Submitted by Grenville Phillips II,

Well, I have finally gotten the message – the threats are now too personal to ignore. To balance the safety of my family, and my duty to Barbados, these will be my final recommendations on COVID-19. They are to cover Stages 2 and 3.

The accusations are, of course, baseless. Asking basic questions is not breaking rank. Questioning is normal when the four steps to develop national plans are not followed.

Step 1 is to develop a draft plan. Step 2 is to present that plan for rigorous public scrutiny (since the public are stakeholders). Step 3 is to analyse the feedback and finalise the plan. Step 4 is to implement the plan.

Both administrations typically only do Steps 1 and 4. There is rarely critical review. This results in either stubbornly staying with a failing plan, or making band-aids under pressure to a weak plan.

The media should be asking pertinent questions, but they seem to have gotten the message a long time ago. They make press conferences as meaningless as a soap-opera. How about asking some of these questions.

The Government claimed that they will be spend $30M to build quarantine sites and respond to this virus. How is the Government procuring the $30M in goods and services?

No-bid contracts normally cost the public two to five times what the contract is actually worth. Is the Government using the same corrupting no-bid contracts for contractors, consultants and supplies? What qualifications are needed to share in the $30M to be disbursed?

The Government promised to appoint a contractor general to put an end to these corrupting no-bid contracts. How is that progressing? Why not start prequalifying Barbadian business right now, instead of automatically disqualifying most of them with the sorry excuse of urgency?

The hurricane season is approaching. We should not be constructing sub-standard buildings in Barbados, especially after turning the six-storey NIS building into rubble. So, to what category of hurricane are the buildings being built? Also, to what magnitude of earthquake? How durable are they?

I dare our established media to ask just one of these questions. Once they realise that the sky has not fallen, perhaps they will be less terrified – and ask another.


In preparation for Stage 2, we should assume that at least one person in our household will get the virus, and plan accordingly.

1. Supplement Diet

If I got the virus, then I would strengthen my body so that it can fight for me – as it has always successfully done. I would add to my daily diet: 1,000 mg of Vitamin C, at least one table-spoon of Blackstrap molasses, and at least five table-spoons of Apple Cider Vinegar.

You can purchase one gallon of blackstrap molasses from the sugar bond area of the port for $2, but carry a clean wide-mouth container. You only need a quarter of that, so distribute the remainder to others.

2. Sunshine

Ultra-violet sunlight is an effective disinfectant. Therefore, everyday, I would open every window curtain and let the sun shine in. I would also open the windows (with insect screens) to ventilate the house. Therefore, maintain some insect mesh and duct tape to keep out flies and mosquitoes.

If I got the virus, I would spend my days near a window where I can get natural light, and breathe clean air.

3. Flush Closed Toilets

COVID-19 RNA has been confirmed in blood and stool samples of some infected persons. Droplets from the toilet have been found on bathroom ceilings after flushing. Therefore, droplets can reach the bathroom’s sink (and any exposed toothbrushes) and towel rack. I would insist that everyone in my household close the lid when flushing the toilet.

Many infected persons have had diarrhea. You are likely to go through toilet paper more rapidly in that condition. Therefore, I would try to maintain 12 rolls of toilet paper for each member of my household.

4. Disinfect Shoes

Not everyone will stop their habitual spitting. The COVID-19 can exist for hours in the air and days on surfaces. You may step on someone’s spit, especially after it rains. Therefore, spray disinfectant on the bottom of your shoes before entering your house, and on your car mats when you get home.

5. Clean Pet Trays

If you feed pets outside, then clean their trays. Uneaten food attracts birds. Birds can step in the same spit and bring the virus to you, so do not attract them.

6. Invest in Yourself

If you are quarantined, then do not squander this opportunity. Take maximum advantage of our double taxation agreements with various countries, especially the US, and grow your Internet based business.

Between managing your business and your household, learn something new. There are many free on-line courses that Universities offer. Take one that can improve your productivity and increase your earnings, then take another.

Please do not waste this time with only entertainment (watching movies and reading fiction). Instead, recharge.

Accept that you may likely get infected, and perhaps more than once. Therefore, maintain your household supplies, and use this opportunity to cultivate a closer relationship with your Creator.

Parting Comments

I have been asked how I know so much. I have worked in disaster areas over the past 2 decades, where the economy came to a halt. In those situations, there is normally no economic activity, nothing to purchase, and no reliable government services.

I have had over 12 deployments to Haiti, when cholera had infected about 800,000 people and killed about 10,000. One member of my team actually had cholera while I was there.

