Last week the four main opposition political parties announced they will combine forces to support one candidate in the by-election to be held on the 11 November 2020 in St. George North. Leading political commentator @budavid described the move has “shrewd”and one that finally demonstrated a level of political maturity not witnessed since universal suffrage in the Caribbean.

When asked to elaborate by international foreign affairs correspondent @Pachamama, @budavid indicated adversarial politics was the vestige of a colonial past and had demonstrably failed to optimally define the people of the island state of Barbados. He stated, “we are a homogenous society and a consensus type of politics should be the alternative to determine the future of our small predominantly Black nation- and to ensure the hopes of a proud small island developing state are realised and fears are assuaged“.

The entrenched incumbent political party has implemented and supported a raft of polices on winning office which have weakened the voice of the opposition and served to destabilize the system of governance as envisaged by the framers of the Westminster system which the country has parodied. Two polices continuing to attract scathing critique from the BU intelligentsia are the politics of co-option and the reluctance of the incumbent and entrenched government to relax the rule governing a subvention for opposition political parties.

And the politics of inclusion practised by the incumbent party reared its head again last week with the head of the largest trade union fast tracked for membership in a record setting one week to support her candidature in St. George North. The leader of the incumbent party admitted party rules had to be ‘abridged’ to accommodate the new member.

The incumbent political party has dismissed repeated calls to relax the rule that prevents a subvention to political parties who have not faced the electorate. @budavid recently reminded the prime minister from the #barbados_underground that she had a “duty of care” as primus inter pares and guardian of our democracy to be bipartisan when treating with certain matters. She was also reminded that there was no hesitation by the government she represents to amend the Constitution for less important matters as reflected in Hansard.

The shrew decision of the Opposition parties to coalesce behind the candidate with the best chance to win has resonated across Barbados and resulted in the needle on the Political Apathy Index (PAI) shifting +10 – the most significant movement in 40 years. A desirable outcome of the tectonic shift in political sentiment has resulted in the redundancy of political pollsters.

That the political system has mechanisms by which political parties can reach a compromise even though they disagree on policies. In Sweden, difficult issues are sent to a commission on which all the parties and key interest groups are represented in order to reach an agreement, and, in Austria, Government, business and the trade unions agree on the main economic policies and the left and right parties accept what has been agreed.


@budavid throws his support behind the move by the main opposition parties to embrace a consensus style of politics and hopes that it will be the catalyst for a transformation event to a consensus style of democracy. For too long the hopes and aspirations of a proud people have been superseded by the paramountcy of the political party.

369 responses to “Opposition Parties Reach Compromise to Run One Candidate in St. George North By Election”

  1. Mia Mottley govt is the most repressive and suppressive govt that has set foot on barbados political landscape
    I am speaking of the subvention to withold money from the opposition
    Also her timing of the bi-election makes for wonder what political mechanism Mia had asked of Gline to put in place to undermine the voting process and to secure safe votes Moore
    Mia has used the Constitution in sinister ways that have taken governance to a all low level
    Hope the opposition parties keep their eyes wide open on voting day when votes are being counted keenly aware that their is more than one way to make things happen
    Look out for those boxes that might unexpectedly make way into the counting of ballots

  2. why would opposition parties gang up against Moore and the BLP?

  3. William Skinner Avatar

    How can anyone person decide on the format of any election? What should be asked is whether the official opposition was involved in determining there will be three televised debates ?
    Who represented the Official opposition at the meeting when the decision was made?
    If we have at least five parties contesting the democratic procedure should be a consensus on any debate format.
    If I missed the release of this information please enlighten me.

    Things get curiouser and curiouser.

  4. @William

    Good question but the answer lies in the fact the status quo is alive and well. Who will dare to put a hammer to the mould?

  5. William Skinner Avatar

    @ David
    This is about pure transparency. How can the public be informed about what appears to be a unilateral decision. The nomination day is the 26th of October, the election is the 11th of November. That period between nomination day and polling day is more than enough for representatives of ALL parties to hammer out any debate format that will be underwritten by the taxpayers who I believe still own CBC.
    I guess I will now be told to watch the debates where I now live.

  6. Another opportunity to initiate real change down the drain. Instead we have the same old same old.


  7. Time to drain the blp swamp
    Too much undermining of good governance
    Unfortunately barbados has a sleeping press
    Hence govt can do as they dam please

  8. @ William

    Have you noticed how the deceptive one has used CoVid to limit campaigning? In the public interest, of course. This gives the incumbent an advantage.
    With two or three mock TV debates, an importation from the US that is totally meaningless, unknown candidates will be restricted in trying to convince voters of their politics. Voters are unlikely to get an opportunity to question the candidates. They will have to depend on deferential journalists.
    Politics has been the president’s life, moreso than law; she knows every trick.

  9. SGN by election.

    I predict.

