In 1992 some Caribbean states in declaring the Caribbean area a zone of peace, objected to the passage through the Caribbean of ships carrying nuclear waste material. The heads of Government issued a statement vowing “to take all necessary steps to protect their people and the fragile ecology of the Caribbean Sea from this highly dangerous threat.

Now Russia plans to bring nuclear weapons to the Caribbean and we are silent.

Ping Pong

The BU family is a savvy group always alert to what is happening on the local, regional and international fronts. The plan by Russia to establish a temporary military airbase in the locale of Venezuela must be a concern for the people of the Caribbean – see Russian newspaper: Russia to set up nuclear bombers on Caribbean island.

The pristine reputation of the Caribbean took a hit when it was established that Trinidad and Tobago had the highest rate of ISIS recruits in the Western hemisphere per population size. The zone of peace the region has enjoyed is now under threat with the announcement that the Russians are coming.

Further, with Russia and Venezuela in bed the long running dispute between Venezuela and Guyana is brought into sharp focus. Does it matter if Ambassador of Caricom David Comissiong or Caricom respond given our lack of military and economic standing in the world?

Geopolitical analysts are of the view Putin is seizing the moment with the changing of the guard in the USA. It has not have gone unnoticed by the blogmaster Russia launched the Avangard missile yesterday which is reported to be a challenge to US detection systems.

Let the games begin in the region!


189 responses to “Caribbean as a Zone of Peace Under Threat”

  1. I see the Bummer is painted in our colours … blue and gold!!

    Any significance?

  2. All that is missing is the broken trident.

  3. Venezuela calls U.S. comments on Guyana dispute ‘interventionist’

    3 Min Read

    CARACAS (Reuters) – Venezuela’s foreign ministry on Tuesday described as “interventionist and disrespectful” U.S. comments on a weekend incident in which the country’s navy stopped two ships exploring for oil for Exxon Mobil (XOM.N) off Guyana’s coast.
    FILE PHOTO: A Venezuelan flag is seen in downtown Caracas, Venezuela December 5, 2016. REUTERS/Ueslei Marcelino

    Each of the neighboring South American countries says the incident on Saturday occurred within its territorial waters. In response to the event, the U.S. State Department said Venezuela had behaved “aggressively” and called on the country to “respect international law and the rights of its neighbors.”

    “It is evident that the U.S. government is interfering in a matter that is not at all incumbent upon it, with the goal of promoting corporate interests closely linked to the Washington ruling elite,” the foreign ministry said in a statement.

    Socialist President Nicolas Maduro has accused the United States of plotting to invade Venezuela and overthrow his government, while Washington has placed sanctions on Venezuela’s debt and members of Maduro’s government over accusations of corruption, human rights violations and election-rigging.

  4. Venezuela confronts Exxon oil exploration ship in disputed Guyanese waters
    By Michael Burke – 12/24/18 10:41 AM EST

    The Venezuelan navy on Saturday intercepted a ship searching for oil for Exxon Mobil in Guyanese waters, the Guyanese foreign ministry said in a statement.

    “The Government of Guyana rejects this illegal, aggressive and hostile act perpetrated by the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela which once again demonstrates the real threat to Guyana’s economic development by its western neighbor; an act that violates the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country,” the statement, which was released on Saturday, reads.

    The foreign ministry also pledged to bring “this latest act of illegality and blatant disrespect for Guyana’s sovereignty by Venezuela to the attention of the United Nations.”

    Venezuela maintains that the area where its navy confronted the ship is Venezuelan territory.

    Venezuela’s foreign ministry said in statement to Reuters that its navy confronted two boats it said were hired by Exxon in an area that was “undoubtedly Venezuelan sovereignty” and “proceeded to apply the appropriate international protocols.”

    The disagreement over who controls the area is part of a century-old border dispute, according to Reuters.

    The State Department blamed Venezuela for the incident.

    “The Venezuelan Navy aggressively stopped ExxonMob‎il contracted vessels operating under an oil exploration agreement with the Cooperative Republic of Guyana in its Exclusive Economic Zone,” State Department spokesman Robert Palladino said in a statement.

    “We underscore that Guyana has the sovereign right to explore and exploit resources in its Exclusive Economic Zone,” Palladino continued. “We call on Venezuela to respect international law and the rights of its neighbors.”

    The vessel, owned by Petroleum Geo-Services (PGS), that was conducting the exploration on behalf of Exxon stopped searching and moved east after it was confronted by the Venezuelan navy, PGS spokesman Bard Stenberg told Reuters in a statement.

