Last week the four main opposition political parties announced they will combine forces to support one candidate in the by-election to be held on the 11 November 2020 in St. George North. Leading political commentator @budavid described the move has “shrewd”and one that finally demonstrated a level of political maturity not witnessed since universal suffrage in the Caribbean.

When asked to elaborate by international foreign affairs correspondent @Pachamama, @budavid indicated adversarial politics was the vestige of a colonial past and had demonstrably failed to optimally define the people of the island state of Barbados. He stated, “we are a homogenous society and a consensus type of politics should be the alternative to determine the future of our small predominantly Black nation- and to ensure the hopes of a proud small island developing state are realised and fears are assuaged“.

The entrenched incumbent political party has implemented and supported a raft of polices on winning office which have weakened the voice of the opposition and served to destabilize the system of governance as envisaged by the framers of the Westminster system which the country has parodied. Two polices continuing to attract scathing critique from the BU intelligentsia are the politics of co-option and the reluctance of the incumbent and entrenched government to relax the rule governing a subvention for opposition political parties.

And the politics of inclusion practised by the incumbent party reared its head again last week with the head of the largest trade union fast tracked for membership in a record setting one week to support her candidature in St. George North. The leader of the incumbent party admitted party rules had to be ‘abridged’ to accommodate the new member.

The incumbent political party has dismissed repeated calls to relax the rule that prevents a subvention to political parties who have not faced the electorate. @budavid recently reminded the prime minister from the #barbados_underground that she had a “duty of care” as primus inter pares and guardian of our democracy to be bipartisan when treating with certain matters. She was also reminded that there was no hesitation by the government she represents to amend the Constitution for less important matters as reflected in Hansard.

The shrew decision of the Opposition parties to coalesce behind the candidate with the best chance to win has resonated across Barbados and resulted in the needle on the Political Apathy Index (PAI) shifting +10 – the most significant movement in 40 years. A desirable outcome of the tectonic shift in political sentiment has resulted in the redundancy of political pollsters.

That the political system has mechanisms by which political parties can reach a compromise even though they disagree on policies. In Sweden, difficult issues are sent to a commission on which all the parties and key interest groups are represented in order to reach an agreement, and, in Austria, Government, business and the trade unions agree on the main economic policies and the left and right parties accept what has been agreed.


@budavid throws his support behind the move by the main opposition parties to embrace a consensus style of politics and hopes that it will be the catalyst for a transformation event to a consensus style of democracy. For too long the hopes and aspirations of a proud people have been superseded by the paramountcy of the political party.

369 responses to “Opposition Parties Reach Compromise to Run One Candidate in St. George North By Election”

  1. Michael Campbell cuh dear the people on BU say they dont read my comments so how u arrived at that conclusion
    But i can say for sure that in any election both sides view each other commercials
    However this election is considered a safe seat for the blp candidate so i see no rush or necessity for the blp supporters to want to comment on Reifer commercial except fear of the unknown is the driving factor
    Reifer batting sixes all across social media
    They love him plenty plenty

  2. Michael Campbell Avatar
    Michael Campbell

    Mariposa, I tell you already that people all across social media loving Reifer plenty, plenty only mean something if they live in SGN and could vote for him.

    So you coming here saying 8 or 9,000 people love Floyd, don’t mean squat, if them ain’t come from SNG.

  3. Michael yuh see how my comments ruffling yuh feathers
    More evidence that the blp supporters worried

  4. Michael Campbell Avatar
    Michael Campbell

    Ruffling feathers, Mariposa?

    Woman, you grabbing at straws, because it is me that ruffling your DLP feathers by telling you the TRUTH.

    If telling you the TRUTH make you feel I am a BLP supporter then that is your business.

