
Th historically passive Bajan continues to explore non violent tactics to express disapproval to the myriad of concerns prevailing our once small proud country. With the emergence of technology and along with it the exponential growth of social media, two BU regulars have come up with the idea to create posters to graphically detail our concerns and to use social media as a vehicle to communicate those concerns.

Here are a few posters which have been created so far by Sunshine Sunny Shine and pieceuhderockyeahright and one other. BU posted a couple to Twitter under the hashtag #bajanswantchange. All creative Barbadians are encouraged to create posters and post to social media platforms using the hashtag #bajanswantchange or any other which resonates with the theme. What should be the motivation? A functional democracy calls for all citizens to participate 24/7. Once every five years is disengagement by any definition.

#bajanswantchange @budavid

1,185 responses to “Poster Offensive Launched, #bajanswantchange”

  1. Noted Bajan Advocate remarks

    “Against the background of manipulating economic data and pursuing ill advised economic policies, which have failed, resulting in consistent downgrades of Barbados’ credit rating; corruption; evidence of distributing the “fatted calf” among members; numerous scandals; ministers openly telling lies in public, as well as being involved in a number of conflict of interest issues and Fumbles Stuart demonstrating he is too stupid to be Prime Minister, this inept DLP administration has proven beyond reasonable doubt that they are incapable of managing this island (Barbados)…”


  2. And, as the lessons in “Stoopid Cartoon” posters continue, today’s term is “The Object of Derision”

    For one to understand “derision” it is necessary to provide a definition for the word which is “pillory”

    pillory [pil-uh-ree] noun, plural pillories.

    1.a wooden framework erected on a post, with holes for securing the head and hands, formerly used to expose an offender to public derision.

    Since we no longer have the structure in the public square the internet becomes that virtual pillory

    verb (used with object), pilloried, pillorying.

    2.to set in the pillory.

    3.to expose to public derision, ridicule, or abuse:

    The candidate mercilessly pilloried his opponent.

    Signed the Neanderthal and Stupid Poster Boy

  3. Warms greetings to the Stupid Poster Boy and Neanderthal.
    Good 3:59 poster. You are sending that man to the fitness club.

    How come the Colonel did not get an honorary title???

  4. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ The Gazer

    My thanks.

    With regard to the seeming omission of the Colonel de ole man will offer the following speculations.


    You will note that the Colonel is a man of honour.

    I will explain.

    He does not denigrate the subject of his posters, he states facts in his posters which, while they are all substantiated by the actuality of what is going on on the ground, are “visual projections” of the facts.

    He is de facto an officer and a gentleman who, in war, would think twice about pointing an antitank weapon at soldiers.

    Desgraciemente de ole man ent from he branch of service, whu I ent even know how to spell gun, heheheheh so de rules of engagement of war is lost pun me and, when you get ole, you does doan do dat trading punches ting too good.

    Once de ole man punch you, you going stand down, dis ent no Hollywood movie heheheheh

  5. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ The Gazer

    I had posted this elsewhere in response to a blog by Frustrated Business Man but I said that you (and IBrathwaite) would appreciate this “observation” per the campaign and its direction rather escalation.

    What will galvanize our people to action? Is it some (magical?) word or emotive speech, for certainly you are not speaking of sedition or treasonous acts?

    It is a postulate that crimes which are gender specific emote a greater response from the public so when that male 65 year old serial sexual molester assaulted the 19 year old male here a few years back would have effected de facto rape, such does not cause the same indignant response as the rape of a woman.

    I want you to understand this in context of the articulate male who was recently speaking at the BWA march at the Pine HQ and the woman who spoke about the problem that her 79 year old mother was having to get water to her home FOR THE SAME WATER ISSUE.

    These pictures and posters are ok and are doing their damage to ensure that the DLP will not get ONE EFFING SEAT BUT what will be better is capturing videos of women who are affected by every single item listed by Bush Tea in his Recent post on the Castle Grant Resevoir article at 7.14am on September 16th 2016.

