Submitted by Sunshine Sunny Shine (SSS)
mia mottley
Posted to Imgur

When the Mottley led BLP were in opposition, startling revelations by them suggested that the then DLP Stuart led government was corrupt, dishonest, and happily kept silent on important matters that should have engaged the public’s interest.

Mottley, agitated by the sequence of disturbing events unfolding under Stuart and his team, fought to have a moral basis established in Barbados politics. She pursued this basis by first tabling a move to have the then speaker of the house, Michael Carrington resign on grounds that his action in a money matter involving an elderly gentleman was unethical and immoral. So incensed was she, that several walking out of parliament became the protest action norm against this obvious condoning of inappropriate conduct.

She furthered her quest for moral politics by bringing the integrity of Freundel Stuart into the spot light. Stuart who wanted persons to believe that he was honest and upright, lied to the Barbadian people when he said he was unaware of the doings in the Cahill deal, when he had signed of on it many months before.

Fast forwarding to the Mia Amor Mottley who is now Prime Minister of Barbados, we are left to wonder what happened to that ethical and moral compass she brought to bear against Stuart and his DLP colleagues. A compass that many felt would be the change that Barbadians long for. Unfortunately, it was short lived.

For starters, there are serious accusations against two of Mottley ministers in the form of Payne and Marshall that have not once been addressed by her. If Carrington’s action was unethical, then any claims concerning inappropriateness by two ministers should have brought her moral compass to bear down on them.

Then there is the matter of her bloated cabinet versus those struggling civil servants sent home as the sacrificial few to keep the whole intact. Why only the bottom and not the top. Certainly this is ground to bring your ethical compass to forefront of things and show Barbadians that you everyone must make sacrifices including the top.

Then there is the tweaking of the constitution to accommodate two friends, but no investigations launch into the financial issues surrounding those of the Democratic Labour Party accused of corruption. Or. no quick move to have legislation put in place to deal with minister corruption, collusion, and wheel and deal.

The SSS has frequently stated that Mottley is a rogue and if she is to believed, otherwise, it certainly cannot be proven when she wants to bestow upon her father a knighthood that is not deserving at this time.

462 responses to “The Mottley Saga – A Promise of Change but More of the Same”

  1. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ David

    I recall saying that we we’re punching again. I never said that we doing it “above our weight”. As a matter of fact I recall saying that while we are punching we are not ready for heavyweight championships quite yet. But what I’ve said certainly substantiates the notion that we’re punching again.

  2. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ Hal

    I appreciate the advice and will take into serious consideration

  3. The truth this is a non point although we pundits understand what Mia is trying to do by using the language of hyperbole. Bear in mind the talk about the term is because Mia indicated on the floor of the house Barbados had regained its capacity to punch above its weight.

    Contrary to advice you were just given, BU is a great place to hone your debating skills. We have actors here who operate in every sphere from the dullards to the intelligent.

  4. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar
    Jeff Cumberbatch

    The modern meaning od punching above one’s weight is not at all flattering-

    To be in a situation that requires powers or abilities that one does not possess.

  5. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ David

    Please remember that my name is not Mia Mottley and therefore I am not obliged to agree blindly with everything she says and does. I understand why she used that turn of phrase. It can be true depending on how you look at it. We may be punching above our weight again by virtue of doing what needs to be done although we’re not there yet, as definitive action shows that we have the capacity to punch above our weight. However, I prefer to day that we’re punching again,m and that we’re on our way to punching above our weight.

  6. Let us agree to disagree. We have moved from minus to 0 to use a simple analogy. We have not achieved a damn thing yet if we peep at the economic KPIs.

  7. @ Common Sense,
    The reality is that Mia Motley, the prime minister, has an irreversibly inflated idea of how clever she is. It is a myth, but she believes it and her fans are too in awe to tell her the truth. She would do a lot for herself and Barbados if she got some honest people round her.

  8. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ Jeff

    Your definition on a cursory glance actually made sense to me, but I decided to check it out anyway. Macmillan Dictionaries defines it as the following:

    a country or organization that is punching above its weight has more influence internationally than its size would suggest
    E.g. Many would consider Britain’s role to be a prime example of a small country punching above its weight.

