Prime Minister Mia Mottley  advised the country tonight that Barbados will impose a curfew from 8PM to 6AM starting on Saturday 28 March 2020  until 14 April 2020. On a personal note the Prime Minister also shared she will be MIA for a while because her medical team advised her to undergo a medical procedure this coming weekend. Minister of Education Santia Bradshaw will act as prime minister. The blogmaster wishes her well.

790 responses to “Barbados Goes on Partial LOCKDOWN”

  1. Pelosi … “Come to Chinatown … safe … join us”

    Back in February!!

    In other words don’t mind Trump the virus is not an issue!!

  2. Pelosi is 80.

    She must have the lungs of a horse.

    Wonder if she smokes?

  3. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Going back some five years or more ago one man invested his political capital in a lie about the nationality of Barack Obama… He lied and lied and lied and it has served him well.

    Here on BU the same thing applies handily… Lie, after lie after lie.

    For the record the US expert De Fauci said this: (my emphasis)

    “Whenever the models come in, they give a worst-case scenario and a best-case scenario. Generally, the reality is somewhere in the middle. I’ve never seen a model of the diseases that I’ve dealt with where the worst case actually came out. They always overshoot,”

    “I mean, looking at what we’re seeing now, you know, I would say between 100 and 200,000 (deaths). But I don’t want to be held to that.”

    The joys of being Christian…I imagine… the ability to lie and go to ur priest for regular penance and forgiveness…

    I will see u again tomorrow, my son, said the priest!

  4. We should look at SWEDEN.

    Let it run its course.

  5. The topic here is Trump, not Pelosi. Nobody ever said that Pelosi is a very stable genius. One cannot be a very stable genius and vacillate from one extreme to the other. One cannot be a very stable GENIUS and predict that the cases would peak at fifteen and quickly plummet to zero and find yourself out by 188,530 with 3,889 deaths and counting.

    That being said that does not mean that he is totally wrong about everything. The mortality rate could still turn out to be no more than the flu. That all depends, as you have said, on the denominator. This virus appears to be more dramatic because it seems to transmit more easily and when it kills, it kills quickly.

    We shall all have to wait and see as will Dr. Fauci AND Donald Trump because none of us have got a clue really.

  6. Donna

    Numbers are not your forte!!

  7. Trump was not the first world leader to close his country’s border in January.

    Another country did it a week earlier and has 5 deaths so far!!

    It’s population is 23.8 million.

    Let’s see if you can figure out the puzzle of the numbers.

  8. @ Robert

    It was opposite King William Street. It was called The Olde Grogge Shoppe.

  9. Should I wear a mask to protect myself?

    Only wear a mask if you are ill with COVID-19 symptoms (especially coughing) or looking after someone who may have COVID-19. Disposable face mask can only be used once. If you are not ill or looking after someone who is ill then you are wasting a mask. There is a world-wide shortage of masks, so WHO urges people to use masks wisely.

    WHO advises rational use of medical masks to avoid unnecessary wastage of precious resources and mis-use of masks (see Advice on the use of masks).

    The most effective ways to protect yourself and others against COVID-19 are to frequently clean your hands, cover your cough with the bend of elbow or tissue and maintain a distance of at least 1 meter (3 feet) from people who are coughing or sneezing. See basic protective measures against the new coronavirus for more information.

  10. I do not need you to direct me to a link to understand what is going on I also have PH.D and have done post doctoral research in microbiology and recombinant DNA. Have been teaching public health courses. So cut the sarcasm.

    Hey Dr Robert Lucas, thanks again for reminding us of your background in microbiology. I promise we will try not to forget this time.
    The Dullard is not interested in what you did in the 1970s. Why do you feel the need to share your CV on an anonymous virtual rum shop?
    The Dullard is just a simple guy, no fancy academic titles nor “post doctoral research in microbiology and recombinant DNA”.
    He is not impressed by certificates (only the green, honest type) but actions and truth.

    In any case the comment was not directed at you but at others who continue to mislead the blog.

    Did I tingle your fragile ego?

  11. WHO also said that the virus only infects people in certain categories most the elderly and people who are sick
    Now we are seeing people much younger being infected and dying
    The truth about the mask stems from shortages which is understandable but the authorities including Trump has proven themselves to be bold faced liars on the issue
    I listen to a clip of Carlson Tucker take on the story of the mask and the confusing explanations given by leading authorities and i had to agree with every word he said

  12. Tucker Carlson: We understand there’s a shortage of medical masks. Stop lying to us and tell the truth

  13. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    David, the problem with the WHO guideline in wearing masks is the ‘fragility’ of its core intent.

    It’s not that wearing a mask by others will NOT generally be beneficial to prevent infection but simply because they need to focus on the gear of masks for medical pros due to the shortages.

    In that the WHO et al are being disengenuous … They will do us all a GRAVE injustice WHEN they then start to advise the wearing of masks by the masses….

    Which they WILL eventually as the issue of supply becomes a NON-ISSUE… Soon enough.

  14. Just as truth is not yours. Just saw your very stable genius changing his mind yet again. Apparently HE has a friend who is critically ill with complications from CO VID 19 . And so NOW the virus is NOT like the flu.

