The blogmaster must admit that following the platforms of ALL political parties campaigning in the St. George by-election has been a slog. In Bajan parlance- boring is shyte.

The highlights- negative for the BLP (time will tell)- of the campaign have been 79 year old Delisle Bradshaw’s statement ‘any idiot can play cricket’ and the questioning of Gline Clarke’s dual citizenship. A press report in today’s Nation confirmed that Clarke always intended to renounce Canadian citizenship. One is left to speculate why BLP political strategists allowed the issue to grow wings by not getting ahead of it

For the blogmaster the appearance of Rawdon Adams on the SGN campaign trail makes for interesting rumshop discussion. Minister Santia Bradshaw (daughter of Delisle Bradshaw) reference to pedigree has set political tongues wagging with cries of elitism. What is it about the Bradshaws!

It is no secret the blogmaster has a lot of time for Senator Adams. His unflappable style, obvious intelligence, exposure to the outside and yes ‘pedigree’ and heritage equips him to be as good as or better than any other candidate. His entry to local politics would in the opinion of the blogmaster add value to the political landscape of Barbados. The obvious conclusions being made by onlookers is that he will be declared a candidate coming soon. Others suggest it is a case of Adams answering a call by Mottley for ALL Bees to swarm SGN.


For those who missed Adam’s presentation forward to 2hrs 40m of the YouTube video.

Public Meeting in Taitt Hill, St. George (Oct. 25)

287 responses to “Rawdon Adams Sighting in SGN”

  1. Halton Austin presented as knowing about national security matters yet he purports to out an American agent and what he says is a limited hangout.

    Death would be the penalty for that cunt if either were true.

  2. The new Jamaican digital bank has had a wonderful start. If you live in the UK and have not yet opened an account, do so soon. The great Caribbean success story in the UK.

  3. Pachamama
    Hal is a fraud and clown. A great cut and paste artist, who pretends to be an expert.

  4. @william

    Do not be a simpleton. The DLP is trying to win against the BLP, a party that decimated them at the polls less than 3 years ago. Why would a youthful first time candidate want Blackett chairing a meeting, the man whose sluttish behaviour at Stadium road is still top of mind, Boyce and Sealy who held their noses to swim in shitty sea water on the south coast etc etc etc. Apply context my dear man, if you have the capacity to do so.

  5. Enuff

    Yes. We think its pass time for sanctions to be taken.

  6. The blogmaster 99% of the time will ignore your buffoonery. Did you hold the same view in the period when Hartley Henry’s articles were carried weekly by BU? A period BU was labeled the mouthpiece of the DLP? Did you post to BU during the period when this blogmaster had to defend comments that were sympathetic of the late David Thompson before he was proved to be as corrupt as all the others? Go and watch your rugby please!

  7. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    HAL is not a KOOL AID drinker. Misery loves company.

  8. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Pacha
    I have never considered you or @ Hal in any derogatory form. I have often said you say the same things differently. You know the full history of the Mahogany Coconut Group better than most.
    In your own way you have offered some marketing ideas that are still under consideration. We appreciate that you used the secure channels to proffer such advice.
    I as a very young man was once interviewed by the police in Bim before I even left MHS about my views and involvement in the Black Power movement. I also know that @Hal was also involved in the movement and that while we may differ I would never think of him as you suggested. You have a way of using words to describe people who have different opinions from you. It’s the same way you describe Comrade Prescod as a “ scallywag”. My problem with you is that you probably have a better vocabularly than anybody on BU. You are also one of the best writers in or out of Barbados. I just feel you over do the vulgarity depending on your audience. And then try to describe elaborate disrespect as some cultural virtue.
    I have told @ Hal not to use abusive language but I have also read where people on this blog went so far as to berate him for the choice of his wife who is European. I don’t involve myself in such disrespect on either side.
    Recently I noted how @Donna was called names such as “ pea brain “ and “ not being the brightest bulb in the room”
    You and @Hal know quite well that we Black brothers were taught never to disrespect our sisters. You will note that I don’t reference my PM by any other title than the one she officially carries.
    So, let’s keep it real and respectful. I am not here to out anybody or cuss anybody. For the last few days, I have been involved on another thread with @ Artax. It has been a pleasure.
    I am an avowed Black Panther and I still carry their philosophy in my dealings with my brothers and sisters . We all get a bit harsh sometimes but we know ithere us a limit. Even my good buddy @ Lorenzo knows we don’t let the back and forth get out of hand.

