Edmund Hinkson Picture
Minister Edmund Hinkson

In recent weeks Barbadians have been greeted with the good news our credit rating for local debt was upgraded by two credit rating agencies S&P and CariCRIS.

In recent weeks Barbadians have been greeted with the bad news that violent and gun crime appear to be on the increase.

The question we must answer is whether the solutions to our problems are to be found with our political masters only. The blogmaster shouts NO!

We have the political games being played depending on which side of the fence one sits that credit rating agencies are deemed to be important. There is sufficient evidence to show that not having an investment grade rating does more harm than good as it affects financial decision-making. The previous government was heavily criticized because of the unprecedented number of downgrades Barbados notched during its tenure.  The expectation is that when the foreign debt restructure is completed inyternational credit rating agencies will respond favourably as well. It is important to achieve an investment grade for the financial and intangible benefits it lends to any country.

However one spins it, an inching upwards of the credit rating is good news for a country  gripped in the throes of economic fatigue for more than a decade.

The good news about the northward movement of the credit rating has been tempered by the public perception that crime is on the increase. In recent weeks there has been a spate of gun crime linked to drug activity and a lawlessness element. Some will say to ignore the lawless while they shoot at each other. However commonsense supports the view that a country must maintain law and order to accrue obvious benefits.

Attorney General Dale Marshall

The rising crime activity has seen minister Edmund Hinkson being demoted with responsibility for the Royal Barbados Police Force, Forensic Services Centre, Criminal Justice Research Unit and the Police Complaints Authority reassigned to Attorney General Dale Marshall. Hinkson’s diminished portfolio he has responsibilty for the Barbados Fire Service, Immigration, Post Office, Government Industrial School, National Council on Substance Abuse and the Prison Service – creates the opportunity to resign from the Cabinet in the coming weeks. It signals to others in the large Cabinet that the prime minister will jettison non performers soon once the ‘opportunity’ appears on the political radar.

The reassignment is an admission by government that it has to improve in the area of law enforcement and delivering justice. Our slothful court system has been a bane for both political parties in government. Coincidentally, the Attorney General has responsibility for Barbados Courts, he now has responsibility for the Police and support units. What should be obvious is that an incrementalist approach has been shown not to be effective over the years.

The blogmaster has been critical of the large Cabinet appointed by the Prime Minister. Her defence of the large Cabinet will not resonate in a climate where workers are being retrenched from the Public and Private sectors.  It does not matter how hard the prime minister and Cabinet are working, commanding the support of the public requires she adopts leadership positions which co-opt the support of the public.

The blogmaster was also critical of the prime minister when videos surfaced on social media during the last political campaign with her ‘styling’ with certain actors. It is important our leaders appreciate the importance of leading by public example.


A word to the wise should be enough!


708 responses to “Crime and Credit Ratings”

  1. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)

    @ 45govt January 18, 2019 11:01 AM


    The other real issue that i cannot get my head around is the Opioid abuse in the USA, these drug users for the most part started out as “real real patients of medical doctors etc”. I hope we are guarding ourselves from this mis-use of legal drugs that is just outside of our realm of thinking or it would appear. The opioid issue is no longer just a US thing. Once money can be made it will fill these void/places in any country. I guess the opposite of TAKE AWAY THE MONEY, THE PROBLEM WILL FOLLOW.

  2. @coltgovt45

    Good comment.

  3. YOU ARE MOST CERTAINLY FOOLED if you think that sparing the runners will bring the Mr Bigs to justice. What woolly thinking, fear is the key as in all criminal activities, and they must be made to fear law and order more than their gangmasters. Difficult, but just remove the money, all the BS about hungry mouths is just drivel. This is pure greed, not hunger.

  4. Good God, thank you David!

  5. @45govt

    You are aware the COP in Trinidad is using the approach of fear? Is it working?

