Submitted by Yardbroom
 Allegations continue to swirl that Syria used chemical weapons against its own people

Allegations continue to swirl that Syria used chemical weapons against its own people

It would appear that the United States of America will lead a coalition, which will attack Syria because of allegations that Syria used chemical weapons against its own people.  US Secretary of State John Kerry in an emotional speech has said it is undeniable that there was large scale indiscriminate use of chemical weapons in Syria by the Assad regime and for this there must be accountability.

As I write a definite decision has not been taken or if it has the public has not been told – we can no doubt expect President Obama to have his say in a matter of days.  However, if I have read the mood music correctly, the record is now playing to a logical conclusion.

How will Russia, China and most importantly Iran, allies of Syria in this “situation” up to now, respond?

This action if taken has the potential to launch a fire-ball in the Middle East and we should also note that this action is not dependent on a UN sanction.

How will this action play out and where will it lead?  On BU (Barbados Underground) we are often ahead of the game.  On this one at least when it blows,  it will be in our sights.

218 responses to “Will a Western Led Coalition Attack Syria: What Will be the Likely Consequences?”

  1. Another Gulf of Tonkin type workup to war, if you ask me.

    30-year Anniversary: Tonkin Gulf Lie Launched Vietnam War
    By Jeff Cohen and Norman Solomon

    Thirty years ago, it all seemed very clear.

    “American Planes Hit North Vietnam After Second Attack on Our Destroyers; Move Taken to Halt New Aggression”, announced a Washington Post headline on Aug. 5, 1964.

    That same day, the front page of the New York Times reported: “President Johnson has ordered retaliatory action against gunboats and ‘certain supporting facilities in North Vietnam’ after renewed attacks against American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin.”

    But there was no “second attack” by North Vietnam — no “renewed attacks against American destroyers.” By reporting official claims as absolute truths, American journalism opened the floodgates for the bloody Vietnam War.

    A pattern took hold: continuous government lies passed on by pliant mass media…leading to over 50,000 American deaths and millions of Vietnamese casualties.

    The official story was that North Vietnamese torpedo boats launched an “unprovoked attack” against a U.S. destroyer on “routine patrol” in the Tonkin Gulf on Aug. 2 — and that North Vietnamese PT boats followed up with a “deliberate attack” on a pair of U.S. ships two days later.

    The truth was very different.

  2. Hysteria around chemical attack suits those who want military intervention in Syria –  Edited time: August 26, 2013 16:15
    Following last week’s chemical attack, the West has engineered a media campaign to facilitate a military incursion, says Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The minister also cast doubts on the veracity of US and European claims about the incident.
    “Official Washington, London and Paris say they have incontrovertible evidence that the Syrian government is behind the chemical attack in Damascus, but they have not yet presented this evidence. Yet, they keep saying that the ‘red line’ has been crossed,” Lavrov said during an emergency press conference in Moscow.

  3. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday that the Obama administration is “all but certain” that the Syrian government used chemical weapons to attack innocent civilians. Quote from RT

    How are we sure that Assad’s people used chemicals? Is this a flashback to Iraq has weapons of mass destruction?

  4. Putin to Cameron: No evidence Syria chemical weapons attack took place Published time: August 26, 2013 18:30 Edited time: August 26, 2013 19:27
    Russia has no evidence of whether a chemical weapons attack has taken place in Syria or who is responsible, Russian President Vladimir Putin told British Prime Minister David Cameron in a telephone call, according to Cameron’s official website.

  5. There is obviously something fundamentally wrong with the people in political power around the world. Even then, the Americans are in a special brass bowl class of their own…
    Obama will probably attack Syria …but only because “his credibility” is on the line.
    Can you imagine how much of an ass a US president has to be, to make the statement during a civil war that “his RED LINE is when the regime uses chemical weapons”….

    The regime then goes on to basically win the conflict using conventional weapons and the Rebels are facing imminent defeat…


    Why the hell would the Syrian government who are winning, now create the conditions specified for the world’s bully to come to the rebels aid by using chemical weapons?

    …on the other hand, what has the rebels to lose? If the same Americans could facilitate 911 in order for BUSH to finish his father’s war and impose homeland security measures, why would not the rebels use chemical weapons on a few hundred in order to get US help in their losing position….?
    If anyone is responsible for those deaths by chemical weapons it is OBAMA who by his asinine red line, basically offered their deaths as a means for the rebels to escape imminent defeat….

