The blogmaster must admit that following the platforms of ALL political parties campaigning in the St. George by-election has been a slog. In Bajan parlance- boring is shyte.

The highlights- negative for the BLP (time will tell)- of the campaign have been 79 year old Delisle Bradshaw’s statement ‘any idiot can play cricket’ and the questioning of Gline Clarke’s dual citizenship. A press report in today’s Nation confirmed that Clarke always intended to renounce Canadian citizenship. One is left to speculate why BLP political strategists allowed the issue to grow wings by not getting ahead of it

For the blogmaster the appearance of Rawdon Adams on the SGN campaign trail makes for interesting rumshop discussion. Minister Santia Bradshaw (daughter of Delisle Bradshaw) reference to pedigree has set political tongues wagging with cries of elitism. What is it about the Bradshaws!

It is no secret the blogmaster has a lot of time for Senator Adams. His unflappable style, obvious intelligence, exposure to the outside and yes ‘pedigree’ and heritage equips him to be as good as or better than any other candidate. His entry to local politics would in the opinion of the blogmaster add value to the political landscape of Barbados. The obvious conclusions being made by onlookers is that he will be declared a candidate coming soon. Others suggest it is a case of Adams answering a call by Mottley for ALL Bees to swarm SGN.


For those who missed Adam’s presentation forward to 2hrs 40m of the YouTube video.

Public Meeting in Taitt Hill, St. George (Oct. 25)

287 responses to “Rawdon Adams Sighting in SGN”

  1. Once again fb is talking about the idiocy of Mia
    Exploitation or what hope she pays these children

  2. Mia
    Dale and Toni ate featured in an stage campaign ad which involves children
    The ad is a blantant exploitation of children and it should be seen in order to see the level of desperation Mia has come to trying to win the SGN election seat
    It is jaw dropping to say the least
    I tried posting it here but BU has become the distraction centre for govt and refuses to post videos that exposes the naked desperation of Mia campgain strategy

  3. William Skinner Avatar

    Does anybody on this blog , know of any case, when primary school children, in their school uniform , on the school premises, were lined up by the PM of Barbados along with a candidate in an election ? And then these children were encouraged to chant: More , More ?
    Do we use our children like that ? Do we condone that?
    Is this who we are???

  4. Need to shoot the scene over again. Get those kids in some red uniforms.

  5. Do you think they ask the parents for permission to use the children?

    Do you think parents would have the courage to say “NO”

  6. Does anybody on this blog , know of any case, when primary school children, in their school uniform , on the school premises, were lined up by the PM of Barbados along with a candidate in an election ? And then these children were encouraged to chant: More , More ?

    You must be mistaken that didn’t happen in Barbados, it must have happened in some other country where Dictators rule the roost and Barbados is not like that

    It reminds me of back in the day when one of the anonymous royals landed at Seawell and the whole school was forced to line up in the street and shout “Welcome! Welcome! WELCOOMMMMME!!! As the motorcade whizzed by.

    Beware the tyranny of the majority….

  7. Hope the children got biscuits and milk or corn curls and sweeties.

  8. When I started saying that the prime minister was behaving like a president and has a propensity to autocracy, with little respect for our democratic traditions I was accused of not liking her and other nonsense. Now even her staunchest supporters can see that she does not appear to be a democrat.
    If this report is true, and it looks like it, there are a number of questions to be asked. Were the parents informed and gave their approval? Why did the head, as in loco parentis, agree to this unusual request? Were the education officials informed, and if so, did they approve?
    Where did the idea originate? Was it with the minister, the officials, the head, the parent-teachers association, where? Then there is also a question for the teachers’ unions. Were they informed of this decision? If so, when? Did they give their approval? If not, why did they not take action?
    What is done is done; the next step now for parents in all schools is to take out an injunction stropping the government and/or education authorities from abusing their children for political purposes. And it is abuse.
    This is why voters in St George North, whether they are normally BLP supporters or not, should vote to give the president a bloody nose.
    To vote for Toni Moore will send the wrong message. We will get two more years of the same. By 2023 there will not be a BARBADOS AS WE KNOW IT.