  9. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    What was was said at the Stadium that was untrue as we are realizing now?????

  10. Why dont you go back to your facebook page? Always believing the worse. Always throwing shade at Barbados. Some of you lack the capacity to be constructively critical. Every blog you find a way to squeeze it into your narrow Rh agenda.

  11. The new Jamaican digital bank has had a wonderful start. If you live in the UK and have not yet opened an account, do so soon. The great Caribbean success story in the UK.


    @ Hal Austin






  12. Hal AustinOctober 27, 2020 1:26 PM

    Lol.. that is hilarious Hal. Not impossible, bit still hilarious. If is um Amurcans, all they getting, apart from Cotton Eye John, DR.The Mostest Honourable and Ecclesiastical GP and the equally hardcore Critical H’Analyser (as your 26,000 Jamaican countrymen would say), is that their leader is a madman.

    But you can be sure that they already know that.

    Not a lot of return for the buck is it?


  13. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    What does ”narrow Rh agenda” mean????

    Is this a case of when you find a man is telling too much TRUTH that you prefer not to be told , and you cant defeat him , you reach into to to the SEWER to find words to use????

  14. DavidOctober 27, 2020 2:46 PM

    Quite right. Even if someone disagrees with your reference to political dynasty (I prefer that term to pedigree), there is absolutely no need to bring allegations of prior misdeeds into the discussion.

    The abusive terms above are totally out of order and I would commend the Speaker for correcting those members who have taken the interchange down that path. For shame!

    That is carrying the narrative into an irrelevant path. The question must be and must remain as to the younger Adams intentions and ability to contribute positively to change.

    Nothing more, nothing less.

  15. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    You dont wat me on your blog, then I wont come on your Blog.

    In your opinion the people must always be like MUSHROOMS.


  16. @ William

    I do not use abusive language on BU, or in private life. It is just not my style. Sometimes I may be uncomplimentary, but never foulmouthed. On the few occasions I do at home my wife shouts me down.
    By the way, I also suggest you do not accept nonsense on BU as fact. None more so than when the chairman speaks. He mentioned Hartley Henry. The first time I heard the name was when Thompson died and he wrote of Thompson’s preference for Old Combermerians, then again when he joined the president. I do not know the man, nor do I have any interest in him.
    My views of Thompson have been expressed on BU on numerous occasions. I repeat: had he not died prematurely, I believe he would have been a good prime minister. My concern is why a British born man, of Guyanese heritage, with a St Lucian wife should become prime minister of Barbados.
    I have repeated this in the Gline Clarke discussion by raising the issue of people with multiple passports being members of our parliament.
    As to corruption, I presume he is talking about Clico, of which I have always said due process should take its course. Of course that is not what he wants to hear. Thompson died ten years ago, there must have been probate, which is a public record. We got Clico because of regulatory failure, and even now, 12 years after the global crisis, Clico is still an issue. We are incompetent.
    Foulmouthed aggression is a sign of weakness, of an inability to articulate an argument. That is why toddlers get so angry when they do not get their way.
    I just ignore the buffoons who stay on the sideline and throw verbal stones. Note they never put forward logical, coherent arguments, just nonsense from Google and a vain attempt to get cheap laughs. It is the Bajan Condition.

  17. You dont wat me on your blog, then I wont come on your Blog.

    In your opinion the people must always be like MUSHROOMS.



    @ Carson Cadogan



  18. on a more constructive note the blogmaster notes that members of parliament are now practicing physical distancing as per national COVID-19 protocol. Those participating in debate will be allowed to vote electronically? If yes it is a pity such an arrangement was not on place to prevent the Lisa Cummins Integrity Bill saga.

    PS. Whether Lucille MOE?

  19. Hal Austin ”I have repeated this in the Gline Clarke discussion by raising the issue of people with multiple passports being members of our parliament.”

    I do not see an issue, because Barbados’s ties, in terms of human resources and social interchange, to the USA and Canada are actually now stronger than to the UK.