    The brass bowls seem not to learn ANYTHING from past mistakes in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan etc…. Fortunately, Nibiru will shortly give the asses something to REALLY worry about…..

  6. @Bushie

    Of interest to BU is how will Putin respond given its public positions on Syria ad known relationships.

  7. Why is the USA so hot to trot to stir the war pot in Syria?

    The former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Ronald Reagan administration, Paul Craig Roberts, in a blog post today speculated as to what might be the motivation for further stirring of the conflict pot in Syria. It might be speculation on Robert’s part, but it makes more sense than the cover story which many people worldwide see as a cooked up excuse or manufactured incident to give some veneer of credibility (no matter how thin) that the USA is only reacting to stop Assad’s supposed use of poison gas.

    Syria: Another Western War Crime In The Making
    by Paul Craig Roberts

    Originally, the excuse for Washington’s wars was to keep Americans safe from terrorists. Now Washington is endeavoring to turn Syria over to jihad terrorists by helping them to overthrow the secular, non-terrorist Assad government. What is the agenda behind Washington’s support of terrorism?

    Perhaps the purpose of the wars is to radicalize Muslims and, thereby, destabilize Russia and even China. Russia has large populations of Muslims and is bordered by Muslim countries. Even China has some Muslim population. As radicalization spreads strife into the only two countries capable of being an obstacle to Washington’s world hegemony, Western media propaganda and the large number of US financed NGOs, posing as “human rights” organizations, can be counted on by Washington to demonize the Russian and Chinese governments for harsh measures against “rebels.”

    Another advantage of the radicalization of Muslims is that it leaves former Muslim countries in long-term turmoil or civil wars, as is currently the case in Iraq and Libya, thus removing any organized state power from obstructing Israeli purposes.

    Secretary of State John Kerry is working the phones using bribes and threats to build acceptance, if not support, for Washington’s war crime-in-the-making against Syria.

    Washington is driving the world closer to nuclear war than it ever was even in the most dangerous periods of the Cold War. When Washington finishes with Syria, the next target is Iran. Russia and China will no longer be able to fool themselves that there is any system of international law or restraint on Western criminality. Western aggression is already forcing both countries to develop their strategic nuclear forces and to curtail the Western-financed NGOs that pose as “human rights organizations,” but in reality comprise a fifth column that Washington can use to destroy the legitimacy of the Russian and Chinese governments.

  8. Bushtea; I agree with practically all you’ve said about the American Brass bowls. But tell us a bit more about Nibiru; I hadn’t heard of its imminent sighting. Has it morphed into the comet that is aimed directly at Mars? I wonder if Millertheannunaki might be well placed to tell us a bit more about Niburu and its attendant BBE’s that periodically visit?

  9. How do you think he will respond David? …..probably by providing the Syrians with sophisticated weapons that could allow them to retaliate against any American attack by attacking US interest ….like Israel for example…

    The fellow Kerry is clearly an ass….. Talking about outrage at the deaths of women and children….does he think that such deaths are more palatable when they are caused by drones? Or by US soldiers and bombs?

    Kerry is only superseded by the US press – mainly CNN.
    Do these people think? Or even remember recent history…?

  10. Well Bushie, Obama’s legacy is secure.


    David@ Russia send Obama a message and sends Syria , Their most advanced Anti-ship missile system ,,, Blocked web site , from face book

  12. @David
    How are we sure that Assad’s people used chemicals? Is this a flashback to Iraq has weapons of mass destruction?
    Two different situations the Bush led White House was filled with paper warriors and neo cons who wanted to teach Saddam a lesson and were willing to suspend reasonable doubt when it came to the question of WMD’s in Iraq. The use of chemicals can be easily proved as trace minerals can be obtained from soil, vegetation and other elements. The body fluids of the deceased or the injured could also provide proof of a chemical attack.
    If a Western led coalition was not formed to topple Assad in the early stages of the uprising, it will not be part of any US initiative as the Opposition groups have a significant number of Jihadists and Salafists who can easily gain power if Assad is forced out’ If that group takes over who knows what will happen in the region? The US does not want to assist in creating a Gov’t which will be inimical to its interests, don’t forget the US has gone down this road before – they helped the Mujahedeen in their fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan and looked what happened there. The US is also cognizant of Iran’s support of Assad and the election of a new Iranian President has stirred hopes of a rapprochement between the two countries , an attack of Syria would destroy that hope.