  5. If he want to win the buy election he got to pull a lot of votes that went to the blp last election

    If is videos were made for the view of dlpites only then he is wasting time and resources

    Come good and clean
    You all have a super candidate and Moore is a week candidate – beat her with strength then not with shite

  6. Oops my bad for telling the truth
    I gone going to look at another of Reifer videos but not going to share

  7. Tell he to bat with a straight bat and stop fishing outside off

  8. Why u not going to share ?

    U nervious?

  9. Anything on the internet can be found

  10. What is the purpose of these meaningless exchanges? Partisans will vote colours. Independents will not be persuaded by these exchanges.


  11. Then independents. Will go 3rd party which is what u like

  12. David i sound nervous too hence yuh interventions to silence people
    Reifer the unknown has become a household word in politics even the media cozying up to him

  13. Reifer is an unknown?

    The reifers are well know in Barbados and Beyond.

  14. Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV Avatar
    Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV

    “SGN reminds me of the PM”s constituency.

    She been representing that same constituency for years. But if you look into it nothing but nothing worthwhile has been to it in all those years.

    YET, THE PEOPLE continue to vote for her TIME, AFTER TIME, AFTER TIME.


    Sigh…. Carson C Caduncy you need to stop drinking so much white rum… that is what boggling your mind and distorting your reality!!!!!!! really sound like you talking about St. John…a parish represented by 2 former PMs including no less of a person than Mr. E W Barrow!!!! But it still seen as the most backward parish in Barbados!!!!! It was the good sense of the people of SGN rubbing off on the neighboring constituency of St. John that finally helped kicked the DEMS to the curb!!!!!! The people of St. George North have experience kicking the DEMS to the curb for 26 years!!!!…we will continue to do such and are proud to show ST. John how it is done!!!!!

  15. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    We all know, we all know that the worst Constituencies are ST.GEORGE NORTH, THE PRIME MINISTER CONSTITUENCY, AND THE CITY OF BRIDGETOWN.

    All “”reprsented”” by the BARBADOS LABOUR PARTY.

  16. Piece the Prophet Avatar
    Piece the Prophet

    @ Mr William Skinner

    Good morning

    You said and i quote

    “The major problem with the third parties, as it was with the NDP, is a serious lack of hard work.

    They don’t believe in building constituency branches or having a sustained political ground game.”

    You are so right!

    This lack of “representation” and then a last minute flurry of disjointed activity to try to initiate that “representation” will result in one outcome.

    The BLP will win this by-election is de ole man’s prediction.

    Neither the DLP nor any of the third parties have mounted enough ground swell support that will parlay into an election victory.

    You are correct Mr Skinner as to their collective deficit and clear disorder in their interaction with their respective audiences.

    We are locked into the BLP (and to a lesser degree the DLP) cycle!

    Unfortunately, based on this cycle of alternating between these two worst, it does not appear that our dependence on these “bottom of the barrel options” will be broken in our lifetimes.

    Wishing for a change is not enough.

    These 3rd Parties are simply not ready Mr Skinner

  17. What a ting doah
    The blp brought out all there big guns to fight a”david” a novice in politics
    What a ting doah

  18. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    The people of St. George North will elect, not that she is the Best person, TONI MOORE.

    Like her predecessor of 26 years she will do nothing for them.

    But as they continue to live in squalor she will become RICH, RICH, RICH I tell you. Like her predecessor for the next 26 years. Why do most of the constituencies have nothing to show for it after being “”represented”” by the Barbados Labour Party people????? Unless they ARE WHITE BAJAN OR INDIAN COMMUNITIES????


  19. Looka ma crosses the simpleton Mariposa and her sidekick Austin arguing about the importance of an LEC certificate in this by election.If they throw that red herring into the mix up there when persons want to hear about solutions it will be good night nurse for Mr Reifer just like the 2018 general elections.On another note heard Rev Atherley complaining about the debates.It seems to me he is already conceding he is no match for any leadership debate woth Ms Mottley and certainly neither id Ms Depeiza or Mr Phillips soaybe that is why they do not want any.Lastly Mariposa as Mr Campbell told you hits on social media do not win elections especially if those persons are NOT FROM SGN capiche.Glad to see your sidekick CCC has finally recovered from the ass kicking the Dems and he received in 2018 to come back with the stale soup that got them redwashed in 2018.Some people never learn.

