The attached file contains Ms. Atwell’s instruction to the lawyer AND an extract from Ms. Harewood’s affidavit. Is it fair to surmise that she acknowledged at the time of signing that the beach land was not bequeathed to her? The blogmaster is willing to be guided.

262 responses to “The Estate of Marie Stewart – Beachfront Land”

  1. Oliva Oliva stay off the blog you are looking like a blasted fool

  2. David, the two last documents are difficult to read. Can you obtain better copies?

  3. Was it my phone or were my eyes deceiving me. The print is great now.

  4. Is it fair to surmise that she acknowledged at the time of signing that the beach land was not bequeathed to her?


    I don’t think I have heard her anything different.

  5. I have heard her say that her mother redeemed a mortgage her grandfather gave Cottle Catford before he died in 1975 and her grandfather said the beach front land should be hers.

    I have also heard her say the will is fraudulent.

  6. Obviously between 1975 and 2006 a lot happened.

  7. It’s obvious the Executrix had no clue what the hell she was signing away to George Payne, she was tricked, manipulated, used and abused …and left to die…so that all the criminals could steal that Estate….the signature, if it is hers, appears very shaky….

  8. I first met Rawle Eastmond way back when he was a teenager and I was running for the double-member constituency of St James in 1966. (I emerged as the senior member, while the late Ellsworth Holder, also on a Barbados Labour Party ticket, was elected junior.) I spent ten years in Opposition (1966 to 1976) and during that time young Rawle Eastmond assisted me greatly, alongside people like Eileen Lucas and Ermine Stuart.

    I guess that was Lammie Craig.

    So Ermine Stewart before she even married was a staunch Bee as was her father!!

  9. Olivia Wellington Avatar

    The matter being discussed is hampered by Jackie’s half-truths. If you are accusing someone of fraud then your case needs to be unimpeachable. From what I can see, the land was promised but not officially bequeathed. Most of Jackie’s stories can be readily destroyed by a poor 1st year law student. Law is not based on emotions and hysterics but on facts. The contradictions and the hostile responses to those who question credibility really hinder her cause. From what I was told, Mrs. Atwell was exceedingly hurt that her sister would choose to fight her in court rather than sit down and discuss the matter in a civil manner. She also levied blame at Jackie as the instigator in the matter. Mrs. Harewood has a reputation as a peaceful, gentile woman and her daughter has a well-deserved reputation as a trouble-maker.

  10. @John

    In your opinion are docs posted fake?

  11. Still does not cancel out the fraud and Estate theft by PAIN and his gang…against the Estate and against the living Beneficiary..

    …he was FIRED by the TESTATRIX in 2006…for thieving her land…what was he doing back in there involved in the Estate other than to steal it as was his original intent with the Testatrix…covetousness and picking up and selling land that does not belong to him…LAND THIEF and FRAUD.

  12. I still say that jackie aka fake accent is leaving out something.

  13. Olivia Wellington Avatar

    @WARU, how do you know that Mr. Payne was fired by Marie Stewart? How did she terminate his services? Verbally? In writing?

  14. In this forum, it doesn’t matter whether they are false or not, they appear genuine but are only part of the story!!

    It is like the part of the will exhibited before, it too seems genuine … and yet ….

    It seems funny the only thing being left is land to three children in terse legal terms.

    Olivia admits the will is poorly drafted.

    The legal drafting I can’t say is proper or improper …. BUT …. a mother would have a personal touch, something special of hers to each of her daughters for them to remember her.

    From all the wills I have seen from the 1600’s, and I have seen plenty, maybe approaching 100 or more, this one just seems too narrow and impersonal to be the product of a loving mother.

    Even my grandfather, a hard back man, remembered each of his children with some special small bequest to each.

    He took great pains to instruct his attorney at law, writing a will first and then adding a codicil three years later.

    Something seems wrong with this will to me … it is just too impersonal.

    The excerpt from the affidavit supports my surmise that this was once a loving family …. Mummy over and over again!!

    It isn’t the legalese, it is the absence of the humanity!!

    It is not surprising to see politics involved.

    Been there done that!!

