Although not out of the woods Barbadians were told based on the week over week numbers “we are in a better place”, however, we need to keep our guard up. We can do this people!

Briefing by Prime Minister Mottley and Team

428 responses to “Prime Minister Mottley and Team Have Covid 19 Conversation with Barbadians”

  1. Elon remarked earlier today, My 14-year-old son, Saxon, said he feels like 2021 will be a good year. I agree.

  2. Just a thought but there is a lot more costs are involved operating a business during covid, extra hours or people for cleaning , barriers , personal ppe.. signage etc etc so dont be so quick to judge if you see prices increase.
    Waru your right, prostitution should be stopped but the whoremongers are the blacks who are putting the girls on the street the white couple would be patrons.

  3. @ David,
    You said:
    “We have been fighting the pandemic long enough to have acquired key learnings. Let us continue to tweak the system to ensure we manage the risk as best as is possible.”

    I wish you guys all the best in managing covid-19. The UK reported a record covid-19 cases today.

    I hope you guys remain up for the challenge.

  4. We need to engage the government and not just seek to beat up on them. I am convinced if Mr Stuart was at the helm we would be in deep shit as the sleeping giant would have called a national day of prayer to pray Covid away and to correct our economic woes. Give me Mottley any day for at least you can engage with her unlike Mr Stuart.

    Barbados needed strong leadership in the likes of Tom and Owen thus Ms Mottley fits the bill.

    Covid19 must be a collective fight and not only that over government. We the people must express our thoughts whatsoever they are. Yardfowlism and partisanship destroys countries.

  5. TSLN, rowdyism is the main problem of the UK.

  6. “TOPLINE A second U.S. Capitol Police officer has died since Wednesday’s storming of Congress by a mob of President Trump’s supporters, authorities reported Sunday..”

  7. @Kammie Holder,
    And you want these people as tourists!!!

  8. “Barbados will soon have a dedicated health communications team to better inform the country about all matters related to the spread and treatment of COVID-19.”

    Won’t this be more “simply PR” dead-weight added to the top??

    Past two days (Sat. & Sun.), Westjet & Air Canada flights leaving scores of people at airport…. can’t board the plane without a Covid-free ‘certificate’. They all took the test 3 days ago but no results back !!! A big group was at the airport checking their phones & praying for a last minute email …. no such luck!!

    Frantic phone calls, texts, emails, etc. to hotline …. no answer!!!
    “What to do?” … they ask!!! Next flight on Thursday! Go take test again and repeat the above because they can’t get results in time …. ad infinitum??

  9. A very small point. Not saying if it is right or wrong.
    Some get very agitated when the ‘locals’ point at other countries as examples of where the same problems are occurring (it is happening elsewhere, they have the same problem).

    These same some will scour the globe to find a pox or pimple and then tell the ‘locals” (see what is happening elsewhere, it is coming to you).

    Thanks for the warning, but why can’t we have a pointing party and let all do some pointing.
    Thanks for the warning,

  10. Kammie …Stuart is not in office
    So it is silly of u to be inserting Stuart name into the debate to prop up your support for Mia
    Mia made a dangerous decision to let visitors from hot spots enter the island
    If you think that is good policy then i have some swamp land to sell u
    The ridiculous of all this support by Mia supporters is indicative that no.matter or crazy or destructive her policies are fools would go were angels dare not tread

  11. Theo…they got bigger problems, check out the community nonspread.

  12. Pointing party good idea why dont you head that up theo

  13. Lawson…look at this, they bring a bunch of disrespectful racists into the island during a plague and expect respect..

    ..So how is Aunty Maxine, you’re the new beau you know.

    “Abuse condemned – by Kareem Smith January 9, 2021
    Head of Infection Prevention at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) Dr. Corey Forde, has condemned the “disrespect” and “abuse” shown to frontline workers at the Harrison Point Isolation Centre, as they attend to steady increases of COVID-19 cases.

    The senior public health official in charge of the St. Lucy facility was responding to a series of complaints levelled particularly by tourists about the services offered at the St Lucy facility.

