In 1992 some Caribbean states in declaring the Caribbean area a zone of peace, objected to the passage through the Caribbean of ships carrying nuclear waste material. The heads of Government issued a statement vowing “to take all necessary steps to protect their people and the fragile ecology of the Caribbean Sea from this highly dangerous threat.

Now Russia plans to bring nuclear weapons to the Caribbean and we are silent.

Ping Pong

The BU family is a savvy group always alert to what is happening on the local, regional and international fronts. The plan by Russia to establish a temporary military airbase in the locale of Venezuela must be a concern for the people of the Caribbean – see Russian newspaper: Russia to set up nuclear bombers on Caribbean island.

The pristine reputation of the Caribbean took a hit when it was established that Trinidad and Tobago had the highest rate of ISIS recruits in the Western hemisphere per population size. The zone of peace the region has enjoyed is now under threat with the announcement that the Russians are coming.

Further, with Russia and Venezuela in bed the long running dispute between Venezuela and Guyana is brought into sharp focus. Does it matter if Ambassador of Caricom David Comissiong or Caricom respond given our lack of military and economic standing in the world?

Geopolitical analysts are of the view Putin is seizing the moment with the changing of the guard in the USA. It has not have gone unnoticed by the blogmaster Russia launched the Avangard missile yesterday which is reported to be a challenge to US detection systems.

Let the games begin in the region!


189 responses to “Caribbean as a Zone of Peace Under Threat”

  1. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Pachamama

    Would you explain the actual location of nuclear weapons in the Caribbean with your thesis of Mach20 super sound weapon rendering the Zone of Peace Mantra outdated/ superfluous? It is the alleged presence of Russian weapons in the Caribbean that make us a War Zone.

  2. As someone said only this week, too many blacks in Barbados put whites to FRONT FOR business..and for that, they should LOSE EVERYTHING…the leaders are famous for that…Cahill scam and a multitude of other scams etc where the people lost billions of dollars…including properties….etc..

    Had it not been for BU…we do not know what that crazy Canadian woman would have ended up doing to cost the lives of people on the island because of stupid Fruendolittle and his circus of CLOWNS..

  3. Two sayings that always ring true to me are :

    “Two far east is west.”


    “There are three sides to every story.”

    Why is it that so many people take the extreme position? Why is it that so many people REFUSE to see the other person’s point of view?

    If Pachanama speaks the truth here it would seem that Russia may have a point about US actions seeming aggressive. I will take the time to research it. The US of A looks after its own interests and like most people on this blog cannot be trusted to articulate the other’s perspective.

    Next, slave labour was used to build the US of A. Was that not the point of slave labour??????? The small number of slaves would have been working twice as hard as the immigrants. Is that not what slave labour does??????? The other immigrants would have been paid for their services or would have gained property for their efforts. The slaves would not have. Is that not what slave labour means??????

    So the immigrants built America and profited and the slaves built America and did not profit. Do not bother me with the exceptions because we know that-

    “There are exceptions to every rule.”

    As for the Native Americans – I have no knowledge of them being used as slave labour but knowledge of them owning black slaves. Of course there may be exceptions to that rule also. I will research.

    Next, there is nothing wrong with securing borders. But if your actions in certain countries have contributed to the situation in the countries from which these asylum seekers flee then you must bear some responsibility to treat them with compassion. Do we need to research as to whether the US of A has dabbled in these countries??????? Then if we need to, we should. Painting them with a broad brush against the statistics that show them to be otherwise is just wrong. Of course there are exceptions to every rule and a few of them would be criminals and diseased just like AMERICANS.

    It is my opinion that it is the extreme right wing and the extreme left wing carrying things ALWAYS TO THE EXTREME and causing problems that come with EXTREMISM.

    Most people are somewhere in the middle and are tired of the extremes.

    And finally, we black people DO NEED TO REVISE the history that was written from the white man’s perspective taking care not to exaggerate or concoct stories to make us feel better about ourselves. The truth will suffice I am sure. But any white man who does not acknowledge that the Europeans were dishonest in their portrayals of black people is himself a very dishonest person. You guys are still doing it!