I am also doing doctoral research, and the doctoral research community is rich in cutting edge knowledge. I critically review others’ research and they critically review mine. Why? Because we want to do research that will benefit humanity. Critical review is the most effective method of achieving that aim.

446 responses to “Recharge – COVID-19 @Stage 2 and 3”

  1. well there you have it…Stage 2 = a huge human transmission in Barbados, heard there is now a press conference to inform the people.

    “I am saying that there a lot of high salaried people at UWL, who have the credentials. Let them for once do something for the society apart from hogging all the publicity that they can get. Don’t you think that if a dirt poor country like Bangladesh can get its very poorly paid researchers by West Indian standards to come up with a test kit, why can’t the West Indian ones come up with something.”

    they are just as backward, lazy and nonproactive as the African leaders and their nonprogressive attitudes which is passed down to the population, they are always waiting for someone else preferably white to come and jumpstart something for themm and tell them what to do, which morphs into eventually ordering them around and taking everything.

    They never seem to want to use their own skilled and gifted people and successfully oppress and suppress those who try…

    too many of those at UWI are just paper degreed and worthless.

  2. The virus has moved to another level on the island.

  3. @ peterlawrencethompson March 21, 2020 5:12 PM

    What about the fact that the US has out sourced the manufacture of most things( antibiotics and so on) and now realize the error of the practice

  4. @ Greene March 21, 2020 5:07 PM

    The people you have spoken to know nothing about me. I left the ministry in January 1975. They have not worked with me or have had any interaction with me. Most of the people I worked have died:one was buries Thursday. Furthermore, they cannot past judgement in the areas of food science, food microbiology, food safety, food biotechnology and genetic engineering. I am trained in the afore-mentioned disciplines, they are not.. I am also trained in agriculture which might be the only thing I have in common with them.

  5. Read this post:

    Stop the hysteria! We do not have a health disaster on the island, but an economic disaster.


  6. @ William
    @John A

    Does anyone have any information on the 1854cholera outbreak and how we got over it? I have already mentioned the introduction of public toilets.

  7. John

    We are at stage 2. A number of the most recent confirmed cases got the virus from contact with someone who came into the island with the virus. So we have community spread. Time to panic yet?

  8. Bostic back to delivering the bad news as it rises to 14 confirmed cases with bajan infections

  9. How many people can 14 people contaminate if these people were amongst the population before showing signs of having the virus
    A week ago the PM of barbados announced to the world that barbados had zero infected people with the virus
    A week latter the news from the Ministry of health that there are 14people on the island carrying the virus
    Makes for wonder where were these people hiding before govt tested them
    Recently i stated that barbadians are known to deliver their own versions of medicine when sick until the problem becomes dire and have no other choice to seek professional medical assistance
    Again i asked how in one week 14 cases have arisen
    Could this be a case of people taking matters into their own hands after weeks of mingling amongst the population

  10. It is NEVER a time to panic.

  11. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    There are 14 confirmed cases but it is likely that there are several hundred unconfirmed cases, most with no symptoms at all, but each infecting dozens of others each day.

    We need mass testing.

  12. Time to seriously ISOLATE YOURSELVES…and only venture out for necessities.

    This virus is not to be played with, i implore this government to stop playing games, those days
    are done..

    “New Orleans-born Bounce luminary DJ Black N Mind has reportedly passed away from as a result of the coronavirus at the age of 44.

    The popular record spinner, whose real name is Oliver Stokes Jr., died on March 19, according to

    The news outlet confirmed with the Orleans Parish Coroner’s office that Stokes had tested positive for the deadly disease also known as COVID-19. He was one of two coronavirus-related deaths in the state.

    Stokes reportedly left work on March 9 complaining of a fever and never returned.

    He admitted himself to the University Medical Center on March 11 and made his social media followers aware of his health issues –believing he had pneumonia.”

  13. @ Donna March 21, 2020 6:42 PM

    Once you have checked with Silly Woman about the variety of lettuce to grow you can do the following.: to one gallon of water add one teaspoon of UREA ( you can get it from any garden shop) and some liquid soap or a tea-spoon of breeze (aby soap powder will do).
    UREA contains about 42 percent available nitrogen which can be utilized by the plant to produce large leaves. UREA is also a weedicide so do not use more than one-teaspoon per gallon of water. The soap powder aids in dispersing the UREA solution evenly over the surface of the leaf. Apply once a week to the lettuce.

    If you have plants that are weeds and are giving trouble to be eradicated you can use about three ozs. per gallon of water mixed as before with soap powder and applied to the leaves. You will have to apply the solution a number of times. It will get rid of the weeds.

