Although not out of the woods Barbadians were told based on the week over week numbers “we are in a better place”, however, we need to keep our guard up. We can do this people!

Briefing by Prime Minister Mottley and Team

428 responses to “Prime Minister Mottley and Team Have Covid 19 Conversation with Barbadians”

  1. @ John 2

    So wait you saying the logic of the ABC was to make already empty supermarkets emptier? The points I raised were based on facts not any political leaning. Anyone that knows me will tell you i don’t discuss politics or religion. I was one that vote Arthur out and Thompson in then turn around and vote Stewart out and Mia in. Party don’t mean a dam to me.

  2. @ Mariposa January 10, 2021 11:18 AM

    All you said in your riposte might have an echo of truth of partisan political grandstanding in the PR arena about it.

    But the cover-up antics of the current administration could never exceed that portrayed by the picture of your two totally unfit Cabinet ministers taking a dip in a sea of shit to prove only that the last administration was made up completely of certified shit hounds not having the intellectual worth of 16 tons of Bajan-made sea crab shite.

    If the Bajan authorities- after being faced with two very serious back-to-back warnings-continue to play a game of Russian roulette with the country’s public health and garbage disposal situation the next event might just kick the country’s public health status and economy over the cliff of no return.

  3. Well at least most Bajans are not asleep, they are pissed that tourists will be compensated when tourism workers can’t get their full severance and there is a hue and cry from government about lack of money, so where is the money coming from to pay tourists because of a backlogged testing centre.

    Can’t tell people what to do, but this is the time to start making better arrangements and preparations for your future that does not involve governments nor whoremongering tourism….let Lawson stay in Canada.

    People are way too gullible, they fell for the trap that they need politicians, and government ministers and lawyers …and all the other crooks, no you don’t.

  4. Miller Speaking of antics
    There were no bigger antics that (those )when in the early months of the pandemic the international countries were being hit hard
    Mia took to international media and stated that barbados was Covid free
    A statement which might have sent a message to those coming from hot spots that all was well in barbados unlike the counties they were living
    The welcome stamp media blitz comes to mind
    Mia did not let the word go unnoticed in international markets
    Now the cover ups has began with many more to come in weeks as the virus leaves it foot print on the land scape of barbados
    Stay tuned

  5. What ????? I thought you said once I get the vaccine you and I are going to be bro.s. Sounds like your driving the water truck.

  6. @Dullard

    iBarbados of ALL the countries in the Caribbean has adopted an aggressive approach to allowing visitors and returning nationals to the island. If there is a constructive criticism all agree is that some tweaking of the quarantine protocol is required and its enforcement. We have already seen evidence the government and relevant stakeholders making the adjustment. What most agree also is that given the comatose state of the economy shutting must be a last resort.

  7. Dear me! Real Observing and Fake Observing on the same blog.

    Will he who posted the number of COVID cases in Caribbean islands also post the population size?



    Still cool and covid free and happy to be in Barbados.

    You? 😎

  8. @Donna

    Just in from doing some yardwuk in the broilin sun. A look about Barbadians are going about their business per usual as we cope with live’s challenges like everybody else.

  9. The idea of paying the tourist back after 72 hours I think was also aimed at those wishing to come. What they are saying is yes we have protocols but if after 72 hours we can’t deliver on the test we will pick up the bill. It’s kind of a marketing ploy to encourage people to come while being damage control oN people saying don’t go to Barbados because of delayed resultsIt’s. the same approach as the pizza delivery in the USA some of who say if we don’t get there in 30 minutes it’s free.

  10. @John A

    Agree with this comment. The smart thing is that the government must ensure we have the testing capacity to deliver on the SLA.

  11. Barbados does not have the manpower and resources to handle mass testing and give results in 24hrs
    Looking at how many test being done in 24hrs is small and the return of results fast can only depend of sufficient manpower that can handle the test

  12. Barbados will soon have a dedicated health communications team to better inform the country about all matters related to the spread and treatment of COVID-19.
    The team is being set up to ease some of the pressure off Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley, Minister of Health Jeffrey Bostic, chairman of the Cabinet COVID-19 Sub-committee Senator Dr Jerome Walcott, and public health officials. (Source The Nation)

    I thought that the Minister was performing an adequate job now they are trying to insulate him with a “communications team”. This Cabinet is top heavy and chock a block with Ministers and now there is a need for it to have a barrier between the public and the Minister who was elected by the public on the course of the virus and the Gov’ts handling of all the challenges associated with the virus. What will the “communications team” inform us that the Minister was/is unable to? What improvements will be a result of the “communications team”? Is the “communications team” more window dressing to salve the worries of a public that is growing disillusioned of the Gov’ts handling of the Coronavirus?