    “People will at times be abusive to them and sometimes they are not nice to them. Sometimes they break the law and record them… and certainly that is a difficult situation to work under and I always tell people, I would never like to be in a position where I ask my staff to do something that I personally would not want to do. I think there needs to be a level of respect certainly by those admitted to the facility and we at all levels of staff in the medical profession in the facility, we deserve that level of respect back in our corner,” Dr. Forde declared”

  14. @ks January 10, 2021 7:02 PM “Past two days (Sat. & Sun.), Westjet & Air Canada flights leaving scores of people at airport…. can’t board the plane without a Covid-free ‘certificate’. They all took the test 3 days ago but no results back !!! A big group was at the airport checking their phones & praying for a last minute email …. no such luck!!”

    In this the Canadian government is behaving irresponsibly and foolishly. Since Canada is demanding a negative PCR test before permitting Canadian citizens and residents back into their communities, then Canad, like Barbados did in the early stages of the pandemic should arrange for such tests to be done at Canadian airports. I am certain that Canada has the inancial and technical resources to administer tests on arrival in Canada. After all these Canadians and permanent residents returning home PAY TAXES in Canada. How does Canada grt away with shutting out its own citizens?

    As for students returning to Canadian universities, these students pay high fees to attend such universities. The tuition paid by foreign students pay the salaries of Canadian professors, the money paid for housing paid by foreign students keep tens of thousand of Canadian landlords happy.

    I know a youngster who was not permitted to board his flight to Canada today. No doubt in 3 years time when he has graduated Canada will seek to exploit his brains.

    This bondoogle is not Barbados’ fault. How could Canada introduce this regulation with only a few day’s notice? Doing so has put undue pressure on foreign labs.

    The Canadian government has to do better than this.

  15. Another situation developing, still bubbling. There’s an ongoing exodus out of UK.

    “Four charities have written to the Home Secretary warning that her words have “harmful consequences” – the day after she said the US President’s words “directly led” to violence.

    They say they’ve had to ramp up security in recent weeks amid heightened threats from racists and far-right groups.

    This week Ms Patel condemned Trump’s incitement of supporters following Wednesday’s rioting at the Capitol building in Washington DC.

    But organisations have called on her to look at what’s happening closer to home in a letter seen by The Mirror.

  16. The Canadian airlines are quite rightly not happy with their government which announce the new regulations only 4 days ago when tens of thousands of Canadians, permanent residents and students were already abroad. 4 days notice is unreasonable.
    New federal rule on COVID-19 tests for air passengers in effect

    A spokesperson for WestJet, the country’s second largest air carrier, slammed the new directive, saying it will create a “chaotic situation” for its passengers.The airline said it had urged the government to set up some sort of regime that would allow passengers to be tested in Canada rather than at points abroad before departure. “This latest announcement by the federal government is specifically the type of chaotic situation WestJet has been seeking to avoid. It’s why we, as an industry, have continued to advocate for a coordinated testing regime on Canadian soil to mitigate COVID-19 and increase the confidence of travellers,” a spokesperson for the airline said in a statement to CBC News.

  17. @ Cuhdear Bajan:January 10, 2021 8:12 PM

    ” ….. then Canad, like Barbados did in the early stages of the pandemic should arrange for such tests to be done at Canadian airports.” = problem solved!!!
    return tests results within 3 days, as promised = problem solved!!!

    Both governments can solve the problem but who suffers??? … “…youngster who was not permitted to board his flight to Canada today.”!!!

  18. I give up, yall got me exhausted…ya can tell me if this is true tomorrow. ya on ya own.

  19. leaving yall young folks to help them figure all this out.

    Lawson will volunteer too.

  20. Ontario set a new daily record with 3,945 COVID-19 cases today, while neighbouring Quebec’s elevated case load showed little sign of abating with 2,588 new infections.

    Bajan students should not come to Canada until Covid cases and deaths start declining.

  21. @ Cuhdear Bajan January 10, 2021 8:12 PM

    Why should Canada behave any differently than the Caribbean islands? Why should they allow potential biological bombs into their country?

    Canada is doing the right thing.

  22. Canada like its neighbour to the South is having a difficult time controlling the spread of the virus, it has also been slow in getting vaccines into the arms of its citizens, so the Federal and Provincial Gov’ts have been under much criticism.

    When the new variant reared its head in Britain and found its way to the US, Canada initiated a policy where International passengers now require a negative COVID test prior to boarding a flight to Canada, unfortunately for the airlines it requires the carrier to ensure that its passengers have the required medical clearance before they can board. The airlines can complain but they have been the recipient of millions of taxpayer dollars which has kept them afloat, so they don’t want to bite the hand that fed them but are delivering a muted bark at the Gov’t.