    Practically every Barbadian has family, whether immediate or cousin, in the USA or Canada, working legally as a citizen or resident.

    The reality is that the Barbados economy cannot support the volume of well educated and hardworking people that are generated. And those who are just educated to primary school and can get to the USA or Canada, work hard to stay there.

    I see little point in denying such links to Parliamentarians when the interlinks are so deep. In fact, it may actually be an asset. Barbados has always been interlinked to the larger world.

    While I agree that there is a Bajan Condition, that some escape by doing just that, leaving, as some on this blog have done, does not mean that the links with other countries are not valued.

    There is a problem of sociological development however, such that there should be money to go around, for many more to be better off than they are. This, R.Adams referred to in his speech, although I disagree with what he said , to an extent. I think that the middle class has borne a huge weight throughout history since independence and that much more could have been done for the less fortunate.

  20. Peace, mere sophistry.

    We hold a particular loathing for your brother, not ours. And there will never be any limits to that. Either imposed by you or anybody else.

    William Skinner you are a liar. That you denied ever telling this writer, many times, that Halton Austin is the equivalent of an asshole is indeed pitiful.

    Maybe this is why he is your brother. For we have clear proofs now that you are both liars. And you lie about things both large and small.

    Your dishonesty extends to a response which has nothing whatsoever to do with the substantive issue. But as the consummate marketer you have want to tell us about the Black Panthers and all. We don’t fall for that shite.

    A man who comes here with his demeanour, kicking Black ass, but answering to White people is another level of cultural deceit, and goes some way to the schizophrenia dedevilling Halton Austin. He needs a psychiatrist, not a blog.

    But Skinner, you have a blog, why don’t you and your brother go over there and prove to each other how bright or whatever each of you are. On your blog all your personal standards can be enforced. Emancipate us from your anachronistic Victorian foolishness

    This writer is never going to stop rassssoul cursing, under no set of cicumstances, and will never recognize your Janet Layne Clark BBC bullshit. Maybe, you should tell the people that you yourself are quite proficient in swearing. And to be cussing for all these years but come hear pretending that a slavish English standard is to be imposed will forever be rejected by us. Us, all the ancestors from whom this writer derives.

  21. @ Crusoe

    I think I know that Barbadians have relatives and friends in many countries, but what has that got to do with the idea that people with multiple passports should not be allowed to join our parliament?
    Maybe you do not agree, fine.

  22. Hal AustinOctober 27, 2020 3:57 PM

    Many think that your PM Boris Johnson gave up his US citizenship for tax reasons, not any other.

    Good for the goose?

    I referred to the background re families as you ask for reasoned discussion. I gave you background in also referring to the depth of those links.

    If you think that those links are not substantive enough to allow for the status quo, that is your view.

  23. “….they never put forward logical, coherent arguments, just nonsense from Google…”

    I repeat, a clown!

  24. @ Crusoe

    I have never claimed Boris as MY prime minister. I am not denying Barbadians have relations in North America and Europe. Nor am I saying they should not be allowed to work in or for Barbados.
    This is what I am saying: People who are citizens of other countries other than Barbados should, by law, be prohibited from sitting in our parliament.
    When talking about Barbados I do not go in for whataboutism.

  25. @enuff

    We see a favourite subject of yours is being debated in the lower house today? The rebirth of Bridgetown.

  26. …But Hal Austin has a point though.

    A blog is not expensive to set up and maintain . There is the domain name, hosting and maybe some premium WordPress themes, which could run a couple of hundred per year max. Commenters provide 99.9% of the content for free!

    But it does take a great deal of time to manage and monitor. All the posts, comments, security issues and routine maintenance for a blog of this size and popularity could almost make for a full time job.

    Is the #1 blog in Barbados (and one of the busiest websites on the island) being run for 13 years just as a hobby?

    I doubt it.

  27. Dullard

    Ok then. Since he has a point we will see if any of the Virginia farm boys will act.

  28. @Dullard

    It was too much to expect consecutive days of sensible comments?