    And in another place as succeeding in an area where it SEEMS that more resources or whatever is needed than what the person/country would appear to have. Taken from boxing where a fighter triumphs over another who is heavier and such like and should win.

    I hope that this clarifies.

  9. “which unlike the typical BU keyboard warrior who is an aged man or woman, who has spent a lifetime in a boring job and is now in the twilight of their years, angry with the world and awaiting the grim-reaper..”

    So skilled at describing ya own self..

  10. Why do I pick on you two guys.

    Somehow I get the impression you are young and smart. However, it seems as if your calculations include getting thirty pieces of silver.

    If you continue on this path, you will become the MCarrington and GPayne of the future. This politicAl and legal trickery and excuses is a part of the DNA that all of Barbados should try to correct.

    The future of Barbados lies in your hands, but your role models are deeply flawed. It’s not a B or D thing. It’s not about making excuses because “it’s your guys at bat”…. it’s about core values… right is right and wrong is wrong… live that

  11. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar
    Jeff Cumberbatch

    Your definition on a cursory glance actually made sense to me, but I decided to check it out anyway. Macmillan Dictionaries defines it as the following:

    a country or organization that is punching above its weight has more influence internationally than its size would suggest
    E.g. Many would consider Britain’s role to be a prime example of a small country punching above its weight.

    @ITNOCS, I suppose then it depends on the power of the punch. But is not punching above one;s weight similar to “running above one’s maximum speed”? The phrase id unhelpful!

  12. @Jeff

    It is a Prime Minister in a bleak period using speech to whip up confidence in a people suffering from economic fatigue a la Churchill.

  13. Before we dissect ‘punching above your weight’, I want to know your weight class…

    Don’t be a light flyweight and step up to me….

  14. Steupsss
    Look people.
    Kofi Annan was a fellow much like Jeff.
    Much too intelligent for his actual calling,
    Much too decent to contend with riff raff like Bushie (and like typical Bajan brass bowl politicians..)
    and MUCH to politically correct to call a spade a spade… so hence the double speak…

    When therefore he was asked to comment on Barbados’ position in the global economy,
    he said -QUITE HONESTLY – something to the effect that…
    ‘Barbados is a country that is punching above its weight in world affairs’.

    Shiite man….
    Here is a man that was dealing with Russia, USA, the EU China etc on a day to day basis…
    wunna invite the poor man to wunna little shiite house ….and demand a ‘comment’ on how wunna doing…

    Now If Kofi had a whacker he would have said:::
    Wunna best keep wunna little RH quiet before somebody tek wunna without Vaseline.

    Jeff would have said something like ”
    Barbados is doing generally well in the present circumstances, however with the multitude of challenges in a world of uncertainties, the maxim about “cockroach nuh business inna fowl fight” may be appropriate.

    …and of course, Bushie would have said:
    Punching shiite!!
    wunna better deal with the lotta crooks inna wunna parliament … .else wunna ass is grass.

    But (like GP’s Trinity) these statements are all the same ….
    ha ha ha

  15. ” According to Prime Minister Mottley, the LESC facility had been restored to its educational purpose.”

    Is there a new Trade show and Convention centre in Barbados ?

  16. “It is a Prime Minister in a bleak period using speech to whip up confidence in a people suffering from economic fatigue a la Churchill”

    Mia could as well stop wasting time with all the bullshit talk cause THE ELECTORATE…when SEVERING DLP from the parliament…NEVER FORGOT..that BLP ministers were SEVERED from the parliament in 2008…for bribery corruption and thefts from the people and selling out the people…. with the same Bizzy, Cow, Maloney, Harris crooks she is STILL in bed with today. …..none of the crooks changed, they will never change…

    So she may as well LOCK UP DLP THIEVES..instead of PROTECTING THEM…to protect herself..

    If she thinks the people forgot..sadly mistaken..that is ALL THEY TALK ABOUT….and they are not AMUSED with the SHITE GAMES..Mia is protect her friends at the expense of the people who lost billions of dollars because of all these demons with titles and decades of lost opportunities for the majority population because of ALL their gluttony. thefts and greed.

    A vivid reminder lest Mia and her yardfowls continue to PRETEND that none of it happened.

  17. n the Name of Common Sense January 5, 2019 11:21 AM

    @ David

    Real mature comment. I can now safely relegate you to the ranks of the contemptible SSS, WARU and Hal Austin.

