Submitted by Sunshine Sunny Shine (SSS)
mia mottley
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When the Mottley led BLP were in opposition, startling revelations by them suggested that the then DLP Stuart led government was corrupt, dishonest, and happily kept silent on important matters that should have engaged the public’s interest.

Mottley, agitated by the sequence of disturbing events unfolding under Stuart and his team, fought to have a moral basis established in Barbados politics. She pursued this basis by first tabling a move to have the then speaker of the house, Michael Carrington resign on grounds that his action in a money matter involving an elderly gentleman was unethical and immoral. So incensed was she, that several walking out of parliament became the protest action norm against this obvious condoning of inappropriate conduct.

She furthered her quest for moral politics by bringing the integrity of Freundel Stuart into the spot light. Stuart who wanted persons to believe that he was honest and upright, lied to the Barbadian people when he said he was unaware of the doings in the Cahill deal, when he had signed of on it many months before.

Fast forwarding to the Mia Amor Mottley who is now Prime Minister of Barbados, we are left to wonder what happened to that ethical and moral compass she brought to bear against Stuart and his DLP colleagues. A compass that many felt would be the change that Barbadians long for. Unfortunately, it was short lived.

For starters, there are serious accusations against two of Mottley ministers in the form of Payne and Marshall that have not once been addressed by her. If Carrington’s action was unethical, then any claims concerning inappropriateness by two ministers should have brought her moral compass to bear down on them.

Then there is the matter of her bloated cabinet versus those struggling civil servants sent home as the sacrificial few to keep the whole intact. Why only the bottom and not the top. Certainly this is ground to bring your ethical compass to forefront of things and show Barbadians that you everyone must make sacrifices including the top.

Then there is the tweaking of the constitution to accommodate two friends, but no investigations launch into the financial issues surrounding those of the Democratic Labour Party accused of corruption. Or. no quick move to have legislation put in place to deal with minister corruption, collusion, and wheel and deal.

The SSS has frequently stated that Mottley is a rogue and if she is to believed, otherwise, it certainly cannot be proven when she wants to bestow upon her father a knighthood that is not deserving at this time.

462 responses to “The Mottley Saga – A Promise of Change but More of the Same”

  1. Again to be FAIR, many of those Haitians that arrived in Barbados were duped by unscrupulous individuals into believing they were jobs available here.

    Although they were granted the mandatory 6 months stay, those Haitians came here with airline tickets that were valid for three (3) weeks and satisfied immigration they had enough resources to cover their living expenses for that period of time.

    Their plight came about after they did not find employment and their airline tickets expired.

    It should be noted that, in 2008, “scam artists” used posters to advertise jobs were available in Barbados with at pay rate of US$10 per hour and duped several Nigerians and Ghanaians into coming here in search pf those jobs.

    What should be of CONCERN is the EASE with which illegal immigrants have been able to ESCAPE the custody of immigration officers. Over the years, several Africans have escaped custody, many of whom were captured in Bridgetown.

    There was a time that, despite calls from immigration officials to “turn themselves in,” 16 illegal Africans were being housed by Barbadians.

  2. Artax

    I hope you aren’t the last person in Barbados to know that the Immigration Department in Barbados is corupted?

  3. ….as I said before if it was guyanese that wanted to go back home there would be no shortage of donations from the bajan public. Lexicon you probably banged a few, get your friends together and help your brothers out.

  4. “Don’t forget Mia promised the Belle Squatters that she will regularize them on that Zone 1 piece of Barbadian property.”

    T. Inniss

    And the clown that now represents St. John also promised to acquire the land that people in St. John are squatting on.

  5. Lawson

    When I lived in Barbados the only West Indians I really was acquainted with were St. Lucians, vincentians, and Dominicans, but I had never met a Jamaican, Guyanese, or a Trinidadian etc until I arrived in the US.

  6. A question for the legal experts –

    Do we in Barbados have a law on our books authorizing the confiscation of the proceeds of crime?

    If we do then that surely answers the question – what immediate good would it do for Bajan pockets to pursue the corrupt practices of politicians past.

