Submitted by Yardbroom
 Allegations continue to swirl that Syria used chemical weapons against its own people

Allegations continue to swirl that Syria used chemical weapons against its own people

It would appear that the United States of America will lead a coalition, which will attack Syria because of allegations that Syria used chemical weapons against its own people.  US Secretary of State John Kerry in an emotional speech has said it is undeniable that there was large scale indiscriminate use of chemical weapons in Syria by the Assad regime and for this there must be accountability.

As I write a definite decision has not been taken or if it has the public has not been told – we can no doubt expect President Obama to have his say in a matter of days.  However, if I have read the mood music correctly, the record is now playing to a logical conclusion.

How will Russia, China and most importantly Iran, allies of Syria in this “situation” up to now, respond?

This action if taken has the potential to launch a fire-ball in the Middle East and we should also note that this action is not dependent on a UN sanction.

How will this action play out and where will it lead?  On BU (Barbados Underground) we are often ahead of the game.  On this one at least when it blows,  it will be in our sights.

218 responses to “Will a Western Led Coalition Attack Syria: What Will be the Likely Consequences?”

  1. We are convinced that 99% of the people of the world are ignorant. Whatever the ‘officials’ say they believe. To list above we can also add spying, like Obama is doing on the world. Why because there is a global war for resources conducted by a criminal Obama for his masters.

  2. The Miller said. ”You must remember that Obama is a lame duck president and has nothing to gain by attacking Syria other than going down in history as the first black President of the modern Roman Empire who was in office when the first modern nuclear war was fought in the current Precession of the equinoxes. We don’t think he is made of such stern egoistical stuff.
    The UN report would present inconclusive unreliable evidence with the threats and sabre rattling consequentially dying down and leading to a way out to save face.”

    We are afraid these issues are bigger than Obama. He is more interested to keeping the ‘real’ promises he made to the people behind his throne. Essentially to continue the work of Clinton (Kosovo) and Bush (Iraq, Afghanistan). There is no difference, same agenda.

  3. Yes, we were saying that because the actions of America and others constitute acts of war. Syria now has a legal right to self defense and can now act to preempt American aggression and do so legally.

  4. 3rd Bass-The Gas Face, KMD-Gasface Refill

  5. millertheanunnaki | August 29, 2013 at 11:12 AM |
    @ Pachamama | August 29, 2013 at 9:17 AM |
    “These are the kinds of issues over which wars are fought. Should the US loose this strategic battle, especially at the political level, because that is why you fight wars, to gain political victories, it will mean a fast decline of the American Empire. This is what we call the Grand Chess Board. This type of confrontation always happens when an Empire is waning. ”

    Your analysis of the current geopolitics is well argued and convincingly enlightening.
    All the classic signs of an Empire being hoisted with its own petard and about to fall are there to see by those with intellectually keen eyes and a sound grasp of history and political economy.
    sir you are very correct
    power will shift back to europe so that the kings of the west will come into vogue

    the kings of the north east and south are clearly defined already


  6. Georgie Porgie
    We beg to disagree. The Western Europeans cannot be the beneficiaries in geo-strategic terms. In fact, soon from now they will have wars between themselves.

  7. Where is that stupid AC-DC ‘holes’! We wonder if this AC_DC is so bright why she does not help David populate this blog with some scholarly articles that represent her conservative friends or the people she allows to think for her on CNN and elsewhere. The submission of articles to David for publication and the defense of a body of work would be better than being an eternal gutter snipe. Write some articles for David!

  8. conducting military exercises near ‘enemies’ borders is also an act of war

  9. U pachaman u ought to thankl your luicky stars that u don.t live under the kind of dictatorships like those inherited by ASS-ad cause for all that hate and spite that you throw at america under them regimes u defending your ass would have been incinerated by now. It is good when u looking inside out sitting on a comfortable whoopi seat. now tell that sh..ite u spouting here to those who ass is being chemically fried by a govt who believes they have owernship to country and people …dumb ass.

