Kaymar Jordan

The departure (dismissal) of Kaymar Jordan from the Nation newspaper broke on BU last night, Kaymar Jordan held the position of Editor in Chief at the Nation newspaper.

A scan of today’s Sunday Sun reveals that Kaymar Jordan’s name has been removed from its Masthead. What BU finds interesting is the silence which surrounds her departure. The Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) carried the item last night.

A BU source has informed that Eric Smith is currently in charge – Nation staff has confirmed Jordan’s departure but they remain tight lip when asked to divulge the circumstances which caused her departure. Barbadians recall the recent Nation Talkback forum generated controversy when Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart was scathing in his attack about how the session was organized. Was Jordan set up?

BU will continue to follow this breaking development. Surely there is more in the mortar than the pestle?

177 responses to “Kaymar Jordan Booted”

  1. Kaymar was used and abused. As I have said before on this blog, I never thought she had the experience for the post. When u r placed in such postion without the requisite experience and note i have not said qualifaction, u r placed there to do people’s bidding and whn you do not tow the line u will get a kick in your backside. Sorry it happened to her as I know her when she was a little child going to church.

    She was to ensure that the Nation is the mouth piece of the BLP. Fox News is the mouth piece of the Republicans and they receive a whipping. Barbadians are a smart electorate, just like the American populace looked at all the variables and return Barak Obama to office. The Democrats sold its message to the populace and the Democatic Labour party should market it message properly. The polls had it that it would have been a close race and in the end the President swamped the Republicans. There is a lesson to be learnt from that.

    Kamar, put that down to experience and move on. I remember that Ann Gittens dealt with Mr. Morris in a ruthless manner, she has no scruples I guess it was either you or her. The lord will be your guide. Look how Roy Morris and hi online paper is doing.

  2. @ David

    Maybe you should ask someone to post a copy of Kaymar Jordan (Nation paid) cell phone bill so we can see the true extent of her ‘relationship’ with Owen Arthur. Why would see be speaking some many time a day from as early as 7am and as late as 11pm?

  3. Bdos Underground Talkshop Avatar
    Bdos Underground Talkshop

    What a world we inhabit in the year 2012!!
    I shake my head in despair.

  4. Bdos Underground Talkshop Avatar
    Bdos Underground Talkshop

    Tsk tsk.

  5. Pat Hoyos works for the Nation now in some way … I watching wah happening …

  6. Well kaymar now see why Owen Arthur’s privatisation plan is so contagious.

    There was no way that Vivian Ann Gittens was going to allow Owen’s generosity that was extended to her and her family just before the last general election to go a begging.

    What do I mean ?
    Just before the last general election Owen Arthur paid Vivian Anne Gittens $ 5 milliom for a piece of swamp land….on the pretext that Gov’t want the land to develop.

    Interesting, the Land Tax Dept valued the land @$ 1.5 million at the time of sale.

  7. She shouldn.t be out a job for along time but she need to stop that partisin bull s.te and act lke a profeessinal not about making the news but delvering the news in its purest form looks like the next face of nation could be the dreaded wickham wid that rag any thing possible . good luck kaymar girl power alive and well but be careful who lie down in bed wid cause yuh might end up with bed bugs

  8. Everton Cumberbatch Avatar
    Everton Cumberbatch


    As the DLP decend on the constituency of St. Peter this weekend Kaymar has been aked as Editor -in-Chief a post I agree she was never qualified for, but was placed there for strategic political reasons. Her first task was to elevate Bryan Walker, who like Kaymar hails from St. Peter to the positin of Editor of the Sunday Sun, the flag ship publication of the Nation. Not the Weekly or Sun on Saturday but the premiere paper with the largest circulation, and between them orchestrated their well planned campaign against the Freundel Stuart administration.

    Owen Arthur recently likened himself to the conductor of an orchestra and conducted he did. The Nation Newspaper became his mouth piece. It is left to be seen whether the political slant of the Sunday Sun will remain the same or whether Bryan Walker will be aked also or assigned else where.

