As part of the Year of Return and the visit of H.E, the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to Barbados in June this year, the Prime Minister of Barbados, H.E. Mia Mottley, arrives in Ghana today for a 3-day visit.

The visit also forms part of the bilateral discussions started during the President’s visit to Barbados.

She will be in Assin Manso where a Durbar of Chiefs will be held in her honour at the forecourt of the Assin Manso Ancestral River Site.

Remains of an unknown enslaved African from Barbados brought along with the Prime Minister will be buried at the site.

This will bring to three, the number of African ancestral remains buried at the Assin Manso slave river site.

Prime Minister Mottley will also visit the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum and participate in the Damba Festival in Yendi over the weekend. Her delegation includes Foreign Affairs, protocol, and business leaders.

According to the Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Hon. Barbara Oteng Gyasi, Ghana’s tourism sector seeks to deepen its interest in the Carribean with Barbados as a key gateway.

The Coordinator of the Year of Return and CEO of the Ghana Tourism Authority, Akwasi Agyeman, says the visit highlights the importance of the Year of Return in the Global African discussion.

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298 responses to “Mia Goes To Ghana”

  1. David
    November 16, 2019 11:41 AM

    @Simple Simon
    The Ghanaian nurses are coming!


    Guess Ms. Mockley gone to inspect the merchandise.

    We don’t want to buy a pig in a poke.

    From the time I was a boy Barbadian leaders have always made a fanfare about Africa.

    General Yakabu Gowan from Nigeria then Sir Seretse Kama from Botswana way back around the time of independence.

    Nothing much came out of it to date.

  2. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Simple Simon

    Surely you are aware that the colour of the leopard’s coat is not a behaviour. He can still choose to devour you or not.

  3. Good morning John: Can you please explain how one can use DNA testing, which is a biological process, to test for religious belief?


    Very simple SS.

    If the DNA shows the deceased to be from England, chances are he/she will have been a Christian.

    Amazed you could not figure that one out.

  4. Sorry posted this de wrong place

    @ Simpleton

    When the Sage Annunaki mentioned DNA and Quaker heretofore, he did not do so to say that religious beliefs could be tested simpleton.

    The reasoning is thus.


    The DNA challenge to John specifically, is a gentle goading that would, if taken by John the Quaker, and Historian, and explorer, and Agriculturalist and all sorts of things, expose him to the possibilities that his DNA MIGHT NOT BE SO PURE AFTER ALL and the possibility existed, AND WOULD THEN BE CONFIRMED “that his daddy ent he daddy, but he daddy doan know”

    Periodically you do prove the Honourable Blogmaster right though


    Doan cuss de po’ ole man I ole enough to be you fadder so respect me gray hairs ok?


  5. If Ghanaian nurses are coming what provision has the government made to make sure Barbados has quality nurses in the medium and long term? Have they tried to recruit in our neighbouring CARICOM nations? What are the basic qualifications and experience required of the Ghanaian nurses to qualify to work in Barbados? How long are they visas for?

  6. @David

    Did anybody find it interesting to see the head of Republic Bank invited to make a presentation at one of the functions in Ghana?
    Why not? He can assert that it’s the only indigenous bank on the island and it can claim that mantle after it absorbed the assets of BNB. She can’t very well request any presentation from BNS; RBC or FCIB when they are eyeing the nearest exit.

    Waiting for a T & T calypsonian to rework the lyrics of any song that refers to “smart bajan”, the answer to “All is mine” is “not any time”.


    I can probably even put a name to one set of the remains tested.

    He died in 1669!!

    “We are able to identify British Pb sources, and more specifically Bristol/Mendips Pb, as the most likely source of anthropogenic Pb on the plantation, highlighting the impact of the British Atlantic economy on the lives of enslaved peoples in Barbados during the period of plantation slavery. Furthermore, we find that there is only one clear outlier among seven individuals who had previously been identified as African‐born based on their enamel Sr isotope composition (Schroeder et al., American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2009, 139:547–557). All other individuals present a very homogenous Pb isotope composition, which overlaps with that of British Pb sources.”

  8. I am just angry that I have now to travel to Ghana to get acquainted with the bones /duppy dust. (lol) How come I was not invited to the ceremonial exhuming and how come I did not get to see them off?

    Seems to me the hoopla should have started here.

