The blogmaster understands from a reliable source, Mark Maloney (MAM2) has been seen driving a 2024 Ashton Martin DBX. If the blogmaster is incorrect an apology will be immediately tendered to MAM2. No harm no foul.

Like him or hate him there is grudging respect one has to give to MAM2. He knows what he wants and he relentlessly pursues. It seems his nephew Zane Maloney inherited the same characteristic. Zane won back to back F2 races last weekend, no mean feat given the elitist and affluent actors involved in that sport.

Repeat: no mean feat given the elitist and affluent actors involved in that sport.

The 2024 Ashton Martin – ultra luxury SUV that it is – has to cost at minimum $700, 000.00 on the road given our duty structure. Barbadians are aware MAM2 is a lover of high powered vehicles. What makes the news interesting, we recall the government at the time attracted criticism when former minister of finance Chris Sinckler reportedly approved a duty waiver on a Mercedes 250 GLA as part of the Hyatt deal. The Hyatt project has been in a 7 year abeyance although to be fair, significant delay was caused by a David Commisiong led court injunction – he fought for a judicial review of the approval process because of a missing EIA, followed by COVID 19 pandemic. It is relevant to state that political pundits believe Commisiong fought the project as a proxy for then opposition Barbados Labour Party (BLP).

Earlier today during the 2024-2025 Estimates debate, Leader of the Opposition Ralph Thorne inquired about the status of the Hyatt project. You will recall MAM2 on the original Hyatt application is noted as an investor through Vision Development Inc. Minister of Tourism Ian Gooding-Edghill delivered an incoherent and vague explanation before deflecting the matter to SENIOR Minister William Duguid who has responsibility for projects. Perhaps there will be an opportunity to quiz him on Savvy on the Bay as well.

On another blog Small black contractors ignored by government, we discussed how a few seem to be cornering major projects in Barbados. There will be a price to pay if greater effort is not made by to ensure there is equitable distribution of wealth in tiny Barbados. It bears reminding the government this is taxpayers money being doled out even if a significant amount is borrowed.

53 responses to “Mark Maloney power hungry”

  1. Any time that a construction/development magnate is the preferred choice of any government to be the sole imported and provider of scarce COVID vaccines, then you know that $700,000 for a plaything is not a challenge financially for that person .

  2. Barbados has lost any chance for any equitable wealth distribution, as praxis or even in theory.

    Indeed, 40 years ago Don Blackman, may he rest in peace, and others, made the last such effort.

    The beach vendors of the 1970s and 1980s made efforts in the face of sellouts within the labour movement.

    Of course, Black people in Barbados have been so struggling for centuries.

    We can easily recall many such efforts.

    Another of particular note were the market women seeking to do business of Roebuck Street in its heyday.

    And on and on.

    But given the further consolidation of the correlation of forces, internal and external, there are no universes in which such an undertaking will be possible until a radical realignment of a new global constellation – BRICS!

    Until one becomes untethered from the notion that democracy is about voting once every five years and start to see democracy as a daily lived economic construct in the service of all the people, at its centre, we’re wasting time.

  3. What a time to think about this. Even as the world is hurdling closer and closer towards a nuclear war, The Great War!

    Given the recently released recordings of two German or NATO generals conspiring in a telephone conversation in Hong Kong or Singapore, obviously gathered by Chinese or Russian eavesdropping, to send advance weapons to Ukraine as their forces are being destroyed all along the front line. And Russia’s restated determination to use the gigantic, mushroom-headed, deckie on NATO countries should these more advanced weapons be supplied.

    RT has been leading with this shocking story for three days. Yet, we waste time here talking shiiiiite.

  4. Lord wonder how much his workers get paid. They must got truck drivers there pulling in $20,000 a month easy! Maids must be earning up in $4000 a month at least! Well I will have to stick with the old Toyota, dont mind it worth less than 4 tires for that big ride probably. Wonder if i could apply for a watchman Job, that must be would pay me $8000 a month at least or more, if i promise not to sleep too much that is!

