Acting Prime Minister Santia Bradshaw just declared in a national address that 45 positive cases have been identified infected with COVID 19.

407 responses to “Barbados NOW on LOCKDOWN”

  1. Does it matter when they open the ports of entry? She will be retained at Dodds until such time.


  2. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “This is indeed a crisis of capitalism… and the flip side of crisis is opportunity. I am looking for opportunity to help build a better society post crisis: one that radically reduces social disparities and cares for disadvantaged people much more effectively.”

    there you go, intelligent people see useful, proactive, progressive opportunities..

    greedy parasites only see opportunities to steal…and fill their pockets to bloated levels with useless paper…

  3. Artax@ John A

    Surely by now you should realize Mari is being provocative.

    She was criticizing ‘government’s’ partial lockdown, calling for more stringent regulations, now that is about to occur, she has to find something to criticize at all cost.

    It’s what I call the ‘George Street Condition.’



    Not at all being provocative
    I call them as i see them
    Govt leads by.example my first and foremost point was a principle lead by saving govt cost and peoples lives
    Hence i called for early measures to put in place
    Now at the eleventh hour govt has put a pretentious policy in placed highlighted by an unknown Jamaican women in locks on front covers of papers and across social mediaa as a first example of strength in carrying out the law
    As head of Caricom Mia should know that this kind of image festers contradiction and controversial opinions in the minds of the sister country also her at home and in her homeland
    An image which should not have been allowed and which brings with it thoughts which are controversial and divisive
    Views which a couple years ago were already dissed out in public and political forums leaving sour goodwill between both countries when Myrie was arrested

  4. “Again you are on the ball. There is no need for a great constitutional convention. The three Trinidad national were intransit through Barbados with a final destination in their home country.
    If Trinidad had indicated that they were not going to accept their nationals, then the government of Barbados should have returned them to the previous port of embarkation and on the plane they arrived on. Instead, as usual, we started playing social workers to the world.
    Of course, we are dealing with human beings, but both Trinidad and the UK share these values too. Citizenship/nationality means something in law.
    However, we are world class; we punch above our weight; we are top lawyers.”


  5. Do you understand the majority of cases are Barbadians who did not manage their personal situation well by traveling to COVID hotspots and returning to Barbados with the virus?


  6. Artax sorry bro on issues that are bent to defy constitutional laws
    I am a. Constitutional boar

  7. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “The virus is in Barbados already, you really think those forty five are the only ones?”

    Again…multiply 45 X 10 and you will have a general idea of the MINIMUM amount of people walking around LOADED WITH THE DISEASE…and have no clue particularly if they are asymptomatic….they have been preaching that from DAY 1..

  8. Baje April 1, 2020 7:51 PM



    Close the caskets for now

    Good point very observing
    Worth asking the question why

  9. “Now at the eleventh hour govt has put a pretentious policy in placed highlighted by an unknown Jamaican women in locks on front covers of papers and across social mediaa as a first example of strength in carrying out the law
    As head of Caricom Mia should know that this kind of image festers contradiction and controversial opinions in the minds of the sister country also her at home and in her homeland
    An image which should not have been allowed and which brings with it thoughts which are controversial and divisive
    Views which a couple years ago were already dissed out in public and political forums leaving sour goodwill between both countries when Myrie was arrested.”

    @ Mariposa

    Your above comment is nuff, nuff shiite.

    Perhaps Astor B’s rum punch was a bit too strong for you.

  10. Instead of some of you rehashing the same tired points, conspiracies etc follow the lead of Peter, fortyacres, John A, Vincent and a few others by enhancing your contributions.


  11. John

    Stop cutting and pasting.

    From tomorrow ALL OF GEORGA is going in a SHELTER IN PLACE status.