    I wish Kaymar well. She is a well meaning journalist who was just too easily manipulated by her parliamentary representative.

  9. NationBLPnewspaper Avatar

    I should not have to remind anyone but “I TOLD YOU SO”.

    The Nation newspaper is unashamedly the journalistic prostitute of the Barbados Labour Party with Sir Fred Gollop (chairman and former BLP senator) exerting trememdous political interference supported by BLP supporter and ceo Vivian – Ann Gittens.

    It is the nastiest unexposed scam in Barbados how they allow Owen Arthur unrestricted access to senior editors even requesting where the BLP ads and press releases are to be placed and trying to ensure that no negative story about Arthur makes the press.
    You think that the Nation newspaper and its Trinidad owners give a damn about this country. The editors are under severe pressure from the BLP machinery to toe the party line.
    Arthur caught a fit when the story with the Barbados Economic Society basically saying that he was making false promises made the front page of the Nation and the phone calls intensified from then.
    If Arthur is behaving like this in opposition, Barbadians can only imagine the media intimidation and victimisation that would be again unleashed if he is given more power. The Barbados Association of Journalists is too silent while the oppostion leader intimidates journalists and tries to remove them if they let any negative stories about him be printed.

  10. Pieceuhderockyeahright!! Avatar

    One day coming soon my peeps goin wake up

    Vivi Anne Gittens VAG or as the Nation staff fondly call her, HAG is one old the most conniving people that this landscape of Bim has ever seen.

    Her avarice and hatred stems from her poor beginnings and as high as she would wish people to believe that she is in this society some of us remember her beginnings Smile

    The thing is that you can take the sow out of the pig pen but you can’t get the pig pen out of the sow.

    Harold realized this too late and Smith and Fields and all the rest or them from the security guard to the CEO realize the beast that they have awakened and which nothing, save death, will relieve them of.

    HAG WILL singlehandeldly cause what Harold and Al and Trevor Clarke (dat is another story) to implode through her vicious spitefulness and megalomania having ascended to heights her youthful endeavors (smile) could not have rewarded her with.

    Wrongful dismissal lawsuit pending. Roy’s case is a horse of a slightly different colour ( I doan like de young girls gi me de old girls cause when I lik up and Brek up I cyan get lock up, gi me de ole girls – sorry that was for another blog)

  11. NationBLPnewspaper Avatar

    Pat Hoyos is basically spending every article kissing the BLP’s “political ass”. He should not even be referred to as a journalist. He is campaigning for his sister in law who is running against Patrick Tannis and is constantly in contact with his BLP buddies deciding how to attack the DLP in his Sunday column.
    The Nation newspaper does not care about balance but like Fox news in the USA, their plan might backfire on election day. You must take a lot of what what you read in the Nation especially from Clyde Mascoll, Albert Brandford and Pat Hoyos a the political vomit that it is.

  12. This is too funny. Cry babies.

  13. @ Mount Igor

    What’s the true extent of PM Stuart and Rosemary Alleyne? Do fuh do aint obeah!!

  14. On a related note BU agree with Mr. Anti American’s contribution to the talk show today. He blamed Peter Wickham for diverting the national conversation to privatization. Just image if he had done a similar thing to promote FOI and Integrity Legislation in the media channels he manipulates. One day coming soon…

  15. @David

    peter will soon lose what little credibillity he has

  16. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    “Nation Newspaper Paper Turning New Chapter

    Last month the Nation newspaper very quietly announced the appointment of Kaymar Jordan to the post of Editor in Chief from September 1, 2010. Jordan leaves the job as Director of News and Current Affairs at the Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC).

    Following the announcement the obvious question which observers would have asked – what is the implication for Roxanne Gibbs the current Executive Editor? It is an open secret BU believe her performance as the head of the Nation’s editorial staff to be woefully short of what is required from the leading daily newspaper in Barbados. ”


    “But, just analyse her reported comments on the Caribbean Daily News website and see why the so-called Fourth Estate is crumbling in Barbados: “I grew up on the Nation. For me, it is the leading newspaper in Barbados and to be given the opportunity to lead its editorial team is truly humbling.