  5. Sir Deadwood Dick Avatar
    Sir Deadwood Dick


  6. Are the houses at Coverley being purchased? He must have something others want to buy, including government.

  7. Concerned Citizen Avatar
    Concerned Citizen

    What time is it? Minutes to a funny night. Both the BLP and DLP have destroyed the middle class while aiding the robbery of taxpayers for kickbacks and benefit of the business class.

  8. That would of had to pay duty in excess of 100% based on its engine size and landed cost. But then again with Range Rovers, Jaguars and Mercedes common now like a Suzuki Swift, a man got to step up to the plate now if he want to impress. Well I even pass a Maserati and Bentley Covertable the other day!

    Imagine little Brek ass bim at the IMF begging for a few dollars and some of we here playing we is Little Dubai!

    Lord look at what an old man live to see.

  9. @John A

    Many of those luxury vehicles you spot on the roads are hand me down jobs imported by mum and pop operators out of England and Japan.

  10. @ David

    Well I hope Mam1 getting her share of duty and vat from them for the treasury. Plus this aint no hand me down nothing. This is a brand new 2024 model vehicle from what you say. I going have to google this and learn more bout it, cause Aston Martin dont sell nothing cheap nor slow. Wonder if Marks Auto or Goodridge would got parts for it if you need anything? Then again you could always buy 2 and put down the second fuh parts!

    Wait this particular house on wheels come in duty free too? I just asking cause these days is funny nights. Plus you know the enemy of my enemy is my friend now a days. LOL

  11. Read all about it.


    For those who covet an Aston Martin and can afford a six-figure SUV, the 2024 DBX checks both boxes. While its larger footprint and extra mass mean it’s not nearly as satisfying to drive as the British brand’s sports cars, the DBX offers things none of them do, such as an inhabitable back seat and towing ability. It has considerably more cargo space than the DBS or Vantage too. Of course, the high-riding Aston still delivers high performance thanks to its rowdy twin-turbo V-8, which makes either 542 or 697 horsepower. The higher figure applies to the sport-tuned DBX 707, which races to 60 mph in an impressive 3.1 seconds. Still, there are quicker alternatives that cost less, and the ultra-lux SUV should have more modern safety tech than it does. At least its richly appointed cabin and countless customizable options help its desirability, and there aren’t many other SUVs that are as handsome as the 2024 Aston Martin DBX.

  12. @ David

    Wuhloss the price for the base model is over $200,000 USD first cost based on what Car And Driver say above. I think the duty and Vat on that is over 120% on the landed cost or higher, based on engine capacity.

    Well to each their own but not for me to hammer through these potholes with!

  13. I don’t understand all this social jealousy on this forum.

    Hasn’t MAM2 truly earned his luxury car? With or without import duties, it doesn’t matter.

    He is a national hero who builds homes for the poorest of the poor and almost delivered the much needed vaccine. His prefabricated concrete buildings stand firm like rocks in the sea and last for at least 1000 years.

    Besides, he can’t drive faster than 60 km/h across the island anyway – with all the potholes.

    Tron, just fair and balanced

  14. @Tron, will Dottin my former boss the head of the spy agency be sent on leave when the government changes

  15. Is it me or is the Minister of Tourism on auto repeat? Every year I could swear I hear the same refrain about increase airlift and the tourists will be like sand on the beach. With all these numbers the economy should be humming like a well tuned Aston Martin but what is that saying again about fooling some people all the time?
    Just look around!

  16. Come on, John A. If this ‘news’ from “the reliable source” is actually true, why is there an immediate assumption Maloney ‘tek up $700,000 cash just so,’ to purchase an Aston Martin? I’m sure you’re aware he has at least two other options to acquire the vehicle as a company asset. Lease or loan financing, with payments made through one of his companies. He could charge interest to expenses and prorate depreciation over the repayment period. Remember, he also owns the ‘Hard Rock Cement’ franchise.

  17. @Sargeant

    Barbados one sector economy does not generate enough revenue to pay the bills. Minister of Tourism says a lot but says nothing. Note his reply to the question of SAVVY ON THE BAY.

    Thorne: In Bajans interest

    Opposition Leader gets queries answered on Govt projects

    HIS QUESTIONS are not hostile but in the interest of Barbadians, said Leader of the Opposition Ralph Thorne yesterday as he called for a report card on a number of projects.

