Prime Minister Mia Mottley  advised the country tonight that Barbados will impose a curfew from 8PM to 6AM starting on Saturday 28 March 2020  until 14 April 2020. On a personal note the Prime Minister also shared she will be MIA for a while because her medical team advised her to undergo a medical procedure this coming weekend. Minister of Education Santia Bradshaw will act as prime minister. The blogmaster wishes her well.

790 responses to “Barbados Goes on Partial LOCKDOWN”

  1. It needs to go on full lockdown

  2. PoorPeacefulandPolite Avatar

    Wrong hour given (6:00 P.M.)

  3. @ David.

    The curfew is 8 pm to 6am not 6pm. You need to change it in your article.

  4. Thanks.

  5. Mariposa has been in lockdown since May24 2018
    Lockdown muh pocket book
    Lockdown muh bank book
    Now gonna lock down muh house and get to hell outta here
    Btw i gonna to Ghana to find them duppy bones cause de island needs to be rescued
    Something aint right

  6. David stop playing dirty games
    Let people express them self freely without yuh political interference

  7. Stay safe in these very trying and stressful times.

  8. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Ms Mottley is our best choice for political leadership at the moment despite her flaws. She stands head and shoulders above any other member of the BLP or the DLP in leadership capacity for a crisis.

    That said, things are not as well managed as she is trying to make them appear. Yes she has followed WHO guidelines for going to stage 3, but she is not following WHO guidelines to carry out widespread testing. This is a serious deficit with the potential to harm us significantly. We particularly need to be testing and retesting front line medical personnel in a systematic and intense manner for their safety and protection.

    Another serious lack is in personal protective equipment for front line medical staff. They are being asked to make do with a couple of re-used masks and a single gown. This is an embarrassing travesty. We must do better.

    Rihanna has bought ventilators to equip intensive care facilities here for those who may develop serious respiratory problems, but I am told that they may never reach Barbados because the Trump administration has put an embargo on the export of that type of medical equipment.

    Ms Mottley has reassured us that she wishes to be forthright and transparent with us, so we need her to be more forthcoming and honest about the challenges we face, and the obstacles in our path. If there are logistical or other difficulties in ramping up testing procedures then tell us about them and let us solve them together. If we are short of protective gear for front line medical staff then let us know…

  9. @peterlawrencethompson

    Did you get a chance to watch the Bill Gates Anderson Cooper interview last hour? Gates point is that the best approach is to aggressively test for the virus.

  10. @ PLT,
    I understand your genuine fear. You are cognisant that Barbados does not have the minimum tools in their toolbox to combat this virus. I believe that we are looking at a catastrophe for that island. I pray that I will be proven wrong.

  11. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    You misunderstand me. I am not in the least way afraid. Ijust perceive some problems and want to help get them fixed. That’s all. The USA, the UK, Spain, Italy and very many others are worse off.

  12. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @ David
    I don’t watch TV so I didn’t see Cooper talk to Gates. I’m not surprised at his conclusion about testing.

  13. @ peterlawrencethompson March 26, 2020 9:32 PM

    It is good to know that you are now also a member of the Red Knights of Ren.

    We will defeat this virus. The deep recession will be far more difficult. It will cost us not just a few miserable lives, but billions of dollars.

    We therefore need a fair burden sharing. Many citizens in the tourism industry will remain permanently unemployed. Others will have to switch to agriculture to work on the sugar cane plantation for little money under COW’s whip. The civil servants, on the other hand, received a monstrous salary increase in 2018. In addition, the government cannot sack them. It is therefore only fair that our many lazy civil servants pay a special levy to balance the burden. I am thinking here of 20 percent of their current income and 50 percent of the pensions for new pensioners.

  14. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    All systems functioning.
    We need to pray that the medical procedures that the PM has to undergo will be successful.

  15. Miller,

    Once again, Tron was absolutely right: the government is not activating the existing state of emergency in the constitution, but simply creating a new emergency constitution, a kind of medical dictatorship. In a one-party state, the will of the leader and the constitution are no longer distinguishable. The will of the leader is no longer subject to formalistic restrictions, but materializes directly in the television address.

    The lockdown has a good thing: it distracts the masses from the deep recession that will cost tens of thousands of jobs in the tourism industry. We need opium for the people: in this case 1 kg of pandemic grass. Another diversion for the masses would be a national labor service. We could use the many unemployed in agriculture and recultivate the many plantations.

  16. Mia is just like Trump
    Trying to calm bajan fears with lies and plenty glasses of koolaid
    Really the bottom line came down to presevation .prevention and protection of our fall
    All correction methods at this time point to failure a failure to implement an easy and readily safeproof method call lock down
    The many countries which have implemented such measures have shown almost zero infections like Russia and even some cities in the USA
    Fla cases continue to increase because like Mia the governor has kept the ports open
    What is the hell barbados doing with 24 victims
    But this i know unless i have symptoms no one pushing not even a cotton swab into my nostrils
    These fast making kits have shown to be problematic

  17. They should push a mop up your Asset.

    Name one island in CARICOM the closed they borders in time to now have a count of zero?