    An Exxon spokeswoman said the company’s oil explorations in the region “have been paused until they can be safely continued.”

  5. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    Someone seem to have snitched on DaCosta Braithwaite. Once a HIGHLY REGARDED member of the Clico Million Dollars Club for its top insurance salesmen.

    This man was a conduit for the Major local drug lords laundering their cash from cocaine and marijuana sales.

    Not satisfied with his role to clean money he got totally involved in importation not only out of Jamaica for cheap marijuana in addition South America for cheap cocaine.

    He had a team of former Clico Salesmen including Shawn Hope and several others and over many years would have moved and sold thousands of pounds locally of marijuana and smaller amount of cocaine though quite significant.

    Exports would have been to Canada/USA/UK for cocaine $$$.

    Among his group would have been Clifford Braithwaite alias Jah Jah deported from Canada for MAJOR cocaine trafficking who lives in the Deacons area.

    Another member of the team would be Frank Drakes Manager at RBC Bank and a former Combermerian. Frank Drakes was responsible for shipping liquefied cocaine in Windmill hotsauce and then travelling to Canada to return back to white cocaine powder. Frank Drakes with his knowledge of Banking and his former wife was also responsible for laundering money from the venture in offshore accounts in Cayman and Virgin Islands.

    Another couple members of this criminal syndicate Nigel Pinder alias Bounty St. Phillip’s drug lord and Freddie Hill Reggae Promoter.

    On BU there is a female police officer who is arresting a lawyer on the way to Court her name is Heather Pinder and she is involved in this criminal network.

    The case against DaCosta Braithwaite will go NOWHERE and will langush in the Magistrate Court and money will pass hands including to dirty police and will disappear after a while.

    Among DaCosta Braithwaite’s Attorneys is Micheal Lashley former DLP Minister, and Nigel Pinder alias Bounty close mate and right handman.

    DaCosta Braithwaite is an underground kingpin and knows all the major local players of drug, guns and human trafficking in conjunction with the Strip Clubs owners as he is a crucial part of their network for over 20 years.

    Update: Accused businessman granted bail, Jamaican remanded

    Businessman DaCosta Alexander Brathwaite was granted $220,000 bail with two sureties when he appeared in the District ‘A’ Magistrate’s Court on two drug related offences this morning.
    And while the 53-year-old managing director of D’s Mega Styles who lives at No. 2 Chelston Gardens, St Michael was able to return to his home until January 24, 2019 his co accused, Jamaican fisherman George Washington Williams was not so lucky. Williams was remanded to HMP Dodds.

    The two are accused of doing acts preparatory for the purpose of trafficking cannabis and conspiring with another person to traffic cannabis on December 20.
    The illicit substance in question is said to weigh 49 kilogrammes and has an estimated $440,000 street value.
    The accused were not required to plead to the indictable charges when they appeared before Magistrate Douglas Frederick.
    Brathwaite was represented by attorneys Queen Counsel Michael Lashley, Dayna Taylor-Lavine and Romain Marshall while Williams was represented by Harry Husbands.

  6. Michael Lashley is a perfect example of how ugly greed can mek yuh look.

    I have very little regard for most of the politicians bout here.Steupes.

    We need another system of governance.Fuh real

  7. What we need is for citizens that have relevant information to discharge their civic responsibility. It is how a democracy is meant to work. Citizens must participate!

  8. At the end of this Mia Mottley BLP led reign – whatever little worth that is left in Barbados will be long gone.Sigh

    I say this with no joy but with deep sadness.

    This wouldn’t have started with her – it would not have started with the last Dems government – but it started under Owen and the last BLP government – it was continued under the Dems – and Mottley will hastily finish it.

    So, so sad.peoples.

    Only the hand of Almighty God can change the trajectory – and I pray He will.

  9. David


    However, one has to go deeper and wider to come to a full understanding about the ‘dudu’ we are in.

    Your article has a flavor of the need for protection of the Caribbean from the big ‘bad’ Russian bear, but a number of anti-Russian moves have been made by the once unipolar American imperium which serve as background. Permit us to list a few.

    First, after the fall of the USSR (circa 1989), with the help of Gorbachev, the Russian Federation itself became a vassal state to the Western alliance. This national disgrace imposed on Russia permitted all manner of Western decadence to invade and destroy long held notions of Russian nationalism, sovereign. Yelsin, as president of Russia, was America’s man in Moscow. What goes around comes around.

