Submitted by Grenville Phillips II,

Well, I have finally gotten the message – the threats are now too personal to ignore. To balance the safety of my family, and my duty to Barbados, these will be my final recommendations on COVID-19. They are to cover Stages 2 and 3.

The accusations are, of course, baseless. Asking basic questions is not breaking rank. Questioning is normal when the four steps to develop national plans are not followed.

Step 1 is to develop a draft plan. Step 2 is to present that plan for rigorous public scrutiny (since the public are stakeholders). Step 3 is to analyse the feedback and finalise the plan. Step 4 is to implement the plan.

Both administrations typically only do Steps 1 and 4. There is rarely critical review. This results in either stubbornly staying with a failing plan, or making band-aids under pressure to a weak plan.

The media should be asking pertinent questions, but they seem to have gotten the message a long time ago. They make press conferences as meaningless as a soap-opera. How about asking some of these questions.

The Government claimed that they will be spend $30M to build quarantine sites and respond to this virus. How is the Government procuring the $30M in goods and services?

No-bid contracts normally cost the public two to five times what the contract is actually worth. Is the Government using the same corrupting no-bid contracts for contractors, consultants and supplies? What qualifications are needed to share in the $30M to be disbursed?

The Government promised to appoint a contractor general to put an end to these corrupting no-bid contracts. How is that progressing? Why not start prequalifying Barbadian business right now, instead of automatically disqualifying most of them with the sorry excuse of urgency?

The hurricane season is approaching. We should not be constructing sub-standard buildings in Barbados, especially after turning the six-storey NIS building into rubble. So, to what category of hurricane are the buildings being built? Also, to what magnitude of earthquake? How durable are they?

I dare our established media to ask just one of these questions. Once they realise that the sky has not fallen, perhaps they will be less terrified – and ask another.


In preparation for Stage 2, we should assume that at least one person in our household will get the virus, and plan accordingly.

1. Supplement Diet

If I got the virus, then I would strengthen my body so that it can fight for me – as it has always successfully done. I would add to my daily diet: 1,000 mg of Vitamin C, at least one table-spoon of Blackstrap molasses, and at least five table-spoons of Apple Cider Vinegar.

You can purchase one gallon of blackstrap molasses from the sugar bond area of the port for $2, but carry a clean wide-mouth container. You only need a quarter of that, so distribute the remainder to others.

2. Sunshine

Ultra-violet sunlight is an effective disinfectant. Therefore, everyday, I would open every window curtain and let the sun shine in. I would also open the windows (with insect screens) to ventilate the house. Therefore, maintain some insect mesh and duct tape to keep out flies and mosquitoes.

If I got the virus, I would spend my days near a window where I can get natural light, and breathe clean air.

3. Flush Closed Toilets

COVID-19 RNA has been confirmed in blood and stool samples of some infected persons. Droplets from the toilet have been found on bathroom ceilings after flushing. Therefore, droplets can reach the bathroom’s sink (and any exposed toothbrushes) and towel rack. I would insist that everyone in my household close the lid when flushing the toilet.

Many infected persons have had diarrhea. You are likely to go through toilet paper more rapidly in that condition. Therefore, I would try to maintain 12 rolls of toilet paper for each member of my household.

4. Disinfect Shoes

Not everyone will stop their habitual spitting. The COVID-19 can exist for hours in the air and days on surfaces. You may step on someone’s spit, especially after it rains. Therefore, spray disinfectant on the bottom of your shoes before entering your house, and on your car mats when you get home.

5. Clean Pet Trays

If you feed pets outside, then clean their trays. Uneaten food attracts birds. Birds can step in the same spit and bring the virus to you, so do not attract them.

6. Invest in Yourself

If you are quarantined, then do not squander this opportunity. Take maximum advantage of our double taxation agreements with various countries, especially the US, and grow your Internet based business.

Between managing your business and your household, learn something new. There are many free on-line courses that Universities offer. Take one that can improve your productivity and increase your earnings, then take another.

Please do not waste this time with only entertainment (watching movies and reading fiction). Instead, recharge.

Accept that you may likely get infected, and perhaps more than once. Therefore, maintain your household supplies, and use this opportunity to cultivate a closer relationship with your Creator.

