Submitted by Ras Jahaziel

This inferior behaviour substantiates the claim that your were just naked savages until the white-man came and civilized you.

Source: Rastafarivisions

176 responses to “THE CURSE OF INFERIORITY”

  1. Pacha do you think the Clintons should go back in and help, what happened to all that money they got for haiti anyways

  2. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Donna
    I can assure you my eyes are opened and I do see. Some people’s problem is that I do not see what they see. But that is their problem ;not mine. One of the products of our system of Education is the ability to think critically and to check the facts.
    Moreover we must continue to learn after leaving our institutions of learning, One does not go to school merely to collect a load of facts/ opinions. I am still learning that is why I can reject nonsense when I see it.

  3. Was it not said the meek not the strong will inherit the eath, I said meek waru not geek so stop going around biting heads off chickens.

  4. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Lawson at 2:25 PM
    Is that what was written? Or are you quoting a very loose translation of the original.? I just asking on behalf of a fellow CoE member.

  5. David
    As a general principle, yes.
    However, there are significant historical departures from that Judeo-Christian norm.

    It maybe augued that the Clintons represent the fountainhead of the most recent cycle of crimes against the Haitian people. When one is unwell it is not an undertaker sought. LOL

  6. David
    It was always imprecise to call Afrikan peoples a race, or subject us to the inferiority – superiority matrix. For if there is to be a superior human it would have to be the first ones who gave birth to the rest of mankind. The ones who peopled the entire earth long before the time before time, long before there were “races”.

    How could the original humans on earth, by a long way, long before there was even this very recent notion of this superiority-inferiority bs construct be relegated to such a recent concoction.

    How could the Mother of all humans be so categorized as equal to Her children. Only in the minds of White devils.

    Even now we know with certainty that two White people or two Asians or two anything else could never produce melanated Afrikans. But two Afrikans can produce any of these socalled races. Then who is really superior? Who is inferior?

    Certainly, this lack of logic is not naturally occuring amongst any other lifeforms.

    Indeed, there was a time when the truth about our existence was well known.

    You must thank your dirty religions for creating this generalized fiction so inconsistent with the “right order of things” as so outlined in Ma’at.

    Of course, the general tendency amongst Black people will be the continuance of the servile search for an ever elusive notion of equality with rasssoul White people. We beg to demure..

  7. @Pacha

    You answered your question, the superiority issue is a man made contract born from reasons you know well.

  8. David
    Do you know, for example, that all, and we mean all, the secrets throughout the upper reaches of all the lodges in the world are about Afrikan peoples?

    Everybody knows this but Black people. This writer has even been warned not to talk certain things. For these people have a way of making threats disappear. Such is the determination to hide the truth from us. LOL

  9. Maybe you should break that promise, you are Pachamama after all.

  10. Yes, maybe
    And you are to deepen your analysis, away from the mundane, the surface, maybe?

  11. Blacks are first world people in the context of the white man’s world and are superior not inferior to white.
    It has taken 5 generations to overcome the karma and prejudice of slavery and racism with immigration and integration in some countries, although blacks have been in USA from day one.
    People may see the next generation of teens today as being strong not willing to being subjected to racism, but I see the next generation children just starting school as being the ones who won’t take any racism in any form, they are born with the knowledge of what they can be.

  12. Vincent loose translation, I figure it means when all the shooting stops the guys that have been hiding in their basements come out and get whats left. lol

  13. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ 555 Dub at 5:58 PM

    Why must there be a ”superior” and an “inferior” human being? Is it that difficult to conceive all men as equals,deserving mutual respect and love? Are you not using the same categorizing formula as those you condemn?

  14. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “all, the secrets throughout the upper reaches of all the lodges in the world are about Afrikan peoples?

    Everybody knows this but Black people. ”

    at least 95% are totally clueless……the others have already figured it out.