    I’m just asking and saying.

    As to the pulse of Bajans on this shitehood issue –

    I was round and about taking that pulse yesterday in my usual loquacious way. I met only ONE person who defended it by the specious argument that it was the Queen who did the shiting. Well, if the queen did the shiting Mia gave her the laxative. And it STILL STINKS!.

    Two Saturdays ago a man stoutly defended Mia and thought me unreasonable for holding her to manifesto
    time frames. He disregarded the lies as usual political campaign strategy and urged me to give her the time she has asked for to get the island back in shape. Last Saturday I had to inform him that she had awarded her father a shitehood. His response –


  7. The laws are ALREADY THERE TO DEAL WITH DLP THIEVES…both past and present, money laundering laws are recent… it is just a matter of making them…RETROACTIVE… to encompass the last 20 years…that is what the CURRENT CROOKS do not want to do…trying to bob and weave to get away from actually doing the right thing…because that timeline falls under all the crimes THEY COMMITTED…while in office under OWEN, the reason why the electorate KICKED THEM TO THE CURB…and out of the parliament in 2008…

    then…if they make the current laws retroactive for 10 years to lock up their fellow DLP crooks, they will THEN return the favour and out Mia and her circus clowns…and all the crimes they too committed against the people and against the island pre 2008….lol

  8. Isn’t it strange that a Minister of the Gov’t has to go to an online publication to complain about someone blocking a “cart road”?
    Couldn’t she phone; text; email; whatapp; facebook or carrier pigeon a note to her Ministerial colleague(s) about the legality of the action? Notice one of the supporters of the Gov’t on this blog has said that the Gov’t is improving communication ah wonder if Jong is on vacation.

    This should be a simple matter it is either legal or illegal if it is illegal the Gov’t should remove the obstacle and bill the responsible individual(s) but if “many hands make light work”, “too many cooks spoil the broth” and we are cooking an unpalatable stew.

  9. “I met only ONE person who defended it by the specious argument that it was the Queen who did the shiting. Well, if the queen did the shiting Mia gave her the laxative. And it STILL STINKS!.”

    lol..that is how they fool gullible, simple minded people on the island…making them believe the witch in her palace woke up one day and decided to give some lowlife criminal in Barbados a title, it never enters their clouded minds that the witch don’t give a shit about Mia or Elliott and it is their fellow criminals present their names to the witch…who gives these titles away even to those who clean her toilets…her yards…her pots and pans…her mirror, her gutters…etc…

  10. “This should be a simple matter it is either legal or illegal if it is illegal the Gov’t should remove the obstacle and bill the responsible individual(s) ”

    it’s a government briber being blamed for don’t expect much…except for another dog and pony show with nuff, nuff promises to do something..just like the illegal obstruction built at the entrance of Coverley that caused the child’s death and the mother was arrested to prevent he winning a wrongful death suit…..same corrupt demon that was unleashed on the people when BLP and then DLP created the monster that is Maloney..

  11. Donna

    Well done for getting the pulse of the people.I am getting the same response.

    People are not liking Mia’s actions one bit – and despite the spin being put out by the agents on this blog – People are saying they were hoping for change – but they are not liking the exchange they got.

    I smell smoke – fire is surely close behind.

  12. Imagine the nerve of Comissiong asking barbadians (who are themselves) in need of financial help pleading with barbadians to buy return tickets for the Haitians ti to back to Haiti

  13. Commissiong and Mottley insisted on creating this Haitian problem
    Now wanting to place the problem of finding a solution (to these )Haitians plight on the backs of financially strapped barbadians
    What fukkng nerve

  14. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    @ Lexicon


    I hope you aren’t the last person in Barbados to know that the Immigration Department in Barbados is corupted

    %1000 CORRECT.

  15. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ Donna

    As I told David I don’t know where you live and whose pulse you took though I suspect that it was only a few persons of similar mind to you. I can assert that if CADRES was to commission a poll at this moment the vast majority of Bajans (90%) would Express indifference with the knighthood and the other trivial things that you all raise incessantly, with the other 10 evenly spread between agree and disagree.

