Pauline Benjamin - Principal, Springer Memorial Secondary School
Pauline Benjamin – Principal, Springer Memorial Secondary School

BU will not write too much about this except to beg for urgent divine intervention. As adults we are morally and legally bound to be caretakers of our children. What has transpired so far at Springer Memorial School involving a minor and a student is an indictment on all of us. All of us.

The emotional scaring that continues to accrue to this child begs for an immediate intervention from someone, any bloody one. Are we a society? Are we focussed only on the economy? What say you Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart? You boasted how you had to intervene to resolve the Alexandra issue. Do something! Rescue your minister Ronald Jones, AGAIN.  We await the management style you will select to resolve this issue. You are the prime minister you know.

Police respond to incident involving Springer student

Added 08 February 2016


Elecia Weekes (centre) embracing her daughter outside the school gates. At left is Shelly Ross. (Picture by Xtra Vision Photography.)

POLICE WERE CALLED in at the Springer Memorial Secondary School this morning when the saga surrounding the 14-year-old schoolgirl took another turn.

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The child and her mother, Elecia Weekes, have been involved in a disciplinary row with the principal, which has resulted in her being out of the classroom for almost eight weeks.

Weekes called the police after she said her daughter was escorted to the gates by principal Pauline Bellamy and asked to take off her uniform. She has refused a transfer to Ellerslie Secondary and was told by Bellamy last week that the child is no longer on the roll at Springer and would be trespassing if she returned.

Police from District “A” responded and advised the family, which is being supported by children’s rights advocate Shelly Ross, to take the matter to the Ministry of Education. They are now awaiting word on when they will be able to meet with chief education officer Karen Best. (YB)

– See more at:

547 responses to “Springer Memorial School Wrapper Update: The Education System Enters Its Darkest Hour”

  1. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Simple…before you go to sleep, here is how I was socialized….if the teacher was socialized as I was, all the kids in the immediate area would have cleaned that immediate are, it would have ben a group effort, turning it into fun….learning the art of teamwork, learning to be a team player….not one of those kids would have known that it was to pick up a candy wrapper, but they would have learned a valuable lesson in keeping their surroundings clean, as a collective.

    Ya’ll like being little hitlers and abusers of children without intelligence or commonsense, that is why the children are reacting with such venom, they know there has to be a better way, they just don’t know what, because the adults dont know either….clueless.

  2. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Simple Simon February 8, 2016 at 11:15 PM #
    “@Anne February 8, 2016 at 2:24 PM “This principal is really overstepping her boundary.”
    No Anne. It is the child who has overstepped her boundary.”

    There you go in perfect simplistic stupidity targeting the child with your bazooka of criticism and arrows of shame and condemnation. Don’t you think the child has rights?
    Suppose the child was your daughter who had refused to pick up litter she did not make? Would you have ‘roasted her backside in licks’ in good old Bajan slavery fashion for disobeying the teacher’s misplaced and discriminatory instruction? The school environment today is not the army you know?

    When you are able to convince the Speaker of the HoA to resign or the PM to disassociate himself from the confirmed thieving leper we will entertain your moralizing invectives aimed at a child.

    Why not call on Mara T the heiress to the biggest heist of laundered money in Barbados to pay back some of the millions stolen from the long suffering CLICO pensioners and innocent policyholders?

    Neither you nor the leaders of the country have the moral authority to preach to children about proper conduct.

  3. @Kevin February 8, 2016 at 6:51 PM “The mother ask for a transfer, she got two choices and refused both. She told the Nation that she wanted the child ‘transferred to either St. Michael or Foundation, because according to her she want a ‘step up’ for her child”

    Has anybody told the child or her mother that ‘step-ups” must be EARNED. That is by MERIT.

  4. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Simple Simon February 8, 2016 at 11:59 PM
    “Has anybody told the child or her mother that ‘step-ups” must be EARNED. That is by MERIT.”

    Why don’t you tell that to Denis Lowedown and his gang of Cahill scammers? Wealth should be earned by hard work and prudent investment; not by scamming taxpayers.
    You double-helix hypocrite!

  5. @ Gabriel,
    “So William Skinner do you think another author is going to entertain us soon with some hitherto unknown but truthful experiences in the MoE.Let the dogs out!

    The dogs have been out for sometime. What we have now is a society in constant chaos because of the systematic destruction of those who have stood up to the BLP/DLP complex. The truths are known and the experiences are real but since each administration plays the same game, it is just a question of waiting until your party is in office/power. So what happens is that many “run with the hare and hunt with the hound” and have mastered the art of surviving quite well within the culture.