    Hal, you desperate for friends or what?????? When you are kissing ass you should make sure that it has at least cleaned the shit off first! What heart in the right place what?!!!!! You are the only one who has not discerned the character of this piece. Or is it enough that they PURPORT to be against “foul language” preferring instead to speak “fowl.”

    P.S. In the Name of Common Shite has/have already informed us that he/she/they is/are older than most of us here. Have they corrected you on your false assumption? NO!

    DECEIT is the name of the game here.

    I have, reluctantly, to agree with Bushie, yet again. You are indeed an idiot!

    You continue to swallow your chocolate, sorry shit, crap, excrement, faecal matter or whatever is the clean shite term you prefer.

  18. In the Name of Common Sense January 5, 2019 2:37 PM

    @ Donna

    I didn’t want to say this but a person who thinks that postulate is a so called “big word” really can’t have too much up top. As if to reinforce your infantile nature, the whole concept of flushing is so absolutely retarded, I think my 4yr old great niece could come up with something better.

    @ WARU

    I suspect that I am older than the vast majority of you in here. At least that would be a good excuse for the lack of mature intellectual discussion emanating from you.

  19. Hal Austin January 6, 2019 5:09 PM

    @ Common Sense,

    You appear to be a young, intelligent man with an interest in politics, which is very good. May I advise you as an older chap that you take yourself away from the cauldron that is BU, do a bit more reading and thinking before re-joining?
    Your heart is in the right place, but your arguments are immature – which unlike the typical BU keyboard warrior who is an aged man or woman, who has spent a lifetime in a boring job and is now in the twilight of their years, angry with the world and awaiting the grim-reaper.

  20. In the Name of Common Sense January 6, 2019 5:15 PM

    @ Hal

    I appreciate the advice and will take into serious consideration

  21. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ Donna

    Do you have anything meaningful to contribute or are you only in the business of personalities and bashing them?

    Additionally quite frankly my age is just about as relevant as the awarding of a knighthood to Elliot Mottley, I.e. completely irrelevant. I’ve said it once, in regard to my age and I won’t say it again. Good attempt at trying to distract the conversation, but unfortunately for you it is completely transparent. I’m not aware that at anytime you sought to confront the issues. My suggestion to you would be to spend some more time on that and less time debasing yourself with the foul language suitable not for civil conversation but only for fowls in the yard.

  22. Is Common Shite:

    A young man

    A young woman

    An old man

    An old woman

    A multiple personality

    Some compilation of the above?

  23. So why is it that when the Mottley’s are confronted with statements which alleges them to have used unethical practices for gainsake they head for the courts for recourse .
    Is it an attempt to cower and keep people in fear of not attempting to speak anything that is unethical or inso much as to give reason into beliving that the Mottley’s have skeletons in their closets

  24. What could be more meaningful than exposing your duplicity?

    He who lies in the small things often lies in the big things.

    Liars LIE!

    In other words when bowels open you should expect shite to come out.

    But my well is still full. I expect the cleaners will soon be here.

    Bombs away!

  25. Friend, Bajans, Countymen,

    Lend me your ears!

    I come not to debate liars but to expose them!

  26. Donna

    What is the matter?

    I’ve never “seen” you in this mood before?

    While you’re at it exposing the liars……….how about exposing the hypocrites as well?

  27. Friends

  28. Home News Arthur: I didn’t…
    Arthur: I didn’t approve tax waivers

    Added 14 May 2018

    Former Prime Minister Owen Arthur.
    Former Prime Minister Owen Arthur has confirmed that Elliott Mottley, father of Barbados Labour Party (BLP) leader Mia Mottley, did apply for a tax waiver.

    Emotional Mottley breaks down in…
    PM being “best friend” to the Bees…
    In the same breath, however, Arthur has maintained that he denied approving any such waiver and also left it up to the BLP leader to clear the air.

    Arthur was speaking yesterday during a Press conference at Barbados Today in Lodge Hill, St Michael, as he responded to statements made by Prime Minister Freundel Stuart on Sunday night.

    “I am in a position to say that I am aware of the fact that Miss Mottley’s father would have applied to me for a waiver of the tax,” he said.

    Arthur noted that ministers of finance reserved the right to waive a tax with the approval of Cabinet on the condition the matter was also taken to Parliament and approved at that level.