  9. “Do we use our children like that ? Do we condone that?
    Is this who we are???”

    child abuse….schools not maintained and neglected, leaking roofs, bad electrical wiring, roads in dilapadated conditions….CXC disenfranchising our children and grandchilden…then these political frauds are abusing innocent children…immersing them in political nastiness….what did yall expect, we have been warning and warning you…

    they need to be PERMANENTLY PURGED OUT OF THE LIVES OF BLACK PEOPLE…..bag them and throw them over buckingham palace walls to their owners…..we are bound to find a private flight to take them there…

  10. Oh dear! Were the children really used in this manner? What do children know about who is best for SGN?

    This is not a good look at all. I have given the PM a lot of leeway but this is troubling to me.

    I have not paid enough attention in the past to know whether Barbadian children in school uniform have been so abused before so all I can say is that it should not be.

    And I wonder…..

    Who will these children be persuading? Other children cannot vote!

    The only idea I am left with is that they are being indoctrinated or brainwashed to be mindless pawns in South Korea style.


  11. NORTH Korea

  12. “I have not paid enough attention in the past to know whether Barbadian children in school uniform have been so abused before so all I can say is that it should not be.”

    yes they have, why do you think there are so many MINDLESS yardfowls on the island….one only need to check the fowl slaves on BU to know they have been indoctrinated from young to be that DUMB….and backward…….they have done it for decades, trash like Lionel Craig comes to you know how long they have corrupted young minds…why do you think i dislike everyone of them so intensely…they are low crawling and beneath snakes..

    but they will all pay for taking innocent children and CORRUPTING THEIR MINDS with evil political shit….i exposed this already, had an idea about it from long time ago and could see plainly what they had done in my interactions with Koochie Koo..

  13. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Hal
    This is a most serious abuse of our children that is now recorded for posterity. I believe it’s a serious violation of children’s rights under the United Nations Charter on children.
    Mottley must not be allowed to get away with this. Anybody who knows me, will tell you as a teacher , not one if my students would have been in that picture of pure exploitation.
    To think that our chief law enforcement officer was involved in that act is very dangerous.
    I have long opposed your believing that we are a failed state. We just inched very close to your position.
    This is a national disgrace and Mottley must be held accountable .

  14. @ William

    This scandal will end in silence from the usual suspects, or playing party politics. The wider ethical issue will fly over their heads.

  15. “Mottley must not be allowed to get away with this.”

    well ah hope yall CONTACT THE RELEVANT INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES… report this.

    she knows exactly who to do that shite to, try that with any grandchild of mine and i will go off on her…she think she graying now….then she will know what to turn gray looks like…

    don’t know why yall only seeing all of this now, these are nobodies have always been LOW ON ETHIC….even LOWER ON MORALS…..none of which can register on any scale, yall were accepting of this shite, now it’s outta control and ya better do something.

  16. What really got me is…they are still USING ELIZABETH’S SYSTEM…to perpetrate their ongong criminality….against the youngest and most vulnerable.

  17. Well well i now heard someone was with Ms Mottley and Ms Moore state clearly that on their return from the nomination several school children ran towards them.They apparently were directed back to the school pasture where tjey were playing.Now tjhis is a far cry from what was stated by Mariposa who like the dems on here are desperate for red herrings to try to derail the government.The usual suspects on here without verigying what 5he circumstances were immediately jumped on the band wagon talking shite about child abuse.I wonder how Skinner, Sarge, Hants, Gazzerts, Austin and Donna feel now.The Dems real desperate in truth perhaps you all should call i the child care board or the police jokers.

  18. As my comment would suggest, I was going on Mariposa’s report. If the children’s participation was unsolicited then that definitely puts it in a different light.

