Barbados is a tourism dependent economy, first COVID 19 shut down the country and the world for a time, now there is the emergence of Monkeypox along with a resurgence of another hyper Covid 19 variant. Health concerns combined with ongoing Russia and Ukraine conflict continues to stoke feeds uncertainty across the globe whether travel or trade.

Raw numbers still elevated and climbing but perhaps not alarmingly so. Daily official isolations dropping.  Ro reproductive rate numbers fluctuating near and sub 1. Vigilance is necessary given that the new Omicron variant is increasing rapidly in our major trading partner countries amid increasing cropover travel Source: Lyall Small

Health Ministry confirms first case of Monkeypox in Barbados

Minister of Health Ian Gooding-Edghill

Article by
Barbados Today

Published on
July 16, 2022

Barbados has confirmed the first case of Monkeypox on the island.

The confirmation came by way of a statement from Minister of Health Ian Gooding-Edghill.

The full statement is below:

Good morning.

You will recall that yesterday, I informed the Barbadian public that there was a suspected case of Monkeypox in the island. In keeping with my Ministry’s commitment to transparency and full disclosure, I’m here to inform you that Barbados has recorded its first confirmed case of Monkeypox.

This case is a Barbadian male in his thirties, who attended the Winston Scott Polyclinic with symptoms of a progressive rash, body pains and fever. He sought medical attention at the Polyclinic within hours of his arrival in Barbados.

The patient was seen and assessed based on a history of recent travel and clinical manifestations. The patient was swabbed and the samples were sent to the Best-dos Santos Public Health Laboratory for testing where results revealed a positive case of Monkeypox.

These results of the locally done test were obtained within 24 hours as against the days awaiting results when the tests were done in Trinidad by CARPHA.

The patient remains in isolation and is under the direct care and medical supervision of our Medical Officer of Health. In the interest of patient confidentiality, no personal details will be disclosed.

I am confident that the Ministry’s speedy announcement of this case will, as has occurred with our response to Covid-19, get from the Barbadian public the same level of cooperation in our ongoing management of the Monkeypox health issue. The Ministry of Health and Wellness has commenced contact tracing as a responsible
public health measure.

Let me assure the public that the Ministry is fully prepared to handle any cases of Monkeypox in our nation. I wish to thank the Ministry’s public health team for their continued dedication and commitment as we continue to manage public health in Barbados.

Thank you.

245 responses to “BU Covid Dash – Monkeypox is Here”

  1. I’m impressed that Customs was able to process and clear so quickly as has not been the case for quite some time now. I suppose they wanted to clear it just in time for the festivities.

  2. First note…
    There was case of monkey pox in Jamaica where the patient left isolation. Regardless of how it is contracted this gentleman should be closely monitored and kept in isolation.

    2nd note
    Tourism is a fickle and unreliable mistress. One moment things are looking promising and out of the blue … comes trouble.

  3. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    And that’s what they are ENTIRELY DEPENDENT ON…..because they want to be,… useless intellectually to come up with anything inventive……there are so many other industires available to triple up on, but limited in scope and no vision got them as PERPETUAL DEPENDENTS…

  4. David

    What is the statistical probability that all these viruses and variants could be consolidated within such a narrow contemporary window, without unusual, unnatural, circumstances?

    Is it possible that the 365 illegal bio-warfare labs circling the perceived enemies of the America could be playing a sinister role?

    We now known that monkeypox and other pathogens were being developed by such a network of 30 bio-warfare labs within the territory of Ukraine, discovered after February’s “special operation,”

    That the “Project 731” esque mad scientists there made public appeals for samples of blood of a particular genotype.. Russian slavs as opposed to Ukrainian slavs.

    Project 731 was a fascist Japanese human experimental scheme grrenlighted by the emperor, deployed in occupied China, using Chinese and others as guinea pigs during WW2. America took receipt of their work product.

    That dangerous viruses being developed on the territory of Ukraine were being engineered to be delivered by flocks of birds, as vectors. Migratory birds leaving Ukraine and heading to Russia.

    This story has been all over Russian and other media. But it the West such a story, which represents an attempt to genocide the Russian people, was barely covered.

    We wonder what would happen if Putin, the one man to whom all problems are ascribed, had done such a thing. The Americans are given a pass for the greatest of crimes. And their supporters flabbergasted when maximalists demands for retribution are posited😔

    The illegal, criminal, involvement in bio-warfare experimentation by the Americans, to be deployed on civilian populations on Russian territory represents causus belli and is a crime larger than the greatest crimes known to man.

