Submitted by Ras Jahaziel

This inferior behaviour substantiates the claim that your were just naked savages until the white-man came and civilized you.

Source: Rastafarivisions

176 responses to “THE CURSE OF INFERIORITY”

  1. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Oh they love that, inferiority, dependency, mental slavery, racist practices, oppression, suppression, regression, they love subjugation and subjecting their families to social and financial reduction.. They are comfortable and get angry if you are not comfortable too, and want nothing more than to keep it going indefinitely instead of abandoning the whole stinking colonial curse..

  2. “This inferior behaviour substantiates the claim that your were just naked savages until the white-man came and civilized you.”

    Black skin is clothing
    Whites have some hangups

  3. Black Rasta Woman,
    Poetry in Dub EP
    Divine Dub, Mojiba

  4. waru maybe you are are better suited for living in the first black republic I see there is a job opening

  5. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    How is it that some commenters in this day and age believe that other people can define us and we did not cooperate with them in this perceived conspiracy.? Who give these other persons the power to do so?

  6. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Not me, what are you trying to involve me in now, you are the one would crawl through fire and raw sewage to be in Barbados…i can find other destinations, all islands are nice, have beaches, sea water and sun…a black republic superimposed on a slave society holds no appeal for me at all…

    btw…heard they are burning down all the churches across Canada…best thing Canadians have ever done, amazing the things that happen when people finally wake up.

  7. How is it that some commenters in this day and age believe that other people can define us and we did not cooperate with them in this perceived conspiracy.? Who give these other persons the power to do so?

    You can define us too (don’t be shy)

    (a) what is a black man/woman/child
    (b) what is a white man/woman/child
    (c) what is a brown man/woman/child
    (d) what is a yellow man/woman/child
    (e) what is a red man/woman/child
    (f) what is a mixed black/white/brown/yellow/red man/woman/child

    each question carries equal marks (16.6666667 out of 100)
    (if you don’t answer your get 0% F FAIL)

  8. Like they can take the boy out of the country but you cant take the country out of the boy….it doesnt matter if you are a republic or not you are going to screw it up, you know it I know it
    Lol the politicians trudea’s father etal caused all this mess and they have been able to deflect it on the church you have to admire there hutzpah. Have you heard one politician apologize for their part???

  9. @Vincent

    We define ourselves by the type of education we were exposed. The type of education is shaped by the so-called establishment. The question then follows who are the beneficiaries of the establishment.

  10. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    When you see the Hatians get fed up just remember it’s because of them we have a semblance of what is not full freedom.

    “AP NEWS
    Official: Haiti President Jovenel Moïse assassinated at home

    By EVENS SANON and DÁNICA COTOa few seconds ago

    PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — Haitian President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated in an attack on his private residence early Wednesday, according to a statement from the country’s interim prime minister, who called the killing a “hateful, inhumane and barbaric act.”

    First Lady Martine Moïse was shot in the overnight attack and hospitalized, interim Premier Claude Joseph said.

    Even before the assassination, Haiti had grown increasingly unstable and disgruntled under Moïse. The president ruled by decree for more than two years after the country failed to hold elections and the opposition demanded he step down in recent months.

    “The country’s security situation is under the control of the National Police of Haiti and the Armed Forces of Haiti,” Joseph said in a statement from his office. “Democracy and the republic will win.”

    In the early morning hours of Wednesday, the streets were largely empty in the Caribbean nation’s capital of Port-au-Prince, but some people ransacked businesses in one area.

    Joseph said police have been deployed to the National Palace and the upscale community of Pétionville and will be sent to other areas.

    Joseph condemned the assassination as a “hateful, inhumane and barbaric act.” In the statement, he said some of the attackers spoke in Spanish but offered no further explanation. He later said in a radio address that they spoke Spanish or English, again offering no details.

    The White House described the attack as “horrific” and “tragic” and said it was still gathering information on what happened. U.S. President Joe Biden will be briefed later Wednesday by his national security team, spokesperson Jen Psaki said during an interview on MSNBC.

    Haiti’s economic, political and social woes have deepened recently, with gang violence spiking heavily in Port-au-Prince, inflation spiraling and food and fuel becoming scarcer at times in a country where 60% of the population makes less than $2 a day. These troubles come as Haiti still tries to recover from the devastating 2010 earthquake and Hurricane Matthew that struck in 2016.

    Opposition leaders accused Moïse, who was 53, of seeking to increase his power, including by approving a decree that limited the powers of a court that audits government contracts and another that created an intelligence agency that answers only to the president.