  10. Obama has convinced me and many more that he’s not at all imbecilic. He is, you may and may know is a Harvard law school graduate and recipient of the 2009 Nobel peace prize accompanying 1.4 million dollars. Unlike the University of West Indies, Harvard, is ivy league, a college of prestige. The black boy, president of the United States a superpower and commander in chief to one of the largest militaries in the world has pre-positioned (4) Navy battleships and military fighter jets in the eastern Mediterranean. He has that much power that black boy. He, that black boy I believe will bypass traps set by China and Russia and will not make the same mistakes as did his predecessor, George Bush. The black boy I believe will prove himself.
    The United States is ready to strike. The United Nations Council is divided with Russia and China in the way; both have exercised veto power on the United Nations Council. Obama therefore can and may go ahead without the United Nations approval. If, indeed Obama makes decision to strike Syria, he must first receive congressional approval. He knows this. There is a reason for everything. Russia and China have developed closed ties with the Middle East. Unlike Obama, their interest is purely the oil. The Middle East is now China’s only source of oil import. Russia like the United States has oil, lots of it but wants to dominate Middle East oil. Russia and China, therefore will safeguard Syria. Once again, there is a reason for everything. The Obama administration on Wednesday denied Syria’s request to extend the stay of chemical weapons inspectors; this is a RED FLAG. Obama knows this.
    In the end, don’t be surprise if the Norwegian Nobel Committee put in his face (Barack Obama) another Nobel Peace Prize.

  11. AC-DC
    How is any ‘dictationship’ worse than the elected dictatorship of Barbados or the elected dictatorship of American or even China. Because fools like you could vote once every five years, you think you live in a ‘democracy’. Democracy is essentially an economic system, has very little to do with politics, fool. You live in the right place – a fool’s paradise. Even if the Syrian government were a dictatorship it must be a matter for the Syrian people to deal with, not dogooders who want to steal their things and create chaos in their country – not your ‘humanitarian’ war hawks who have hidden agendas.

    If your intellectually dwarfed ilk cares so much about people. What about the 6 million people of the eastern DRC that have been killed, almost in silence, by weapons supplied by Western powers over the last 15 years. It was these same powers which supplied Saddam with chemical weapons to kill Iranians and Iraqis. It was the war hawk Obama who used chemical weapons, through his proxy Israel, in Lebanon and Gaza. You would not have any tears for them, would you? Wasn’t it your criminal humanitarian interventionists that just went into Libya. Now that country in far worst than at anytime under Qaddafi. And AC-DCs like you and Obama and Cameron should pay the ultimate price that the ICC imposes on war criminals.

    You and your people lack the moral authority to judge the worst countries in the world because you are that. We trust that the Syrian people and their allies have the means to launch a defensive and preemptive strike against anyone that would violate their rights or threaten them, while they continue to KILL the Takfiri and al-Queda terrorists supported by the Prince of Darkness, Barack Hussain Obama, and his henchmen in Europe. But foolie, the fifth, when you gine help David populate this blog with your scholarly interventions. It takes us less than an hour, sometimes less, to write one. You must have an hour sometimes, no?

  12. Obama during campaigning acknowledged his American enemies: Mitt Romney, Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Newt Ginrich, etc. [youtube=]
    Obama preparing for war in Syria acknowledges his enemies, says to them (China and Russia) “I fear no evil. . . . have prepared a table before you, mine enemies.

  13. Moral Obscenity: Toxic background to US chemical ‘highground’

  14. YES nitwit not see u trading places. When last u applied for residency in anyone of your friendly countries .. think so! i think not cause for all the horse shit u spout here on BU about democratic countries even with imperfections u not leaving no time soon. .Just a lot of hot air coming from a long winded gas/bag.

  15. We travel to these places all the time and we love them and shall defend them always against all comers. These peoples are far superior to you useless nincompoops. But of course an untraveled idiot who likes the ac-dc thing would not know that.