  15. “Why must there be a ”superior” and an “inferior” human being? Is it that difficult to conceive all men as equals,deserving mutual respect and love? Are you not using the same categorizing formula as those you condemn?”

    Whites and Asians died much quicker from Slavery

    If lessons in life are dependant on how much shit you have gone through

    Blacks have gone through much more shit

  16. @ Pachamama July 7, 2021 4:51 PM
    Certainly, this lack of logic is not naturally occuring amongst any other lifeforms.
    Indeed, there was a time when the truth about our existence was well known.
    You must thank your dirty religions for creating this generalized fiction so inconsistent with the “right order of things” as so outlined in Ma’at. (Unquote).

    It has always intrigued the miller how a people so well–endowed with melanin- and so close to the Source of Life on this planet- could be so psychologically vulnerable to the stolen myths, legends and downright lies of the ‘European’ man which paint the same ebony-skin lifeforms in the most degrading light.

    How many blacks, whether ‘educated’ (like your ‘friend Vincent C.) or ‘simple’ in their understanding like “ac”) have heard of “Ma’at” as compared to a European-invented Virgin Mary?

    Are we wasting our ‘time’ in trying to bring light to the darkness caused by the absence of knowledge among a lost people?

    Or are the words as written in the Jewish version of the universal Flood Story ringing true when Yahweh, on the ‘instruction’ of the drunkard Noah, puts a curse on the ‘blackened’ descendants of Ham? Lol!

  17. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “Are we wasting our ‘time’ in trying to bring light to the darkness caused by the absence of knowledge among a lost people?”

    they cannot handle much truth and most seek comfort in mental slavehood anyway…and are incapable of saying why..’s the next generation better equipped mentally to relate to reality…

    the old hardheads cannot easily find their way back…and nobody got the time to lead anybody out of anyhting…collateral damage..

  18. The Miller
    Yes, we’ve been. Of course, La Guillotine has some potential in pointing us to a definitive resolution.

  19. Atrocious act

    Region’s leaders condemn killing of Haiti’s President Moise
    PRIME MINISTER Mia Amor Mottley joined regional leaders yesterday in strongly condemning the assassination of Haiti’s President Jovenel Moise.
    Moise, 53, was shot and killed at his private residence above the hills of Port-au-Prince during an armed attack in the early hours of the morning. Media reports that his wife had died at hospital from wounds received during the attack have been denied.
    Outgoing Haiti Prime Minister Claude Joseph has called on the population for calm and said that the police and the army would maintain order.
    Work for peace
    As Moise’s killing sparked an outcry from regional and international leaders, Mottley described the assassination as “an atrocious act which Barbados vehemently condemns”.
    “Violence can never be a solution and must be rejected in all circumstances. Barbados urges all to pause and work at all costs for peace. The Haitian people deserve this. It is the necessary foundation for their stability and for democracy to emerge to protect them against the many vagaries they face, man-made and otherwise. We pray for the swift recovery of his wife,” she added.
    Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston Browne, who is also the chairman of the 15-member regional grouping, said yesterday that he would convene a meeting of the regional leaders to discuss the latest situation.
    “I am shocked to hear about the assassination of President Moise and I pray the full recovery of his wife, who is reported to be hospialised with bullet wounds,” Browne said, adding “the savagerous act is a very unfortunate development coming at a time of great instability to Haiti.
    “I hope the Prime Minister and other members of the Cabinet will be able to hold things together to prevent further chaos and confusion,” Browne told the Caribbean Media Corporation.
    Jamaica’s Prime Minister Andrew Holness said he met and spoke with Moise on several occasions and “in all my interactions with him, particularly within CARICOM, I found him to be a man committed to seeing Haiti take her place in the world.
    Stain on Haiti
    “This heinous act is a stain on Haiti and a sorrowful time for the region. May God be a special covering over his family and over the people of Haiti during this dark time in the nation’s history,” Holness added.
    Guyana President Dr Irfaan Ali said those responsible “for this indefensible and cowardly execution must be brought swiftly to justice”.
    “Political assassination has no place in the contemporary Caribbean. It solves nothing nor resolves anything. Such murderous actions are repugnant to the values of the regional integration movement and incompatible with democratic values and constitutional rule.”
    CARICOM leaders jointly issued a statement yesterday, calling for the perpetrators to be apprehended and brought to justice, and for law and order to prevail.
    “In accordance with its values, as expressed in its Charter of Civil Society, the Caribbean Community does not settle its differences by violence which undermines democracy and the rule of law, but peacefully through dialogue and recourse to democratic institutions,” the statement said.
    “In light of Haiti’s membership of CARICOM and the family ties that bind the people of Haiti and CARICOM together, CARICOM expresses its willingness to play a lead role in facilitating a process of national dialogue and negotiation to help the Haitian people and their institutions to craft an indigenous solution to the crisis.”
    Faced fierce protests
    After taking office as president in 2017, Moise, a banana exporter-turnedpolitician, faced fierce protests over corruption allegations and his management of the economy. This year, opposition leaders accused him of seeking to install a dictatorship by overstaying his mandate and becoming more authoritarian. He denied those accusations.
    Moise had ruled by decree for more than a year after the country failed to hold legislative elections, and he sought to push through a controversial constitutional reform that he said would finally fix the problems causing Haiti’s instability.

