Adrian Loveridge - Owner of Peach & Quiet Hotel
Adrian Loveridge – Owner of Peach & Quiet Hotel

Sometimes so many statistics and figures are bandied about in the tourism industry, it is easy to be distracted from any cause and effect that these may have. Take the recently announced long stay visitor arrival figures for January and February 2013 for instance. A 9 per cent fall for each month. While that may not appear devastating in numbers alone, you have to look past the percentage decline. These are two of our critical four peak winter months. Add the fall in arrivals during December 2012 and already the heady predictions of a strong winter are completely out the window. In January 2012 , we welcomed 52,619 stay-over visitors and in February 2012, some 54,162.

Many hoteliers rely on the winter for not only a high room occupancy level, but also the premium rates charged over this period. December 2012 welcomed 52,174 persons, which naturally includes what is probably the busiest time of the year, Christmas and New Year, for most properties. Compare arrivals with summer months and you can get a feel of the importance of winter volume and revenue. As examples, August 2012, which could have the benefit of Crop Over and visiting friends and relatives, 43,191 and June 2012, 36,656.

From an economic point of view, if you use one of our West Coast 4 star hotels of about 100 rooms to measure the losses, who charges US$709 per room per night in the winter. Then average a typical stay of 7 nights which produces US$4,963 for that room over that period. The same room charge in the summer, falls to US$282 or US$1,974 for the week. A massive 60 per cent less income, and that’s before you factor in specials like offering 7 nights, but paying for six. Of course, its not quite that simple, as Barbados is a largely tour operator dependent destination, which would negatively influence net room rates. But I would guess that while the figures may vary, the proportions do not.

Some industry observers have been quick to blame the ongoing Almond Beach Village closure to our current dismal performance, but the facts do not substantiate this is any meaningful way. Even if the hotel was open, based on the same average stay, two persons each room and operating to a 80 per cent occupancy, the very most this could have effected the numbers were 2,798 guests for January and 2,528 for February. The actual arrival falls were 4,735 in January and 4,874 in February. And this is based on what must be a clearly fallible theory, that travel professionals, operators or agents, were not able to switch sell the original hotel of choice to their clients.

So the obvious question is, if potential clients were not accommodated at ABV, where did they stay?

Or was another holiday destination chosen?

The losses don’t just end at the hotel. Less car rentals, restaurant dining, shopping, excursions and activities, reduced staff hours worked etc, and this all has a dramatic influence of reducing the taxes Government collect.

  1. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge


    First I must apologise for probably not giving you the answers you deserve.
    From Peach and Quiet’s perspective, we have not had to discount a single room for over twenty years, apart from the odd travel agent or journalist.
    As a tour operator in the UK for 12 years, we did NOT discount a single holiday sold, apart from offering early bookers who paid up front and in full several months in advance. I have a lot of respect for some of the BTA staff
    and prefer not to comment on individuals (either persons or office locations.
    Having said, that the status quo simply has been proven NOT to work. There has been no growth in long stay visitor arrivals in the last five years and if you take into account reduced average stay and spend, clearly we are in crisis.
    With the latest recently announced BTA/BHTA promotion. It is difficult for me to understand WHY you would spend 11 per cent ($11 million) of the total BTA annual budget to HOPEFULLY attract 2.75 per cent of the total of last year’s total long stay visitor arrivals, especially at largely discounted rates.

    With regard to your other points, raised, I would prefer to consider them in depth.

  2. It is believed that the government paid their Bajan pricess, Rihanna for her August 2011 concert there. She da girl and Bajan but the Barbados government paid her a big piece. Maybe. Wheather government did or didn’t pay how many visiting tourists showed up there??? Guess she’s not really a big deal, hope they are re-considering those “use to be” jazz festivals and Wynton Marsalis, bigger than Rihanna, can’t get any bigger than that, Wynton Marsalis.


    LOOK | April 26, 2013 at 7:41 AM |

    @ Plantation Deeds

    Crime against visiting tourist in Barbados is getting out of control, @
    @ It has been out of hand for a long time ,
    Nothing is being reported to the news. But we all is still being robbed each day.We will never get crime to Zero and i still rather be in Barbados than America ,
    The Island in the Sun will shine much brighter when those in place do their Work.
    Barbados dont care who you are , they take from who ever they can crook even their Own Bajans, We need to find out the GDP for lawyers , local and international land deals and rip offs , I dont know the numbers.

