Although not out of the woods Barbadians were told based on the week over week numbers “we are in a better place”, however, we need to keep our guard up. We can do this people!

Briefing by Prime Minister Mottley and Team

428 responses to “Prime Minister Mottley and Team Have Covid 19 Conversation with Barbadians”

  1. Too late for prays
    This is a govt who has used smoke screen and mirrors to hid the truth from the people
    One can clearly see that nothing Mottley says is a truth which can ir should be believed
    Even with the total rise in COVID infections
    Govt is saying numbers are trending downward
    One would have to be blind as a bat not to see the political optics inside that message
    Meanwhile the QEH is in crisis and needing of beds but govt first priority is to find money to refund tourist
    Mia is a first class disaster as a PM

  2. “The fact that the nation is broke and that we are unable to provide basic public services to so many of our citizens appears not to be of concern to this government. It is for Bajans to work it out for themselves. Perhaps one day they will see that the tourism industry is slowly killing them.”

    In the best of economic times which could never be the very best under racist, dependency, whoremongering tourism abd the pimps who wirk that sector, it’s the same result…nothing changes because it’s all about what these thieves can get for themselves and the 50 bucks they throw at yardfowls and to hell with the majority population. But that marijuana is going to choke them.

  3. The government made a grave error in implementing the digital remote worker Nomad scheme.

    It failed to make adequate plans for the introduction of this scheme. The government’s focus was on the generation of revenue only as opposed to having an overall strategy.

    It is still not too late for this government to close the borders.

  4. It wasn’t their plan TSLN…they should’ve coordinated with PLT to streamline it so there would be no hiccups, but they got a free plan and just ran with it immediately without an indepth analysis….that is what happens when something is not yours and all ya looking for is instant credit. and pats on the head…

    I told Mia over and over to FREE THE PEOPLE from economic bondage, instead, according to Grenville, they are intent to keep Black Bajans as subjugated slaves under a bunch of criminal, racist thieving minorities.

    BTW, nation online has a story where the US is starting extradition proceedings against the ICBL Ines woman.

  5. Barbadians on the beautiful rock should continue to rally as positive numbers continue to dip, people continue to present themselves at testing sites and our public health personnel continue to work hard and go beyond the call of duty to serve.


  6. David dont you not understand that a small island with a one nest economic basket cannot afford the health cost of fighting COVID
    COVID is a beast unto itself with many strains which has destroyed the better economies leaving a devastating economic strain on their health system
    Yet barbados govt continues on another go around to play Russian roulette with the lives of barbadians
    All the optics of Govt playing down the virus cannot remove the growing evidence of what has and is taking place on the island because of COVID

  7. Bear in mind that most vaccines are two doses, that BDS $87.00. would be for 2 doses (Pfizer????).

    Greenville’s point that if we were acquiring the cheaper vaccine (A-Z), then we could vaccinate our more than our entire population is valid.

    From my table, the cost of $87.00 is cheap, overly expensive or just right depending on the source of the vaccines.

    Two doses BDS$
    Moderna 128-148.00
    Pfizer $78.
    A-Z $12-16.
    Novavax $64.00
    J&J $40.00
    The source of our vaccines is needed before fraud can be claimed.

    “Moderna, a two-dose vaccine, recently announced each dose will go for around $32 to $37.

    The Pfizer vaccine, also given in two doses, is expected to cost $19.50 a dose.

    Each dose for Johnson & Johnson’s two-dose vaccine will cost an estimated $10, and AstraZeneca’s two-dose vaccine could be the cheapest at just $3 to $4 a dose.

    Novavax’s two-dose vaccine is estimated to be $32.00”

  8. Here comes the #throwashadecrew all residing in covid infested countries.

    Are you a 12 year-old girl?

    Bring back the old David!

  9. @Mariposa

    There comes a time when you realise you are not dealing with rational people, but with sentimental cut followers.

  10. Have the four vaccines arrived that Mia said she was working (on)
    Just another feel good gimmick handed to the people

  11. After much consultation with members of the Social Partnership on Saturday, the Government of Barbados has decided not to reintroduce the alphabetical shopping system at this time…..(Quote)

    Another example of a government out of control. How many decisions they have made that they changed within hours. Then this bunch of jokers call themselves world class. Which world? What class? They are a world-class embarrassment.
    I hope the opposition parties are keeping count of the mess-ups.

  12. “This is a govt who has used smoke screen and mirrors to hid the truth from the people. One can clearly see that nothing Mottley says is a truth which can ir should be believed. Even with the total rise in COVID infections.”