  20. Vincent has always strucked me as being a lost soul. A man incapable or unwilling to question his existence as a descendant of an enslaved people.

    I have always questioned why so many of our people have adopted the religions of their oppressors. If a woman conceived a child from a rapist would she go out of her way to allow that child to have contact with the rapist father?

    Vincent, in your capacity to remain aloof from the reality of your history you have left the door open to the descendants of those oppressors to repeat their exploits from yesteryear and today.

    Go and look at the names of some your so-called high profile business leaders in Barbados. You should also ask why under the previous administration a request was made for the UAE to pay off Barbados debt; and why under Mia’s administration has the decision been made to open an embassy in Marocco and the UAE.

    How can black nations’ interests be served when they align themselves with Arab Muslims and their religion. Why place your head into a lion’s mouth? Especially when you know that lion will remove your head.

    Draw a line from Ghana to Kenya and you will see Arab nations supporting a multitude of renegades and militants to take stretches of African land in order to spread the reach of Islam.

    Vincent it’s time for you to wake up.

  21. I have noticed Caricom leaders scrambling to condemn the assassination of Haiti’s president. Within the Caribbean region, Haiti has always been seen as the poor relative that no one visits.

    Caricom still has the capacity to offer hope and a higher standard of living to Haiti. It remains a mystery as to why this country has been neglected by her neighbours. Perhaps they are too black in their complexion and too poor for us to be associated with them. After all, we have more than enough of these people fitting this description in our separate Islands. The sort of people that Vincent would not take kindly to.

  22. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “It remains a mystery as to why this country has been neglected by her neighbours.”

    they will not say much because they KNOW they enable the same economic slavery against Black majority populations in the countries where they were elected, all along the island chain, for the corruption element to fill their pockets with bribe money….so of course they will condemn, but will never address the modern day slavery….

    as long as it has SHOCKED THEM to know that NO ONE LIKES DICTATORS…ah think they got the message.

    .they don’t see what they continue to do to Black populations as SAVAGENESS, .they need a more serious eye-opener to help them shed the notion of the outright modern day slavery that they condone AND PROFIT FROM…….then they will learn that enlightened people WILL NOT TOLERATE economic or any other type of slavery directed at Black people or any of their offspring in the 21st century….that will be the most resounding message yet to come…so they better buckle their seat belts..

    …there is no loss when a dictator is gone, especially when they have LEARNED NOTHING in 400 years…….removing a stain from Black lives is not a loss, there are too many stains left to clean up..

  23. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Vincent is a pre-birth, born and bred Slave, there are those chosen for that role generationally, from a plantation breeding ground ……the experiment was a phenomenal success.