  20. Right on the money, William Skinner! Piece has been begging for them to start projects and get community involvement. I don’t see why it is so hard to mobilize a community to solve some of its own problems under your direction and with your help.

    Wuh I put my little garden up front and got a few people so jealous they are starting their own. When people see something working, they jump on board. Especially with a little encouragement.

  21. the last time i saw MAM debate, she behaved much the same way as Trump. it was way back when she debated Tyrone Estwick and Julian Rogers was the moderator. i was turned off since that. she never let Estwick get a word in even when it was his allotted time to speak or answer. Estwick was frustrated and Rogers couldnt control her. she was despicable and she has got worse since.

    she always wants to dominate and thinks she is the smartest person in the room so she doesnt adhere to rules. there is little you can do about a person like that (who likes to talk over everyone) except not to debate them.

    we saw in that that press conference with the COP. after ministers answered questions she pretended she was qualifying their answers but really she was getting in the last word and she did the same to the COP. if he had any cojones he would have cussed her and resigned there and then.

    MAM is not much of a debater as she is a talker. she talks and talks and talks and has little follow thru

  22. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Piece
    @ Donna
    There are some realities that we are not prepared to face. We have too many aspiring politicians, who want to be mechanics but don’t want grease on their hands. I recalled a BLP friend of mine invited me to hear Tom Adams at a branch meeting at Parkinson’s school. I had never seen Tom in such a setting. Everybody in the audience, including me , thought Tom was speaking directly to them. The “invincible” Errol Barrow was out of office about eight months later!
    Branches are hard work but I know personally the mistakes made by the NDP.
    We had well attended Wednesday night sessions and Assembly meetings once a month on Sundays. The turns out were quite impressive and we got good press. We had the most vibrant youth arm.However we had no dynamic presence in the constituencies and many of us were unfamiliar with the boxes and so on. People say we did well although many of us lost our deposits.
    Imagine if we had proper constituencies to spread our message within the individual communities. How can Atherley ,Phillips and Eastmond expect to win a seat via Facebook and occasional columns or almost non existent press ?
    Even if the people are ready for change and you are not ready, there will be no change.
    Recruiting spokes persons is one thing but they need to recruit people who actually like the cut and thrust of politics.
    There is a reason Caswell’ standing is the the highest of all politicians at this time. He understands politics and he’s an established spokes person on the topics he knows inside out. In any constituency for any party , he will do very well. That’s why they tried to embarrass him. All the third parties need similar people throughout the island.

  23. Greene your like or dislike of Ms Mottley debsting style does not matter.None of the leaders Ms Depeiza, Rev Atherley, Mr Phillips CANNOT WIN ANY DEBATE WITH HER.Hence they want to back away from such debates bottom line.As for the candidates i do not see any of them toppling Ms Moore in any debate or at the polls.l Lastly heard some people talking about Ms Moore resigning as a n independent senator.Tell me who appointed her?It was the governor general who can revoke her appointment.However i remember Sir Roy as Genersl Secretary sitting o n the back bench of the Dems government along with Mr Morris and Mr Greaves tell me what is the difference?

  24. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    And that is PROBLEM.


    An American Ambassador once said that one thing she can do is talk. But she stupid as HELL.

    Is she a real Lawyer????????

  25. @Carson
    Are you suggesting the average lawyer is clever?

  26. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    What I think is happening, She is one eye man, so she is king in BLIND MAN land

  27. @ Carson

    Not even that. She is simply a bully and arrogant with it. That person who looks like a one-eyed person is really totally blind. She simply keeps lots of noise.

  28. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Cleaver enough to kook out for their own interests.

    How you think they steal their OWN clients money so???

    And get away with it. Only now we are calling them to account (and that is because it was a WHITE WOMAN).


