Yugge Farrell

There is the interesting case of a Vincentian woman by the name of Yugge Farrell who was sent to the psychiatric hospitable on 5 January 2018 to undergo two weeks evaluation because she reportedly ‘cuss’ Karen Duncan-Gonsalves, the wife of Minister of Finance Camillo Gonsalves.

The backlink to the story- Yugge reportedly had a fling with Camillo Gonsalves, the son of the Prime Minister and the tentacles of political power appears to have exerted some influence on how Yugge Farrell’s matter is being treated by the St. Vincent court. Not only was she ferreted to the mental institution with haste, it is reported that a cocktail of drugs were administered to her without any logical basis for doing so.

The case has galvanized the support of women across the Caribbean to what they see as an injustice against a young woman whose only ‘crime’ is that she ‘cuss’ a prominent politician’s wife after giving her husband ‘piece’. Social media is plastered with several ‘muscular’ stories about the tryst gone south. The bottomline is that it appears Ralphie and the Gonsales family have seen the weight of their dynasty- whether by accident or design-  influencing how Yugge has been treated to date.

People everywhere are pleased to learn that Yugge was granted bail today and her case scheduled for 17 December 2018.

The BU household adds our ‘voice of concern’ to what seems on the surface to be a prominent family in St Vincent making life hell for the former Caribbean Top Model. We have no doubt that Ralphie and family in the wake of the wide support Yugge has been receiving will step back from this matter and hope that it fades. We hope not!

The other angle to the story which concerns BU has to do with the haste regular citizens are often carted off to mental institutions under instructions from our courts. Courts are responsible for dispensing JUSTICE. As if the stigma of being forced to enter a psychiatric institution is not enough, there are the drugs which are administered that always seem to forever alter the behaviour of the ‘victim’. It appears anyone that is charged with an anti social behaviour have to appear in our courts, our magistrates see as the only recourse available as subjecting them to a psychiatric evaluation. While on the service this is not the worse thing that can occur, why the Rh they have to administer drugs? Some one needs to investigate!

We hope that in the din being raised by the feminists groups and those with the women’s agenda, the other side of this story is not smothered read the RH abuse of the ASYLUM!

Google ‘yugge farrell’

319 responses to “The Yugge Farrell Story – Rh Abuse of Political POWER and the ASYLUM!”

  1. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    I am sure that Mr. Camillo Gonsalves is like Ceasar’s wife beyond reproach and so is his beloved wife. Unlike some other of the Caribbean’s wufless political class living and dead.

    Caribbean political wives have historically understood that they be very likely to get horns, and that some of the outside chicks may become bombastic. In my foolish opinion that is an occupation hazard of a Caribbean political wife…and if the wife can’t take the heat then she should get out of the kitchen.

  2. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar

    @de pedantic Dribbler January 30, 2018 at 8:22 AM “Let’s also hope it further educates all philanderers to be sensible.”

    What are you talking about?

    Are you sure that you is a real, real Bajan?

    Strange since you have apparently never heard the saying “a hard clickie int have no conscience”

    And you expect hard clickies to act sensibly?


  3. Could RiRi be arrested in St.Vincent for using the word b-tch in her song ?

    “B-tch better have my money!
    Y’all should know me well enough
    Betch better have my money!
    Please don’t call me on my bluff”

  4. I support Artax’s post of 9.51 wholeheartedly. He has accurately summed up the psyche of Vincentian life both at grassroots,middle income and upper class levels. In many areas, we need to take a leaf out of their books in many areas socially.

  5. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Dr. Simple Simon January 30, 2018 at 9:38 AM #
    “If indeed she gave Camillo piece, then he should have sent her a nice thank you note. When a fat old guy get a piece from a beautiful young woman he should be forever grateful. And should express his gratitude in writing.”

    Not if there was a quid pro quo transaction (paying for it à la Bush Hill night business; E&OE MB408).

    We are certain you are old enough to be quite familiar with the saying: ‘A fallen apple does not rot too far from its dying parent tree’.

    Or what is in the dirty kiddy must have been from the smelly old ram.

    You are also ‘long in the tooth’ to have heard (e&oe, rumours running amok) when the now old ram was deemed persona non grata in his wild oats sowing days at Cave Hill by another hill-billy goat of a Tommy PM now passed on to the eternal flame.

    And you know what happens when two smart West Indian ‘‘fowl’ cocks are running down the same Caribbean hen.

    Politically powerful spurs must fly. As they are flying in the face of poor young Yugge.

