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Barbados Underground

Barbados, W.I

Dear Sir/Madam

There was an article in your newspaper of 3 .February 2020 entitled: “Barbados not rushing to ban travellers from China.” The same message was also aired on radio. Mention was made about the statistical likelihood of an outbreak locally being under two percent. There was even mention of the fact that since 1967 there was no real impact on Barbados of the outbreak of contagious diseases. According to the aired news the local authorities were following the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. As the holder of a doctorate in microbiology and some one who has done post doctoral studies in the discipline, I have a few questions, which I want answered in the public interest.

According to the Center for Disease control and Prevention (CDC). the virus has an incubation period of two weeks. Infected person maybe asymptomatic during the two-week period. It was for this reason the USA instituted a ban on persons who had been exposed for less than two weeks entering its domain. The reason given for doing so was the logistics involved in screening for potential carriers. Let me explain.

Let us assume there is an asymptomatic carrier who has entered the Barbadian domain and is interacting with the locals. After realizing that there is an active carrier in Barbados, it is incumbent on the authorities to track down and screen all persons who have interacted with the carrier. If the carrier has interacted with one hundred persons, each person has to be screened. This only allows for interaction of the carrier with one hundred persons. Allowance also has to be made for the interaction of each member of the one-hundred with other people. As can be envisaged, the number of persons required to screen, dramatically increases to such an extent, that the screening process breaks down. It is for this reason that countries have introduced a ban on persons who come from infected areas. In the case illustrated above where would Barbados get the required trained persons to actively carry out screening?

There has been mention of the fact that Barbados is following the WHO guidelines. Is this the same WHO that was shown to be totally incompetent its handling of Ebola? What about the Haitian cholera outbreak? The latter was under the aegis of the United Nation of which WHO is a part. The best scientists in the field do not work for WHO; they are found in research institutions. The WHO like all other United Nations bodies are constrained by political realities of member states who push political objectives ahead of what the correct scientific should be. As far as I can make out, there seems to be a pecuniary method behind Barbados’s stance on this matter: namely an effort not to affect the tourist industry.




Robert D. Lucas, PH.D.

734 responses to “Coronavirus Back Story – Why Barbados is NOT Banning Travel from Affected Areas”

  1. Lorenzo go rest yuh backside
    The issue resonates around a govt measure that openly has expressed a contrary decision to allow people coming from china to enter barbados
    Between u and John using distractions to prove govt measures right and principled would not remove the fear upon which my comments hold proof of what bajans are saying
    I stand by a principle of Safety by any means necessary

  2. Dr. Li Wenliang has died. Sad.

    It has been reported in the Taiwan press, that Tencent the second largest corporation in China, which does virus mapping and tracking, showed that the actual death from the virus is 24,000 and the infected over 400k. the Taiwanese took a screen shot on February 1st with the foregoing figures. On February 2nd, it had changed to the official line. It is also reported that crematorium workers have stated that they are cremating bodies not on the official death lists.

  3. Mari
    On which day did Trump close the USA borders to Chinese travellers?

    I put it you that he never did and that is what you came up with all on your own to suit your scaremongering agenda and due to ur ignorance

  4. oh well..

    “The spread of the coronavirus will hit the global economy in the first half of this year because of the impact on supply chains that rely on free movement of air transport to carry spare parts, the head of the World Bank has warned.”

  5. @john2

    On which day did Trump close the USA borders to Chinese travellers?

    I put it you that he never did and that is what you came up with all on your own to suit your scaremongering agenda and due to ur ignorance

    You seem to be a part of the posse who will do anything to deflect in regards to protecting your BLP Party image along with Lorenzo/Enuff AT ANY COST INCLUDING MISLEADING LOCALS.

    The US is barring foreigners who have been to China within the past 14 days and quarantining some returning Americans

    Because of a growing coronavirus outbreak that originated in Wuhan, China, the US is temporarily barring foreign nationals who have been in China within the past 14 days, the Trump administration announced on Friday.

    US citizens and permanent residents who have recently traveled to China’s Hubei province will be quarantined, and those who have traveled to other provinces will be screened, monitored, and instructed to “self-quarantine.”