    The Member of Parliament (MP) for Christ Church South made the preface before questioning Minister of Tourism and International Transport Ian Gooding-Edghill yesterday in the Well of the House of Assembly on the Bay Street to Princess Alice Highway stretch that included the controversial proposed Hyatt Hotel, the Needhams Point Development plan for the state-owned Hilton Barbados, the Treasury Building in Bridgetown and the private Savvy On The Bay development.

    It was for a public that wanted to know the direction of the country’s physical development plan “in so far as it relates to tourism, hotel development”, Thorne said during the annual Estimates 2024/2025 debate over the allocation of $21 537 564 to the ministry.

    In response to his queries, Barbadians heard that Hilton had attained a profit of $9 million for the last financial year and was projected to reach $10 million for the 2024/25 financial year, according to Hilton Barbados’ finance director Nigel Hall. The occupancy was rising with a projection for near 80 per cent year round.

    He said that was a significant recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic which hit in 2020 and in circumstances where workers kept their jobs.

    Gooding-Edghill, MP for St Michael West Central, said the hotel remained a national asset with a very strong and rewarding future after a lessthan spectacular performance under the previous administration. It was through a more strategic approach to the details of the profit and loss statement as mandated by him, that the financial fortunes of the Hilton turned around, the minister said.

    A feasibility study on expansion without displacing the hotel’s car park had been done and would dictate the building out of the facilities in a joint venture, he said.

    “Let us be very clear. The Hilton is owned by the people of Barbados and the Hilton will remain owned by the people of Barbados. But what we are looking to see is how best we can enter joint venture arrangements without Needhams Point having to incur even more debt,” he added.

    Hall said the report gives the green light for exploring development as it would be profitable even in the face of expected nearby competition and further afield.

    Thorne declared that he had a private professional interest in the area of Needhams Point where Mobil was once located and for which there is an unresolved issue.

    “As far as I am aware, it is still unresolved and hopefully Government will find it possible to resolve that matter soon, since the matter needs to be resolved if there is to be any physical tourism hotel development in that area,” he stated.

    Gooding-Edghill said as to the former Mobil site which housed the refinery, Senior Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Dr William Duguid – who has responsibility for coordinating all infrastructural projects – was working closely with the Needhams Holdings company to clean up the site.

    “Once clean, we can create additional investment opportunities,” he said.

    In relation to Savvy, which had been at the centre of a battle between the land owners and Government, Thorne said the people of Barbados seemed well invested, “not financially, but well invested in visitation” in the area that has been a very popular destination for residents.

    “Therefore, the people of Barbados would want to find out what is the proposal – not to disclose the arrangements between owner and Government – but to give an overview to the public as to what is happening there,” he stated.

    The minister only offered that Savvy was before the court and he did not believe he had a right to speak on it.

    In response to Thorne’s query on the Treasury Building’s purpose, whether housing or tourism or its further degeneration, Gooding-Edghill said it will be determined how best it fits into the Urban Renewal Programme.

    As to the stage of the Pierhead project, the boating community had been relocated to facilitate the ongoing engineering work, the minister said.

    He agreed with Thorne that the Hincks Street area, where a lot of properties were boarded up, needed a lift, and through moral suasion owners would have to be encouraged to refurbish them. There was interest in a Government property with respect to a building on Hincks Street and adding to iconic Bridgetown, Gooding-Edghill said.

    Last Wednesday Thorne squared off against three ministers in the House over the 2018 debt restructuring and $1 billion fallout for the National Insurance and Social Security Service, and US$27 million payment to foreign advisers White Oak. ( AC)

    Source: Nation

  18. Getting things in order for start of Hyatt

    BARBADIANS WERE TOLD yesterday that the controversial Hyatt Hotel is still on the cards.

    In response to a question from Leader of the Opposition Ralph Thorne, Minister of Tourism and International Transport Ian Gooding-Edghill said some requirements were being worked on. He, however, preferred that the question be answered by Senior Minister with responsibility for Infrastructure Dr William Duguid.

    Thorne said Barbadians had observed the Hyatt issue with great interest and at least three different ministers had stated the project would begin “shortly”.