    I want to ask you a simple question.

    Without using your usual generalized statements and metaphors, could you please explain or give examples of how ‘government’ used “smoke screen and mirrors to hide the truth from” Barbadians and the lies Mottley told?

  13. Hal a bunch of jokers and if to think that govt policies cannot get worse
    Lisa Cummins all but admitted that visitor portocols were not working because of govt failures to get results back in a timely fashion
    Hence govt has been committed to giving visitors a refund of their hotel stays

  14. Artax for starters listen to Lisa Cummins
    There is where u would find the questions you are asking

  15. Countries with the best of resources are having extreme challenges. Let’s hope this does not get out of control, cause then the big plans to import 80,000 .people will go the way of the dodo bird for the foreseeable future.

    it’s actually a bad time all around, unless ya are blessed with forward thinking attributes…and as ya can see, those in Barbados pretending to be leaders, are not.

    No country should be that dependent on whoremongering tourism.

  16. @ Mariposa

    It is massively embarrassing. Our real problem as a nation is incompetence, not corruption. From top to bottom. Every single one of them has had Barrow’s ‘free’ education. What a waste of an investment.

  17. @Wura,
    Your success in identifying and highlighting scams cannot be questioned. You continue to be our canary in the mine.

    Your note is alarming, but more information can change the appearance of the developing situation. Caution, my friend.

  18. Theo..if you knew these try a ting frauds as we do, you would know that they will STILL TRY A TING….it’s in their DNA….they are plain GREEDY….and seeing the amount of mishaps happening with the vaccine because it’s still ON TRIAL…why are they rushing off to spend $5 million dollars on expensive vaccines anyway, why not wait and see how many are crippled or die…..many people suffer with severe allergies…and are likely to be impacted negatively.

    we still remember the garbage trucks that could’ve been bought AT FACTORY PRICES…but according to what was posted they were not…

    BTW…all the countries are covid infected to varying degrees, the only ones who seem to have it under control are Madagascar and many other African countries.

  19. The point is that developed countries have preordered the vaccine and developing countries are relying on PAHO/WTO to vaccine pool. Bear in mind with mutations happening there is no guarantee that the vaccine will solve the problems. We will have to live with the virus.

  20. The last time we gave these the benefit of the doubt we were MADE EMBARRASSED…and their yardfowls went into hiding for months…’s best to err on the side of caution….just last week someone told me about the 2 infected nurses at QEH and i actually told them, fool that i am, that whoever, cant remember, said it wasn’t true in the newspaper, i saw the post myself…low and behold it turned out to be true the very next day…..and made me have to tell the person they were right..

    don’t fall into their traps, remember Patrick King.

  21. @Dullard

    Do not forget to wear your mask.

  22. Yea yea yea, we are a failed state but you do not have to worry, we are a failed state so why are you bothered? OUR problem to solve.

    Wear your mask in Covid infested lockdown until March Britain.

  23. David the countries that are infested took the same gamble that barbados has taken by leaving their borders open until it was too late
    Soon barbados would join the list of infected countries
    Presently barbados has over 800 infections on the island
    It is not possible for govt to deal with such numbers with adequacy while testing continues and the total increases
    Think about that

  24. 800 infections in island?

    Fir political reasons are you forgetting to subtract the recoveries?

  25. @ Theo

    First thank you your kind words. My views above are based solely on the data released and the response to the data. One has to match the other if one is believed. For example if I tell you their is no need to rush and buy gas that there is plenty on the island and then i say ” I am considering rationing gas from next week” what would be your reaction?

    I never get involved in politics or religion as both are plagued with the same problem, which is blind followers. That is why my comments are always based on facts and not belief.

    How I see the covid issue is simple. Government has done a good job on the whole with it however they fell down on protocols and the enforcement of them. That is how the virus migrated into the local population. We need to urgently address those issues and that is why i proposed the above changes to the protocols and enforcement. If that offends some of the party loyalist well that is their problem not mine .

  26. How many decisions they have made that they changed within hours?

    That would be an interesting statistic. Please share.
    One man’s opinion
    It should be clear that the government must update it plans as it gathers information from different sources. The ability to adjust plans when information changes is a sign of a thinking administration and not one of incompetence.

    We saw the remedies implemented by the government when there was evidence that the protocols were not being adhered to. Not to make those changes would have been incompetence; making those changes shows a government actively engaged in protecting its people.

    I fear that the GoB is getting caught in a PR trap.