  12. @ Mariposa

    Ignore mass hysteria. People who have nothing to add to discussions nitpick or shout. Ask them to detail, step by step, where yo have gone wrong.
    There is a Bajan style of discourse: make a bold, unsubstantiated statement, and expect people to follow it as truth; in reply to a detailed argument dismiss it as false, or typically use an abusive word; Google crap and present it as truth; or, if the person asks a questions, treat it as a statement.
    Very few make a detailed argument because that is not the way learning by rote teaches you to defend a discursive position. Learning by rote means what you say is binary, to oppose it is to be wrong. That is why they see people with differing views as the enemy, then the aggression and bitterness come out.
    It is great in a small universe where most people do not know any better, but in the big wide world you will be sent for psychiatric treatment.

  13. As usual you always know evert thing.

  14. “Ignore mass hysteria. People who have nothing to add to discussions nitpick or shout. Ask them to detail, step by step, where yo have gone wrong.
    There is a Bajan style of discourse: make a bold, unsubstantiated statement, and expect people to follow it as truth; in reply to a detailed argument dismiss it as false, or typically use an abusive word; Google crap and present it as truth; or, if the person asks a questions, treat it as a statement.
    Very few make a detailed argument because that is not the way learning by rote teaches you to defend a discursive position. Learning by rote means what you say is binary, to oppose it is to be wrong. That is why they see people with differing views as the enemy, then the aggression and bitterness come out.
    It is great in a small universe where most people do not know any better, but in the big wide world you will be sent for psychiatric treatment.”

    I agree with the above comment, because it describes ALL contributors to BU……. including the author.

  15. @ PLT

    Your point about building a new economy will be a must now and not an option. Tourism will take a while to recover and several of the businesses that have closed will not reopen.

    There is great scope for agriculture here but it is a field many would not be interested in. No doubt you will hear the politicians speak of how people who are laid off should become self employed, however in a depressed economy what will be their chance of success? I expect the banks too will be extremely risk averse to finance any activity that depends on retail either.

    It is my view that as we speak now of the virus and what we are doing to fight it, we also need to lay out a plan for how we plan to deal with the massive financial fallout that will follow it.

  16. David April 2, 2020 7:19 AM

    Does it matter when they open the ports of entry? She will be retained at Dodds until such
    Should it not matter unless u are willing to pay out of pocket expense for her room and board along with travelling expense to her homeland
    Boy yuh tell u

    Just observing

  17. @ Crusoe
    Trinidad is a failed state. Years of corruption have brought the promise of wealth to a state of economic and social ruination.

    Yet you want Barbados to get hitched to Guyana???

  18. Artax @ Mariposa

    Your above comment is nuff, nuff shiite.

    Perhaps Astor B’s rum punch was a bit too strong for you


    But Worth repeating

    “Now at the eleventh hour govt has put a pretentious policy in placed highlighted by an unknown Jamaican women in locks on front covers of papers and across social mediaa as a first example of strength in carrying out the law
    As head of Caricom Mia should know that this kind of image festers contradiction and controversial opinions in the minds of the sister country also her at home and in her homeland
    An image which should not have been allowed and which brings with it thoughts which are controversial and divisive
    Views which a couple years ago were already dissed out in public and political forums leaving sour goodwill between both countries when Myrie was arrested.

  19. @Crusoe,

    the real question is what has Barbados to offer any other island? man, you all can really spout nonsense

