Yugge Farrell

There is the interesting case of a Vincentian woman by the name of Yugge Farrell who was sent to the psychiatric hospitable on 5 January 2018 to undergo two weeks evaluation because she reportedly ‘cuss’ Karen Duncan-Gonsalves, the wife of Minister of Finance Camillo Gonsalves.

The backlink to the story- Yugge reportedly had a fling with Camillo Gonsalves, the son of the Prime Minister and the tentacles of political power appears to have exerted some influence on how Yugge Farrell’s matter is being treated by the St. Vincent court. Not only was she ferreted to the mental institution with haste, it is reported that a cocktail of drugs were administered to her without any logical basis for doing so.

The case has galvanized the support of women across the Caribbean to what they see as an injustice against a young woman whose only ‘crime’ is that she ‘cuss’ a prominent politician’s wife after giving her husband ‘piece’. Social media is plastered with several ‘muscular’ stories about the tryst gone south. The bottomline is that it appears Ralphie and the Gonsales family have seen the weight of their dynasty- whether by accident or design-  influencing how Yugge has been treated to date.

People everywhere are pleased to learn that Yugge was granted bail today and her case scheduled for 17 December 2018.

The BU household adds our ‘voice of concern’ to what seems on the surface to be a prominent family in St Vincent making life hell for the former Caribbean Top Model. We have no doubt that Ralphie and family in the wake of the wide support Yugge has been receiving will step back from this matter and hope that it fades. We hope not!

The other angle to the story which concerns BU has to do with the haste regular citizens are often carted off to mental institutions under instructions from our courts. Courts are responsible for dispensing JUSTICE. As if the stigma of being forced to enter a psychiatric institution is not enough, there are the drugs which are administered that always seem to forever alter the behaviour of the ‘victim’. It appears anyone that is charged with an anti social behaviour have to appear in our courts, our magistrates see as the only recourse available as subjecting them to a psychiatric evaluation. While on the service this is not the worse thing that can occur, why the Rh they have to administer drugs? Some one needs to investigate!

We hope that in the din being raised by the feminists groups and those with the women’s agenda, the other side of this story is not smothered read the RH abuse of the ASYLUM!

Google ‘yugge farrell’

319 responses to “The Yugge Farrell Story – Rh Abuse of Political POWER and the ASYLUM!”

  1. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Andrew Pilgrim in association with other Caribbean attorneys got her bail today, before her rights were really violated in that little backward shithole, lead by shithounds…and she got lost in that asylum.

    I always personally disliked Gonzales, he seems skeazy and sleazy,…a ruling family makes for human rights violations…..against citizens.

    Vincentians are way too simpleminded, they need to get that family gone as their leaders once and for all.

  2. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    I don’t know why anyone would be surprised by the action of these little tinpot dictators that the Caribbean has spawned since achieving political independence. They put mechanisms in place to ensure that they either have the power or to influence the people whose jobs entail regulating the conduct of the political class. In essence they wield almost absolute power and misbehave with impunity.

  3. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Gonzales is particularly nasty, I watched how he plays the people because they are very simple and cannot see him for the skunk that he is, he has been PM for way too long and his son should not be part of the government.

    Hopefully the people learn something from this and get rid of the family next election.

    As soon as these little nobody people get their hands on reins of power, no matter how small, they always make sure they violate the rights of those who elected them.

  4. @ David BU

    One may not be fond of Ralph Gonsolves, or agree with the situation concerning the young lady…….

    ………….but to refer to St. Vincent as “that little backward shithole” and Vincentians as being “way too simple minded,” is unacceptable, especially against the background of the disgust these same people expressed at Trump calling Haiti and Africa “shit-hole countries.”

    I believe you should disassociate yourself and BU from those unfortunate comments.

  5. @Artax

    Yes the BU household in no way associate ourselves with the label Trump has made famous. We have some very good friends who were born in St. Vincent.