  6. @Kevin February 8, 2016 at 6:51 PM ” it was me in charge, I would put her right at HC or QC and hopes she ‘steps-up’.”

    @David “You would spite the child because of the parent?

    So David why do you think that it would be an act of spite to send the girl to Harrison College?

    You think that maybe the child and her mother and her absentee father, wherever and whoever he is that between the 3 of them (and the mother’s child rights adviser) that between the 4 of them they could not get the 80% or better marks required for Harrison College?

  7. @curious February 8, 2016 at 8:21 PM “The child was never escorted to the gate by the Principal or told to take off her clothes. ”


    However we all know a number of schoolgirls, and their mothers, and grandmothers too are foopsters who are only too happy to take off their clothes.

  8. @Well Well & Consequences February 8, 2016 at 11:55 PM “here is how I was socialized….if the teacher was socialized as I was, all the kids in the immediate area would have cleaned that immediate area”

    Dear Well Well:

    My mummy was a better mummy than your mummy, and my daddy was a better daddy than your daddy.

    And I was socialized better than you were socialized.

  9. If gentlemen and ladies in this discussion If you raise up your child not to carry out certain instructions made by a teachers and you found yourself in a spot like this what would you do?
    Solution: adult quietly apologise for whatevere mis- understanding there is or was with the school and move on .
    Choose your advisors carefully. Who help to buy a big foot horse do not help to feed it?

  10. This BT article sheds some more light on the transfer process. According to the report the parent did not sign the transfer papers. Interesting.

    In limbo

    Student ordered to leave Springer amid ongoing row
    Added by Anesta Henry on February 9, 2016.
    Saved under Local News

    An already contentious situation at Springer Memorial School took a turn for the worse today as police were called in after Principal Pauline Benjamin is reported to have asked the student at the centre of the “wrapper controversy” to leave the compound.
    From left, the student at the centre of the “wrapper controversy”, her mother Elecia Weekes and child advocate Shelly Ross outside the Ministry of Education today.

    From left, the student at the centre of the “wrapper controversy”, her mother Elecia Weekes and child advocate Shelly Ross outside the Ministry of Education today.

    Law enforcement officials were seen outside the school gate around 11 a.m. today accompanying the 14-year-old’s mother Elecia Weekes, along with the child – who has been barred from classes for eight weeks – and Parental Advisor Shelley Ross.

    Barbados TODAY understands that Weekes called in the police after her daughter rang to inform her that the principal had allegedly ordered her to get out of the school’s uniform because the child “don’t belong at this school”.

    “This morning my daughter called me when I was in my garden and told me she is in the principal’s office and said, ‘mummy the principal says I have to get off the school premises, I don’t belong here, I need to go’.

    “Then she calls me back and says, ‘mummy the principal has escorted me to the gate and asked me to take off Springer Memorial’s uniform, I don’t belong at this school,’” Weekes later told Barbados TODAY.

    It was not immediately clear what role the police were expected to play, but following a conversation with the law enforcement officials the mother left for the Ministry of Education with the student and Ross in tow, seeking a meeting with Chief Education Officer Karen Best or Senior Education Officer Patricia Warner.

    Told that they were both unavailable, Weekes emerged from the reception area and told journalists that she was asked to sign papers confirming a transfer to Ellerslie Secondary, but she refused.

    “I go asking for the Chief Education Officer and they said she is not there but somebody is pushing a paper at me to sign for a transfer to Ellerslie.

    “My lawyer was trying to get a meeting with them for a long time now and they have been avoiding him,” she charged.

    Weekes complained that the entire episode was having a negative impact on her daughter’s education because she was missing out on preparations for upcoming CXC examinations.

    She said it also had an emotional effect on the teenager who was suffering from headaches and experiencing sleepless nights.

    “This is horrible. Somebody has got to compensate me for what is going on with my child. She asked me if I can give her something to help her sleep because at 3 a.m. she is still tryingwto get to sleep. I told her no.

    “We are now into eight weeks. As a mother I am suffering because anything that hurts your child, kills a mother,”
    Weekes said.

    Ross, the producer and editor of the Barbados Children Directory, an online resource guide for parents, said she contacted Weekes to offer her support because the controversy was not just about a student’s refusal to pick up a piece of wrapper, but rather an abuse of power, bullying and child abuse.

