Based on recent statements uttered by Minister Ryan Straughn the government is insensitive to the plight of senior citizens in Barbados.

The blogmaster accepts a widely held view that how a government treats its most vulnerable can be used as a good measure of our sense of humanity. Too many of our elderly died as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic and the event has quickly faded from national memory.

In May 2018 a Mia Mottley government was swept into government in unprecedented manner, the following month Prime Minister Mottley announced the decision to enter a selected default with domestic and foreign bondholders. As the saying goes -the rest is history.

Of concern to the blogmaster has been the negative effect the debt restructure has been having on bondholders who one suspects are mainly senior citizens; retirees or approaching that time. It is obvious senior citizens purchased bonds to help plan for retirement. In an act of desperation to right the debt to GDP ratio, senior citizens who had toiled for decades in the service of country and sensibly prepared for the golden years were made to feel tradeconfirmeresk by a Mia Mottley government.

Barbadians are being told by talking heads to prepare for retirement by registering in private pension plans, invest in BOSS government paper and other investment products because the National Insurance Fund is under ‘financial stress’ – however, a group of senior citizens who did plan for retirement by buying government bonds had a lifetime of financial discipline undermined by a bunch of unimaginative political opportunists.

It is worth mentioning that a boutique financial company going by the name of White Oak was paid 54 million dollars to negotiate with foreign and local bondholders. Recently the name White Oak was mentioned by President of the Barbados Cricket Association (BCA) Condé Riley, he lamented at the millions owed to the BCA and he was hopeful of reaching an agreement with White Oak so that his association can get on with efficiently managing its affairs.

I do not accept that there is double taxation in the way that people are suggesting that it is,” he said on Wednesday as he responded to criticism that the Government was hitting retired persons twice by taxing their pensions, given that those individuals would have paid tax on their earnings while in the workforce.

Not that hard Barbados Today

It is against the foregoing elderly investors affected by the 2018 haircut must be asking Minister Ryan Straughn in the Finance Ministry – what them do he.

Straughn was responding to several calls to stop taxing pensions in light of concerns about the viability and sustainability of the National Insurance Scheme (NIS). It seems a disingenuous approach by government if it wants to encourage prudent financial management by citizens to be self sufficient in the golden years. One suspects the government will not be bullish about tweaking pensions the plan of members of parliament.

Related link: Pensioners relief in debt exchange program

An attack on homeless elderly city dwellers by a gang of young people just over a week ago is reflective of how we have progressed as a society to the point of marginalizing senior citizens. The government continues to do it, our young people are doing it. It is ironic a failed attempted robbery of a ZR driver who defied commonsense by resisting by two young boys has evoked tremendous favorable national response, BUT, elderly persons attacked in Bridgetown is barely noticed.

Signs of the times we are living.

115 responses to “Do Mottley and Straughn Care?”

  1. If This World Were Mine Avatar
    If This World Were Mine

    Mia is the Angela Davis of Barbados

    If this world were mine, I’d play a rub a dub all the time
    Oh girl you would be mine, keeping per perfect time

    I only wanna rub a dub with you baby, you know I love you
    I only wanna rub a dub with you baby, all the time

    If This World Were Mine
    I Play Rub A Dub All the Time

  2. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved..

    Sorry Hopi…audio clips dont transfer well but i will post it to 789 Whatsapp again in a few minutes… cant miss it, it’s 2hr 51min long. It came at a very good time….wash the trash out of the parliament and the thieves placed at SOE’s BTMI etc to RoB them.. ..the thefts are 4 life cycles old…

  3. Call to block NIS move
    By Tre Greaves

    Government should be doing more to go after delinquent employers who refuse to contribute to the National Insurance Fund.
    They should also “repay” the billions of dollars lost during the 2018 debt restructuring.
    Outspoken general secretary of the Unity Workers Union (UWU), Caswell Franklyn, shared those views yesterday after he led hundreds of people through the streets of Bridgetown as they protested against the National Insurance And Social Security (Amendment) Bill 2023.
    “Hundreds of people do not pay in the National Insurance contributions they have collected. Some employers take it out of the salaries but don’t pay it in. National Insurance has judgments against them in the court. I would like to see those judgments enforced “You would be surprised to see who is on that list and I suspect that is the reason why it is not being enforced because of who is on the list. That would bring back millions to National Insurance.
    “If that is done and we are still in shortfall, then let us talk, but don’t come and impose measures that are disproportionate to the people of this country,” he added.
    Referring to the $1.3 billion in NIS funds that were written off as part of the debt restructuring exercise in 2018, he said: “The first thing they have to do is to return that $1.3 billion that they took out of National Insurance. That was unfair. It is not their money and it was not a loan that was negotiated. The Government as trustee for the fund decided that they were not going to pay it back.”
    In 2022, Government announced that the fund would be in jeopardy in about 12 years if there was no reform.
    It also noted that the scheme was heavily affected following the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Several town hall meetings were held across the country and Barbadians offered numerous suggestions and raised their concerns.
    On July 28, Minister of Labour Colin Jordan stated in the House of Assembly that the pensionable age would increase to 67 and a half years in 2028 and 68 in 2034.
    It was also noted that contributions to become eligible for pensions would move from 500 weeks to 750 weeks with no effect on those who are 60 or older on January 1, 2024. Franklyn spoke after several people marched from Kensington Oval, across Fontabelle, Cheapside, Broad Street, onto Bridge Street, over Charles Duncan O’Neal Bridge, bypassed Golden Square Freedom Park
    and circled Lower Bay Street before ending at
    Independence Square.
    Many who walked behind one open back truck waved Barbados Flags and placards that carried slogans such as “Leave We Lifeline Alone” and “No Vision, We Are Perishing”.
    As they marched, several people took the microphone, including leader of the Steering Committee, Winston Clarke, attorney Lynette Eastmond and former NIS officer Pastor Stephen Strickland.
    Strickland suggested that NIS must do more to educate the population about its importance, and also chastised Barbadians for standing in the background.
    “I spent more than 40 years around National Insurance. I see our Prime Minister and ministers stand in Parliament, and grandstand. There is a way to stop it, we can have a change in legislation. The bill can be changed but it’s not going to be changed unless we do something.
    “It is an insult that if we as Barbadians are going to suffer, only a few are marching on Broad Street this morning. We want to sit back . . . and let other people fight for us. . . but I am marching for my children, for the whole of Barbados.
    “We want the Clement Paynes to come from Trinidad because all we are prepared to do is to get a camera in our hands and take pictures and look good and that is why we will always be unfaired by the politicians,” he said.
    By the end of her address, Eastmond had the crowd chanting “Pull back that bill”.
    “A lot of Barbadians never knew the work they were doing to protect you, but public officers have held Barbados in good stead for years. Who will tell the politicians no, you have to stop there?
    “Now they want to take the National Insurance and put it into private hands. You have to say ‘no’, you have to tell them to pull it back. We the people will fight,” she said.

