In 1992 some Caribbean states in declaring the Caribbean area a zone of peace, objected to the passage through the Caribbean of ships carrying nuclear waste material. The heads of Government issued a statement vowing “to take all necessary steps to protect their people and the fragile ecology of the Caribbean Sea from this highly dangerous threat.

Now Russia plans to bring nuclear weapons to the Caribbean and we are silent.

Ping Pong

The BU family is a savvy group always alert to what is happening on the local, regional and international fronts. The plan by Russia to establish a temporary military airbase in the locale of Venezuela must be a concern for the people of the Caribbean – see Russian newspaper: Russia to set up nuclear bombers on Caribbean island.

The pristine reputation of the Caribbean took a hit when it was established that Trinidad and Tobago had the highest rate of ISIS recruits in the Western hemisphere per population size. The zone of peace the region has enjoyed is now under threat with the announcement that the Russians are coming.

Further, with Russia and Venezuela in bed the long running dispute between Venezuela and Guyana is brought into sharp focus. Does it matter if Ambassador of Caricom David Comissiong or Caricom respond given our lack of military and economic standing in the world?

Geopolitical analysts are of the view Putin is seizing the moment with the changing of the guard in the USA. It has not have gone unnoticed by the blogmaster Russia launched the Avangard missile yesterday which is reported to be a challenge to US detection systems.

Let the games begin in the region!


189 responses to “Caribbean as a Zone of Peace Under Threat”

  1. Not only am i suggesting but would go as far as saying that a well known cartel of significant value in barbados to the blp with ties to influence in the American justice system was put in positioned to use Donville as the example

  2. Now if i was Donville after charges are dropped i would tell my story to the New York Times
    There is plenty ammunition in this story that can bring down this corrupt govt.
    A story that can well tell a lot about this 30-0 victiry

  3. Girl…ah want some of what ya drank or smoked this week…sounded like it was good.

    But…was Donville not one of Mia’s best friends…she should be glad he has a fighting chance, no matter how are you saying Mia would put KNOWN crooked whites BEFORE HER BLACK BROTHER..

    …and please give a hint, hint who these “jewish white shadows are”…

    the words sacrificial lamb and DLP …do not go together…..

    the vulnerable black people of Barbados were the SACRIFICIAL LAMBS UNDER DLP….and Mia is STILL telling the VULNERABLE to sacrifice…

    ah wonder if any of them..who were bodily shown out of parliament on May 25th …by the electorate are cognizant enough, in hindsight…to understand the REAL DAMAGE they did to their own people….do they even care.

  4. Mariposa


    Things that make you go hmmmm.

  5. I wonder how well the Spanish Venezuelans treated the Amerindians of Venezuela?

    However, is there any reason to fear that there may be a superpower flashpoint to our south? Maybe not as it takes two to tango and Mr Trump certainly seems quite reluctant to confront Mr Putin in any way other than the declaration of economic sanctions.

  6. Wuhloss Mariposa…ya on FIRE… ya got me betwixt and between…not an easy FEAT..

  7. Your ignorance knows no bounds. Have you read the precedent that was used to request the dropping of the charge? You are aware the matter has to be ruled on?

  8. So you are a Nazi as well as a common or garden racist. Charming.

  9. @Ping Pong

    The relationship with Putin has deteriorated since about July this year.

    Can anybody predict what a Trump will do?

    The man just labeled fourloughed workers as being Democrats.

    What Russian activity in the region may do is to provoke Trump to take a negative position towards the region read Caricom. Commisiong should be so careful what comes out of his mouth. This is not a game.

  10. “I wonder how well the Spanish Venezuelans treated the Amerindians of Venezuela?”

    Similarly..ya should wonder how they TREAT THEIR PRESENT African descendants…whom they NEVER SHARED THEIR OIL WEALTH WITH although they are VENEZUELANS, but the same COmissiong wrote a whole article on BU…claiming that Venezuela and South America should join the REPARATIONS movement for descendants of Africans…living in Latin America….which I took very serious issue with…

    ….black people who are ALWAYS MISTREATED by their latino gvovernments, black people who are INVISIBLE IN THOSE COUNTRIES…that is why I took serious issue with Comissiong because he utters not a word when the blacks of Latin America are marginalized, sidelined and disenfranchised..