    BLP Toni Moore will win.

    DLP Floyd Reifer will place second

    SB Grenville Phillips II will place third.

  10. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Hal
    I don’t think that Mottley can limit public meetings. Permission has to be given by the police. Once the COVID protocols are followed the meetings can be held.
    An alert opposition would have by now told Mottley that she cannot unilaterally decide the nature of the any debates.She can only tell her party how to campaign and how many meetings.
    This declaration she made about three debates should not stand unless it’s agreed to and the format accepted y other participants.
    Of course we are witnessing that any idea or suggestion, regarding the current administration , that is not in support of what it does , is considered a national security threat.
    I always thought that the principle voice in how elections are to be conducted is the Chief Elections Officer.

  11. And an alert public who is civics aware should be clamoring for reform. We prefer instead to allow the political directorate to dictate the narrative.

  12. Election with limits
    Mottley: Fewer political meetings; debates on CBC
    St George North voters will go to the polls on Wednesday, November 11, to elect a new Member of Parliament.
    Nomination Day will be Monday, October 26.
    Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley made the announcements at a press briefing yesterday after Governor General Dame Sandra Mason issued the writ authorising the by-election, which must be held within 90 days.
    Not business as usual
    Speaking at the headquarters of the Barbados Defence Force at the Garrison, the Prime Minister said since the election would be taking place in the midst of a global COVID-19 pandemic, it would not be business as usual.
    “We recognise that there will be far less political rallies than would normally be the situation, but it also means that there will challenges in terms of intensity of the interaction, Mottley said, as she acknowledged there would likely be a limit to the number of public meetings.”
    Because of this, Mottley said the Cabinet had decided that the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), along with all the media houses and the Barbados Association of Journalists and Media Workers should meet, since CBC was “prepared to make broadcast time available for three election debates” in which all the candidates who would eventually be nominated would be given the opportunity to participate.
    She also said discussions were being held with the Chief Electoral Officer to have voting at the selected polling stations spread out over a wider area, making accommodation for social distancing in keeping with the COVID-19 protocols.
    The former St George North MP, Gline Clarke, who represented the constituency for more than two decades, resigned on September 30 to take up the position as High Commissioner to Canada.
    General secretary of the Barbados Workers’ Union, Senator Toni Moore has been given the nod by the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) to contest the seat.
    On Wednesday night, assistant coach at Cricket West Indies, and former West Indies player, Floyd Reifer, was selected as the Democratic Labour Party’s candidate.
    Leader of Solutions Barbados, Grenville Phillips II, has already announced he would be its candidate and Ambrose Grosvenor will represent the United
    Progressive Party.
    The official Opposition People’s Party for Democracy and Development said it would announce its candidate today.

  13. @WS
    Could it be that the real choice is between three or zero.

    “With two or three mock TV debates, an importation from the US that is totally meaningless, unknown candidates will be restricted in trying to convince voters of their politics. Voters are unlikely to get an opportunity to question the candidates. They will have to depend on deferential journalists.”

    I really like your comment on the US importation.

    I am wondering if given the size of the constituency would a truck and loudspeaker be an even more effective campaign tool for an opposition candidate. I expect the Mia’s tried and proven PR machine to produce a more polished and prepared candidate.

  14. Prepared TV candidate.

  15. @ William

    In the UK, the Boris Johnson government is now ruling by decree, using the CoVid emergency legislation to do so. Is there similar legislation in Barbados.
    Only last week the Speaker of the House had to reprimand the government for introducing lockdowns and semi-lockdowns without consulting parliament.
    Mottley is an autocrat and a lawyer, I am sure she thinks she is on sound footing with these proposals. Plse do not remind of the the second deputy commissioner of police and proposals to transfer school principals, both of which took a non-lawyer to point out were illegal.

  16. Many across social media are closely watching Mia words and actions per the Constitution
    Here is what one social media comment says

    Clearly the Honourable PM is over reaching…The conduct of election is the sole responsibility of the Electoral Boundaries Commission…..The Constitution makes this abundantly clear… At Section 4lC. (1) The registration of voters and the conduct of elections in every constituency or any matters that appear to the Commission to be incidental to or consequential upon either, shall be subject to the direction and supervision of the Commission. (2) In the exercise of its functions under this section, the Commission shall not be subject to the direction or control of any person or authority.

  17. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    David and William why do you guys like to repeat cliched platitudes!

    What realistically can the supposed “alert public who is civics aware” do right now to move reform for THIS by-election!

    That’s something that’s either already set in stone or to be done in the future based on facts now better recognized.

    So of course anything done now will be driven by the political directorate.

    And how can the PM dictate about TV debates or not… unless the other candidate(s) agree?