  24. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    People living for decades in abject poverty on under $2 a day, but he is looking to increase power, obviously to keep them right there instead of BETTERING THEIR LIVES…….all of these lying vote begging frauds do the same thing, when there ARE other available ALTERNATIVES…but all they want is power to betray and lord it over the people…i have no use for any of them…

    and as usual, none of them can agree on anything…why do people even bother to vote..

    “4 suspected in assassination of Haitian president killed, 2 more arrested
    JUL 07, 2021 AT 11:01 PM

    Four people suspected of assassinating Haiti’s president were killed Wednesday and two others had been arrested by nightfall, authorities said.

    Mercenaries gunned down President Jovenel Moïse at his home in Port-au-Prince early Wednesday morning in a coordinated attack. His wife, Martine Moïse, was injured and flown to a hospital in Miami.

    Three Haitian police officers held hostage by the attackers were also freed Wednesday, police chief Léon Charles said.

    Cops described the attackers as heavily armed and well-trained. Their motive, or the motive of whoever hired them, is still unclear. Moïse had recently faced large protests as he moved to increase his power.

    Interim Prime Minister Claude Joseph, an ally of Moïse, condemned the attacks. Joseph told the Associated Press he was now in charge, but incoming Prime Minister Ariel Henry appeared to disagree in a separate interview.

    Haiti’s international airport was closed Wednesday as the country attempted to figure out who would rule the nation.

    The President outranks the Prime Minister in Haiti, as Moïse had appointed Henry to the job one day before he was assassinated.”

  25. @TLSN

    In your estimation how can the Caribbean help Haiti. Do you recall when there was an attempt to allow displaced Haitians to enter Barbados the cry by some on this blog? We use convenient arguments to suit our agenda of the day.

  26. @David,

    The Haitians are dirt poor. Why do you want them to leave their country of birth? Would it not make sense for Caricom nations to donate a small percentage of their GDP; in which they can set up institutions on the ground to assist the most marginalised communities within the country. Health care, education, renewable energy, food production, small scale property development, etc. We have enough talent and wealth on our Island to assist our Haitian brothers and sisters. The problem is we do not have the will. We have the poor throughout the Caribbean. Our leaders have a poor record of advancing the interests of this group.

  27. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Looks like the other stains in Black lives in the judiciary etc… could be responsible if we are getting the whole story..

    “Moise was a controversial president who had been accused of remaining in office illegally
    President Moise’s assassination comes after years of protests that accused him of corruption and dictatorial practices. These protests only increased in February, when Moise’s opponents claimed that the president was overstaying his term in office, a charge Moise denied. At issue was a disagreement concerning Moise’s election and the starting date of his presidential term. Moise initially ran for president of Haiti in 2015, but his victory was annulled after accusations of widespread fraud. New elections were delayed for more than one year, and Moise finally took office in February 2017.

    The country’s constitution states that the presidential term lasts five years and begins on February 7 following the presidential election. Moise’s foes say the 5-year period began with the first election, meaning that Moise’s term expired in February 2021 and that he was illegally remaining in office past that date. They called on him to step down and even named a replacement, Supreme Court Justice Joseph Mécène Jean-Louis, to serve as interim president. Moise, meanwhile, maintained that his term started when he actually took office in February 2017. This interpretation placed the end date of Moise’s term as February 2022.

    The identities of Moise’s assassins remain unknown, but there are clues
    The prime minister’s announcement of Moise’s death states that some of the assailants spoke in Spanish during the attack. Other reports, allegedly based on videos taken by residents in the neighborhood where President Moise lived, claim that several of the assailants spoke English with American accents and falsely announced themselves as agents of the American Drug Enforcement Agency or DEA. French is the official language of Haiti. The Haitian embassy in Canada described the assailants as “mercenaries” in a Wednesday morning tweet.
    The assassination follows a disputed February coup attempt
    In February, the Haitian government announced that security forces arrested nearly two dozen people and seized supplies of money and weapons that were alleged to be part of a planned coup. The alleged plotters, including a high-ranking police officer and Supreme Court Justice Yvickel Dabresil, were planning to kill Moise, according to the president’s office.