    At least Argentina ALREADY KILLED all their blacks, chased away the others, stole the SAMBA dance ..gotta confirm it was really the samba… and are now slithering around Barbados pretending to teach the dance to a country that is 95% BLACK and are the descendants of Africa..and a BLACK GOVERNMENT allows it……ya just CANNOT TRUST BLACK LEADERS..

  11. The workers on FURLOUGH will be overwhelmingly Democrats, who love to be immune from the vicissitudes and work ethic of the productive class who support them, just like the Establishment employees in most countries.

  12. “Commisiong should be so careful what comes out of his mouth. This is not a game.”

    well worth repeating.

  13. Must be the water.

  14. “Girl…ah want some of what ya drank or smoked this week…sounded like it was good.”

    I hope it ent the type uh weed duh gine use fuh medicinal purposes.

  15. lol…wuhloss..murdah!!!

  16. @ David
    While I agree that the Caribbean must remain a Zone of Peace; we must also guard against it becoming a Zone of Modern Poverty.
    It is obvious that throughout the region, there is rampant growth of the working poor.
    Let me hasten to say that if this continues, the Black Caribbean populations would be the main victims.

  17. @Mariposa
    I would advise you not to mention the word Jew in anyway. I have noticed that when it is invoked, we descend a negative slippery slope.

    I don’t use or comment on posts that use that word; and those who do usually have a very limited view of
    the black civil rights movement in the USA.

    Others may have a different opinion to me, but that is a core belief…. unchanging. That was my one comment on the use of that word,

  18. Limited view = limited knowledge

  19. 45govt

    What has racial bigotry to do with whether or not you are a Democrat or Republican during the Institution of slavery?

  20. I am always intrigued and dumbfounding by the blacks hanging their hats and walking step by step in line with those who mean them no good

    There is a saying the truth would set u free
    The enemy is not a friend of Truth
    Those who would pretend to be your friend while doing you harm cannot be consider a “true” friend
    We are living in a day and time when Self Interest overrides all other interst past and present.

  21. The blacks in America has been dumbdown by those who professed to have marched and fought side by side for Civil Rights but if one look at the broader picture .Those who were fighting were some what finding there rights to economic prosperty violated hence they had no other choice but to march
    Yes many fought a good fight .But now we are looking into a present ..a present that those who still will hoist the banner of having fought have keep mouths closed where the economic interest of black is concerened
    No more talk about blacks being included in the wealth and economic prosperity of America
    Blacks are being left or pushed aside to fight alone for their economic rights

  22. “I would advise you not to mention the word Jew in anyway.”

    No, no Theo…things ARE HAPPENING in the US and Israel and people have to know… may not necessarily be in Barbados at this time at the level it is in US, but there is A THREAT to the people on the island.

    .SECRETS CAUSED WINDRUSH…that still resonates in poverty, marginalization, discrimination, racism and hatred of black people, to this day…secrets caused many black people not to even know who they are…

    Do not advise anyone to keep secrets for jews who are not real jews…that is going backwards.

  23. You haven’t got the hang of this new ‘reply’ facility have you? Duh.

  24. @Mariposa
    Before you seek the friendship of others be your own best friend. If you want respect then have some self-respect…

    But you would drag me down a path that I do not want to travel….

    Let’s find Enuff, Artax, Lorenzo et al.

  25. David said ………………….

    ”’It is instructive Trump has triggered a partial government shutdown over building an irrelevant wall for an infinitesimal amount of the national budget. On the flip side Russia has designed a missile that can move at MACH 20 speed compared to the fastest the USA ‘defense’ can offer at MACH 5.”’

    We have argued that Donald John Trump is as American as apple pie. We continue to argue that he is the quintessential asshole. That such a person could have 60MM people vote for him and continues, after 2 years of Neroesque rule, to poll around 40% makes all of the above statements proof positive.

    The Americans could always win the propaganda wars against the Russian Federation but the graft within the military-industrial-congressional-intelligence-apparatus will always try everything possible to make sure the American peoples are called upon to provide these elites with large amounts of their national budget to war making, but will never be able to match Russian ingenuity, though they steal from each other.

    What is sometimes an internal contradiction is that this same Trump seems to be the most unlikely person to try to reduce American war making capability, as he does, these same Deep State forces who benefits from this money and power are prepared to move heaven and earth to prevent normal relations with Russia. Trump is seen by these as a traitor. Remember the Kennedy assassination!