Parting Comments

I have been asked how I know so much. I have worked in disaster areas over the past 2 decades, where the economy came to a halt. In those situations, there is normally no economic activity, nothing to purchase, and no reliable government services.

I have had over 12 deployments to Haiti, when cholera had infected about 800,000 people and killed about 10,000. One member of my team actually had cholera while I was there.

I am also doing doctoral research, and the doctoral research community is rich in cutting edge knowledge. I critically review others’ research and they critically review mine. Why? Because we want to do research that will benefit humanity. Critical review is the most effective method of achieving that aim.

446 responses to “Recharge – COVID-19 @Stage 2 and 3”

  1. I asked are they Private jets allowed and private yachts
    Is Grantley Adams still open
    If all of the above mentioned are still allowed entry than our borders are still open for business personnel business

  2. PLT I hope someone in authority is listening to you. The following article supports your position

  3. Mariposa i have refrained from commenting on this topic up to now since i am no expert in the field as i am sure neither are you.Why don, t you let experts like Dr Lucas, GP and others of that ilk comment instead of your petty nitpicking and alarmist behaviour 24/7 everyday.It will not bring the Dems back to power even Ms Depeiza is praising the governments handling of this crisis thus far.Therefore give it a rest.This is unchartered territory and i shudder to think what would have happened had Mr Stuart and tbe Dems been in office still. Instead we have a PM along with her Ministers and the health professionals led by Mr Anton Best giving bajans a daily update of plans going forward along with unveiling stragies to help the most needy who might lose their nobs going forward.This is called leadership hope persons like Austin who claims the president don,t do details is watching on. Fimally this requires all hands on deck and following insstructions and i am certain this will also be overcome in Barbados and worldwide.

  4. Seems someone let the Bull out of the pen
    They come charging to defend the reckless policies of govt that has placed citizens lives in danger
    Lorenzo u ought to be ashamed of self


  5. Mari

    about a week or two ago I ask you about 10 time – should we close our borders to usa Canada and England. you refused each time to answer and only argued that our borders should be closed to the chineese.

    I told you that the virus would reach Barbados through one of those countries as we had no direct travel links to china.
    You complete and totally refused to admit that you were calling for the total closure of our borders.

    Well I guess your hyopocritical opinion has evolved as it political sees fit!

  6. Barbados needs to go from a mitigation approach to a suppression approach. The Government is implementing the advice of the public health authorities but is it possible that this virus situation is so new (unprecedented) that the trained views of the public health authorities is ineffective? Ms Mottley said that the president of the IADB said something to effect that “nobody has been trained for this”!

  7. @Mariposa

    Your job is not to find answers, that is why we employ highly paid politicians and medical experts. Your job is to ask questions, the more challenging (embarrassing?) the better. Only an idiot expects you to be an expert on everything.

  8. rtyacresandamuleMarch 21, 2020 3:01 PM

    @Mariposa. Are you impying that the virus, SARS-COVID-2, is a result of climate change? If that is the case, you have really gone off the rail

    I hate when people put words to my comments
    I have never made mention of climate change
    My comments however reference many ways mankind had polluted the environment to such a point that unknown viruses can develop
    If anyone does not belive that mankind actions towards the environment has not bring all to the brink of catastrophy their heads are buried really deep in the sand
    The seaways polluted with all kinds of toxins and so is the earth the sky
    The reality unless mankind take stock and place blame where it should at selves the cycle of danger would continue until complete self destruction takes hold
    Viruses does not make themselves it is the inept attitude of mankind greed which gives a helping hand
    How did the bat got contaminated a question which should give cause to say something was deathly wrong breeding inside the environment

  9. There is a You Tube video by Dr. John Campbell Entitled :” Viral aerosol and surface survival”.

    It deals with the present virus in aerosols ‘ I stated in one of Blogs on BU that I had a problem with the bulletins being put out that the viral particles were only to be found as droplets. Campbell who is virologist presents data about SARS and the present virus: data iare also presented from the New England Medical Journal. This re-enforces what I have been saying that epidemiologists and microbiologists should be dissemination suggestion, not medical doctors. The data and trials carried in the report by Campbell are of recent origins.

  10. Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by. Isaiah 26:20

  11. @Ping Pong
    A great video at 9:40 a.m
    May put off a few but some of the statistical/mathematical terms were not required.