  29. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    My Grandmother always told me never trust some one who talks too sweet. Their sweet words are covering a lot of things. So I was never impressed by sweet words with nothing behind them.

  30. As for the debate the opposition candidates needs to grow balls and boycott tge debate
    These debates are already showing signs of skull duggery
    How is it that Moore can debate on both sides of the political fence as an independent and a candidate for the blp
    This is totally unethical and a moral wrong which flies in the face of democractic rule
    A call to order is necesaary or else the other candidates have every right to boycott

  31. @ Carson

    She has not a single idea what she is doing. She can talk and talk and talk. Behind it is absolutely nothing. She suffers from attention deficit, no time for policy details, no understanding of economic history or policy, she is obsessed with herself and the bogus idea that she is clever. She believes her own publicity. Dangerous.
    It will end in tears.

  32. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Hal 1.05 PM

    Well said.

  33. Austin i think you confusing Ms Mottley with your star boy zMr Thompson whom you claimed would become a great Prime Minister and when challenged could present no evidence for such a ridiculous opinion.Thomson suits your discription of not having an economic idea or plan as to what he was doing as evidence by his first budget.Then to claim she does not do details.I know you fo not live about here but her handling of the covid was detailed down to the last phase in conjunction with the health authorities to keep us safe so far.Thank god for Ms Mottley because had the ex PM been at the helm in my view if the south coast is any guide we would been in deep xoo doo.Therefore Austin you and Cadogan talking pure shite.

  34. @ Mr. Skinner

    One of the problems I have with politicians is, after elections, the losing candidates usually disappear, only to reappear 5 years after showing a renewed interest for the constituency, whenever the upcoming general election date is announced.

    The newly introduced candidates, especially those individuals who live in the constituency, go through the community, accompanied by cameramen and the media, highlighting bushy areas and potholes, as an indication the incumbent representative hasn’t done anything for the constituency. And, more often than not, they don’t have any track record of community service.

    This is where Hammie Lah stands ‘head and shoulders above’ several politicians.

    I endorsed Grenville Phillips II’s innovative policies on house building and strengthening, dilapidated and abandoned houses, energy generation and wealth creation.

    I also ‘said’ if he was actually serious, from the time he decided ‘to run for’ SGN, he should have opened a branch office in the constituency, which should have remained opened after the general elections.

    A branch office would have provided him the opportunity to maintain a presence in the constituency, interact with constituents and implement his proposals……… rather than reemerging now there is a by election, to reintroduce the same proposals and trying to convince the people of SGN he cares.

  35. Michael Campbell Avatar
    Michael Campbell

    How you think they steal their OWN clients money so???

    Carson, you mean MICHAEL CARRINGTON too?

  36. David Thompson was too short in power for any reasonable assessment to be made of him as PM

  37. That is why Hammie La could switch parties and carry the people with him. You have to be on the ground and working. A proven track record.

    I saw Hammie La sitting at a packed hospital clinic waiting his turn like everybody else. The nurse came out and said with surprise that he should have said something. She called him in and NOBODY said a word. Not out of respect for his former position, I sensed, but because they saw humility and authenticity. I have never heard anything to suggest anything different.

  38. @ Greene

    You must learn to spot the crap and let it go. Everyone knows David Thompson after a short time in office. It is a regular BU trick, deliberately misrepresenting what has been said. I’ve even been called a Catholic, with respect to Catholics.

  39. Greene how long Mr Thompson was in politics? Provide me with any evidence of his so called greatness.I could remember him talking about a St John developement plan which no one knew about except him.I can also recall him promising to tell all in queen, s park about Mr Arthur, s involvement with the IMF and i still wating.I can recall him running away from a third defeat by Mr Athur in 2003 which wpuld have derailed his chances of fulfilling his lifelong dream of becoming PM and returning to undermine Mr Mascoll to retain leadership.I also recall talk of bus fare and lunch money Finally i tecalled his first budget where he sucked the life out of the economy and it was all downhill after that as in my view he had not a clue what he was doing only wanted to be PM.

