At the outset of the Coronavirus crisis in this country, the Hon. Prime Minister, Mia Mottley, hosted a consultation with members of the Social Partnership and me at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre, to plan strategy for fighting this threat. I was impressed and congratulated her on the approach. I then went on to say to her that this was not a time for political controversy and that all sides must come together to defeat this scourge.

Rather than busy itself with measures to protect the people of this country, some twelve days after the consultation, Government rushed to Parliament and passed legislation that was already on the books, to manage the ensuing crisis. In essence, that legislation amended the Emergency Management Act by re-enacting certain provisions that already existed at section 28 of the same act; also at sections 2 and 3 of the 1939 Emergency Powers Act; and at section 25 of the Constitution. The amendment also went on to give powers to the Chief Medical Officer that he already had since 1969.

Needless to say, those initial steps did not give me any confidence that Government was capable of handling the situation, however I remained quiet hoping that somehow that they would get it right. I’ve tried to hold my peace but the situation has now reached a stage that I am compelled to speak-up before these bunglers unintentionally kill us all.

The handling of this crisis has been plagued with the bungling that is now characteristic of anything that this administration touches. So far, were are told that there is no evidence of any community spread of the virus. But it would seem that the end result of the Government’s initiatives would lead to what we fear most. What did the Government think would happen when it gave one day’s notice of a 24-hour curfew? As was reasonably foreseeable, people rushed to supermarkets in their thousands, ignoring any suggestion of physical or social distancing. Take some sobering time to imagine what could have happened if there were any carriers of the Coronavirus in those lines?

As if Government fails to learn from its mistakes, post offices were opened for a limited period in order to allow pensioners to cash their National Insurance pension cheques. The foreseeable result happened: hundreds of vulnerable persons throng the post offices thereby creating an incubator for the spread of the Coronavirus.

This virus is deadly and Government must come up with a series of measures that would protect the people of this country. These hit or miss initiatives just will not do.

1,745 responses to “Senator Caswell Franklyn Speaks – Government Bungling Response to Coronavirus Crisis”


  2. @David

    you made a definitive statement- supermarkets represent virus hotspots- you didnt say may represent. all i ask you was to provide proof of that definitive statement. another one of those “oh well” moments from you.

    yes i saw the Sinckler snipe. oh cant kill you for the attempted comic relief

    this govt won 30-0 and it wants support from the opposition? really? now that is comical if you ask me

    Verla is quite right to remain silent. even if she has a viable solution keep quiet. let MAM and her army of hangers-on figure this one out.

    politics of confusion

  3. @Hal

    i cant see any political mileage in it either. she cant neuter the DLP -it has no presence in parliament and even so, as far i can see, Sinckler does not represent the DLP. we do not know whether VERLA was consulted and nominated Sinckler- highly unlikely.

    and i cant see how and when Sinckler is likely to become leader of the DLP but stranger things have happened,

    i wonder whether he called MAM and suggested she convened this council and demanded he and OSA be appointed. that would make more sense

  4. @Greene

    The blogmaster profusely apologizes for not referring to supermarkets as potential hotspots.

  5. Wuh um is true…the one thing you will NOT BE ALLOWED TO GET AWAY WTH…during this PLAGUE is create YA EVIL CRIMINAL MISCHIEF against the Black population with ya fellow criminals AND shit stain descendants of indentured servants AND THIEVES ….then blame it on the PEOPLE, the PLAGUE or the US..

  6. the optics seems to be that in a national crisis like this and whats about to come you engage all including your political enemies..

    it going to backfire on her later

  7. David

    trying to set a stand of admitting when you are wrong? nothing wrong with that, some see to think you will catch the plague if they do it.

  8. Sorry Dame Bajans…but stewed saltfish and dumplings for breakfast…lawd…ya can add just about anything with that…YUM.

  9. @john2

    Our integrity depends on it.



    Could anyone please ‘tell’ BU:

    (1). What “backward shit” is happening in Barbados and how can the island be described as a “dictatorship,” especially when compared with countries where the police are BRUTALISING and FLOGGING people with sticks and baseball bats for breaking the curfew?

    (2). WHO has been locked up “for 6 months” in Barbados “for breaking a curfew?”