    Capture their comments and blur out their faces and anonymize their voices and publish the collage of DLP inflicted misery under the banner of something like

    “The DLP – How they are Effing We at 50!!!”

    Make it a FaceBook and YouTube and Instagram and Twitter outreach for maximum reach

    And for every video that is created, insert the face of the offending minister in a “picture in picture screen” for the entire length of the 60-90second clips and end the outtake with “vote the DLP out”

    The shorter the message the better the strategy since the object is to disseminate the message by Whatsapp group messages.

    Get a US SIM card and create the service, upload the Numbers/contacts to the phone and reach out to Bajans with periodic topical messages.

    Do not exhaust your audience by that I mean “DO NOT SEND A MESSAGE TO YOUR AUDIENCE MORE THAN ONCE A DAY!!”

    You risk voter/citizen fatigue AS WELL AS you are using people’s data.

    If the US number gets blocked, given your infrequent, low megabyte message, that is an indication of (a) a DLP voter (b) a frugal data plan user read someone who can’t afford the message or (c) a non interest. I have excluded the category four person purposely

    DO NOT DO SHYTE TOPICS!!! since that will waste the currency of emotiveness

    Let me give an example of such a clip

    Focus of Campaign Michael Lashes. His picture must be in inset during entire clip.

    One Storyline. Mother with children bewailing unavailability of buses for children to get to school, show inoperative buses in yard at Weymouth, let the woman talk, “bullet her points”

    Highlight money spent annually feature Lashes hiring his cousin/family member

    End with key statement. “VOTE EVERY ONE OF THE DLP OUT”

    I have hundreds of these tools and clips but, knowing wunna fellahs, wunna going teif a ting and do um wunna self and asi I would expect, ef um up.

    Gazer, I know that you will be concerned that I am exposing this module with such ease but, as you examine its reasoned elements, you will be able to determine whether this upping of the public campaign makes sense in this 2nd module of the “Stoopid Cartoons” campaign, concentrating on the visually emotive, since sedition or treason are not reasonable options.

    Mine is the fear that in doing it wrong, or ineffectively, translates into the DLP losing, as opposed to the BLP winning conclusively.

    I often mention (irreverently so) ho these opposition fellers ent de very brightest, but i say that because dem got Peter yet one be assured that George C Brafwit or Alex late of *** running de show based on perceived erroneous competencies.

    A note to the wise, as such relates to winning and winning conclusively.

    only a majority of 2/3rds permits the ability to change the laws of Barbados, notwithstanding Marston Gibson.

    Laws regarding prosecution of embezzlement of public funds and even the laws that relate to freedom of speech. (We live in fear? of the potential Extinction of Barbados Underground and we dun know dat Dale Smiley Teets is a man who does bear grudges.)

    May Almighty God Help Us besieged as we are by these two tribes.

    Signed Neanderthal Stoopid Poster Boy

  6. The favourite words of Stinkliar

    “Butt Out”

    We jes so he know dat de DLP can’t butt (nearly said bu**) we again.

    Cause we going “butt wunna out” come the next General Elections


  7. Another Report Card issued by the Central Stank of Barbados (near to the Central Bank)


  8. What will galvanize our people to action? in this WAR on the DLP and will drive them to more marches and the polls?

    Unlike my ole friend De Word aka Dribbler I do not think it can be a Bizzy, simply because he CANNOT DRAW the average bajan, irrespective of how much money he going pitch out to the sheeple.

    I can tell you who BUT is i do it will cause the sharks, ON BOTH SIDES, to approach them, and while i doan mind the BLP getting the dibs on the strategy, I DO NOT WANT THE DLP TO GET ONE EFFING SET!!

    So back to the ole man rather the Neanderthal’s “Stoopid Cartoons”

    De Word, you dun know dat de ole man does be killing heself laughing at that term.