    Now drink a ‘cockspur’ to that ‘ram-goat-bring game-cock and bull’ story.

  6. @Miller

    You follow natalie skin out?


  7. Margaret Parsons tells her side of the Ralph Gonsalves sex assault story.

  8. Because a dog is suck eggs does not mean that all eggs sucked should be attributed to the dog or that the maxim that once a thief always a thief rings true. Similarly because Mr Gonsalves has been accused of sexual abuse before does not mean that every allegation against him and family should be regarded as true until fully investigated. In Barbados i could be hauled before the law courts if i only attempt to assault my spouse for fraternising with another man and if i harass the man i could also face a charge before the courts. The law here do not take fault into consideration. You are liable if you assault or harass your spouse and the outside man or woman of the spouse. So infidelity between all classes of society is nothing new and is supported by law. This is no different in St Vincent where a young lady has alleged that she had an affair with the the Minister of Finance who happens to be the Prime Minister’s son. Unconfirmed reports has suggested that the lady was coerced into abortion to coverup the affair. No nowhere in all the emails attributed to the lady that i have seen has it been alleged that the young lady in question was forced into the affair. Does having an affair with someone’s spouse give you the right to abusively barge into the office of the spouse demanding $50.000 or else.

  9. Even prominent criminal attorney Mr Grant Connell who has been representing the young lady free of cost has indicated that the young lady needs help.

  10. Camillo Gonsalves is 45 years old.Minister of Finance, lawyer and former diplomat .

    Yugge Farrell is 23 years old.

  11. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ charles skeete January 30, 2018 at 11:34 AM

    “This is no different in St Vincent where a young lady has alleged that she had an affair with the the Minister of Finance who happens to be the Prime Minister’s son.”

    It seems as if you are ‘sympathetic’ with the notion of not washing your family’s dirty linen in public.

    Yes, Charles skeete, this is a clear-cut case of ‘shame and scandal in the family’.
    The weakness of sexual predation can sometimes run in families and be passed down like biblical sins from father to son and to the third generation of male rapists.

    Males of Portuguese and Jewish descent have always carried the ‘genetic’ belief that as slave traders and keepers (Brazil being the classic case in point) they have the ‘inalienable’ right to be the first to bite the cherry of supple sexy Nubian girls; even if under force or might or the backing of the racist laws

  12. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    “Politically powerful spurs must fly. As they are flying in the face of poor young Yugge.”

    Off putting that grown ups, many are old ass people on the blog, could still be so disdainful of young vulnerable people who are still being abused by known political lowlifes …in 2018…without much of an outcry from those expected to guide the young and they think it’s cute, it’s not, the next to be abused may very well be their own relatives, but am sure they will still not care….we are obviously not dealing with people who have a moral core. …cause according to what has been posted to another forum, many would do the same to their own flesh and blood and are currently doing so with the opportunity that presented itself.

  13. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Dr. Simple Simon January 30, 2018 at 9:52 AM
    “Does that still apply if the side chick is very young and very beautiful, and the main man is old and fat and just about past it?
    And how does a main man who is old and fat and just about past it discipline a side chick who is very young and very beautiful?”

    Now here you have the perfect example of who or what is a ‘Tri-sexual’.

    A man (always a man in your estimation) who would hump anything that moves on one, two, three, four or no legs at all.

    Even mentally-challenged young girls once they have a pretty print slit between their legs

  14. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Gotta get these human rights organizations started across the Caribbean. ….that is the only safeguard left for the 37 million people,

    ……the older citizens are worse than the young people and they wonder how the young get like that….because they copy the old disgusting beasts…


    Miller….hopefully this is the catalysts that breaks the back of the nasty mindset polluting the Caribbean,….destroying the young and vulnerable whose brains are not yet fully developed…

    The Gonzales clan want hauling up before a human rights tribunal..

  15. Wasn’t there a local Tom Cat of a PM who was reputed to have his way with many women consensual or not.

    If the “Me Too” movement ever reaches Barbados the only “male” left standing will be Graeme Stud mule.

  16. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    We are going to take the Gonzales beasts down..

    “This case attracted the attention of Human Rights International, it attracted the attention of Amnesty International and one point NBC [US television network] was doing some coverage on the issue. It drives home to all of us in Barbados and the wider Caribbean that we have to do something to rewrite our masculinity and the way we execute intimate relationships because the world is calling itself into accountability and the Caribbean will be washed in that wave,” she stressed.