    The biggest obstacle to any US intervention is in the current occupant of the White House who inherited two wars and has ended one and is winding down the other, this President doesn’t want to leave another war for his successor.

  13. @Sargeant

    The issue is not whether chemicals weapons were used but who gave the order.




    Here is the final point. Assad had been requesting, for months, for a special United Nations Chemical Weapons investigation team to come to Syria to check out earlier allegations that his government had used chemical weapons. The United Nations finally agreed. So why would Assad be so stupid as to carry out a chemical weapons attack on women and children the very day the UN chemical weapons inspectors arrive, just miles from where they are staying? and the answer is, Assad would not be that stupid. This chemical attack was carried out by the hired mercenaries to frame on Assad, and women and children were targeted to maximize the shock value for propaganda purposes.

    The US government has decided to conquer Syria. and this lie about chemical weapons is just a repeat of the lies told about Saddam’s nuclear weapons, to cover over naked aggression with a thin veneer of “Hey, we are going in to help those people.” But again, by launching a war into Syria, the US will murder far more Syrians (and young Americans) than this chemical weapon was reported to have done.

  16. Sargeant

    Hush … do …!

  17. Don’t tell anyone but ..
    American, Israeli And Jordanian Troops And CIA Agents Have Entered Syria, it means the Nobel Peace Prize winning president has just engaged in yet another unsanctioned by Congress war

  18. One would think with their poor success rate since WW2, Korea, Vietnam,etc that the US would deal with its own problems rather than to try to “fix” someone else’s Country when the US is in the shape its in.

  19. @Bush Tea “If the same Americans could facilitate 911…Fortunately, Nibiru will shortly give the asses something to REALLY worry about”

    Bushie you brass bowl conspiricy theorist.

  20. I never did believe the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) thingy, but for sure while Syrian children slept in their beds some MEN gassed them like they were cockroaches.

    Any MEN who can do the cockroach thing to their neighbour’s children does not deserve to live.

    But then again the Middle East and related areas is populated with the most miserable MEN on the face of the earth. No wonder so many MALE domanited, women hating religions religions were born there and continue to fester there.


    I believe that both the MEN in the Syrian government and the MEN in the Syrian opposition are capable of gassing their own children.

    It has been my observation that MEN typically don’t/can’t love other MEN’s children

    The MEN on both sides would gas other people too.

    So the MEN from American and other Western allies better not make a move unless they have their gas masks on.

  21. Russia and Iran warn against attack on Syria  Last Modified: 27 Aug 2013 09:42
    Russia and Iran have given fresh warning to US and its allies against a military intervention in Syria.
    The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday that such an intervention could have “catastrophic consequences for the region and called on the international community to show “prudence” over the crisis.
    “Attempts to bypass the Security Council, once again to create artificial groundless excuses for a military intervention in the region are fraught with new suffering in Syria and catastrophic consequences for other countries of the Middle East and North Africa,” the ministry said.
    Russia also expressed regret over a decision by the US to postpone a meeting scheduled for Wednesday in Hague in the Netherlands on an international peace conference for Syria.

  22. @check it out “I wonder if Millertheannunaki might be well placed to tell us a bit more about Niburu and its attendant BBE’s that periodically visit?”

    I can assure you that the miller etc. is NOT an astronomer and knows as much about Niburu as he does about the man in the moon.


  23. @Simple

    All you know is what you watch on CNN or read in the Nation. Most of the population only know what is feed to them.

    Here is what others are suggesting elsewhere:


  24. @Simple

    All you knw is what you watch on CNN or read in the Nation. Most of the population only knows what is fed to them.

    Here is what others are suggesting elsewhere:


  25. There is a general ‘misreading’ of this situation. The sounds coming from the war hawks in Washington and its bleating lambs in Europe is no more than a signal of the defeat of Empire in the proxy war in Syria. The Resistance Axis in within weeks of a complete victory over the Western-sponsored and armed, Takfiri, Al-Queda, Saudi, Turkish, Qatari, Zionist, March 14th, UAE, Muslim Brotherhood axis of aggression in an illegal war.