    Dem doan unnerstand de ingrunt man dat I is and how gleeful dat comment is received !!!

    When you foolish you foolish. But you nor me ent going tell dem de secret.

    I expects de idjits (on both sides) to eff up de Video Clips concept which, quite simply, will “leverage the articulations of people”, our frustrations as people speak out on multiple issues read DLP EF UPS

    That is soooooo easy there are soooo many!!.

    E.G. (bad grammar cause you cyan start a sentence so hehehehehe) de male who was recently speaking at the BWA march at the Pine HQ and the woman who spoke about the problem that her 79 year old mother was having to get water to her home FOR THE SAME WATER ISSUE.

    We gots to up de ante and while dese pictures and posters got dem angry be bomb gine be capturing real real bajans talking out bout everyting from the “EF UP LIST” from Brother Bush Tea.

    Every single item listed by Bush Tea in this post on the Castle Grant Resevoir article at 7.14 am on September 16th 2016 ….…the roads..the schools..the hospital..the police stations..the beaches..the transport board..the courts..the SSA

    I going an mek one uh de videos as soon as de granson come home and post um heah for everyone who supports this BWA issue to take it and post it to your friends and tell them post it to theirs.

    Let de ole man and Neanderthal tell wunna one ting.

    Effing wunna want to see all of de resources put to change dat problem in St Joseph tek de video dat i ging put up and send it to wunna friends.

    In fact I gine tell you Dale Marshall right now tek dis picture below and post it to you st Joseph constituents via whatsapp and FaceBook and watch and see whu gind happen.

    Jes ask dem to like it pun you page Marshall, if dem support it

    Test de ole man Campaign 360, see if whu i saying correct or effing de ole man talking shyte


  9. So de grandson jes came and helped de ole man.

    He gots to go home tuh he girlfriend so he jes do dis ting fuh he favourite granfadder and he lef

    It should become obvious how the rest of the campaign can be effected.

    Simple, repetitive message.

    The Issue. Who is responsible. Who is being hurt. Real Real People viewpoints And the outcome – “Vote out the DLP” (And Dale, and the rest uh wunna, in waiting, Tek wunna physihog out of the screen videos and let the people speak. Wunna is not to be seen, AT THIS TIME, SEEKING BROWNIE POINTS.)

    These Stoopid Cartoons are to be seen as the voice of the People – de Po man in the village and on the street corner

    And one more thing. Keep tabs on these people’s jobs. THese are your Public Relations Officers and, at any time ANY ONE OF THEM LOOSES THEIR PIC, POST MAKING THE VIDEO CLIP, Mek IT INTO A BIG ISSUE.

    Dat is de time dat wunna is to get wunna picture taken and to be seen as de people champion.

    De DLP wud be real foolish to fire any one of them people who championing these issues right before the general Election.

    Just firing one man, from a family equates to 12 to 15 votes normally given the Bajan model family. But if you fire a marcher or a video hero or heroine that is 50 to 75 votes that another Victimization Clip showing the person in the first video and the newspaper and radio and tv coverage that the Nation and the Barbados Today going give wunna, well dem ent going get fire.

    De internet is de common man friend. With all of the material all over the internet about the “Fumbling of this government” and with the resources that the BLP has at its fingertips, they should be able to advance a serious and sustained campaign against the Demonic Lying party

    Each day like the dripping of one drop of water on a rock, slowly but surely awakening the average bajan to the facts of the ineptitude of these Wild Bunch and Jokers.

    Until, like white pun rice, they are seen to be the very worst choice that any reasonable Bajan can make. Do not concern yourself with the DLP die hard supporters, that is not the vote that you want.

    You want the sways, the apathetic, the undecided and if you create the right message you can even get some of the die hards.

    Let Campaign 360 be your friend heheheheheheh


  10. People have been calling to find out if that address at Belleville is correct

    It sure is.