  20. @ John A

    To add to your point about agriculture: a single lime in the UK cost 30p, about 90 cents; and a single eddoe costs 40p, about $1.20. More important, about a new economy, we have had any number of ‘new’ economies since the Second World War, and particular since 1970. All these have passed Barbados by.
    I do not want to go over economic history, but look at the spectacular growth of the US economy between 1945 and 65 – when the US opened its doors to large numbers of immigrants, which itself led to the high number of Caribbean people now in the US.
    Look at nations such as Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam, China, India, Singapore, Hong Kong, and compare their state of development with that of Barbados in 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995, 2005 and 2015 – and posit an explanation for why at every stage ALL these nations pulled away from Barbados, the Caribbean and the rest of Latin America.
    We must stop finding excuses and face reality in the face.
    Or, take our current problems: a medical/health crisis, which has created an accompanying supply side economic crisis, which will inevitably lead to a food crisis and then to a demand side economic crisis, in which a massive fiscal deficit is the only workable solution.
    Read Milton Friedman on how such crises should be fiscally resolved. The Japanese are now dumping helicopter money in people’s bank accounts, they did this in the late 1990s and it did not work. The great Donald Trump is now doing the same in the US, but, being Trump, he has reserved US$500bn for corporate America. Some people never learn.
    How does all that translate in to a small semi-open economy, with no industrial or services sector worth anything, apart from tourism?
    As you know, despite two major speeches by the president, including a three-hour marathon, nothing has been said by the president about how the crises will impact the Barbados economy; nothing from her as minister of finance, nothing from her three economic gurus, nothing from the well-funded economic department at UWI.
    Sadly, and our sympathies go out to her, in the middle of the crisis the president has been laid up with a medical ‘procedure’. Nothing has been said about how serious is this procedure, but the nation is expected to take her on her word.
    I ask: is her medical procedure so serious that she should abandon ship in the middle of a crisis to a relatively inexperience, if rather nice, minister? No one talks about the so-called new economy because not many have any ideas. Those that do are reluctant to speak out in case they embarrass themselves.
    Where are the media that should be leading the public discussion?

  21. @Dullard

    What would you have us living on the rock do besides to dig a deep hole?

  22. @Crusoe

    Trinidad has little to offer Barbados, save more runaway capitalism and corruption
    That may be so, but we are hitched to Trinidad and the divorce will cost us plenty, even worse it wouldn’t be like many divorces where the spouse is entitled to “half” we would be lucky to escape with the shirt on our back.

  23. Dry taps in Pot House, other rural villages

    Residents at Pot House, St John are frustrated that it has now been weeks since they last saw water running from their taps at a time when health authorities are advising them to wash their hands frequently to stop the spread of COVID-19 on the island

  24. Yikes….Prohibition hits Barbados!!! The sale of alcohol prohibited!!!
    How I gine sterilize muh hands, lol?? Can’t even now enjoy my ‘nightcap’ to get relaxed & fall sleep!
    Beaches closed…… where will I get my early morning exercise to build up muh immune system to fight-off the Virus when I catch it? Yes… sooner or later, we all will ‘get it’… like the flu…. so we gotta build-up the body to fight it off until a vaccine is found.

    Wuhloss…. she just bring in curfew and but for a few not following it, all ah we gine pay! The jump from 27 to 43 was those affected 1-2 week ago, not in the past 3 days. Shudda give the curfew time to ‘bite’ … these additional restrictions indicate a bit of a knee-jerk reaction!

    All needed was to ban alcohol sales from Bars, Restuarants, Rum shops, etc. to stop congregating … didn’t see long lines in supermarkets in alcohol section….. why not allow it in such places? Home delivery!!

    Did’nt see fishermen on the new ‘list’….. got to walk cross de beach to get to muh boat…. mean I brekking de law? But not my friend, he can reach his boat from a pier, no need to ‘touch’ de beach. Clarification ??? We need fish as a staple food … not greasy chicken!

    Sad to say but dis ting won’t be defeated until all 250,000+ bajans get it, and recover, and then according to the ‘experts’, won’t get it again….. alas, there will be a % who will need medical IT care to survive (small, we hope) … and a smaller % (we hope) that will not survive …. unless a vaccine comes soon ….. let us face de facts!

  25. @Hal A
    I ask: is her medical procedure so serious that she should abandon ship in the middle of a crisis to a relatively inexperience,
    Why are you questioning someone’s decision to have a medical procedure? How do you know what medical advice she received? Being PM doesn’t make one invulnerable and BTW the speech has all the hallmarks of a Mia address I would be surprised if the speech wasn’t a Mia production.