  12. With all the talk about solution
    Have yet to hear a solution for cleansing the environment a place where biochemical warfare lingers and would continue to unleashed catastrophic disaster on mankind
    Mankind is the most stubborn and arrogant of all the species even when death stares them in the face
    How did the bat got contaminated and what sources gave cause for the virus to have a breeding mechanism
    Maybe scientist should go back to the drawing board and find those answer

  13. Cuba has sent 50 doctors to Northern Italy – the very Cuba-qualified doctors the authorities in Barbados said were not suitably qualified. Will a future DLP government(??) recognise Cuban medical qualifications?

  14. PLT…this too will have to be explained..

    “A BRITISH patient who died after catching coronavirus reportedly tested negative for the killer bug twice – with it only discovered at the post-mortem investigation.

    It comes as 233 people have died from COVID-19, with 4,145 cases in the UK.”

  15. @ Hal March 22, 2020 10:15 AM

    The technical ability of the Cuban doctors cannot be questioned The Cuban have genetically engineered organisms and used them to fight diseases. Which one these pompous asses we have around has done any such thing?.

  16. @ Robert

    Ask Mickey Waldron.

  17. @P March 22, 2020 8:55 AM

    Tomas Pueyo has a master’s in engineering and an MBA. He admits that he is not an epidemiologist but yet is outlining steps to be taken.

  18. @ Robert

    Where in the conventional MBA syllabus is there anything about epidemiology? As an engineer he obviously has knowledge of maths, but what has that to do with health studies, especially about the epidemiology of a mass disease.
    I can see a place for actuaries since they work every day on morbidity studies and morbidity is morbidity, whether there is a pandemic or not.
    As I have said, we need a panel of scientists and policymakers, and a task force applying best practice and informing the public. The situation if very, very serious.
    We are at the early stage of a food crisis on top of all this. The president must move fast. What about the Ghanaian nurses, are they ICU nurses?

  19. Good riddance, don’t come back, enough with the racist plantation, dependency tourism bullshit, time to FREE THE PEOPLE from you parasites….time for the REBOOT.

    “NASSAU| Founder and chairman of the internationally-recognized brand, Gordon “Butch” Stewart, said the chain will close its properties from March 30 to May 15, 2020. Citing recent global travel warnings and airline cancellations, he said they were compelled to make the “difficult decision”.

    “Never could we have imagined the impact the current global health crisis would have on the world. In these unprecedented times, and now more than ever, the safety and health of our valued guests is of paramount importance,” Stewart said.

    As a result of the closure, the chain, which includes its Beaches Resorts locations, will not accept new arrivals as of March 23, 2020.”

  20. Austin trust you to support Mariposa in her petty political nitpicking.Her job i s not to find solutoins but to ask questions the more embarrasing the better to quote youIt is a pity neither you or her knew this when the Dems were mashing up the country for ten years with your her Mr Thompson and Mr Stuart.However i notice you did not respond to the details part you always harping about.Why is thais Austin is it because you cannot dispute the amout of daily xetails bajans are getting through updates which makes your previous statements about details seem stupid?Anyway the best advice you can give Mariposa is to cut out the alarmist foolish behaviour on here everyday as it serves no useful purpose.In my view we need all hands on deck to overcome this crisis and unlike you Mariposa i have nothing to be ashamed of or apologise for.Let the experts do their job.

  21. Dr Lucas and Mr Austin
    Re: the Tomas Pueyo article, do you disagree with his analysis because it is wrong or because he is not a microbiologist/ epidemiologist?

  22. @Ping Pong

    I am not an epidemiologist, nor a mathematician. All I say is that an MBA does not equip him with that expertise. I will like to see our leading mathematical epidemiologists subjecting it to a serious analysis. This is a life or death matter.

  23. @ Hal March 22, 2020 12:12 PM
    It never ceases to amaze me how persons without the necessary discipline keep lots of noise, especially if they hold MBA’s. I am reminded of the American Companies ITT and Boeing. The two companies decided to put bean counters in charge of highly technological companies with disastrous results. ITT had to re-hire the technical staff who had been replaced by MBS’s. Boeing’s problem with the &#& Max was caused by the MBA’s who felt that they knew more than the technical staff ,who they fired.