    “The people of Barbados had an economic interest in the project which included the area of the former Harbour Police Station. Since Government proceeded to invoke the Compulsory Land Acquisition Act to acquire private property, that would be considered public property so that the public must feel invested in this issue of Hyatt.

    “When will it happen? Have we used Parliament to acquire private land for a public purpose? It must be stated and yet that public purpose has not come to fruition many months, years after,” he said.

    Gooding-Edghill said while investment was not his responsibility, he would answer a number of Thorne’s questions, lest he be accused of running from them or avoiding the issue.

    He said the Hyatt investment plan should be ready to ensure the build-up of that facility that would give Bridgetown much-needed additional lift.

    “When you have to conclude contractual relationships and obligations, they do take some time and oftentimes you have to ensure the conveyance is done, you have to ensure that you have bank financing in place, and you have to make sure all the equity partners are aligned. I believe all those things are being done,” the minister said. ( AC)

    Source: Nation

  19. I’ve got some white screen issues with no text shown
    Mark Maloney is living the life of Enzo Ferrari.
    I started watching the new film about him but it was slow so I paused it.

  20. Text shows very feint / nearly invisible, perhaps problem is a text font / colour setting issue

  21. @ David,

  22. Sorry about the glitch. A member of the BU household saved an incorrect setting.

  23. The Human race is not a race.

    The man of the hour with his racing cars, unprocured vaccines x upcoming court cases and faulty housing development projects could be Barbados’ Trump Card.

    The wise man builds his house upon the rock
    But the foolish man builds his house upon the sand

    A poor man saves a city but nobody takes it to heart
    A poor man saves a city because of his righteous thoughts

    No houses on the land but cities in the sea
    Tell me what it is supposed to be

    Is it a rat trap
    The race is a rat trap

    Down here is a rat trap
    Caught us in a rat trap

  24. @ Artax

    I am not his accountant so dont know what he did. Depreciation was capped on cars at one stage at with a value set at $100,000 bds. So anything over that there was no depreciation allowed. Not sure what it is now. The cost could be picked up many ways, but its a considerable purchase anyhow for any company be it lease or purchase.

    As i said already to each their own.

  25. @ Sarge
    Is it me or is the Minister of Tourism on auto repeat? Every year I could swear I hear the same refrain about increase airlift and the tourists will be like sand on the beach.
    It is NOT you …… not this time 🙂

    Tourism is the ultimate example of Bajan brass bowlery.

    Thousands of tourists exploit the natural assets of this little place every year, and while politicians measure ‘success’ in the number of persons participating in the exploitation (and desecration) of the place, these parasites are paying for the privilege IN FOREX PAID DIRECTLY TO FOREIGN INTERESTS in London and Miami.

    The bare minimum is then transferred to local labour and service providers (and this is ONLY where FOREIGN PLAYERS like ‘chefs’ and ‘housekeepers’ are not yet injected vis work permits).

    Our political JA’s continue to promote this IDIOTIC model as ‘critical to national success’ – DESPITE our INCREASING NATIONAL DEBT in the face of a ‘performing tourism product’.

    Name a more IDIOTIC model ANYWHERE….
    “Quos Deus vult perdere prius dementat”

    To further demonstrate the brassbowlery…
    During the COVID19 plandemic when the tourism shiite was SHUTDOWN for two years, our foreign reserves position held FIRM – mainly because of the difficulty experienced by the parasites in EXTRACTING FOREX from our economy without ‘tourists’ as an excuse.

    Yet our tourism jokers have resumed the idiotic Debt inducing model with full force….
    MADNESS is doing the SAME shiite over and over – and actually expecting different RESULTS!!

    But how can a bunch of retards who are UNABLE to even come up with a slogan, be expected to analyze a complex first world exploitation model successfully….

  26. @ Bush Tea

    I felt we had during Covid an opportunity to use those 2 years to revise our economy. Our primary goal should have been a greater self sufficiency in food supply. I also felt we should of started a program promoting A USD SAVED IS ONE EARNED. Whether this was in alternative energy or whatever, we should have used those 2 years to move away from tourism dependancy.

    Today its the same old story, hang you hopes on tourism and pray another Covid dont come long!