    You want to know how I feel, rooster? If what you say is true, then I feel RELIEVED that the PM and Co. have not sunk so low as to misuse our children.

    We shall eventually know which yardfowl is to be believed.

    I hope it is you.

  19. You would really use energy to believe that liar lorenza….

    ah could just see the children who don’t even know who the hell Moore is running to them days before a by-election shouting , More, More…asholes.

  20. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Lorenzo
    I saw the video. I heard the man on Brasstacks. The moderator saw the video. Another woman called who saw the video. The man is a part of the BLP canvassers. He spoke half way.
    I saw children being told how to gather. They were not running on any pasture. I saw a cabinet member and the PM
    in the video. I saw the children were being assembled and there was no social distancing. Then I saw the children shouting : More ! More! All types of videos and pictures of houses were published on BU. The Blogmaster talks about transparency ; the video is all over Barbados. Publish the video. I counted at least six people called into Brasstacks , one BLP supporter is the only one you heard.
    The children’s picture should have never been taken; it was not a school event. Their parents do not expect them to be in a video all over the country shouting out any candidates name.
    Be reasonable. Look at the video.
    Blogmaster please publish the video.

  21. @ William

    I heard it as Moore, Moore…….

  22. @William

    Why dont you post the link? Something preventing you?

    That said it was poor judgement by the BLP squad.

  23. At least if they are trying to deny it that means they understand it was highly inappropriate.

    At least the red rooster has not defended what was done.

    Small mercies.

  24. Donna peabrain unlike you i trust NOTHING SAID ON HERE BY THE IN MY VIEW NOTORIOUS LIAR MSRIPOSA..I have not seen the video but i heard persons on brasstacks including a man i know well catogorically state what Rev Atherley and by extension Mariposa said was untrue.The moderator today stated she had several whatsups which had differing accounts of what happenedTherefore you can jump to whatever conclusion you and the overseas bellyachets wish to i will believe whom i want capiche.

  25. I have tried posting the video of where Mia .Marshall and Toni is engaged in the act of using children i a political ad for self serving motives
    I know David has access to fb and he must have seen the video

  26. Here’s the difference between you and Mariposa. You are a red rooster and she is a yellow hen but she says her piece without trying to stop others from saying theirs. And she lets her argument speak for itself without posting a list meant to discourage readers from considering the opposing opinions.

    In short, Mariposa is a better breed of yardfowl. She lets others speak and readers make up their own minds.

    Are you the only one entitled to believe whom you want?


    Look post yuh list, do! Everyone can see what you are up to! You think you are some sort of bully? Piss off, do!

  27. David publish the video do.

    I guess that i don’t have political friends becausin’ I int see the vidya yet.

  28. Donna peabrain i told you believe what you want how is that telling you what to beleive or bullying you.I know you ain, t too bright but that seems straightforward to me. You and Mariposa are pne and the same two yellow hens so i ain, t surprised you jumped on her bandwagon.Once Ms Mottley,s name is mentioned it is like a red flag in front a bull to you dems.You all got at least two more years once her life be spared to bellyache.It will not help you or the dems.I know you pimping around to respond cause you must have the last word but this is my last response to you.

  29. William Skinner Avatar

    @ David
    You have to be kidding! It’s your blog. You have published and allowed to be published several videos over the years. You have seen the video , that’s why you can say it was stupid of the PM, AG and others to put innocent children as political props. I don’t have a dog in this fight . If you can’t bring yourself to publish the video that’s your call.
    I know what I saw and it was blatant exploitation of little primary school children for a political photo op.

  30. Well, well, well! As I said, we would soon know which yardfowl to believe.

    And the winner is (drum roll) Mariposa!

    The children were instructed to shout for Moore!

    Seems like it is not only Alex Mitchell with a screw loose.

    Our children being used as political props!

    My, my, my!

    Does the Red Rooster think he is Donald Trump and we are the dumb Trumpeters?

    We saw what we saw!

    Disgraceful! I see a PM who is letting her position get to her head!