    In recent months, opposition leaders demanded the he step down, arguing that his term legally ended in February 2021. Moïse and supporters maintained that his term began when he took office in early 2017, following a chaotic election that forced the appointment of a provisional president to serve during a year-long gap.

    Haiti was scheduled to hold general elections later this year.”

    Coto reported from San Juan, Puerto Rico.




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  11. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Take note that Haiti is the first republic in the western hemisphere…

  12. “We define ourselves by the type of education we were exposed. The type of education is shaped by the so-called establishment. The question then follows who are the beneficiaries of the establishment”

    Education is divided into subjects like

    Vintage Culture & Fancy Inc & Roland Clark – Free (Extended Mix)

    Sex On My Mind (Crazibiza Remix)

  13. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David Bu
    Education, like colonialism and slavery, has been blamed for many things unfairly. The objective of Education in our particular system is to train the young to learn how to learn and to equip them with work skills. It was in no way a brain washing process. It was designed to eliminate brain washing. So , I am afraid I do not agree with you.

  14. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Says the slave minded…steuppss…

  15. Yup! We did and do co-operate.

    I have never experienced this feeling of inferiority. I define myself by different criteria. I define progress by different criteria. I define success by different criteria. I define beauty by different criteria. I define intelligence.

    We are beaten because we have accepted the white man’s criteria.

    I do not attempt to turn back the clock. I do not attempt to purge myself of all things white. I simply take the good parts, leave the bad parts and build my own body of criteria, including the good parts lost of my African heritage.

    No culture is all good or all bad.

  16. Correction – I define intelligence by different criteria.

  17. @Waru,
    You got to be kidding: assassinated! I was one of the first people on BU warning this government to pay attention to what was taking place in Haiti. We have witnessed an exponential rise in gang violence in Haiti allied with a huge surge in kidnapping.

    This pattern will extend beyond Haiti to other countries within the region. Mark my words.

  18. David
    Please permit us to evade the endless nothingless here to congratulate the great people of Haiti for forcefully removing a man who was and will ever be a political carbuncle.

    Indeed, Jovenel Moise, like most of his predecessors has been no more than a pimp for American and French hegemony over the Earth.

    We are well aware that your resident lackeys like Vincent Codrington, the archetypal, will sre toooooooo much violence in this action but continue to view the thousands of years of the same by his people, Whitey, as if ordained by a criminal called Jehovah.

    And yet we await a report from our sources about the exact circumstances of the assimilation of this vicious criminal Moise. If only this action was repeating a few hundred times in our world the Great Mother shall be well pleased.

  19. Tokyo Calling
    (Olympic and Paralympic Edition)

    If Gold Medals were allocated to races instead of nations
    which one be superior and inferior in the Human race

  20. Some Cunt keeps marking down 1 star
    Kick that Cunt

  21. Is it worth it
    trying to be perfect

  22. Sending a message to Haiti

    2 Chronicles 7:14
    King James Version
    14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land

  23. @Vincent

    Do not be contented to define education in its generic meaning. As a Black people education must be designed to ensure we are able to sustain ourselves in a system controlled in every way to cater to white privilege.

  24. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU
    Having passed through the Education System of Barbados I can attest to the fact that it had no bias towards “white privilege”. We have to make our own individual choices as to what we want to contribute to our growth and development. We also have to decide the standards we will adopt. Too many of us are still searching for an identity instead of developing our own. This saddens me. I am reasonably sure that the latter is in the minority. Those who are not ready or are confused appear to be the more vocal.

  25. @Vincent

    We have the current state of play to judge the veracity of your perspective.

  26. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “We have witnessed an exponential rise in gang violence in Haiti allied with a huge surge in kidnapping.

    This pattern will extend beyond Haiti to other countries within the region.”

    that is the end result of keeping Black/African people in ECONOMIC SLAVERY while the black face frauds in parliaments….LIE to the people, TIEF and SELLOUT…they are a PROVEN danger to the melanated everywhere…

  27. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David Bu
    And what is this “current state of play” that throws doubt over the truth of my position on this issue?

  28. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Am sure Vincent is still proud of his CoE BRANDED colonial identity….while those of us who abhor the STENCH of Slaves..have long time RECLAIMED our ancestral African identities..

  29. David
    Kim Ives from Haiti Liberte is reporting that the level of sophistication involved in this assassination suggests a foreign government or local economic elites.