    Dabresil was soon released based on international pressure, and most of the other arrested individuals were freed the following month on order of a judge who ruled that they had been illegally arrested. Retired American diplomat Dan Whitman, who last served in Haiti 20 years ago, was accused of being the mastermind behind the coup, an accusation that Whitman said “couldn’t be more bizarre and more untrue.” International critics of Moise accused the president of using the claim of the February coup to justify his own continued rule.

    Haiti has endured disasters for thirty years, but conditions grew worse under Moise
    Haiti has experienced a string of human-made and natural disasters over the past three decades, exacerbating the political and economic instability of the country. Since 1991, the country has faced multiple coups, as well as several outside interventions, including a 1994 U.S. invasion and a United Nations peacekeeping mission that arrived in 2004.

    The country has also suffered from various natural disasters, including a devastating 2010 earthquake that killed 300,000 people, shortly followed by a widespread cholera outbreak that left thousands more dead. Hurricane Matthew hit the country hard in 2016, and the COVID-19 pandemic continues to plague the nation. As other politicians have done, Moise came into office promising to bolster the country’s economy and improve Haitians’ standard of living.

    Under Moise, economic conditions failed to improve. Furthermore, Haiti was rocked by violence during his time in office, including deadly protests against his rule, assassinations of opposition figures and murders and kidnappings targeting everyday people, particularly those in the country’s middle class.

    In addition to remaining in power past the time that his opponents argued his term should end, Moise also postponed legislative elections in the wake of the protests that gripped the country. This left the president, without a new legislature in place, to rule by decree, further exacerbating claims that his rule was illegal and undemocratic.

    Moise’s death may bring further political instability to Haiti
    Per the provisions of the Haitian constitution, the country’s prime minister becomes acting president upon the death of a sitting president. Claude Joseph, who only took office as Interim Prime Minister in April, has indicated that he is currently acting president. However, President Moise had on Monday announced the appointment of a new prime minister, Ariel Henry, who was scheduled to be sworn in today.

    The timing of Moise’s death therefore leaves uncertainty as to which official – Joseph or Henry – is actually next in line to take office. Beyond this latest unusual political circumstance, the political instability that has characterized the Moise presidency is unlikely to end with his death, and fights to replace the slain president could plunge the country even deeper into crisis. With details of the assassination and the nature of the post-Moise government still being determined, it remains to be seen how this latest crisis will be resolved.”

  28. @TLSN

    How does donating a small part of our GDP to a corrupt governance system help? Would that be tantamount to throwing water in the sea.

  29. This same economic elite backed by Canada, America, the UN, France, England and China is endemic throughout the Caribbean. They have us on a life-support machine. This is exactly where they want us to remain. And yet, there are some on here who talk about us becoming a republic. What nonsense!

  30. @ David,
    We send our own people to Haiti. We should only seek the approval of their government and should remain apolitical.

  31. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    The above article is from Blavity..

    “Our leaders have a poor record of advancing the interests of this group.”

    the stains in black lives once elected are only interested in:

    parading themselves on the world stage and convince themselves that everyone is impressed by them,

    telling unending lies to everyone even to ILO to uphold corruption,

    keeping the status quo of thieves and criminals intact to perpetrate never ending modern day slavery,

    and consolidating their small time power so they cannot be removed…

    They care nothing bout those they cement into oppression to keep them in generational poverty and fighting each other over dirty, rancid politics/political parties…….that is the extent to their aspirations to lead Black countries to nowhere…but everyone is now on to them………and ENJOYING their SHOCK at being found out…while everything BACKFIRES…

    I believe just like with Toussaint, Haitians will have to free themselves from black face criminals pretending to be leaders…

  32. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Waiting for “the world leaders” to CONDEMN and ADDRESS the modern day slavery in Haiti….and ACROSS the Caribbean….and actually do something about the CORRUPT governments…

    the lip service is old and getting older by the second.