    Now, my black brothers and sisters – we have to stop pretending that the world would be great if black people were running it. We human beings are all flawed. We have to stop bemoaning the fact that the white man got the jump on us and get up and fight for what is our right. There is much that we can do. Progress has been made and more progress can be made if we fight. But we must remember that we must first fight the demons within ourselves if we want true and lasting progress.

    And that goes for people of All races. UNTIL THERE IS PEACE FOR ALL THERE WILL BE PEACE FOR NONE.

  4. “Why Israel, the ONLY democratic country in the ME? Next you will tell us that the UN isn’t corrupt.”

    lol..the question ya should why NOT Israel…why the Caribbean??..

    anyway, in those days, just like now, ah could not stand any of them…be they democRAT….or RepubRAT…they are ALL RATS..

  5. Donna…ya don’t have to go far…the enslavement of native indigenous is very well documented, ya can find the information everywhere…

    “Slavery among the indigenous peoples of the Americas took many forms throughout North and South America. Slavery was a common institution among various Pre-Columbian indigenous peoples of the Americas. Indigenous peoples owned indigenous slaves, and after contact, owned African slaves.[1]

    European colonies purchased indigenous people as slaves as part of the international indigenous American slave trade, which lasted from the late 15th century into the 19th century. Recently, scholars Andrés Reséndez and Brett Rushforth have estimated that between two and five million indigenous people were enslaved as part of this trade.[2][3] Although slavery is illegal throughout the Americas, some indigenous peoples are still enslaved today.[4]”

  6. Mayor Bloomberg is a Hammy La. He was once a Republican and also an Independent.

  7. That is soooo true!

  8. Have you looked in a mirror lately?????????

  9. The people on this earth can be EXTREMELY UGLY…..the reason why we continue to WARN these giddy headed jackasses in the parliament collecting taxpayer’s money in salary…to STOP THE CRAP.

  10. What is needed is for EVERYBODY to face reality but the best way to do it is with calm reason and without unnecessary offensiveness. Sometimes it it not what you say but how you say it.

    And we should speak to specifics and stop using broad brushes.

  11. Donna

    Stephen Cohen is the American scholar, preeminent on Russian affairs.

    You may want to read his articles.

    Of course, there are a number of others respected by us.

  12. I suppose one can understand a deep fear of genetic annihilation without having any real sympathy for them.

  13. Will read. Seems to me all of us here need to take a step back and do some research. Then if we determine to open our minds the daily drivel might actually improve.

  14. Will read.

  15. TG said:
    “You live in a predominantly Black countet and are more powerless than they are. You have no answers for yourselves but you can solve all of their problems and you think they are dumb….”

    But isn’t this the Bajan way? To have all the answers, yet no solutions?

  16. You haven’t got the hang of the newly installed ‘reply’ function either!

  17. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    Ping pong is a smart guy so why has he singled out Russia? The Caribbean remains America’s backyard; whilst South and Central America uses the Caribbean basin as a drug’s route.
    And what of the red peril – China?We must add to the list those countries hailing from the Middle East who are looking to make inroads into our region.

    I keep on telling you all that we need to align ourselves with a surrogate nation. It is our only salvation to prevent us from becoming permanent residents of the abyss. Perhaps we need to re-evaluate our relationship with the UK. We should form a political union with this country.

    You mean the tango not salsa! With regard to that country – Argentina, and their ambassador I have come on BU on several occasions to register my disgust at our relationship with this fascist country.

    Take a look at Richard Hoades insightful article in today’s Nation: ” Will no Bajan birds Sing?”

  18. @ A.Dullard,

    It is the rum shop way.

  19. “@WARU,
    You mean the tango not salsa!”

    Thanks Talking Loud…when ya see ah fudging like that is laziness to confirm…

  20. It is vexatious that Argentina is allowed anywhere NEAR A MAJORITY BLACK COUNTRY OF AFRICAN DESCENDANTS…it’s repulsive…they hate dark skin, so much so that everyone is light skinned….but ya can still recognize negroid features in the fair skin they worked so many DECADES to activate JUST FOR APPEARANCES….

