We had a double murder this week and last night quickly added another to the number of murders for 2022. It must be obvious there is a positive relationship to increase economic activity and other factors the analysts peddle.

What the blogmaster fears is that we mirror the US and other developed societies by becoming desensitized to the horrible act of murder. Another worry is that many seem happy to allocate the problem to the government and Barbados Police Service. We forget that the perpetrators of the crime were raised by Barbadian families. 

In other words, it calls for a collective effort from our little society to arrest the situation. Isn’t obvious that politicizing this and every problem will not solve?

Here is the latest murder stats from @caribbeansignal.com.

July 1, 2022by Amit Uttamchandani

Barbados Murder Statistics January to June 2022

Orange Cottage, Horse Hill, St. Joseph. Scene of a double-murder on June 29 (Image Source: NationNews)

There have been at least 15 murders for the year so far. The data presented below is from January to June 2022. The steps involved in this analysis are similar to my 2020 analysis.

Table 1 - Murders Jan to Jun 2022
Table 1 – Murders in Barbados January to June 2022.

Note to Table 1: Data extracted from The NationNews and Barbados Today website (click to enlarge).

110 responses to “Barbados: Murder Rate Worry”

  1. as one minority boasted to a senior police officer…”that shipment of guns is mine, and YOU CAN’T TOUCH THEM…”
    Why did you think they fund the political parties?
    ….to support their beloved black brothers and sisters?

    Our society in no more violent than it has ever been.
    Barbados in particular has been home to the very worse possible kind of violence for centuries now…
    …Violence against the human spirit and against self-actualization.

    This has also included extensive physical violence which, for eons, was LEGALLY dispensed by a minority at will, against Blacks.
    Why is it now surprising that, having been educated in the VERY WAYS of the white oppressors, our Black youth are expected to reject the very violence which worked for the albinos?
    ….in favor of what exactly?
    …..the Court system?
    …..The political leaders – who are owned by their white benefactors?
    …. the shiite church?
    …. hiding under the skirts of the lotta women who supposed to be running things?

    Amazing how we continually INSIST on doing shiite, and then pretending to be surprised that it smells…

    @ Pacha
    You are VERY right about the impact of the deportees influencing local criminal habits. Bajan criminal youths would ‘pelt a big rock at your donkey’ when he get vex.
    But when we allow the American albinos to take our very best youth who graduate, and to forcibly deport the vicious deviants that they THEY engendered, then we make ourselves into jackasses, where our brilliant youth end up working for Apple, and THEIR dangerous deviants end up wrecking havoc on our streets.

    The free movement of deviants across the region is also a big contributor to the new culture of gun violence. We can thank the inept politicians there too….especially Owen.

    Anyway, as Bushie tried to explain when the whacker get tek way, we are now well past the tipping point, so this is all water under the bridge.
    Time now to lay down in the bed that we have made for ourselves.

  2. About 40 years ago, I watched a businessman told a future commissioner of police (then a Sargeant) … You cannot touch me. One call to the station and you would be in trouble..

    40 year ago.. welcome 2062.

  3. The stats speak for themselves.

    The rise in violent crime in the US is mainly in the black community.

    There the black community is a minority, like the Asian and Hispanic yet these communities are not affected to the same extent.

    Being a minority does not fit the observation.

    Here, in Barbados, it is again the black community that is affected most by violent crime.

    However, the black community is not in the minority, it is the majority.

    There is something that is far more specific and a generalization that Barbados is copying America cannot hold water.

    Is the rise in violent crime particular to the black community?

    If so, what is the cause?


  4. @ The Flaming Troll

    You need to dig deeper as there are smaller communities within “black communities” to uncover root causes

  5. Also.we have a society built on political favors and entitlements
    In so much that when favored citizens alleged to.to be dealing in criminal.activity can be given passes to Parliament to attend ceremonial duties
    As well as call for the PM intervention when a call.of police action to intervene against certain citizens is necessary
    This is the kind of Barbados being exemplified as crime levels rise

  6. Simple generic answer is murders are related to crime
    USA leads general world trends by 10-30 years

  7. “Frank most noted is the similarity in content the urge to attack HA HA a similarity which one Artax has done relentlessly..”

    angela cox

    I’m not going to engage you in any ‘tit for tats’ today, but let me set the record straight.


    I NEVER “attacked Austin relentlessly.”

    Visit to the archives……read his contributions, which will clearly indicate that the goodly gentleman used every opportunity afforded him or those he created, to ATTACK ME…… ESPECIALLY AFTER EACH TIME I responded to YOUR comments.
    I’m sure you remember him accusing me of ‘cyberbullying and cyberstalking’ you, for which I ‘needed psychiatric help.’

    But, let’s assume ‘Frank’ is ‘Artax.’

    What the hell could you do about it?

    Will you be rewarded a year’s supply of free groceries?

  8. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “About 40 years ago, I watched a businessman told a future commissioner of police (then a Sargeant) … You cannot touch me. One call to the station and you would be in trouble..”

    they graduated that threat…”one call to the PM” or some other parliament squatter and ya fired or moved…and they don’t just threaten to do it, by the time they tell you that, call already made….co-conspirators and collaborators against Afrikan people…

  9. Artax@ac

    But, let’s assume ‘Frank’ is ‘Artax.’