    Everything from you is mia this and mia that, mia mia mia. she gine give you a good stroke,

    All the anti mia talk you giving according to inteviews by BT, the taximen at the airport and the merchants in Bridgetown all agree that mia do right to keep Barbados open as long as she can.

    mia gine retire from politics and be someplace relaxing and firing one with owen and sinklar and you Asset gine be in some ole people home getting nursing because you aint going to recover from the mia stroke.

  18. Another serious lack is in personal protective equipment for front line medical staff. They are being asked to make do with a couple of re-used masks and a single gown. This is an embarrassing travesty. We must do better.




  19. Don’t panic on the Titanic!

    According to my information, Barbados will resume international flight operations in May.

  20. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “Mariposa has been in lockdown since May24 2018
    Lockdown muh pocket book
    Lockdown muh bank book
    Now gonna lock down muh house and get to hell outta here”

    Do us all a favour and lockdown your keyboard too, Stay safe, and be careful where you go.

  21. @peterlawrencethompson March 26, 2020 9:32 PM

    Cannot do wide spread testing at the moment. Have not got the number of test kits. So it makes no sense to keep harping on the point. In an ideal world the required number would be available..

  22. I wonder what this medical procedure is? Seems like I am the only one wondering.

  23. @ Robert

    It is all part of the secrecy of Barbadian society. The prime minister should come clean and tell us what her medical procedure is, and if it will be carried out in the QEH or some expensive private hospital/clinic?
    If Prince Charles can have his coronavirus test done on the NHS so should our president.

  24. “Everything from you is mia this and mia that, mia mia mia. she gine give you a good stroke..”

    @ john2


    Don’t bother about Mari, surely by now you should’ve realized she’s obsessed with Mia.

    Perhaps this obsession could be the result of Mia LIVING, RENT FREE, in Mari’s HEAD for several years.

  25. I have been hearing about this for days…how many tourists in hotels are infected and are they being counted, i know for the two hotels i heard about those infected are isolated. Some bajans with their usual hatred for their fellow caricom people were kicking up a fuss about 35 Trinis whom no one says are infected,, but apparently dont know about the infected tourists in hotels and just how many they are…maybe they would much prefer welcome them.

  26. @ Mariposa

    Good call. You raised the issue of the president’s absence, now it has been revealed she needs a medical procecdure. Was that the reason why she was not visibly in charge over the last few days and why VoB rushed out nonsense about the president chairing a meeting of the Cabinet?

    Equally questionable is the idea of a night-time curfew. Why is that? Normally a night-ime curfaew is to control social problems, such as riots and robberies. But the nation is facing a health pandemic and this virus does not stop at 6am and resume at 8pm.
    The government should have imposed a round-the-clock lockdown, except for essential workers, since it is during the daytime that people mingle, congregate, cluster, from going to work, travelling on public transport, to congregating in Oistin’s to play dominoes.
    But, as so often, there is the normal way and there is the Bajan way. We impose a curfew for the time when most people will be in bed, but when they are busy and walking around we let them do so freely.
    Keep up the questioning, @Mariposa. Focus on the President, she calls the shots.

  27. Appending the appalling nonsense you just posted could have been – I wish the prime minister a good recovery.

  28. @ PLT

    Ms Mottley is our best choice for political leadership at the moment despite her flaws. She stands head and shoulders above any other member of the BLP or the DLP in leadership…(Quote)

    The president has had nearly two years to prove her leadership skills. She has failed. Even so, given the lack of talent in both the BLP and DLP, she has proven that she is indeed head and shoulders above a group of dwarfs. We deserve better.

  29. Although like Trump the PM has placed thousands of barbadians at the risk of contracting the disease
    I wish her the very best as she undergoes her medical procedure Right now going forward the entire country needs to pray without ceasing
    Barbadains cannot take it for granted that the small numbers cannot get larger
    The virus is highly contagious and all barbadians must do what they belive is in their best interest to stop the spread of the virus and not become contaminated
    I have enough food supply enough that i can share with others who might not have or cannot afford to buy items
    My concern is for the people’s health and not primarily for the saving of the one sector which is tourism
    A sector which has benefitted over the years by the much financial support of govt
    A sector which in times of crisis should have made enough money over the years by way of proper planning to ride the rough waters of Corona until calmer waters arrive at their door steps
    In my mind govt had a one plan tourism sector objective an objective which in the long run rather than saved the health system or the economy millions of dollars might have caused more financial stress socially and economically on the nation of barbados

  30. How do you plan to share your food with Barbadians?

    You continue with your lies.