    The Wall can be dismissed as his normal idiocy. But neither that wall nor your dated misnomer about some Zone of Peace in the Caribbean has any resonance given advances in military technologies, nuclear weapons stationed in space, with capability to circumnavigate the Earth for extended periods, evading sensors before striking. A Zone of Peace anywhere makes absolutely no sense in these circumstances. We are at the point where only the disinvention of nuclear weapons could be a solution.

    As usual, Caribbean thinkers are located in a bygone era. The Zone of Peace mantra is best located within the 1950’s discourses!

  26. I do not want to be drawn into a defense or an attack of others.

    We operate with many false dichotomies. Complicated relationships are often distilled down to them and us; good or bad; white or black….

    Some will embrace the simple stories, others will seek their own explanation…

  27. Agree with you William. We have to learn to walk and chew gum.

  28. @ Pachamama December 28, 2018 12:08 AM

    The Venezuelan People are Fleeing by the Millions those that remain are on the point of Starvation, Destitution and Great Want.
    Gangs of Youth roam the Streets of the Cities praying on the Vulnerable.
    The Hunger is so Great that even some of the Army Rebels.
    The Country that is said to have the Largest known Oil Reserves in the World its Industry is Failing and Output is Dropping to the point that Venezuela imports Gasoline.
    The Government has taken over most forms of Business. Most food farms distribution business, industry & Retail and what we have is an economy whose rate of inflation has outpaced Zimbabwe at its height of inflation. That means if you were a Millionaire last year you would only be worth a Dollar this year!
    But like all Devout Communist, they have to find an Enemy to Bamboozle the Populace. So it is now Guyana’s turn because they do not want Guyana to succeed with their Oil Production.
    All the Laws and the Constitution has been changed with the View of keeping Maduro in power who is now and has always been a DICTATOR like all Devout Communist!
    Technically Venezuela is a Sovereign State but Practically it is Bordering on a Failed State.
    And you are Accusing the American Government of Oppressing them while ignoring the Hardships Imposed by Maduro!
    Even your good friend XI is encouraging Cuba to NOT Except any form of Individualism. In your View All Commies are Good and All those who believe in Individualism are bad except for those who believe in Individualism for themselves but nobody else… That is the Spirit of Elitism!!

    Frederick Douglass American Hero
    “Your fathers have said that man’s right to liberty is self-evident. There is no need of argument to make it clear. The voices of nature, of conscience, of reason, and of revelation, proclaim it as the right of all rights, the foundation of all trust, and of all responsibility. Man was born with it. It was his before he comprehended it. The deed conveying it to him is written in the center of his soul, and is recorded in Heaven.”

    Speech on the Dred Scott Decision
    Frederick Douglass
    May 1857

  29. @Pacha

    The Wall is meat for his base. See it for what it is, do not rationalize.

  30. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    At the end of the day all we have to fall back on is God. Wow!! Put not your trust in princes.

  31. Theo…I will give you an example of just how VULNERABLE CARIBBEAN PEOPLE ARE..

    about 20 years while I still lived in NYC..Mayor Bloomberg was busy trying to find somewhere to offload NYC’s garbage, he got this foolish send NYC stink repulsive garbage to the Caribbean …to DUMP IT..with no care at all for the people in Barbados and the other islands..many of us in NY threw a goddamn FIT and told him he should be sending the garbage to Israel instead, why did he not consider Israel…why send it to people who will die, because ya can guarantee they would have thrown in some nuclear waste just for good measure..

    well I can’t tell ya if the leaders in the Caribbean knew the plan or if they told Bloomberg to go haul…but there was a big uproar in NYC especially when some lowlifes claimed that Caribbean people should be grateful to have NYCs stinking garbage.

    So it is not as simple as you are trying to.make believe, it is a much different era from the civil rights era, people, including jews, think much differently about black people in this era…don’t get tied up, literally, ya might lose all ya internal organs.

  32. “to take all necessary steps to protect their people and the fragile ecology of the Caribbean Sea from this highly dangerous threat.“

    Can someone explain “take all necessary steps”

    Almost sound like “by any means necessary” but what if you don’t have the means…

  33. We need to face REALITY and don’t give one damn about who is offended by the TRUTH..

  34. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    An interesting perspective.