    Source: Nation

  4. Let’s get tax, pension system right

    THE ISSUE OF TAX relief on pension contributions has been given quite a bit of publicity recently and I would like to hopefully add some clarity to the issue.
    Historically, in Barbados and most other countries, pension contribution (within limits) made to registered pension plans have been deductible from assessable income. The principle being that the pension benefit will be taxed when paid and that income should not be taxed twice. It also encourages saving for pension and reduces the burden on the State.
    More than ten years ago the International Monetary Fund recommended to Barbados that this regime was regressive in that it provided more of a tax benefit for higher earners than low earners and they proposed that it be replaced with an alternative
    tax credit system giving each individual the same proportionate tax relief.
    If the rates are correctly set this would encourage individuals at all levels equally and at no additional loss of revenue to the Treasury.×175.png

    This recommendation was “botched” and only partially implemented. Now for a hypothetical example of the detail, please see the graphic above.
    We need to change the current system as double taxation is unfair and with reductions in NIS pension we need to encourage individual savings but let’s take the opportunity to get it right.

    – CHARLES HERBERT, retired actuary

    Source: Nation

  5. @John A

    The point bears repeating and it is one Bush Tea shouts all the time in this place – we cannot justify pouring billions in education in a post Independence period and the result is that we have to ask foreigners to manage our affairs because we demonstrate incompetence to do so. Then what is the point?

    What is means is that our incompetence will simply manifest itself in some other area (s).

  6. Late in coming

    Stephen: NIS investment a good idea but may be inadequate

    THE NATIONAL INSURANCE Scheme’s (NIS) upcoming investment of US$40 million in overseas markets may well be a case of too little, too late, says economist Jeremy Stephen.
    In an interview with the DAILY NATION, Stephen said while the idea was a sound one in theory, both the timing and the amount were questionable.
    “Investing US$40 million right now, where local stock markets are struggling to sustain the growth we had in the past few years . . . and with a high interest rate in the United States, you tend not to get very good investment options in a lot of assets.
    “It would be preferable to invest in something like an index fund . . . but the problem is, because interest rates are high, and may stay that way for the rest of the year, you’re not going to see an immediate return on that US$40 million – you may not even see a one per cent return on that money anytime soon,” he said.
    Restructuring process
    The economist said it could take several years before any real returns were seen but the public may not be understanding and the situation could end up with questions being asked again. He also said the initial returns would not even come close to making up the losses the fund incurred during the 2018 restructuring process alone.
    As for the amount being invested, Stephen said it was “a little too low” but acknowledged Government now had to do the best it could with what it had.
    “I guess you have to start somewhere and I understand more investments are to follow so I hope they commit to that,” he said.
    Stephen wanted to make it clear he was not bashing the move as it was a solid idea, just one he said that should have been executed years ago, preferably before COVID-19 struck. He said, given the “dilapidated” state of the fund now, it was imperative for the NIS to seek active investments with as little risk as possible regardless of jurisdiction. In doing so, the move could still reap success eventually.
    Long-term discipline
    “If this investment was done while there was the restructuring, before COVID, the returns then could have begun to put a dent in the hole left by both administrations. It is late but it is not a situation that can’t be fixed, it just requires long-term discipline. It is still a step in the right direction,” he said.
    However, the economist also said it was crucial to keep the money from being used to pay local debt.
    “They should be looking
    to repatriate that into Bajan dollars as soon as possible but they must also put a covenant in place which says Government cannot require the NIS to invest that portion in local debt because these funds are meant for repatriation to be invested overseas to enjoy growth.
    “It is rather important the governance model at the NIS allows for the separation of those funds from Government’s financing needs in the interim. It should almost be irrevocable, in my opinion. I don’t mind the funds coming back home . . . but Government must be very clear on how often they assess their fund managers,” he said.
    In an interview published in yesterday’s SUNDAY SUN, NIS deputy chairman Rawdon Adams said most of the National Insurance Fund (NIF) was invested in Government instruments, which was akin to a “chair with one leg”.
    “If you want to hedge against that with [the NIF] you don’t go and invest 80 per cent in the same economy; you have to diversify. One of the analogies I’m using is a chair with one leg, that’s what we have at the moment, a one-legged chair. Over time we diversify abroad into other asset classes, and you add a second leg, a third leg, a fourth leg and then at the end of it, you’ve got a solid foundation that your portfolio is sitting on. So the fact the [Central Bank] Governor has made this agreement, there are some caveats, but the fact that it’s in there is very, very good news for the investment part of the overall portfolio.”
    The matter of the NIF has been a hot bed of discussion and has even led to protest action over Government’s intention of increasing the pensionable age from 67 to 68 by 2034 as well as increasing the number of contributions required for Barbadians to be eligible for pension.
    During Saturday’s march, led by the Unity Workers Union, general secretary Caswell Franklyn said Government should first “repay” the billions of dollars lost during the 2018 debt restructuring exercise and do more to go after delinquent employers who “refuse” to contribute to the fund. (CA)