    Secondly, in exchange for permitting the former East Germany to reunite with West Germany, the Americans, through two administrations, had promised the Russian Federation that NATO would not advance ‘one square inch’ into former USSR republics including the former East Germany. Notwithstanding, NATO has continued to expand right up to Russia’s borders. In military terms, any Russia president would see these as actions preparatory for war, especially with the West seeking to construct a New Cold War with Russia to justify the continuation of trillions of taxpayers’ money.

    Thirdly, the USA has systematically, over 20 years, withdrawn from nearly all of the arms control agreements it has ever signed with either the USSR or the Russian Federation. It was Gorbachev, who offered Reagan for there to be a total ban, dismantlement, of ALL nuclear weapons. Reagan turned him down but this story is never talked about on popular media. The Americans, Donald Trump, are now talking about leaving the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF). The Russians have long warned that they would develop a countermeasure like the Avangard is their countermeasure to American/NATO anti-missile-missiles which are currently deployed on Russia’s borders, in countries like Poland and more. This status quo gives the West, the Americans and NATO, an ability to be able to strike Russia and shoot down a Russian nuclear response.

    Fourthly, when the Russians saw NATO and the Americans, they are the same thing, overthrowing the duly elected government of Ukraine, with people like John McCain, Hilary Chilton and several other American/NATO, State Department officials, actually entering Ukraine and opening supporting the opposition to a Russian friendly government next-door they felt they had no choice but to ‘allow’ Crimea to rejoin the Russian Federation. Should they not acted, NATO/America could have succeeded in their encirclement of Russia and thus deny access to the Mediterranean and warm water ports, essential for Russian national defense.

    Fifthly, Russian has watched has EU/Americans have conducted all manner of additional malign activities. These include active support for terrorism in many countries. Russia and China have significant populations of Muslims. They know well that the Americans deploy terrorism to destabilize strategic competitors, countries and regions. The Americans have done this in Chechnya, Russia and Ningxia, Gansu, and Qinghai areas of China.

    We could, maybe, go on to number up to a 100 American/NATO actions which the Russian Federation interpret as aggressive or preparatory for war.

    There is never a Caribbean response when the Americans were taking aggressive action in Colombia, Nicaragua, Haiti, Ecuador, Venezuela, and maybe every country in the Western Hemisphere, each more than once.

    As America’s backyard, we have accepted this militarization as normal. We have American nuclear submarines passing through our waters all the time, and not a word from any regional official. Much more!

    The Russians have always made the best weapons systems at the lowest relative cost. The Avangard system is billed to be able to circumnavigate the globe before homing in on its target. Moving at hypersonic speeds and is impervious to detection.

    Certainly Venezuela has as much right as any other ‘independent’ country to align with whomever it wishes. We should not have waited for big power rivalries to come to us before we were concerned.

    This is not merely a Caribbean issue. For it is Earth-ending in character. Since 1967 the nuclear powered nations promised the peoples of the world to disinvent atomic weapons. Besides the offer from Gorbachev, not one single action was taken. It’s just a matter of time.

  10. @Pacha

    You comment is noted, however, it does not remove the concern the Caribbean (zone of peace) should have with the Russian bear trundling in its backyard.

  11. David

    Is any notion about a ‘zone of peace’ relevant given the new kinds of weapons we have developed, are developing.

    That might have been relevant 30 years ago, but today! If you really understood the state of modern military technologies and the devastation current and news systems could wrought, you will come to see that it’s all or nothing.

    Either we save the whole world or loose it all.

  12. @Pacha

    It is instructive Trump has triggered a partial government shutdown over building an irrelevant wall for an infinitesimal amount of the national budget. On the flip side Russia has designed a missile that can move at MACH 20 speed compared to the fastest the USA defence can offer at MACH 5.

  13. Barbados Today is reporting that one of the charges filed against Donville Innis has been withdrawn by the US Justice Dept and there are doubts about whether the Justice Dept will be successful with the remaining charges.

    Interesting indeed.

    Seems things are going in his favour.

    I will listen to hear Mottley and Dale.

  14. “Zone of peace” ?? What virtue-signalling nonsense from politicians who are desperate for the limelight to distract from their depredations at home.
    Good post Pachamama.

  15. @ David, the Wall is hardly irrelevant as you claim. If you cannot control your borders you have no nation. How would you feel about Barbados being flooded with uneducated, possibly criminal parasites that were being paid for out of the meagre Barbados treasury, and for one political party seeking to support them for their own purposes? Ask the populace if you have no answer.