  40. you are an inferior version of Mariposa. A very inferior version at that

  41. Greene poor fella looks like i mash your corns by telling some home truths none of which you can refute anf i ain, t even mentioned clico yet.That is the best you can respond with after all the long talk you come here regularly with against Ms Mottley as some political guru.Perhsps your hero Mr Tho.pson was not all that after all or do you want to refute anything i said.Always remember when you libe in a glass house do not throw stones.

  42. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Artax

    “One of the problems I have with politicians is, after elections, the losing candidates usually disappear, only to reappear 5 years after showing a renewed interest for the constituency, whenever the upcoming general election date is announced.“

    True but it’s also how the party behaves during the actual election and then there are financial considerations because a presence in a constituency does involve some expenditure. Very few people are prepared to be consistently in a constituency that long.
    In my case, I didn’t think that the NDP wanted to deal with hard political work and I decided that I did not want any part of the BLPDLP but I did remain active in the party.
    Anybody who does not see Lashley as the most successful post independence politician does not understand our politics. Here was a very accomplished community worker who clearly showed that he was of considerable worth to both parties and had the strong backing of his constituents with every decision and move he made. He bent both parties to his wishes and they had to respect and recognize his tremendous abilities. Note that even when the great Owen Arthur enticed Mascoll and told him how “safe” he was, Mascoll could not even win back his seat with Arthur’s help.
    Let the loud mouths on BU name any politician who accomplished what Lashley did . They forget that he was also put in the cabinet.
    As for Mr. Phillips , I don’t think he accepts suggestions from anybody but himself. But that is his style.

  43. “never argue with a fool. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.” i am not saying you are a fool but you do seem comfortable at that level

  44. What kind of wishy washy responses you coming with Greene?You are a supposed l political guru.You stated Mr Thompson time was to short as Pm to judge him.I told from his first budget he killed the econo.y wit an overload of taxes and from then the economy nosedived clearly showing he did not know what he was doing.Then i widen tje debate by showing you how long Mr Thompson was in parliament from 1987 on Mr Barrow, s death.I presented facts i knew of and again ask you to name any thing of national dignificance Mr Thompson did or said in the 23 years he was in Parlia.ent or refute what i stated simple.You making this complicated.Anyhow i will finish with this since i seem to have you catspraddle with no answers.I gone.



    He has plenty to say and plenty to offer

  46. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    I heard lately that MIA AMOR MOTTLEY wants to rename the UWI AT Cave Hill to Owen Arthur University. I never heard something MOORE stupid.

    Why dont she rename the Barbados Labour Party Headquarters on Roebuck Street after Owen Arthur, after all he spent his whole life there and leave the UNIVERSITY alone?????

    Even though he spent his whole life trying to prevent her from becoming the Leader of the Party. And the PRIME MINISTER OF BARBADOS HE DID NOT LIKE OR TRUSTED her at all.. He even tried to offload her on Freundel Stuart. He even made CLYDE MASCOLL “”co-leader”” of the Barbados Labour Party. She then went to campaign furiously against him in favor of her friend and buddy CHRIS SINCKLER AND THE REST IS HISTORY.

    SANTIA BRADSHAW tried her best to oust Owen Arthur from the the BLP.

    However we still remember him for his most profound statement: “”the Barbados Labour Labour Party has lost its way””. Guess he didnt like the multitude of WHITE BAJANS AND INDIANS flooding the party.

    The party would go in a certain direction which it has.

    We must also remember that when Owen Arthur died he was not a member of the Barbados Labour Party.

  47. Carson i think that idea went over like a lead ball

  48. Whats up with Sir Roy Trotman

  49. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    He is endorsing TONI MOORE.

    She is a sellout just like him. He “”represented”” St. Michael Central and like the out going member for SGN, he did little to nothing for the Constituency.

    Joke then, joke now.

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