    Source: Nation

  7. It is amazing how we are able to take such a simple but brilliant community-centric concept, such as our NIS, and turn it into a total mess.

    Bushie has ALWAYS maintained that if you put an idiot in charge of Heaven, you will quickly turn it into Hell. (This is why Lucifer and his ilk had their donkeys kicked out, ..and why they have now converted our Earth into a living Hell- after WE put them ‘in charge’)

    The NIS is designed for current wage earners to contribute towards a common pool of funds in a manner that allows current and future retirees to earn a minimum pension, and for other direct non-contributors (but members of the society) to benefit from a minimum living stipend.

    OBVIOUSLY the management of such a fund is the CENTRAL factor that will determine the success or failure of the NIS. The actuarial design is also a key consideration, but shiite man!! even the most perfect design and the most ideal population distribution will be meaningless if the damn money getting thief…

    So when you can have YEARS of no financial reporting for this multi-billion dollar fund…

    When the FSC can fine a credit union for a ‘late report’ and put an observer on its Board – BUT THE SAME FSC ignores the lack of ANY reports for the NIS for decades…

    When idiots who cannot run a Moontown bar successfully (UNLESS in Parliament) can be the spokesman for NIS investments for YEARS…with inarticulate shiite on the radio and news ad nauseam …

    When Politicians are allowed to DIRECT these funds to their favorite Party Contributors at will, and when WE then fail to hold them to the people in Niger are attempting to do…

    WHAT THE HELL DID WE EXPECT? …dividends?

    A fool and his money are soon parted…
    But a Brass Bowl has no damn money to start with…
    cause some predator is in control of every damn cent from the start.

  8. @Bush Tea

    A lot of what you wrote reflects the concerns of sensible citizens. However in the case of the NIS it is worse, central government via its agent the MoF and not the FSC is responsible for managing the NIS.

  9. Reasonable arguments…… points taken. But, two questions. (1) Is the NI Department registered as a financial institution, similarly to insurance companies, credit unions etc? (2) Does NIS operations fall within the purview of the FSC Act?

  10. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I “believe” the NIS falls under the MoL, with what WalterB called “dotted line authority” to MoF. I inferred this what the MoL Jordan was referring to when proposing the ‘new entity’.
    It has its own Act, which precedes, many newer over sight bodies. And the pols didn’t wish to have anyone sticking their nose into their gravy train.
    “IF” the $1.3B only accounts for 3yrs, this suggests other unknown decisions within the NIS were “substantial” in affecting its total value. And why they wish a burial of history.
    While it will not be liked (or tolerated) one wonders if future Audits would be wise to make an allowance for GoB defaults.

  11. @NO

    No need to split hairs, the MoF in this case the PM has to approve all Bigworks’ decisions.

  12. @ David

    So as usual Jeremy has cut to the point. He also comfirms what my concern is that I mentioned earlier, in that future investments must yield higher than normal returns to soften the effect of the slash in return from the restructuring.

    When I stated the fund has no room for social services I was not being negative, the truth is the fund has to try and scratch back every cent it can to soften its loss on annual income. That is why I maintain the only way out of this is for the government to refinance the fund with a billion dollar injection of cash spread over 10 or so years, while at the same time taking over the payments of the non contributory “social assistance payments” via the consolidated fund.

  13. It seems a nice suggestion coming from DLP candidate for the presidency Ryan Walters but do the problems of the NIS require more detailed and sophisticated solutions?

    Employment ‘best way’ to save pensions

  14. NorthernObserver Avatar

    What is normal? I can get 5.3% on 1 yr bonds from Royal Bank in the USA.
    You had a GoB that was diverting NIS contributions to their own account, what makes you think they were current on their fixed income issues? They may have been redirecting those too. The one-leg referenced.
    WITHOUT annual reports we are all pissing in the wind. We know nothing. We know little about their real estate portfolio, or their loan portfolio. If the NIS investment unit were ‘forced’ to buy GoB paper beyond the IPS, and the GoB were illegally using public employee NIS contributions, what else might have occured? I mean you done ‘brek de law’ so anything else is merely icing.
    All the employers, who as CW have suggested, broke the law like the GoB, all they have to do is send Bonds to the NIS? I sorry, here are my IOU’s.
    The NIS is heavily dependent on returns from all the GoB paper (IOUs) it has.

  15. Big works... A euphemism for organized corruption Avatar
    Big works… A euphemism for organized corruption

    The wipe-out of more than a billion dollars is the least of mythe NIS problems. Infusing one hundred million for ten years sounds good, but do we have it or can we afford it? And at best, this is a kicking the can down the road.