    The issue, which sparked demonstrations in Canada from the Vincentian Diaspora, also attracted the attention of Barbadian attorney-at-law Andrew Pilgrim, QC, who offered his services pro bono to take over from Grant Connell as lead counsel for Farrell.

    “Basically I felt like causes like this could benefit from a senior attorney and I felt that I could help. So I reached out to Grant, who I had met before, and he accepted my help and I came down,” Pilgrim told Barbados TODAY by telephone from St Vincent.

    He also revealed that he was not the only legal mind that had been inclined to respond to Farrell’s plight as human rights lawyers from Grenada, Jamaica, Trinidad and Guyana have expressed great concern.

    “We had a good result today with her released on bail and we are going to take everything from there. I have had lots of support from a number of human rights attorneys throughout the Caribbean for which we are grateful,” Pilgrim said. (C”

  17. S/B Graeme Hall

  18. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Sargeant January 30, 2018 at 12:54 PM #


    “Stud Mule”?? That’s a first of an enigma. A paradox which can only be concocted by an imagination born in sinful infertility.

    That’s like crossing a yard-fowl with a jackass and producing a yellow-breasted “ac” with a blue tail marked ‘DLP’ and with “Fractured BLP” being the godfather.

    We can leave that one for Bush Tea to figure out after ‘horsing around’ and consulting his BBE.

  19. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service


    It never ends well for the people when small island pigs get power and hold on to it too long..

    “However, according to a copy of the motion circulated to the media, the opposition legislators contend that the Gonsalves government “has been failing the people miserably in providing a satisfactory quality of life” and its priorities of the Government in its use of taxpayers’ money have produced totally inadequate health services and basic maintenance of roads”.

    The motion also states that “the collapse of the economy has deprived our youth of hope and employment opportunities” and that there is “a climate of fear through intimidation at all levels of Vincentian society”.

    The opposition claim that the climate of fear, has become “widespread due to the manifest abuse of the powers of the State of its institutions, which are often employed as weapons against citizens, to serve the agenda of Government officials, their family members and associates”.

    The motion further speaks of “a breakdown in law and order as demonstrated by the incidence of rampant crime and the failure of the various agencies of law enforcement to protect the more vulnerable members of society, including the elderly, women and young persons”.

  20. “It never ends well for the people when small island pigs get power and hold on to it too long..”

    The Opposition NDP bringing a no confidence motion against the government isn’t anything new in SVG or to “jump up at.” When Arnhim Eustace was Leader of the Opposition, he brought several no confidence motions against the ULP, all of which failed.

    The ULP has 8 seats and the NDP 7……….unless a member of the ULP sides with the NDP, which is unlikely……….the no confidence motion will obviously fail.

  21. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    No one cares if it fails, the goal is to get the information out there so the world will know what is happening to the people of St. Vincent and has been happening for many years….motions fail all the time.

  22. “No one cares if it fails, the goal is to get the information out there so the world will know what is happening to the people of St. Vincent and has been happening for many years….”


    What has been happening to the people of SVG that the world needs know about?

    Anyone reading what you write, without availing themselves of information, would believe Vincentians are seeking refugee status or political asylum because of atrocities perpetrated by the government…… the same government they voted for FOUR terms.

    Over the years Opposition/ULP Leader Arnhim Eustace filed SEVERAL no confidence motions, of SIMILAR CONTENT, against the government………..

    ………and you want BU to believe the “world” would depend on this PARTICULAR no confidence motion to “know what is happening to the people of St. Vincent and has been happening for many years?”

    If, according to you, “the goal is to get the information out there,” can you present to this forum any information from the previous no confidence motions?

    Since the NDP lost the 2015 general elections, they have been in “attack mode.” At least 5 hours after the election results the party refused to concede defeat. On 4 consecutive occasions NDP demonstrators blocked the road to Governor General Sir Frederick Ballantyne’s residence to prevent Gonsalves from taking the oath of office. They demonstrated in front the electoral office for several days and promised to continue acts of civil disobedience after Christmas 2015.

    The no confidence motion is just a another political strategy used to garner support.


    It’s obvious you don’t follow the politics in SVG. You are NOW paying an “interest” in what is happening in SVG because the present circumstances involving Yugge suits your particular agenda.

  23. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Art….do you have anything instructive or intelligent to contribute….BESIDES ME?

    I have done my part which is actuallly producing RESULTS…..I spent most of the night doing research…and actually contributed something useful.

    What have YOU done to help the people of St. Vincent?