    A General Comment

    I have neither the time nor the stomach really to respond individually to the comments of WARU, Piece, SSS and Mariposa (T. Inniss is a lightweight in comparison to those 4). So I will let a general comment suffice. Here are few inconsistencies that you all spout regularly

    A. Mia is Mugabe according to you all yet she cozies up to business according to you all.

    B. You criticize the govt for supposedly rushing through some things and supposedly getting them wrong, yet you want her to rush through anti corruption legislation although it seems to matter so much to you all that I would have thought you wanted it done properly. WARU (or Piece, can’t remember) went so far as to proclaim that in light of what happened under the Dems and the campaign promises of the Bees it should be rushed through (obviously then with little thought just knee jerk)

    Those are only two of the most glaring but as I said I haven’t the time.

    To finish up, there is NO evidence that Haitians are overrunning Barbados. Those few folks were part of an unfortunate scam. With any new policy there will be teething problems. With any policy at all there will be cracks for people to fall threw. Vehicular accidents are one of the biggest causes of death internationally but we don’t stop driving. Rather we encourage safety, wearing seatbelts dont drink and drive etc.

    Finally as I told David I am NOT Mia Mottley and I am NOT a member of Cabinet. Neither am I the PRO or the BLP nor do I want to take Charlie’s job as Director of Communications. The point of saying that then is to say that i am not bound to agree with everything Mia, the Labour Party or the Government does. I do believe the anti corruption legislation should be retroactive, I do believe we need FOIA and strengthen the Audiotr Generals power. But I also understand the trepidation of a new govt at doing such things but notwithstanding they are the right things to so and should be done. I pay taxes so I have the right to know from the Auditor General on a regular basis the accurate financial state of the various government departments and SOEs and the same for FOIA and all the others. So I think that if you all feel so strongly about it you should shut up for once and actually do something. I think you all have gotten so carried away with this Mugabe nonsense that you forget we live in a democracy where we have a Select Committee of Parliament that is taking memoranda from the ordinary citizenry. So I encourage you to write them, detailing these thing because you do have a few good ideas. If you’re not satisfied with the response organize yourselves into a movement calling upon govt to act. That is when democracy works at its best not when folks sit around the house complaining about everything. Just as you demand the govt to act it is incumbent upon you as a citizen to act when you feel something isn’t being done to your satisfaction. I suppose though that many of you are too comfortable safely hidden behind your pseudonyms and would never venture to such public action.

  16. “But I also understand the trepidation of a new govt at doing such things but notwithstanding they are the right things to so and should be done.”

    What new government…half that cabinet was in the Owen government…and they too got thrown out by the electorate in 2008…for CORRUPTION..

    so when did they have their come to jesus moment…???

    talking shite..

  17. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ WARU

    I assume that you haven’t the ovarian fortitude to exercise your democratic rights and advocate for something you do obviously fervently believe in?

  18. Never ASS U. ME.

  19. Common Sense continue to kill them with facts,most of which they cannot dispute.The corruption expert says the same thing everyday of all this corruption,i told her to take it to the DPP,she start backtracking talking about the credentials of the lady,as a cop out,pure shite talk.The other clown Piece I offered him a suggestion to form his own Party to oust according to him Mugabe in 2023 and he too start telling me about what Bush Tea said,a red herring,no balls at all just more shite talk.As far as the other tag team members like Donna,SSS,T Inniss and Mariposa if you notice the follow behind each other saying the same thing everyday.They somehow believe if they say the same thing everyday that it will convince sensible Bajans that the redwash was a mistake maybe as far as they are concerned,but they are certainly in the minority.I believe most Bajans understand the dire state the economy was in,when they came in to office and onlya brainless set of jackasses would expect a quick fix to the serious problems facing the country,because as Ms Mottley stated things were a lot worse than they had imagined based on the lies told about the economy was turning some corner.These problems will take years to fix,as the Government is not David Copperfield.The problems were generally ignored for at least 10 years and it might take as long to fix.