  24. Correction : 737 Max.

  25. @ Hal March 22, 2020 10:54 AM
    As I said else where, he is pompous fellow.

  26. @ Robert

    My fun was the 2007/8 financial disaster, in which nearly all the CEOs were MBAs. The biggest one in the UK came first in his Harvard class. I hammered them. I was once celebrating the downfall of these MBAs, only to discover my boss was Eton, Oxford and the London Business School.

  27. Yuh see these are the things that make for anger
    In the midst of drought conditions where some areas are finding it hard to receive water
    CDC explicitly called for people to practice safe hygiene by washing hands as often as possible
    Yet govt lead by the Honourable Mia Mottley had the mitigated gall to keep open the borders knowing full well also spoken from her mouth “if not if but when the virus would infect the people
    Now what me backside madman would know that water is hard to come by and is necessary for the safety of the people yet keep borders open for long period of time
    I cant understand such sh. at all at all.

  28. Dr Lucas
    you may have heard of Trofim Lysenko. He was a trained agronomist and biologist. He was an expert, the Director of Genetics for the Soviet Academy of Sciences. It is said that he set back Soviet scientific work for generations. As a scientist I expect you to attack the “science” not the man.

  29. Ping Pong March 22, 2020 1:02 PM

    You have tried to make a point but failed to do so. You should have mention that he was a sycophant and used his association with Stalin to further his rise. This happens all the time in all societies with ideologues and toadies.

    “His experimental research in improved crop yields earned him the support of the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, especially following the famine and loss of productivity resulting from crop failures and forced collectivization in several regions of the Soviet Union in the early 1930s. In 1940, Lysenko became director of the Institute of Genetics within the USSR’s Academy of Sciences, and the exercise of political influence and power further secured his anti-Mendelian doctrines in Soviet science and education.

    Soviet scientists who refused to renounce genetics were dismissed from their posts and left destitute. Hundreds if not thousands of others were imprisoned. Several were sentenced to death as enemies of the state, including the botanist Nikolai Vavilov. Scientific dissent from Lysenko’s theories of environmentally acquired inheritance was formally outlawed in the Soviet Union in 1948. Though Lysenko remained at his post in the Institute of Genetics until 1965, his influence on Soviet agricultural practice had declined after the death of Stalin in 1953” Wikipedia
    The Soviets allowed politics to enter science and this practice resulted in bad science, For example the debacle with the Aral sea, where the rivers’ courses were diverted to obtain water to grow cotton

  30. @Mariposa

    Your job is not to find answers, that is why we employ highly paid politicians and medical experts. Your job is to ask questions, the more challenging (embarrassing?) the better. Only an idiot expects you to be an expert on everything.


    AGREE 1000%

  31. @Mariposa March 22, 2020 10:01 AM “How did the bat got contaminated”
    This virus officially called SARS-CoV-2, very likely came from a bat, and has likely long lived within bat communities without making the bat sick. So it is not new to bats, just new to humans. Does not make bats sick, but makes humans sick. For example makes dogs sick, but does not makw humans sick; or regular milk makes my Little Susie real sick, gives her the belly the worse way, but I can enjoy milk a liter at a time without being sick at all. So nobody and nothing contaminated the bat, but very likely a human intruded on the bat’s territory and picked up something which does not make bats sick, but makes humans very sick. And please note some human beings become a little sick, some very sick, and some dead as a door-nail.

    @Mariposa March 22, 2020 10:01 AM “…gave cause for the virus to have a breeding mechanism.”
    My response: Every mature living thing is capable of reproduction. In fact the capacity to reproduce is one of the characteristics of life.

  32. @robert lucas March 22, 2020 10:54 AM “Tomas Pueyo has a master’s in engineering and an MBA.”

    So who is listening to Tomas Pueyo? I mean there is a video in circulation with Ninja Man offering COVID19 advice too, but I am not I am not taking medical advice from the Ninja either.

    Just as I’ve never taken plumbing advice from my carpenter, or political advice from retired hacks, or hairdressing advice from the baker.

  33. @robert lucas March 22, 2020 10:54 AM “Tomas Pueyo has a master’s in engineering.”