    The DLP are also selling the shirts.

    And we so close to General Elections!!!

    Wunna dun know dem DLP fellers wud sell dem muddah!!!


  11. How do you end a political “marriage” made in hell??



  12. Lest we forget the yardfowls and paling cocks


  13. Say something dat we doan like… & We going pass a Pokerts Tax

    It seems to the average Bajan that since this inept government does not know how to run the country they are taxing everything they can set their eyes on.

    Soon from now we can expect Pornville to legalize prostitution and then we will have David Pitbull put a meter pun de pokerts to record each time a rod enters and exits.

    Minister of Lands will tax the time spent on the rental of the pokerts.

    Minister of Public Wuk Ups will send he bobcat to wuk de land, not de one that he does rent for $15,000 a week, de one dat disappear from de pine.

    Minister We jonesing will not be interested in the Pokerts Taxes but in de Tax P or the Tax Pooches and personally will have a say in examining those.

    Pastor He Will not Die Under My Watch will be administering a collection to feed any children read bastards that come from the not so spiritually desirable unions


  14. Piece, you getting better eva day. Why dont you consider selling your services to the opposition? You are ingenuous, no one on dat island can best you.

  15. @ Bajans

    My thanks for the compliment.

    Dem ent going buy de services heheheheheheheheh.

    I isnt respectful enough of de LoO heheheheheheheheh and plussing dem get Do Not Engage instructions…heheheheheheh

    Why buy the services when dem can get them for free?


    De ole man honing me skills fuh udder places

  16. Dese Boots are made for walking
    And dat is what dem going do.
    Cause Election Day
    dese boots is going to
    Walk all Over You

    DLP, bup, DLP bup, DLP bup.

    Sung to Nancy Sinatra song/chorus


  17. Bajans are saying we got something for you
    Something for you DLP thugs we confess
    You’ve been effing all of us for 8 years
    And we realise your worst has been your your best

    Dese Boots are made for walking, And dat is what dem going do.
    Cause Election Day dese boots is going to
    Walk all Over You

    Fumbles and Stinkliar both of you keep lying
    Filing all the pockets of your coats
    You thinking now how you going be lying
    Wid a manifest to help you keep get our votes

    We Boots are made for walking, And dat is what we going do.
    Cause Election Day we boots is going to
    Walk all Over You

    De ole man even got a spooge version fuh wunna (if wunna want um heheheheheh)

  18. Errata.

    Bajans are saying we got something for you
    Something for you DLP thugs we confess
    You’ve been effing all of us, for 8 years
    And we realise your worst is really your best

    Dese Boots are made for walking, And dat is what dem going do.
    Cause Election Day dese boots is going to
    Walk all Over You

    Fumbles and Stinkliar both of you keep lying,
    Filing all the pockets of your coats,
    You thinking now of how you going try lying,
    Wid a manifest to help you teif our votes

    We Boots is made for walking, And dat is what we going do.
    Cause Election Day we boots is going to
    Walk all Over You

    De ole man even got a spooge version fuh wunna (if wunna want um heheheheheh)

    For the young uns who ent know de tune

  19. Warning PUDRYR!!!!!

  20. PLEASE



  21. @ Piece,

    I know that you have become an “expert” of grapical communication. Have you heard of a web site called howmuch.net? Take a look at it.


  22. Anonymouse - TheGazer Avatar
    Anonymouse – TheGazer

    I saw where a next person stated that you should be making money from one of the political parties. I have stated this before.

    I think your work is of an exceptionally high quality and marketable. If one was to attempt to put a dollar figure on your contribution, it would run into thousand of dollars. I don’t even try to put a dollar figure on you or the Colonel ideas; i only attempt to evaluate the physical labor involved.

    Let me become a critic. This morning It dawned on me that you are spinning your top in the mud. The politics of Barbados is different from what you imagine it to be. Your ideas are reality based, but yardfowls (of both parties) have a different reality.