  6. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “As I said before the drug lords need to be engaged if any change is going to come but I am very suspicious of the method.”

    losing battle…too many past, present and former officials, government, judicial etc are ALL involved..

    ya remember the European stolen cars racket with drugs and guns involved…ministers names called…the killing of Weare.

    Scotland Yard had to put boots on the ground to get an arrest…..have you heard anything more about any of this at the local level…ya hardly hear who is arrested for cocaine when they make these big cocaine busts……but ya hear who is arrested for weed…

  7. Oops! That is the Philippines carrying out the extra-judicial killings, isn’t it?

  8. No I didn’t David – I don’t really follow Trini matters. Fear is the key, both for street criminals and Establishment ones. WARU is right (wot, again??) the money is so huge that those utterly corruptible big-ups cannot keep away.
    I can see no possible way of countering this civilisation wrecking crime without either more uncivilised behaviour, execution, or legalisation. How much proof do we need.

  9. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “That is the Philippines carrying out the extra-judicial killings, isn’t it?”

    yep…the gangster and murderer Duterte…who if ya dig a little deeper, ya might find out was a drug trafficker himself…wuh he confessed to molesting a young maid…so anything is possible..

  10. Who is the former senior police officer who had MSc in criminology from Cambridge?

  11. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Northern..you say a wee bit softly but it resonates loudly.

    … I intended to ask the BU new statistician @Mariposa to clarify her details on the rising crime by putting in all in context but your post is more intriguing…so I’ll followup query with you and query them later.

    You said “I was told prior to this there was tension between what EH wished to do and certain party big-ups…”
    Why such a loaded statement?

    What we know of Hinkson publicly (before this strip club/immigrant sex worker scandal) was little but generally uplifting re integrity…thus for you to drop the hint that he was at cross purposes with a PM who is ‘very reliably’ alleged (oxymoron, so forgive me) to have previously compromised law and order by ordering illegal phone taps is significant.

    You also say just as soft/loud said .“…the move to DM may confirm this” . This the same DM that is the anointed heir of the man of many hats with whom the same PM has had major internal fights which all seemed to be quieted prior to elections and clearly still very much are !

    Thus yleading to the best : ” As he and the PM are certainly ‘close’”… your CLOSE was embraced with quotation marks… but is that “…much closer than another, potentially independent minded minister[s]” one of convenience for ambitious gains?

    I could only figure that a gentleman of EH’s supposed higher integrity (whatever that really means in politics) sided with MAM and her known misdeeds against GP/DM because of his long term ambitions…well if so he has now had his wings clipped so if he is as smart as he needs to be to get to the top then he has a plan F ready to be rolled out. For his sake I hope it works!

  12. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    And @Mariposa crime stats like most things must be offered or read in context (proper local/regional context ideally)..

    Back in late 2017 when Rhianna had the entire pop world crying with her because her young cousin had been brutally murdered your party where controlling things….that year there were 30 odd killings over 50% of which were by gun shots…in a nation were guns are “banned” for general ownership as you know….so illegal guns is a problem under all admins.

    Further back in 2013 – still DLP I believe, right – there were 24 or so murders, but then (as now most likely) based on per 100K of population Bdos at 10 was less than St.Kitts 39 or St.Vin 22.

    All that to say that yes we have too many killings (and shootings not leading to deaths) but you show yourself to be a poor analyst if you can only parse the numbers in political language.

    Incidentally, leading into elections last year there was a spike in violent crime/murders…by 40% going into April according to reports…I would add that further reports given by RBPF at Nov of that same year showed 24 murders as well but that was trailing the previous YtD by about 17%…thus one can argue that things DRASTICALLY cooled off.

    TO WHAT DO YOU ATTRIBUTE THAT POSSIBLY? What effect if any did elections have on those stats…you are into parsing things politically so this should be right down your campaign…I await your reasoned reply later!

    But I completely agree with you that there is no good that can come of the very public embrace of drug lords.