    A debate of one would become a press conference of free publicity and the opposition can clearly make that calculation to sit out debates and take their message across the constituency…. good grief it’s several neighborhoods in an area of a few hundred acres… there can be net streaming from many street corners every night with 20 people and such to fit covid protocols !

    And William stop with the pretty theory … the Chief Electoral Officer is as ‘beholden’ or ‘constrained’ as s/he always has been in Bim.

    At this juncture of time with this dominant PM unhindered by credible opposition I would not want to be as independent as I am for example and be in that role … so yes “the principle voice in how elections are to be conducted is the Chief Elections Officer” but let also get serious on the ‘persuasive’ impact of the PM’s intention (set within the law, of course)!

  18. Thanks Dee Word, defender of the status quo and protector of the establishment.

  19. Isnt GP2 making noise to be heard?
    would be a debate be allowing him free access to be heard?

  20. wouldnt a debate

  21. NO tv debated ! do your publics meetings and door to door campaigning


  22. There are so many Johns but I think is John A who proposed that the Government invest millions of dollars in shade houses and give them to the farmers to get involved in more scientific production of food .Mrs Moore seems to have read it and is now proposing that she will be looking to set up shade house agriculture across SGN because she aint dealing with no hoe and fork agriculture in this time. If I am Mr.Reifer I will be asking her where was her voice over the past fifteen years where there was no BWU action on all those women who still work in the hot sun with layers of clothes on with hoes and forks and no toilet facilities .Since independence no government has shown any interest in Agriculture as a food security issue.

  23. Lwf

    How many of those women are member of the bWu or sought representation by that union ?

  24. Tell us how will Ms Mottley control debates of other parties? Perhaps you bellyachers are suffering from amnesia so let me refresh your memory.The period between 2008 to 2018 how many occasions were the BLP permitted to speak on CBC the people, s station? ZEven when the Bees wanted to pay for coverage they were denied by the Dem operatives at CBC.Yet every cockfight the Dem ministers wer at was broadcast even if it wss of little importance edpecially persons like Ms Suckoo , Mr S Lashley and Mr Inniss among others.Then they had persons on the call in programmes like Ms Holder and Mr Lovell closing down bee callers.Any of this sounds familiar to you?Now we have Ms Mottley opening up the airwaves to all parties you all still bellyaching.Go figure.

  25. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan


    Is MIA really A LAWYER????

    That matter still has not been resolved??? The Election of 2018 got in the way. Does she have a LAW Certificate issued by the LAW SCHOOL in Tinidad as required by Barbados LAWS to practice LAW here in Barbados? ????

    What type of LAW DEGREE DOES SHE HAVE?????

  26. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    Stuart did not want to tackle her because there are about 5 others in the same mess and he did not want to rock the boat because it would damage them.

  27. @ Carson

    Two points. I am not a lawyer or the registrar, so I cannot confirm or deny that she is a lawyer. Second, a law degree does not make one a lawyer.
    If it helps, I do believe she is a qualified and regulated lawyer.

  28. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan


    You missing the point.

  29. @ Carson

    What is the point?

  30. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan


    It dont make any sense talking to you.

    Have a good day.

  31. What was reported is that debate time will be made available. Obviously the parties will have to agree on the how.

    The issue of advocating for reform is wasted on some of you. You are happy debating the same old issues which will never change once the system remains as is.

  32. @David,

    what you ought to do, is to do a piece on Reform of all the systems you think should change in Bim and what Reform would look like to you

    in the meantime use your reporting skills and investigate why Timmy Simmons of the Enterprise Growth Fund chose to retire ahead of time?

  33. @Carson
    I believe thatvI am a more reasonable fellow than Hal.

    What is the point?

  34. Like Carson i question the validity of her certification
    Also i am lost or speechless as to the many times in the past two years she has by pass laws designed towards govt
    Which give reason to ask the the question
    How could she be legally qualified and make such misstep dealing with legal aspects of good governance
    Also she made a commitment in Parliament to reveal her certification which she has yet to do

  35. in the meantime use your reporting skills and investigate why Timmy Simmons of the Enterprise Growth Fund chose to retire ahead of time?




  36. it is nonsense to continue to peddle DLP foolishness that MAM is not qualified to practice law in Bim becos she hasnt a legal education certificate from the uwi. utter poppycock and one from the smoke and mirrors era of the DLP. she didnt need one at the time, as simple as that and she was admitted to practice by the appropriate body.

    the matter was not helped by MAM when she promised to bring into Parliament her certificate, but that goes to her pride , arrogance, and weakness as one who cannot be seen to be less than others

  37. Baje,
    no not this time. in fact they say he showed some balls to a balless bully

  38. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan


    You seem not to understand what is going either.

    Does Time erase a wrong????

    You seem to believe that because TIME has passed we need not think about the deed it anymore.

    If that was the case no would have to worry about Murder after a certain Time. I read only Today about a Trinidadian who fought with ISIS is being sought by the American Authorities for so doing some years ago.

