The following invoice is meant to shed light on the settling of the Estate of Marie Stewart as requested by the BU family.

Based on what has been made public so far is it true to conclude that the land being disputed represents part of the estate therefore it is not accurate to state it is the property of any of beneficiaries in the Will? This is the part of the dispute the blogmaster is struggling to understand.


191 responses to “The Estate of Marie Stewart – Chronologized Invoice”

  1. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ WARU September 7, 2018 10:59 AM
    “No Miller..they need to engage these bad boys…”

    Cut & Paste, you are missing’ the ‘nasty’ innuendo laden with heavy irony!
    f the opportunity arises, it is never recommended to ever engage the services of a Bajan lawyer to even milk a cow. For that Bajan lawyer would wait until the cow ‘kicks the bucket’ and then steal the milk due to the dead cow’s owner.

    As EWB once opined: “If you want justice stay away from Coleridge Street (aka Bajan law courts)”.

  2. lol…murdahhh!!!!…Miller.

    And EBW was so right…

  3. Another one who needs a firm like Skadden investigating his corrupt ass and handing him over to whichever authorities he is currently offending by breaking their laws…in order to get him some brand new ankle bracelets is that one Peter Harris from CGI Insurance and his criminal syndicate..of frauds.

  4. Blog Master you hang yourself ,The onlt two sides to this story are the Stewarts against Barbados Corruption and the injustice that has overstayed its welcome on this Island and you have chosen to add insult to injury and for the record the outside world sees you as low as them to add more injustice to what they havw endured and those family members are toxic as they agree that their were wrong to sell it without her sister knowing but still want them to back down ,Not their call or their choice and if thats famlily the S tewarts need to DIVORCE them .

  5. Have the last word.

  6. Good advice Waru they need some kick Ass

  7. It could be that in 2007, when Marie Stewart was alive her POA, Ermine Atwell signed an agreement for the sale of land.

    She would not have needed Glenda Stewart’s ok although it would have been the proper thing to do.

    If she did not sign an agreement then once Marie Stewart passed, the POA ceased and she became the executrix of the will, badly drafted or not, responsible to the beneficiaries, one of them being Glenda Stewart.

    Would be interesting to see the agreement, if it exists.

    However, CGP Ventures Inc was not engaged until 2016 to look for a buyer which suggests any agreement if it existed was terminated.

    … but who knows, such are the vagaries of the Barbados legal system!!

  8. ENUFF you dont understand The Rule OF LAW and are not addressing the Corruption that has killed Barbados as you are to CHICKEN the Stewarts got more balls than you and nailed your Ass good and check the comments and the people they back them you now are linked in to Caswell and his bad choice to take on these ladies that are fighting for a cause that you should of understood instead of white washing the shit that just stinks more eveyday.

  9. Alan Winter
    September 7, 2018 11:50 AM

    Good advice Waru they need some kick Ass


    I think they are doing pretty good representing their side …. and …. who says they don’t have advisors?!!

  10. John as this case i starts twelve years ago with fraud no Agency will tolerate this level of fraud and the vunerability of Ermine who was lamb to slaughter and you cannot sell without a deed it is all fraud on a muti million Estate and then their is the other lady they done it to on the same strip they will not win this one on any level .They set that Esate up and picked the Wrong Cub that roars like a lion lol

  11. But blogmaster those who are posting on behalf of Payne has yet to answer the question of why Payne took liberty to sell land without engaging the sister who is a beneficiary
    This whole would not have occurred had the sister be legally and rightfully notified
    Now all that is being shown and revealed is a load of conspirators who along with Payne used the justice system to undrrmined the best interest of the sister
    If this process had occured in an international country there is no doubt that Payne and his band of conspirators would be in jail.

  12. The Will does not stand as George Payne is not qualified it is null and void and as him and Dale have done fraud no Crimminal Court will have this Supreme Court of Barbados only lol

  13. The Estate of Marie Stewart now has no executor/executrix.

    The Court can appoint one if one were to apply.

    Otherwise, it can decide who to appoint.