    While denying his approval of such an event, Arthur explained he could not confirm if the waiver took place behind his back, as Stuart suggested.

    “Elliott Deighton Mottley had two judgments lodged against him for monies due and owing to the Income Tax Department upwards of $1 million

  29. Hello, Artax!

    Don’t tell me you too have put on a stuffed shirt????/

    Who has determined that shite is a foul word? God or man?

    I will not dignify obvious shite by debating it.

    I will not play political games when the very lives of the people of Barbados are at stake.

    This is a change or die situation for many Barbadians.

    II hope you are not falling into the common fallacy that it is more sinful to name the shite rather than to actually do it.

    I have already admitted to being the proud granddaughter of a very smart and independent fisherman.

    You notice whom Christ called first – the fisherman. They would be more inclined to call shite shite. He took them out to speak TRUTH to the greedy, duplicitous, power hungry, double dealing hypocritical powers that be.

    So… you mentioned hypocrites. When I find them I will expose them.

  30. “I will not play political games when the very lives of the people of Barbados are at stake.”

    I wish BU bloggers and the Barbados populi as a whole understand that this is the REALITY…in real time..

    Your leaders are BRAIN DEAD AND CORRUPT…they still. believe they can GET AWAY WITH your, your children, grandchildren and future generation’s EXPENSE.

    One only has to look and examine the games they are not playing with the people, post election, to see where all this is headed.

  31. “This is a change or die situation for many Barbadians.”

    pretty much…all the demons from UK…to everywhere…. are lining up accordingly..

  32. Mariposa @ 9:16 a.m.

    Thank you very much.

    Pay particular attention to the last sentence in that post : ” Elliot Mottley had two judgements lodged against him for monies due and owing to the Income Tax upwards of 1 million.

    I think that there alone qualifies him for an award of a Shitehood – don’t you think ?

  33. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Donna the Esteemed…

    It is indeed a great day when another soldier rises up from the roots that has become Barbados and says “No More”

    And this is precisely the thing that has been happening here on Barbados Underground and which has moved from a spark to a full fledged flame

    You said and I quote

    “…I will not play political games when the very lives of the people of Barbados are at stake.

    This is a change or die situation for many Barbadians…”

    This is change or die for all Barbadians!!!

    The Despotic Ambitions and Plans of Mugabe Mottley CANNOT AND WILL NOT BE STOPPED BY SILENCE.

    To remain silent is to die.

    It is apparent now to many Bajans where Mia Amor Mottley is going.

    It is a place where a few of us knew she was going, EVEN BEFORE SHE STARTED and warned ALL OF YOU ABOUT, but no one had the balls to fight



    If your voices and feelings are not broadcast AND IF, LIKE YOU, YOU REFUSE TO FOLLOW THE SCRIPT OF THESE BANES TO COMMON SENSE, then the battle is already lost.

    DO NOT PAUSE FOR ONE MOMENT DONNA, your son’s existence and personal liberty depends on it

  34. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item for Donna

  35. One only has to look and examine the games they are NOW playing with the people, post election, to see where all this is headed.

  36. Agree T. Inniss now Eliott wants to turn the matter into a hot ball of wax which might turn against him when the truth is exposed
    Notice how silent David and the blp gangsters are on this story
    Remember David as of recent run headfirst to state Mottley version of the facts but remains silent on the printed version of what OSA told the media

  37. But at least David did point out to that Blp Agent ‘needing common sense’ who was sent on the blog – that the waiver and the award were not good optics.

    Hopefully it is a start that we will see more of.

    Mariposa can you get Stuart bloodline speech he gave on the platform in Waterford ?

    I tried looking but have not been able to locate it.

  38. So typical..they ignore JUDGEMENTS from the JUDGES at the supreme court because they believe they are entitled to ignore judges…..and just do whatever pleases and benefits them..

    remember fraudulent Fruendolittle and the tiefer of the house Carrington..

    ..Justice Cornelius..who was appointed by the same useless DLP…made a judgement that the elderly wheelchair bound man should have his property and money returned to him by the tiefing lawyer…a judgement for christ sake…

    …..and what does fraudulent fruendolittle…a PRIME MINISTER and LAWYER. tell THE THIEF…….not, pay the money immediately..oh no…he told him get a lawyer..just to TORMENT that elderly man for many more years to steal his popety and ALL his money…that is what you get from government ministers and lawyers in Barbados.