  11. Oh…we knew all of this long time, it’s been happening for DECADES…as long as they got rid of all their competition in the 70s and 80s, EXCEPT for the CLOTH people and other parasitic minorities….it has been A FREE FOR ALL…with only the Black population…FODDER FOR THEIR PRISON SCAM.

    A kept telling alyuh it was just a matter of time…….being longer than twine…ya better don’t touch Lynette.

    “She further suggested that Customs officers were also prevented from doing their jobs properly as she contended that “there are people in Barbados trying to do their job, ready to burst open a container and someone calls and says, ‘do not touch it’.

    “This did not start happening last year or year before. It did not start happening in 2008. It was happening before . . . .I am here exposing myself physically because you can get shot these days, but I love my country and I like the people in this country. Barbados is one of the best places in the world in which we live and we are going to allow a few bandits to destroy it? People of Barbados you have to rise up and say ‘no,’” Eastmond said.”

  12. those are strong words coming from Eastmond. interesting. v interesting

  13. Crusoe
    I going by the PM extended date. For clarity, when I say online, I mean whatsapp, call in, online etc, anything not in-store.

  14. More efforts to deceive the blog. That lynette story from what year? Aren’t there scanners now in the port? LIAR!

  15. Toronto Public Health reported that there are a total of 2,225 cases of COVID-19 in the city, 1,956 of which are confirmed and 269 probable.

    There are 208 people in hospital with the virus, 85 in intensive case.

    Officials didn’t provide an update on the number of deaths in the city, but as of Saturday there were 79.


    805 tested.

    71 tested positive.

  16. @ Greene

    It is nice that Ms Eastmond has spoken out. I find it rather strange that ordinary people are prepared to hold their noses and pretend that Barbados is Paradise.
    The stench is overwhelming and, as she is reported to have said, it did not start yesterday. Connections have always been important in Barbados, the only problem is that it has now become part of the Barbados Condition, we have normalised it to such an extent that we cannot even have an honest discussion without someone trying to score points, to the extent that people fabricate nonsense to make them seem knowledgeable and get cheap laughs.
    Just look at the deceit in the continuing conversations. You know and I know that if you are having discussions with colleagues at work and you ask them to explain a statement they gladly do.
    On BU to ask for an explanation or clarity is taken as abuse. How dare you question me? The intention is to intimidate you, force you to keep quiet.
    We must thank Ms Eastmond for being so outspoken.

  17. Shortly after the May 24, 2018 general elections, Lynette Eastmond announced that she was ‘stepping down’ from the leadership of the UPP..

    It is interesting to note the Lynette Eastmond article is DATED August 29, 2017.

    Does Jackie Sterwart want Barbadians to believe that, by posting an article that’s 2½ years old, she was privileged to have an exclusive news item of exceptional originality, before it was made available to the public?

    Shiite, I don’t believe it would take a 2½ year old article to convince anyone politicians are corrupted.

    This ‘copy and pasting ritual’ is definitely boring.

  18. Stupidity wins on BU. It is not the age of the article, but its veracity. Does Ms Eastmond still stand by what she said then? Some of us can spend our time more usefully by adding value to discussions instead of ferreting around for nonsense to prove a petty point.
    We must grow up and where we cannot add value just keep quiet. Sometimes we may be right, sometimes wrong, but that is the point, adding to our knowledge.
    It is better to keep quiet and let people think we are dumb than to speak out and remove all doubt.

  19. @Artax, my campaign manager,

    2017 was the article date. this is 2020

    is that to say what she said no longer happens?

    if so, well done by the power that be.

    must have had a lot to do with MAM inviting drug dealers to the opening of parliament

  20. “Aren’t there scanners now in the port?”

    PORT SCAMMERS…but the CONTAINERS OF DRUGS and gunsstill keep coming in….2017 …makes no difference to 2020 for the corrupt and their drug traffickers and gunrunners. Remember the Goddards Ecstasy DRUG BOAT…cocaine to marijuana…this amount to that amount…who could forget…maybe only fowls.

    So how much did those port scammers cost again.