    It is regrettable, if Ives’ reporting is correct, like it always is, that the death of this criminal was not at the hands of the popular resistance going on in Haiti for years but more of the machinations of the very forces served by Moise himself.

  30. All of our businesses are owned by foreigners.

    The significant % of economic power is controlled by a minority.

    The significant amount of land space is owned by minority element etc.

  31. @Pacha

    What is new here? There are the uber elite families in Haiti who are vested in maintaining the status quo.

  32. David
    Ives is further reporting that the assassins came in in helicopters using DEA cover, knew the layout of the presidential palace, were dressed in black-opps type gear and had a dozen new SUVs for ground transport.

    This is just the tip of a vast military operation. We would be unsurprised if Biden himself oversaw this.

  33. Be careful Pacha.

  34. David
    Biden, as part of the Obama regime, met every Tuesday to murder innocent people by drone strikes.

    If this dog has bitten before why should we be careful when it’s teeth appear to have re-emerged.

    It this not the behaviour of the American administration for centuries?

    And should they not be prime suspects everytime this happens

  35. There may be equalities in schools, but racial prejudice and white privilege favouritism happens after schools in work places for promotions etc. White manage blacks and browns, who are tools to be used and thrown away, while whites get the credit for other peoples work.

  36. David
    Private residence not presidential palace. Sorry!

  37. @Pacha

    The USA will not allow certain forces to congregate at their back door. Having Cuba is enough although we are starting to witness its breakup with the exit if the Castros.

  38. DR closed their border.

  39. @Vincent

    The big one missing from the list is the addiction of of black people to taste fashion by foreigners.

  40. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David Bu at11:51 AM

    Nothing wrong with that we live in a Global Village. Is not taste personal ? These are choices we as human beings make. Do you want to dictate the taste of our people? The last time that was tried in the Caribbean the people suffered.

  41. @Vincent

    Is it about dictating or creating a relevant learning curriculum that nurtures a relevant identity as a people. Others groups practice it.

  42. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David Bu
    We, the people ,make those choices as to what is relevant learning and what is relevant identity. We were not freed in 1838 and became independent in 1966 to revert to some group dictating to us the people. We are all intelligent and educated and will make our own statements on those issues. Massa days done with ,regardless of his skin colour. We are not changing Tweedledee for Tweedledum.

  43. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    That’s exactly what yall being doing for 54 years in 5 year cycles…exchanging tweedlebee for tweedledee…..BOTH DUMB…and this is the end result…using covid to rule by decree….like if someone is going to accept corrupt dictators…

  44. Sorry Vincent, but I was taught in school that Columbus discovered the Americas. I tossed that out almost immediately. We have been taught to see from Europe’s perspective.

    That certainly benefits the Europeans. It helps to define us by their standards and convince us that we must meet them.

    We are not suggesting that anyone be forced to accept African or any other identity. We are simply suggesting that they be presented with the option. We wish them to be armed with the information necessary to make the decisions that will benefit them. Instead of having to seek that information, we suggest that it should be presented to them from their birth and through school.

  45. And we the people DO NOT make the decisions on what is relevant learning. The school curriculum is set by a select few.

  46. Vincent is being blind. The Jews held on to their identity, religion and culture and despite all the prejudice against them, they have thrived.

    All other native populations whose culture was targeted, demeaned and superceded are in serious trouble.

    It is not only Africans and the African descended who are struggling.

    We have been partially assimilated but still rejected. We cannot beat the white man at his own game, with his own rules, on his prepared pitch before his home crowd and with his umpires.

    As we saw with cricket, he simply changes the rules any time we make progress.

    Time to play our own game! But first we must figure out what that game is.

  47. We have one woman here who specialises in lies and yet dares to preach at Haitians to change their wicked ways.

    Now…. what is it that makes Haitians more wicked than she is, in her own eyes?

    Think on that, Vincent!

  48. Within the protocols of COVID many tin horn dictators in hiding came crawling out of the woodwork armed with protocols that erode and stopped of individual Constitutional right
    Jovenel Moise might have been one such dictator In the wings
    Reports are stating that since his ride into office the people were angry and dissatisfied in his legislative approach for more power

  49. Echoes of the Black Jacobins by the great CL R James.

    Only if with a French twist the bastille in Port au Prince, Washington and Paris could have been swarmed simultaneously.

  50. @Pacha

    We live in a world where the strong always strive to overpower those not as strong. It is a primordial reality.

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