  27. John A, I did not mention anything to suggest you are “his accountant.” However, in the absence of “knowing what he did,” it seems as though an ‘automatic assumption was made’ that Maloney bought the vehicle for cash. I simply introduced ALTERNATIVE purchase arrangements. I agree “it’s a considerable purchase anyhow,” but so too is a $700,000 house or a $2M office complex. As you correctly stated, “to each his own.” If we actually believe that to be true, then what is the purpose of this article? I’m not ‘a bandwagon jumper.’

  28. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Bush Tea
    It’s a known fact that we only retain about 40% or so; some say less ,of real tourism earnings.
    There remain some concern regarding how we actually count tourist numbers.
    It’s an industry that reminds us of the old saying regarding fire : good servant bad master. Some say that about water as well.
    We obviously have failed to brand the tourism product in any sustainable manner.
    Note that the now herald Home Stamp is a product of @PLT and was first presented on BU.
    In the meantime Jamaica is firmly established as a brand and Grenada is climbing rapidly.
    Guyana is a world leader in eco- tourism .
    After sixty years we even failed to create a jingle , a basic tool of marketing.
    All we hear is “ airlift” and falsely promoting us as number one in this and number one in that; without identifying the sources.
    We are number one in claiming to be number one in several areas .
    Not long ago, we were number one in literacy and had “ one of the best education systems in the world “as well.
    Then we suddenly heard that 40% of our children entering secondary school, have not mastered basic language arts skills and Arithmetic.

  29. Which car dealership in Barbados will import this vehicle to lease it? The cost of the car is not the thrust of this blog anyway.

  30. The Welcome Work Stamp is not a tourism angle per se, but more a remote working, techie, lifestyle type orientation that could be the right balance for more Bajans to adopt and enjoy, living in a Globalised connected world. Bids can be made for foreign Contract work etc.

  31. @ Artax

    I think the point here is that in light of the problems at Atlatic Breeze, some may consider this purchase a slap in the face. Also in light of the fact that Sinkyuh granted him permission to bring in a Mercedes for a venture that only has a galvanised pailing around it to show for the waiver in duty on said vehicle, this recent acquisition may be somewhat distasteful to people.

    When you are as public a figure as him it may serve you better to fly below the radar, as opposed to trying to break the sound barrier flying above it. But as i said to each their own.

  32. For YOUR informatin, car dealerships DO NOT lease vehicles. Lease arrangements are facilitated through financial institutions. Inchcape (Simpson Motors) = Simpson Finance. Courtesy Garage = Signia/Global Finance. MQI & Carmax = Consolidated Finance….. are three (3) examples. And, those finance companies are not confined to facilitating lease agreements for their associated car dealerships only. A potential car owner, for example, can arrange lease financing through Consol for a Suzuki Swift from Inchcape.

  33. You are splitting hairs Artax, if you are of the view Simpson Motors and Simpson Finance would hesitate to collaborate on a ‘deal’ but your opinion is respected.

    Carry on.

  34. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ 555fubstreet
    You’re correct. Welcome Stamp is not a tourism product . However, it has been mixed in such discussions, mainly to demonstrate it’s perhaps the only creative innovation, in regards to our economic product in recent times.
    But, your post is essentially correct.

  35. John A, I prefer to examine ‘all anqles of an issue,’ while attempting to be fair, rational and objective. I understand the concerns at Atlantic Breeze, which Maloney is obligated to rectify. However, are you or anyone aware of any information that reasonably or objectively articulates he does not intend to address those concerns, preferring to purchase a $700,000 instead? Do you know if the vehicle was purchased BEFORE or AFTER home owners raised their concerns? ‘I ain’t holding no beef for Maloney,’ but, we are essentially implying, ‘You could imagine he build some eff up houses up at Atlantic Breeze, and now gone and buy uh Aston Martin.’

  36. @William

    If you listened to any of the debate when tourism personnel appeared in the ‘well’, we heard about an interesting initiative to tap the knowledge pool and leverage networks of this growing affluent welcome stamp community. A good initiative.

  37. @ Artax

    No not at all. What i am saying is that for those affected home owners the news of this acquisition would not be met with joy.