    Argentina should never be allowed in any majority black country..but again weak, useless black leaders who do not even know who they are sucking up to….cannot even RECOGNIZE HATRED…when it is staring them in their FACES.

    look at Adlatel…formerly Devry University…about to do an end run around Mia and her gang…

    ….all the scum who are REJECTED by the real world…FLOATS INTO THE CARIBBEAN.. and the black leaders open their arms in welcome. until ya hear the people get robbed…and even then, they don’t get rid of them, because they want their CUT.

  21. Correction:

    look at Adtalem Global Education..formerly Devry University, about to do an end run around Mia and her gang.

  22. Why would you say the wall is irrelevant? please explain ….i’m not too bright.

  23. The moment i saw the Unions laying with the enemy i knew a mischievous hand / hands were moving across the island
    Most Notably that at present time the govt employees being dismissed had been used as sacrificial lambs along with Donville Inniss
    Luckily for Inniss their was a similar case brought to the attention of the american justice system and was dismissed
    It would be interesting to see how all this recent information plays out as the blp called for bringing one of the dlp ministers to justice under the american justice systems comes to a screeching halt
    Most barbadians are too dumb to see the sinster under handed actions that took place during the election
    The dumbest ones of all being the Unions

  24. “You haven’t got the hang of the newly installed ‘reply’ function either!”

    When did that appear, never even noticed it..

  25. Are you aware there are structures already in position at the border?

  26. …”as the blp called for bringing one of the dlp ministers to justice under the american justice systems comes to a screeching halt.”

    why a halt..they got any number of former DLP ministers who would look just as good as Donville in shiny new ankle bracelets…there is Lashley and Jones and Estwick and Carrington, many names too numerous to mention..

    ….what halt what…some of them are well deserving of one bracelet/monitor on each ankle..

  27. Mariposa

    Look carefully to see that VOB with Ellis,Stetson Babb and other moderators along with the editors at the Nation newspaper will not give that positive change for Donville – the same prominence – day in – day out – that they gave the negative headline of Donville Charged.

    That is the bias climate that we are operating in – where the leading private sector media house is acting as an unrepetentant propogandist and mouthpiece for this new government.

    How you think it will look if the Nation discovers that all the hullabollo about the Dems ministers going to be wearing prison bracelets – now seem to be in doubt – and more than likely may not happen at all.

    The media can’t push that story – but they will highlight it in an obscure place and not as the headline.

  28. How many former DLP ministers have visited the USA since May 24?

  29. That word bottom left in red. Arrived today.

  30. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Mr Blogmaster, I haven’t digested fully all the worthy comments but I’ll pick up on three of yours for comment….

    You noted that “Russia has designed a missile that can move at MACH 20 speed compared to the fastest the USA defence can offer at MACH 5.”

    And we know this because the Russians say so!

    I am always wary when either side brag re their super high tech stuff…for every weapon of that type there must be significant testing done so surely the Americans, other allies and indeed amateur aficionados must have fessed out these super fast destructive rockets …. Maybe the russkies are so empowered but some independent validation is needed.

    You noted that “The relationship with Putin has deteriorated since about July this year….Can anybody predict what a Trump will do?

    I am one of those that is very skeptical or even cynical re this POTUS-Putin folly.

    There may not be the fantastical Manchurian Candidate dynamite at play but the dynamic here is too complex – for want of a better word – to properly understand.

    I suspect we will only know the realities of this nexus years from now when much data is declassified … but at the moment Russia is surely in the ascendency vis a vis the US and it’s happening in full view and inspite of Senate sanctions the POTUS reluctantly imposes.

    The laughable irony is that the now deceased lawyer who tutored POTUS worked closely with a senator (McCarthy) who would have had this man shot at sundown for apparent Russian sympathy.

    Isn’t life amazing.

    And finally re your remark that ” [t]he man just labeled fourloughed workers as being Democrats”.

    Can we really appreciate that the POTUS of the US just said in short ‘let those Dems starve, I don’t care because they are not one of us’….