  6. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Art…FYI Vincentians are simple people, I have relatives there, they are not boastful and braggart as Bajans..they lead very simple lives, they do not pretend to be what they are not…that is being simple and comfortable with what they got, no matter how little..

    ……they are indeed simple minded and have no problem telling you that themselves…why ya think Caribbean lawyers had to rush in there before that young girl never saw the light today again, why do you think women’s groups across the Caribbean are protesting the girl’s treatment vigorously ?

    It is a shithole turned into one by a prime minister who took the people for granted for 20 years and believes he is a power unto himself, untouchable and the people have to accept whatever he throws at them, because he views them as not intelligent enough to fight back….and he plans to turn the country over to his equally disgusting son to continue the same treatment or worse, for another 20 years.

    …….that is the true definition…completely different to what trump projected..,..

    …are all three of you turning stupid or something..

    Comprehension, comprehension..

  7. Theophilius Gazerts 259 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 259

    There may be hope for Barbados after all. I am glad that one Caribbean lawyer saw a possible wrong and step forward to right it. The fact that he is Barbadian gave me a sense of pride and restored some of my confidence in my countrymen.

    I can only hope other Bajan lawyers take note of the behavior of from David Comissiong and Andrew Pilgrim.

  8. This blog is about supporting a cause. First and last warning.

  9. Theophilius Gazerts 259 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 259

    The words were a bit harsh, but we shouldn’t try to hang David with them. Direct your comments at the blogger.

  10. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    After independence, the Caribbean populations were taught and brainwashed into genuflecting before politicians, government ministers, fools and scum with titles, the population of each island is now stuck in a time warp of varying degrees of mental stagnation…..

    ……from the 1960s to now, total damage and havoc have been wreaked on the psyches of these populations, to the extent that most of them are unable to defend themselves from onslaughts from those who lead them.

    Most of them know not that they know not.

  11. Let it be clear the BU household does not side with Yugge’s uncouth behaviour in the language she directed at the man’s wife or participating in the affair. However, the heavy handed manner the court dealt with the matter and the political weight of the clan being tossed about was WRONG. Good to see women protesting- let us not forget this kind of thing happens everyday across the region.

  12. “Comprehension, comprehension, comprehension” shiite……..You are an extremely disingenuous individual.

    Anyone reading your comment re: “Vincentians are way too simpleminded, they need to get that family gone as their leaders once and for all,” and interpret within the context of that entire contribution and……..

    “……….Vincentians are simple people, I have relatives there, they are not boastful and braggart as Bajans. They lead very simple lives, they do not pretend to be what they are not…that is being simple and comfortable with what they got, no matter how little…….”

    ……..would reasonably conclude there isn’t any correlation between the two contributions. Rather than admit you’re wrong, you made an unsuccessful attempt in “shifting the goal posts” to cover your tracks.

    I visit St. Vincent on a regular basis……sometimes as much as three times per year. Over the years I have developed friendships with many Vincentians to the point I can call anyone while I’m at GAIA and tell them I’m on my way to SVG. I know the island so well that some Vincentians ask if I’m actually Bajan.

    I can say without fear that you don’t know anything about St. Vincent and Vincentians are not as simple as you are trying to suggest. If you did, you would not have made that shiite comment.

    And claiming you have relatives living there, though convenient for your cause, does not give you the right or expertise to characterize Vincentians as simpletons.

    Come off it, you need to stop this shiite that you know everything about everything and could never be wrong.

  13. Is Karen Duncan- Gonsalves daughter of Neville?

  14. If Karen is Neville’s daughter then I think she is bajan.Both Neville and Ralph were two of the more popular lecturers in political science at Cave Hill campus during their tenure there.

  15. Post it one more time.

  16. Theophilius Gazerts 259 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 259

    Takes two to participate in an affair….

  17. We have heard of these things happening everyday, where a husband’s “outside woman” calls or confronts his wife to abuse her.