    That is a sympathy reply…

  21. Wuh i could SWEAR that Herbert DRUG BUST happened ONLY IN 2018….was it even a month AFTER THIS GOVERNMENT WAS ELECTED…ah don’t think so, maybe the FOWLS can supply the date…

  22. Lynette Eastmond has said anything new.

    Over the years, there were numerous ‘discussions’ on BU about corruption in Barbados. The ‘blogger,’ Barbados Underground Whistleblower, has provided this forum with several examples.

    We all know what police, customs and immigration officers are capable of doing. And we can refer to several examples of corruption and nepotism by politicians.

    The ‘most glaring’ example is Donville Inniss.

    So, we’re suddenly supposed to take these accusations seriously, because Lynette mentioned it in 2017?

  23. Yes, I agree with Hal Austin that “stupidity win on BU.”

    Especially when a mature man can be petty and childish enough to make an issue out of a non-issue, that Mia Mottley waves her hands about while speaking.

  24. The fowls will learn it is EASY to connect the DOTS OFF THEM…merci beaucoup.. when they are so quick to JUMP OUT TO DEFEND…corruption, crimes, criminals, drug traffickers and gunrunners….

  25. @ Mr. Greene

    Where did I mentioned corruption no longer occurs in Barbados?

    All I’m ‘saying’ is Lynette hasn’t presented anything new that Barbadians aren’t aware of. And, these same issues of corruption, she mentioned, have been ‘discussed’ on BU over the years.


    “We must grow up and where we cannot add value just keep quiet.”

    I guess that continually harping about Mia Mottley waving her hands about is a SURE sign of MATURITY and ADDING VALUE.

  26. Artax
    Based on the responses, they did not notice the date or refused the acknowledge it. Any honest individual would have noted the date and asked if customs officers were still being overruled as alleged by Lynette. Given one’s political aspirations and the other’s former investigative journalism career, the efficacy of spending millions on scanners would then be raised. Go figure.

    It is acknowledged that supermarkets are “high-risk sites of infection” don’t mind Greene.

  27. Campaign Manager,

    the Hal remark about MAM was a throw away observation in a myriad of other comments Hal made about MAM’s speech, such as it was.

    that that particular observation was picked up on and bruited about this thread says more about certain commentators than it does about Hal

  28. And let’s NOT FORGET…the STOLEN CARS RACKET OUT OF EUROPE…..did some dude from UK not get murdered….are the police still holding on to those cars…was it not said that one or more of those cars belongs to Sinkler and whomever else.

    ah told yal….ya will not be using this plague or anyone else …TO COMMIT MORE CRIMES AGAINST THE PEOPLE…

  29. Campaign Manager,

    quote] Where did I mentioned corruption no longer occurs in Barbados?

    All I’m ‘saying’ is Lynette hasn’t presented anything new that Barbadians aren’t aware of. And, these same issues of corruption, she mentioned, have been ‘discussed’ on BU over the years. [unquote

    quite true. you will have no issues with me from that but i made no mention of corruption in my post to u.

  30. What was I: a former investigative journalist (who for), a former senior editor, a numbskull, a know-it-all, a Bullshitter from the Ivy, a liar, childish, the man who claimed Sharon White was an exemplar of economic brilliance, what really? And of those, which one(s) have I claimed to be on BU?

  31. wait…ah only asked a simple question…..did the fowls RUN OFF……they had so much lip yesterday and last night, such a bunch of COWARDS…

  32. “The Prime Minister is having a challenge with the percentage of Barbadians who are still actively supporting the DLP. In a situation like this, you need to speak with one voice which is apolitical
    Opinions are like Aholes everyone has one and that is the opinion of a joker who masquerades as a political scientist. The PM did it simply because she could, there is no one within her party or caucus who is man/woman enough to question her (not confront) but simply voice opposition to the appointment. Remember when Arthur volunteered his services to the flailing DLP Gov’t? Sinckler acknowledged the offer and said “nah we got this” or words to that effect. Now with a truckload of Ministers in the Ministry of Finance and countless advisors in the same Ministry she chooses someone who was the poster child of the Financial/Economic failure of the last Gov’t and the person who was vilified during the last Election and in subsequent messages authored by the Gov’t and the Party as the individual most responsible for all the downgrades suffered by the country.