  20. WARU,

    I am finished with this bullshitter, He/she already filled up my well. Let them shit elsewhere.

  21. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ In the Name of Common Sense January 8, 2019 4:35 PM
    “To finish up, there is NO evidence that Haitians are overrunning Barbados. Those few folks were part of an unfortunate scam. With any new policy there will be teething problems. With any policy at all there will be cracks for people to fall threw. Vehicular accidents are one of the biggest causes of death internationally but we don’t stop driving. Rather we encourage safety, wearing seatbelts dont drink and drive etc.”

    So who are the local facilitators in that “unfortunate scam”?
    Isn’t this a case of blatant illegal people trafficking against which Barbados is a signatory to the UN convention on such immoral and dastardly activity equivalent to a modern-day version of the trans-Atlantic slave trade?

    Why haven’t the local ‘connections’ in the trafficking scam not been dragged before the courts or is it another case of blatantly corrupt hypocrisy similar to the ‘protection’ given those involved in the sex trade of imported ‘foreign’ meat?
    Now where is the ‘mouth’ of the Home Affairs minister?

    BTW, we value your ‘Common Sense’ approach to road safety, tips and all.
    How about adding ‘No Driving’ while under the influence of drugs including the much maligned Mary Jane? Why not put her on the same legalized footing as her commercial rival Mr. Alcohol to create that much talked about in business circles ‘Level Playing Field?

    There is a lot of money to be made from those nouveaux arrivant Ross University students by ‘selling’ some Bajan-grown organic Highlife instead of the forex-leaking imported chemically compressed variety, not so Ms ‘Common Sense’??

  22. Oh lord, the other jackass has arrived!

  23. What took you so long Donna.

    It wasn’t even interesting,stimulating informative discussion.

    Just the checklist that Mia has sent them out with. Promise made promise kept – type of shite.

    Prodi -Gal was the first one who brought out the list – and yuh know where she sits – in the inner chamber itself – so yuh had to know that was the end result of a meeting of the Round Table with Jong and Lucille Moe and the rest strategizing and advising them.

    Set your minds on things above and not on de things crawling on the earth.

  24. Donna…..these are some wicked minded rotten people so unhappy in their clouded mental misery that if they cannot DECEIVE…you …then you are their enemy…

  25. Obviously you two cannot read. Nobody expected a quick fix to all the problems despite the manifesto promises made. We knew that when you people took office the usual excuses would be made.

    Things are even worse than we expected, blah, blah, blah

    But whilst we were watching we noticed ONE THING GOT FIXED WITH INDECENT HASTE!

    The prime minister gave her father a shitehood. And that says a whole lot! And your denials will not change anybody’s mind either no matter how many times YOU SAY THE SAME THING.

    And for your information my conversations were with random people, not my inner circle. And those who heard our conversations showed agreement by facial expressions, gestures and some said they had followed the discussion on social media.

    But of course you would ASSUME that your pulse-taking had more validity than mine.

    I’m out.

  26. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ Lorenzo

    I am very happy to read someone who agrees with me. It was a lonely fight. You are so right when you say these problems will take time to fix. They (Donna WARU SSS Piece et al) use the same strategy as the Dems, if you say it often enough perhaps someone may believe the lies. Anyway you have a good night and continue the fight against ignorance and disinformstion.

    @ Miller

    I agree with you. The reputation of Barbados will not be repaired until the police go after the locals behind this scam that brought the Haitians here. It is unacceptable and something must be done about it. In relation to your second point, I have waivered over the years in relation to my stance on marijuana. In the past I was vehemently opposed, but in the last 5 years or so I am somewhat undecided and have no firm opinion on it. I think the body of evidences out there is so vast I’d have to fully avail myself of it to form an opinion and therefore answer your question.

  27. This is why I call you a ‘limited range chicken’

    “T. Inness

    And the clown that now represents St. John also promised to acquire the land that people in St. John are squatting on.”

    You beat the bush and you run out defending. And then get offended when you point out their range of motion is limited.

  28. Theo


    Are you addressing me on something or someone else ?