  14. @ peterlawrencethompson March 21, 2020 6:44 PM

    You normally multiply by 10 to get a realistic number.

  15. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @robert lucas

    Random mass testing in Iceland of people with zero symptoms revealed that about 1% of them were infected. That would amount to almost 3,000 people in Barbados… but I decided to be extra conservative in my estimate of several hundred>

    Without mass testing we are completely flying blind. We haven’t got any idea of the infection rate, all we know is that it is enormously larger than what we are measuring with our current testing regime.

  16. Besides the virus appearing to subside in Wuhan, what else is happening there?

  17. “@ peterlawrencethompson March 21, 2020 6:44 PM

    You normally multiply by 10 to get a realistic number.”


  18. @PLT

    But why the excitement when three thousand people are infected but show no symptoms? If the mortality rate of a new virus is lower than that of influenza, any death is within the range of the general life risk.

    Sure, there’s no harm in putting off mass events and such for a month. But we have to relate the actual mortality to the economic damage.

  19. No sense having recriminations at this stage. Hopefully the Environmental Health ( I have trained some of them) will get things under control sooner than later. The problem are the contacts that person X does not know about.

  20. Barbados is beginning to see that God is not a bajan or any other nationality
    A lack of good goverance is about to put all barbadians on bended knees hoping and praying that Mia would do that which is justifiably right and closed barbados borders exclusive of necessities
    A question of why is being heard loud and clear across social media
    Why hasnt Mia closed the ports of entry
    Why has commonsense been tossed aside which would have stemmed the flow of a deadly tide that erupts from the Corona virus a virus which is highly contagious and which there is no vaccine
    Mia promises made last night to the nation presented in last minute give aways cannot compensate for a nation saddle in fear of this virus and not knowing if they can become a casualty of this deadly virus
    Hopefully someone would pull Mia aside and say stop
    Enough is ENOUGH

  21. UPDATE.

    the money will go toward Direct Relief, Feeding America, Partners in Health, The World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, the International Rescue Committee, and more. The funds will also support local food banks serving at-risk communities and the elderly population in the U.S.

    The $5 million will also help support acceleration in testing and healthcare in vulnerable countries including Haiti and Malawi. The statement on the site also adds that the funds will go toward “mobilization of resources and additional capacity and support for Native communities.”

  22. Barbados, March 18. 2020. As one of the last guests we are leaving the, Mein Schiff 2.

    As many other guests our cruise ended only 5 days after we boarded. Barbados is the last port in the Caribbean where we have the chance to get back home because of the corona virus crises. As we disembark the captain and crew is waiting for us at the pier to say goodbye. A very emotional moment. Thanks to the crew for that special moment and thanks to the people of Barbados for letting the port open.

    Kay Jay “You really had to be there to experience it!! All the years that I have worked in the industry I have never seen anything like it!!! The Captain and staff were AMAZING!!!! Moreover, to have been able to be a part of the Barbados team to be able to say farewell was an experience I will never forget. Thank you Mein Schiff!! Memories last longer

  23. Trinidad closing borders from tomorrow

    (Trinidad Guardian) Minister of National Security Stuart Young says Trinidad and Tobago will close its international borders completely from midnight Sunday (March 22) to prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

    Young made the announcement at a press conference on measures to prevent the spread of the virus on Saturday, noting that the airports will be closed to all international flights until further notice.

  24. @ Mariposa March 21, 2020 7:30 PM

    If we have multiple deaths, the responsibility lies entirely with the DLP. Under Minister Inniss, the DLP administration has begun systematically starving the health care system.

    So, Barbadians, remember who’s responsible: Mariposa and her DLP.

    Besides, I don’t believe in alarmism. What is the problem with a disease whose mortality rate is scarcely higher than that of a severe flu – assuming we were to test the entire population of the world?

    All patriots are called upon to support the prudent policy of our government, to keep social contacts to a minimum for a month now and to keep everything nicely disinfected.

  25. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @TronMarch 21, 2020 7:20 PM
    “But why the excitement when three thousand people are infected but show no symptoms?”
    Because that 1% infects the entire population, so even if the mortality rate is at the low end of estimates at 1%, that is still 2,800 dead Bajans (over seven extra funerals every single day of the week for the next year without a break). On a global scale that is a death toll of over 70 million people.