    The death pangs of this signal defeat are unlike to point to a greater military involvement. In other words, this Iraq styled, WMD lie by the criminal-in-chief Obama is mere psychological warfare. These Western leaders are still dedicated to the PNAC but a few intelligent people know that the risks are too great for even a ‘limited strike’ to help their foreign terrorist friends on the ground in Syria. Friends who are indeed the ones who have used the chemicals weapons, in the first place. This in only physiological warfare, that’s all! In any event, no coalitions of forces could win against the Syrians, and the West know this well.

    One should wonder, where are these humanitarian forces when other atrocities are committed elsewhere? This is a failed attempt to extend Empire.

  26. We think people should recognize that it matters not who is in the White House. Everybody who gets there must be committed to the program. So Obama is just following orders and agreemenst made, by him, before he was supported for this job. Failure to obey would mean his assassination for the USA has not had a real ‘President” since JFK

  27. The Axis of Aggression also includes Hamas and Jordan

  28. One wonders which country sold/supplied the chemical weapons to be used on sleeping victims, knowing what i know i certainly would not discount israel as the culprit in that particular attack on innocent lives, they are evil enough to promote more chaos, confusion and death.

  29. Thom Hartmann: Why Fox News has the Right to Lie to Us!

  30. Here is a another view from

    Consequences in Syria and Beyond

    This is no longer simply about Syria. The United States has stated a condition that commits it to an intervention. If it does not act when there is a clear violation of the condition, Obama increases the chance of war with other countries like North Korea and Iran. One of the tools the United States can use to shape the behavior of countries like these without going to war is stating conditions that will cause intervention, allowing the other side to avoid crossing the line. If these countries come to believe that the United States is actually bluffing, then the possibility of miscalculation soars. Washington could issue a red line whose violation it could not tolerate, like a North Korean nuclear-armed missile, but the other side could decide this was just another Syria and cross that line. Washington would have to attack, an attack that might not have been necessary had it not had its Syria bluff called.

    Read more: Obama’s Bluff | Stratfor

  31. Since the West are so interested in their humanitarian interventions maybe they could invade the United Stated for using WMD in Iraq. Maybe invade the Zionist for using WMD, several times, in occupied Palestine.

  32. Strafor is an ‘intelligence’ outfit, not dissimilar to CNN.

  33. @Pacha

    You should critique the article.

  34. In any event, there will not be putting their soldiers on the ground, though they are already infiltrating special opps forces. They maybe thinking about what they call surgical strikes. However, the Syrians have capabilities to shoot down their planes and sink their boats. More importantly, Syria will immediately respond by bombing Tel Aviv. If they think they want war let them come. The Axis of Resistance is not afraid of them. They don’t frighten anybody anymore

  35. We answered already. This is physiological warfare.

  36. Psychological

  37. @Pacha

    You should have noted BU has posted snips from five or six different sources. The BU family can connect the dots for themselves.

  38. Yes, but the article alone is misleading and has to be read in a context where Strafor has been shown to have been involved in psychological warfare previously. War is all about deception so this false equivalency has little meaning to us or to any other possible hot war elsewhere. So we say again that the article only serves as hype. There are too many other factors not considered.

  39. @David
    The issue is not whether chemicals weapons were used but who gave the order
    Don’t try to move the goal posts, I was responding to your headline not the question of “whodunit”. Kerry is following Colin Powell’s script re WMD on Syria so I have to conclude that is the USA’s official position.

    I stand by my original premise that the Syrian opposition is a comprised of many different elements some of whom are unpalatable to the USA and it is not in its interests to have some of these elements close to the seat of power plus the US does not want the optics of it attacking another Arab/Muslim country as that can be spun into an attack against Islam.

    One final thought why do some hate Western style Gov’ts but can’t help falling in love with hereditary dictatorships?

  40. @Sargeant

    The headline is Yardbroom’s and to your other point which is moot, name one administration in the ME which was democratically elected in a Western sense. So ar all the imposed government of the West have failed. It is not a matter of hate but of being able to discern that US foreign policy continues to bread hate n the ME. Obama a president who promised peace…

  41. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Simple Simon | August 27, 2013 at 6:03 AM |

    Stop taking the Piss, SS (LOL!!)

    Don’t you know that the Anunnaki knows that Bushie’s BBE is the commander-in-chief on that spacecraft launched from Niburu to sort out things on their genetic experiment base called Earth?