    Ross argued that the child was within her rights to refuse to pick up the wrapper and it was unfortunate that neither the school nor the Ministry of Education met with the parent in an attempt to find a solution to the problem.

    “They put the child out of school and that is illegal. The mother never signed or agreed to a transfer so the child should not be put out of school.

    “When she is transferred to a school and will be known as the child with the garbage issue, it is going to have serious psychological effects. What should be done is to leave her at Springer where her friends are.

    “Or if we are going to transfer her, she has to go where the environment is right and conducive to learning. Let’s sit down and talk and be reasonable,” Ross said.

    Barbados TODAY reported last Friday that Weekes had rejected the offer of a transfer to Ellerslie, claiming her son, who attended that school, had a bad experience there in the past.

    However, the Barbados Government Information Service (BGIS) issued a brief release this evening quoting Best as saying that the pupil had been transferred to the Black Rock,
    St Michael learning institution.

    “Mrs Best stated that on January 27, the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation issued correspondence to the parent of the child notifying her that her daughter had been transferred to Ellerslie Secondary School with immediate effect,” the BGIS release stated.

    It said the principals of both Ellerslie and Springer had been informed of the transfer, adding that the child’s records showed that Ellerslie was one of her options in the Barbados Secondary Schools’ Entrance Examination.

    “We have done our due diligence in this matter,” it quoted the chief education officer as saying.

    Weekes has insisted on being given a say on which school the daughter is transferred to.

    She had previously turned down an offer to transfer the child to Daryll Jordan Secondary School.

  11. This incident should not have become a national spectacle.Nevertheless it has and In all the brouhaha Pauline Benjamin should have emerged smelling like a rose.Sadly for her reputation,that is not the case.
    As for Karen Best and her due diligence,how ridiculous can you get.At a minimum,taxpayers would have expected you to summon a meeting of all contending parties and seek a resolution acceptable to all.Your roll was not to hide behind an office door and issue a missive that destroys your credibility.You and your minister are too combative for the good of Education and the country is the poorer for it.

  12. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Skinner…the long and short of it as spelt out. People who are aware and conscious on the island want reform of the overbearing systems. The politicians and those who are benefitting financially are fighting reformation because it is enriching them….it will have to devolve into further, more uncontrollable chaos and even then……

    Simple…you were socialized to abuse and bully children because of your adult status in your era. In my era parents learned the art of communication and compromise and passed it on to their children…..a much better era…I bet you cannot tell your grandchildren that nonsense, they know much better….please don’t bore us with “my grandchildren are better” nonsense, no individuals are better, they are just socialized differently, some are socialized to be pigs, some are not.

    Gabriel…exactly, a solution can be found if all the parties are not satisfied. There are always complaints about ministry officials and how they handle simple issues and how they hide in their offices or have insulting comments for parents., always complaints about teachers who are not able to be balanced when handling children, singling out one child is not being balanced, it’s picking a fight, always complaints about Jones and his inabilty to settle the most simple of issues, if the mother refused a transfer or 2, then the child is not transfered.

  13. No, She cannot have it both ways. She sought the transfer and now wants to dictate which school her daughter goes to. This is a powerful woman who manipulate a country over a small issue with lies. In todays Nation if you read between the lines she caused the all the commotion by calling the police when she should have gone to the Ministry first with her daughter and Shelly Ross who is looking to get her book sold by publicity.

  14. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    All the whole issue does is highlight the dark ages mentality still so inherent in adults on the island…pretending to be first world but do not and cannot understand the dynamics or factors involved in reforming cultural poison into a society of adults with adequate communication and interpersonal relationship skills…..what we are seeing is the inability of adults to reason. In this present day era, there are 5 year olds who are capable of reasoning better to achieve conflict resolution..

    Each level this idiocy in adults is taken to re this issue, compounds and highlights all the inadequacies……which in and of itself should be a lesson, message and warning that reform is needed, if only so many adults were not blind to that fact,..being filled with their own self importance.

  15. All this shows is that some mothers are the actual problems behind their children.
    GP’s analysis is absolutely correct.
    Lotta shiite…. but brass bowls relish the stuff….

  16. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The Bushman…the mother is not being given a pass either, neither should she beat her child and tell her “you should pick up the paper, the teacher is right”…the issue is that the matter is being handled badly by all the adults involved, starting with the teacher…teachers are taking full advantage of those in their charge, even demanding that pupils drop their drawers, reform is needed, better training is needed on how to give students directives, this is not 1950s…different era calls for different approaches….we are clearly seeing that what worked with children back then, will not work now, so it’s time to move on or they will all eventually regret it..this might be the catalyst.