  6. Why is this government giving the illusion that it has a template in place to monitor and control the spread of coronavirus? This government has limited funds in place to combat the spread of this virus should it visit our shores. The best form of defence is to bar those citizens at the epicentre of this contagion. it would be prudent if we ban entry to our friends from China and anyone who has visited this country. Our government is fearful of the economy going into decline should it limit certain tourists from entering the country. Just think of the consequences to our fellow citizens should we import this virus into our country.

  7. Baje

    Thanks for the info.
    I was really ignorant to the fact that trump had put restrictions to travel from china that why I said earlier to mariposa I was using her words. I had even bet her $100 dat he didn’t but for some reason it was not published.

    What I was aware of is:
    1. China had put a ban on travel from the region (air, road, rail) and had put the region at the epicenter , more ore less, on lockdown
    2. The airline that usually travel between the USA and china had suspended flights to china until about June. This was done by the airlines for the safety of the flight crews and not because of trump implementing any restrictions. I thought that mariposa had used this to come to the conclusion that trump had ban travel from china.

    Beside that
    Where have misled or attempted to mislead the locals?
    Where have I defended the BLP?

    Let me give you my opinion another way

    The governments of Trinidad or Jamaica (probably have more Chinese contact and larger populations than Barbados) or the government of St Lucia or Grenada ( tourism based economies like Barbados) does not have to ban any travel from china because (as far as I know) none of them have a direct travel link to china.

    Also since china already has a travel ban an no foreign nation can travel from that region to the USA (USA for example) then how would it be possible for a Chinese national to travel from china to the USA (for example) and then onto one of the CARICOM islands? Please explain it to me

    If a Jamaican USA citizen come from china to USA and want to go on to Jamaica they must first go through the 14 day quarantine before they are allowed into the public so how will this person be a threat to the Jamaican public/health system?

    To say the government/s should institute a ban from that region is ask for them to institute a cosmetic remedy. All Mia or any of the other PM would be doing is getting on the media and declaring that they have instituted a travel ban from china to their country but nothing will change . the Chinese nationals cannot leave their region and if they could the cannot get into the USA (ex) to be able to move onto any of the CARICOM countries.

    I can see a country instituting an effective travel ban if it had direct flights/travel to and from china.
    No direct travel that a travel ban is only cosmetic.

  8. Now I passed through the Atlanta airport yesterday, I noticed a few of the TSA agents wearing mass and more airport employees now also wearing gloves.
    Ok now
    Lets say an infected person had passed through that airport and some how I had contacted the virus. I come home tomorrow but I am not yet showing signs of infection………. wha loss now.
    Ban the Chinese that cant get out or cant get through another country without going through protective measures
    but forget that the virus is also in the USA and allow them to come

  9. @TLSN

    Our dynamic army will come running to the rescue with its world class doctors, world class nurses and first rate medical facilities. This in a country that has just imported 120 of the first 400 Ghanaian nurses and an army that just received a US$1.7m handout to help them buy equipment.
    The Barbados Condition is very toxic. They actually believe their own propaganda.
    By the way, the British coronavirus victim arrived in the UK from Singapore. He lives in Brighton, 20 miles from Gatwick, the main airport for flights to Barbados. Brighton is called London by the sea for a reason. I am not an epidemiologist, but have we thought of Barbadian seamen and airline flight crews?

  10. John
    Right now u ought to give the issue a rest
    You are not making sense
    Your intent is to defend govt measures
    A measure which falls way below the threshold of security for its people
    You keep trying to move the responsibity of govt off their shoulders in order to attack the messengers
    No one in their sane mind would endorse govt measures/ measures which all by themselves have built in fears and draws panic to a populace who reads and listen to the daily reports about this virus

  11. In meanwhile 4 days and the landfill still smoulders
    People living in the area are still living in the most uncomfortable situation trying to avoid the bellows of toxic smoke
    The situation is dire and it seems as their would be no end in sight to these constant fires which have and will affect peoples health
    Govt baulked and screamed about sewage in the street because it affected the tourist belt
    However the lives of barbadians doesnt seem to matter as bellows of toxic smoke coming from landfills along with the stench filling the air which can contribute to all forms of bacteria is given secondary after thought

  12. i have but one question to ask all you people who know so much.