    Seriously though, we all know the Yanks, Brits and French are battle weary and with so many “fifth columnists and agent saboteurs living within their own cities they would find it very difficult to wage a sustained war against a ME state like Syria.
    This might just be a lot of hot air, chest thumping bravado including that emanating from Russia and China. Such involvement can only erupt into a full scale world war of nuclear cataclysmic proportion reminiscent of the Sodom & Gomorrah mythical event.

    What we need to know is Israel’s position. The US and UK could launch any attack against Assyrians only at the behest of the Israelis.

    How the chess board is currently aligned it seems “THEY” (my namesake) are due for another visit to save their genetically engineered ape man from self-destruction.
    On the other hand, this might just be the opportunity to allow the species to cull itself to a large degree and create the right environment to facilitate the evolution of a more mentally and spiritually ‘equipped’ (enlightened) race to reflect the manifestations of the Age of Aquarius.
    The constellation of Aquarius represented by the water bearer (a man carrying a pitcher or jug of water) is one of the largest in our segment of the galaxy. The age of Pisces represented Jesus the fish god has been around for over 2,000 Earth years and it about to ‘phase’ into a new age of spiritual consciousness. Don’t, out of arrogant ignorance, ever think “WE” are alone!

    In my Father’s abode there are many rooms (houses). Pick sense from that the same way you Simple Simon can interpret the following astrological projection:

    The Last Supper; Luke 22: 7-12
    “7 Then came the day of Unleavened Bread on which the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed. 8 Jesus sent Peter and John, saying, “Go and make preparations for us to eat the Passover.”
    9 “Where do you want us to prepare for it?” they asked.
    10 He replied, “As you enter the city, a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him to the house that he enters, 11 and say to the owner of the house, ‘The Teacher asks: Where is the guest room, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?’ 12 He will show you a large room upstairs, all furnished. Make preparations there.”

  42. A bunch of doo doo birds trying to forumaled american foreign policy. Take bush advice and HUSH! that dictator need to be flush out long timehe has overextended his welcome .The mass murder dealt out to his people can no longer go unheard. Something needs to be done if america have to take the challenge so be it.

  43. I hope that the usa does not foolishly send any of their young sons and daughters to defend a civilisation which has no regard for life or liberty but let them continue wipe out themselves supposedly to the merriment of the anti- American supporters on this blog.

  44. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ balance | August 27, 2013 at 9:40 AM |
    You will notice the deafening silence of Saudi Arabia.
    Any Western attack on Syria could see counterattacks on the oil production infrastructure in the ME with Saudi Arabia being a primary target.
    This fear in itself would act as a major deterrent.

  45. After years of trying US foreign policy is not working. The ME reains a quagmire, Africa is being invaded by the Chinese but it will not be too long before Africom is mobilized. And it good US of A 1% of the population continues to own the wealth with Occupation wherever gaining strength.

  46. David, you are wrong. Africom is already mobilized. All but 2 countries in Africa act as bases for the American Empire and their troops as foot soldiers. Separately, everything about America is a lie. Whether it is the fiction of democracy or human rights and the rest. It is however amazing that regardless of the mindless ‘mistakes’ of the recent past, some here could still find a moral basis for more war and gore. These armchair warriors have never even seen a shot fired in anger but believe they could have opinions about events in places they know not of.

  47. Saudi Arabia is the sponsor of all the bombing you see in the area – MENA. If the West were just they would be bombing Mecca. Not that do not understand the gravamen of that suggestion but it is Saudi Arabia that is responsible for the daily bombings in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, and elsewhere. But Saudi is an American-Zionist tool so as a sponsor of Western led terrorism there will be not even a condemnation far less an investigation. PS, if elections were help in Syria today, Assad will get up to 70% of the vote, so say western pollsters.

  48. We plead guilty as charged. Most of what the West had done to the South during the last 500 years was despicable. Given those circumstances we find ourselves in opposition to that brutal history now and forever, without apology!.

  49. Is America evil …? It is easy to accuse world leaders of being evil and deserving to be brought to justice, but is it possible for American, French, Israeli and British leadership to be evil? Perhaps not, they are after all White and Christian and they must know what they are doing for the good of humanity, and CNN, Fox and BBC always back their judgement.

    I hope that I have ac’s and Simple’s agreement on this.

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