    ..DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE… it relates to the majority population and their human rights..

  39. Fruendolittle told him get a lawyer..just to TORMENT that elderly man for many more years ..AND HOPE AND PRAY THAT HE DIES…to steal his PROPERTY and ALL his money…

  40. So just imagine what Mia et al will be telling their fellow lowlifes…eg…the theft of estates from beneficiaries and their offspring…like the Jackie Stewart matter that cannot even go into the supreme court because the lawyers AND THEIR BUDDY THE JUDGE…. ALREADY used the supreme court to TIEF THE ESTATE……from her mother…and sell a portion of it and pocketed the damn money…cause the beneficiary did not receive any money, gave no approval for the sale, did not even know her property was sold by 2 lawyers/now government ministers..

    I wonder if it has occurred to any of these LEARNED ATTORNEYS…just HOW that shite they do to vulnerable, unaware elderly people AND their LIVING beneficiaries…WILL RETURN TO BITE THEM ALL..

  41. Mottley arrogance shines boldly in this matter even in the face of evidence which shows he did not pay over a million dollars in taxes and accumulated penalties
    In so much thst he is willing to risk further unethical practices attached to his name if this matter is brought to the court

  42. Piece I am just tired of Barbados going round in circles. Mia promised change and asked us to give her the vote and watch her.

    I upheld my end of the bargain. I, like most Barbadians were afraid to vote for any other party because they feared spitting the vote thereby leaving the door open for the failed government of the DLP. They were not about to change without any incentive. A return to power would have DEFINITELY sent them the wrong message. We hoped and prayed that the BLP realized that the fatted calf was starving and the golden goose was too old to lay. We hoped common sense would dictate that they would at least wait until the cow was fed and we had raised a new goose before arrogance set in again.

    I am watching but all I see so far is the same arrogant attitude that we voted out. That knighthood thing speaks to ATTITUDE. ATTITUDE is the most important indicator of future actions.

    Employers always look to attitude as an indicator for a good hire. We have hired these servants and their attitude so far sucks!

    But these BLP agents want to fool me that attitude is irrelevant. Attitude is EVERYTHING!

    That is me at 7:45!

    It is now up to them to prove me wrong. They will achieve the opposite by sending jackasses to shite on BU.

    ‘Politics is a blood sport.” Thus says Prodigal on another thread.

    But governing should be no game. I am NOT playing.

    Is governing for them also a blood sport?

  43. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    In the name of Common Sense

    I now get back here.

    You have not answered my questions, so I am asking you again.

    A) Those persons who have not paid millions of dollars in taxes but are forgiven (according to Caswell Franklyn’s account) by legislation pass to help them breathe much easier is Mia’s way of handling a long-term wrong. Was she right to do this knowing full well that Barbados needs the money and that some of the situations involving some business persons not paying taxes were a result of the close relationships they share with politicians on both sides?

    B) Will Mia Mottley launch serious investigations into the wrongdoings of the DLP? Will she follow up on her PAC report or provide more teeth for the PAC to go after government ministers who break the financial rules. For example, will we see former Ministers, Lashley, Kellman, and Sinckler summons to hearings to testify about certain undesirable financial practices?

    C) What is stopping Mia from rushing through legislation (just like she did for matters important to her) that would allow Ministers to be held accountable for their actions, Freedom of Information, Whistleblower legislation, and giving the Auditor General the type of muscle that would allow him to go further instead of mere reporting?

    Those were the three questions I wanted you to answer. I waiting again.

  44. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    You made some good points. The BLP got kicked out for their arrogance and the fact that several of their ministers were accused of doing just what Donville, Michael, Chris, Dennis by two equals Low Lowe and others were doing. Already we have a hint of what is to come with this BLP administration when Glyne Clarke declared in the midst of an economic mess that he wants more salary. The BLP ain’t no white linens, and this masking of their wolves under all the rhetoric will be removed very soon to show their true colours. I bet you that if any of Mia ministers are accused of being on the take that she ain’t going to do one shite with none of them. Lord, let the rogue prove me wrong. I want so much to be wrong!