    And if you are referring to the fact that I did not subtract the fifteen cases from the number it is because by now they should have recovered and the number should have been ZERO.

    Now I will leave your rabbit holes to Bugs Bunny and return to THE CHILL ROOM.

  15. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Mariposa, there are occassions you make reasonable points but you are so often boldly imprecise that it’s difficult to accept you as ‘legitimate’ even when that happens.

    Case in point above… Your remarks about use of masks are in ball park of my views of the matter…

    But then you accompany that reality with the completely INACCURATE “WHO also said that the virus ONLY infects people in certain categories most the elderly and people who are sick”!

    I have read (like many) heavily if this subject matter and I NEVER read that bit of disinformation.

    Can’t YOU do yourself a big favour by being more careful or do you deliberately intend to be careless just like others you condemn!

  16. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “One or more of the experts is crazy given these simple numbers.

    Like I said, the experts and the press need to be called to account.”

    Just as we followed the pattern to see how Covid survives…follow the pattern to see where everything leads…..the frontline workers are the ones seeing everything play out in real time..

    we done know Dr. GP is not doctor Enuff to tell us what he knows and/or suspects…too busy hiding.

  17. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    The Bronx.

    “Nurses and doctors at Jacobi Medical Center are on a “suicide mission” — exposed, along with their patients, to coronavirus because of inadequate protective equipment, a veteran nurse at the Bronx facility told the Daily News.

    “We just had a nurse who passed away over the weekend from this,” said Kelley Cabrera, who’s worked at Jacobi for five years. “We are starting to see our own fall sick. Who’s going to replace us?”

    Kelley Cabrera, a health care worker at Jacobi Medical Center, is pictured with makeshift protective wear on Tuesday.
    Kelley Cabrera, a health care worker at Jacobi Medical Center, is pictured with makeshift protective wear on Tuesday.

    Cabrera spoke through tears as she told The News that a physician colleague at Jacobi admitted himself to the city-run hospital Tuesday with symptoms of COVID-19, including difficulty breathing.

    “He waited at home. He did what we’re telling people to do. He didn’t come in until he needed care,” she said. “He can’t breathe. It’s hard enough watching patients go through it. It is so hard watching one of your own go through this.”

    New York State..

    “Gov. Cuomo offered grim numbers at his daily presser in Albany on Tuesday as an additional 332 New Yorkers died of coronavirus in the past day as the pandemic keeps ravaging NYC and its suburbs.

    The number of positive cases soared over 75,000 and the total death toll rose to 1,550 in the state.”

  18. Taiwan was the country.

    Closed its borders with Wuhan on 24th January, a week before Trump.

    Today it has 329 cases and only 5 deaths.

    Its population is 27.8 million and is also Chinese except not Communist Chinese.

    It has strong links with mainland China.

    It has the same population that should have celebrated Chinese New Year.

    On February 8th here are some of its other actions following its severing of contacts.

    Most important are its actions to prevent the young from catching and spreading the virus.

    You see the lunacy of Pelosi in Chinatown at a time when she should have been backing up her president’s actions!!

  19. @Dee Word

    What informs your “fragility” thesis of yours?

  20. There could have been NO frontline after Trump’s ban.

    No pandemic.

    Look at Taiwan.

  21. WHO had ZERO input into the unparalleled success of Taiwan!!

  22. We get it John. How many times do you want to make the same point?

  23. Pedantic
    Fo yourself a favour and scroll by comments
    You would save yourself a big headache
    As to my comment about WHO and statements on how the virus is spread i stand by what i said

  24. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David, Informed by my closing comment that the WHO will likely change guidance of masks usage to advise their wearing by the masses as initial protection.

    I thus used the word ‘fragility’ to highlight their current stance.

    I get it that front line professionals caring for the sick are in dire circumstances but that does not mean that WHO and the other experts themselves should be propagating bunkum that citizens using masks is non-beneficial… That’s callously ridiculous.

    One pertinent series of quotes:

    “During the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, experts and officials cautioned against widespread public use of face masks. US Surgeon General Jerome Adams tweeted, “STOP BUYING MASKS!” He added that masks “are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!”

    Ok…we got that! And then we get THIS…

    “But as the outbreak has worsened, experts have increasingly acknowledged that public use of masks could help prevent the spread of Covid-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), previously resistant to encouraging mask use by the general public, is now reportedly considering it.”

    It is COUNTERFACTUAL to state masks cannot be useful for everyday users… yet obviously we need them for the pros…

    … now when you get to this point below then someone is simply playing on our ‘fragile’ emotions!

    “The shift in expert guidance has come in the past couple of weeks — as the coronavirus has spread throughout the US. A recent report by public health experts for the conservative-leaning American Enterprise Institute (AEI) was unequivocal: “everyone, including people without symptoms, should be encouraged to wear nonmedical fabric face masks while in public.”

    I gone.

  25. Demographics explain how the virus was spread from young to old.

    See if you can decipher the simple fact in the available data below.

    Masks won’t help.