    Syria’s allies are Russia, Iran and China and there are reasons

  17. Let america do the job of establishing human rights for all across the the untravelled idiot like ac can travell without hesitation worying about terrorist standing on every corner. this untravelled idiot knows an the fact that freedom is a right..the captalist dogma can be dealt with on another page.but for now ASS-ad and the other dictators need to be melted down fast with some heavy artillery pushing them out the way and if u pachaman get in the way america i hope will show u no mercy.

  18. You are indeed a female rabbit! Is this the same Obama who just helped an army to overthrow a duly elected government in Egypt. Give us death before a dependence of the likes of this Prince of Darkness – Obama.

  19. Let the games begin. Let us see if Putin is bluffing that he will strike SA if the US and co attack Syria.

  20. George Galloway HEATED Speech in British Parliament Debate On Military Action Against Syria. 8/29/2013

  21. @ Pachamana

    You I think are insulted because that black boy Obama is president of a super power country, not you.

    Hitler we know slaughtered millions of jews mostly via chemical weapons; this was open and obvious. Journalist, Timothy Snyder says Stalin in Russia slaughtered more, more than Hitler. This also was open and obvious. Russian hands are NOT CLEAN. China also does not have clean hands. What China did to those protesting students was UNHUMANITARIAN but China wants that Middle East oil and needs its.

  22. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @David | August 29, 2013 at 3:56 PM |
    “Let the games begin. Let us see if Putin is bluffing that he will strike SA if the US and co attack Syria.”

    It will not come to that. You are looking at Armageddon with the possible use of nuclear weapons with Iran and Israel at the forefront.
    These guys are just playing ego games on the political chess board with Syria being the queen piece at this point in time. Just madness from the Summer’s heat that would soon abate and the verbal warfare would end like a true zero-sum game.

    An attack on Saudi Arabia would mean the apocalypse predicted for December 2012 would be upon us 9 months delayed as a result of the accumulated wobble of the Earth’s axis as its spins around its parent star.

  23. You are looking at Armageddon with the possible use of nuclear weapons with Iran and Israel at the forefront.


  24. The game is Fencing – Obama &Putin. Obama has espee weapons as does Putin. One will win and one will lose.

  25. @ LOOK

    You really think anybody who writes like this could even get anywhere near a major party nomination, far less more the White House. LOL

  26. Reports coming out of London, BBC:
    In the UK the Syria vote has been defeated in Parliament, as of “NOW” the UK will not be involved in any military action against Syria.

  27. @ Yardbroom
    Not so quick. Although, formally, they can’t get a parliamentary sanction, there are many ways the people who make wars can find all kinds of pretexts to intervene. Be careful.

  28. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ LOOK | August 29, 2013 at 5:06 PM |
    “The game is Fencing – Obama &Putin. Obama has espee weapons as does Putin. One will win and one will lose.”

    There will be no winner or loser in this rattling of sabres. There will be no attack on Syria by the USA. The Putin threat on Saudi Arabia has put paid to that notion. The sidekick Cameron has been severely injured and is out of commission. France will not partner with the USA unless the UK is on board. The only way Syria will be attacked is if Israel is “dragged” into the conflict.
    You are that knowledgeable to understand that history only remembers and highlights the extreme evil and very little good that political leaders did. Very few (if any) leaders of superpower states over the ages are ever remembered as “Great” unless they have led their individual country or nation through a well known war. Check history and you will see.
    Neither Obama nor Cameron would have such a place in history.
    Maybe Obama would feature as a footnote because of him being the first black president of the USA instead of his intellectually superior Frederick Douglas.

  29. Hi Pachamama,
    I know where you are going however, David Cameron said from the dispatch box, in response to a question – requesting confirmation – by Miliband leader of the Labour opposition. That he will “not” use the “Royal Perogative”. “Now” the matter is at an end.

  30. @ Miller

    You have a reading and comprehension problem. Executed only a demonstration. Never said the United States would actually attack. Obama has not uttered his decision. You do not know if the United States will or will not attack, neither do I. Do you really think Putin will resign to enter war with Syria? If only you had a brain. Now go back to your rabbit hole and just keep quiet. If you have room in it for Pachamana, put him into it (rabbit hole) with you.