  5. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “That dangerous viruses being developed on the territory of Ukraine were being engineered to be delivered by flocks of birds, as vectors. Migratory birds leaving Ukraine and heading to Russia.”

    saw this some months ago and am like WHAT??? but did not realize then there was a specific target…some people thought the continent was the target…

  6. Waru

    This is about resources. Has always been. They got Africa already. Look which countries are surrounded by the 365 bio labs. Yes, one lab is in Nigeria and maybe a few other places. Then compare Afrika to the concentrations around Iran, Russia, China. That tells the story.

  7. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    I didn’t know Russia had that many resources, thought it was just a frozen tundra, never did any research until this mess broke out….was totally shocked how wealthy the country is and also Ukraine…

    if that is the case, nothing will be left for anyone else if they are going after everyone’s mineral wealth that don’t belong to them………….and that’s taking greed to a whole new level….and it’s reckless..

    let’s see how the claw back works out for those who realize that they have been played all these decades…

  8. Waru

    This has always been the case. From Napoleon to Hitler to Churchill to Biden, Russia was always seen as the ‘great prize’.

    The West could not find a worse country for a sanctions war. Russia is arguably the most resource-independent country on earth.

    People talk about oil and gas but that’s just the begin of Russia’s wealth. Remember, Russia never was part of the so-called European colonial project. That’s the way poor ass White people in north Western Asia got everything they have. Russia never had such a national ethos of stealing other peoples’ resources.

  9. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    In my mind, most countries have some type of resources, and it’s all barter ready, no need to steal anyone’s resources, but that’s just me, am not big on material things, bare necessities are fine by me, like to live comfortable like anyone else, but could not see myself wanting to be dripping with stolen money or mineral wealth….but there have always been the covetous, envious and greedy..

    “Russia is arguably the most resource-independent country on earth.”

    the place is humongous, never paid attention before, just heard all the demonizing but i don’t follow the pack mentality….to go anywhere, we saw how many who jumped out hot and sweaty now look foolish doing so at the beginning of this war..

    I take it someone lost a BIGLY bundle and are not happy, want things to return to normal veddy, veddy quickly..

    “WTO, IMF & World Bank Call for Trade Restrictions to be Lifted

    The removal of trade restrictions would ease the global food crisis by minimizing supply disruptions and reducing prices, the three organizations said in a joint statement.

    “Facilitating trade and improving the functioning and resilience of global markets for food and agriculture… are key,” they said.

    They noted that the Covid-19 pandemic, disruptions in international supply chains, and the fallout from Russia’s military operation in Ukraine have severely disrupted food, fuel and fertilizer markets.”

  10. Waru

    It has 11 or 12 time zones, from Vladivostok to Crimea, vast amounts of the Arctic even more so that the ice is melting, additional resources are being discovered and new and much shorter shipping lanes to the rest of Asia are being used.

    The West were desperate. Unwinable wars has been the order of the day. Only chance of survival as super power. And they have been long loosing.

  11. 244 new COVID-19 cases from 766 tests. That is 31%

    Cropover could see increased Covid and monkey Pox cases. I hope not but Crop over feting is a toxic mix of alcohol and foo ping.

  12. Terence M Blackett Avatar
    Terence M Blackett

    1st: #CCPViris 2nd: Supply Chain Issues 3rd: China’s Financial Housing PlanDEMIC – Rewind & Repeat:

  13. Terence M Blackett Avatar
    Terence M Blackett

    Is #MonkeyPox a “HOMOSEXUAL” disease???

  14. @TB

    The question for you is – does it matter? It is a disease that is here and it is being promoted by the global society based on inclusion. It means homosexuals must be accepted as equal in civil society.

  15. Is monkey pox limited to the vaccinated … or not?

    Is the COVID vaccination the determinant in whether you catch it after contact …. or not?

    Is homosexual contact one method by which it spreads … or not?

    It seems to be an STD.

    The 40% rise in deaths reported in the insurance industry is cause for concern that something went wrong in 2021.

    I posted this link a while back.

  16. Hundreds more people dying in the UK each week, 15% above five year average.

  17. David
    Wokeism is the weaponization of bulling. Not merely about notions of equality. For if equality was the focus why are the wokeisst not approached other seemingly intractable social issues – racism, poverty, colonialism, imperialism, militarism and on and on.