  26. “John” keeps reminding us that Trump issued a ban on flights from China in January, he doesn’t tell us that South Korea and the US had their first COVID19 patient on virtually the same date in January, South Korea’s death count is under 200, what is the death count in the US ? Trump is like a man who told his family that a hurricane is coming but neglected to board up the windows and doors and didn’t replenish his supplies now that the hurricane has struck and the roof has blown off and the windows and doors are smashed and everything has collapsed around the residents who are huddled trying to escape the elements he is trying to repair the home but anyone would know that you can’t repair a house in a hurricane all you can do is wait and hope for it to blow over.

  27. @Dee Word

    You should read the top blog to appreciate how important mask handling is.

  28. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Mariposa, as with John or Hal or anyone else who makes outlandish claims I will at times respond.

    There is a response generally common to you all who are so absolutely convinced of your accuracy: you simply REFUSE to reexamine what you wrote and clarify the misspeak.

    YOUR comment about WHO I would gently say was carelessly misstated… that you would redouble to ”stand by what [you] said” and thus repeat it is to be bluntly dishonest.

    That statement “WHO also said that the virus ONLY infects people in certain categories most the elderly and people who are sick”!” …clearly shows your level of integrity and desire for accuracy.

    Carry on smartly. It takes all to make the world spin!

  29. The young are infecting the old in their own homes.

    Like children in kindergarten who routinely take sicknesses home young adults also took home the COVID-19 virus to their parent’s homes and their grandparents homes.

    It is the North east of America where the biggest problems lie.

    The authorities, Pelosi in California, de Blasio and Cuomo in New York are culpable.

    The Lord Mayor of London is culpable.

    The boss of Milan is culpable.

    The boss of Madrid is culpable.

    etc. etc. etc.

    The only sensible adult actions taken to prevent the spread were taken in Taiwan and by Trump (against expert advice).

    Taiwan was barely affected.

    We are in that boat as well by accident, not by design.

    The virus is neither as contagious or as deadly as believed.

    It however can be made to be so through childish actions.

    Sweden, like Taiwan may well be doing the right thing.

    My bet is they are.

    Let it run its course.

    No gatherings, especially young adults.

    Social distancing.

    Common sense.

  30. The president does not have the power to direct states to follow his orders.

    Left to Trump, a curfew would be on New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

    Howls of protest from Cuomo!!

    States have rights that can’t be easily breached by presidents and the Fed.

    Pelosi, de Blasio and Cuomo behaved like petulant little children when the situation cried out for an adult approach.

  31. “Take what you want and pay for it.”

  32. Responsibility for the disaster in New York and California lies squarely at the feet of those three!!

  33. Here are some numbers expressed pictorially.

  34. China shut it down!!

  35. @John March 31, 2020 10:16 PM
    “We should look at SWEDEN.
    Let it run its course.”

    Why not proffer that advice to your example of the epitome of leadership and statesmanship.

    Wouldn’t it be a welcoming suggestion coming from the Quaker pacifist Sir John to Il Duce Donald the wacky ducky?

    By turning America into a quarantine camp your Fuhrer has finally declared the war he has been fighting for all along.

    The Trojan immigrant horse called Covid has jumped over the ‘white-washed’ wall of cordon sanitaire and has entered the camp of homeland security.

    Let us see how the trumpeter, el Presidente with his uniquely outstanding leadership qualities, ‘blows away’ the invisible enemy now contained within an imaginary wall.

    Maybe he should blow his own trumpet by seeking the BU GP’s advice and let the biblically-predicted Rapture begin to signal the return of Jesus on Easter coming.

  36. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “In here must be the annex to Jenkins.”

    lol……ya won’t be picking up anybody under the guise of Corona though, stick with ya Beggars Charity as a COV-er..

  37. “Right wing regimes all over the world are exploiting the public health crisis to consolidate political power in anti-democratic ways.”

    exploiters and opportunists are out and about to use COV… up….all types of crimes and buy time to COV…er their TRACKS..

  38. It is the secondary infections from young to old, healthy to unhealthy, that makes this virus so horrible.

  39. … and the young and healthy can be imbeciles!!

  40. Especially the ones who go to university and are indoctrinated by the “experts”!!

  41. Miller
    April 1, 2020 9:37 AM

    @John March 31, 2020 10:16 PM
    “We should look at SWEDEN.
    Let it run its course.”
    Why not proffer that advice to your example of the epitome of leadership and statesmanship.


    If you had any brain in your head you would realise that is exactly what will happen, with or without his help.

    But, he already knows!!

    The virus will run its course.

  42. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @John, you have very intense soliloquys and I wanted to see what are the things you are telling yourself… so if you will please clarify…

    “It is the secondary infections from young to old, healthy to unhealthy, that makes this virus so horrible.”

    Is there a DIFFERENT method in your deep dive analysis of history which has proven more horrible at anytime in spreading sickness/plague/virus? Your point here being what exactly?

  43. @ Dullard April 1, 2020 7:01 AM
    You even got the time wrong. I suggest you re-read the post that resulted in my comment. Maybe a remedial course in English comprehension is required . You sarcasm was quite evident. It does not affect my ego. People in glass houses should not throw stones,:thus your reply.

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