  17. @curious

    She sought to have a transfer which according to media report was not signed of/agreed by her.

  18. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And besides GP is fully aware that these types of situations would have to be handled differently in Florida…..and dont tell me about, “yeah, and look how bad the children are in Florida”…because with the antiquated way things are handled by adults on the island, the children there are still no better and the situation is getting worse….ah lie?…lol

    Reform Bushman, reform, if you can call for it in the political system and your voice is among the loudest…right , it is also sorely needed in the educational system, you cannot reform one without the other, how will anything change. Besides, you know Jones is a world class jackass, who should never be given a pass.

  19. @ Well Well
    ….truth is that you are talking a roll of shiite on this matter. You have spent too much time under the stupid American system to be in any position to offer coherent advice on rearing children….. especially black children.

    Do yourself a favour and stop posting Well Well…
    ….and that is good friendly advice from the bushman.. 🙂

    The REALITY of life is that when ANYONE does shiite, there are consequences…
    Wunna know how many 14 year-olds disobey directions and end up pregnant? …or injured? ….or dead?

    If this mother want to dictate how a school is run then she should become a damn principal
    Or run for parliament and become MoE..

    If she and her daughter opposes the principal, then either go through the channels to have the rules changed …or LEAVE from around the people’s place…

    Thank God for Simple and GP to maintain a semblance of sanity in the discussion…

  20. By now everybody knows that the mother is a dam instigator. Most would find it hard to belive that concocte story she told to the media yesterday. What a load of crap. Really

  21. Reading these post made me laugh at some of wunna IDIOTS who feel that the principal is wrong. She is in charge of the school and her decision is final.

    The mother of the child is one ignorant illiterate fool and she is training her daughter well.

    But tell me when a judge orders a young offender to do community work by cleaning up the streets wunna IDIOTS gine say the same thing that the punishment is too much???

    That teenager must be taught that when given an instruction at school it must be carried out or face the consequences. How many of you parents have come home and seen things out of place around the house and call the first child they see to tidy up. If the child wants to argue it is not they who did that the parent most likely will tell them to pick it up regardless.

    The same goes for the garbage around the island, we ent put um there so we walk over it. The same goes when cleaning around your yard. Paper thrown and blown by the wind will you leave it there because you didn’t drop it and it don’t belong to you???

    Millar you are talking bare SHOITE ! David how dare Simple Simon to go to sleep because she supports the principal???

    For once I can agree with GP and Bushtea my arch enemies.

  22. In the workplace an employee refuses to carry out the instructions of her supervisor and boss and was rude to them. What do you think will happen??? Take the Royal Shop incident where the employee refused to go another store to work and the stupid friends walked off the job in support. Dem home now without a job. Bunch of effing IDIOTS!

  23. The Principal should have asked the Teacher to take up the wrapper.Of course we all knew what would have been her reply and the haste that her Union would have gotten involved if the Principal was as stubborn as the one at the School.
    The Ministry cannot control the Principals,nor the Teachers. The Principals cannot control control the Teachers and SOME Teachers and SOME Principals want to ABUSE their authority in some Schools and some of the Children are having none of it.
    Some Principals and Teachers need to be told that having the AUTHORITY DOES NOT mean having the RIGHT .
    Parents and or Guardian have the AUTHORITY AND THE RIGHT

  24. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Bushman…you want the political system reformed….why?

    All the players involved are the products of the education system, which you want to keep in place, none of the players in the political system are products of the American system, yet you want them gone, but want to keep the educational system in place… should then not complain about the political system….reform is supposed to spread throughout to make positive change, how else will you change the mindset of future politicians.

    You have politicians who go along to get alng and you hate them, where do you think they learned that behavior, not one of them can stand up for any rights, where do you think they learned that… who want change, but only want the change for politics….when the situation re no reform at ministry of education and the schools get worse and they will, you will sing a different tune.

  25. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    That’s it Michael..I suggested the teacher should have made the children in the immediate vicincity do a general clean up of the area, just to get rid of a candy wrapper so none of the children would feel they were being singled out and to instill the collective sense of cleanliness and good hygiene practices in those kids, as a collective, a twofer…… and imagine that did not sit well with those who see nothing wrong with one child being singled out for bullying, bullying was ok for one child, but not for a group of children, ass backward way of thinking and most of the same people want political change, are demanding political change, but the want to leave the schools and ministry in the same state of flux to produce the same jackasses for politicians to continue the same dumb backward shit for generations….HA!!! No vision, they will all perish.