    As for the Sinkyuk fiasco with the Mercedes, one could argue the $300,000 saved in duty there on the Benz could of gone towards the Aston Martin.LOL

    Seriously though anyone is free to drive what they want, however bear in mind we are also free to comment as we see fit, at least for now. I mean everyone is different and that must be respected, however with many feeling the pain does one need to drive such a vehicle for the public to see, knowing well you got a $300k duty waiver on a mercedes a few years back for a hotel that never materialised?

  38. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ David
    That’s why I said that the Welcome Stamp Initiative , often pops up when tourism is being discussed

  39. David, your original question was, “Which car dealership in Barbados will import this car and lease it?” Your subsequent comment was, “You are splitting hairs Artax, if you are of the view Simpson Motors and Simpson Finance would hesitate to collaborate a ‘deal’….” Notice that, (a) I never expressed that view, but simply ‘said’ car dealerships don’t lease cars…. an axiom. (b) your second comment essentially answers your first question.

  40. Speaking of ‘power hungry’ (taking a slight tangent driving off road)…
    Ice Cube Admits 90’s Gangster Rap was a Government Psyop
    the people who owned the record labels owned the private prisons and the records that came out were geared to push people towards the prison industry

  41. John A, last/last. Let’s ‘agree to disagree.’

  42. Extract from a MBA student “The focus of this paper is the recent preparation of the Third National Physical Development Plan for Barbados. Interestingly, this blueprint for the future development of the country was prepared by Canadian consultants, under the auspices of Inter-American Development Bank funding, and thereby ostensibly represents the rolling back of the State in the context of physical development planning. The paper briefly examines the origins of town and country planning in Barbados and the wider Caribbean before critiquing the Third Plan produced in 1998. Emphasis is placed on salient issues such as operationalising sustainable development, the involvement of local stakeholders, the role of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) in the planning process, and the production of Community Plans. Throughout, it is shown that whilst the State appears to have been “rolled back”, government has retained its strong-hold over the course of physical development planning, principally by “tactics” which have served to minimise the degree to which members of the public and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have been able to participate.”

  43. Hearing Kerry talking bare shite. Nothing is going to change until a politician or two that get jailed for taking or sharing in finders’ fees which are paid through over invoicing.

  44. Do politicians handle public funds?

  45. “Throughout, it is shown that whilst the State appears to have been “rolled back”, government has retained its strong-hold over the course of physical development planning, principally by “tactics” which have served to minimise the degree to which members of the public and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have been able to participate.”

    This MBA student would fail. LOL

  46. @ Artax

    Anytime my friend that is the joy of conversation. We all have different opinions and are entitled to them for sure.

  47. @ John A March 4, 2024 at 9:20 pm
    That would of had to pay duty in excess of 100% based on its engine size and landed cost. But then again with Range Rovers, Jaguars and Mercedes common now like a Suzuki Swift, a man got to step up to the plate now if he want to impress. Well I even pass a Maserati and Bentley Covertable the other day!

    Imagine little Brek ass bim at the IMF begging for a few dollars and some of we here playing we is Little Dubai!

    It would be most interesting to find out if this imported luxury vehicle was paid for out of the forex borrowed from the IMF to prop up the struggling country’s foreign reserves.

    The acquisition of this vehicle is nothing more that the perfect example of abject conspicuous consumption in a country living hand-to-mouth on money borrowed from loan-sharks.

    Now where in Bim can a car of that calibre be driven in a manner required by its engineering and design specifications?

    What else would that type of vehicle do other than attract envious attention from those stuck in traffic on the overly congested makeover cart roads in a Lilliputian Island called 2×3 Barbadoes.

    Unless Malmoney is paying for that vehicle out of his own forex account shouldn’t that forex be used to pay for badly needed supplies for the QEH or help replace the many leaking water mains around the island or even buy equipment to fix the country’s overly potholed roads and broken sewerage system?

    Just let us hope and pray – for the poor taxpayers’ sake- this new top-of-the-line vehicle is not a replacement for the one previously imported for the Sales Director at the Imaginary Hyatt Hotel whose work permit has been renewed under the pseudonym “GHOST”.

  48. Is Maloney the richest Bajan living in Barbados ?

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