    As for the situation regarding timely completion of COVID 19 tests in Bim, didn’t I hear the Minister say that the backlog had been cleared and there would be no more delays? These issues will be resolved as soon as the new “communications team” gets on board.

  23. @Sargeant

    The recent outbreak obviously stressed then lab.

  24. Oh dear me! People still with their hair on fire!

    Newsflash! This is a pandemic! Calm down, wear your mask, physical distance, sanitise!

    This thing got out of hand because people stopped doing this.

    We have the solution!

    Just do it!


    Ontario’s latest COVID-19 modelling will project the province’s intensive care units to be filled beyond capacity by early February, and will also show how a new, more contagious variant of the coronavirus risks accelerating the spread of infections, sources tell CBC News.

  26. Frustrating and stressful says one vistor

    I feel trapped here! How can we leave if our countries demand covid 19 results within 72hrs to board the plane but barbados can’t provide your result. This morning will make the third time I will be changing my flight. If you all could not handle the burden of a fall out then why did you upen for business? Some of us did not come on Vacation. I followed all the rules and it just keeps changing. My family took the test yet again on Thursday to travel sunday. Come sunday no results yet again and no answer from no one. Covid hotline no help, best de santos no help, 628 4150 is a fake number giving people false hope. We changed flights to today monday now still no results. The results are now invalid and we got to go take them again and wait again. The test is hard on the kids. People have Jobs and lives and there is no one to contact for help. All everyone says is I understand. no you don’t understand that if I don’t get my results by 7 am this morning that you have subjected my family to sleep in the streets. We have been here since the 29th of December at the invitation of the US EMBASSY and I can’t be here no more. I will be calling CNN, MSNBC and all other NEWS NETWORKS THIS MORNING TO TELL THEM WHAT IS GOING ON HERE IN BARBADOS!

  27. All everyone says is I understand. no you don’t understand that if I don’t get my results by 7 am this morning that you have subjected my family to sleep in the streets. We have been here since the 29th of December at the invitation of the US EMBASSY and I can’t be here no more. I will be calling CNN, MSNBC and all other NEWS NETWORKS THIS MORNING TO TELL THEM WHAT IS GOING ON HERE IN BARBADOS!


    @ Mariposa



  28. Enough said
    Leadership throughout the Carribbean stinks

  29. I often wondered why a single lab was tasked with testing for the virus

  30. This remains the million dollar question

    If you all could not handle the burden of a fall out then why did you upen for business? Some of us

  31. See, we complain and have been for YEARS on the blog, are subjected to all types of abuse by shitty yardfowls, now this visitor is threatening to call in the big networks, why don’t the yardfowls Enuff and Lorenza jump out to cuss her…and tell her about herself…coward fowls..

    i will catch yall soon again, short memory syndrome.

  32. What that woman should be doing is contacting her embassy

    It not Barbados that shutting them out

    A Bajan it her country can get in a plane any day and come to bim?
    When there get there then they get tested.

    It here county that is shutting her out
    When she call cnn etc she should let them know that

    It the same thing that happened to the trinis



    Police at Paragon as people voice concerns

    Tensions appear to be rising at the Paragon Isolation Centre at the Barbados Defence Force base in Christ Church.

    Several angry people telephoned the Nation today to complain that they have been at the facility for close to two weeks awaiting their COVID-19 test results, but have not heard anything from Ministry of Health officials.

    Some sent videos and photographs showing a large number of people gathered outside one of the buildings, some with suitcases packed and threatening to leave.

    One irate man said things took a turn when three Caucasian men who came in after them, left the facility this morning after receiving their results. He added close to 100 men, women and children were at the centre.

    The man said an official just held a meeting with the group and informed then that their concerns would be relayed to the Minister of Health.

    Police are currently on the scene. (MB)

  34. Dangerous things happen when monkeys handle guns
    Not surprised at what is happening
    What next
    Stay tuned

  35. What has happened today at Paragon would go right over the blp fan club head
    There interest is to protect govt

  36. Unconfirmed reports reaching Nation News are that the Randall Phillips Polyclinic, Oistins, Christ Church has been closed due to an incident related to COVID-19.

    Reports are that this morning some staff members at the polyclinic started to say they were not feeling well. It was reported that a decision was taken to close the polyclinic to allow staff to be tested for the coronavirus.