  26. SargeantApril 2, 2020 8:37 AM


    Trinidad has little to offer Barbados, save more runaway capitalism and corruption
    That may be so, but we are hitched to Trinidad and the divorce will cost us plenty, even worse it wouldn’t be like many divorces where the spouse is entitled to “half” we would be lucky to escape with the shirt on our back

    That is throwing in the towel with a defeatist attitude
    Trinidad cannot be allowed to become the carrier of bullyism in this time of crisis holding barbados as hostages to favours which Trinidad gave or loan to barbados
    This crisis has indeed expose the dirt and hypocrisy within each nations bosom
    Barbados govt has now decided on two fronts one to endanger the lives of the people and discard many principles in the Constitution by which they can fight to fend off the Caricom bullies that take advantage of barbados humanitarian benevolence in times of crisis

  27. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Let’s hope the Ms. Mia government understands that they should work very closely with those countries now EXTENDING A HAND so that she does not become overwhelmed and put the people in even MORE DANGER….the days for playing games and massaging BLOATED EGOS…are done.

  28. WURA-War-on-U
    April 2, 2020 7:24 AM

    “The virus is in Barbados already, you really think those forty five are the only ones?”
    Again…multiply 45 X 10 and you will have a general idea of the MINIMUM amount of people walking around LOADED WITH THE DISEASE…and have no clue particularly if they are asymptomatic….they have been preaching that from DAY 1..


    No test kits are needed to determine if people have a temperature.

    Watch the video in the Duterte clip above and you will see troops out with thermometers pointing and clicking and finding none with a temperature.

    This is the best mass testing method that seems available now.

    Put some checkpoints around the place and point and click.

    Common sense says very few if any people will be stopped.

  29. Hal Austin
    April 2, 2020 4:43 AM

    Who scripted Santia’s speech last night? No exercise; you can go shopping but no buying booze, but you may buy sugary drinks; I am not clear about motorists; government closed down, but nothing about banks and the suspension of payments, apart from a brief mention of ATMs.


    You noticed that too?

    Speech has in loads of illogic and speaker’s eyes communicating fear.

    Fear and confusion is the only message she sent.

    We don’t need fear or confusion.

    We need clear heads.

  30. @ Mari

    If it’s worth repeating, at the risk of being accused of ‘nit picking,’ I’m going to ask you:

    Could you please explain the DIFFERENCES between a Jamaican ‘drug mule’ being held at the airport, attempting to bring drugs into the island, subsequently arrested, charged and brought before the law Court, and the media publishes a story on the crime, along with a photo of the accused handcuffed, under police escort……..

    ……. and the Jamaican you’re referring to, that was arrested for breaking the law, charged, brought before the Court and the media publishes a story on the crime, along with a photo of the accused handcuffed, under police escort?

    RE: “As head of Caricom Mia should know that this kind of image festers contradiction and controversial opinions in the minds of the sister country also her at home and in her homeland.”

    If I were to follow your logic, wouldn’t a Jamaican, or any other non-national living here, being arrested and charged for committing a crime also “fester contradiction and controversial opinions as well?

    RE: “Views which a couple years ago were already dissed out in public and political forums leaving sour goodwill between both countries when Myrie was arrested.”

    The above comment is a NON-POINT. And, it begs the question, why are you attempting to correlate TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SITUATIONS?

  31. What the hell does Barbados constitution has to do with that of Trinidad or Trinidad constitution has to do with Barbados?

    How can on fight the other its own constitution?

  32. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    VITAL information..

  33. @ John
    Speech has in loads of illogic and speaker’s eyes communicating fear. Fear and confusion is the only message she sent.
    We don’t need fear or confusion. We need clear heads.

    Well said John. She looked terrified.