    I am happy that we are trying to forge links with Ghana. I just wish the links were not so crassly described in monetary terms.

    If it is only about gaining access to a market or stimulating investment it is doomed to failure.

    Our connection must first be spiritual.

  9. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Sergeant
    @ David Bu

    Republic Bank has a banking presence in West Africa. A former MD of Republic Bank Barbados Ltd headed up the operations there.

  10. @ Sargeant

    No amount of smoke and mirrors can make Republic Bank a Bajan bank. The big question is who paid the bank’s executive travel costs?

  11. Piece the Legend Avatar

    @ Donna

    You said AND, IF I MAY, I WILL QUOTE

    “…I am happy that we are trying to forge links with Ghana. I just wish the links were not so crassly described in monetary terms.

    If it is only about gaining access to a market or stimulating investment it is doomed to failure.

    Our connection must first be spiritual…”




    And that is what her sycophants CAN NEVER SEE!

    All this is about is $$ and when you start wrong you WILL END WRONG!

  12. @Hal Austin November 16, 2019 12:49 PM

    If Ghanaian nurses are coming what provision has the government made to make sure Barbados has quality nurses in the medium and long term? Have they tried to recruit in our neighbouring CARICOM nations? What are the basic qualifications and experience required of the Ghanaian nurses to qualify to work in Barbados? How long are they visas for?

    Did you ask all of the questions of the politicians in the UK when medical professionals from all over the EU were allowed to seek employment in the NHS?

  13. …those questions*..

  14. David 16, 2019 9:04 AM

    The issue is not about whether Mia is a trendsetter. It is about her government establishing links with countries in Africa to pursue government to government economic opportunities. See the initiative as positive and move on. Let us hope it does not fizzle but the first step to initiate a strategic relationship is required

    So can u spell out for barbadian what are these economic opportunities govt can acquire from Ghana which can service barbados
    From my vantage point the only service Mia can acquire from Ghana would be in the medical field
    Anything else would require barbadian society to be fully trained in those areas which can be productive economically
    Right now Mia expectations would revolve around seeking assistance from Africa but giving Africa nothing in return
    Africa has come to a realization that not everybody that smiles in face is a friend
    In the long run Ghana would also be looking from Barbados a reward for giving

  15. Go and read the memorandum of understanding.

  16. @ Bajan in New York

    You say we were at school together, but you must have had a very hard time. You seem obsessed with the UK and have been for the last four years.
    Do I ask you about Trump and New York. For your information, the qualifications in all 28(27) EU nations are the same. Is that true in CARICOM? Are the Chinese doctors at the QEH qualified to work in Barbados, or did they get a pass? If so, what about doctors qualified in |Cuba? Wher e is Mickey Walrond when you need him?

  17. Let me do a Simple Simon here!

    My brother loved my young son. He attempted to show that love by giving him money EVERY TIME he saw him. I did not want my son to associate my brother with money only and so I asked my brother to save up the money and give it to him at intervals. That way he would have to find some other reason to run towards my brother when he saw him. I wanted him to develop a love for my brother and to have a connection with him that had nothing to do with money. My son is now a teenager and that love flows both ways. And if ever the need arises so will the money.

    I know Barbados is desperate right now but all I am hearing about is the money matters. Why not do a Miller first and form the spiritual connection through the DNA tests?

    We have jumped too quickly into Economics and Finance. We should have started with History.

  18. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Pieces I get your Mottley admin displeasure and critiques on several policies but surely you and OTHERS can’t just be caustic on EVAthing… moreover, a man of YOUR awareness and wide knowledge should not be showing the level of DISRESPECT to the memory of any deceased ancestor as highlighted above.

    Look we all understand that Ms Mottley is grandstanding with this very high profile trip/event but let’s also understand that in its own way it’s important, relevant and another step in the very looong process of relations with the African motherland.

    Others mentioned above that many Caribbean leaders have forged similar links …the very educated folks here readily recall that 1) our PMs studied with many who also went on to be leaders of their African nations so they tried to forge links, commercial and political, based on those friendships but even more importantly 2) in trying to assert the African heritage of their people made the push for closer relations.

    We absolutely know of Marcus Garvey and should definitely know of how the nation of Liberia was created… in sum, the links of slaves descendants to the home of their ancestors is NOT new…

    But what in the Lord’s name does that have to do with any NEW effort to strengthen that relationship …particularly where the link has been relatively weak in the hearts and minds of many Bajans!?