  26. @ Well Well
    Bushie has a lot of respect for your broom…
    But you MUST know that “discipline” is different to ‘education’, even though it is a fundamental requirement for successful education. You keep juxtaposing the political and educational issues with this simple matter of INDISCIPLINE.

    Any time that a principal loses control of discipline in their school, …. DOG DEAD and you can kiss any hope of education goodbye…
    We have always had good discipline in most schools – and therefore a fertile ground for education. Unfortunately, the ‘education we pushed has been false, albino-influenced, shiite that is built around greed, selfishness and spite.

    We DO NOT need indiscipline to take over the schools….we need a review of what we teach our children. Unfortunately, our teachers, politicians, pastors and even most BU posters have been so well schooled in the albino shiite that there is no one to teach the TRUTH.

    ….so perhaps we may as well let the rebels take over the damn schools…

    @ Islandgal
    What happened to our love…?
    Is Sunday not ‘OUR’ day…? 🙂

    @ Caswell
    You know not what you are talking on this issue….

  27. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    I can take you on all day Bushman….one must have vision and not just stop at the level of “I said do that, it worked in my time and it will work now, it is my way, nothing else will work, because I know better”… cannot have that attitude and expect it to succeed, particularly when dealing with newer and newer generations……even slavery evolved and was reformed, refined and redefined…

  28. Your about to see the BIGGEST CYA(COVER YOUR ASS) coming up shortly. Politicians and MOE are presently circling the wagons.

  29. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Bushman…there is a very thin line between discipline and bullying which must now be defined, the authorities, with their hard heads are now forced to take a look at that line and act….I don’t have high hopes, however….each generation requires a different direct approah, if you met my 3 year old grandson, you will see of what I speak, you will be left speechless.

  30. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And besides, one has to be very careful with principals and teachers re attitudes and actions toward children, many years ago some could be trusted, not anymore.

  31. Let the BU be very clear, we have no confidence in the management accumem as practiced by the MOE. Some of you continue to blame this and that person BU remains steadfast the buck stops with the MOE and so far who is impressed with the outcome so far? The same occurred with the Alexandra mess. Any of you attended interview session last year when some senior teachers were being appointed?

    Some of you do not know of what you are commenting about.

  32. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The Alexanders mess ended up costing the taxpayers millions or hundred of thousands and many wasted hours for an independent arbitrator, because the same adults, though not the same people, ministry officials, teachers and principal do not have any negotiation skills, do not know how to compromise, have no interpersonal relationship skills.

    Because no reforms were instituted then, it has degraded to….a teacher trying to “discipline” one child to pick up a candy wrapper which she did not place there and the child ultimately being expelled for not picking up the candy wrapper and because she claims her Mom did not send her to school to pick up other people’s garbage….while the child who threw the wrapper, is still at Springer littering the school.

    Look how well decades of that practice by principles, teachers and ministry officials has worked out for Barbados, the island is filthy with garbage, thrown by nasty people who were socialized to believe that when they throw garbage everywhere, someone else will be forced and “disciplined” to pick up garbage they littered the place with….hence Zika will now flourish.

    Ya’ll need to take a good look at yourselves…children should only be disciplined, when it’s warranted.

  33. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ islandgal February 9, 2016 at 9:05 AM

    ISG you can rant and rave all you like but you are overlooking the most important aspect of this whole fiasco. The child’s rights. Unless the child was seen clearly committing an act of littering we cannot see how the child has broken any other school rule. The child has the right under the Charter of the rights of the child to disobey any instruction she considers to be dehumanizing or perceived as an act of discrimination. In addition the child has been denied her right to an education for an unnecessary inordinately length of time because of the stupid overblown egos of adults. The child is just a pawn in this power game of ignorance of the Unicef charter on the rights of the child.

    All I am doing is bringing to the debate the rights of the child as set out under the local Constitution and the Charter on the rights of the child to which the GoB was an early signatory. . If you continue to violate them you will find yourself with a homegrown Shanique Myrie on your hands.

    Many of you who supported the Bajan authorities to violate the rights of another Caricom national are today encouraging another set of authorities to do another round of SHOITE (to use your pumped up word) but this time not to a suspected pole dancer but to an innocent schoolgirl whose dignity has been totally debased and character ‘adulterated’ to the highest.