    How many of the recent scary infectious diseases have made their way to Barbados?

    This, of course, is no guarantee that this one will not arrive but it is probably an indication that we are not quite as incompetent in all areas as some of you would LIKE to believe.

    If it comes we will deal with it as best we can. The only guarantee there is in life is that some of us will get sick and die from it. I am sure that the authorities understand that it could be them or a member of their family and are doing their best to fight it off.

    In the meantime, life must go on.

    A relative of mine used to proclaim that he is going to live until he dies. Some of you seem intent on a long death instead of a long life!

  13. Well stated.

  14. Let the record reflect officially the fire at the landfill is under control with just the smoldering to be expected from a large fire of this type.

  15. So the smoldering must also be given an after thought
    David how would u like to be living under such hazardous conditions
    Wouldn’t u be concern about your health and be adamant that govt seeks a permanent solution
    Are we so daft and naive that allowing our health to be compromised by govt measures is ok
    What say yea David if you were living within the area of the fiery landfill

  16. ASSTIN

    RE I am not an epidemiologist

    THEN SHUT UP AND STOP MAKING IGNORANT SARCASTIC COMMENTS SUCH AS Our dynamic army will come running to the rescue with its world class doctors, world class nurses and first rate medical facilities.


  17. Donna

    Now you are another one of the BLP supporters. Welcome .

  18. Once again i reiterate that if the fires from the landfills had affected the tourism industry
    The protest would have been long and furious and corrected with haste
    Noteworthy are those who are affected by the landfills
    Those are hardworking barbadian people who have been imposed upon by govt policies to pay taxes and whose cries for help to live in a healthy environment has been for years ignored by govts
    Go figure

  19. GP
    So. What! prevention is better than cure
    Any medical practitioner would tell give such advice to a person seeking basic medical advice
    Barbados does not have sufficient medical facilities to accommodate 300 or more people infected by the virus
    So what if the defence force is medically equipped
    What large medical facility is there in place to take care of the people
    Govt says there is a place where people if suspected of being infected would be quarantined
    Does any one knows where and if the place is fully equipped for spacious housing
    Yes or No
    U need to stay in your lane bro the seriousness of govt measures on this issue is deserving of outrage

  20. Mariposa

    Yes, now u will get my support on that when you say govermentS .
    Another lakes folly / Bridgetown sewage plant scenario ?

    However we do not need a WTE plant.

  21. mari

    the place to accommodate any suspected cases of corono is the same place that the dems allocated for the ebola

  22. THEN SHUT UP AND STOP MAKING IGNORANT SARCASTIC COMMENTS SUCH AS Our dynamic army will come running to the rescue with its world class doctors, world class nurses and first rate medical facilities. {Quote}

    @ GP

    It’s about time you people realize Hal Austin is a jackass.

    He made some silly remark about the BDF’s medical unit and when you pointed out he was wrong, he turned the discussion into if the BDF was necessary and a US$1.7 million handout, which he does not know what the money was used for.

    I would be the height of stupidity for an army not to have a fully equipped medical unit.

    Anyhow, I agree with him that the Bajan Condition is very toxic. He is a good example. A typical Bajan who went abroad to live among the white people, becomes a pseudo expert on every shyte and black people from his homeland are all of a sudden backward, predators, appallingly ignorant, silly, buffoons, who learn by rote. This is the same man who came here arguing that Elite and Rocklyn bus companies were taken over by the government in 1955, when the Transport Board was formed.

  23. RE Barbados does not have sufficient medical facilities to accommodate 300 or more people infected by the virus
    DOES BARBADOS have sufficient medical facilities to accommodate 300 or more people IN ANY EMERGENCY?

    RE U need to stay in your lane bro

  24. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “Does any one knows where and if the place is fully equipped for spacious housing
    Yes or No”

    Spot on. Spacious housing is the primary requirement. The bigger the better.



  26. 300????
    when we have never had to accommodate even 1 and the probability of it reaching us is said to be under 2 %

    How did you arrive at 300 beside to advance you scaremongering case?