    This morning, I realized that even if you win, you are still a loser. There will be no transformation or solutions coming from the victorious party. Three years down the road, you will be begging the grandson to change the D to a B or reissuing the same poster; you will either be in an alliance with ac or ac will still be calling you names.

    My friend, I wish you well.

  23. @ Exclaimer

    I am humbled by the compliment

    I have reviewed the site that you sent and am looking at one aspect of the many points that it presents namely “The most important determinants of reserve currency status are the size, stability, and liquidity of financial markets.”

    I am a layman who in reviewing that statement will only be able to concur with the entire article based on logic and facts and therefore, post seeing it, de ole man understands that this phenomena seems to shift periodically.

    For various reasons I might add.

    But here is the thing that my ingrunt self will add to the above triumvirate of determinants.

    Technological Advancements.

    I would humbly suggest that the one element that may or may not keep the United States of America as the holder of the Stave of the Currency Reserve is dominance of the ever burgeoning commodity/ies of cutting edge technology.

    This, for the time being, as well as Health, will be the “decider” (a la George Bush Jn. idiot savant) as to who will hold the reserve in the next 50 years.

    China is the most expert duplicator of technology in the world, Putin in his refurbished Russia is pushing the envelope BECAUSE HE UNDERSTANDS WHAT WORLD LEADERSHIP INVOLVES but it is the USofA that leads in Albinocentric Enterprise and facilitation of the cocoon that fosters New Frontiers of Technological Advancements.

    And that my friend is why Barbadians, irrespective of our unique, yet singular, RiRi, is relegated to being Hewers of Wood and Drawers of Water since we CANNOT SEE NOR CAN WE NURTURE what the New World Order requires even if it is a non albino centric initiative to counter current trends..

  24. @ The Gazer

    You may remember that picture with David Carradine called Kung Fu.

    It was to have had the star and Kung Fu marvel Bruce Lee but, being that Hollywood was and continues to be in its albino-centric mode of denying spick, chinks and niggers any part of their pie, Carradine got the part.

    More than 1/3 of the picture was spent in the ruminations of Kwai Chang Caine and Master Po at the monastery where he ultimately achieves mastery of the art.

    Ultimately, irrespective of what life throws at us, we must come to an understanding of purpose and either learn from the cauldron of life’s experiences, and apply what we learn elsewhere, or be exemplary of the quote “many a flower is born to bloom and waste its scent upon the desert air’

    I am not the BBE nor Omnipotent Deity of any sort or fashion.

    I used to realise that while I was a youth bathing at Brandons, when I peed in the sea, the urine soon disappeared. (Never did the other thing to test what happened to that)

    I have accepted those three things that you have stated.

    One. That neither party can bring the transformational solutions that are required since we are within a cauldron of monkeys ergo Dr. GP must leave, Rihanna must leave and de ole man must leave.

    Two. That this tribe of monkeys must go &, as a son of the soil, it is my bounden duty to speak out against this, and any incoming tribe of monkeys. I WILL BE RELENTLESS IN MAKING SURE THAT THIS TRIBE GOES as will I be for any other faction.

    Three. What I have become is in spite of all that i have experienced, and continue to experience. I do not pause, I cannot pause, for to pause is to die.

    This experience/sentience is based on the Omniscience of Creator whom I acknowledge and absolutely know that He Reigns Supreme.

    With each day de ole man becomes more aware that neither you nor I can cause one hair to grow upon our head.

    Will not wax nor wane philosophical here on BU but, in brief, the outcome of all things WILL BE based on HIS WILL as in “whether we live we live unto THE LORD or whether we die, we die unto THE LORD.

    I Pray you well my brother

  25. Signed the Neanderthal, Stoopid Poster Boy and whateve de latest one is I forget heheheheheheheh

    Just when I does be tired and ting AC does say someting and give me renewed energy



  26. We can’t remember all the faces of the Criminals in the Demonic Labour Party.

    So de ole man gine help wunna “LEST WUNNA FORGET…!!!”