  34. @Sargeant

    I am questioning an elected public servant. If Mr Trudeau had taken ill, I am sure the people of Canada would have been told what was wrong.
    I am asking because the nation is in turmoil, it is facing a crisis it has never before faced, and the president is missing. I would expect, and any leader of any democracy would, that if the ‘medical procedure’ was not that serious that she would continue to act as president.
    Instead, we had one of the more inexperienced members of the Cabinet (and someone I respect), acting as prime minister. Previously George Payne acted as PM; why not the attorney general and swear in one of the other lawyers (Thorne?) as acting AG?
    In any case, we are so used to secrecy, that even in matters of state we believe, erroneously, that the office holder has a right to privacy. Yes. Private citizens have a right to privacy.
    I know it is not the same, so do not shout, but did Donville Inniss deserve a right to private as to how he got his wealth? Look what that right has done to us.

  35. @john 2

    11 rights we all have in Trinidad and Tobago

  36. She used expressive body language to convey the urgency of the message being communicated.

  37. @ Hal

    You no doubt remember here in the 60s and 70s when we had a flourishing selection of cottage industries catering to the domestic market. I remember as a young man going into The Women’s Self-help in town and being amazed at the range of products our proud Bajans produced. Maybe it’s time the government put in place a program to revitalise this sector for the domestic market.

    Nothing annoys me more than to go in the supermarket and see jams and all types of products from Trinidad and little on the shelves from Barbados. Maybe it’s time to pull a Trump and select say 40 items and assist our people to get the cottage industries going again, by offering them some financial help and maybe even some market protection.

    All the fancy WTO rules will no doubt be thrown out the window in the new post covid economy and replaced with a ” Home drum must beat first ” approach. We don’t have to reinvent the wheel, all we need to do is in a structured way reintroduce what we had before.

  38. @Dullard, What would you have us living on the rock do besides to dig a deep hole?

    Great question Blogmaster. I wont pretend to have the answer.
    But isn’t that what the hordes of ministers, consultants and special advisors are being paid handsomely to figure out?

    I am almost sure though, that going cap in hand to our Guyanese cousins is not the answer.

    The country should focus on the absolute basics. That should translate into easy wins. Planting more food with an eye towards import substitution should be a priority.

  39. @Dullard

    This is the mistake we make and one Peter has been tirelessly debunking. We are in this together, the cadre of people you mention come from among us. The are mere mortals. The challenge is for a country to harness the collective intelligence of its people; its intelligence.

  40. You cann’t manage what you cann’t measure. Like the idea of temperature testing and isolation. Furthermore, the idea of sanitizing the streets and places that are heavily traversed makes a lot of sense.

  41. Donks, Gripe and Josh Avatar
    Donks, Gripe and Josh

    The alarming reality is Barbados covid infection rate per capita is the highest in the Americas.

    Now is not time for a blame game. Action to slow down infection must be number one priority

    What are Haiti’s numbers? Does poorest nation in region have capacity to even run tests?

    Covid is a global pandemic of Noah’s flood dimension. The world community has to work hard and fast with the common goal to reach higher ground.

    Politics should be banned until this monster is tamed.

    Covid’s bullet speed spread is its most dreaded feature. Barbados cases have raced to 44. Noteworthy is no fatalities.

    Guyana with 19 cases has four deaths . Are there nuggets of info in the various scenarios to assist health experts.

    Our public health sector must be lauded for fearlessness and determination in the face of this deadly virus. They place their own well being on the line.

    Communities have to pay attention to their instructions. The call to avoid panic is a key directive to follow.

  42. @ John A

    You are so right again. The problem, in a circular way, is that we have ‘educated’ our young people out of the arts and crafts and basic trades. They all now want to be doctors, lawyers, actuaries, politicians – and, what is more, the politicians do not see the need to provide relevant education and training to young people. They do not value trades. But look at Germany. We have failed and at some point must accept it.
    I do not want to repeat what has been said on numerous occasions, but in my youth we had a shrimp industry and two world class (genuinely so) foundries.
    We are going backward. I have a little experience of two of our sectors: print journalism and broadcasting. And I am sure you have a look at BBC World and CNN. Cow compare the quality of journalism we get locally, print or broadcast. This should tell you something.
    It is not a matter of resources, but of ideas and skills.