    No, it wasn’t the percentage of people supporting the DLP (perhaps the pollster can supply the numbers) that provided he impetus for this appointment it is the tyranny of the majority (leader) who doesn’t have to answer to anyone.

  33. “that that particular observation was picked up on and bruited about this thread says more about certain commentators than it does about Hal”

    @ Mr. Greene

    But, you don’t see anything wrong with him using all types of unwarranted pejorative remarks to describe people?

    Mr. Greene, I’m not going to engage you in any argument involving that gentleman.

    It isn’t worth it.

  34. If living through this pandemic does not encourage everyone commenting on BU to see value in being charitable to other commenters, nothing will.

  35. @ Greene

    As you know, there is the Barbadian way, then there is the rest of the world. The reason why public bodies and large corporations send senior executives on public speaking courses is because they want to waste money.
    That is why the Guildhall, the Central School of Speech and Drama et al make so much money on teaching executives to speak in public.
    What they really need is some old Pentecostal preachers to show them how public speaking is done, gesticulating, punching the air, waving and speaking in tongues. Forget the repetition, the rambling, the Soviet-style three-hour long rants, this, my friend, is world class speechmaking.
    @Greene, it is a lost cause.

  36. Khaleel Kothdiwala Avatar
    Khaleel Kothdiwala

    As usual, many of the comments here disappoint. With every blog post, the comments become increasingly mind-boggling in their disconnect from reality.

    To the first matter, Franklyn has become a known quantity in our local politics as a habitual complainer with an axe to grind and as such his commentary should be permanently confined to rubbish bin.

    To the second matter, the Prime Minister has Indicated her desire to constitute a special advisory council on economic rejuvenation after this pandemic, which is precipitating the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and requires the most broad-based response of any Barbadian government in our post-Independence history. But in this what so many have seemed to omit is the “council” part of that statement. Chris Sinckler is not being resuscitated. He is being brought on board purely in his capacity as an ex Minister of Finance, of whom there are three living ones all invited and of course Sandi had to decline due to declining health. So there is nothing special or mysterious about it. Whatever you think of Sinckler’s tenure (and I for one am fully on board with the view that he is undoubtedly the worst Minister of Finance in our history and was one of the major architects of the decay of the lost decade), he is still an ex Minister of Finance and so if you’re inviting Minister of Finance he must invariably receive one too. But the salient point is that it is an advisory council, with no binding powers and a group of individuals. Personally,I would be most comfortable if the PM was to ignore any advice to be proffered by Catastrophe Chris, but at this time of contagion and death we should put our partisan natures aside and work together. What we need now is as many persons to contribute to policy so that we can create the most airtight strategy to confront this crisis. We don’t have to take all the advice, but when making decisions all opinions (even those from complete failures) ought to contend.

  37. All the bright minds that developed the shopping roster seem to have missed the fact that there are two bank holidays in the week commencing Monday April 27th – on Tuesday and Friday. Those with surnames beginning with L, M etc will have to go without a buying opportunity for 11 days. MAM will not be pleased.

  38. A happy and good day for Barbados.
    Attempted comedy….
    😄I will keep quiet until after the great COVID19 debate …… Mariposa vs Mia

    Knowing the cast of BU.. I expect to see the following headline.. “Mariposa delivers knockout” 😄

    A happy and good day to all of Barbadod

  39. Miller and Donna…ah just asked one little question on BU, seemed totally innocent to me, but it was more than Enuff to make the Fowls CUT and RUN…in no way to be confused with CUT and PASTE…

  40. Who determined the makeup of the ‘Advisory Council’? Why was it necessary to have all former Mins.of Finance? Some folk trying to smooth over the ruffled feathers occasioned by the inclusion of Sinckler by writing that the PM does not have to take his advice (so why is he there?).

    Spin Doctor in the house.

  41. Kk

    Well said

  42. ShamolaApril 13, 2020 11:44 AM

    All the bright minds that developed the shopping roster seem to have missed the fact that there are two bank holidays in the week commencing Monday April 27th – on Tuesday and Friday. Those with surnames beginning with L, M etc will have to go without a buying opportunity for 11 days. MAM


    I would bet that the supermarket where I shop will open.