    When a Nation News team visited the polyclinic, there was a notice on the door stating that it was closed due to unforeseen circumstances. (Nation

  37. Baje

    If there are bajans. Then they have a right to protest against government

  38. @ks January 10, 2021 8:33 PM “return tests results within 3 days, as promised = problem solved!!!”

    A country cannot say like Professor La Ha “abra cadabra” and a lab technician appears.

    First it takes a pregnancy which lasts 9 months.
    Then 4 years of good care by parents, grandparents etc.
    Then 7 years from reception to class 4
    Then 5 years from first to fifth form
    Then 2 or 3 years or more at a college or university to earn an associate or bachelor’s or degree in medical lab technology.

    Every country in the world has been caught with its pants down.

    The Canadians should test their own people on arrival, and quarantine them until the test results are known.

    That is the reasonable thing to do.

    I expect ALL of my governments to be REASONABLE.

  39. Spin and PR only gets you so far.

  40. @Sargeant January 11, 2021 1:06 PM “I often wondered why a single lab was tasked with testing for the virus.”

    Since you are generally a reasonable person I will tell you.


    LACK-OF-WOMAN-POWER. Most of the lab techs are in fact women, because the “boys” prefer to work for the big dollars, because being a lab tech does not pay very well.

    If the Barbados government had 3 times the lab capacity, and 3 times the number of lab technicians, and if 2/3 of that capacity remained unused mostly for years, the same people who are now chiding the government for lack of capacity, would be chiding the government for over capacity, for over building, and for paying lab techs to sit doing nothing. And the lab techs without work would have migrated anyhow.

  41. This is the sensible thing to do. I am completely non-partisan:

    COVID-19 testing centre for arriving international travellers launches at Pearson Airport

    From: Public Health Agency of Canada
    News release

    January 6, 2021 | Ottawa, ON | Public Health Agency of Canada

    The Government of Canada welcomes the Government of Ontario’s announcement to offer COVID-19 testing on-site at Toronto Pearson International Airport for arriving international travellers who wish to take a test prior to leaving the airport.

    This new testing service does not change a traveller’s mandatory 14-day quarantine requirement upon entry into Canada.

    The Government of Canada has implemented robust measures at Canada’s borders to prevent and mitigate the importation of new COVID-19 cases associated with international travel. This includes a mandatory 14-day quarantine for most arriving travellers and a new requirement for a negative pre-departure COVID-19 test result at least three days prior to boarding a flight to Canada.

    Today’s pilot program at Toronto Pearson International Airport represents a collaboration with industry, the Greater Toronto Airports Authority and the Government of Canada, and sets the stage for further science-based work with the Government of Ontario on testing of international travellers.

    The Government of Canada continues to work with Ontario and other provinces, territories and partners to implement innovative and scientifically grounded measures at Canada’s international border.

    The Public Health Agency of Canada is continuing to advise travellers to avoid all non-essential travel outside of Canada.

  42. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    @Sargeant January 11, 2021 1:06 PM “I often wondered why a single lab was tasked with testing for the virus.”
    @Cuhdear Bajan

    I think it has more to do with government’s urge to micromanage the COVID cases reporting by controlling the timing for the release of results like in the prison situation.

    I am sure they can divert some of the testing of collected samples to other private labs in the country or could have had them as part of their protocols as a backup to help with capacity issues if need be.

  43. “only around 2% of all known COVID-19 cases in Canada have originated from travel outside the country.”



    “At the outset, there are time-limited flexibilities for travellers departing from some countries in recognition of the need for testing systems to adjust. Travellers departing from Saint Pierre et Miquelon are exempt from the requirement to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test until January 14, and travellers departing from Haiti, until January 21, 2021, but they are strongly encouraged to get a COVID-19 test once they arrive in Canada. TRAVELLERS DEPARTING FROM THE CARIBBEAN OR SOUTH AMERICA CAN USE TESTS CONDUCTED WITHIN 96 HOURS OF DEPARTURE [INSTEAD OF 72 HOURS] UNTIL JANUARY 14, 2021.”


  45. For those who thinks that dealing with COVID mutiple effects are easy

  46. Liz Thompson is now making another attack on social media. Everything is wrong, but she is not saying what it is.

  47. Scientists urge No10 to increase social distancing to THREE METRES as Matt Hancock blasts people for flouting lockdown after Britain endures deadliest week so far with average of 931 deaths a DAY


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