    Lax financial controls, an increasing aging population, a decrease in birth rates and therefore a shrinking workforce are items that need to be fully addressed.

    The steps that were announced are just window dressing.
    The 100 million is wishful thinking.
    Big works is corruption.

  16. NorthernObserver Avatar

    After all, ultimately the taxpayers pay the bills and tourism remains Barbados’ main foreign exchange earner on which our livelihood depends. I assume that it is the people’s right to know but it appears that increasingly, in spite of all the talk about transparency and accountability, the attitude is that it is none of your business; your sole responsibility is to vote every five years and pay the onerous taxes governments impose.[Ralph Jemmott BT]

    You got it Ralph. There is shamelessness which has crept into the political landscape globally. The debasing of accountability has been gradual. To the point now, where it no longer exists. They do as they please, and whenever a ballot box opportunity arises, you get to choose between those who don’t and those who don’t. Switching one elected group for another may excite supporters and/or those who stand to benefit, which isn’t JoeQ citizen. For it is a continuum. Different faces, same story. Minimum transparency and zero accountability.

  17. Dog catchers' paradise Avatar
    Dog catchers’ paradise

    Do you know that we could have 30 unknowns waltz
    into office and rule this country?

    Do you realize that regardless of their qualifications, they will become responsible for policy, finances …

    What if 30 dog catchers decide to run?

    And somehow we expect a lean and efficient machine.

  18. As stated many times before, a people ALWAYS get exactly what they deserve. Brass bowls are naturally inclined to be used as urinals… so be it!

    Everyone and their cousin KNOW that lawyers and politicians are 90% disposed to be crooked. Shiite man!! these are people that can argue convincingly for whichever (diametrically opposite) side is paying them.

    Statistically then, politicians who ARE also lawyers, are 99.99% guaranteed to be crooked… and guess who our ‘heroes’ are….

    The ONLY method by which such persons can be controlled, is to hold their donkeys to STRICT account – ideally with a guillotine – or at least a damn firing squad at the ready….

    In the face of OVERWHELMING evidence that we are being fleeced, and that our leaders are leading us into SERFDOM with their wanton lying, borrowing, and wastage, we continue to hope for their ‘spiritual conversion’, and for the awakening of their long dead conscience…

    We fully DESERVE to be robbed, stripped, pissed on, and then returned to the plantation-type serfdom of our great grand parents…. which is where we are duly headed.

    Notwithstanding the admonitions of those like Northern O and Hal Austin, most others are like sheep seeking to negotiate a ‘peace treaty’ with rabid wolves… they are just tomorrow’s supper…

    …and BTW, when Bushie draws reference to the micro-action of the FSC wrt a credit union, and its LACK of action in the MUCH LARGER NIS fraud, we get references to what the shiite laws that we have says, …or whose jurisdiction is limited to where….

    Wuh N.O. is a millionaire living in luxury in albino-land. He has NO NEED to be concerned with what is ‘right and just’ for brass bowls… yet he does!

    So how the Hell does a COMMISSION that is established to oversee financial services, absolve itself from such a NATIONAL SHAME… unless of course they are just a bunch of political lacKies who are too scared to stand on PRINCIPLE… and intervene to make wrong things right.

    …and to think that BU thinkers support such HYPOCRACY…!!!!

  19. What if 30 dog catchers decide to run?
    This would be a step forward Boss…
    At least they will have demonstrated the ability to do some shiite other than TALK shiite.

  20. William Skinner Avatar

    Do we really know why the money belonging to the NIS in relation to Four Seasons was written off or whatever. There are questions to all these answers and I am not being frivolous. I repeat there are more answers than questions. We all know the many answers but we bury the questions by calling for: transparency ; Integrity legislation and Freedom of Information Act. None of these will produce the questions to these answers. I repeat: there are more answers than questions .

  21. ” Barbados will soon have a national mental health and suicide hotline.

    Chief Medical Officer Dr The Most Honourable Kenneth George made the announcement on Monday as he indicated that just as residents have been concerned about the number of people taking their lives in recent months, the Ministry of Health has been concerned for some time about the number of self-harm incidents.”

  22. “So, how the Hell does a COMMISSION that is established to oversee financial services, absolve itself from such a NATIONAL SHAME… ”

    If ASKING QUESTIONS is deemed to be ‘supporting hypocrisy,’ then so be it.

    It is all good to become OVERWHELMED with EMOTION and PROCEED to ‘talk’ shiite.


    (1). Is the NI Department REGISTERED as a financial institution, similarly to credit unions or insurance companies?

    (2). Does NIS operations fall within the purview of the FSC Act?

    IF the ANSWER to BOTH questions is YES, then, by all means, FSC should “stand on PRINCIPLE… and intervene to make wrong things right.”

    However, if the answer is ‘NO,’ then it is UNREASONABLE to expect FSC to intervene in matters that are BEYOND the SCOPE of their AUTHORITY.

    That, my friend, is a fact, whether we like it, agree with it…… or not.

  23. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Good sir, there has not been a fecking Annual Report since +/- 2006.
    So of course there are more questions than answers.
    And the tag team BDLP a.k.a the Cabal, have bookended the failures to report.
    That the actions of 2018 are to blame is a bare half truth.
    Now they want a new structure so they can say, let’s approximate the holdings and start anew, so nobody knows what went on. Bury the missing reports.
    And let’s get the private sector and unions (social partnership) on board, to ensure the burial.
    The unions are already bought and paid for minus Unity and CUTSAB; and the private sector neutered (leverage).