  16. @45colt

    You missed the irony in the observation. The USA is a ‘superpower’ with eyes in the sky.

  17. @T. Inniss,

    Don’t be too hasty. Two points: the charges are amended in court, not by letter to the presiding judge. Second, and most important, to this day there has been no inquiry in to the allegations against Mr Inniss. This would not be subjudice, but proper regulation. A legally registered insurance company and senior executives are allegedly involved. Is the Mottley-led BLP government going to investigate this?

  18. “Barbados Today is reporting that one of the charges filed against Donville Innis has been withdrawn by the US Justice Dept and there are doubts about whether the Justice Dept will be successful with the remaining charges.”

    Since Donville has not been convicted, any precedents set at the appellate level in OTHER .

    “.Last August 24, in a matter unrelated to Inniss’ case, the United States Court of Appeals had determined that a non-resident foreign national could not be held criminally liable for aiding or abetting or conspiring to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, unless the government could show that the accused acted as an agent of a domestic concern or while he or she was physically present in the United States. Legal arguments were that Inniss fitted into neither category.”

    can work in his favour…as in this appellate case United States v, HOSKINS…for the ONE charge…however Donville still got 2 indictable charges left to answer..he only needs to be convicted on one.

  19. 45govt

    Sir, most illegal immigrants who come to America do so to better their lives, so this idea that all illegal immigrants who come to this country do so to victimize and burden the system is pure rightwing propaganda.

    And you ought to know that there is always and exception to the general rule, so be circumspect with respect to the broad brush you are using because it can be applied to you in much the same light as it is applied to the illegal immigrant.

  20. 45govt

    America has always been a beacon of hope for the legal and illegal immigrant, so go and read what is written on the Statue of Liberty by Emma Lazarus … before you start to infusing this blog with your right-wing propaganda …

  21. @Lexicon et al

    Is it possible to make a comment minus personal attack? First and last warning. Make you point and move on. The moderation feature will be used more frequently starting now.

  22. I note your failure to answer the question!

  23. Leximoron simply cannot help himself, and is too insignificant to bother replying to.

  24. The direct reply feature is good. Next for an edit option for those with fat fingers or dyslexia.

  25. David

    Where have I insulted 45govt? I have used the term rightwing propaganda to describe a particular political philosophy that is attributed to the Republican Party, and this it is no more different than a BLP or DLP opponent calling one another a yard fowl…

  26. It is instructive to note that every penny Donville made, illegal or otherwise, is going to US lawyers…one must ask, was it worth it…particularly if he is convicted on just one charge.

  27. First of All America was built off the blood and sweat of the negro {blacks} this notion that america was built off the drove of immigrants out of Europe and other immigrants that followed should be defined by proof of historical findings . the immigrants who came to america found an america already built and settled into a land that was already established and built by the blood and sweat of the negro many of which were not paid a living wage in building america
    The new wave of illegal immigrants who want to cross the borders should be stopped The idea of “using ” the statue of liberty as a vehicle by which illegal immigrants should come willing and freely through americas borders is an idea built out of self interest for corporate america to use them as slave labour and in the meanwhile closed shut the employment doors against blacks,getting well paid wages
    Blacks of all people should not be entertaining or engaging in this form of employment genocide and act and a form of discrimination against themselves
    I am not at all a Trump supporter but on this issue he might be stopping blacks from from further desolation of their economic demise when it comes to employment and wage depreciation

  28. Revisionist drivel. I expect you think The Eiffel Tower was built by blacks, like Westminster Cathedral.

  29. As for the Donville Innis case all charges will be dropped
    As cited by a former case where civil/criiminal actions /charges cannot be adjudicated if the crime was not done as an act against America or its justice system
    This whole charade was all cooked up by the white shadows living in the wings of the blp party and it has back fired
    Look out for them to be pressuring the Dept of justice at home to press charges one can anticipate a shuffling of the Dept to get their way
    Sparks flying in 2019

  30. “First of All America was built off the blood and sweat of the negro {blacks} ”

    AND Native Indians..

  31. “This whole charade was all cooked up by the white shadows living in the wings of the blp party and it has back fired”

    lol..which makes me laugh to no end..

  32. The Native Americans were dispossessed, but I recall no contribution from them to the subsequent building of the US, rather they were the victims of that development.