    Although Yugge may be wrong to cuss Camillo Gonsalves’ wife, her actions did not merit being admitted to a mental institution and rights violated by administering drugs, perhaps against her will.

    Camillo’s adultery should be rewarded with a punishment of similar or even more severity. But he would move on with his life and marriage, while Yugge will have to live with the stigma of having mental challenges.

  18. Surely on moral grounds he should be fired!

    He should not follow Stuart in Barbados for not firing Michael CARRINGTON.

  19. @ Gabriel

    You may be correct about Karen Duncan- Gonsalves being the daughter of Neville.

    But Duncan is a popular surname in St. Vincent similar to names such as Cuffy, Reddox, Francois, Davy and Sam.

  20. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    The focus really should be a government who would use their political weight to silence a young girl because she threatened to expose information on the minister of finance with whom she had an affair….who is the son of the prime minister….that is the issue…violating the rights of a young girl…

    Cussing out her ex-lovers wife is indecent language…a mere misdemeanor…punishable by a fine.

    But when the government will interfere to throw her into an asylum…you have human rights violations of epic proportions…that had not for the lawyers who realized what was going on, no one would hear from that girl again….and the population would have been accepting of her fate…

    Her father admitted he could not fight the Gonzales, the mother could not even articulate what she wanted to say, it was only the sister who was vocal and the friend who knew of the affair, went into hiding, afraid for her life.

    That is the St. Vincent Gonzales presides over…there have been many accusations of abuse of power, many…it did not start with Yuuge.

    There was one instance of a policewoman accused Gonzales of rape, many more accusations before and after that…the people on the island cower from that family.

  21. This Gonsalves fils must be a real go getter many people would give their eye teeth to get a resume like his: Ambassador to UN; Foreign Minister and now Minister of Finance.

    A little while ago his father was accused of raping a policewoman, naturally it didn’t go anywhere. Barrow’s statement about political bandits is just as true today as it was when he first uttered it back in the 70’s.

  22. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    I remember some years ago Barbados Free Press did an article on Gonzales and his abuse of power, are there no human rights organizations in the Caribbean?

    That is what should be discussed, if the people of St. Vincent are incapable of fighting the abuse, their neighboring islands should be able to help them, as we witnessed today.

  23. Theophilius Gazerts 259 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 259

    Think it was an abuse of power that needs to be righted.

    Gonna sound like a caveman, but I iz Bajan… 🙂
    This simple rule
    “Side chicks need to know their place and to stay in their lane”
    would have kept things in perspective

    Talk wid wunna side chicks 🙂

  24. Isn’t 2 weeks long for an evaluation? Knowing full well that she was not crazy or on drugs this should never have done. They took advantage of her. I hope the tables turn and make an example of them. I hope the outrage is such that the Judge’s appointment is revoked or he steps down. The Minister at the center of all this should resign. That young woman could be his daughter. Power has them playing with people’s lives.

  25. This is shameful. Isn’t he the Minister of Finance? I bet they never expected this to blow up in their faces. They must be working overtime on damage control. The wife was playing victim, outside woman sent to the mental and the man off scotch free. That is what he thinks. He has his eyes on becoming PM and if this is an example of what he does now, the people of St, Vincent should take this as a warning.

  26. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar

    Young woman laying down with an old man.

    All I can say is


  27. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar

    Neva eva let an old man see ya nakedness

  28. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar

    @Theophilius Gazerts 259 January 29, 2018 at 10:07 PM “Takes two to participate in an affair”

    And the older and presumably wiser participant must take the lion’s share of the blame. And in most cases that older participant is a man who knows very well that he is married.

    Although the young woman may not know that he is.

  29. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar

    @Artax January 29, 2018 at 10:08 PM “adultery should be rewarded with a punishment of similar or even more severity.”

    Personally I think that middle aged and elderly male adulterers should be hung by the —–.

  30. Always ask the question.

    What if it was your daughter ?