  29. Find me one lie that I have told! I have only expressed the opinion that the shitehood was given with indecent haste and that that seemed to hold a prominent place on her list of priorities.

    I have NEVER expressed any opinion as to whether or not he deserved the shitehood. To me that is not relevant to the discussion of the prime minister’s priorities.

    You to are sickening! i really cannot stomach you any longer.

  30. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ Donna

    “Indecent Haste”!!!!!!!!! How can you compare an annual award which requires little effort but a simple letter to the GG recommending a person recommended by a committee to the mammoth challenges we faced in Barbados of corruption, economics, crime, transportation etc. This shows the depths you sink for your disinformstion campaign.

  31. @Bane
    Do you think that there was no one else in Barbados who was “as qualified” for the honor as her dad?

  32. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ Donna

    Priorities? Did the PM go out of her way to give an award to her dad? No. Was it part of an annual awards that have to be given out annually? Yes. Did she go out her way though to announce debt restructuring, tax eases, tax impositions etc when she could have ridden the wave of electoral success and popular support as the Dems did in 2008/09/10? Yes she had her priorities as the economy.
    And YOU are sick of ME? UNBELIEVABLE!

  33. It speaks to ATTITUDE. You know that little thing that determines what we do in life. It speaks to a lack of sensitivity. It sent a message. Politicians understand messaging. She knew what would happen. But it meant so much to her she did not care.

    You can talk all you like I KNOW you understand . And so does EVERYBODY else.

    And so there is NO NEED for me to say it again.


  34. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ Donna

    Messaging is important I agree. Thats why Mia doesn’t think there’s a problem with it. Oerhaps because the majority of people dont care as I’ve asserted a few times. I’ll tell you something: walk down Broad Street tomorrow and select the first five persons you see (dont choose them do it purely by chance) and ask them their opinions on the messaging of the knighthood. And dont be one of those smart pollsters who ask questions in order to lead respondents to the answer that you want. Ask them a closed question: do you care about the PM awarding her dad a knighthood. Report back your findings and then if it is as you say I would be willing to cede that the messaging is bad. Please be honest. That’s my challenge. Take it or leave it (including leave the issue alone).

    P.S. I hope we can have more dialogues like the one we had over the last few minutes, I.e. perfectly respectful.

  35. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ In the Name of Common Sense January 8, 2019 6:31 PM

    I agree with you. The reputation of Barbados will not be repaired until the police go after the locals behind this scam that brought the Haitians here. It is unacceptable and something must be done about it. In relation to your second point, I have waivered over the years in relation to my stance on marijuana. In the past I was vehemently opposed, but in the last 5 years or so I am somewhat undecided and have no firm opinion on it. I think the body of evidences out there is so vast I’d have to fully avail myself of it to form an opinion and therefore answer your question.”

    But you do have a “firm opinion” on the widespread acceptability and legality of alcohol consumption despite the vast “body of evidences out there” as to its so-called dangers to human health and its overriding money-spinning characteristics, no so?

    Why the hypocrisy if you want to be considered as fair and reasonable? Why not call for the banning of the importation and consumption of alcoholic beverages, notwithstanding the loss of millions in duties and taxes to the Treasury to pay for 26 ministers without fully-engaging portfolios?

    You are nothing but a typical backward thinking conservatively circumscribed myopic Bajan unable to think and act outside the brain-box but waiting to buy from the Indian and Chinese merchants who will be the major players in the importation of the same marijuana money spinning bi-products.

    Barbados was once a leader in research into another ‘grass’ which made millions in rum bullion for the country and made many ‘stoned’ out of their minds.

    Why not take a leaf out of your ancestors’ book and Barbadianize the herb to replace the sugarcane or are you just another lobbyist for the dying local rum and imported spirits industry?

  36. “a person recommended by a committee to the mammoth challenges we faced in Barbados of corruption, economics, crime, transportation etc. ”

    Ah wonder who is RESPONSIBLE for ALL THIS CORRUPTION…and who has the island in this MESS..