  33. 45govt

    Look how this man is trying minimize the fact that Black labor had been integral to the very creation of the United States of America …

  34. 45govt

    If you think that there were no contribution from the Native Americans … then go and study the history of the Five Civilized Tribes …

  35. Where is commisong on his buddy letting nuclear weapons on his land,
    45……. mariposa may be right about her families building of london bridge…..ergo the song

  36. 45govt

    Go and study the Indian Removal Act signed into law by President Andrew Jackson …

  37. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    NO they will not, because it will have implications of a self destructive type

  38. Mariposa
    December 28, 2018 6:39 AM

    First of All America was built off the blood and sweat of the negro {blacks} this notion that america was built off the drove of immigrants out of Europe and other immigrants that followed should be defined by proof of historical findings .


    Approximately 400,000 slaves in the south at the time of the Civil War.

    Tens of millions of immigrants!!!

    Go figure!!

  39. Lexicon
    December 28, 2018 7:26 AM

    Go and study the Indian Removal Act signed into law by President Andrew Jackson …


    A democrat!!

  40. Commissiong is a loathsome parasite, shit stirring racist and utter cnut who should never have been given access to public money.
    London Bridge isn’t falling down, so I doubt Mariposa’s relatives were involved! 😊

  41. Lexicon you cant have it both ways, you cant argue that your peoples have been oppressed by whitey and then claim you were integral in building of america. I doubt very much that any of your ilk were white hat guys on construction sites not that they couldnt of been but whites wouldnt have let them be their bosses.according to you. So blacks, chinese indian etc were relegated to step and fetch . So if you are saying that your people were the grunts in the trenches i agree,

  42. The Chinese, Irish and Germans were the backbone of the construction of America. The blacks were shamefully used by the South, by Democrats of course!

  43. “As cited by a former case where civil/criiminal actions /charges cannot be adjudicated if the crime was not done as an act against America or its justice system. This whole charade was all cooked up by the white shadows living in the wings of the blp party and it has back fired…”

    Bloody hell…..

    Is Mariposa suggesting the certain “white shadows” in the BLP are “behind the scenes”……. CONTROLLING the US Justice Department and “COERCED” it into filing criminal charges against Donville Inniss…. which subsequently “back fired???????”

    And TheOGazerts calls this good pace bowling????

    A misdirected no ball, as he would “say.” This particular bowler needs a rest.

  44. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    I have a question for you.

    Do you have leprosy, Ebola or AIDS?

    Whenever you post be ole man notes that NONE OF THE BIG BALLS MEN OR WOMDN HERE RESPOND TO WHAT YOU SAY?


    De ole man was “looking back” at 4 Attorneys General and the public records associated with the names that you repeatedly mention.

    What one notes is that there are no references to any of these persons by ANY OF THE FOUR ATTORNEYS GENERAL

    So why is that?

    How comes that you alone can mention the names of about 8? People but not an Attorney General can say the name of one?

    You mean that Attorneys General Dale Marshall, Mia Mottley, Dale Marshall again, Adriel Brathwaite nor Freundal Stuart ent got no balls?

    Bug then again, look at our wider society.

    Looka how you come here and toss up these names and not a feller who has been Commissioner of the Royal Baygon Police Force nor the Dirdctor of Public Prosecutions nor the Church doan say a pang?

    Ooops I sorry

    De Honourable Blogmaster did say

    “…What we need is for citizens that have relevant information to discharge their civic responsibility. It is how a democracy is meant to work. Citizens must participate!…”

    So I guess that counts doesn’t it?

    By the way, why you do not post it as an article.

    Let us see whom it attracts heheheh.

    De ole man predicts 10 blog submissions

  45. …”but I recall no contribution from them to the subsequent building of the US, ”

    They were used as slaves, the native Americans, do you really see those squatters and invaders out of Europe passing up that opportunity….besides, it is well documented..

  46. “Where is commisong on his buddy letting nuclear weapons on his land,

    The tragedy here is, he might not mind.

  47. @lawson

    Agree that Comissiong in his role as Ambassador of Caricom must issue a statement on the issue highlighted in the blog. The exchanges about the history of the US is the usual blather.

  48. There is nothing Commissiong would mind if the price was right.

  49. When Mia Mottley read the new happenings in the Inniss case she must have seen blood as Innis would have been the big fish used as the example for corruption in the dlp
    Now the pressure would be placed in her hands by the Jewish white shadows to file charges against Innis or go on another witch hunt to find another sacrifical lamb in the dlp

  50. Oh dear…Commie-song in a pickle…… “I am anti-America, pro Putin & Maduro…. but dem want to bully my friends in Guyana…. a CARICOM country but lo & behold, Mia make me the CARICOM Ambassador!!! What to do???? Why she put me hey???…. I in a pickle!”

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