  43. havePea brain

    For those 11 right in Trinidad all I see is …ALL CITIZEN

    is the Barbados government a citizen of Trinidad? Or how can and where can we fight trini government to make them allow the 35 in instead of them disembarking in Barbados?

    Walk me through the process because I am totally lost.

    which court were we supposed to file the original claim? Barbados, Trinidad or CCJ and how long do you think it would take for the case to be heard and completed?

    who would be the lawyer, our AG?


  44. @Hal,

    either we reset or COVID and its aftermath will cause us to or both. why can traditional education and trades go hand in hand. why must it be one or the other. practically speaking it is better to have a trade or at least that is how i see it.

  45. Donks Gripe and Josh Avatar
    Donks Gripe and Josh

    rate per capita is the highest in English speaking Americas

  46. Detroit to be first to deploy Abbott Labs’ 5-minute COVID-19 test, mayor says

    Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan said today on Wolf Blitzer’s CNN show that the city of Detroit is on track to be the first city to deploy Abbott Labs’ five-minute COVID-19 test. The mayor said the test would be available for first responders. The goal, he said, was to test those first responders who are self-isolating but have yet to test positive for the virus.

    The city of Detroit received the Abbott Labs tests today, April 1. They will be available for use within the next 24 hours, the mayor said.

    This system from Abbott received emergency clearance for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It’s a lab-in-a-box that is roughly the size of a small kitchen appliance. The small size and rapid test results mean it can be deployed and utilized more quickly than other methods.

    The City of Detroit is getting hit especially hard by the novel coronavirus. According to recent numbers, the counties around Detroit contain 81% of Michigan’s 7,615 coronavirus cases. More than 20% of the 2,500-strong police force is quarantined with suspected instances of COVID-19.

    The significant number of cases in Detroit led the mayor to go outside of traditional channels to obtain the tests first.

    As The Washington Post tells it, Mayor Mike Duggan secured the cellphone number of Miles White, the chairman and outgoing CEO of Abbot Labs, and woke him up Sunday morning to beg for the test. This early morning phone call netted the city five machines and 5,000 tests.

    Today the company said in a tweet that it’s making the system available this week in an urgent care setting in the U.S. where the company already has instrumentation. Abbott Labs says it already holds the most significant molecular point-of-care footprint in the U.S., and is “widely available” across doctor’s offices, urgent care clinics, emergency rooms and other medical facilities.

    Abbott expects it will be able to produce 5 million tests in April, split between the new rapid tests and traditional lab tests that received emergency authorization from the FDA on March 18.

  47. The post covid economy will change all the rules on what is or is not the best business to be in.

    I will say now that the businesses catering to the domestic market will do better over the short to midterm than those dealing in Tourism. We have an economy that is 70% tourism based, in the post covid economy that will not be the golden goose for a considerable period. In my view that is the major challenge before us besides the actual virus and needs to be discussed urgently.

  48. NorthernObserver Avatar

    peterlawrencethompsonApril 2, 2020 12:41 AM

    @David & @John
    “We know it will not be championed by the bourgeoisie.”
    You are correct of course… except for those of us who are traitors to our class 😉
    I think that the split may well be more demographic than class based, with millenials and everyone younger finally getting fed up with the way we Baby boomers have screwed up the world and their lives… except for those of us who are traitors to their generation 😉

    so you ask….. “Where did @PLT talk about traitors to his generation?”….he spoke in the final sentence about traitors to THEIR generation.

  49. john2April 2, 2020 10:47 AM

    havePea brain

    For those 11 right in Trinidad all I see is …ALL CITIZEN

    Can u answer this question are the 35 trinidians who were locked out of Trinidad not citizens of Trinidad
    Does barbados constitution say that barbados have a right to keep them if Trinidad lock their borders
    If barbados kept them under a humanitarian policy there is nothing wrong with that
    However barbados does not by law have to keep them because of another country immigration policy

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