    Criticize the lady loudly and purposely for all the BS done but let’s raise above the crass disrespect of OUR ancestors and leave aside the petty, partisan piffle like this from the resident DLP syncophant:

    “All these trips and not one blasted thing to show barbadians that would be beneficial to barbados
    On this trip she takes some duppy dust to Africa as a show of unity between barbados and Ghana…Wuhloss muh belly”

    To laff at the reinterment of remains of anyone is reprehensible …that it’s done ostensibly to the act associated with the remains of African brother (or sister?) savagely taken from their home and now returned eons later says everything about how politically petty and ignorant we can be!

    I gone.

  19. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ dpD at 3:55 PM

    Yes indeed ! We are certainly descending to the ” petty and ignorant”. I hope we do not blame the Political Class for this as well.

  20. Bajan in NY
    Hal behaving as if the NHS in the UK does not recruit nurses from Ghana and outside the EU. This is why I have reduced my comments on BU–no logical, constructive, robust debate, just egos, knowitallism and agendas. The truth is that a lotta the big talkers on BU don’t know what dem talking bout.🤣🤣

  21. @Enuf fNovember 16, 2019 5:05 PM

    I have an aunt who went to the UK and worked as a nurse years before Hal set foot there, so he can’t run his bullshit by me.

  22. “Our connection must first be spiritual.”

    all spirituality was knocked out of them generationally…they do not and cannot even articulate spirituality in their minds….they will never be able to connect to the Continent….that link was severed through the colonial era……only those African descended who are chosen and whose spirituality REMAINED INTACT FROM BIRTH…will be thus privileged to enjoy that spiritual link.

    lack of vision Barbados politicians/ministers always do the same thing, first she is using taxpayer’s money for all her pretensive trips, so damn disrespectful is she that she never mentioned one word to the people in BARBADOS about returning African bones to Ghana, but putting on a big show in Ghana…..did she do any DNA testing on the bones to CONFIRM it was a Ghanian or even African……or that it was indeed slave bones…

    these fake leaders can never impress me, they lack basic common sense and intelligence..

  23. So Mia signs a Port agreement between Ghana and barbados
    My questions is to ask
    What does barbados have to export to Ghana
    It seems like Mottley opened a door that will well served Ghana interest

  24. Black Americans gine back home too.

  25. ” Ghanaian president proclaims 2019 ‘Year of Return’ of Blacks to Africa ”

    Barbados ” We Gatherin 2020 “

  26. Hope the nurses from Ghana fare better than their counterparts from Nigeria or the Nigerian Students

  27. @TLSN
    I have noticed a pattern in Mia’s ramblings. She is obsessed with population size. She constantly states that the Barbados economy consistently underperforms due to its small population.
    Despite what you may have heard in some quarters, size does matter. Haven’t you constantly read the BLP supporters crowing about the size of their victory (aha you thought I was going in another direction) in that case I would have referred you to your fellow expat “Whitehill”.

    The favourite example of small territory success about these parts is Singapore partly because Lee Kuan Yew was at University with EWB but no one mentions Hong Kong which also has a large population, however I would caution anyone who believes that large populations are a harbinger of economic success as there are many crowded cities(countries) that are in financial straits.

    BTW ….. food for thought…..both Singapore and Hong Kong have majority Chinese populations.

  28. Hope the Bajans enjoying the real Ghanian cuisine.

  29. @ Sargeant,

    Almost all things are possible.

    Offshore islands can be created to accommodate the million people Stevens has been preaching as the solution to Barbados’ problems.

    The PM is pompasetting on the world stage having realised her life long dream and she is well on the road to being the greatest female Prime Minister Barbados ever had. lol

  30. @Hants

    In the BLP manifesto there is the commitment to build new islands in “stretching our physical horizon”, when those are completed all the Gov’t has to do is import a few million Chinese workers and voila we have a Caribbean Singapore or Caribbean Hong Kong.

    Looka its Saturday night and I just had my milk and honey.

  31. I know from my research thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of our ancestors have been excavated and their remains pelted one side in the efforts to move the earth to please.

    Where Ms. Mockley got these remains from?