  4. Do it, that thingoutstanding. . . . blow people’s mind. . . . knock them out. . . make them wanna shout. Go for it Barbados a jazz festival big time!!!


  5. To dat Weekes fellow

    You mentioned the shotgun marketing that the Ministry of Tourism currently employs (and some argue has been employing for the last 20 years)

    How about the Breakfast in Barbados promotion currently employed to give one week free vacations to 60-70 lucky Canadian winners, along with paying North American entertainers to perform for them in Barbados, for the last 28 years

  6. [youtube

    Richard Sealy in August 2011 should have paid Najee Rashee, Kenny G, Joe Sample, George Benson, Chaka Khan, Stevie Wonder, etc. not Rihanna.

  7. I can understand why the st james club in antigua is doing well it is on a penninsula one way in and out, on site restaurants etc people staying on the resort doesnt benefit the local shops and restaurants those involved in crime are stealing twice not just the initial act of stupidity but the long term effects their crimes have on the incomes and way of life of the people.

  8. missing the point totally as usual.with a bunch of statistics that mean nothing at all to barbados actual health.and the most important things.
    lovedrige for president of the world.bla ,bla,boring.go have a cocktail round your up.relax you all good and rich.
    but remember this .

  9. Likely will be another poor winter. Barbabos is chioatic. It’s just a mess. The S&P and Moody’s says so. There are lots of theft there. The United Nations said so and crime, crime against visiting tourist is out of control. Terry Schwartzfeld and Colon Peter were tourists, just tournist but murdered. Diane Davies and Rachel Turner were tourist, just tourist but brutally raped. Recently (January 2013), a british professor and his wife, tourist, just tourist were both stabed; may see another poor winter in Barbados.

    Barbabados and the BLP in in is chioatic, just a mess.

  10. Puerto Rico will soon be the 51st state in the United States union; this is imminent. Trinidad and Tobago will soon take over and control the Barbados island; this too is imminent.

  11. To Right The Wrong Avatar
    To Right The Wrong

    I have been hearing that things rough, there is nothing going on out there , then please somebody tell me how the hell did they arrive at giving the DLP the wheel when we already in the gutter, September is the real eyeopener here when most of the tourisim related places close their doors, now when you look at other tourist destinations they are offering lower prices than us and getting people to visit their countries, now what happened to the big head crew who get on the media and lie to all of us that the comming winter season will be the best, evey year we get the same ol’ same ol’ , it could be time for the non productive workers at BTA retire and hire some workers who really know about tourisim for the job.

  12. To Right The Wrong Avatar
    To Right The Wrong

    The beaches are being washed away, that appeal is being lost and the halfass efforts that are being made at Holetown to retain the shoreline is a joke, the wave energy reducers that are being erected are connected to the shore by causway used by the construction equipment , when the barriers are finished the causway is taken up leaving the beach open to further errosion by side currents if these causways were left in place the structure would look like a letter ” T ” Which would encourage the sand to collect and hence a wider beach , now at Welches beach on the south coast the reclaiming of the beach was a hugh success so tell me why did they change the formula ? are the beaches on the south that different, why are they only stopping the sea from going further inland why dont they reclaim some of what has already fallen to the sea?making the beaches wider like what they used to be . also a jetty along the west coast could improve the water sport product which is ignored by successive administrations.

  13. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge

    On CBC Radio News yesterday, BTA Chairman, Adrian Elcock expressed ‘surprise’ by comments attributed to Sue Springer, EVP of the BHTA in a Maria Bradshaw article carried in the Nation Friday, to the effect the Rihanna campaign was not having the desired effect in driving arrival numbers. And that it was a Rihanna campaign and not a BTA marketing campaign. I cannot imagine WHY Mr. Elcock is surprised as Ms. Springer has been saying this for months. The same concern was quoted in the media on 27th March 2013.
    Frankly, 2013 so far has been a tourism disaster. The depleted revenue for each and every critical winter month will be almost impossible to recoup and if April arrivals (down 12 per cent) are echoed in May and what some tourism operators are reporting, that June is one of the worse on record,
    almost half the year is gone already. Still no sign or BTA restructuring or the much vaunted Master Plan, and with the BTA Board mandate ending its two year stint in April, absolutely NO sign of new thinking or marketing plans.
    Clearly, there is no policy direction and the rudderless ship is rapidly approaching the rocks,

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