  13. Donks Gripe and Josh Avatar
    Donks Gripe and Josh

    January 18, 2019 9:59 AM

    @ David,
    As long as no VIPs or tourists are caught in the crossfire….nuh problem

    Two Canadian tourists were robbed at gunpoint last night. The dithering by government on crime and violence has emboldened the scumbags with the guns. Don’t be surprised if they rob Government Headquarters .Hinckson removal although partial was called for by many he was in over his head. Smiley track record not that good either remember he couldn’t tell difference between US$ and Bds$ In the VESCO fiasco. The police have to move swiftly and resolutely to disarm and lock up the gunmen terrorizing society.

  14. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    ….ah trying to remember the BU jackass who let me know it will cost taxpayers thousands of dollars to lock up current and former ministers and lawyers who stole hundreds of millions of dollars from taxpayers and pensioners…..and for the corruption and other crimes against the people and what a waste of money that would be…

    well ah want know how much it will cost taxpayers to lock up a 62 year old man for a 3 dollar nail clip….and is that not a goddamn. waste of taxpayers money and a real disgrace when he could have gotten community service..

    …..Facebook is shocked…seeing that Dale and George and Cow and all the other now world renowned THIEVES. from Barbados..been ripping off the elderly and others their money, land and estates for decades, while the ministers and lawyers rip off millions from treasury and pension fund….all without consequences…

    but it will not end well…ah hope they know..

  15. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ 45govt January 18, 2019 11:01 AM

    45govt, you just cannot make such astronomically sensible suggestion without telling us ‘How’ such a grand design could be achieved.

    How do you take the money (profit) out of ‘illegal’ drugs?
    Do you want to put a lot of people -from police to lawyers to judges to politicians to customs officers to licensed drugs pushers aka medical doctors- out of business and a loss of steady streams of ‘off-the-books’ income currently used finance their highfalutin lifestyles?

    Why do you think the drug lords can be so brazen as to showoff their inner circle political connections in stark public view knowing full well their gofer boys and indebted girls at all levels are in their mary jane and white lady coke pockets?

    How come there is not that same level of profit (and consequentially crime) associated with the alcohol business which is just as dangerous a drug? Is it because the politicians have learned a lesson from “Prohibition” which has turned mob like Mafiosi guns into taxation ploughshares?

  16. Has Hinkson got any professional pride? Has he resigned yet? Or is he going to allow himself to be publicly humiliated by the prime minister?

  17. You got it in one Miller. The business has been embraced by the Establishment, and they will need eliminating before any progress can be made. Nowhere in the world has this been achieved – what chance Bim with its corruption apparently supported, even admired by the sheeple?

  18. Depandanic

    Yu miss the point by a mile. I access the article as a reference point to show that there is a high linkage between joblessness and drug activity which leads to violent crime
    If you were following the discourse between myself and others who disagreed on my conclusion

  19. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I suspect too much in-depth thought by you.
    If you had 30 managers and one wasn’t performing, would you decrease his/her responsibilities, and hand those to another ‘more senior’ member of the team, who already had significant existing responsibilities which “may” be suffering from similar non-performance? The blogmaster asked this very question, shortly after pronouncing a demotion.
    Others have jumped on the bandwagon, those benefiting from the lack of performance in the areas moved, are widespread and significant enough, to see a need to ‘protect’ them, whatever that entails.
    If this is a tactic to keep certain files closer to the vest, it is difficult for me to see “demotion” versus refusal to play the game as directed? Wear it and smile, or join the Bishop.