  37. Lacking Commonsense …is a FRAUD…just ya garden variety fraud…

  38. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    In the name of Common sense

    My responses are few but yet you and the CUNT Lorenzo love the initials SSS. Trust me when I say, you both will have a lot to talk about shortly. I asked you three questions you answered what you believe to be a true response. My interest in all of this is about legislation. Legislation to protect the fragility associated with government finances, and to stop the ease at which local politicians have been able to enrich themselves and their business associates. But, you believe there is no corruption on the BLP side, just the DLP. You believe that such laws need time. Well, how much more so in so time you think they need? They had 14 years of ruling the country, implementing policy after policy, manipulating the constitution according to their whims and fancies and not an iota on the implementation of the prevention of corruption laws. They had ample time to address the old outdated corruption laws that you alluded to. But, no Siree that was never a matter of priority. That is why none of these parties intends to cut off the hands that feed them with legislation that could make them starve. No one on here has to constantly repeat what most Barbadians already know. It is common knowledge that Barbados political system is enablers of corruption. That is why any laws to prevent corruption and penalise wrongdoers never piques the interest of these two parties.

  39. Hello??????

    Are YOU dictating to ME when I should leave an issue alone???????? WTH! You have just guaranteed that I will bring it up and ensure that it will not be forgotten!

    Now, you shall not pick any street for me. I picked my own street and I chose random people. Ii have nothing to prove to you. Of course I could post bogus figures but I am not a politician or one of the minions.

    I am simply a person who switched from voting Dee and voted BGee but I see my vote is all you wanted from me.

    Now I must sing praises or shut up. My opinion is of no relevance. I was smart when I voted for Mia and now I have lost all intelligence. I am now an idiot for having a different opinion.

    As my mother, my teachers and my former bosses would all say –

    ” Ya trying to shut her up???

    Well, good luck with that!”

  40. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ Donna

    Not at all. I expect that you must be just as intelligent now as you were then. But that doesn’t excuse the organized disinformation on her. You have become fascinated by this idea that I’m trying to control something. Not at all. And beside why would I try to shut you up? I find your comments rather amusing.

  41. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Donna January 8, 2019 6:41 PM
    Find me one lie that I have told! I have only expressed the opinion that the shitehood was given with indecent haste and that that seemed to hold a prominent place on her list of priorities.
    Come on Dame Donna, aren’t you and your sidekick WARU making a mountain out of a hurricane in a calabash regarding this medal-giving ‘Muttley’ matter?

    MAM’s dad is on his way out (very soon to be) and she has spared little time to do the honourable thing by her old Papa.

    After what the old Don went through in the last elections (character assassination and all) to see his daughter to the winning pole in fulfilling a lifelong dream and family expectations, don’t you think it was fitting for the Queen of the Bees to knight her long-suffering papa and mama?

    If Bryan and his ilk can buy knighthoods why not give away one to your own kin where blood is the only currency to purchase nepotistic ties?

    Why do something posthumously when a man (or woman) is alive?
    Can the Dems ever knight EWB or Wynter Crawford or even the politically dead and buried Fumble Stuart?

    Friends, [Bajans], countrymen, lend me your ears;
    I come [Not] to bury Elliot, [but] to praise him.
    The [good] that men do [Does Not] live after them;
    The good is oft interred with their bones;
    So let it be with Sir [Deighton].

  42. oh lord here comes the filthy mouth SSS ,seems like I mashed her Dem corns,too bad,you know from past clashes that I care nothing about you and your cussing ,water off my back.You and Donna seems to be the same person based on the gutter behaviour but most people can see clearly your agenda,and it will not work.As I told the other loud mouth Waru ,you got evidence carry it to the DPP.Both of you behave like typical Dems who thought it was a good idea to go up to Waterford and cuss Ms Mottley,but much to their dismay people were looking for substance not comedy,so you two should have learnt something from that,come with substance.As for Gazzerts you are too easily impress by shite talk,since these ladies and Piece all empty vessels seems to impress you to the point you would even entertain the thought that I would need help ,really from people talking the same shite everyday and no one taken them seriously maybe except you.This knighthood business as an issue pales in comparison to economic issues to bajans ,so in my view come with another topic.