    “I look forward to working with the entire team to ensure that the Nation remains the paper of choice,” she said, in accepting her new mandate (Caribbean Daily News).

    She sounds more like an apprentice corporate excutive with a clear marketing mission in mind, and that is playing to the tune of the shareholders/owners of the Nation Publishing Company, and some of its political backers ( not to forget that she has in the past sounded on many CBC TV programs more pro-BLP than any thing else), ”



    NATIONBLPNEWSPAPER de DLP dont use CBC de same way or u aint watch de news lately ?? be just fa once na

  18. @ David
    Why you think PW didn’t?

  19. @enuff

    PW believes himself to be a visionary and academic. Frankly the airwaves can with with more of Don Marshall to stoke intelligent debate.

  20. Until we know why she was fired we are wasting our blogging time on b e.

    How about discussing Peter Wickham as the emerging political power broker.
    he is the leading pollster and a political commentator and journalist.

  21. How about discussing Owen’s sermon at the Privatization meeting?

  22. @HAnts

    Who do we blame, PW or a lazy fourth estate?

  23. David a pollster should explain results. Not influence them.

  24. I have a fundamental problem with Peter Wickham attitude on talk radio of trying to shape public opinion.Be it religion,homosexuality or who should be Prime Minister.

    How can a neutral pollster be the chairman of a political party talk back forum?
    I cannot trust him as a pollster now

  25. @Clone,

    I believe that Wickham can be trusted as a pollster. I have no reason to question his integrity.

    The problem is that his other jobs hosting talk radio and political commentating and forum moderating can and does influence public opinion.

  26. As I wrote earlier this month,THERE IS A GOD. My faith though shaken,it seems is about to experience some semblance of calmness.Yes there is a God.Kennel Cleansing does that for the soul.

  27. all of the above makes HAMILTON HILL feel like a pig in shit.

  28. IS this a story ????


  29. Ms. Jordan’s departure is so sudden that reasonable people should ask questions, since we don’t know the answers (yet) people are free to speculate. It can’t be for poor circulation, so was it performance related? Was it for running articles critical of the DLP? Was it for running articles critical of Arthur and the BLP? I can’t help but think it is the latter.

    Last weekend Harold Hoyte penned an article about which Arthur we were likely to see if the BLP was re- elected and he dammed Arthur with faint praise and even used the term “sour mouth” to describe him, has the Emperor struck back?

  30. I guess there were pollsters who were wrong as regars the recent american elections. Thats all i have to say. Barbadians are no that dumb generally,

  31. @ Clone
    What is worse: a talk back forum or the DLP lunchtime lecture that PW did at least three times before? You people need to stop thinking others are foolish.

  32. @Sarge

    A good guess is that her firing has to do with the one-sided Talkback Forum.

  33. @David

    I doubt that David, it got to be more than that. The truth will be told. I will try to pick her sister when i see her.

  34. @enuff

    It was the management of OCM that fired Kaymar. Don’t you believe there had a reason for doing so?

  35. David “her firing has to do with the one-sided Talkback Forum.”


    This is just the usual political distraction when an election is imminent. We bloggers should remember what kind of society Barbados is. Lies,deception corruption and hypocrisy.

    Politics is the becomes the cesspool of society before an election and Kaymar got drowned in it.

    Hope she got a humongous severance.

  36. correction “Politics becomes the cesspool”

  37. who reforming Who ? Avatar
    who reforming Who ?

    The Prime Minister as Minister responsible for the Public Service need to investigate those allegations below. I too have been hearing some strange things about the Director, over in the Public Sector Dept.

    Young lady in the Barbados Public Service on November 10, 2012 at 3:54 PM

    David of BU,
    As a first time contrbutor to your blog, I want to know if you heard the recent rant and rave from the current Director, Office of Public Sector Reform in Barbados?

    Mr. Michael Archer is the prime reason why PSR in Barbados is stymied.