  20. @ DpD aka De Ingrunt Word formerly De Word

    I see that you, of the many bloggers hit the nail on the head when you said AND I QUOTE

    “…What we know of Hinkson publicly (before this strip club/immigrant sex worker scandal) was little but generally uplifting re integrity…”

    Could it be that you are suggesting INDIRECTLY OF COURSE, (cause you are not a man to level these accusations at a feller, LIGHTLY OR OTHERWISE, that

    a.it is because Eddie was so filled with integrity that he put aside his normal propensity or the illegal damsels and went out to close down the nightclubs?

    b.can it be that what that feller Patrick King? went on public social media and attributed to EH as being a sucker of *** so moved EH to close down the dens of his temptation?

    c.Could it be that because of the fellers involved AND THE PICTURES THAT WERE TAKEN OF EH and others that EH said “I cannot be blackmailed and wunna going be closed?”

    or is it

    d.that you are alluding to that rumour where it is said that Eddie, realizing that MUGABE IS IN FACT “…compromising …law and order” of the land and seems to be “…ordering illegal phone taps… again?? “..is significant…” enough to warrant his refusal to tap your phone and that of de ole man’s and other bajans?

    De grandson sent this Stoopid Cartoon for you with a hope that it concretizes your thoughts


  21. @ NorthernObserver

    De ole man was posting as you were writing your short and succinct paragraph

    De grandson heard what you were saying and sent this Stoopid Cartoon for you

    I hope de granson has captured your idea properly.

    If not please excuse him cause you do know that “Aluminium foil” affliction runs in the family…


  22. Oh RH, I done with this blog. Go back to the sittings just before Christmas and see who was acting in Santia’s absence. Now talking crap.😂😂😂😂

  23. “ordering illegal phone taps… again?? “.

    Many are very concerned, precautions are in order.

  24. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Enuff….why are you pretending that all of this is not going sideways, the days for pretending are over.

    What will it take…ah guess we will know soon enough.

  25. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    I wonder if the British lady in the video realises that within the UWI campus they have a mega building called “The Clico building”.

    And i’m not making this stuff up.

  26. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    Ms Stewart, may also be disappointed to know that in a radio talk show this morning a female MP who was been interviewed took exception to the term used by the talk show host when he used the term “squatters”. She was adamant that such a term was derogatory and was more concerned that the government should introduce legislation that would legalise the status of these squatters. The poor lady failed to realise that such a move would encourage all and sundry to act illegally to acquire rights to settle on any patch of land that they so desire. This is pure folly.

  27. Cant belive my ears heard that a judge sentenced a poor ole mannto i year in dodds for stealing a toenail clipper
    A clipper which in the USA would cost 99cents
    But at Massy.6.99 bds
    Not tell me does that make sense to warehouse a man at taxpayers cost for a toenail clippers
    Never heard such sh.it in my whole life.
    Question if this man goes to dodds for stealing a toe nail
    Then what should happen to Charles Herbert and to think that Charles still walking the streets a free man after hauling over a million dollars worth of drugs into barbados

  28. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    Judging from that video clip I would say that Mia looks intimidated by those thee men. Who are they? What is their profession? And why does our Prime MInister look on edge? Answers please.

  29. @45Govt

    Earlier in this blog you characteristically? stepped out of the “shadows” and made one of your rare non-biased comments.

    And interestingly enough, the honourable Blogmaster, endorsed your statement

    You said and I quote “…Fear is the key, both for street criminals and Establishment ones…. and you added that WARU is right

    I really do not know IF IT IS DAWNING ON MUGABE OR HER POOCH LICKING FOLLOWERS, or the sheeple here, or the people of Barbados, what is being birthed there in Bim

    This IS is a beast of such proportions that once it exits the lips of that vulva IT CANNOT BE REIGNED BACK IN!!

    Barbados Underground IS THE VERY LAST BASTION AGAINST THIS ENEMY and, while many here do not have the stomach for it, the tools which have to be employed to eradicate this enemy to the nation HAVE TO BE EXTREME TOOLS.

    Look 45govt.

    In your display picture/gravitar you juxtaposed a faithful firearm against some bullets from two different calibre weapons

    It seems to me to be your real weapon, one of two, since the clip is not in the weapon which is a sign of a man who shoots.

    barbados is at war!!

    It is at war with the criminals in the street AS WELL AS THE CRIMINALS IN THE HOA.