    She needs to remember that this is just a 2×3 little island, insignificant in the world. She is just a big fish in a little pond.

    Reality check!

  31. William…i hope you are serious about doing something about this, they have gotten away with CORRUPTING the minds of the young for decades with their poison, this is not the time to let them continue or they will do even worse, just look at what they have gotten away with so far and look at the condition of the island and the mental and social state of .the most vulnerable.

  32. Told ya that no good yard fowl Lorenzo is a LIAR…all of them are involved in this abuse, Mia, Dale, Moore…who the hell does that to children in primary school who have no clue what’s going on in the sleazy, dangerous world of politics, unless the plot is to take these babies and indoctrinate them into being yardfowls…..disgusting….., there is ya proof on VIDEO..

  33. Dont know why it took David a day and half to publish the video
    David yet u got nerve to call me yardfowl
    Go long do speckled fowl
    Mia ought to be ashamed of self exploiting children to push a political agenda
    Doubt if any of those children ever heard of Toni Moore
    What a dam disgrace
    As for Marshall his role as an AG should be suspended right away it is obvious he does not comprehend the meaning of the word exploitation
    A word which the criminal justice system does not take to kindly

  34. Pea Brain to Red Rooster! Pea Brain to Red Rooster! Come in, please, Red Rooster!

    Red Rooster, we have a video with a PM, an Attorney General and a Union Leader who appear to be using children as political props, could you take this one, Red Rooster?

    Pea Brain to Red Rooster! Pea Brain to Red Rooster! Come in, Red Rooster!

  35. William Skinner Avatar

    When will they learn ; daily opening their mouths out to defend these BLPDLP political miscreants. Why would any sane person want to come on BU and go after people who saw a video that they did not see. At the very least, see the video first. It’s only common sense.
    @ David
    You did the right thing , now everybody can make up their minds ,and you can no longer be accused of bias on this matter.

  36. It’s instructive to note that these frauds would only openly exploit BLACK CHILDREN like that on the island, they would never, never, ever, ever try that with any bajan white, indian or syrian children, never….they won’t DARE….but black children are fair game for these unethical, immoral criminals.

  37. “Why would any sane person want to come on BU and go after people who saw a video that they did not see. At the very least, see the video first. It’s only common sense.”

    that’s what indoctrinated yardfowls do, rush out to defend WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE…..trying to bend our minds with some elaborate story about children running on a pasture shouting Moore, Lorenzo is a fraud, look how stupid he made himself look, but he will be back, short memory syndrome,give him 48 hours and he won’t even remember any of it…and will come back with the very same shite again….brainwashed, indoctrinated fool….shades of Patrick King, they will soon have to get rid of him too…

    people are having a good old laugh that Mia and the other 2 made a WHOLE MOVIE of them exploiting primary school children with Mia directing…i can’t even laugh, and could only think of how nuclear i would be going right now if any young relative of mine was in that video, they would have to tranquilize me all like now….the warpath i would be making deep tracks on..

  38. William Skinner Avatar

    @ WURA
    This will never happen at St. Winifreds, St. Gabriels or the Covenant. Indeed it could not happen at St. Cyprians or Codrington.
    There are still two Barbados. We have the white and other minorities and they have now been joined by the most powerful of the black elite class. The others are the poor Blacks and the so-called middle class Blacks.
    Mottley knows where old house lives and she deliberately along with her AG decided that the poor Black children in a rural community could be used.
    This will not be allowed to go away. Paying poor Black people $200 per week and now exploiting their children.
    Shameful , degrading and disrespectful.
    Is this who we are? I’m afraid that’s what it is.

  39. “This will never happen at St. Winifreds, St. Gabriels or the Covenant. Indeed it could not happen at St. Cyprians or Codrington.”

    ya telling me, parents who are strapped up would draw down on them and they know it, don’t care how much thievery they are covering up for them………it’s only Black children from vulnerable depressed areas they take those types of liberties with, because they know they could..