    How come she never raised hell over the desecration of so many final resting places all over the island?

    If this isn’t for show I don’t know what could be.

    It is sick.

    I doubt she even knows the identity or origins of the remains.

  32. There are three issues here my friend DpD.

    The first issue is as follows.

    There is absolutely nothing that Mugabe Mottley can do in my books that will convince me that she IS NOT A DICTATOR ENTRENCHED IN HER SELF AGRANDISEMENT EXERCISE.

    NOTHING!! barring doing *** and making *** I know that she is a thief.

    Secondly, you have no idea of what is happening here a d if you dont know you should remain quiet.

    There is nothing that I say or do THAT IS NOT BACKED UP BY FACTUAL EVIDENCE.

    I am not talking rather posting for posting sake.

    She is a RH TEIF and resultedly AND thirdly SINCE SHE HAS RH COMMITTED MORE THEFT, and continues to steal what both she and I know to be **** I CANNOT IN ANY SERIOUS CONSCIENCE assign to the woman any type of principle

    De ingrunt Word that would be like if you knew me to be a paedophile and a homosexual BUT THEN PROCEEDED TO LEAVE YOUR 10 YEAR OLD SON HOME WITH ME, while you go on a 3 month cruise.

    And this is why I liken her exhuming the bones, creating them a d then transporting them anywhere to be akin to whoredom BECAUSE, I MY EXPERIENCE, SHE HAS NOT DONE ANYTHING THAT MAKES THIS OLE MAN BELIEVE THAT SHE HAS CHANGED!

    She insults the bones of our ancestors DpD so, while you may think that my pronouncements are of a particular nature, I stand here, in the Sight of My Creator, knowing that I can say that she hath done me, AND MANY MORE LIKE ME, GREAT HARM.

    And has made no restitution for her actions.

    So, my kind friend I WILL NOT YIELD because she has not changed!

    Whe He who guides my hands tell me, it is enough, then I will pause, BUT UNTIL THEN DPD, I give no quarter.

    That is why we got enslaved in the first place, OUR DOCILITY, AND BELIEF IN THE CHARITY OF A SERPENT

  33. @ WARU

    You said and I quote

    “…so damn disrespectful is she that she never mentioned one word to the people in BARBADOS about returning African bones to Ghana, but putting on a big show in Ghana…”


    @ John

    You said and I quote

    “…How come she never raised hell over the desecration of so many final resting places all over the island?

    If this isn’t for show I don’t know what could be.

    It is sick.

    I doubt she even knows the identity or origins of the remains…”

    In concert the two of you have encapsulated precisely what I said in my colourful language.

    How de RH a prime Minister could hide and dig up a RH Ghanaian and participate in a RH fiasco of this nature AND NOT SAY ONE FVUCKING WORD TO BAJANS?


    And we, like the poochlickers that we are, WILL SIT DOWN HERE AND NOT SAY ONE RH WORD with this RH trickery.

    It is an insult to us black people even more than it is an insult to Bajans of which John is one.

    Note how all de rest come heah and ent say word one!

    In fact, where is the PdP on this desecration and perverted grave robbing?

    You understand how RH low this woman is going with this?

    You understand how devious she must be to think of something as sick as this shite?

    But I is to shut up cause I disrespectful

    Looka doan leh me cuss no more tonight do

  34. @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with two items here one for DPD and the other one for John and WARU

  35. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “Looka its Saturday night and I just had my milk and honey.”
    with a cherry on top? Or you didn’t don one of them.

  36. Here is a Cherry. lol.

    The only item on my bucket list is to see her and the Ladies of Soul live in concert in the Netherlands or Belgium.

  37. NorthernObserver Avatar

    No that is solid gold.
    Apr. 10, 2020 TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht, Netherlands
    Apr. 18, 2020 P60, Amstelveen, Netherlands
    Apr. 24, 2020 Bibelot, Dordrecht, Netherlands

  38. “however I would caution anyone who believes that large populations are a harbinger of economic success as there are many crowded cities(countries) that are in financial straits.”

    only FOOLS would believe that a bigger population size makes things easier in any country…

    The bigger the population size of an island/country…the BIGGER THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS…these small time jokers CAN’T EVEN..fix the small island problems they got without hiring million dollar consultants to show and tell them what to do, so where in hell will they get intelligence…or commonsense, both of which they ALL LACK …to manage a successfull population and economy of more than 280,000 people…especially when they are ALL SO DAMN CORRUPT, are notorious thieves, ABUSERS OF HUMAN RIGHTS and can NEVER BE TRUSTED….by the Black population.