  31. @ Yardbroom
    We understand, but our point of departure is NEVER to trust politician. We judge them by their actions, not words.

  32. Cameron is being asked to resign in Britain tonight, the tories humbled and humiliated him letting him know in no uncertain terms that they will not help him go to war……sign of the times.

  33. [youtube=]

    [If] Obama has to fight ALONE, I think he will. Contrary to what Miller (poster) thinks, Obama does not fear President Bashar al-Assad and or his main supporter President Putin. He has in place already (4) fully loaded battleships, not yet telling them what he is going to do but showing them what he can and may do.

  34. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ LOOK | August 29, 2013 at 6:49 PM |
    “You have a reading and comprehension problem. Executed only a demonstration”

    I take that as a compliment coming from you. But to get back to the meaning of your statement “One will win and one will lose.” Unless you are speaking figuratively in reference to the political game of egotism between the two mentioned characters in their personal vendetta of snubbing and racism how can Obama ever win unless he actually declares war against Syria and orders an attack?

    In your response to clarify exactly what you mean by “One will win and one will lose” just remember to be kind to dumb animals, especially your brother rabbit without brains.

    If you have to use your ‘épée’ just make it quick and sharp or you might just fall on it. Touché!

  35. [youtube=]

    @ Miller

    Please stay down there in your hole and keep quite, Elmer Fudd is out rabbit hunting and will shoot you.

  36. IRAQ forget Iraq just about the same arguments ,UN went in and armagedon did not not happen, Russia and CHina did absoluetly nothing. Israel was not annilated, the same ole arguments,

  37. Everybody is so concerned to jump on their soapbox to denounce various Western world leaders etc. on this matter. Oil and gas political power, alliances etc. What about the humanitarian angle? Could it not be construed that a country went to the aid of the people of Syria who are having a horrible time, shot at, bombed and now gassed? The Arab League should be the first to intervene on purely humanitarian grounds.

    If I were Obama I would subdue my feelings and not go in, just because of the repercussions, masses of abuse and potential Islamic terrorist revenge any intervention would generate. To me it is clear that the Assad regime stinks, he is responsible for widespread slaughter. I’d love to go in there and clean it up. Syria is a wonderful country with fabulous culture, history, archaeology, ruins and very sweet people, have visited there many times. It is virtually unspoiled by tourism and had the largest ancient underground souk in the world, a fascinating marvel until just recently when it was blown up. Three kilometres of underground markets, selling spice, fabrics, carvings etc. The ruins of Palmyra, Crac des Chevaliers and other sites – the whole country is like a World Heritage site.

    The problem is that Syria, like Turkey is not an Islamic state as such. They may be Muslim but they are not really part of the Arab world in the sense of Saudi Arabia. People didn’t have to wear the veil etc., wine is allowed One fears that the collapse of the Assad regime would lead to yet more Islamisation, with the accompanying loss of basic human rights.

    So what to do? It is NOT all about the oil. If asked to vote on whether to go in or not, how would you vote and why?

  38. @ Well Well

    Don’t see that publishing “the British tories TODAY asked David Cameron to resign”. Where did you get that?

  39. @Victor

    What is wrong with more Islamisation?

  40. LOOK | August 29, 2013 at 8:03 PM |

    @ Well Well

    Don’t see that publishing “the British tories TODAY asked David Cameron to resign”. Where did you get that?

    Check out the Daily Mail, it was news tonight not today.

  41. The British voted no, no intervention in Syrian war but Cameron may later ask for another vote. Obama also must receive a yes or no vote from the United States congress. Cameron cannot step over or above the no vote. Obama also cannot step over or above a no vote that he receives from the United States congress.

  42. Little over a week ago the crisis was in Egypt, a very important ally in America’s sphere of control in the area and the one that keeps Hisbola in check from gaining weapons that would harm Israel (another important ally)). The situation there was getting-out of control because of the action the Egyptian Army took in trying to smash the so-called Muslim Brotherhood. America, her Western Allies and their sanctimonious Democracy was being exposed as a sham. The bullets that went into the throats, faces and heads of the protesters entered that very “Democracy” and caused it to bleed like a hemophiliac. The blood needed to stemmed before the Very Important Patent bled to death.