  27. These exchanges are hilarious!


  28. john2February 7, 2020 8:55 AM


    Now you are another one of the BLP supporters. Welcome .


    I am a supporter of truth, fairness, justice etc. wherever these things can be found. I am not a supporter of hidden agendas because I only have one agenda – one that benefits the whole of humanity.

  29. Henny Penny is runny around like a chicken with its head cut off!

  30. running

  31. And Goosey Loosey is working his loose beak spreading the news.

  32. The truth and evidence lies in what is happening where the virus has infected the people
    Accusing me of scaremongering is in effect trying to shoot the messenger when their is sufficient proof to verify that the virus is highly contagious and requires effective and corrective medical attention with haste
    China within hours of trying to contain the virus had to build a hospital within ten days to accommodate those who were affected
    Where in tarnation does barbados have the financial wherewithal to implement such a measure in times of emergency
    Right now the only hospital that is govt (run)has fallen on hard times and has been placed on life support

  33. What you are being accused of is reading a message on Facebook or WhatsApp that a business was quarantined in Warrens without verification.

  34. I find Mariposa’s political alarmist comments about the Mangrove landfill fire, very amusing.

    The below photograph shows former PM Freundel Stuart and former Environmental Minister Denis Lowe at a landfill fire sometime during 2014.

    It would be interesting to read her comments on that issue at that time.

    Oh, another thing. Sometime in April 2012, the former DLP Cabinet approved a US$188.5M Mangrove Pond Green Energy complex at the Mangrove Pond landfill. According to then Environment Minister Denis Lowe, the project would include solar power and wind power facilities, a programme to manage solid waste disposal and convert waste into energy.

    Perhaps Mari may want to shed some light on what happened to that project.

  35. There are a lot of people on this blog who are undermining the serious nature of the coronavirus outbreak. Even the normally sage Donna. For us to assume that we have the resources to cope with a potential outbreak of this virus is highly surprising. We all know that Barbadians are not the most efficient and well organised people in this world.

    Today, I received a message from my NHS GP surgery. It reads as follows: If you have recently travelled from China and are concerned you have a viral infection. PLEASE NO NOT COME TO THE SURGERY. Instead please phone ***for further guidance.

    Please note that there is a growing list of African nations who are banning flights to and from China. Why so? The answer is simple: they lack the resources to combat an outbreak of this virus. Who will come to Barbados rescue should we have an outbreak? The country would be boycotted by the airline companies. It is best to play it safe and err on the side of caution.

  36. The question has been asked already, do we have direct flights from China to Barbados?

  37. We have no direct flights from China!

  38. Story going around in Ottawa is that this is no ordinary outbreak, i.e. the hazmat suits of medical staff treating the infected. They are saying that China opened a bio laboratory just outside the city limits and that this virus escaped from there or, it was let loose to see the results. Apparently, at the time of opening this lab in 2016/17 some countries thought it was unwise to place it near a large populated area. they are also speculating that is the reason why china has lock downs and quarantines. Now other countries will be harnessing this virus to store and use in biological warfare. I am 73, so can go anytime now.

  39. @Hal Austin February 7, 2020 6:13 AM “an army that just received a US$1.7m handout to help them buy equipment.”

    not a cash handout to help buy equipment, but an actual equipped field hospital:
    “…a new field hospital at the Garrison Savannah in Bridgetown. The United States, through U.S. Southern Command, invested $1.7 million USD to develop the Emergency Medical Team, including the provision of medical equipment and supplies. “The United States is proud of its partnership with Barbados”, said Ambassador Taglialatela. “Two pillars of our U.S.-Caribbean 2020 strategy are health and security, and it’s the fruits of cooperation in those areas that we see today”, she added. The Level 2 Emergency Medical Team is the first of its kind in the Caribbean. Its 45-member staff will have the ability to treat nearly 100 patients per day in crisis situations…”