  39. Piece the Legend Avatar

    As de ole man said I expected I published this before but…

    There are three issues here my friend DpD.

    The first issue is as follows.

    There is absolutely nothing that Mugabe Mottley can do in my books that will convince me that she IS NOT A DICTATOR ENTRENCHED IN HER SELF AGRANDISEMENT EXERCISE.

    NOTHING!! barring doing *** and making *** I know that she is a thief.

    Secondly, you have no idea of what is happening here a d if you dont know you should remain quiet.

    There is nothing that I say or do THAT IS NOT BACKED UP BY FACTUAL EVIDENCE.

    I am not talking rather posting for posting sake.

    She is a RH TEIF and resultedly AND thirdly SINCE SHE HAS RH COMMITTED MORE THEFT, and continues to steal what both she and I know to be **** I CANNOT IN ANY SERIOUS CONSCIENCE assign to the woman any type of principle

    De ingrunt Word that would be like if you knew me to be a paedophile and a homosexual BUT THEN PROCEEDED TO LEAVE YOUR 10 YEAR OLD SON HOME WITH ME, while you go on a 3 month cruise.

    And this is why I liken her exhuming the bones, creating them a d then transporting them anywhere to be akin to whoredom BECAUSE, I MY EXPERIENCE, SHE HAS NOT DONE ANYTHING THAT MAKES THIS OLE MAN BELIEVE THAT SHE HAS CHANGED!

    She insults the bones of our ancestors DpD so, while you may think that my pronouncements are of a particular nature, I stand here, in the Sight of My Creator, knowing that I can say that she hath done me, AND MANY MORE LIKE ME, GREAT HARM.

    And has made no restitution for her actions.

    So, my kind friend I WILL NOT YIELD because she has not changed!

    Whe He who guides my hands tell me, it is enough, then I will pause, BUT UNTIL THEN DPD, I give no quarter.

    That is why we got enslaved in the first place, OUR DOCILITY, AND BELIEF IN THE CHARITY OF A SERPENT

  40. Piece the Legend Avatar

    And then as I had a anticipated the second item that was published, that also suffered a similar fate heheheheh but…

    @ WARU

    You said and I quote

    “…so damn disrespectful is she that she never mentioned one word to the people in BARBADOS about returning African bones to Ghana, but putting on a big show in Ghana…”


    @ John

    You said and I quote

    “…How come she never raised hell over the desecration of so many final resting places all over the island?

    If this isn’t for show I don’t know what could be.

    It is sick.

    I doubt she even knows the identity or origins of the remains…”

    In concert the two of you have encapsulated precisely what I said in my colourful language.

    How de RH a prime Minister could hide and dig up a RH Ghanaian and participate in a RH fiasco of this nature AND NOT SAY ONE FVUCKING WORD TO BAJANS?


    And we, like the poochlickers that we are, WILL SIT DOWN HERE AND NOT SAY ONE RH WORD with this RH trickery.

    It is an insult to us black people even more than it is an insult to Bajans of which John is one.

    Note how all de rest come heah and ent say word one!

    In fact, where is the PdP on this desecration and perverted grave robbing?

    You understand how RH low this woman is going with this?

    You understand how devious she must be to think of something as sick as this shite?

    But I is to shut up cause I disrespectful

    Looka doan leh me cuss no more tonight do

  41. Piece the Legend Avatar

    And once again, we have another item that speaks in a noncomplìmentary way about the Scum of the Earth being moderated but…

    But, here is what John Q said in a “respectful way”

    “…I was in “the old churchyard” (St. Mary’s Church) recently and I expected to see grave stones from the 1600’s because it was supposed to have predated St. Michaels Parish Church.

    It is after all on early maps.

    I found one single gravestone from the 17th century.

    Maybe I did not look hard enough.

    I can find some in St. Michael’s Parish Church (the Cathedral) but not many.

    Most people in the first 2 centuries of the existence of Barbados were buried in unmarked graves.