    And not a fella ain’t say a freaking word of reproach… Imagine that!

    Life is grand indeed!

    I gone

  31. @Dee Word

    A US version of Douglas Leopold Phillips.

  32. Great post Pachamama. At least you know the history and the politics and with your analytical mind can see the broad picture. I have arguments with my neighbours (Lithuanian ancestry) who cant see the forest for the trees. they never win an argument because it is based on emotion rather than facts. You do remind me of a certain Professor Emeritus who taught political science. Last I heard he was researching a book on EWB. Nevermind, people on here say you are female.

  33. @Bajans,

    I am told the book has been written.

  34. With holes in them. Have you not been following the news?

  35. Brighter than most.

  36. I cannot call names that I do not know. I had to come here to know about the invitees to the parliament opening. I forgot to watch and even so I do not know the drug lords and would not have recognised them.

  37. @45govt

    Have you been following the discoveries of tunnels at the border of Israel and Palestine was?

    You appreciate the point?

  38. The new ECFMG standards are a game changer for the Caribbean medical education post 2023. I have always believed the vast majority of schools in the Caribbean will close down or they will change their marketing strategy to attract non-North Americans. Some schools have already started doing that by marketing to students from Nigeria, India, and Middle East who would go back to their respective countries for clinicals or residency.

    The larger Caribbean schools will see their market shrink as residency spots become more competitive. For now, all schools are trying to make as much money as they can before the storm hits. They know full well the end is near. This is all the more reason to be careful if anyone is thinking about the Caribbean school because schools will do whatever they can to get as many students as they can.

    Another trend that is alarming is the availability of legitimate clinical education. Clinicals have dried up for most schools and those who still have them have to invest millions to keep their spots. Most Caribbean schools are cheating their students by sending them to doctors’ offices where they learn next to nothing and will have no inpatient experience. Those students could face hurdles with state licensing boards when its time to apply for a license. What many people don’t realize is that doing a residency does not automatically entitle them to an independent license to practice. State boards still scrutinize and verify clinical education, and in some states, even basic sciences and premed credentials. So there are many pit falls along the way and most students, at least the ones I have seen, have no clue about these issues!

    The last I heard even St. George is up for sale and is looking for a buyer!

  39. @David

    Didn’t you have a “reply” button before? As I recall it caused a lot of confusion as posts were all over the place.

  40. @David
    Can anybody predict what a Trump will do?
    That is the problem he said he goes by his “gut” and that’s a large gut filled with excess merde so its anyone’s guess. Plus, he has the “D” team around him no Defense Secretary; No UN Ambassador; A fill-in Chief of Staff and a missing Sec of the Interior.

    However, he knows more than anyone else including his hand -picked Fed Chair but the Stock market in 2018 is due for its first decline in 10 years (must be Obama’s fault)

  41. @Sargeant

    Let us give the threaded comments a try.

    The feature facilitates flavors of exchanges between commenters on the same blog.

  42. @Sargeant,

    Precisely. I don’t like it. It is confusing.

  43. people vote in a democratic congress and seem surprised the stock market tanks….. how stupid can people be….. if you werent turning your stocks into cash waiting for the drop can I sell you some waterfront in worthing.

  44. Yet it has just shown the biggest one day gain ever. You must try to keep up!

  45. @45govt

    Do you know how much of the volume is electronic trading?

    Before you go hammering your brestbone it is important information to make a proper analysis.

  46. “De ole man predicts 10 blog submissions.”

    Whistleblower…write an article…there is no time like the present…

  47. @Lawson

    You’re so smart that you can “time” the market? All your stocks are now in cash? Can I hire you to pilot me through these times? The stock market is tanking because of the occupant in the WH that the “stupid people” elected, now you want to blame those stupid people for not getting their money out in time.

    BTW can you point out any reasons for the market decline?

  48. Got it.

  49. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU

    Welcome to the Age of Machine Intelligence. This is technology making decisions without the input of man. Garbage in garbage out.Capitalism gone wild.

  50. GP….you were right .

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