  14. They are but if they have not your recomendation is good .

  15. They set that Esate up and picked the Wrong Cub that roars like a lion lol


    … you mean lioness!!

  16. This case is Crimminal the Stewarts are correct.Civil will be used for the Damages and of that their are many .What they have done is Evil

  17. John my man I stand corrected she is a LIONESS with a Beautiful roar

  18. The proceeds of the “sale” may all reside under the control of the Estate of Marie Stewart which may or may not have an executor/trix to distribute the proceeds.

  19. Blog master u acting as if it is the Stewarts fault
    By no means such a perception or even a suggestion of fault should be thrown towards them
    A ball of deception lies at the heart of this story which cannot be avoided or overlook
    Deception brought about through corrupt and illegals means which the Stewarts have every right to question and exposed
    The side winders who now are showing up with documents also needs to explain how and who gave Payne the authority to act on behalf of the sister without notifying her of all intentions towards the estate
    Blog master your attempt to prove another side of this story has all but added more deception to cover up a wrong

  20. Piece Under The Rock

    What happening up there.Hope you are ok and Mugabe hasn’t turned up at your door.

    Nuff things to mek some real good cartoons.

  21. Blog master are you really paying attention to what has happened to the sister
    Are u? I dont think so.!
    There is a big hole created by Payne which he and his co conspirators are trying to plug
    Blog master dont get caught up in a trail of lies and deceit( some of which might fall on you) by Payne and his co-conspirators which has become a tangled weave

  22. If they had to go up against a real Judge like Kamala Harris of US with this case, they would see, this case must be pursued from a criminal angle..FIRST, crimes were committed against the Executrix of the Estate …and definitely against the Beneficiary to the Estate and her Issue..

    Don’t mind all the double talk, the case is very clear and any good investigators will find what they need fo prosecution..

    Saw a video clip this morning with Mia and her IMF meet…and guess who is the only person at that table cannot lift up his head…it is a hell of a thing when ya have done people wrong..

  23. John..ya done know what an intimidating bunch Skadden, Arps are…as long as I recommended them, the ladies can make their own decisions when looking for real fire power.

  24. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Ms Steward

    At the moment the SSS is very busy. I am normally on here telling off creatures like Enuff and the other lap dog that seeks to protect the BLP at all times.

    I am going to promise you girly that as soon as my assignment is over, the posters will start flying again addressing this matter.

    My good friends in Barbados family got a lot of land in Christ Church, And they got to cut a road on their land before they can receive the land division and title deeds for our respective plots. If we do not build this road for over 100 grand, the lawyer has all of our documentation and will hold it until the Ministry of Transport and Works provide what I will call a clearance certificate. So imagine if any of them die, they are no title deeds, because the deeds are in the hands of a lawyer. All of this is what they consider legal.

    Anyhow ma girl, posters will come shortly. Keep on fighting. Expose the syndicate. Ýou got more support than you can imagine.

  25. Get your document s back from the lawyers and copy them.

  26. Keep asking myself how does this bunch sleep at night

  27. Thisvis a frightening scenario . To think that neither the barbados bar association nor Mia has sanctioned or suspend Payne until this matter is settled
    The recommendation by the blogmaster for the sister to sit down and try to reach a settlement is like asking the victim of the crime to settle with the criminal when infact the reversed should occur

  28. Agreed, Negroman…….these ministers ought to resign or be relieved of their portfolios until this matter is resolve…..There are too many instances where many of those at the top are connected to unsavoury practices and “its business as usual” meaning the corruption is ongoing…..They are breaking laws that are considered to be broken if you are a poor person….and no-one in authority has the “balls” to say/do anything…..So the poor continue to suffer as there are no “institutions” that exist where the poor can complain and seek redress. How does this happen in 2018…pure explotation, like in slavery days !!?? It just shows that in Barbados the abuse of power is still in the hands of the Leaders !! 🙁 Didnt someone say, things had changed…..

  29. Ah know they posted enough false and forged documentation to the blog as evidence to bury their own selves, then they call themselves lawyers…oh please, steuuuppps..