    Digging up remains to transport them to Africa is just plain dumb…”

  42. @ Bajan in New York

    As I write, there are 40000 nursing vacancies in the UK’s NHS. Given a choice, where do you think the brightest and best Ghanaian nurses will choose to go, Barbados or UK?

  43. Piece the Legend Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    I know that the two points stated by John Q and WARU that de ole man repeated WILL CAUSE YOU CONCERN BUT…


    Would you at least tek dem out of permanent moderation???

  44. Mia like Trump thrives on fake news
    This story about her taking remains of a slave is among one of the many lies thrown the peoples faces
    Where is the voice of Dr. Karl Watson at this time
    A voice which needs to be heard
    People are asking question as to the truthfulness of this story and the voices of those who hold the key to answering these historical questions dating back to the 16th century are quiet.
    How ever why would Mia want to transport the bones of an ancestor without full transparency to the people or even having done so with a duty of dignified religious ritual to the departed soul

  45. Hal the QEH needs more than nurses
    Any right thinking qualified medical practitioner would first do a research of the hospital before stepping foot in the QEH
    The working enviroment needs a thorough overhaul starting with supplies
    Govt reliance of bringing Ghana nurses within a unhealthy working enviroment is now being placed within a formula of putting new wine in old bottles
    Barbados needs a state of the art modern hospital not a pkg of band aids in the form of Ghana nurses to stop the bleeding

  46. @ Mariposa

    Two points: even if the QEH has to import nurses, what are they doing to make sure this shortage does not happen again? Are they recruiting and training young people, or are they going to panic again when there is s future shortage?
    As to doctors, we want their records as clinicians made public: how many operations they have carried out? How many of the patients survived and how many were seriously injured or died? How many complaints have been made against them by colleagues and patients? How long have they been practising? Can you see the information gap when the clinician is a foreigner: Chinese or Indian or American or Brit?
    There should also be a publicly funded patients’ advocate office, situated on the executive floor, to defend the interests of patients, the most important people in health care policy.

  47. Mia signs agreement to open Barbados port for trade between barbados and Ghana
    What does barbados have to trade to Ghana
    This agreement gives Ghana an upper hand by way of trading their goods and services within small island nations freely while small island nations are still struggling to fight off the effects of an economic global environment whose game plan is to sell at a cheaper rate disallowing these small island nations to compete on a equal level playing field or even sell their goods and services within a global market without undergoing stealth regulation
    Most likely the same effect will occur when Ghana plants its economic foot prints on small island soil
    One can now envision Ghana setting up shop in Barbados easily plying their goods and products while local barbadian merchants feel the squeeze
    As if it is not enough that a global economy littered with business sharks done enough damage to the economies of small island nations all but shutting them out with selling their products at cheaper rates while leaving a foot print of economic proweress
    Mia now adds one more

  48. Piece the Legend Avatar

    6th submission

    @ WARU

    You said and I quote

    “…so damn disrespectful is she that she never mentioned one word to the people in BARBADOS about returning African bones to Ghana, but putting on a big show in Ghana…”


    @ John

    You said and I quote

    “…How come she never raised hell over the desecration of so many final resting places all over the island?

    If this isn’t for show I don’t know what could be.

    It is sick.

    I doubt she even knows the identity or origins of the remains…”

    In concert the two of you have encapsulated precisely what I said in my colourful language.

    How de RH a prime Minister could hide and dig up a RH Ghanaian and participate in a RH fiasco of this nature AND NOT SAY ONE FVUCKING WORD TO BAJANS?


    And we, like the poochlickers that we are, WILL SIT DOWN HERE AND NOT SAY ONE RH WORD with this RH trickery.

    It is an insult to us black people even more than it is an insult to Bajans of which John is one.

    Note how all de rest come heah and ent say word one!

    In fact, where is the PdP on this desecration and perverted grave robbing?

    You understand how RH low this woman is going with this?

    You understand how devious she must be to think of something as sick as this shy$e?

    But I is to shut up cause I disrespectful

    Looka doan leh me cuss no more tonight do

  49. Look under neath all this “fake shortage” issue is a belief that barbadian nurses are not best qualified which is a shameful discourse because it points once again at Barbados education system in a shameful manner
    A matter which needs to be looked into how our professionals acquire qualification standards and a question which needs to be asked of the educational administration of practices and hiring standards of those who are hired to do the job of teaching and training

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