    Long ago and far away I had an engineer boyfriend. I did not take any kind of advice from him once I realized that he had no idea how human reproduction took place. He thought that a woman became pregnant if “the man was strong”

    A Cawmere boy too.


    A real-real idiot.

    But a very, very good engineer.

  34. @ Silly Woman March 22, 2020 2:30 PM

    donna wants advice on the best type of lettuce to grow. Told her to check with you as you are more into growing vegetables and farming than I am these days.

  35. @Hal Austin March 22, 2020 11:13 AM “Where in the conventional MBA syllabus is there anything about epidemiology? ”

    @Ping Pong March 22, 2020 11:54 AM “…Mr Austin Re: the Tomas Pueyo article, do you disagree with his analysis because it is wrong or because he is not a microbiologist/ epidemiologist?”

    Why are you asking this of Mr. Austin? Where in the conventional journalism syllabus, or work experience is there anything about epidemiology? “

  36. @robert

    I haven’t grown lettuce since 2006 when we decided to grow all of the salad veg, lettuce, sweet peppers, cucumbers etc. for the large wedding of a close relative. That was fun. But i’ve forgotten what kind we grew. Will check with a relative and get back to Donna before the end of the day.

  37. @Hal Austin March 22, 2020 12:58 PM. “I was once celebrating the downfall of these MBAs, only to discover my boss was Eton, Oxford and the London Business School.”

    i wonder if that is why he was the boss and you were the subordinate?

  38. @ Silly Woman March 22, 2020 2:34 PM

    Is there a message in your post? Maybe he needed some practical engineering experience, he might have been too theoretical, no surprise if did his course of study at UWI.

  39. Silly WomanMarch 22, 2020 2:19 PM

    @Mariposa March 22, 2020 10:01 AM “How did the bat got contaminated”

    @silly woman
    Great scientific research now u can qualify for a job at CDC

    Over to u Robert Lucas
    Some body must have another answer as to how the bat contracted the virus


    For example CHOCOLATE makes dogs sick, but does not make humans sick

  41. Kerrie Symmonds is boasting on how a great humantarian cause it was to help the billion dollar cruise industry
    In meanwhile hundreds of bajan households dont have water to wash their hands

  42. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    @Mariposa. Viruses have been on plant earth long before mankind and they are constantly evolving. So what’s your point?

  43. @robert lucas March 22, 2020 2:46 PM @ Silly Woman March 22, 2020 2:34 PM “Is there a message in your post? Maybe he needed some practical engineering experience, he might have been too theoretical, no surprise if did his course of study at UWI.”

    Nope UWI was not the cause of his, shall we say “misfortune”.

    He was a graduate of one of the best British universities.


    Ah gone!

  44. @ Silly Woman March 22, 2020 2:43 PM

    Noted. The last time I grew lettuce the variety was called Empire. I used the Urea solution( I have outlined method further up this blog) to enhance rapid growth, my sons were small and didn’t have an ex-wife.. makes me feel real old thinking about it, over thirty odd years ago..

  45. Mariposa: I am an elderly bum, therefore I am not job hunting. We old folks have to move over and leave some room in the paid work force for the young people who have children to raise and mortgages to pay, and old parents to look after, lol!

    However you may find the linked article interesting
    COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin

    Date: March 17, 2020
    Source: Scripps Research Institute
    Summary: An analysis of public genome sequence data from SARS-CoV-2 and related viruses found no evidence that the virus was made in a laboratory or otherwise engineered.

  46. The idea that one must be an expert in an area to have an opinion or to speak on it is nonsense and should not gain currency on BU.

    This in no way diminishes the expertise of those trained in an area but opens the floor to a discussion that is not driven by those descending from Mount Olympus.

    One reason Barbadod is where it is was that we believed a select few have the answers. Sometimes we ignore brilliant folks because they did not fit some mold that we had in our thoughts.

    We should not replace one group by another group of ‘know it all’. We should respect those who are qualified in various fields, but we should not surrender the microphone to them (only)

  47. fortyacresandamuleMarch 22, 2020 2:52 PM

    @Mariposa. Viruses have been on plant earth long before mankind and they are constantly evolving. So what’s your point

    Ok. Since u are smarter than a first grader

    Point me to the source of what causes viruses to breed

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