    These equality misnomers are political projects to serve interests other than gay people. They too are merely connon fodder just like you who think that you are somehow part of a great Western democratic civilizational enterprise.

  18. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Only chance of survival as super power.”

    problem for them, they take this superpower SHITE TOO SERIOUSLY….what’s the point of claiming superpower status but ya don’t HAVE THE NATURAL RESOURCES or are the inheritors of any, to keep it going beyond the criminality of the last 500 YEARS…

    look at the lengths they will now have to go JUST TO MAINTAIN this facade…….

    hope they can answer that question…it would help EXPLAIN the ongoing STUPIDITY..that will cost MILLIONS OF THEIR LIVES..

    am wondering just who are their numb skull advisors these days….hope it’s not some wannabe from the Caribbean they are listening to, doubtful but worth a mention……and if not, they need new ones anyway….

  19. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Pacha…we know they got some hardcore idiots within their populations, but somehow i don’t see the majority appreciate being used as fodder or sacrifices just so they can maintain a facade of superpower status….which is shaky at best, unsustainable and deadly if it all goes south..

  20. Another take on Sri Lanka.

  21. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “For if equality was the focus why are the wokeisst not approached other seemingly intractable social issues – racism, poverty, colonialism, imperialism, militarism and on and on.”

    they obviously have NO INTENTION of addressing these murderous, people killing issues….but still STEADFASTLY hanging to the evil coattails of dead criminal slave masters…..refuse to LET GO, and MOVE ON…because it has served them so well….and they can claim plausible deniability that they did not commit the crimes…..only continuing them to benefit themselves…and refuse to acknowledge that self-serving excuse as EQUALLY CRIMINAL.

  22. @ David
    “It is a disease that is here and it is being promoted by the global society based on inclusion. It means homosexuals must be accepted as equal in civil society.”
    As Bushie has emphasized over and over…
    We ACTUALLY live in a spiritual reality where human existence is really just a temporary, fleeting, MISCELLANEOUS experience.

    In a situation where the SPIRITUAL RULES have determined that this ‘disease’ is an ABOMINATION, deserving of extermination of the endemic society, PLEASE BE ADVISED that any ‘decision’ by human authorities to accept the ‘disease’ as equal in civil society will come to nought.
    If you wish, Bushie is happy to explain why the spiritual LAWS take so seriously this particular abomination….

    But in ANY event, you can bet your last blog that the Sodom and Gomorrah principle will prevail.

  23. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Gotta keep these criminal clans….CORRUPT wannabe family dynasties of socio-economic destruction out of all parliaments…

    Sri Lanka has a very long road ahead because of them, the suffering will be monumental AND HORRENDOUS….saw some yesterday, truly heartbreaking…

    all populations, including Barbados should pay attention, seeing that they have had this stench following them for at least 3 generations…..with the bottomfeeding wannabes.

  24. Looks like another country will soon follow Sri Lanka.

  25. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    *but still STEADFASTLY hanging ON to the evil coattails of dead criminal slave masters…

    Bushman….don’t focus on the gay distraction….that’s been around since and even before the greek and roman thieves and liars…and used even back then……….it’s handy now for sleight of hand…..look beyond it so as not to miss the real plays..

  26. @Pacha

    The point is that the establishment embraces inclusion in the world. Until such time the establishment is destroyed it is what it is. All have to be equally accepted in the world.

  27. David

    Our point of departure is that the establishment is always wrong

  28. @Bush Tea

    You have been consistent on this matter, we know a policy of including all types of people in society clashes with your philosophy and beliefs which are anchored in the spiritual world.

  29. That video posted by John @ 7.38 am should be REQUIRED viewing for all bajans.

    Change the names and places, and it fits EXACTLY…including the coming scenarios …except that we have even higher debt ratios.

  30. @Pacha

    Doesn’t the establishment by definition serve a purpose?

    Does it preclude views from the margins to take root over time and to trigger change in a way to avoid catastrophic disruption to order?

  31. sodom and gomorrah extinction maybe sooner than we think

    live video comet heading towards earth July17th 2022

  32. Over in Australia, we all know by now what will happen, I explained it already!!

  33. Waru

    Deh now arguing that a man could bear a child.

    This reminds us of an enquiry made of one Bajan politician of another whether precisely that was his intention🤣

  34. “Doesn’t the establishment by definition serve a purpose?