    Say nothing and it is accused of lacking transparency.

    Rushing to be transparent and then having to revise plans based on additional information and it is accused of incompetence.

    I fully support the sharing of information, but I hope the GoB releases information in a planned manner and not in a haphazard manner.

    Reacting to the voices of critics is to play into their hands.

    Perhaps now is the time to plan for briefings on designated days; cancel or deviate (only) if there is a strong reason to do so.

  27. Government has turned a health management exercise into a public relations exercise aimed at decreasing doubt about keeping borders open while trying to manage the crisis behind the scenes. They know we cannot close again for economic reasons. They know that there is community spread. They know that we will be dealing with local cases for weeks to come even if only in small numbers. Yet, they project “certainty and science” as a way to shut up our questions and tell us to move on, nothing to see here.

    Some examples are…

    Psychiatric Hospital cases that “no one” knows about
    QEH cases that persons weren’t sure about
    West Coast cases, the specific location of which still cannot be named
    Emphasis on masks, distancing and sanitising. In other words, carry on life but be safe
    Constant apologies and overture to the tourist market. The same market which breached protocols
    Refusal to admit whether this is the UK strain or not, or at least update on the status of CARPHA’s testing
    MAM claiming only 5 cases on Friday, which turned out to be 23 with another 150 pending (according to Moore)

    MAM should be complimented for the initial handling of the pandemic, after all, she took ALL the praise internationally for it. All frontline workers must be applauded for their efforts, they are our true heroes. Barbadians should take a bow for sacrificing and doing what they were supposed to do for 7-8 months, Lord knows it was rough as hell. But, in the same way Jack deserves his jacket, Bob deserves his blows. Blaming a bus crawl and treating us like children for asking valid questions is not the way to go. Bajans ain’t foolish.

    It’s time for Jerome and company to stop patronising persons and be truly transparent with what we are facing here. And to all Barbadians who are wondering how we get money to pay for tourists’ accommodation when they had to protest in the streets for their rightfully earned severance and NIS payments…keep wondering.

    Just Observing

  28. @David

    I can say the same to you, no?

  29. @ Theo

    I think the exuberance to be seen as being on top of it leads to mistakes and I agree with you on a more planned release of data.

    The person I really admire the most in this issue is Colonel Bostic. His tone is always the same, he never gets flustered and if he has not got the facts on an issue yet he simply says so. I think politicians are torn between playing to the electorate while handling an issue. I would admit that can not be a comfortable place to be. On the other hand persons like Minster Bostic are not affected by that.

    You have to also remember one of biggest complaints we had about the last bunch is they never communicated. I believe that too is in the minds of this party, hence the fact we hear from them alot more.

    In closing I would say nobody is perfect but all being considered I still believe this goverment has done a good job so far. Were they perfect, of course not nobody is.

  30. @David,
    When visiting the site for the ‘first time’, I scroll to the topic with the fewest
    comments and used that to quickly jump to comments made by bloggers. Perhaps, we could have a comments link as the first of the posts.

    I suspect that you will find the numbers of visitors to one of the blogs would drop.

  31. @Dullard

    No, the blogmaster is open to all views recognizing that it is not an issue for perfect solutions.

  32. @theogazerts

    Please explain as you would to a dummy please.

  33. @ John A

    Is Bostic a politician? I was under t he impression the government had an army of PR experts. Where is Mr Jong and the long line of so-called strategists? Is Liz Thompson a communications expert?

  34. Barbados has done far better than the US and the countries of the UK, many other places.

    Why is it so difficult by some to be loyal to any truism. Even when it’s not aligned to one’s leanings, one’s own perceptions.

    No wonder that nothing is ever achieved here and that the whole world is spinning out of control.

  35. Barbados certainly has a lower number of cases – yes. But that mostly has nothing to do with how Barbados has managed the situation. If you were to look at basically any small island state you would see case rates of a similar order of magnitude and they are also doing reasonably well.

    Bigger countries with large metropolises are struggling because of the sheer volume of individual interactions and multi nodal network effects.

  36. Barbados numbers were small but that repeat is a comfort to a fool
    Reason being that barbados does not have an adequate health system
    Those international countries even with better health system is struggling which means that any increase in barbados no matter how small would put a burden financially or socially on the health care system
    This is not a good time for heads to be buried in the sand

  37. @ MariposaJanuary 10, 2021 9:25 AM
    “David the countries that are infested took the same gamble that barbados has taken by leaving their borders open until it was too late
    Soon barbados would join the list of infected countries
    Presently barbados has over 800 infections on the island
    It is not possible for govt to deal with such numbers with adequacy while testing continues and the total increases
    Think about that..”