    He does not earn the respect of his Public Service colleagues – since he is the only head of a Gov’t dept constantly begging for his salary to be raised.

    He does nothing to deserve this increase other than being on constant sick leave and seeking to attend every overseas course – to get the per diem benefits.

    He openly tries to bed every female staff in his employ. When they resist his advances he seek to have them transferred.

    He is constantly seen at every lottery outlet during working hours.

    No wonder none of his peers pay any attention to his requests for information from their Min/Dept on PSR in Barbados.

    I pity the staff in his employ, particularly, the women.

    I noticed Caswell Franklyn is a contrbutor to this blog , it would be interesting to hear his views on PSR and the management of the Office from a trade union perspsective.

  38. Did we have a blog on why Arni Walters was fired from BWA?

  39. I agree with the Anti-American too. This whole debate on Privatization has only served to divert the two parties from continuing a dialogue on the truly important issues of land registration, integrity legislation and freedom of information. These items have now been completely removed from the table … but it is up to those who can to bring the issues back to the front and center before the elections take place

  40. @Enuff

    is there is none why not start one.

  41. Not interested TTP. As one blogger above said ‘there is a God’.

  42. if there wasnt a God, we would not be here. He lets the sun shine on the just and the unjust. Amen

  43. BAFBFP “the truly important issues of land registration,”.

    in your dreams bud. Some Lawyers love the contentious inefficient system.

  44. @ BAFBFP
    You agree with Anti-American? …..NO! 🙂
    ….so after sweeting up to Wickham with the liberal pro gay stance so that Anti-A can get to stay on Brass Tacks for extended sessions, he now realize that PW has been deliberately seeking to divert the Bajan public from the real issues…. LOL Anti-A sounds just as devious as you BAF…. 🙂

    So BAFBFP, ….Bushie takes it that you have full confidence that PW would never seek to interpret a Poll result in order to ‘divert’ us towards particular ends….such as his pick for PM…..or against the one who fired his behind from CBC/ DLP?

  45. David it is interesting that you broke the Kmart (lol) story last night on BU and it still has not reached the online editions of The Advocate or BarbadosToday.

    We are in the age of instant online news and information.

  46. it is so funny to see all the so-called reasons the woman was “fired”. i hope someone gave some of you a clue. have any of you stop to think the reason she was “fired” is a bigger story than she getting “fired” and maybe the other news houses are looking into that story?

    bajans really have short memories. i tell ya.

  47. NationBLPnewspaper Avatar

    The Nation newspaper is being used as a Public Relations arm of the BLP.The strategy is to use BLP leaning columnists lke Albert Brandford, Pat Hoyos, Sanka Price, Clyde Mascoll,Ezra Alleyne and Peter Symmonds to savage and criticise the government constantly. When you read the Sunday Sun especially you know what angle Hoyos and Brandford will take before you buy the paper but the Nation newspaper refuses to put any other views which might praise the currrent government or criticise the opposition leader.
    Journalism in Barbados has sunk to a new low with the BLP manipulating the Nation through its chairman and CEO. Kaymar Jordan let the story about the Barbados Economic Society saying that Arthur’s promises were unworkable and would create a financial mess be published in the Nation.
    She was cursed like a pirate by you know who- Why is the Barbados Association of Journalists so silent?
    The excuse that CBC is used by the government can be levelled at any government since independence but the Nation newspaper has fallen to a new low. Kaymar Jordan role was to toe the party line- That story from the BES and Michael Howard should never have been printed according to the BLP plan- Kaymar paid the ultimate price. She forgot for a second that she was wexpected to put party before country.

  48. The only way we would pass FOI and/or Integrity legislation is if we were forced to..politicians like it corrupt so

  49. NationBLPnewspaper you could shut you a**. as pointed out many times CBC is worst than Nation. the advocate is worst than the nation. why don’t you talk about them? because they support your party. now if the Nation starts to support your party the way you want, you would be like a pig in mud.

    stupid people not as stupid as you, NationBLPnewspaper.

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