  29. William Skinner Avatar

    & Pacha
    You are never going to get me to admit to your pure nonsense. You are calling people’s names because they cannot defend themselves.
    I would leave @ Hal to determine if he believes I would ever call him any derogatory name.
    As for Mahogany Coconut it is dedicated primarily as a Caribbean organ. Anybody can submit articles and they will be published. We prefer names since we don’t want others to just push their own agendas. Your articles were accepted because people who know you determined that your skills as a writer and your erudite mind would be of the required standard. The editorial committee agreed. Quite recently we actually reprinted one of your articles and have them on file. I know that you don’t like the fact that I have called you out on your vulgarity but you have called me several names. Obviously you have now joined those who want to bully people into leaving BU. That’s the Blogmaster’s call. He has my email address and my name has been out there for a half century.
    I have been consistent because I monitored your replit’s to people on this blog and you cussed everybody with one exception. You reserved your best manners and english for only one contributor . And I know why.
    You are much better than the crap that you have written in your response. Now , like the old people say: Go and behave yourself . Cuss me before I have my two evening drinks. I will enjoy them more.
    Peace and may all good things attend you and yours.

  30. @David
    You know I don’t bowl line and length. LOL

    Besides, if the BU household gets tired wid de blog ting get in touch.

  31. David
    Not mine, that’s one of the many areas of expertise of the know-it-all from Lundun.

  32. Going to throw some shade
    Mia seems to have a beef with the dlp to the extent of not allowing Barrow and Thompson to rest in Peace
    Her silly utterances of asking what would those two think about the dlp Party makes of concern why would she place two dead men into politics of barbados when they cannot respond to her questions
    All i can say is that Mia is such a political animal that showing lack of respect for the dead does not even bother her
    I was taught to let the dead RIP as a show of respect
    But not Mia she heads right over to the graveyard skull and bones in hand and draw Barrow and Thompson smack into politics
    As a matter of fact she ought to resist such grandstanding and theatrics at a time when barbados social and economic environment is unstable all but on life support and close to death doors and just might get a not so nice response from Barrow and Thompson words to effect like WTF pointed in her direction

  33. NorthernObserver Avatar

    asked elsewhere, I think the new font is fine, as readable as the old font. Only a few capitalised letters are ‘different’

    you two need to find a truce.

  34. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Northern Observer
    Not truce necessary . There is no war with me and @Pacha.
    No shots will be fired.


  35. We are not interested in getting anybody to accept our standards. We have no interest in that. It is you who try to impose yours on us.

    Would it not be best if every rasssoul body wrote the way they speak. Instead of trying to be a little englishman like you.

    We repeat. You are a rassssoul liar. You William Skinner have told this writer what an asshole Halton Austin was and is, many times.

    What editorial board? Jesus Christ, William Skinner don’t tell more rassssoul lies.

    You have the final word as is your penchant. Makes no sense engaging with you at all.

  36. @ William

    Your problem is that you do not live in Barbados, do not swear every other word, and write rubbish as part of your everyday language.
    You are a gentleman, don”t let the rabble rousers get you down.. Have you ever been to Speakers’ Corner at Hyde Park? Some people go crazy about some things they cannot control.

    @ Dullard

    It is always good to step back and take a serious look at developments. If things look unreal, then most probably they are.

  37. DullardOctober 27, 2020 4:46 PM There are no doubt also commenters with agendas.

    Especially one pro Trump woman who I really wonder as to her backers. Definitely a schiller.Here I strongly believe so.

    John? Never know, or if he has just totally lost it. Dr.GP? Nah, he just want rapture. A nice girl would do that for him, not sure what the issue is.

    But the Trump woman for sure.

  38. The by-elections damage our country. Our great government struggles with the consequences of the pandemic.

    It would therefore be best if our Supreme Leader Mia Mottley alone decided who will succeed in parliament. We should also suspend the parliamentary elections until 2025.

    A mature democracy is characterized by the fact that we absolutely trust our Supreme Leader.

  39. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Hal
    Thank you Comrade.

  40. Mia all fired up in the media blaming people for distractions because they dare question the validity of Gline Clarke having dual citizenship and being a member of Parliament when under the Constitution it is not permitted/ accepted

  41. MariposaOctober 27, 2020 7:26 PM

    MariDLP, but all the news reports say that Donville is a US citizen. As a DLP Chairman and Senior Cabinet member for ten years, plus heralded as future PM by the DLP, you now come with this nonsense? Others too. I am asking, does the former PM have Canadian citizenship?

