls, they call racism populism now

  25. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “Left unchecked these individualss have the potential to destroy this government.”

    too late, DBLP governments are useless to African descendants, openly take bribes to keep racism, oppression and suppression alive and well in African lives and legislatate with the fake theiving oligarchs in to enslave hotel and domestic workers , don’t pay them decent salaries or severance (racist sandy lane publicly robbed them their salaries) and established the island as a haven for minoritiy criminals…so that their money laundering, gun and drug running can continue to run smoothly….they have dragged themselves to the bottom with corruption..

    ..the only direction left for them is a quicker downward spiral..

  26. Africans have been in India for a very longtime. They have struggled to make an impact unlike recently arrived east Indians to the Caribbean region.

    Wake up people – please!

  27. The first African American contestant to win National Spelling Bee is now aiming for Harvard, the NBA and NASA

  28. How could this be?
    I am opposed to the death penalty, but I am hoping that Haiti hangs all of them on the same day.
    It would be horrific, even barbaric, but it would send a very strong message to all.

  29. Who can remember the failed attempted coup when a group of mercenaries linked to Margaret Thatcher’s son was aborted at Harare airport in Zimbabwe. They were on their way to Equatorial Guinea to exploit its wealthy resources.

    When one considers Haiti’s geographical location; It has no choice but to send out a decisive message to her neighbours. These mercenaries will be executed. We are talking about a revolutionary black country with a proud past. Who are we to tell them how they should act. These mercenaries would have already been lynched by the public if not for the Haitian army.

  30. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    It works both ways, hope it also opens the eyes of politicians who believe that it’s legal to keep their people sequestered in generational poverty after election…just because they say so and legislate it ILLEGALLY

    ……and as for the wannabe dictators…ya welcome to try, since you LEARNED NOTHING IN 400 YEARS…ya made yourself so DISPOSABLE..

  31. Are the rising levels of gun crime and the availability of guns in the region attributable to South America’s criminal fraternity? Is the Caribbean region been looked at us low-hanging fruit? And Is there a link between them and some of our domestic, minority businesses?

    I have heard that the Haitians are now targeting anymore who looks remotely Colombian.

  32. American & Columbian mercenaries arrested in Haiti.

  33. So…who hired the mercenaries and why?

    Poor people don’t have money to hire mercenaries so this was not an action born of the masses.

    Was Moise for the poor people or against them?

    I am confused.

  34. Growing Versus Thriving

    In this life you have to be in an environment where you are surrounded by people who want you to do well, in school, work, socialising, the community you live etc

    This means avoiding countries like england canada and america, europe etc where insincere whites treat blacks like 2nd class citizens

    Racism is not defeated by tolerating others but by appreciating them

    Donna, Haiti is now calling for American troops to act as security to avoid a takeover coup
    But, Nowadays military employ mercenaries for black ops
    could USA be employing the problem reaction solution paradigm for their new world odour again

  35. Haiti politics is confusing and mind boggling
    At one point Haitians are accusing the USA of nefarious actions which undermine their governance
    Now today Haitians are asking the USA for help in securing their country interest
    Wasn’t this the same USA military that said was part and parcel in prepretrating lewd and indecent behaviour against the people of Haiti along with infecting it’s water
    Haiti I say to u Solve yuh own internal problems

  36. Bay of pigs playbook

  37. Bay of pigs playbook:

  38. Western Financial System /Ponzi Scheme ( US dollars as fiat currency ) is the root for all the chaos around the globe:

    America & other imperialist western powers use the corrupt western financial system to create trillion of dollars out of thin air.

    1)They force other nations to use US currency for trade ( e.g Saudi Arabia will only accept US dollars for oil).

    2)The IMF use trillion of dollars in loans created out of thin air to lure small nations into a debt trap. Loans must be repaid in US dollars.

    3) Trillion of dollars created from thin air used to fund mercenaries & proxy wars to achieve regime change & steal RESOURCES in Africa & the third world.

    Mercenaries are given massive contracts ( e.g ,100 million US dollar ) to overthrow a country/ assassinate a foreign leaders.

    Gold , diamond , platinum , copper all have real intrinsic value, however US dollar ( created on a printing press ) has none.

    Light & other energy forms are the driving force in the universe/ nature , not US dollars. The SUN is the driving force behind our existence on the planet not US dollars, the Ancient Egyptian realized this thousand of year ago.

  39. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Just had an interesting conversation regarding the art of DECEPTIVENESS.

    ..i remember the power hungry government running around like a whirlwind when elected, made a trip to Suriname and upon return told the population about all the opportunities available for farming, i pointedly asked about the language and cultural barriers seeing as the local people on the island only speak standard english and bajan patois….and DO NOT SPEAK is not offered as a course anywhere in Barbados, never was….

    .the wicked little yardfow/Slave jumped out to tell us about its experience in Amsterdam, which am sure was limited to the world famous redlight district….which is universal language…

    .but none of them bothered to tell the people they were trying to LURE to Suriname that others were there before for DECADES…the language and cultural barriers kept them isolated, they could not even get married and spent DECADES in Suriname with no benefits and were returned to Barbados in their 70s and 80s, just as poor as when they left… straight to the alms house because they worked and achieved NOTHING……it did not surprise me one bit….that Mia KNOWS this and said nothing…

    as we have come to learn your colonial politicians/ministers are FRAUDS and only USEFUL for the express purpose of keeping Black/African people ENSLAVED and in generational poverty…

  40. “The SUN is the driving force behind our existence on the planet not US dollars, the Ancient Egyptian realized this thousand of year ago.”

    Only solar energy and ancestral resources have any value…

  41. @Rick ross July 10, 2021 8:14 AM
    Light & other energy forms are the driving force in the universe/ nature , not US dollars. The SUN is the driving force behind our existence on the planet not US dollars, the Ancient Egyptian realized this thousand of year ago. (Unquote).

    One of the most profound ‘observations’ ever etched on the pages of BU.

    You must be commended for your attempt to bring black people into the Light of knowledge and save them from the ‘dark curse’ of the ‘white’ man-made god and the lie of ‘his’ only begotten son.

    Until blacks come to the recognition (and acceptance) of that Source responsible for their melanin-enriched skin they will always see themselves as not equal to the ‘others’ on the totem pole of humanity.

    Let us keep trying to save ourselves from the darkness of ignorance.

  42. re that Source responsible for their melanin-enriched skin

    Please kindly explain how that Source is responsible for melanin-enriched skin
    I honestly want to learn how this happens. Thanks.

  43. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    Looks like they are turning on each other for PETTY power…400 years and they LEARNED NOTHING…not one of the idiots in the Caribbean upholding Black generational poverty….are of any use to the people who elect them…told yall that politicians CANNOT BE TRUSTED in any way, shape or form…they are too traitorous to the people.

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