    It looks like Time does erase wrong doing for you???

  39. @Greene

    Timmy Simmons was CEO for nearly 3 decades. Time to move on.

  40. This is a simple observation from someone who is “masquerading being neutral.”

    Mariposa’s and Carson’s claims Mottley was illegally practicing law in Barbados were debunked in 2015, when they repeatedly raised the issue on BU. And now, they’re back again with that same LEC shiite in 2020?

    In June 2015, then AG Adriel Brathwaite made a promise to Barbadians, he would commit the AG’s Office to investigate whether or not Mottley was qualified to practice law in Barbados.

    To this day, Brathwaite has not DISCLOSED the RESULTS of that investigation……. and, to make matters worse, he has REMAINED SILENT on the issue for the past FIVE (5) YEARS.

    Ironically, CCC posted the following comment to BU:

    Carson C. Cadogan June 13, 2017 3:44 PM #: “LOOK AN INVESTIGATION HAS BEEN DONE AND COMPLETED. As we Bajans say “eversince”.”

    Since “an investigation has been done and completed,” why WITHHOLD the results from the public?

  41. John 2
    The most of the sugar workers are represented by the BWU. A lot of those women are sugar workers who work on the plantations out of the crop season. Even if they are not she should look after their welfare. You cannot preaching women’s rights, LGBT rights and forgetting the builders of our nation that are the hard working women in the fields. By the way a lot of them live in SGN which is a part of the agricultural belt of Barbados.

  42. There are somethings of higher importance that needs concrete proof beyond a shadow of doubt and her certification fits into that category
    Show proof and no.more questions would be asked
    No longwinded explanations from friends and associates would suffice
    Proof provided by evidence enshrined by the letter of law
    If the name was Joe or Mary a call for proof would be the rallying cry
    Why must Mia be different

  43. Some of you get sidetrack by nonsense.This law certificate argument gave her 30 seats.Start to focus on the erosion of the constitution,Gun violence,too many consultants and special envoys in a depressed economy,too may unemployed youth,republic status without a referendum are only a few, A blog on gun violence in Barbados got 93 comments and one on Donald Trump ignorance nearly 700 comments by now. We cannot be serious and the politicians know that.

  44. Lwf

    When has Moore preached about rights for any groups other than workers?

    If I was Moore and he ask me that question I would ask him the same question
    Who rights have u fought for the last 15yrs


    I ask again. Are those women members of the union. BWU represent bwa workers but all bwa workers are not bwu members

  45. @Hal Austin October 3, 2020 9:38 AM “Have you noticed how the deceptive one has used CoVid to limit campaigning? In the public interest, of course. This gives the incumbent an advantage.”

    COVID is real. Real in the White House, and if we start playing foolish can be real in our Parliament too.

    There is no incumbent in the St. George North seat.

    The St. George north seat is currently vacant. No incumbent.

    Glyne Clarke who formerly held the seat is on his way to Ottawa.

    There is no incumbent.

    There is no incumbent.

    There is no incumbent.

  46. And did being the incumbent of 16 seats help the DLP in 2018?

    Did their incumbancies save them from a red washing?

  47. “Show proof and no.more questions would be asked”

    Why should Mottley “show proof?” The onus is on her accusers to do that…… and, especially against the background of former AG Brathwaite promising to investigate the issue.

    Remember, the Attorney General is Parliament’s and Government’s principal legal advisor, Leader of the Bar of Barbados and guardian of public interest.

    If the former AG had actually initiated the investigation and revealed its results to the public…….. rather than politicizing the issue, surely “no more questions would be asked.”

    But, if the LEC nonsense could not help you win a GENERAL ELECTION…………. how the hell returning to that ‘tired, worn out’ issue, would assist you in winning a by-election?

  48. Do not believe the blogmaster posted a blog to be deliberately provocative and we are discussing Mottley’s no LEC. We deserve the government we get some say.

  49. They have a lot to talk about.In her opening speech she said something like why give a man a half of a loaf when you can give him a whole loaf. I said wait she rejected 23%from the previous government and took 5% on behalf of the workers from this government and then the government took back 3% in taxes so it was 2% raise.Well Tron would rejoice because he said there should be a reduction in number public sector workers and salary. He must really come back and tell us why his Idol fired two ministers and then give them special envoy posts increasing the wage bill. If you are a strong leader you fire them and they go into the backbench and receive the normal parliamentarian pay.Now they are getting a parliamentarian salary and special envoy pay adding up again maybe to a minister pay.That is not transparency that the people voted for in the last election and it should be one of the issues discussed

  50. David
    You are correct. The headlines had me at first because I thought you had an inside scoop. That should really happen or the Third parties should combine but I do not think GPII would join with another party. Maybe after this bye election.

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