  30. @WARU….but it didnt work, if the so-called Lawyers had done the right thing in the first place, we wouldnt be at this point now, never mind the smokescreen, nuff people see through them, not just now but long time. But where is the Ombudsman in Barbados? The clients are like sitting ducks, even when you have complaints the system blocks every single one, just like in this case….and thats why its out on social media now !!

  31. “But where is the Ombudsman in Barbados? ”

    The Ombudsman Valton Benn is a joke, he will look you right in your face and tell you carry a criminal matter like this to court…civil court, he just collects a taxpayer’s salary like they all do for doing absolutely nothing for the people, nothing…

    The Stewarts now know they have resources available to them right on their doorstep in London to fight back…

  32. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    A few things that need to be said here.

    One. Caswell Franklyn was asked a question and responded.

    Two. Mariposa while it is noted that you were the first to mention this Ermine Atwell matter and the theft by Pain And Teets I recall well that you were asked to follow a specific procedure.

    That is a procedure that every effing body who posts with the Honourable Blogmaster is asked to follow and once the Honourable Blogmaster confirms the matter HE WILL POST IT.

    Three. @ Winter. You are new here so you will be forgiven this once.

    This matter has been accorded FOUR THREADS. 4 THREADS IN A MONTH!

    That is more than PORNVILLE or Charles Herbert had and each time the topic is spun off it gathers close to t00 blogs per topic.

    That my man IS NOT BIAS on the contrary if the Honourable Blogmaster was biased he would NOT HAVE SPLIT THE ITEM.

    Mariposa is NOT FIGHTING THIS MATTER FROM AN ALTRUISTIC REASON this is political for her.

    DO NOT get tied up with this one.

    @ T. Inniss

    The US midterms are coming and de grandson plans to shift his focus to that battle and see how his skills match up there.

    I’d like to suggest the following to you Inniss.

    Try to get your DLP people supply copies of the contracts of certain individuals under this Mugabe administration WHO HAE BEEN PAID TWICE.

    There a about 40 people who fall into that category and about 5 who are being paid 3 times.

    Get the contracts and your chant about Mia Cares being a lie will get wings.

    You fellows wish to discredit the BLP but I just want people to see their dishonesty and force them to be straight.

    But FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPLEMENTATION the items that we both need are the same

    “The enemy of my enemy who is the enemy to Barbados, IS MY FRIEND”

  33. Yardfowl Enuff and his masters are staring in the face of a different animal now.

    they get on here and parade and believe they can threaten and drive fear into people because that is what they do to their own people…but they have no clue who they are talking to online, some people are absolutely fearless and know things that would make him and ALL those land thieves shit themselves.

  34. No hearts, no consciences….and they believe they could get away with it forever and a day. Just goes to show they have nuff “book sense” but no “common sense”. Nothing lasts forever !! There has ALWAYS been those that stood out amongst the rest as “changers”….who were willing to die for a cause…..

  35. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with a recent item

  36. WARU aka Abigail
    I work, serious work therefore I don’t have the time to just sit in front my computer and respond to everyone on everything. I however do enjoy how you and your fellow Salemites form your cloven and come after me. The joke is that collectively you and them don’t add up to one, not based on the unadulterated ish offered up as comments. Cuss me, call muh a yardfowl, a crook, a paid blogger and everything else. But never answer my questions.
    PS: Someone who is seldom right and always wrong could never run me. #queendunce

  37. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ T Inniss.

    I also said that I would sit back and watch this matter.

    I have given it some thrust into the eye of the public.

    But here is the thing though.

    These people have been given the absolute best in legal advice that a person could have


    So my take is that either they are serious AND WILL TAKE THIS MATTER 5TO THE NEXT LEVEL or they will blow air up our collective pooches.I

    THEY HAVE WON THE BATTLE HERE and in the process exposed the Mia botsie suckers like Enuff of Lorenzo duo and the others

    So let us see what they do with the ammunition provided yes?