    Camillo Gonsalves is 45 years old. A politician, lawyer and diplomat .

    Yugge Farrell is 23 years old.

  31. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar

    @Sargeant January 29, 2018 at 10:30 PM “This Gonsalves fils must be a real go getter many people would give their eye teeth to get a resume like his: Ambassador to UN; Foreign Minister and now Minister of Finance.”

    If his daddy was not the Prime Minister do you think that he could have earned those positions on merit?


  32. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar

    @Hants January 30, 2018 at 12:01 AM “What if it was your daughter?”

    Then rightly Camillo Gonsalves would now be Camilla Gonsalves.


  33. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar

    Although his daddy Ralphie was kinda cute…

    …about 50 years ago

  34. ” was arraigned on a charge that on Jan. 4, 2018 in Kingstown, she abused Camillo’s wife, Karen Duncan-Gonsalves, by calling her a “dirty b***h”.”

    ” When Farrell was arraigned on Jan. 5, Kingstown Magistrate Bertie Pompey granted the prosecution’s request that she be sent for two weeks of psychological evaluation.”

  35. Oh Crikey, that lady Karen Gonsalves, was on a blog where she used the name JUJU. She did brag about her husband being the head for his country at the UN. She also implied that she owned several pizza parlours in New York. That she had won a case against Coca Cola and a whole lot of tripe.

  36. “At the beginning of his speech at the luncheon, the Finance Minister said, light-heartedly:

    “I want to endorse also, Captain Bligh. I don’t drink, I don’t eat meat, when I talk about ganja later, I will tell you I don’t smoke. But, of course, listening to all the rumours about me these days, it’s because I have so many other vices that I can’t accommodate those.”

    The protesters called for the resignation of the minister, 44, amidst the ongoing scandal in which model Yugge Farrell, 22, said she had a relationship with him that ended in 2016.


  37. RE Not only was she ferreted to the mental institution with haste, it is reported that a cocktail of drugs were administered to her without any logical basis for doing so.

    QUESTIONS is it known exactly why she was sent to the asylum?
    Are we saying that the state ordered the magistrate/judge to make such an order?
    Are we saying that the state also ordered the doctor/s at the asylum to give a cocktail of drugs?
    How is it known that medication was given without any logical basis for doing so?
    How is it known what medication was given?
    Just asking.

  38. @Dr.Simon

    Sarcasm is wasted on you

  39. Dr. Simple Simon January 29, 2018 at 11:57 PM #

    Does this anti-promiscuity principle apply to the Smith v Selby CCJ judgement?

  40. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    I will take that as no that the Caribbean has no human rigthts organizations…,

    “Power has them playing with people’s lives.”

    And that is the exact reason why human rights groups are needed, every island should have a human rights group to protect the citizens and each other across the Caribbean, it is that time, their function would be 2 fold…..becoming versed in and familiar with the 30 articles of Universal and International Human Rights, which i posted to BU months ago.

    …..also acting as watchdogs for small island governments who are drunk on power and who take pleasure and gain great wealth from violating their own people’s basic human rights..

    The groups will oversee governments:

    ….who are corrupt and steal from the people, crippling the country and allowing friends, family and business partners to do the same.

    …who abuse their power..

    .. who ignore the criminality of their innercircle when committed agaist citizens..

    …..who ignore the rape and abuse of women and children…

    ,. who allow rapists and pedophiles to roam freely., all of these are human rights abuses.

    Once orgaized, research can be done to find out if the organization can register with the UN.

    The larger countries cannot interfere with the inner workings of local governments who are sovereign states, no matter how much or for how many decades government ministers, politicians and business people abuse, so therefore, it is now left to citizens who are no longer willing to sit and take abuse…to organize yourselves into groups across the region to police and fight abuse governments high on power who practice abuse, power given to them by the people, the same people whose lives they destroy.