    “Is this who we are?”

    that’s who they are, the TRAITORS of parliament….ENEMIES OF BLACK PEOPLE, just as all the other scum who went before them…

  40. I watch this and my stomach churns. These are the people who run my country. This is the level of judgment they possess. They think we are too stupid to protest their exploitation of children who know no better.

    Where was the principal? Did the principal not know any better? Or was he or she lacking in backbone?

    Never would this have happened to my charges!

    A photo op with a PM or an Attorney General or a Minister or an MP for the area when acting in their official capacity is fine. A promotional video with a political candidate during a campaign is another.

  41. another matter

  42. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Donna
    There is a I don’t give a damn political culture that started in the mid seventies. Just this evening, I went into a supermarket and bought a bottle of wine. I had to show my ID. We have politicians canvassing and smoking marijuana on the block . We have mammoth fetes for political meetings and minors drinking alcohol supplied by politicians. I am as radical and anti-establishment as anybody but When I see children and very young people being exploited for pure political reasons, I remember Gairy and Grenada, the Garrisons in Jamaica. These things mushroom . It’s no different from your garden skip it for a week or two and the weeds step in. Look away from it and all your hard work comes to zero. That’s what happens when we allowed the love vine to take over.
    Tick Tok tick tick tick tok……….

  43. @ Lorenzo
    I saw the video. I heard the man on Brasstacks. The moderator saw the video. Another woman called who saw the video. The man is a part of the BLP canvassers. He spoke half way.
    I saw children being told how to gather. They were not running on any pasture. I saw a cabinet member and the PM
    in the video. I saw the children were being assembled and there was no social distancing. Then I saw the children shouting : More ! More!





  44. “Where was the principal? Did the principal not know any better? Or was he or she lacking in backbone?”

    just another yardfowl lacky who would allow the exploitation of children to keep a job..

    “They think we are too stupid to protest their exploitation of children who know no better.”

    yes they do, makes one wonder, knowing of their arrogance and belief that they are untouchable, what else have they been doing to children on the island in stealth and the people are too afraid to speak out…the trash rotating in and out the parliament have had nasty reputations for decades…and are well known for their disdain and disrepect for black people like themselves….children are very vulnerable around these types of savages.

  45. “Where was the principal? Did the principal not know any better? Or was he or she lacking in backbone?”

    Breaking scientific news: Scientist examining skeletal remains in Barbados were surprised that many had their backbones missing.

    I searched the video for signs of children running on a pasture or being directed back towards the pasture. But, if it will get me off his dreaded enemies list, I am giving Lorenzo the benefit of doubt. When he produced his video of children being directed back to play with sheep on the pasture, many of you will eat your words.

    In an unrelated matter, it was discovered that people who take themselves too seriously can never understand the depth of a cheap joke.

  46. I read these books long ago, but I think Lorenzo reminded me of George Orwell’s 1984 and of his Animal Farm.

    In 1984, the state would tell you that things were different from what you observed or experienced.
    In Animal Farm, the pigs lied and misled. But they were the ruling class, not the lowly domesticated, location enclosed and restrained pullum.

  47. William,

    Well have I learnt that gardening requires great discipline. You cannot attend to your plants when you feel like it. I am here right now psyching up to do what I don’t feel like doing just yet. Gotta move twelve heavy pots into the morning sunlight. Had to shelter them from last night’s rain.

    I gave Mia the vote and I am obediently watching her. It is becoming increasingly obvious that we cannot take our eyes off her.

    “She like she get wuh she din expect” and is overexcited.

    And “not one uh dem cyan tell de nex’ one come back”.

    Former Attorney General blythely directing, current Attorney General and protector of our children proudly participating in the exploitation, one stupid mistake after another Lisa Cummins ensuring she was not left out of the picture and the only one who appeared uncomfortable was Toni Moore, who nevertheless complied, either temporarily bewildered or lacking in the gumption needed to stand up to Mia.

    We the people must therefore stand up!

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