  15. How do you know Payne was not fired?

    Don’t play word games with me you will never is evident you are a LIAR with no credibility…

    I will let Jackie repeat to you how the Testatrix FIRED Payne for stealing her land..

  16. Olivia Wellington Avatar

    I know unequivocally. Jackie knows nothing about any transactions between her grandmother and anyone.

  17. Olivia Wellington
    September 7, 2018 10:54 PM

    @WARU, how do you know that Mr. Payne was fired by Marie Stewart? How did she terminate his services? Verbally? In writing?


    If Ermine held a POA would it matter?

  18. Olivia Wellington Avatar

    John, you made my night as you appear to be a critical thinker .The Will is poorly drafted and I was mortified when I saw it. Marie Stewart was not a sentimental woman but she was practical. It took her many years to really make a Will. Ermine was her heart–the intelligent daughter, the professional nurse who took care of her.
    The only person that Marie Stewart opened up to was her Aunt. I have attempted to enlist some input from that branch of the family but they have stated that due to ongoing litigation they will not speak publically on this matter.

  19. It is more like you are interfering in something that clearly has nothing to do with you, you dont have all the facts, making it up as you go along and the family on the island are smart enough not to feed into your malicious gossiping. …that has become clear for those of who can see.

  20. Olivia Wellington Avatar

    @WARU, What I can see is that you have a political agenda and you are also an instigator. With supporters like you, Jackie and Glenda certainly do not need enemies. You are encouraging them to be both libelous and slanderous and I hope you will help them pay their legal fees and damages.

  21. @Olivia W
    The Will is poorly drafted and I was mortified when I saw it.
    Wouldn’t that reflect on the legal authority that helped in the preparation of the Will?

  22. @ Olivia Wellington

    You are a con person identical to the crooks at George Walton Payne & Co.

    This has nothing to do with critical thinking bull.

    This has all the markings of collusion and deceit.

    What is your real name?

    In observing the last several videos Jackie Stewart does not recognise your name Olivia Wellington as any part of her family in Barbados or England.

    Clear as blue sky you are a trickster and a deceiver.

  23. Olivia Wellington Avatar

    Why don’t you ask her her real name? She knows nothing of our family. We are Wellingtons, Cyruses, Smiths and Stewarts. Anyone from St. James knows our families.

  24. Olivia Wellington Avatar

    @Sargeant, a poorly drafted will due to its brevity and the fact that it has no clause and failed to address several contingencies. Yes, it reflects badly on the person who prepared it. It looks as though it was prepared by an undergraduate.

  25. Marie Stewart was not a sentimental woman but she was practical. It took her many years to really make a Will. Ermine was her heart–the intelligent daughter, the professional nurse who took care of her.


    So, one would expect Ermine to figure separately in the will.

    … just as one would expect Glenda’s contribution from 1975 to be acknowledged for the simple reason her father said let it be so.

    And if Ursuline had passed without heirs, you would expect there to be some codicil to the will to reflect that fact or that the will would have been rewritten with no mention of her.

    What appears of the will seems contrived, written with only one asset in mind, the land.

    She may have had savings in a bank account, furniture, and God knows what else.

    No mention of anything other than the land in what has been published.

  26. @Olivia W

    According to the invoice the Will was prepared in the office of GW Payne & Co, the same partnership that is front and centre of the allegations..

  27. Olivia Wellington Avatar

    @ John, what you have stated, is what a family member who is an attorney pointed out. Wills usually dictate what happens to the a beneficiary’s part is he or she pre-deceases the testarix. In most cases, the will is updated or the Will will specify the the beneficiary’s part will go to their Estate. Ms. Harewood and Ms. Stewart are not beneficiaries of either Ursuline or Ermine and they both have meticulously drafted wills..

  28. @Sargeant

    What are you imputing by questioning the quality of the draft? The issue is whether it is the Will that was deposited at the Registrar AND who had POA.

  29. @ Olivia Wellington

    Why don’t you ask her her real name? She knows nothing of our family. We are Wellingtons, Cyruses, Smiths and Stewarts. Anyone from St. James knows our families.