    Bunch of hypocrites.

    Instead of red herrings, why don’t you people reflect on the shambles the prior ten years have caused?

    Then you regurgitate the same people to run things, soon as election talk appears. Stupse.

  42. @ Crusoe October 28, 2020 3:30 AM

    A very good objection. By the way, there are many more DLP grandees with a foreign passports.

    Black skin color does not necessarily mean Barbadian citizenship.

    After Donville Inniss was exposed as an American, the burden of proof for DLP candidates in elections has been reversed: they must prove that they have Barbadian citizenship in the first place. Even the presentation of an identity card or a birth certificate is not sufficient. Such documents are easily forged. We need more evidence like a complete family tree, court registry and the Prime Minister as a witness.

    My conclusion: The DLP candidacy is illegal for the moment.

  43. Donville is a permanent resident not to be confused with US citizen.

  44. David,

    I refer to public sources. Barbados Today reports: “Inniss also has American citizenship” (August 11, 2020).

    Is this message wrong? The DLP president should clarify this topic. The citizens have a right to know whether the Americans have infiltrated the past government.

  45. Inniss’ status was clarified by former minister McClean last Sunday. One assumes she should be in the know.

  46. Atherley is right but then again third world countries like barbados does things turd world way until the turd hits the fan

    However, Opposition Leader Bishop Joseph Artherley suggested that the Speaker’s announcement sounded out of order and improper to him. He noted that if the Parliament of Barbados is shifting to a situation where there is a participation of members virtually, even given the COVID-19 protocols Parliament should be giving attention to the regulations to govern the context in which members participate via virtual means.
    Seems to me this is out of order. Seems to me those regulations which would amend the standing orders should be brought here first. The Parliament should discuss and vote on them and then later on perhaps a proclamation from Her Excellency,” Atherley said.

  47. Once again notice is taken when govt guided by leadership takes upon itself to trample on rules and regulation as guidance for uplifting and fulfilling the rules towards good governance all put in place to protect the country interest

  48. House going virtual
    For the first time in its history, the Barbados Parliament will be able to meet virtually to allow parliamentarians to observe the physical distancing COVID-19 protocol.
    Reading a proclamation from Governor General Dame Sandra Mason, before Parliament, today, Speaker of the House of Assembly, Arthur Holder, said with effect from today, Parliament may be held with some members present in the Chambers and others participating virtually for the purpose of complying with the protocol relating to physical distancing.
    However, Opposition Leader Bishop Joseph Artherley suggested that the Speaker’s announcement sounded out of order and improper to him. He noted that if the Parliament of Barbados is shifting to a situation where there is a participation of members virtually, even given the COVID- 19 protocols Parliament should be giving attention to the regulations to govern the context in which members participate via virtual means.
    “Seems to me this is out of order. Seems to me those regulations which would amend the standing orders should be brought here first. The Parliament should discuss and vote on them and then later on perhaps a proclamation from Her Excellency,”
    Atherley said.
    Meanwhile, Attorney General Dale Marshall, argued that Parliament meeting virtually is not a mandatory requirement, but is in fact permissive.
    He said Parliament has the responsibility to determine how the virtual system would work, while being responsible leaders during the ongoing pandemic.
    The Attorney General said the last three Cabinet meetings took place virtually. He made reference to the fact that just two weeks ago, almost all Cabinet members in the Bahamas, had to go into quarantine.
    He said while Barbados’ COVID-19 protocols have been serving the country well as gatekeepers, there is always the possibility that cases might slip through the cracks.
    “So if the Cabinet of Barbados can say to itself brothers and sisters we have to take precautions and where possible let us meet virtually, I can see no harm Mr Speaker, in fact, I can see every good with the Parliament of Barbados taking a similar stance,” Marshall said. (AH)

  49. DavidOctober 28, 2020 4:57 AM I was incorrect, based on the news as Tron cited.

    The indictment does say Permanent Resident.

    My other question stands. Does the former PM have Canadian citizenship?

  50. @Crusoe

    By former PM do you mean David Thompson? He was born in the UK. If you mean Stuart, we will probably never know given his penchant for secrecy.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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