  24. William Skinner Avatar

    @ NO
    We know the answers. They are all around us. We just like to ask a bundle of questions. My Brother: there are more answers than questions. Do you seriously think we don’t know the answers to why there are no reports or accountability for anything.
    We know the answers. For every question we ask there are at least fifteen answers.

  25. Artax
    It is persons of your ilk who facilitate this shiite by introducing a lotta shitty technicalities to impress David with your academic excuses.

    So if a village policeman who works at the airport observes his neighbor breaking the law is none of his business since it is outside of his area of policing…?

    What jurisdiction do YOU have …to come here with YOUR interventions? Who appointed YOU? Don’t you just CARE…?

    If we have a COMMISSION that has responsibility for ensuring transparency and reporting by financial and other organizations – and they can make a big deal trying to run over a credit union for a late report, What now stops them from making a STATEMENT that clarifies the responsibilities of the NIS (for example) to produce the reports REQUIRED BY LAW?

    You is one of dem kummishoners or wuh?

    This make them look like somebody’s attack dog, just there to terrorize those targeted by the powers that be, (which are mostly EVIL nowadays)

    Stop making excuses for shiite Artax…

    Next you will be arguing that it is none of the business of the DPP, even though our LAWS ARE CLEARLY being breeched – perhaps because some obscure regulation says that such reports had to be printed on paper – while we now email them….

  26. A reminder the trade union is represented on the Board of the NIS. First time we hear them squealing about lack of timely audited financial statements.

    NUPW: Finish NIS audits

    THE NATIONAL UNION OF PUBLIC WORKERS (NUPW) is calling on the Government to complete audited financial reports of the National Insurance Scheme, so that a true state of the NIS Fund can be determined.
    The call comes after the executive council of the union met with its membership recently to discuss Government’s latest plans to reform the NIS.
    In addition, the NUPW has made it clear it opposes the recent Government decision to increase the pensionable age to 68 years old, up from 67.
    “Considering the suite of proposed reforms, the union holds the view that the savings to the scheme from other proposed reforms should be adequate enough to allow the scheme to carry the burden of not having to work until 68 to receive the maximum pension,” general secretary Richard Green said in a press statement released yesterday.
    “The NUPW has further concerns with the move to a nine per cent per annum from the current six per cent per annum penalty for early retirement.
    “This is a disproportionately burdensome penalty to public officers that choose to retire early due to other extenuating factors,” the union boss said.
    Also in the statement, the NUPW recommended a review of all public pensions with the intention to
    bring transparency, equity, and fairness to the qualification and eligibility for those pensions.
    The union noted that it recognises the considerable different pension legislations in Barbados, inclusive of the Pensions Act, the Retiring Allowances (Legislative Service) Act,
    the Casual Employees Pensions Act, the Public Employees Pension Act, and the Statutory Boards Pensions Act.
    Green said that at the meeting, members had expressed reservation about the extent to which the proposed reforms addressed the issue of governance, and that there remained a concern Government would still have arbitrary powers to make final determination on the NIS, especially in the areas of investment and investment policy.
    “Even with the proposed reforms, more safeguards and controls are required for the management of the Scheme, the investment policy of the board and the general governance structure,” Green said.
    He added there should be legislative support that strengthened and enforced compliance by employers and encouraged the collection of contributions from the self-employed in Barbados, and greater scrutiny and policing of the collection of NIS deductions as a first step to addressing the financial health of the NIS. ( BA/PR)

    Source: Nation

  27. @ David,

    You stated that “this article has gone viral.” The reason why I dug it up from your BU archives was because the subject matter (NIS), was being manipulated by the current set of incumbents. Somebody stated that there was a recent radio phone in show that involved a number of government interviewees who were all pro the government in their debate on the restructuring of the NIS.

    We all forget that BU has a fantastic set of archives. For those of a certain vintage who are familiar with the writings of “the native son”. We are all aware of his demise on the BU platform. It came with the introduction of the BLP electoral victory in 2018. He was probably black-listed under the order of the BLP government.

    The viral article explains why he had to be disposed off. His experience of having worked in the UK as a journalist; schooled in the old style “Fleet Street” traditional of British journalists would have have made him a feared entity amongst certain Barbadians.

    I do not need to defend the “Native Son”. His article is timely and shines a spotlight on the disastrous plundering of the NIS funds.

    David, the “Native Son” stated that “the questions are too long for a short blog and if you want to read the full list please email me”. For the good of our country, I would encourage you to take up the man’s offer.

  28. @TLSN

    Thanks for your comment and support over the years.

  29. Getting back to the NUPW being concerned about the non production of NIS Audits, it could take a page from Cawswell’s book. It is suppose to be the union with the largest public sector membership.

  30. Bush Tea on August 15, 2023 at 11:46 PM 

    RE: “It is persons of your ilk who facilitate this shiite by introducing a lotta shitty technicalities to impress David with your academic excuses.”

    All this for ASKING two (2) simple QUESTIONS?

    How could a man who has been described as ‘appallingly ignorant bookkeeper that learnt by rote,
    ‘talking’ runny jobby, and, recently, moronic,’ impress David or anyone, or be associated with anything theoretical or relating to education and scholarship?

    RE: “So if a village policeman who works at the airport observes his neighbor breaking the law is none of his business since it is outside of his area of policing…?”

    Surely you can do better than that.
    You’ve presented an example of ‘comparing apples with apples,’ when your argument is essentially ‘comparing APPLES and ORANGES.’