    These things always come at a cost; the taxpayers should reach into their pockets.

  13. “There were no bigger antics that (those )when in the early months of the pandemic the international countries were being hit hard…… Mia took to international media and stated that barbados was Covid free.”

    Come on, my friend, you know that’s not true. COVID-19 statistics on EVERY country are available on-line for anyone to peruse. Or, perhaps in the interest of clarity, you may want to provide BU with evidence of your claims, NOT for an ARGUMENT, but for the PURPOSE of DISCUSSION.

    What you’ve been essentially doing is suggesting ‘government’ and health authorities haven’t done anything right to combat the coronavirus pandemic, to the extent you’re making up things as you go.

  14. “Barbados will soon have a dedicated health communications team to better inform the country about all matters related to the spread and treatment of COVID-19.”

    Is there a need for a “dedicated health communications team?”

    I believe it isn’t a necessity for Mottley to be present at the COVID-19 press conferences. The minister should discuss and explain policies, while the health authorities discuss the technical or medical aspects of those policies.

  15. @ Sargeant,

    Air Canada still flying to Barbados ?

    ” Ontario sets new single-day record for COVID-19 cases with nearly 4,000; 61 dead ”

  16. mari

    did not ur best friend mia say help is coming for the labs?

  17. William Skinner Avatar

    It’s amazing that some on this thread refuse to simply admit that COVID would and has wreak havoc on small dependent economies of which our country belongs. The government is caught between a rock and a hard place and is trying its utmost to control the pandemic without any further damage to the economy, which was fragile even before the COVID.
    It’s extremely useless to engage in any non-productive politically partisan back and forth at this time.
    There will be more than enough time for the political post mortems.
    Our best bet as citizens is to observe the protocols and our individual responsibility to keep ourselves safe without causing others to suffer discomfort and grief.
    in the words of Observer
    ” When duty calls, I put the world on pause
    I’m a patriot for the cause”
    We need patriots at this time not political rubble rousers on either side.

  18. Why is it necessary to compensate tourists after 72 hours. This is nonsensical. The world is in the middle of a pandemic and yet we insist on inviting tourists to Barbados.

    We have had almost ten months to rebalance our economy. Instead we have selected the fool’s option by putting the health of our citizens in danger by propping up an industry which is unsustainable.

  19. “What ????? I thought you said once I get the vaccine you and I are going to be bro.s”

    Nah…we may turn out to be black sisters…

    i just saw a clip where patient got the moderna vaccine trial and the whole body was convulsing, tongue and all….can’t even joke about that, the person looked so uncomfortable, in pain and unhappy.

  20. The funny or not so funny
    Govt throwing good money after bad
    Cant understand why so much millions would be pumped into an area that brings the virus to the country
    Furthermore after all that govt has done to sustain the hotel industry govt has to undertake some of the visitors bill
    Hard for me to understand such economics
    In normal times such would be describe as Squandermania

  21. @Hants

    AC sends daily emails enticing me to go everywhere including Hawaii but I decided to shelter in place.

  22. A

    You can leave your political snide remarks at the door.
    my support of parties are exact to the way you have voted but i have never once voted in barbados or usa.
    in other words if i used to voted i would have voted the same as you.

    You are asking a foolish question!

    All measure taken by the government to control the virus are to keep people away from each other without locking you in you houses.

    ABC wasnt to make empty supermarkets emptier for some foolish reason. it would have made them emptier to reduce the possibility of close contact and continue spread of the virus.

    the aim is to keep people away from each other as much as possible especially indoors. Thats why here you have the closing of restaurants and bars etc.

    now we all know that if the cases had continued to rise over the past two/threes day bajan would have been in overdrive panic mode and where most of them would have been heading on monday morning – to get money and food for the lockdown..

    with the ABC
    everyone would still get a chance to shop/bank and business would still go on but but the amount of people movement activity each day would be a bit restricted.

    I too do not want the ABC but if covid seems to be getting out of hand i can see/agree with it being implemented again.

    Next stupid question? i dont have time for it!

  23. @ David

    Right now goverment is walking a tight rope. On one side they are trying to keep the hospitality sector afloat and on the other they have to protect the locals. That is why i have been saying for months there is no bigger reason that speaks to why we must diversify our economy than covid has shown us.