  33. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    It’s unfortunate that children (3 of them) had to witness the end result of the greed and stupidity of power hungry parents who see nothing wrong with the enslavement of those who look just like them…

    That is the type of danger the corrupt and dictators put everyone, including their families in…..that right there is heinousness attracting more heinousness.

  34. David
    These pious suggestions of “helping Haiti” should first start by helping self.

    A better question would be, how come we dont first help ourselves, since there is a presumption implicit in your question that we’re somehow better off in this White man’s dominated world, by maximizing the liberation struggle started by Haiti 200 years ago.

    Your question invites the same White man saviour critique pointed at some yesterday.

  35. @Pacha

    The suggestion to TLSN was meant to be provocative. Haiti is a member of the Caribbean community like Cuba, we allow geopolitics and ideology to separate us.

  36. Concrete Jungle Beat of the Drum
    The Roots Children, and the Black Man and Mothering Slaves were taken from the tropical jungles of deepest Afrika in chains and transplanted in the concrete jungles of new world colonial captured lands robbed of their names, culture, religion, music, freedom and liberty to serve the perverted whims of wicked ugly pale stale neanderthal lizard alien albinos who caught skin cancer and wrinkled and aged badly. Who are the real savages, my beloveds. You cannot be equals to the white devils as you are better than that, you are spiritual tribal warriors with knives.

  37. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Pacha…i wish they ALL from Pope White Dress…to all the world leaders …..including the ones in the Caribbean now in FAKE SHOCK…….would just as energetically condemn the modern day slavery and corruption happening from Haiti to right across the island chain just as they are vocal in condemning the assassination….which the former prompted… a cause and effect..

  38. David
    We allow cowardice to separate us.

    Not every issue has a remedy in your useless “geopolitics and ideology”.

    Where were your geopolitics and ideology when the Haitians expelled the French and made the end of slavery possible. One good turn deserves another.

    Yet, you think like a slave.

  39. @Pacha

    When was the French expelled from Haiti? Our islands were colonies at that time?

    Enjoy your sabbatical LOL.

  40. David
    These islands are still colonies. For there is not one shiiite anybody in barbados can do not approved by Washington.

    The best slaves are those not knowing that they are indeed still in bondage.

  41. Those who pretend independence and repulicanism.

  42. @Pacha

    The so-called development first world are slaves to the capitalists; the very rich. We live in an imperfect world.

  43. Study Music
    Sunset Ritual
    A Tribal Dance

  44. David
    France still effectively has 14 colonies in Afrika. In the Caribbean there are other including martinique and Guadeloupe.

    All these colonies are provinces of France or have a pretence of independence but all their resources are controlled by the racist French.
    Washington and the imf plays the same role for the Anglophone Caribbean islands you foolishly believe are independent.
    And rassoul Mugabe talking shiiite bout republic only follows that fiction of independence. An independence which was a function of a cia project to expell the british from these lands.
    David, the slave, needs an awakening.

  45. When it is time to get jumping
    We don’t mess around
    Listen to the sound
    Start to move to get in a groove

  46. Waru

    Your reading of the anatomy of this region has always been right.

    Disturbing to the psychology of modern day slaves by wholly precise.

  47. But

  48. My Name Is
    Busiswa Gqulu, Zinhle, Renato Xtrova
    Remix vs Main Mix

  49. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “Disturbing to the psychology of modern day slaves by wholly precise.”

    they are the ones with the problem, no one is paying much attention to them, they are lost already and have to find themselves, all on them….as far as i am concerned, they can stay lost.

    regarding the now “shocked” parade of corrupt island leaders…like someone just told them in a short video….so what now?

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