    Ironically, however, I deleted a similar example from my above comment, because I anticipated such a response.
    I’m sure you’ll agree Customs, Immigration and Police are LAW ENFORCEMENT agencies.
    Immigration investigators, for example, undergo training similar to that of police detectives and also have ‘powers of arrest.’
    This does not mean an IO can go onto a crime scene and conduct a criminal investigation.
    Police officers from various units, such as drugs, canine, regular patrol etc, are stationed at the airport.
    Yet, there is a reason why Customs enforcement officers arrest drug smugglers on the airport’s compound, and drug squad officers arrest them as soon as they pass the roundabout by the airport.

    RE: “What jurisdiction do YOU have …to come here with YOUR interventions? Who appointed YOU? Don’t you just CARE…?”

    I believe it’s the SAME “jurisdiction YOU have to come here with YOUR interventions?”
    And, I was probably appointed by the same person “who appointed YOU?”

    WHO in this forum, other than NorthernObserver, John A and I have been CONSTANTLY ‘talking’ about the implications of NIS not preparing financial statements?

    And, ‘I just don’t CARE?’

    RE: “Stop making excuses for shiite Artax…”

    ASKING two questions is “making excuses for shiite?”

    Since you introduced the police in your scenario, do you believe police detectives should conduct thorough investigations……
    …… or take the ‘easy way out,’ by beating suspects to forcibly solicit a confession?

  31. Where is the resilience of Barbadians?

    One of the hallmarks of Barbadians since breaking political ties with the United Kingdom on November 30, 1966, was the resilience and confidence shown by the population. Despite the uncertainty characterising the prospects for social and economic development at that historical juncture, the imposing, colossal leader Mr Errol Barrow challenged Barbadians to take their social and economic destiny into their own hands.
    The post-Independence period ushered in structural transformation in the Barbadian economy with the emergence of new sectors like tourism, manufacturing, and international financial services. This macroeconomic shift was essential given the declining returns in the agriculture sector, which previously dominated the agrarian Barbados economy.
    Other important developments taking place in the post-Independence period include the establishment of the National Insurance Scheme (NIS), the expansion of free education, increased access to publicly-sponsored tertiary education at the Cave Hill Campus of the University of the West Indies, the establishment of the Barbados Community College, the deepening of the role of trade unions, and the establishment of the Central Bank of Barbados and other key public institutions.
    Some of these developments helped to nurture democracy in the country as demonstrated by the willingness of many people and institutions to express their views and opinions on topics of national importance. Indeed, the frequency and quality of the contributions kept the Governments in check to a considerable extent.
    While Barbadians were becoming more confident with themselves, their participation in nationbuilding was impressive. Also, despite the challenges to the economy occasioned by the oil crisis in the 1970s and the global economic downturn in the early 1980s and 1990s, the openness of the Governments and their commitment to good governance ensured the resilience of the population kept the impact of the challenges to tolerable levels.
    The debt restructuring programme undertaken by the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) administration shortly after assuming office in May 2018 included the repudiation/write-off of in excess of $3.5 billion of the national debt. The promise made in the manifesto of the BLP for the election of May 2018 was to reprofile the national debt, which for spokespersons like myself at the time meant restructuring the debt in a way that some creditors would be paid their equivalent sums at a later date.
    The unfortunate investors who bought Government securities and provided loans in good faith include the NIS (which lost $1.268 billion), the Central
    Bank of Barbados (which lost $1.6 billion), many domestic individual investors, along with many domestic and foreign financial institutions that lost hundreds of millions of dollars collectively.
    This unprecedented action by the administration, which had such devastating consequences for many individuals and institutions, was surprisingly met with “silence” by the disadvantaged parties and Barbadians generally. Where was the resilience of the citizens to such high-handed decision-making?
    With regard to the NIS, other monies were written off, including arrears of public and private institutions, and the loan to the ill-fated Four Seasons Hotel project. Indeed, the sum owed to the NIS written off was in the neighbourhood of $2 billion. It will also be informative to ascertain the quantum of new arrears in contributions to the NIS by private and public institutions since the onset of the coronavirus in April 2020.
    The funds at the NIS belong to the contributors and are to be used for its beneficiaries and the well-being of the country. Morally, no Government should confer on itself (through a Cabinet-appointed board of directors) the right to deny the NIS the opportunity to collect its receivables, especially when the Government is a major source of indebtedness to the NIS.
    The NIS funds are not owned by the Government and, therefore, should be treated differently to the money in the Consolidated Fund raised through taxation. Legislation is urgently required to prevent a recurrence of this morally insane act.
    It is indisputable or incontrovertible that the misguided action of the current administration in removing almost $2 billion from the balance sheet of the NIS exacerbated its financial problems and hastened the search for reform measures to improve the viability of the NIS. Therefore, the few resilient, patriotic Barbadians who are fighting against the NIS reform measures announced by the Mia Amor Mottley administration are on solid ground.
    Any NIS reforms should be preceded by the Government correcting its high-handed decision to write off close to $2 billion owed to the NIS and making an arrangement to recapitalise the NIS to the tune of the $2 billion via a realistic payment plan. The money should not come from more taxation on struggling Barbadians.
    Reforming the NIS will be burdensome to some Barbadians and, thus, it is incumbent on the Prime Minister and other capable Members of Parliament to lead the discussions on the subject.

    – Anthony Wood is a former Cabinet Minister in a previous Barbados Labour Party administration.