  24. @ David,

    ” Yugge Farrell’s mother speaks out ”

    Let YouTube be your friend.

  25. ARTAX


    I UNDERSTAND that a 23 year old girl was tickling with the 43 year old son of the PM of St Vincent, and that after cussing his wife she was taken to the law courts and from thence “was she ferreted to the mental institution with haste, where it is reported that a cocktail of drugs were administered to her without any logical basis for doing so.

    QUESTIONS is it known exactly why she was sent to the asylum?
    What was her mental state before being taken to the court, and what was her state or behaviour in court that merited her being sent to an asylum? What acts did she commit that deemed her mentally unstable?

    What clinical or other parameters does a magistrate or judge abide by to come to the decision to commit a person to a mental institution?

    Are we saying that the state ordered the magistrate/judge to make such an order? or did the magistrate decide this on his own……if so why so?

    Since it takes two registered medical practitioners to commit a person to a mental institution, why is it that medical illiterates on the bench have the power/right to by their lonesome self commit a person to a mental institution.

    Are we saying that the state also ordered the doctor/s at the asylum to give a cocktail of drugs to this young woman? If so, how so?
    Are doctors in St Vincent allowed to practice freely? Or do they take orders from the government in matters like this?

    How is it known that medication was given without any logical basis for doing so?
    How is it known what medication was given? or that medication was given at all? I thought that these were private matters?
    How can a non medic who was not present pontificate that medication was given without any logical basis for doing so?

    in the absent of so many relevant and logical information, there seems to be the usual drivel here on BU. LOTS OF HEAT……BUT LITTLE LIGHT.

  26. If in YOUR OPINION “anything instructive or intelligent to contribute” and “spending most of the night doing research…and actually contributed something useful” is DESCRIBING:


    ……..Vincentians as being “WAY TOO SIMPLEMINDED” and

    ……. calling Gonsalves a “PIG,”………

    ……and this is you “doing your part which is actually producing RESULTS,”….

    …….then….. other than visiting SVG on a regular basis, CONTRIBUTING to their ECONOMY and ASSISTING Vincentians living here and in SVG….

    …….I PLEAD GUILTY……..I have not done anything or “contributed something useful” “to help the people of St. Vincent.”

    I’m sure SVG and Vincentians extend their gratitude to you for such overwhelming support for “having done your part which is actually producing RESULTS.”

    “Results,” shiite……. I CHALLENGE YOU TO PRESENT, to BU, “What have YOU done to help the people of St. Vincent,” other than going on social media writing shiite.

    But knowing you for the fraud and a liar you are…………….

  27. @ Georgie Porgie,


  28. @Hants

    Thanks, watched it. You have to talk to people on the ground to know that this girl is being f**ked up. This time the people are onto the clan.

  29. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Lol…temper, temper. .that is between the people of St. Vincent and I.

    At least you are honest, you have done nothing to advance the enlightenment of the people of St. Vincent, but you have time to whine at me, all wasted time, but it’s your time..

    …. I have proper use of my time.

    It is a good feeling to actually contribute something, it’s priceless.

  30. Hants January 30, 2018 at 7:07 PM #
    @ Georgie Porgie,


  31. Theophilius Gazerts 260 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 260

    Good questions GP.
    Even though we have all the trappings of a legal system, it may not be as advance as you think it is. The system is so flawed that there is lot of heat and light here.

    I believe the fact that she was given medications and the name of the medication were written online.

  32. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    It was Theo.

  33. @Hants

    If you have an Insta account you can pickup the conversation not making the traditional media.

  34. @ Georgie Porgie,


  35. HANTS,


  36. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    I’ve reviewed the video interview by Kenton Chance with Yugee’s mother and her lawyer. The mother seems loving, truthful, intelligent, coherent, very distressed and terribly disappointed with the comrade whom she has know since childhood.

    In addition I wonder if some person or persons unknown is not in breech of their Hippocratic oath.

  37. HANTS

  38. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    A general statement not specific to this case.

    Fat old married men do not deserve sexual access to beautiful young women.

  39. Dr. Simple Simon January 30, 2018 at 7:43 PM # MAKES SENSE WHEN SHE POSITS
    ” I wonder if some person or persons unknown is not in breech of their Hippocratic oath.”

  40. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon


    Former model Yugge Farrell, 22, was given antipsychotic drugs against the advice of her lawyer, defence counsel Grant Connell told the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court on Monday.

    “… from my visits to the institution, contrary to my advice, Yugge Farrell was given medication,” he told Senior Magistrate Rickie Burnett.