  26. Tron last week they were zero a week later there are fourteen
    At such a rate that fourteen can infect mutiple people
    Btw it is not the DLP job to solve
    The dlp did not advice Mia to open the borders and let all and sundry in
    If i were u i would keep mouth shut and pray that the entire island does not feel the wrath of Corona because of Mia reckless decision

  27. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    The only sensible response is to identify the 1% of Bajans who may be infected but don’t know it, put them in isolation until they get over it or get treatment if they fall ill… but meanwhile the other 99% of Bajans can keep the country running without a heightened risk of getting infected themselves. We should keep the mass testing regime in place until we have a vaccine.

    We need mass testing now.

  28. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    On the other hand if you can handle more disturbing estimates of the fatality rate you can read this…

  29. “Because that 1% infects the entire population, so even if the mortality rate is at the low end of estimates at 1%, that is still 2,800 dead Bajans (over seven extra funerals every single day of the week for the next year without a break). On a global scale that is a death toll of over 70 million people.”

    Anytime Tron the Dumb shows up, expect a lack of analytical and critical thinking skills, just look at the utter yardfowl shite he posts and ya would want nothing to do with Mia’s government…too many damn fools infecting each other.

  30. @peterlawrencethompson March 21, 2020 8:21 PM


    Considering that the Chinese are world champions in secrecy, we are perfectly happy to multiply the infection rate by the factor 100. The mortality rate will then be correspondingly lower.

    How do you explain the deviation with the statistics for Germany? Depending on the statistics, the mortality rate there is between 0.2 and 0.4 percent of all known infections. This does not even include the numerous undetected infected persons.

    And why are the figures in Italy so high? A mutation, who knows? The poor health system? I would like to point out that in some years up to 25,000 old people there will die of influenza.

    I’m not trying to sugarcoat this. What is clear is that Barbados, with an extremely overweight population and with many patients with type 2 diabetes, has an increased risk of death. The slim Africans have much better chances of survival.

  31. Italy coronavirus deaths jump by almost 800, government shuts most workplaces

    ROME (Reuters) – Italy recorded a jump in deaths from coronavirus of almost 800 on Saturday, taking the toll in the world’s hardest-hit country to almost 5,000.

    In its latest desperate effort to halt the epidemic Rome ordered that all businesses must close until April 3, with the exception of those essential to maintaining the country’s supply chain.

    “It is the most difficult crisis in our post-war period,” Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said in a video posted on Facebook, adding “only production activities deemed vital for national production will be allowed”.

    Conte did not specify which factories and businesses will be considered crucial to keep the country going. The government is expected to publish an emergency decree on Sunday to make the new crackdown immediately effective.

    Supermarkets, pharmacies, postal and banking services will remain open and essential public services including transport will be ensured.

    “We are slowing down the country’s production engine but we are not stopping it,” Conte said.

    Italy on Thursday overtook China as the country worst hit by the highly contagious virus.

  32. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @TronMarch 21, 2020 8:36 PM
    Seasonal flu typically kills 0.1 percent of patients. So low end estimates of COVID-19 mortality estimate that it is 10 times more lethal than the flu. The World Health Organization is currently estimating that on average COVID-19 will be 50 times more lethal than the flu. Nobody yet knows the reasons for regional differences in apparent fatality rates, but that is not the point.

    We know that whatever the fatality rate, if we reduce the infection rate by 90%, we will reduce the death toll by 90%, We know how to reduce the infection rate by 90%; mass testing and isolation of infected individuals whether they show symptoms or not.

    We need mass testing now.

  33. Stop playing games, Math does not lie, it is just like DNA, ask cousin Boris.

    “Boris Johnson will today urge Britons to celebrate Mother’s Day remotely by using video calls – as he admits the NHS is on the brink of being ‘overwhelmed’ by the coronavirus outbreak.

    The Prime Minister’s warning that ‘the numbers are very stark and they are accelerating’ came as the UK death toll soared to 233 – up 56 in a day.

    Doctors warned that a ‘tsunami’ of severely ill patients was about to engulf them, describing near-apocalyptic scenes amid chronic shortages of basic equipment and fears that unprotected medics could either become desperately ill themselves or become carriers and infect others.

    As hospitals raced to convert operating theatres into intensive care wards and begged vets to hand over ventilators normally used for pets, Mr Johnson pleaded with the public to reduce social interaction, even with their mothers.”

    And they have not even peaked yet…the videos that have been circulating are bad.

    “It was just after lunchtime on Saturday when the nightmare began. The siren sounded on my pager to tell me a patient had had a respiratory arrest and I rushed across the hospital to attend a man in his 70s with Covid-19 whose heart had stopped beating.

    What I was met with when I arrived was sheer panic. The staff, through no fault of their own, were hesitant in exactly how we should respond.

    It was an early indication of how grossly under-prepared as a country we are for treating this virus. The compressions to resuscitate him proved futile.