    Source: Nation

  32. Artax
    If you were not one of Bushie’s favorite bloggers, the bushman would lambast your burro with unspeakable language dis morning self…

    Instead, Bushie is simply advising that, when your bedtime is called at the nursing home at 8:30 pm, you make sure that you get your donkey in the people bed …and turn off the damn computer.

    There is clearly a correlation between when you are coherent, and when it is past your bedtime…

  33. Source: BT

    “Foolishness”, DLP says of reason given for not paying back NIS debt

    The Democratic Labour Party (DLP) has hit back at Special Envoy to Prime Minister Mia Mottley on Investment and Financial Services Professor Avinash Persad who suggested that it would be disastrous for the Government to repay the $1.3 billion debt to National Insurance Scheme (NIS) which it wrote off during the 2018-2019 debt restructuring programme.
    In an article in Barbados TODAY, Professor Persad warned that if the Mottley-led administration heeded the calls from the DLP and others to repay the money, it would be tantamount to reversing the debt restructuring programme and putting the Barbados dollar at risk.
    “It means [putting] the dollar back into jeopardy and [putting] debt back at 178 per cent [of Gross Domestic Product]. That just doesn’t add up. I think it’s just trying to score political points without making any economic sense,” he said. However, in a strongly-worded response, DLP president Dr Ronnie Yearwood dismissed Persaud’s statements as “foolishness”.
    “What Mr Persaud said about the effect of the $1.3 billion write-off of NIS, our money, and that Government shouldn’t pay it back, is the type of foolishness you would expect from highly paid consultants masquerading as economists and professors,” he told Barbados TODAY in a specially prepared statement. Yearwood pointed out that a debt restructuring exercise could take on many forms and have many aspects.
    “The vast majority of government debt restructured in 2018 took the form of the Government lowering the interest rate and taking a longer time to pay back the loan, but the principal on the loan was still to be paid back. I want to remind Barbadians that in the case of the NIS, $1.3 billion owed by the Government to the NIS was written off totally – the principal, interest, nothing will be paid back,” he contended.
    The DLP leader argued that the NIS lost twice because the remaining debt that was not restructured now has lower interest rates and a longer payback time. “The $1.3 billion written off had a major impact on the [NIS] Fund and reduced its viability and sustainability. It is that $1.3 billion that we are asking to be repaid to NIS over time. The Government is borrowing and spending money on various things that it deems important and politically advantageous. Why can’t it make paying back the NIS a priority?” Dr Yearwood queried.
    Persaud had contended that paying back the money would also threaten the living standards of Barbadians and place the social security assets in a much worse position. “It is just ridiculous posturing…it is political posturing. Of course, we all would love not to have had a debt restructuring, and every single person who experienced a loss from the debt restructuring would have a cause that they should have been saved, but it only meant that others would have suffered more.
    “Unfortunately, it had to be as broad as possible. If it were not broad, it would have to be concentrated on all the others… all the private pensioners. We would not have done enough to save the dollar. If it was easy to save the dollar, it would have been done before,” the investment and financial services consultant contended.

  34. Wuh, Bushie, you’re one of my favourite BU contributors as well.

    But, come on, my friend.

    Wasn’t it YOU who ‘said’ that I ‘does talk a lot of jobby, the soft runny type?’
    How then could one who ‘talks jobby,’ make “academic excuses to IMPRESS” anyone?

    Bushman, your August 16, 2023 11:46 PM contribution was uncharacteristic of you.

    Perhaps early this morning you re-read it and realized the ‘adult Pamper’ wasn’t the only thing filled with ‘a lotta shiite?’ 🤣

    And, you’re angry with me for exposing it???

    🤣 🤣 🤣

    It ain’t even 1:30PM yet. ⏰

    So, I wide awake. 😃

  35. @ David

    I have to agree with Yearwood on this particular occasion.

    Persaud is definitely ‘talking a lotta shiite.’

    The $1.3B could be repaid to the NIS, over a PRORATED period of time, SIMILARLY to what John A has been REPEATEDLY SUGGESTING in this forum.

    How according to Persaud, ‘paying back the money threaten the living standards of Barbadians and place the social security assets in a much worse position,’…..

    …… when, for example, millions of dollars were spent demolishing the old NIS Building, Fire Station and Golden Square Market….. to construct the ‘Heroes’ Square Park, which WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE to any SIGNIFICANT ‘IMPROVEMENT in the living standards of Barbadians?’

    There are Queen’s Park, Independence Square Park and Jubilee Gardens, in Bridgetown…… all serving similar purposes.

    Public funds were wasted on license plate tags, which, in Bajan parlance, ‘died a sudden death.’

  36. @Artax

    Whether paid in installments or lump sum to the NIF the money must be earned.

  37. “Whether paid in installments or lump sum to the NIF the money must be earned.”

    @ David

    Ironically, IT IS FROM the ‘HARD EARNED’ SALARIES and WAGES of BARBADIANS, that 11.10% is DEDUCTED, either MONTHLY, BI-WEEKLY or WEEKLY, for the NIS……

    …… $1.3B of which the Mottley Administration chose to ‘WRITE OFF.’

    Also, bear in mind, successive BLP and DLP administrations USED to purchase government bonds, give ‘COW’ Williams to develop Apes Hill, finance the Grotto Housing Project…… and invest ‘willy-nilly’ in whatever project they chose to.

    This current BLP administration has WASTED funds, both EARNED and BORROWED, for UNPRODUCTIVE PURPOSES that could’ve been better used for the development of Barbados and Barbadians.