  24. Not against money being used to fight the virus but from within not from without
    Money which could have been used to rebuild our infrastructure using home grown methods to rebuild manufacturing which can be a source for production our own products and also revamping agriculture by way of focusing on whole foods products a chain which is necessary in international markets
    Last but not least giving barbadians stimulus checks which will be helpful in sending much needed spend to the economy
    These areas would also helpful in putting people back to work

  25. Its not all doom and gloom Waru….maxine watters got the shot and came out looking better.

  26. @ John A

    You are right. The president has made a choice between lives and livelihoods and has come down on the wrong side. There is a silly argument that the economy has to survive and so he is making the right decision.
    First, it confuses the economy with tourism and the hotel sector, second it has exposed the weaknesses in a consumer-driven economy in the face of a pandemic and third, it shows the lack of imagination, the paucity of ideas, including economic advice.
    Maybe now is a time for a government of national unity, instead of playing party politics; maybe it is time to be honest with the Barbadian people, and not depend on so-called communications experts.
    This is a plague and no sensible person wants there to be widespread deaths in Barbados, but they want to have confidence in official policy. At present they do not have any such confidence. This is worse now that she has out herself top of the list for vaccines.
    But be careful of the perversity of the word patriotism; note how Trump used it in his praise of the attempted coup. It is also a good way of closing down debate, similar to the nonsense that to critique official CoVid policy is to be party political or disloyal.
    Mottley brought all this on herself. She still has time to withdraw from the ‘international’ conference she is scheduled to take part in, the world stage, and concentrate on her day job as prime minister of Barbados.

  27. They don’t want to diversify the economy, they are comfortable in the dirty status quo, racist dependency whoremonger tourism is all they can see, tiefing from blacks to give to white, indian and syrian, all criminals…so they can get their cut is all they want…..that’s the bottomline.

    Everyone has to make their own decisions on a way forward or live like that for 3 or 4 more generations….presuming ya survive…it’s DBLP road to NOWHERE.

    BTW…many African officials are warning the sellouts who would take money from trash minorities to buy land in Africa or invest, DO NOT COME…..they know who yall are..

  28. Lawson…despite all the insults, looks like ya developed a thing for Maxine, like ya did for ya boyfriend Justin and voted him right back in..

  29. In the USA many front line medical workers are apparently saying, “Thanks, but NO THANKS” to the Covid-19 Vaccine.
    Video at link:

  30. @ Hal

    Yes the dependancy on tourism will cause us an increased level of exposure but at this stage we have no option as we can’t change gears immediately. What we need to hear though is the plan for diversification. We need a plan that will remove the current unemployed workforce from total tourism employment to a productive based economy. As I keep harping 2 guaranteed options are agriculture and alternative energy.

  31. William Skinner Avatar

    @ John A @ Hal
    Calling for diversification cannot be considered unpatriotic. What I mean by being patriotic, is recognising the problem, and moving in a unified way, to solve it and accept the individual citizen’s responsibilty in a national crisis. I have denounced petty partisan positions in discussing COVID and government’s response. A dangerous simpleton, whose perverse actions are dominating BU, is the same dangerous simpleton, who has bastardised the term patriot. I am not in that catergory.
    I have no problem in being called a Barbadian patriot if its used to inspire my people and not to divide them.

  32. @ John A

    I agree about diversification, which should have been done 50 years ago, but there is a lot we can do now. First, declare a mortgage and rent amnesty for the next six months; set up food kitchens at key points around the country (the president’s grandfather used to run the Queen’s Park food kitchens); instead of Bds$300m to bail out the hotel sector, provide debt for equity loans; and make small no-interest loans to households.
    At the same time establish a prices and incomes commission to control increases in prices and wages and the much-talked about post office/cooperative bank.
    On top of that we will establish the medium and long-term economic programme, which we have discussed on numerous occasions.

  33. @ Sargeant January 10, 2021 12:36 PM

    The communication team is a “COVID19 Council” version 2.0.

    It’s like always in the Caribbean. The natives chatter endlessly, gesticulate and pray until the massa arrives.

    In the end, it’s business as usual: our Supreme Leader Mia Mottley has to solve the problems personally.