  43. Sha

    The can have extended time to shop the week before or a day Earlier /later in that week

  44. @ Greene April 13, 2020 9:19 AM
    “those are strong words coming from Eastmond. interesting. v interesting..”
    Hal Austin April 13, 2020 9:34 AM
    “@ Greene
    It is nice that Ms Eastmond has spoken out. I find it rather strange that ordinary people are prepared to hold their noses and pretend that Barbados is Paradise.
    The stench is overwhelming and, as she is reported to have said, it did not start yesterday. Connections have always been important in Barbados, the only problem is that it has now become part of the Barbados Condition, +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    @ Artax April 13, 2020 9:56 AM
    “Lynette Eastmond has said anything new.
    Over the years, there were numerous ‘discussions’ on BU about corruption in Barbados. The ‘blogger,’ Barbados Underground Whistleblower, has provided this forum with several examples.
    We all know what police, customs and immigration officers are capable of doing. And we can refer to several examples of corruption and nepotism by politicians.
    The ‘most glaring’ example is Donville Inniss.”

    Now we are all seeing on all fours why certain politically well -connected and ‘exposed’ individuals are deemed untouchable in the corrupt criminal justice system of Barbados.

    Who would remember (other than the missing Piece de Legend) the treatment of dead Abijah’s mum compared to a member of the ‘untouchable’ ethnic minority who shot dead his own son in suspicious circumstances but no charge of manslaughter was brought against him?

    What about the UK-based standpipe legal luminary Greene’s favourite political blue-eyed boy Donville of Pornville who could have done no wrong in the eyes of the Bajan criminal justice system?

    This well functioning justice system which can still charge the man Herbert for ‘alleged’ trading in seized contraband but was still able to let him go without facing a jury of his ‘peers’.

    When are we going to see Pornville’s collaborators in fraud placed in handcuffs and brought before the local courts just like those lowlife miscreants stealing food items or breaking the Covid curfew?

    Instead of praising a disgruntled politician like Lynette we should be thanking God for the Americans for exposing the undercover corruption and white collar crime in Bim!

  45. Khaleel KothdiwalaApril 13, 2020 11:36 AM

    As usual, many of the comments here disappoint. With every blog post, the comments become increasingly mind-boggling in their disconnect from reality.

    To the first matter, Franklyn has become a known quantity in our local politics as a habitual complainer with an axe to grind and as such his commentary should be permanently confined to rubbish bin. blah blah blah….


    Insert the sound of your comment hitting the bottom of MY garbage bin.

  46. Some shop on monday some on wed
    Same on thurs and saturday

  47. The important difference is that Ms Eastmond put her name to her allegations. Most of the people on BU who make such claims hide behind their anonymity. Very important.

  48. Mia could have picked a council made up of whomsoever she wanted. Failed finance ministers need not have been included. The only thing they know to do is fail. There is no law that states that Mia had to convene a council of failed finance ministers.

    Unusual times call for unusual methods not the same old conventional stuff. With such embalmed minds the only place we are going is to the cemetery.

    What would have happened if Chris Sinckler wasn’t invited????????

  49. @KK

    r u some type of BLP hack? Senator Franklyn is quite free and right to express his opinion in all matters whether he complains or not. so his remarks should be dismissed out of hand because he criticizes the BLP? what tripe!! there should be more like the Senator i say.

    your submission was quite cogent but that does not hide some glaring nonsensical remarks besides the above.

    the work of the economic council whilst non binding is persuasive, is it not? otherwise why convene and give prominence to such a council? therefore the choice of persons to sit on the council was deliberative and not random. you cant write off the selection of Sinckler as a by-the-way- pick. there must have been some consultation with her cabinet in the matter.

    whilst it sounds good to use that oft quote phrase when convenient- put our partisan nature aside and work together- it does not wash. did she work across the aisle when MAM enacted all her COVID measures? oh yes i understand there was some consultation but did she have a team advising her however non binding? how about BERT?

    absolutely no need to involve Sinckler. usually politicians use this type of crap for cover. should matters awry it was the team. should they go right i picked the team.

    good try but no cigar.

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