  40. @TLNS

    Some people seem to be treating the threat much more seriously. Public Health England has ordered all its staff to get the flu jab as a precaution and others are going off on a tangent.
    What people seem not to understand is that the threat has nothing to do with the quality of medical services in Barbados.
    The issue is: is there a threat (a what if question) that the infection may reach Barbados? Yes, there is, however small. Good precaution will be to put in place policies to minimise any such threat.
    Barbados is connected to the global transport network, there does not have to be a direct flight from China to Barbados. The gestation period is 14 days, so someone intransit through Gatwick can pose as much of a threat as someone on a direct flight from Wuhan or even a direct flight from London.
    As to the quality of military medical services: if the BDF services are better in anyway than the civilian medical services then something is seriously wrong.
    The fair assumption must be that the QEH has better facilities than the military, and rightly so, the same way that any of our university hospitals have better facilities than the army medical corp. Therefore, any assistance from the BDF medical corp must be peripheral.

  41. @Miller February 6, 2020 6:42 PM “If you had done ‘science’- as recommended by Doc. Lucas- you would have known that Father “SUN” is the source of life on Mother Earth.”

    So wait! Who said that i never studied science? No I don’t have a doctoral degree in science, but neither do you. You really think that I have worked on the land virtually every day of my life and I haven’t observed that without the sun there is no food and without food there is no us? You like you seem to think that God dropped all of the excellent human brains on the United Kingdom.

    Nope. She did not. The sun shines here too equally as it shines on the United Kingdom. God is not biased. And God doesn’t think that Bajans are stupid, because the same God that made the people of the United Kingdom also made we Bajans.

    How do I know this? She told me so this morning.

    A wonderful day to you miller etc.

  42. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Mercy. Has Ottawa become the conspiracy capital of Canada, I recall SARS in 2003 in Toronto, and they were eventually wearing protective gear too.
    ‘Let loose’? The cost to China will be huge. Not only to their people, which they don’t always care much about, but their economy. Many are already substituting China made goods, just to ensure supply.
    Fly up to Resolute for a few weeks, I hear it doesn’t like the -40C temps.

  43. Tsln

    how many flight dus Barbados have coming from china?

  44. @Hal Austin February 7, 2020 6:13 AM “I am not an epidemiologist, but have we thought of Barbadian seamen and airline flight crews?”

    Barbados actually has real-real epidemiologists, women epidemiologists too. If you have thought of Barbadian seamen and airline flight crews [and diplomats] I am sure that our own-own epidemiologists have too.

  45. @Mariposa February 7, 2020 6:40 AM “toxic smoke coming from landfills along with the stench filling the air which can contribute to all forms of bacteria…”

    Can you explain how stinky smoke contributes to all forms of bacteria?

    I wouldda thought that fire kills bacteria, but poor me I was educated by rote and didn’t study any science so I int have no kindda sense.

  46. mari

    No one id denying the virus is contagious and deadly? but who appointed you as the messenger?
    there is a medical team in Barbados that will advice when where and how to be prepared for the virus and will handle any suspected case accordingly

    Not only are you scaremongering, you are do it for political reasons and political reasons only.

    HAl ASStin just posted that the virus can get to the island through another country outside of china.

    I have been saying this since yesterday…..

    So does this mean we should ban all travel into the island to keek the virus out?

    prevention is better than cure!

    I will bet none of you scaremongers will answer that question.

  47. @ Mariposa February 7, 2020 9:06 AM “Those are hardworking barbadian people who have been imposed upon by govt policies to pay taxes and whose cries for help to live in a healthy environment has been for years ignored by govts…”


    Especially between 2008 and 2018.

    So true.

  48. @Mariposa February 7, 2020 9:20 AM “GP. U need to stay in your lane bro.”

    I can’t believe that a DLP yardie like Mariposa instructing a physician like Dr. GP on medical matters. ROFL

  49. Landfill fires in Barbados occurred as follows:

    April 2005

    May 2009

    May 2011

    August 2012

    April 2014

    Feb 2019

    It should be noted, again, Bynoe from B’s Recycling purchased a very expensive piece of equipment to shred tyres which is rotting as we discuss this matter. The Dees and now the Bees have not addressed the issue.

  50. @john2 February 7, 2020 9:38 AM “How did you arrive at 300 beside to advance you scaremongering case?”

    Idiotic Mariposa is NOT a statistician nor is he/she/it an epidemiologist.

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