    “Your Vote AGAINST A VIPER is a vote for Bajan Lives !!!”


  27. “TELECOMMUNICATIONS GIANT FLOW has thrown its support behind the David Thompson Memorial Football tournament otherwise called “How to Waste $500,000 while greasing the hands of paling fowls Before the General Election”

    Managing director of Cable and Wireless Barbados Niall Sheehy, presented a sponsorship cheque for $30 000 to Minister of Social Care, Constituency Empowerment and Community Development Steven Blackett at the Ministry’s Warrens, St Michael office this morning.”

    30 teams with 22 players 660 people or roughly $50 per person to run around and kick a ball for a few weeks.

    The same company better known as “Slime” was asked to put $50K into an computer training programme to support 2500 people a programme which would have taught enrolees how to code over 3 years.

    Suffice it to say that Slime did not think that that $50K was worthy of their corporate support since neither the DLP government, NOR the Slimes of this clime either realise, OR want, to empower poor black people with tools that will afford socio-economically disadvantaged people an opportunity to make meaningful changes in their lives.


  28. This Stoopid Poster is for AC of Legion

    She cannot read too good and wrote the term “WASTED FOOP” as opposed to “waste foop”.

    To help her to understand the subtle difference in the words the renown Stoopid Cartoon Author Piece O. D. Rock decided to show her the error of her ways.

    This cartoon seeks to instruct the Doufus that the “free bus fares” that the Democratic Labour Party implemented are not a “waste foop”

    But in fact a “FECUNDITY”

    For what is the use of “free bus fares for all school children, island wide” when not one single bus that the DLP government operates is working?

    How can people utilize said free bus fares?? are they going to use the leased Mercedes from Transtech?


  29. Dear Barbados Labour Party Candidates,

    Outreach to your constituents, by the traditional means, is still what will make your campaigns successful.

    It is true that you have to walk the streets and rub shoulders with the common man and be seen as being there MINUS the part which states “once a year or around general elections”

    de ole man going give wunna some advice which, even doah de DLP reading dis and going try to incorporate the same strategy in their programs, de people going see dem as election gimmicks cause dem was not doing it for de rest uh de time dem was in.

    1.Personal Visit.

    2.Proxy Visit. Like dem road tennis tings dat wunna like doing and de DT Football Squeezing ting.

    3.Phone Call. You gotta get people cell phone and land line (Alex will help wunna wid both of dem, Remember DO NOT CALL POOR PEOPLE CELL PHONE FROM WUNNA LAND LINE, DAT IS AN IMMEDIATE LOSS OF A VOTE, YU HEAR???





    THese are the only modes of contact unlessing wunna is like Richard Uncle Lookup Sealy of St Michael South Central who, as a man who always staring up in corners, can dream his cuntstituents in dere dreams!!!

    Since wunna incoming fellers ent got no money to run a campaign, it ent like wunn can hire a few hundred people in de ministry of the NCC or put $5 million dollars in a slush fund called a national cleanup, wunna got to run a cost effective campaign which means 1 and 5 the others will incur costs e.g. stamps, data plans, envelopes, reams of paper, ink.

    And wunna got to unnerstan dat bajans does get tired

    A Stoopid Cartoon campaign would not be like a BU deluge.

    This is permissible here on BU, people selectively view but wunna cannot do dat all de time.

    And this is not a one cap fits all either people are like feet and shoe sizes, some like slippers, some like boots, and there are varying sizes and widths etc.

    And wunna need all that info up front ALL LIKE NOW. PRE- Bunting, fliers, Wuk Up fetes and megaphones pun de trucks.

    Remember that there is a difference between will int government and conclusively whitewashing the DLP

    Signed de Neanderthal, Poster Boy and Ole Fart

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