    Connell said that his client was given Risperidone and Lithium during her court-ordered two weeks of evaluation at the Mental Health Centre.

    Risperidone is an antipsychotic medicine that works by changing the effects of chemicals in the brain.

    Risperidone is used to treat schizophrenia in adults and children who are at least 13 years old and to treat symptoms of bipolar disorder (manic depression) in adults and children who are at least 10 years old, according to the website Drugs.com.

  41. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    Risperidone is also used to treat symptoms of irritability in autistic children who are 5 to 16 years old.

    The website says side effects of the medication include uncontrolled muscle movements in the face (chewing, lip smacking, frowning, tongue movement, blinking or eye movement).

    The same website says that lithium affects the flow of sodium through nerve and muscle cells in the body. Sodium affects excitation or mania.

    Lithium is used to treat the manic episodes of bipolar disorder. Symptoms include hyperactivity, rushed speech, poor judgment, reduced need for sleep, aggression, and anger. Lithium also helps to prevent or lessen the intensity of manic episodes.

  42. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    Question for Georgie Porgie

    What happens if a person who does not have schizophrenia, bipolar disorder (manic depression), the irritability sometimes seen in autism, or the manic episodes of bipolar disorder? but is never the less given Risperidone and Lithium?

  43. Theophilius Gazerts 260 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 260

    Should skinny old men have access to beautiful young women?
    Should fat old men have access to beautiful old women?
    Should fat old men have access to ugly young women?
    How old is old?
    What about two consenting adults?
    Relax, i know there is a fat old man out there for you.

  44. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    If the person is old enough to be your parent, then that is old.
    The age, power, financial and social class differences, and in the Caribbean color/shade differences often preclude truly informed consent.

  45. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    You think you talking to a simpleton?

  46. @ Georgie Porgie

    Some individuals pretending to be human rights advocates are distorting and adding speculative information to what is known about the issue, to push their particular agenda. Then it comes to a situation where these individuals, without any intimate knowledge of the case, other than what is reported in the press…or in the absence of a court case……. can make a determination about who is guilty and who is being victimized and conclude there are several instances of human rights abuses in SVG. Incredible!!!

    From all the reports I read and what I was told, Yugge was admitted to the Psychological Neatly being Centre for two weeks observation after “she pleaded no longer responsible to an abusive language trace.”

    Yugge’s attorney, Grant Connell requested the court to grant her bail in her obtain recognizance and Prosecutor Corlene Samuel objected and asked that the accused be sent to the Psychological Neatly being Centre for two week’s observation.

    According to the January 23, 2018 edition of iWitness News, an older sister said Yugge is “not crazy” but has “a MENTAL ISSUE.” iWitness News emphasized that the sister “has no known training or qualification in psychiatry.”

    It is alleged that, on January 6, 2018, Yugge posted videos on the internet in which she made several allegations, as well as claiming she had a sexual relationship with Camillo Gonsalves, which ended in 2016.

    On January 8, 2018, “Storm Gonsalves, Camillo’s younger brother, called into Hot 97 FM to saying that Camillo knows of Yugge because she was stalking his family.”

    It is also alleged that, during the Monday, January 22 court appearance, Yugge “made howl-like noises at least twice in the proceedings and shouted “What?” when the court again remanded her to the psychiatric hospital.” [iWitness News, January 23, 2018]

    If these reports are true, then Yugge’s behaviour follows a particular behavioral pattern.

    As it relates to “medication was given without any logical basis for doing so,” SVG’s Mental Health Act that allows for Farrell’s involuntary hospitalization to facilitate an evaluation…… “but is silent on treatment.”

    “(How can a non medic who was not present pontificate that medication was given without any logical basis for doing so?)”

    It was revealed in court on Monday, January 22 that Farrell was also given antipsychotic medication when she was warded at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital in Kingstown.

    Yugge’s attorney, Grant Connell, also revealed during court case that she was “given Risperidone and Lithium during her court-ordered two weeks of evaluation at the Mental Health Centre.”

    However, Connell admitted “his client has a HISTORY of having been given olanzapine, another antipsychotic drug.”

  47. “……..that is between the people of St. Vincent and I…..”


    I and others anticipated the above would be your obvious answer.

    You are a liar and a fraud.

  48. ********Yugge’s attorney, Grant Connell requested the court to grant her bail on her own recognizance…….

  49. @Artax

    If you talk to Vincentians on the ground they appear to be fed up. Looks like Ralphie has bitten off more than he can chew.

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