    What is there to think about? The country is facing a global challenge in the form a pandemic; not some purposely concocted local sewage spill.

    Why can’t you simply admit that the GoB- despite some bleeps, blunders and even preventative foul-ups (like not keeping its 72 hour testing and reporting commitment to visitors) has done a fantastic job in handling the Covid-19 pandemic compared to you lot of blue-blooded shi**t hounds when faced with the management of the overflowing pit toilet on the Bajan South coast in 2016 to early 2018 which resulted in a visibly awful and unbearably smelly epidemic due to sheer incompetence.

    Compared to the previous yellow-bellied administration on a scale of zero to 10 the current administration is doing a fantastic job of 8 or 9 instead of zilch by your deceitful lying party.

    You can bet that a visitor to the Island would rather walk around in a mask now than to be forced to waddle through streams of flowing faeces and toilet paper stained with the blood of politically tainted people like you.

  38. Coronavirus disease as of 9th Jan 2021

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    Total cases 34

    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    Total cases 149

    Coronavirus Cases: 132

    Antigua and Barbuda
    Total cases 169

    Saint Lucia
    Total cases 438

    Total cases 808

  39. A.

    Any idiot (me) when listen to mia and the fact present would have know that there wasnt not going to be any ABC if the numbers had continued trending downwards. Thats why i told you you need to chill – mia got this.

    The way the health people there are tracing and testing and shutting down this and that place because one person there was incontact with someone who is positive is wayyyyyy superior to what is going on here.

    on the other hand
    any fool who follow the situation in bim would realise that mia was instituing measures measures that were implemented when covid first came to barbados. most/ALL are already back in place and the last one to be dropped would have been the ABC.

    It dont take no big brains to realize that if the number of positives came back high that the next step in the government response would have been the ABC.

    Mia just prepared the country for that event if it had come to that.

    Now she made the anouncment on friday. i still looking for the news on the long lines at the supermarkets and the banks etc. the only thing i say so far was somthing about people getting their medications (which would have been a god thing).

    You can bring in your political foolish as always. but then when you get your political afilliations thrown at you then you use it to get out the discussion.

  40. Miller why wouldnt govt admit that cause of Corona virus uptake in past days is due to leaving the borders open and not because of govt blatant concocted excuse of blaming the bus crawl
    Also what about the overall cost in the fight to keep the virus cost
    A cost which has all been but dissolve and lost and for naught in trying to keep the beast out despite govt past efforts
    At this point i would rather sewage on the streets than an uncontrollable virus

  41. Thinking it through, it is not worth your time and effort.

  42. Can’t tell people what to do especially if they sign ND agreements, then they’re on their own….but the intelligent thing to do will be to do YOUR RESEARCH now that vaccines are at trial stage….and don’t listen to the jokers who don’t care and are only looking for ways to make an extra million dollars or 2 to pretend they have pedigree…cause they will never tell you if they paid for the 8 dollar vaccine and claim they paid for the 40 dollar one x 2..that’s their patten for SKIMMING FROM THE TOP FOR THE LAST 40 YEARS….i am CONVINCED that someone they all robbed put a curse on them and the tiefiing minorities that they CANNOT stop stealing from Black people. They’ve been at this game for way too long.

    “Marcella Piper-Terry
    JatSpodnesmnosafuearreuye o5a att 1h:50d StigfentPoM ·
    Karl Dunkin is a frontline healthcare worker who “did his own research” and decided to get the Covid vaccine.
    This is what his wife, Jennifer, wants you to know about their experience…

    “The last 8 days have been incredibly challenging. I had little interest in sharing the details of our lives publicly but through our experience is has become clear that information to help those suffering from the Covid Vaccine is minimal. Public groups to share experiences with the vaccine have been actively deleting posts describing my husbands experience as it doesn’t follow the message they want you to hear.

    “Before jumping in, I’d like clarify that my husband is a frontline worker in healthcare and has been serving his community in various ways for 10+ years. I’d also like to say thank you to every single individual who has reached out to my husband and I to offer comfort and support. We appreciate you.