    Does it preclude views from the margins to take root over time and to trigger change in a way to avoid catastrophic disruption to order?”

    It is biased against the margins, for the margins to get justice they have to challenge the establishment as well as state their case.

    Some people are doomed in Court and will get no justice even before their case is heard just because of who they are. For example Blacks, Dreads, Men are wasting time and money in Courts and Family Courts.

  35. David

    Why are you so gullible? You have not previously accused this writer of a certain kind of intellectual dishonesty.

    Now we assert that your mind has been “bent” on this issue by the emergence of the wokeist, bulling, Mottley regime. For previously, your position was diametrically opposite.

    Is there any level to which you will not bend to to achieve acceptance of the dominant narrative, as temporary and destructive as it will be?

    As Staurt has otherwise stated. Do you have any moral minimum. For the people who believe that they have rights to do as they please with their animals are also making an approach.

  36. Here’s the COVID situation in Australia.

    You can see up to the advent of the floods last year there was no problem.

    The Government believed they had a lid on it and enforced their draconian measures without fear or favour.

    But, there was/is a bigger hand in all this, way bigger than their puny efforts.

    Western Australia is now a problem with the floods starting there so the overall COVID rise could be large.

    Go look at sea surface temperatures in the Pacific as a predictor of La Nina and you will realise the world gas a big problem.

    La Nina means for us in increase in hurricane activity.

    Not much anyone can do except rely on their faith in God.

    I’ll dig up the site I put up here last year for those interested in the numbers.

  37. @Pacha

    Because the blogmaster stated the current state of play represented by the establishment you extrapolate to assume it is the blogmaster’s opinion?

  38. These numbers allow you to get an idea what is going on, they won’t allow you to predict the future but gives you an idea of what might happen, given past experiences.

  39. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Deh now arguing that a man could bear a child.”

    all distraction…like amputating the sexual organs of young children, so they can switch identities…if you confuse things…most will never sort it out…and then just reinforce it to another generation who will have already FORGOTTEN HOW IT ALL STARTED…

    bajan politicians are in a class of idiocy all by themselves, no one should ever pay any attention to them…the people need protection from them..

    John…Covid is back in a big way….right along with the monkey sex pox….i believe the monkeys are taking the blame for this, since the Afrika blame fell through..

  40. Then there is Fiji!!!

    The whole world seems to have gone mad!!

  41. Floods have been known to be linked to Covid.
    Conspiracy theories about Covid has also flooded the net.
    John’s Covid in drinking water theory was another nonsense theory for two years.

    John is a waste of space too many years on Bu.

    if artificial wombs can be developed “Babies borne by men ‘possible’”.

    this theme was developed in the 1982 comic The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers #7

    After a couple of one-pagers, Phineas stars in “Phineas Gets an Abortion,” a funny story (that originally appeared in Rip Off Comix #8) about Phineas’ girlfriend’s fetus getting transplanted into Phineas’ body by a mad scientist/doctor/buddy who invented an artificial womb. The dopeheads kind of lose track of time and before you know it, Phineas has been “with child” for 14 months. Little wonder what pops out of his womb after that much time!

  42. Fiji is interesting.

  43. David
    It is always our impression. Well, if wrong, we humbly apologize. And that is something you’ve never done, even when clearly proven wrong.

  44. @Pacha

    It is a good feeling to witness the great Pachamama display humility brought about by a mere mortal.

  45. Waru

    Your last post is toooooo painful to read.

    A time will come when such acts will be considered as crimes against humanity.

  46. David

    Who else here as more often apologized. We have no monopoly on being right but will never stand for ignorance from people writing bs. Have you ever apologized for any position held?

    Indeed, you double down on misguided positions for decades, and see pride in such.

  47. People here talking about transsexuals do not know any or watch any US TV where they are in many story lines.
    Legal Arguments about gay rights, abortion rights, and other people’s legal rights can be won on the principle of “what harm does this do to YOU?”, aka legal standing. US SCotUS arguments that legal rights and laws are state determined and have precedence over federal laws is right wing nonsense. It is better to know your spiritual rights to fight evil people.

  48. @Pacha

    The blogmaster will defend a position based on the gristle of what is on the table. He will not be moved based on conspiracy or uninformed popular sentiment. If you don’t like it you should be familiar with Sandiford’s quote?

  49. Fiji is quite interesting.

  50. David

    Congratulations! The well engrained dictatorial streak for which you have always been inclined emerges.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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