  38. Piece of the rock it is not political for me. For Mariposa it is a fight against boldfaced criminality by powers in high places
    The fight goes beyond political with. a cascading deceitful effect which involves all and sundry that participate in undermining the sister with no regard to consequences
    Certainly anyone with some decency to moral value would understand the necessity for a wrong to be corrected

  39. Well said Mariposa !! No moral decency and running a COUNTRY !! What is that saying ?

  40. Barbadians talk about some small invoice while the IMF is presenting the big invoice to the BB gov.Just now.

    No wonder that the islanders are out of touch with reality.

  41. lol..PAIN is a real, real fraud though…

    The Solicitor’s ACT is dated 1974….in UK

    He claimed to qualify in 1974

    England says NO..he lied he never qualified..

    But he still got GWP Solicitors on his letterhead, he must have moved the one from the website by now…


  42. “THEY HAVE WON THE BATTLE HERE and in the process exposed the Mia botsie suckers like Enuff of Lorenzo duo and the others”


    Enuff yardfowl has no clue what he caused when he jumped his leaking tail out this morning..

    When ya threatening, know who ya threatening, cause if yall get a video..ya can’t do one shite…

    ..ya doing something to Jackie????


  43. No executor of the Estate of Marie Stewart means no invoices getting paid …. and no distribution of assets to beneficiaries.

  44. An Attorney – General whose mandate includes administering the judicial process in this country is now caught up in a legal wrangle that stinks to high heaven and is still on the job.That is Mia version of transparency & accountability.
    If we had a credible free press an issue like this should have been highlighted. No, but the main stream press is compromised and lacking in any moral conviction whatsoever. Therefore, the corrupt practices of the elites are always swept under the carpet. Thanks for the technology and the blogs, these type of issues can now be exposed for all to see.
    I must at least give the blog master credit for allowing issues like this to be highlighted and discussed. Even though his blatant biases are clear.
    Attorney General,Dale Marshall and Minister George Payne should resign forthwith until this matter is settle.
    Negroman is calling for these two individuals to resign or be fired.
    Mia the ball is in your court.

  45. It is simply amazing the kind of nonsense this matter has evoked. Contributors purporting to give legal advice which is clearly out of their pay grade. I don’t expect any of them to take my advice but for what it worth before continuing their rubbish they could try to make contact with these two books. (1) Tristram and Cootes on Probate Practice – the leading authority in this area and (2) Williams on Will’s
    David, about two months ago I explained how Mr. Payne qualified as a Solicitor. Perhaps you could publish it again for the benefit of those who are either uninformed or wish for whatever reason to remain uninformed.

  46. Yall still don’t get it do you John..English law supersedes the shite yall got in Barbados..the CROWN supersedes the shite yall practice and call it is not is FRAUD, CORRUPTION AND THEFT….ya don’t get it..but ya will.

    they don’t even follow the Constitution and that document is supposed to make them independent.

  47. Again..Payne claimed he qualified in UK as a Solicitor..the UK said NO…if they say no, who the hell are you to say YES..

    qualifying as a lawyer in Barbados obviously don’t mean shit..they are all back street abortionists ripping off their own clients.

    ..who the hell are you to try to convince us otherwise when we know what real law practices look like and we KNOW when lawyers ARE THIEVES and FRAUDS…no one gotta listen to yall…they got REAL LAWYERS in UK where these ladies reside….and who will be best able to best advise them instead of stealing their Estate..

    Ya think yall can bully us into believing SHIT when we already know what shit looks

  48. David, one other thing. When an executor or executrix dies leaving the estate for which he or she is responsible not fully administered an application is made to the Court fo a Grant of Administration cum Testamentary annexo de bonis non.

  49. Ok Anon So under Barbados law Payne was certified
    However what reason was He given to undermine the interest of the sister using illegal procedures to by pass the law which in effect helped in disrupting the sisters interest as beneficiary
    Furthermore Payne given such certification as per barbados law a certification placed on ethics and rule of law to which Payne is bound….
    These allegations and accusations should be enough for Payne to have his practicing license / certification to be revoked until he can provided clear and convincing evidence that the allegations are not true
    The fact that Payne now used silence as a defence along with sending his co-conspirators to offer up alternatives to the allegations speak to his character
    A character that is pompous arrogant and doesnt give a god dam about what anyone think or belives about him

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