    One official figure From the Muslim Brotherhood) said those killed were 1000 and the military Official figure said 600. the situation was tense and getting tenser as the Sacred Democracy bled. Something extraordinary had to happen to stop the bleeding. (remember that the World-Media was a conduit through which the blood was flowing…need I go any further??? OK, a transfusion was needed to keep the patient alive while the doctors patch-up the patient. The blood of the Syrians had to flow (through the conduit of the said World-Media) to keep the patient (America, her Western allies and their sanctimonious Democracy) alive.

  43. comparing what is happening in Syria to Iraq is somewhat distorted ,Anyone with a conscience seeing the horror and bloodshed daily coming out of Syria would be less hesitant to conclude that the two situations are the same. Even without the use of chemicals weapons. this situation calls for some form of military intervention. so far sanctions have not worked and thousands of people are being killed all because of Ass-ad intent on holding on to power

  44. I believe a military attack is out of the question as the US allies have reflected on the lessons of Iraq and the tainted “intelligence” that was used as evidence to launch that confrontation.

    The US is fairly confident that there is a Syrian version of “Chemical Ali” in the brother of Assad who is alleged to have given the order to launch the gas attacks, at this stage the US is somewhat willing to go it alone because they think that if Assad gets away with this attack he will look to Israel as his next target.

    If that happens Assad would have signed his own death warrant and the whole tinder box that is the Middle East would be like a moonscape.

  45. Sargeant said
    ”If that happens Assad would have signed his own death warrant and the whole tinder box that is the Middle East would be like a moonscape.”

    This is an inversion on reality that could only come from a Bajan. It is Obama who has signed his death warrant by waging war for two years on Syria.

  46. the psychological effects that lives in minds after the aftermath of Iraq should not be an excuse and deterrent in getting rid of Ass-ad, while the world looks on in horror !procrastinate Ass_ad continues his evil ways of unleashing deadly bombing attacks laced with arsenic on unarmed men women and children. america must do what is right and take a stance to what is becoming a 21st century genocide at the highest order,

  47. Ac- observe how the anti-American detractors are conveniently forgetting to mention the belligerence of France led by a socialist President in pushing vehemently for action against the Syrian regime which the American government as well as the British parliament has wisely resisted up to now.

  48. Only President Putin has impress us thus far
    Is this the same KGB operative who is jailing his opponents and ruthlessly squashing dissent in the Russian federation. Attack Saudi Arabia, what-
    if you believe that, then your knowledge of geo-politics is woefully deficient.

    wars and revolutions are started by bankers not politicians

  49. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ balance | August 30, 2013 at 8:21 AM |

    The Arab nations and Islamic caliphates need to be in the vanguard to sort out the mess in Syria. Let the Saudis and Turks invade Syria to remove Assad and stop the slaughter. If they make this move then the West should be prepared to back them up in whichever way. But as it stands the West has not moral or political justification for attacking Syria without being “officially” requested by the Arab nations and Islamic league of pontificates (who like to issue threats to the West) to provide military help.

    Why should the UK attack Syria when Saudi Arabia has acquired hundreds of billions of dollars in all kinds of sophisticated armaments and warplanes from the West? Let Saudi Arabia deploy this arsenal and be prepared to shed Arab and Muslim blood.
    Any invasion of Syria without the involvement of other Islamic players would only create a hot bed of terrorism in UK cities like Bradford and the many Islamic communities in place like east London.

  50. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @balance | August 30, 2013 at 8:35 AM |
    “wars and revolutions are started by bankers not politicians”

    There is a grain of truth in that profound statement!
    By bankers we presume you mean money people and their agents. Remember war means business and opportunities for large easy profits since it creates both escalated demand for the war efforts and consumer shortages where the highest prices can be demanded.

    But what about priests or clerics of all religious colours especially those of the Roman Catholic War Council? Or are you classifying them as politicians, which you have every right to do?

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