  34. If the headmistress uses the picking up of wrappers as a punishment she must accept if a student refuses she should find an alternative punishment. Some students and parents will object to it, these are different times. There was a time parents gave their 100% trust to the school, not a recommended approach in these times.

  35. Bush Tea and GP are old school…strong discipline. Beat de crap outta dum. hard ears you won’t hear own way yuh gine feel.

    In the 50s and 60s I witnessed my school mates get de discipline by ruler and strap in primary school.

    I escaped because I was a red fella who was bright.

    My empathy is with the child and her mother. This issue needs a resolution. The child needs counselling by someone qualified to counsel children.

  36. @millertheanunnaki February 9, 2016 at 12:06 AM “Why don’t you tell that to Denis Lowedown and his gang of Cahill scammers? Wealth should be earned by hard work and prudent investment

    Dear milller etc.: I agree with you 100 %that wealth should be earned by hard work and prudent investment.

  37. @Barbados TODAY reported last Friday that Weekes had rejected the offer of a transfer to Ellerslie, claiming her son, who attended that school, had a bad experience there in the past.

    I expect that this woman’s children will have bad experiences wherever they go to school.

    The common denominator is the mother AND THE ABSENTEE FATHER.

  38. @Gabriel February 9, 2016 at 6:59 AM “Your roll was not to hide behind an office door…”

    Dear Gabriel: If you had spent a little more time LISTENING to your teachers, you would have LEARNED that the correct word is ROLE and not roll.

  39. @ Simple Simon,

    This woman’s children are just as likely to become decent human beings.

    At least the girl has a mother who loves her.

  40. @Well Well & Consequences February 9, 2016 at 7:30 AM “Simple…you were socialized to abuse and bully children because of your adult status in your era. In my era parents learned the art of communication and compromise and passed it on to their children…..a much better era”

    So how do you know my era? And how do you know that I am a bully of children? And how do you know that my parents have not raised a dozen children well? And how do you know that I have not raised half a dozen children well? And in my family I can issue instructions and they are followed because I have authority and respect.

  41. The ranting and ravingonly comes from those who would present/ and accept rudness and being unmannerly as a “right”.

  42. @Well Well & Consequences February 9, 2016 at 8:33 AM “And besides GP is fully aware that these types of situations would have to be handled differently in Florida.”

    Yeah right.!!!

    In Florida they would have let her do exactly as she liked, and once she was 18 they would have tossed her into jail if she dared to even drive with a license that had expired one day earlier, and if she dared to object they let her have a bullet to the head.

    How come you think that 40% of black men in the U.S. are in their for profit jails or on probation.

    You know very well that for black people the United States is NOT the kingdom of heaven.


  43. @Bush Tea February 9, 2016 at 8:11 AM “All this shows is that some mothers are the actual problems behind their children.”


    But where is the father? He dead? He in jail? His daughter out of school for 8 weeks and is making front page news and not a peep from the man?

  44. @islandgal February 9, 2016 at 9:05 AM “For once I can agree with GP and Bushtea my arch enemies.”

    Lord come for you world!!!


    Because gp, bush tea, ac, simple simon and island gal agree on the importance of raising disciplined children.

    But then again I suspect (in spite of sometimes joking around on this blog) that we have all successfully raised children to adulthood and we know that ALL children will challenge authority.

  45. @Well Well & Consequences February 9, 2016 at 10:54 AM “children should only be disciplined, when it’s warranted.”

    And who decides when discipline is warranted?

    The child?

  46. The mother also needs to be fiscipline. Isn/t it a fact that there was a problem with her son at another school. One can clearly see tgat the problem with the children lies in the fact that she has raised rude and disrepectful children both who seems to carry the tell tales signs of arrogance also demonstrated in the mothers altitude

  47. Hey hey, what foolishness you saying Bush Tea? Since when a principle is GOD?These kissmeask numb skulls bout hay taking this rassolary too far. FOR A WRAPPER? Make sense nuh? Dat big bubbie bitcch want firing. This has gonnnnne too far.

  48. ONLY BOUT HAY…….stupes

  49. @Head girl February 9, 2016 at 1:41 PM

    Dear Head girl: Are you the head of the student body at a school or a school drop out who gives head for a living?

    Even while the principal is not God. The girl and her mother and her absentee father are not God either. And the principal has authority granted her by the law.

    If the mother wants to second guess all instructions given to her children by a teacher then it might be better if the mother decides to home school her children.

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