  43. What EXACTLY are you trying to prove other than you’re behaving similarly to an immature jackass?

    Shiite!!!! Do you really think I CARE if you call me a “limited range chicken?” I’ve been called worse things.

    Why are you trying so hard to CONVINCE yourself I’m a BLP supporter, when you have ALREADY formed an opinion that my loyalties lie with that political party?

    Why is it of PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE to you that I ADMIT I’m a BLP supporter, when there are so many IMPORTANT issues you could focus on to deal with in this forum?

    Would I admitting to be a BLP supporter put food on your table, money in your pocket or make your wife (or husband) love you more……….or clear your conscience???

    So what if I’m a BLP supporter and I’m DENYING it? When I die will you be buried?

    Would it not be BETTER for you and your blood pressure if you just SCROLL pass my contributions?

    I don’t care about you or what political party you support, so why do you worry about which party I support?

    This is definitely becoming ridiculous!!!!

    My friend, I’m CONCERNED about your obsession with me…..…I think you may need help.

  44. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ Lorenzo

    Agreed. Come with something important to discuss.

  45. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ Artax

    Similarly I too am concerned. While I am not as resolute as you in terms of devotion to the Labour Party I support the better part of what the Party does, with room for a word of advice to the powers that be in how we could improve. But as I keep saying let us discuss issues like how to fix the transport problem, economic problem, social problem, crime etc.

  46. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    The feeling is mutual hence my favourite word is reserved only for the vilest of political pooch lickers and you fit the description to a T: Now there you go again aligning me with them crooks. It seems that there is no way out for me because I have to be critical of two crooks: one that I use to support and the other to whom I swear no allegiance. But, that is trivial in this matter. What is important is that you now know that my filthy mouth is reserved for the likes of you and all others who pledge loyalty to corrupt parties and are willing to defend them, no matter what.

    Go and tell your rogue Prime Minister to move with the same haste on FOIA, Whistle Blower legislation, Anticorruption legislation and any other piece of legislation that keep government financing an open book. Part 2 coming shortly.

  47. 🙂
    You aren’t going to let me get the last word as you promised.
    But then again, you couldn’t.. You are to thin skinned.

  48. Going to leave you be from here on. “To be fair” it was funny seeing you twisting and turning but unable to get off the leash.
    I like that phrase “to be fair” and then go for the jugular of the next guy.
    Here’s the difference between the two of us… You may have the last word…

  49. The difference between us is you are an immature jackass and I’m not.

  50. “While I am not as resolute as you in terms of devotion to the Labour Party I support the better part of what the Party does……”

    In the Name of Common Sense

    LET’S BE CLEAR. I NEVER MENTIONED I’m a supporter of or DEVOTED to the Barbados Labour Party.

    My questions to the goodly gentleman were hypothetical, because it seems to be of paramount importance to him if he knows whether or not I’m a BLP supporter, which I find disturbing. He has already FORMED that opinion, calls me a “limited range chicken,” then goes on and on and on about it

    The basis of my question were, of WHAT BENEFIT it is to him if I admit to him I’m a BLP supporter?

    When I responded appropriately, he “says” I’m “too thin skinned,” but also states: “Going to leave you be from here on,” which indicates his IMMATURITY.

    There are so many issues we could be discussing in this forum, as you mentioned, “how to fix the transport problem, economic problem, social problem, crime etc,” rather than dedicating precious time trying to find out who supports the BLP or not.

    Anyone reading Mariposa’s contributions, for example, would reasonably assume she is a DLP supporter. But she constantly denies it…….and it’s not a problem.

    It’s ironic I used the term “to be fair” to defend Sinckler as it relates to the Credit Suisse loan, but it did not provoke the ire of anyone.

    The problem with many contributors to this forum is that they sometimes come with one-sided, biased arguments and points that are not entirely true or accurate. When an individual brings “the other side” or present facts, they are quick to label him/her as a BLP or DLP supporter.

    When I’m ready I make my contributions. When I’m attacked, I retaliate.

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