  34. @ William

    Language is very important, and as Humpty Dumpty says (I think it was Humpty Dumpty), when I use a word it means what I say it means.
    The reality, as I have said on numerous occasions, Mottley believes that politics is all about speeches and waving hands; but modern politics is about policy and she either does not like it, or does not understand it.
    A subject that is even more important to you and I is the total failure of CARICOM. Apart from making a silly speech about Trump’s attempted coup, CARICOM has remained silent about this CoVid; at a time when they should be acting collectively, each little island is trying to punch above its weight.
    That is a major regional weakness, an inability to work together.

  35. @Dullard

    iBarbados of ALL the countries in the Caribbean has adopted an aggressive approach to allowing visitors and returning nationals to the island. If there is a constructive criticism all agree is that some tweaking of the quarantine protocol is required and its enforcement. We have already seen evidence the government and relevant stakeholders making the adjustment. What most agree also is that given the comatose state of the economy shutting must be a last resort.


    You are getting your “throwshadecrew” members mixed up.

    The Dullard has taken no position on how the govt is managing the pandemic.

    I think it is obvious to any reasonable observer that the Bdos govt is walking a very tight rope indeed and has to strike some very tricky balances. The Dullard takes a dim view of only 3 things. The grovelling approach to tourism (and tourists), the 2-tiered courts and the govt’s wastage of a good crisis. These predate the pandemic.

    The open border is neither here nor there with the Dullard. Not because the Dullard thinks it is a great idea but it is clear that the govt believes that it can handle the risks. The risks are significant but since the govt has chosen the road that it has, I assume that they and the people of Barbados are prepared to live with the consequences.

  36. Second new coronavirus variant worries health experts. Here’s what we know.

    Yahoo News
    Second new coronavirus variant worries health experts. Here’s what we know.
    Laura Ramirez
    Laura Ramirez·Reporter/Producer
    Fri, January 8, 2021, 6:04 PM CST

    Another coronavirus variant that shares some of the same mutations as the B.1.1.7 strain, first identified in the U.K., has begun spreading rapidly after it was first identified in South Africa in mid-December. It has quickly become the predominant variant there, but it has also gained a foothold in other countries, including Brazil, which is experiencing a surge of COVID-19 cases.

    The new strain, designated 501Y.V2, emerged independently from the U.K. variant, but they both share a few mutations in common, including one that seems to make both these variants more infectious. However, there’s no evidence yet suggesting that they cause more severe disease.

    So far, the South African variant has not been detected in the U.S., but top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci told Newsweek that he would be surprised if it were not already here, noting that because of international travel, “sooner or later viruses spread throughout the world.”

  37. Ten days in the year
    Did anyone realise barbados has already recorded one murder
    It seems as (if) be it economic or social (the )failures of govt must not be criticised or else critics would be labelled as shade throwers
    So here barbados is now caught in the grips of a Covid nightmare while crime and violence continues on its merry way
    The last time i heard AG speak he was speaking about COVID

  38. @ BAJE January 10, 2021 3:19 PM

    The German and American vaccines protect against the African and English mutations. Probably not the English Oxford and the Chinese vaccines. However, the top-performers will get the German or American vaccines, the English and Chinese vaccines will be for the rest of the globe.

  39. Jamaica Gleaner

    COVID-19 black market – Gov’t inadequacy blamed for surge in underground virus testing sites

  40. @Hal
    @ William

    Based on the facts being printed on vaccination rates there is no way tourism can return in 2021 and probably not for next winter season either. Actual shot in the arm vaccinations are off of what was projected at this time by over 80%. So they have only vaccinated less than 20% of the amount of persons they had hoped by now. I think the actual figure up to Friday was 13% roughly. Now they are saying herd immunity from vaccination can not occur this year. Not my words read the publications and CDC reports.

    So that is the vaccine situation but more importantly what about the more dire financial situations in our major markets? Well the USA and the UK have been hit hard in their economies? both with unemployment and business closures. Not my words either but those from the chancellor in the UK and the U.S authorities. Both say the level of printing they are doing is unsustainable and will have to end early in 2021 or their currency will be devastated. Again read their comments in articles like the financial times and Bloomberg.

    So we have a 2 pronged covid fork. One is the virus, the other is the economic devastation from the virus that will follow long after the vaccines are introduced and infections brought under control.

    Lord you mean in light of all of that we can’t see the necessity to restructure our economy urgently ? What wunna waiting on the Lord to hand down a tablet like in the bible with instructions pun it?

  41. BEIJING, China (AP) — More than 380 people have tested positive in a growing COVID-19 outbreak south of Beijing in China’s Hebei province.