    “On December 26th my husband received the Moderna Covid Vaccine. Shortly after, he developed a slight fever and general exhaustion. The following day came with incredible challenges that resulted in my husband being bed ridden. Whole body exhaustion, incredibly high fevers, chills, headaches, nausea. He could barley pick his arm up..
    “Enter Monday, 12/28. On 1,000mg of Tylenol and 800mg of Motrin (ibuprofen) he was throwing temperatures higher than 104. I brought him to a local emergency room where he was told to treat his symptoms like Covid until proven otherwise… they gave him IV fluids and sent him on his way..

    “While waiting for his ultimately negative results (he does not have Covid) I called numerous urgent care centers who refused to see him, on-call doctors for ECHN who refused to provide medical advice over the phone to an ECHN patient (isn’t that their job?! Said doctor also informed me 104 fevers were not dangerous and the ice packs and cold cloths we were placing on his body were “only going to make me feel better and won’t do anything for him”.) We were left alone with minimal guidance from professionals in the field my husband has been working in for over a decade…

    “You may be thinking, why didn’t you call the vaccine hotline? We did. It was our first call. They picked up and said to report symptoms online for tracking purposes and then hung up. There was no guidance for treatment, no recommendations for who to seek help from… nothing more than “I hope you feel better”.
    “Fast forward a bit. Symptoms continued to worsen and I ultimately brought him to a privately held highly regarded emergency room in Hartford CT for further care. Without sharing specifics, I’ll share that my husband was and continues to be so incredibly ill, the hospital has been testing every potential cause for his symptoms which has included 20+ tests and counting:
    – Countless X-rays,
    – Multiple Ultrasounds,
    – Spinal taps for meningitis, and
    – Regular ongoing blood work for blood bacteria, to name a few.
    “Doctors and nurses from Infectious Disease have been consulting with each other to try and best identify potential trial treatments to see what works and what doesn’t. For now, he’s been given anti-bacterial medication in an attempt to relieve his symptoms.

    “My husband after four days still remains in the hands of caring, interested and well researched professionals who are the ONLY professionals who have taken a general interest in helping, researching and trying.
    “At the end of the day, I am beyond thankful for this privately held highly regarded Hartford based hospital but am very concerned about how little is being shared in regards to Covid vaccine symptoms and their severity. Two days ago I saw a big push to get the vaccine on the news with a tempting promise of a “normal fall” if we all get vaccinated… please take our experiences into consideration as you decide what is best for you and your family.

    “And if you’ve taken some time out of your day to read through this, please SHARE. There is little information available for those suffering. And if for any reason you become increasingly ill, please seek help from the best hospital you can as soon as you can.
    “If you have any questions regarding my husband, his experience or mine, please reach out. I want you to be armed with information about ALL side effects from the vaccine so you can make the best decisions for you and your families.
    “With every wish that you and yours stay safe and well,

  43. by the way….

    if the supermarkets are already empty as you say then what would have be the problem with implenenting the ABC beside making them emptier each day? which i think would have bee the intention

  44. Waru I suggest you don’t take the vaccine ….I just saw kamala Harris picture on vogue and one of the side effects seems to be it make you white.

  45. And that’s not the only case. It’s trials that will have to go on for at least 2 years to get a handle on how they can move forward to make the vaccine safer, the hardest thing is to know…then make your own decisions.

    that’s why they were so hot and sweaty to rush into Africa to use them as guinea pigs until Africa told them to fcuk off…you will find the weakest African leaders only who would cave like the damn jellyfish they are.

  46. “Waru I suggest you don’t take the vaccine …”

    lol..i can’t take it anyway, will have to see what happens to yall first, who grows extra heads, arms and legs, who dies and crawl around like snakes or get crippled…..seriously, i suffer from sever allergies, so i do have to watch and wait…yours might turn you black, next time ya visit the island ya just may be a black stud..

  47. lol can always come to the blog to get an unbiased scientific opinion

  48. Out of transparency i wonder if govt would give a clear and concise dollar number in govt fight to keep the virus out
    It would be of interest especially after several months of down take govt financial resources would be taking a beating
    Also which would include the refunding of tourist hotel bills

  49. Waru you best hope that doesn’t happen…i guess you have never heard a Scotsman rapping.

  50. Lawson…i would love to see that….it would be one for the ages

    who is that savage from BWA driving a water truck in one of the districts, a lady asked him to just drive the truck up a couple feet because she could not manage carrying the buckets and there was no one around to help her and the animal drove off and left her without any water just because he did not want to help someone looking just like him, that area had no water since Saturday, why do black people treat each other like that ….and her taxes have to pay his salary, he should be fired, now everyone on FB is talking about him….depriving someone of water that does not belong to him and she probably has children in the house.

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