    Look how the biggest criminal of all Mubage wants to deny TB workers their gratuity WHILE SHE TEKKING A 10 % increase while lying to bajans that she and her ministers are giving 10% to charity


  30. President of the CCJ worried about increasing gun violence in the region

    President of the Caribbean court of Justice (CCJ) Justice Adrian Saunders is concerned about the spate of crime in the Caribbean region and how rapidly it is increasing.

    He told the news media earlier today that it is troublesome and the figures in the region tell the story of an issue that needs to be fixed.

    He was speaking following the swearing in ceremony of Justice Andrew Burgess who today took the oath of office as judge of the CCJ, the first Barbadian to sit on the Trinidad-based court.


  31. I hear Donville singing!!

  32. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    We should know by now that the best way to eradicate the drug’s trade would be to legalise all drugs. This would remove at a stroke corrupt politicians and would severely erode the power of the drug’s lords.

  33. Sir Simple Simon, P.C. Avatar
    Sir Simple Simon, P.C.

    @T.Inniss January 18, 20195:50 AM “…wunna think close friendships with 5 Drug lords is a good thing?”


    I myself don’t keep druggie friends.

    Don’t smoke. Never have. Don’t permit smoking in my home.

    Don’d drink. Never have. Don’t permit drinking in my home

    Don’t use any illegal drugs. Never have. Don’t permit it in my home.

    It isn’t that hard people.

    In fact it is rather easy.

    No drug use. No drug lords.

    The fellas would have to find real-real work to do.

    Wunna have to stop feeding the monsters (buying their product).

    Don’t blame the political class.

    Blame yourselves.

    And if i was a drug dealer, which I am not, I would not be so sure that any member of the political class is my friend.

    Politicians don’t have friends.

    Just idiots whom they can use.

    This is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

    My old lady, she used to talk about “rum friends”

    Rum friends are NOT anybody’s friend.

  34. Sir Simple Simon, P.C. Avatar
    Sir Simple Simon, P.C.

    @John January 18, 2019 9:47 PM “I hear Donville singing!!”

    John. You are a naughty boy.


  35. Sir Simple Simon, P.C. Avatar
    Sir Simple Simon, P.C.

    According to CBC:


    Two more indictments in case involving former cabinet minister

    There’s a major development in the money laundering case involving former Commerce Minister, Donville Inniss.

    Two more high level local officials have been indicted.

    They are former ICBL Chief Executive Officer Ingrid Innes and the company’s former Senior Vice President Alex Tasker, who is the current CEO of Digicel.

    They have been identified in a superseding indictment unsealed today, however neither Innes nor Tasker is in custody.

    The document also makes reference to another former senior ICBL employee, calling that person ICBL Executive 1 and saying the individual was the company’s Chief Financial Officer.

    The indictment alleges that between August 2015 and April 2016, Inniss engaged in a scheme to accept a bribe from ICBL and to launder the money to and through the United States.

    It further alleges that Innes and Tasker agreed to pay the bribe.

    It goes on to say that in furtherance of the scheme, Innes, Tasker and ICBL Executive 1, caused ICBL’s majority shareholder, a company in Bermuda, to make the bribe payments.

    According to the indictment, these were made to Inniss through a US bank account in the name of the New York dental company.

    When contacted this evening, Alex Tasker said he had no comment to make on the matter.

  36. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ pieceuhderockyeahright January 18, 2019 8:02 PM
    @ pieceuhderockyeahrightJanuary 18, 2019 9:28 PM

    Master Piece, you ought to change your pseudonym to “Soothsayer of de Rock right again”.

    You were 100% on the mark predicting the 30 to Love red-washing of the damn(ed) lying party.

    Now this foresight of a Mnangagwa in the making as Bajans prepare to go to war with themselves.

    Who will be the saviour of Barbados? Bush Tea is right. Bajan ass is grass for the donkey eating.