    You are running into a corner again to hide the truth bringing in all kind of Surnames as a smokescreen.

    What is your real name I ask for the third time including a previous blog?

    We know the real name of the mother who is the beneficiary in this Transaction.

    Jackie is acting on her behalf and in earlier videos she appeared VISUALLY with her mother; it is clear they are both related as mother and daughter

    Provide your real name so Jackie or her mother can VOUCH you are a REAL part of the family.

    Other than that you are a conman/woman acting on the behalf of George Walton Payne & Co.

    Anyone including me can come on this BU blog with a FAKE name and attack anyone that I have an Agenda with including posting lies and false innuendos.

  30. @ John you are correct what we saw of the will it was just too vague, too cold and not personal. I would like to read it in its entirety.

  31. The matter is being debated based on the documents presented.

  32. Ms. Harewood and Ms. Stewart are not beneficiaries of either Ursuline or Ermine and they both have meticulously drafted wills..



    That makes this even worse.

  33. Olivia Wellington Avatar

    @Sargeant, Marie Stewart had no assets. She inherited the Estate from Mr. Holder and it was heavily in debt from the time of his death until 2016. I am not speaking off the cuff as I examined every land tax bill and from discussions with family members. In 50 years, Young Ms. Stewart visited Barbados approximately 7 times. I am curious as to who is this “father” to whom you refer. Ms. Harewood’s father was alive up to a few years ago. I saw Mr. Holder’s Will which is well written and detailed and no part of it bequeaths anything to Ms. Harewood. In it she is referred to as the daughter of her employee.

  34. Olivia Wellington Avatar

    correction “as the daughter of his employee.”

  35. @ Olivia Wellington

    John, what you have stated, is what a family member who is an attorney pointed out.


    What is the name of this family Attorney?

    Is his name George Payne or someone associated with George Walton Payne & Co?

    The PLOT THICKENS, the more you talk the more you are exposing your ass.

    We are slowly getting to the TRUTH in this web of deceit and Land Fraud.

  36. Olivia Wellington Avatar

    Why would Mr. Payne criticize his own Will? I stated that a family member pointed out why it is a poorly executed Will.

  37. @Olivia

    Can you repeat why the Will could have been poorly drafted?

  38. Olivia Wellington Avatar

    The Will was poorly drafted because there are no contingency clauses. It does not state what happens to a beneficiary’s part in the event that he or she pre-deceases the testarix.

    For example, a properly drafted and executed Will would have stated that in the event Ursuline predeceased her mother, then her part would become part of Ursuline’s Estate or it would revert back to the original. In some countries, this is not necessary because those countries allow for a “lapse clause.” A lap clause mandates that the deceases’ inheritance automatically becomes part of her Estate.

    A good lawyer would revisit a Will yearly and update it after speaking with the testarix. In this case, he would have advised Marie Stewart to update her Will and recommend that Ermine and Glenda be co-executrices due to Ursuline’s demise.

  39. @ Olivia Wellington

    Let’s not get into Semantics.

    You did not just state an ordinary family member; you specified who is an Attorney/Lawyer shared opinion with you.

    You are saying that it is not George Payne then kindly tell us the name of your family member WHO is such a good Attorney/Lawyer on the island of Barbados.

    You never know they maybe good work coming from the many readers of this blog looking for a good Attorney/Lawyer to find on the island.

    I suspect that you have way way too much to hide so you will not divulge this legal begal name to us on BU.

    Prove me wrong other than that I will continue to call you a Fraudster and Trickster, and a key component of this criminal conspiracy.

  40. The quality of the draft is accepted, the question again it why in your opinion it should have been poorly drafted.

  41. Olivia Wellington Avatar

    At the time the Will was drafted, ownership could not be clearly delineated. Marie was always distressed by the fact that she had no paperwork for the land and often expressed her frustration. Ermine was also perturbed by the fact that her mother took a long time to do a Will and she often expressed her frustration. The Will could have been done in haste. My cousin, who has all of the documents has serious concerns about the validity of the signatories and what she calls the “primitive” execution. The Witnesses names are not typed and it is difficult to discern the names. These are the points that Jackie ought to be focusing on rather than ranting and swearing

  42. Thanks, this is the point the blogmaster wants to get on the table. Your other point about people frothing at the mouth is valid.