  35. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    We need to maintain the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace. We have no interest in the Neo Cold War. We have our own fish to fry.
    I think Ambassador Commissiong needs to open talks with his Venezuelan friends and read the riot act to them. That is the riot act which he attempted to read to the IMF.

  36. @Waru
    It is not as simple as you would like to believe….

    If we believe that others have power over us, that solutions must come from outside and that only others can be the business class. If we continue to vote for those who would seek only to sell us out, to make make money off of us, sell out our children’s future then you will be here in 2050 typing the same paragraph.

    We have to do a lot of self searching, cleansing and blaming.. you say it is a different era…. I say the times are passing us by…

    It is not as simple as you would like to believe. Having a devil makes the telling easier….

  37. David

    No the wall is fundamentally a response by White people to the minority status which awaits them. Their deep fear of genetic annihilation. This is bipartisan, though the Dems try to hide their commitment.

    As it is right now, the Republicans which are imprecisely seen as the White people’s party, could only win majorities, across the country, by resorting to that American gift to the world – large scale election rigging, gerrymandering etc.

  38. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    T Inniss at12:45 AM

    I do not recall Mottley or Dale commenting on this case. Why should they now?

  39. But where are these voices who openly declares they fought for the civil rights of black now that blacks across the world are fighting for their economic security and survival
    Notice how they trampled across small island nations without fear or reprisal as angels of good deeds bringing jobs
    In the meanwhile having no respect for the human rights or civil rights of these people

  40. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ 45govt
    When one has eyes in the sky one needs no walls on the ground. That is overkill.

  41. Ah, yes that POS Bloomberg, another rotten Democrap.
    Why Israel, the ONLY democratic country in the ME? Next you will tell us that the UN isn’t corrupt.

  42. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Lexicon

    Surely you know that a yard fowl is a pejorative term? The political correct term is a BLP supporter or a DLP supporter. I prefer to be called a Xlp supporter.!!!!

  43. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington


    An interesting analysis/observation. Worthy of further development.

  44. @Mariposa
    “The blacks in America has been dumbdown by those who professed to have marched and fought side by side for Civil Rights …,.”

    When I first came to the USA, I was surprised at the tension that existed between African Americans and other blacks. Your sentence explains that tension.

    You live in a predominantly Black countet and are more powerless than they are. You have no answers for yourselves but you can solve all of their problems and you think they are dumb….

  45. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    AfroCaibbean and Asian immigrants to the USA are also contributors to the development of USA

  46. “If we believe that others have power over us, that solutions must come from outside and that only others can be the business class. If we continue to vote for those who would seek only to sell us out, to make make money off of us, sell out our children’s future then you will be here in 2050 typing the same paragraph.”

    Theo…I agree with what you say…but only EXPOSURE OF THESE DEMONS…..including the BLACK DEMONS IN parliament …will create a shift in their devious plans for black people.

    Barbados is at a STANDSTILL because of its black leaders and their wicked, greedy and corrupt mentalities…which makes the people even more vulnerable…because for decades the black leaders who have been elected by the PEOPLE…have ALWAYS acted like the people who elected them…ARE HELPLESS CHILDREN..who need someone white, or Indian or jew controlling them, ….as though their OWN PEOPLE CAN DO NOTHING WITHOUT WHITES or INDIANS or JEWS OVERSEERING THEM..

    ..these leaders act as though BLACK PEOPLE ARE INCAPABLE OF TAKING CARE OF THEIR OWN BUSINESSES, THEIR OWN MONEY, THEIR OWN PROPERTIES…that is why all of it is always STOLEN…the black leaders ARE THE PROBLEM.

    Just check out the scandal with Innotech and all the other scandals…and see a PATTERN EMERGE..

    Hence the reason Mia is being watched, very, very careful…because she is no different…she already started wrong…same nasty mentality….they are the ones …the leaders…acting and continually making the people who elected them BELIEVE…that…”If we believe that others have power over us.”

    They are a their own people…and no matter how ya tell them..they continue doing the same STUPID, DANGEROUS THING…they get GIDDY…when they see anyone who is not black approaching them and immediately give away what belongs to the people.

  47. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington


    That submission could only be tongue in cheek,I believe.

  48. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU

    It is a game . But with big stakes and potential for tremendous collateral damage.

  49. I gun pull an Enuff and sit this one out.

  50. The eye in the sky does not and cannot stop the invasion on the ground without robust intervention by armed boots on the ground.

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