  37. Sir Simple Simon, P.C. Avatar
    Sir Simple Simon, P.C.

    I am still pissed with ICBL. They had been my insurance company for decades. Immediately after Hurricane Maria my rates went DOWN which aroused my suspicion. I asked why. Why would my rates go down after the most destructive hurricane in decades.

    Then Donville was arested, and now there are indictments for these other two, or maybe 3.

    I wonder when ICBL will repay me the money they likely got from charging me inflated rates?

  38. Sir Simple Simon, P.C. Avatar
    Sir Simple Simon, P.C.

    @pieceuhderockyeahright January 18, 2019 8:13 PM

    Do you have something against female homosexuals?

    If so, why?

  39. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Sir Simple Simon, P.C. January 18, 2019 9:59 PM
    “I myself don’t keep druggie friends.
    Don’t smoke. Never have. Don’t permit smoking in my home.
    Don’d drink. Never have. Don’t permit drinking in my home
    Don’t use any illegal drugs. Never have. Don’t permit it in my home.
    It isn’t that hard people.
    In fact it is rather easy.
    No drug use. No drug lords.
    The fellas would have to find real-real work to do.
    Wunna have to stop feeding the monsters (buying their product).
    Don’t blame the political class.
    Blame yourselves.”

    Sir Mock Doc SS P.C. Phd KCMG, KA of BU you are missing the point.

    No one other than you is recommending that people use “illegal” drugs but that all drugs used for recreational purposes should be treated on the same terms.

    That is, legally available and sold under licence with clear warnings about the side effects; just like it is done with alcohol and tobacco.

    Why aren’t you calling for bans on the sale of alcohol and tobacco as currently prevail with other recreational drugs like marijuana or the white lady?

    Is it because the taxes levied on the sale of alcohol and tobacco are used to help defray the cost of your little grand Johnny at primary and secondary schools and more than likely at tertiary level?

  40. Sir Simple Simon, P.C. Avatar
    Sir Simple Simon, P.C.

    I call for bans on the sale of all alcohol and tobacco.

    Taxing such things to fund our children’s education is evil and stupid.

  41. Sir Simple Simon, P.C. Avatar
    Sir Simple Simon, P.C.

    Ban the sale and consumption of marijuana and cocaine too.

    Forbid all psychoactive substances.

    Let people live with reality.

    Why do people need recreation?

    Wukups, Work, Worship and Wrest should be enough to keep everybody happy.

  42. Meanwhile, with the portfolio responsibility for law and order going to the Attorney General, his long list of duties now embraces Principal legal adviser to Government; Law reform and law revision; Court Administration; Legal Aid; Legal Affairs; Court Process Office; Magistrates’ Courts; Registration Department; Supreme Court; Community Legal Service Commission; Rehabilitation of Offenders Board; Director of Public Prosecutions; Financial Intelligence Unit; Anti-Money Laundering Authority and the Family Law Council.

  43. @DPD

    This the same DM that is the anointed heir of the man of many hats with whom the same PM has had major internal fights which all seemed to be quieted prior to elections and clearly still very much are !
    You forgot that the man of many hats was also engaged in a very public fight with the now demoted Minister? Whatever happened to that case?

    Interestingly Hinkson admitted that he had too much on his plate so it was a relief that the PM gave him a bit of a respite and he added

    “You will recall too that I am the only minister in the ministry, unlike some other ministries that have two ministers or parliamentary secretaries,”

    Which begs the question, is this a backhanded swipe at the PM for allocating “junior” Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries to the various Ministries while he has to struggle by himself? Or are the other Ministries over subscribed with Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries which tops off with Mia having two and other assorted Financial “gurus” in her Office.

    “Many hands make light work”


  44. There’s a major development in the money laundering case involving former Commerce Minister, Donville Inniss.

    Two more high level local officials have been indicted.

    They are former ICBL Chief Executive Officer Ingrid Innes and the company’s former Senior Vice President Alex Tasker, who is the current CEO of Digicel.