  31. Also most troubling is that the virus has no time line for errupting and making the infected person sick
    There are a myriad of problematic reasons that are associated with the virus that would give reason to take an approach of being safe than sorry
    An approach which would have clam the fears of the people given many a heightened concern that govt cared for the people
    Now that the horse is bolted the fear factor lingers a lot longer as hit and miss rules and regulations take on the role of containing the virus whilst most people especially the elderly cower in fear of the virus
    Not Good

  32. David March 27, 2020 5:26 AM

    How do you plan to share your food with Barbadians?

    You continue with your lies


    David Why are u being so negative
    Also why dont u stay out of my business
    I have a plan
    Do u

  33. i disagree that MAM is the best at this time. she is overly optimistic and talks too much. her message should have been clear, sharp and short. no flowery language, no bigging up her administration and no using WHO so called guidelines as an excuse not to act.

    these are unprecedented times and no political speeches are gonna cut it. i stopped listening after 10 minutes. she goes on too much. she is a talk ass bird

  34. Back patting while thousands of tourists were allowed to unnecessarily walk around the place makes no sense, wonder why she never mentioned those in the hotels who are infected….back patting and talking pure shite never impresses me.

    she should be focusing more on her procedure…instead of all the self praise.

  35. Dentistry Whisperer (M. Pharm. D) LinkedIN Avatar
    Dentistry Whisperer (M. Pharm. D) LinkedIN

    What did  Joanne Pooler know (30 days ago) that Cheryl Newman (Champers) and many in the Tourist industry did not? Cin Cin among three restaurants closed by owners

    | | | | | |


    | | | | Cin Cin among three restaurants closed by owners

    Nation News author

    Operators of Cin Cin By The Sea, Primo Bar & Bistro and Hugo’s Barbados have announced the closure of the three … |



    Haynes Darlington (M. Pharm.D)

  36. @ Hal March 27, 2020 3:02 AM

    It was said that things would be transparent. The public should know. This is my second curfew. Fifty years ago in Trinidad I experienced my first one It was dusk to dawn. Failure to comply was punishable by lethal force.

  37. @ Greene March 27, 2020 7:01 AM

    I did not listen at all. haven’t listened to any of public statements made by her on this issue She is very glib and most times has nothing to say.

  38. @ Hal March 27, 2020 5:08 AM

    As I mentioned in a post above, in Trinidad in 1970 with the dusk-to-dawn curfew, use of lethal was ordered. Your post is spot on.

  39. Most counties in Georgia, USA are under a nigh time curfew similar to the one going into effect in Barbados tomorrow.

  40. Cayman is under 24 hour curfew. We have armchair critics who do what armchair critics do.

    The government has taken the proactive position to move to stage 3 although we have not had a reported community transmission.

    Bajans living in the US, UK and other countries where COVID 19 was allowed to overrun the system are understandably bringing concerns to the blog, and rightfully so, but different countries have to design responses based on unique situations.

  41. it is also instructive that when she goes into surgery that useless Minister of Ed will be in charge

  42. Well it appears cousin Boris got a positive test with mild symptoms just like cousin Charles…no one is immune….or invincible or untouchable as most would like to believe.

    “Boris Johnson has tested positive for coronavirus. The prime minister said he had “mild symptoms”. It came as London’s NHS scrambled to avert “armageddon” as a surge of cases in the capital was recorded. Last night the UK death toll hit 578, seeing its biggest daily increase of 115”

  43. @David,

    you dont have to wait until my house burn down to wet yours

  44. @Greene

    This is why the prime minister moved to stage 3?


    South Fulton establishes curfew, issues state of emergency
    Residents in many cases will be required to stay indoors between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m.

    Author: Christopher Buchanan
    Published: 4:27 PM EDT March 18, 2020
    Updated: 1:35 PM EDT March 19, 2020
    SOUTH FULTON, Ga. — A large Fulton County city outside of Atlanta has declared a state of emergency to slow the spread of coronavirus in the area. Mayor William “Bill” Edwards, with the support of the city council, declared the emergency at the city’s Tuesday night meeting “in an effort to take proactive measures for the health and safety of residents.”

  46. she should have moved to stage 3 a week or two ago. i will forgive her for not moving to stage 3 from the first infection. but the government did not tell people that it brought back the students from China and asked them to self isolated. most of the local spread is from people who didnt self isolated. in a small community like Bim that is a recipe for disaster. in addition the front line emergency people are not being protected properly.

    i do understand the need to protect the economy and at first i agreed with the graduated approach until i learnt of the students form China. they should have been quarantined at the least. one cannot hope to save an economy without people.

    with this virus you have to choose one.

    the good thing is that we seem to be getting the mild form of the virus. thank goodness for that

  47. Bajans living in the US, UK and other countries where COVID 19 was allowed to overrun the system…….(Quote)


  48. @Greene

    Several links posted this morning show different countries using different approaches. Shudah, wuhdah, there will always be second guessing.

    Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

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