  42. @David, PM Mottley, AG, Min Of Tourism, Min Of Health et al

    The ABC system does not take other variables such as reduced bank branches, less tellers at branches and merging of commercial with personal banking.

    Some supermarkets have also reduced hours and laid off staff.

    Without adherence to protocols it means the infection will continue among persons the designated shopping days.

    Stress and hustle is created by the limited time period for shopping and banking.

    No real provision is being made for seniors within banks.

    Rigorous Enforcement of protocols, help companies to go cash less as money is a major vector.

    Make it mandatory that all supermarkets and hardware stores take temperatures without exceptions.
    Mall Internationale has an automated system that takes your picture and temperature for contact tracing with effortless hand sanitisation. Corporates need to stop exemptions and step up to the plate and eliminate any cases of high fever which is but one symptom of Covid19.

    We need to stop behave like if Covid is our master and we are its slave. Unfortunately, the a British Lancet and John Hopkins Research Institute are positing that Covid19 may be with us for a time and yearly shots may be required if vaccines only provide short term immunity.

    Negativity and our inability to be problem solvers will be our downfall.

  43. @Kammie

    We have been fighting the pandemic long enough to have acquired key learnings. Let us continue to tweak the system to ensure we manage the risk as best as is possible.

  44. Oh, some parasitic hoteliers and industry related players have given greedy a new meaning during this pandemic. Why would some players raise their fees. I guess they prefer hold out for high fees and be appreciative of the patronage.

    Covid, is teaching humanity many lessons and only the critical thinkers, strong and smart will be able to navigate the many challenges. Those who prefer to be consumed by gloom and doom will have their thoughts fulfilled.

  45. We have been fighting the pandemic long enough to have acquired key learnings. Let us continue to tweak the system to ensure we manage the risk as best as is possible…..(Quote)

    What does this mean?

  46. Although staycations are up one would have thought hotels and villas could do a lot better with pricing at the margins to encourage greater numbers.

  47. @ John A

    You’re correct.

    And, what is even more depressing is members of the other political parties are focused on tourism as well, rather than presenting new ideas about restructuring the economy. So, it seems as though our politicians are suffering from, (to use a psychology term), ‘intellectual impoverishment.’

    For example, we had former tourism minister Richard Sealy addressing a DLP lunch time lecture on December 18, 2020, at which he expressed the view that, although he is a fan of the ‘welcome stamp initiative,’ he believes ‘government’ isn’t doing enough “to reboot the sector to properly rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic.” And, his thoughts come against the background of overwhelming evidence that suggests the tourist industry cannot rebound anytime soon.

    The DEMS should be using their lunch time lectures to focus on NEW policies, rather than rehashing and trying to revitalize those that are ‘old and worn out.’ They could invite economists with new perspectives on economics and the economy, agricultural experts, stakeholders and special interest groups to formulate new, innovative policies to revamp the agricultural sector and use the lectures as a medium to express the ideas to the public.

  48. Mia had the perfect storm to rebuild and restructured the economy and she squander a moment in history propping up the hotel industry
    As i said the millions used could have been better served in placing barbados on a productive path by way of manufacture and agriculture

    Today the numbers trend upward
    What does govt officials say now
    I suggest govt officials stay far away from using numbers as a supportive mechanism to score brownie points
    Instead let the chips fall where they may

  49. @ Artax

    I agree with you fully in that all parties should be ventilating options at this stage. The ideas can come from political parties, credit unions, community groups it doesn’t matter. Another market we have unexplored is to dam run off water for fish farming. We have so many natural catchment areas that only would need preparing and lining to make this happen. It appears we have been depending on tourism for so long that we can not see other opportunities unless they too are tourism based. Imagine if we had implemented a major agricultural push in March with green house facilities, where we would be today in terms of food sustainability. If we had designated rab land in March for alternative energy and started a major project, imagine where we could be today in terms of saving FX on imports. I don’t know we just seemed trapped in the tourism prison regardless of what developments show us is our future.

    Don’t get me wrong I am not saying ignore tourism. What i am saying though is let’s formulate a 5 year plan where at the end toursim will be no more than 25% of our economy. If tourism rebounds thereafter we win and if it doesn’t we still win.

    I just can’t understand why our leaders can not see the need for this.

  50. The UN has been warning Barbados about the human trafficking rings operating on the island. I saw the same name as a missing child in Jamaica, thought it was something that happened recently, only to find out that it’s the same Jamaican girl with the whoremonger english couple who has been missing in Jamaica for 5 or 6 years when she was 16 years old.

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