  43. The Will is as fake and fraudulent as PAIN and Olivia…it was established very early on that Payne drew up a bogus Will to supercede the Will that the grandmother…who fired him from the estate for land theft in 2006….had already drawn up…a more accurate and well defined and ORIGINAL Will….I notice people don’t listen very well and miss very important information. .

    This halfassed Will…as land thieves normally do, is suspected to be a forgery.

    Jackie would do well not to repeat certain things she said…just leave it there.

  44. Jackie has all the information she needs to move forward…all the nuisance, empty chatter is hot air…she can continue to expose the fraud and theft of the Estate, but no more info should be divulged to help those who are obviously desperate and searching for a way out of the criminal mess they created for themselves…because they are covetous, envious and greedy and ended up being exposed for

  45. @ Olivia Wellington

    The Will could have been done in haste. My cousin, who has all of the documents has serious concerns about the validity of the signatories and what she calls the “primitive” execution.


    We have now gone from Attorney/Lawyer family member sharing an legal opinion with you and now ALSO AGAIN a no name cousin keeping ALL Legal documents.

    This is becoming a laugh from your end.

    The Blogmaster then solicits your above SUBJECTIVE OPINION to cast aspersions on others per your comment that people are frothing at the mouth is valid.

    Olivia Wellington false name alias you have no credibility so I find it truly hard to believe any validity in your words in regards to your opinion.

    The truth will set you and George Walton Payne & Co free; .however you have continued to try to mislead by using Barbados Underground Blog as though everyone reading and following are fools.

    I am still patiently waiting on the names mister or madam Fraudster.

  46. @Olivia W
    Yours @12.11
    I am not sure what that is about I never mentioned anything about a “father”

  47. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @Straight Talk

    You said and I quote “…The Blogmaster then solicits your above SUBJECTIVE OPINION to cast aspersions on others per your comment that people are frothing at the mouth is valid…”

    You do the Honourable Blogmaster a serious disservice.

    You do not understand this one of the 3 BU Borg.

    This is the original The OLD DAVID OF Barbados Underground!

    Note that with each one of his “queries” the party Olivia has “exposed” more of himself in this attempt to run interference on this matter.

    Olivia IS A LAWYER from the law offices of George Payne who has been sent to Barbados Underground to QUELL THIS STORY.

    You need to understand one thing and one thing only

    Here on BU there are some Real McCoys, & the Wannabees and the plain buchvnts. (like de ole man heheheheheheh)

    Now when a feller like you Straight Talk who, @ 1.23 AM, start to lay down the law, FROM INSIDE THE SANCTUM SANCTORUM what you need to observe is what your antipode does.

    And you see that that feller ammmm Olivia Wellington is up (as late as 12.46 am) “running with the wolves” (that is you cause you feral in your execution of this matter) you start to understand what is going on here.

    This is OF CRITICAL IMPORT TO PAIN AND TEETS but is is of even more importance to the Administration of Mia Amor Mottley.

    They honestly do not know what to do about this one.

    It has serious implications

    Mia cant fire her Attorney General right before she gets $600M and is campaigning for almost $2.5B more for all of her plans and her Sea Cow sorry sea walrus relatives.

    She CANNOT FIRE her Minister of Housing & Lands cause he would expose ***

    So if you cant fire them what can you do?

    The parties to this matter are not backing down and she cant find them to bring charges against them so what else is there to do?

    This is a blemish on the BLP Administration of Mia Mao Ze Jong and therefore she has sent some of her best to quell this matter.

    If the Blogmaster was on her side it would have been “quelled already”.

    So watch how soon the Internet Website Laws going get changed by AG Marshall and Minister of the Interior sorry Home Affairs Hinkson de same feller who call Payne a Teif.

  48. @ Piece


    I agree with your above synopsis %100.

  49. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right
  50. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Your assistance please with an item for Chairman Mao, she “who cares”

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