  38. @Artax

    The flip side to balance the discussion is what will a debt to gdp look like of 179% were the 1.3 billion not swiped from the NIF.

  39. “…what will a debt to gdp look like of 179% were the 1.3 billion not swiped from the NIF.”
    So using that Kelmonique, moon-town logic to its conclusion, we should probably write off the whole NIS shiite fund ….and bring our GDP close to the black.

    Then we can all live happily afterwards provided we all die BEFORE age 69 ….and all will be well….?

    …see why Covid-19 was a PLAN-demic now? The damn people KNEW that the NIS funds could take a hit….

  40. An wen de hurricane come the national debt will be erased.

    That is as true as Hants 52 .

  41. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I am shocked at the continued comments re “refunding the NIS”.
    It suggests ‘we’ didn’t understand what the restructuring meant. Like the late HC head Tank, telling the boys stealing limes “Ah please, put them back on”.
    Devaluation is a partial straw man. The GoB couldn’t BORROW without reducing/removing some debt. Without borrowing they would have to CUT.
    Bajans had no say, despite Tony Woods comments. Once the NIS and CBB said yeah, they had the required approval. Why they paid W/O a success fee of US$50M is the real question? You done know that got “shared”.
    To re-fund the NIS, the GoB has to run a large surplus. And with rising interest rates, and all the borrowed money, it isn’t happening anytime soon.
    Let’s focus on debt forgiveness for that is the easiest way to ‘earn’ funds.

  42. Yearwood: Mottley did not address NIS issues

    Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley has not addressed any of the issues Barbadians are facing concerning the National Insurance Scheme (NIS).
    Instead, says Democratic Labour Party (DLP) president Dr Ronnie Yearwood, what the public received yesterday was “the same lot of old talk, same lecturing in her 45 minutes of addressing the country”.
    That was his reaction after the Prime Minister held a press conference at Ilaro Court to speak, among other things, on the NIS pension reform plans.
    “The NIS, according to the actuarial reports, with its debt restructuring exercise, the choice that the Government of Barbados made, under the advice by people like Mr [Avinash] Persaud to write off $1.3 billion of the NIS debt, has put the fund in jeopardy. What they also did was to shift wealth from the poorest to the wealthiest,” Yearwood said.
    He added he was baffled by the Prime Minister asking where the money will come from to repay that debt.
    “Nobody has made the claim for immediate paying back of the funds. What people are saying is that you pay this back over a 20- to 30-year period to protect the NIS for the most vulnerable in society because that is
    what the fund was designed for.”
    The recently re-elected leader of the DLP added: “The BLP [Barbados Labour Party] under Owen Arthur undertook major NIS reform, without rancour and during an election cycle, which saw the contribution rate move from 14 per cent to 18 per cent and the retirement age from 65 to 67. The DLP supported that reform and so shows it is prepared to support further NIS reform. However, the DLP has made it clear that it doesn’t currently support the proposed increase in age to 68.”
    Yearwood said there was no denying the current administration inherited debt due to many factors, including a global financial crisis of 2008, that had to be addressed, but tough choices have to be made.
    “The Prime Minister cannot blame COVID for all the bad choices it made, especially when the Government deliberately chose to have the NIS bear the burden of a $1.3 billion write-off.
    “Remember, the debt that was restructured was not just debt incurred from 2008 to 2018, but all Government debt, including some of the now PM’s pet projects and failures – EduTech, Greenland, Gems, Dodds Prison, Crab Hill Police Station. . . .” ( NS)

    Source: Nation

  43. Do you know what I would like to see? Instead of telling me that we now have a well oil and roadworthy machine, tell me what is the effect of each of the little fixes that you made.

    I fear we may dealing with mechanics who may put air in the tires, add wiper fluid and clean the windshield and are telling us… the engine fixed.

    I am fully convinced that an influx of new citizens may be the only real solution but no one has the balls to tell us so.

    So what do they do, inflict pain and try to convince you “Mission accomplished, problem solved”.

  44. 68, 2034, 2050, 300M, 30 years, 500, 60, 750, 10M, 70,000

    Stop it! I am hearing too many frigging numbers.

    In all my math classes I was told that the number of numbers is infinite but at the rate this administration is going we will soon have a numbers shortage.

    NIS gone. Numbers gone! All we have left is old talk.

    Dear God, give David of BU strength so that we don’t lose this medium.

    If old talk done then we done.

  45. Did you hear what I heard? Mia is going on vacation?

    I have very little confidence in Mia Mottley’s miserable motley misfits.

    The truth is, I am always apprehensive when Mia is at the wheel, but when she let’s go the wheel and say ‘Somebody tek the wheel’ I swear that my blood stop flowing and I stop breathing.

    Hopefully, this gang has her on speed dial.

    When I run down the list of the crew names my mind is no longer at ease. I remember when I went shopping with my young son, he would like to walk in the store behind me and all I would do is find the nearest exit.

    An exit is not enough… the AG is so damn silly he might put himself in jail, the deputy PM voice is so monotone she might put the nation to sleep; Corey Lane might come out in some silly super hero costume …

    I am not a fan of Mia, but I want her at the wheel. She will have to come back and work twice as hard fixing the mess that was made.

  46. I dedicate this song to Mia Mottley. I hope she has a restful and relaxing vacation.

  47. I hate to beg,
    Mia, please don’t go

    (I tend to start cussing people when I don’t get my way. So if you notice a change in my behavior…forgive me)

    Babe, don’t go.

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