    That is called guarding the guards and only the people can do it…

    So get organized, tiny power hungry goverments have gotten away with the abuse of 2 generations of people for 5 decades, it’s time to shut them down, that would give populations across the Caribbean the time they need to heal mentally.

    It Is fine to sit around and debate for years on end, but action is what really works.

  41. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    This young woman’s dilemma should be the catalyst for change across the Caribbean, because at the end of the day we can all say WHAT IF this was my daughter, granddaughter, greatdaughter…

    .,…..had she been mine, I would brutally go after all 3 Gonzales….with extreme prejuice.

  42. Here is an interesting snippet from a St.Vincent newspaper:

    According to IWitness News SVG, a new psychiatric evaluation on Farrell was presented to the court by Director of Public Prosecution, Colin Williams. The initial report presented at last Monday’s hearing said that Farrell was not fit to enter a plea to the charge – a claim her former attorney, Grant Connell objected to heavily, noting the MHC does not have a staff psychiatrist.

  43. Heartwarming to observe how Barbadians have responded to Yugge’s plight. BU was encouraged to share an opinion by a few people who messaged the blogmaster. It is also heartwarming to observe how social media is being used to inform and shape public opinion. Yes agendas are being pushed but such is the nature of things.

  44. It is interesting to note that Karen Duncan-Gonsalves is a lawyer attached to the office of SVG’s Attorney General.

    Lawyer Kay Bacchus-Baptiste, who is also an activist and opposition politician, is reported to have said: “I am very, very worried about it. When I look at section 7(4) of the law, Yugge is in the hands of this government. The position she is in, the medical report that was given, if she does not get some independent report, she can be kept legally now, at that hospital for six years, seven years, any amount of time until they decide that she is fit to plea.”……….. “And when we think of it, there are no qualified doctors in that respect, it alarms me.”

    However, in August 2017, police said Yugge was “a person of interest” in an ongoing investigation relating to the abuse of an Instagram account.

    Yugge is alleged to have been operating the account under the name “Jahdata Farrell,” in which allegedly contained defamatory comments about several people, including Ralph Gonsalves and his children Isis and Camillo, a certain employee of the Agriculture Ministry, a former Commissioner of Police, prominent lawyers and a female teacher at the SVG Grammar School.

  45. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David Mr Blogmaster, as tragic and likely illegal/corrupt) as this story allegedly will prove to be, certainly the simple message in St Vincent, Washington, London or Bridgetown (can anyone spell Stokes and mention CJ in same breath): cockroach shouldn’t fly bout at big people party. As said above, stay in ya corner.

    The only thing that is different here to any prior years political scandal is the maguffy you mentioned: social media.

    Let’s hope it helps this young lady get justice for being treated unjustly.

    Let’s also hope it further educates all philanderers to be sensible. Clearly Ms Pharrel misinterpreted her power and had absolutely no strategy in place before taking on a powerful opponent.

    She is a victim now, not as bad (she should give thanks) as other beautiful women and men who bedded powerful politicians and did not live to tell the tale…

    …she KNEW what she started with the affair and then stupidly (or crazily) confronted the wife. Amazing !

    I wish her well on her path to right this asylum injustice.

  46. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    If indeed she gave Camillo piece, then he should have sent her a nice thank you note. When a fat old guy get a piece from a beautiful young woman he should be forever grateful. And should express his gratitude in writing.

  47. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    @de pedantic Dribbler January 30, 2018 at 8:22 AM “cockroach shouldn’t fly bout at big people party.”

    CORRECTION: Cockroach ent have na business at fowl cock dance.


  48. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    Theophilius Gazerts 259 January 29, 2018 at 11:10 PM “Side chicks need to know their place and to stay in their lane”

    Does that still apply if the side chick is very young and very beautiful, and the main man is old and fat and just about past it?

    And how does a main man who is old and fat and just about past it discipline a side chick who is very young and very beautiful?

    Just asking for a friend of mine.

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