    Along with two nurses, a senior doctor and an anaesthetist, who was managing his airway, we were powerless as Covid-19 cruelly claimed a victim right before us.

    He was gasping for breath with every ounce of life that he could muster. I could see the terror in his eyes. He knew.

    This was compounded by the terror in the faces of the staff present. They are all brilliant colleagues, respected professionals who have, like me, been doing their jobs for a long time. There shouldn’t have been any fear for them. But there was. I could see it. And I felt overcome with it, too.”

  34. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Good news. It appears that some of the research which documented the asymptomatic spread of the corona virus was flawed.

  35. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    This changes the arithmetic of infection considerably. If asymptomatic people are not infectious then the case for mass testing is much weaker.

  36. I do live in ITALY, we are in a total LOCKDOWN,

    it has been two weeks since we were forced to stay in our homes.
    If we leave we get fined, every shop, bar, school, gym or park is closed.

    Only the supermarkets and pharmacies are open.
    People are scared and it is for sure a weird and hard situation to be in.

    The economy is stopped, we have been spending but not earning for two weeks and will be for more weeks to come.
    It is uncharted territory for all of us, and such an important and historical event. I am sure we will make it.

    If you want to know more i am keeping a video diary on my YouTube channel.

    Matteo, an 18 year old kid from Livorno, Italy

  37. @ peterlawrencethompson March 21, 2020 9:31 PM


    You are on the right track with the mass test. We must also consider the economic impact, which is far worse than the deaths. If we test rigorously, we can avoid excessive and long-lasting restrictions on social life. This will stabilize the economy. Moreover, only a mass test can reveal the true mortality and avoid panic.

    Corona is not the Black Death and not the pox. We’ll see many more glittering beach parties in the future.

  38. Corona is the great equalizer and when UK does something partially resembling humanity because of this virus, ya done know they want no part of that..

  39. Jamaica closing all ports to incoming traffic from tonight

    (Jamaica Gleaner) All Jamaican airports and seaports will be closed to incoming passenger traffic effective today, at 11:59 p.m., as the Government increases its efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19.

    Incoming and outgoing cargo as well as outgoing passengers will be allowed.

    Prime Minister Andrew Holness, who made the announcement in a press conference last evening, said the new measures would run for an initial 14 days.

    Three more patients have been confirmed with the virus bringing the total to 19.

  40. The Science Behind the Coronavirus, the complete series

  41. This is what is happening to barbados because Mia refused to close the borders


  42. @ Mariposa March 21, 2020 7:30 PM

    Closing the borders at this stage is immaterial because other countries by their actions have done so. The challenge now is the tracking and isolation of infected persons which will be done. The obstacle in the works is the fact that infected person X would have undoubtedly have inter-acted with unknown persons: these unknowns will spread the virus to others. It is going to be a logistical nightmare.

  43. For whatever reason the above link i posted did not work
    Any how it is a video which has gone viral
    In the video a barbadian woman is pleading with the ambulance service of barbados for helping in getting her sickly brother who is showing signs of the virus
    After several calls the service last response was to tell her that they would call her backs many hours later which included call the hotline the ambulance service has not call her back so she turns to social media to tell her story hoping that she would be heard and necessary steps be taken to help her brother quickly
    Mia is responsible for all the fear and panic that has engulfed the island
    What a dam shame her name can now be placed amongst the capitalist greedmongers who helped to place people lives in danger
    Her she went grabbing at money and caught germs instead to deliver to the people

  44. Lucas understood
    However closing would stop and prevent more people from entering who might have the virus but not showing signs
    Also dont forget that their are people who have private jets who might want to come for business purpose
    At this point and time every one should be considered suspect and every nook and cranny hole should be closed

  45. There is something called evil
    Evil can be defined as wickedness
    Evil can shape itself in many ways
    Words used to define evil are deceit, hyopocrisy,jealousy,greed , and uncaring
    The PM committed an act which can be described as wickedness in such a way to have open borders for extended period of time and to expose its citizens to a deadly virus
    The excuse of economics as to why cannot replace the fear that lingers in the minds of the people who day after day has to received the news of more people being infected
    Worse of all that our medical instituitons does not have the ready resources to treat the many and more people who would become infected


  46. Closing borders at this stage is pointless when all travel has already stopped coming in. As of this week our borders are unofficially closed anyhow compliments of Trump, Boris and all the rest of them who have brought air travel to a basic halt and cruise ships to anchor.

  47. Cargo is coming in and is it not true to say there is still regional flights from LIAT and Caribbean Airlines?

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