  45. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    I read with a level of fascination the comments above from WARU, Donna, T Inniss and others. It is a change or die moment Donna. We in this country were presented that change or die proposal in May last year, but it still exists albeit in a different form. Barbadians must decide whether they want to make a paradigm shift from how we’ve always done it (which has gotten us far but not far enough), a change in the mentality of Bajans in the second half of the first century of independent Barbados’ history; do we want to shed those bad things about us – gossiping, laziness, entitlements etc. – or do we want to die as a country. That is the challenge. In May we decided that the only way to live was to change to the BLP and Mottley. In January today the only way to get back to prosperity and then develop as a nation is to change our had habits and get on board with the Government. If as you say you voted for the BLP in the last election I would think you did that for a reason. And I believe that reason is that you felt Mottley and her team were capable of doing that which needed to be done. She has done so far what needed to be done and she has more to do as do us all. So let us not be distracted by trivial matters. What we face is too great an existential challenge to allow for division and downright wutlessness. The Queens New Years Honours is an annual thing that requires a name. You all profess to be opposed to it so who gives a damn who receives an award that you so obviously dislike? As I’ve said time and again this matter and those other trivia do not change the facts. We need unity now, not people trying their earnest to put hurdles and cry down the government when strides are being made in the right direction. When mistakes are made criticize, when right is done commend. But there is no room for the blood sport of slander, gossip and vulgarity. The mission is too great. It is about the future of Barbadian generations not about you, Donna or WARU or me or Mottley or Atherley or any of us.

  46. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    I like what you are saying, girl. It is not that I am opposed to the honour; it is just the timing under a set of circumstances that presents itself as a slap in the face of bajans. You just sent a few hundred civil servants packing, you tell them their sacrifice will not be in vain, then you bestow a royalty upon your father! You mean you could not give yourself two years into your term as PM to do so, but six months after bajans decided for you at the polls. I am not prepared to entertain this rogue in her sweet sounding rhetoric and be bamboozled by pretty sounding things. Caswell is right to call her out on these several bothersome decisions of hers.

  47. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ SSS

    I have answered your question but if you’d like me to reiterate I’d be happy to.

    Firstly, tax write off were given for a period of 32 years (1968-2000). This decision was recommended by BRA as the taxes accumulated in that period were accrued by persons many of whom may no longer be with us and the cost of going after defaulters from that period would be futile as so much time had elapsed. To say that a whole host of people owing taxes were given a write off to accommodate a few is handy perversion of the truth for Franklyn and I suspect you too.

    Finally, I am not a member of the Cabinet of Barbados nor am I the Cabinet Secretary or some similarly senior civil servant with knowledge of these things nor do I counsel the PM of Barbados. So I can’t tell you when or if she is going to go after these corrupt people you mentioned. What I can say is that criminal investigations (1) take time [the Americans just didn’t wake up on May 25th and decide to investigate Donville] and (2) investigations are to be handled by the independent police force not by the political directorate. Additionally if any member of the former Administration is charged with corruption, he would have to be charged under the existing Prevention of Corruption Act of 1920 the punishment for which is a few hundred dollars. So to charge them before the new laws are passed is mute. As it relates to the Integrity legislation, it is my considered opinion that that shouldn’t be rushed through but instead should attract as much engagement as possible with the experts and the general public to create the best document possible.

    I hope I won’t have to respond to the same questions again.

  48. “So to charge them before the new laws are passed is mute. ”’s not MOOT…

    ….ya nuisance AG …already hinted ERRONEOUSLY….and WITH GREAT DECEIT….that he cannot make the new laws RETROACTIVE..WHICH IS A boldfaced lie…

    …….plus the CROOKS …himself included, DRAFTED the integrity legislation already AND drafted in a 2 YEAR STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS……INSTEAD of the 15 ….. or 20 year statute of limitations that would clean up all the thefts, bribery and corruption in the parliament, judiciary, treasury and pension fund..

    so as usual…ya are merely full of shit..

    plus there ALREADY EXISTS…money laundering, thefts and other laws that could lock up thieving DLP exministers…

    besides…where is the RED BAG OF EVIDENCE Mia was waving around pre and post election that she had PROOF OF CORRUPTION….

    ….wuh with evidence there is no need for any long drawn out investigation…

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