    They have been identified in a superseding indictment unsealed today, however neither Innes nor Tasker is in custody.

    The document also makes reference to another former senior ICBL employee, calling that person ICBL Executive 1 and saying the individual was the company’s Chief Financial Officer.

  45. I was reading about the ascension of Justice Burgess to the CCJ and noted this excerpt

    Quote “However, Attorney General made it clear that successive Governments have never held the view that Barbados is entitled to have a judge sitting on the region’s highest appellate body, which was established 13 years ago” Unquote

    Forgive me for asking but wasn’t Stuart issuing statements bemoaning the fact that a Bajan has yet to serve on the CCJ? And didn’t Stuart threaten to remove Barbados from the CCJ?

    Maybe Dale didn’t consider the Stuart led Gov’t to be one of those successive Gov’ts or Dale has an impaired memory.


  46. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Bunch of asses the whole lot of them obviously can’t remember from one minute to the next unless it involves stealing from the elderly and helpless.

  47. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    so when are extraditions going to be announced?

    Will the Government of Barbados honour its existing US Treaty?

    More specifically

    “…Extradition Treaty with Barbados –
    treaty doc. 105-20. 1996 u.s.t. lexis 58. february 28, 1996, date-signed.

    So given dat we have have an existing extradition treaty between the government of the united states of america and the government of barbados, signed at bridgetown on february 28, 1996
    wunna feel dat dese 3 officials voinv get lock up?

    Ammmm does wunna think dere is any truth go the rumour dat Eddie was effing around with the Uniged Stafes extradition requests and it was causing an embarrassment to Mugabes administration?

    Looka a feller doan know what to believe

    All dese rumours

    1.Dat Eddie get relieve because uh de whores from overseas

    2.Dat Eddie was not obeying Mugabe’s instructions about Wiretapping got him fired.


    3.this last one circulating about Eddie “trying to subvert justice because he was protecting one client and a personal friend” this ?

    Whuloss dere are so many rumours going around.

    It is a good ting de ole man is a strong believer and practicer of exposing truth

    Good ting de ole man was NOT a conspiracist or a feller in that tag team dat is said to be “promoting anarchy and intent on destabilising the Mugabe regime”


  48. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item here thank you

  49. Talking Loud @ 9:20 p.m.

    You are the only person who seemed to have noticed the ABSOLUTE FEAR ON MIA’S FACES AS THESE 4 DRUG DONS GOT SHE GRABBLE UP IN AN EMBRACE.

    I am very grateful to the Blog Moderator for publishing that video.

    A picture tells a thousand words – and that picture is telling a Cazillion words – effen yuh know wuh I mean.

    Imagine the prime minister of the country – note not a minister or former minister ( bad enough though that might be) – but the prime minister who has responsibility for NATIONAL SECURITY my friend is so compromised because of her dealings with these underworld criminals that she have to subject herself WITH FEAR TO DEM DRUG DONS SAYING -“STOP HERE MIA AND LET WE SHOW THEM YUH IS WE BUDDY – TEK THAT PICTURE BOY”

    Wunna Barbados in trouble hear.

    While we could speculate about the reason for Hinkson demotion – THERE IS NOTHING TO SPECULATE ABOUT WHAT IS IN OUR FACES WITH THAT VIDEO.

    Now in any other Caribbean country – Jamaica,,Trinidad,Guyana – or even places like St Vincent – that video which has been in the public domain for a while would have been the subject of newspaper articles, commentary on Radio talk shows, editorials etc.

    So far only Barbados Today – when Kaymar Jordan was in charge – wrote an editorial speaking out against the 5 KNOWN DRUG LORDS BEING INVITED TO PARLIAMENT BY MIA.

    Now I have some questions for the BLP Agents






    ARTAX commented on this already so he will not be included here

    Will you continue to be more concerned about your piece of the fatted calf than the future of the country ?

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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