    What the hell could you do about it?
    Hit dog barks

  10. David

    I don’t know whether it’s true or not, but, according to certain information, a ‘hit’ has been ordered on a drug lord or gang leader known as ‘Sass.’

    Since he has so far been able to avoid his pursuers, they have decided to target his associates.

  11. @Artax

    You read the front page of this morning’s Sunday Sun?

  12. David

    No, I haven’t seen or read today’s ‘Sunday Sun.’

  13. I’m wondering of what relevance the “BLM riots and insurrections and the Democrat party in America” are to a discussion about the crime situation in Barbados?

  14. JULY 3, 2022
    UNITED FORCE Police, BDF teaming up to deal with gun crime

    By Colville Mounsey
    colvillemounsey @nationnews.com
    The Barbados Police Service will be joining forces with the Barbados Defence Force as lawmen are determined to get a handle on a recent spate of brazen shootings, two of which occurred in the last 24 hours.
    This was disclosed by Commissioner of Police Richard Boyce who told the Sunday Sun that this was one of the plans that will be immediately pressed into action, assuring the public that their safety was the number one priority of the police.
    There will also be a ramping up of police patrols in some areas, especially with the country heading into the high point of Crop Over activities.
    While he did not want to divulge the areas in which police patrols would be increased, he put the public on notice to expect to see a general stepping up in the presence of law enforcement.
    The top cop also revealed that lawmen had already
    made headway in solving the double homicide in St Joseph last Wednesday. He also said the shooting at Blackwoods Screw Dock in Cavans Lane, The City, which resulted in one dead and three others injured as well as the shooting incident at Cave Hill, St Michael, had the full attention of the police.
    Yesterday, social media was abuzz with sentiments of fear, as a video, which is purported to show the shooting at the Screw Dock made the rounds. During the day rumours of shootings in St John and St Lucy surfaced, which turned out to be untrue, added to the atmosphere of fear throughout the day.
    “Working with the Barbados Defence Force is one of the things that we discussed with the Prime Minister [Mia Amor Mottley] and Attorney General Dale Marshall. Very often the BDF has worked with us in the past, so doing it on this occasion as a strategy is expected to be an asset. It is good that we have all of these resources at our disposal to bring this matter under control. The aspect of visibility of police officers in various districts and not just where the incidents occurred, is needed to ensure that persons can feel secure,” explained Boyce.
    “We want to go into Crop Over with these things behind us having put all of the police resources behind these activities. We will be targeting our resources in certain areas; I don’t want to identify the specific areas but suffice to say there are certain areas that we have flagged, and we would put out major resources in those areas. However, we must broaden our focus beyond the hotspots so that we have complete police presence and persons can see and feel the presence of the officers and know that we have their interest at heart,” he said.
    Boyce said that it was too early to state whether the spate of shootings were gang-related, noting that investigators were still in the process of gathering the intelligence and that such a determination would be made public at a later date.
    Attorney General Dale Marshall yesterday expressed full confidence in the police service, assuring the country that everything was being done to bring the situation under control.
    “The fact of the matter is that there is a criminal element out there, who are intent on doing each other harm without recognising that they are retarding the society in a very serious way. It is early days yet, the investigation into these offences are ongoing but I can assure the public that the Barbados Police Service is on the job to keep our streets safe,” said Marshall.
    The Commissioner assured Barbadians that the police were taking a zero-tolerance approach in handling these matters, making it clear that the peace of mind of the public would not be held to ransom by a few rogue elements.
    “The immediate concern for us is the whole aspect of public safety. What we saw played out at the Screw Dock, what we saw played out
    in St Joseph and what happened at Cave Hill, is something that we will not countenance. We will prefer these things not to happen but now that they have, it means that the police will now have to get out there and bring this situation under control,” said Boyce.
    He added: “If we want the public to feel safe and secure then we have to ensure that we provide that level of security for them. We must say up front that the police officers are on the job and we are doing everything possible to bring this situation to a level of calmness so that persons can move about Barbados without any fear whatsoever.”

    Source: Nation

  15. All this join up team up effort and the guns and drugs coming through the port like hot case

  16. David
    Does not the history of state sponsored violence in Barbados show that escalation on the government,’s side leads to escalation on the criminal side?

  17. @Pacha

    The blogmaster shared an opinion on the many factors influencing the crime situation in Barbados. If we continue to do the same things what do we expect?

  18. David

    Are you aware Barbadian youths are heavily influenced by the Jamaican dance hall/dub culture?

    What about ‘fears of mirroring Jamaica by becoming desensitized to the horrible act of murder?’

  19. @Artax

    As stated it is multi-pronged.

  20. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Does not the history of state sponsored violence in Barbados show that escalation on the government,’s side leads to escalation on the criminal side?”

    let them keep pretending that the violence is NOT HISTORICAL….long before spouge, reggae, dance hall, rap this and that came around…they are trying to comfort themselves that this is not the KNOCK ON EFFECT…

    .the island has ALWAYS BEEN VIOLENT…..built on violence..

    don’t know how a people could waste so much precious time fooling themselves…

  21. Poverty and unemployed youth leads to crime.

  22. Hants

    I agree that “poverty and unemployed youth leads to crime.”
    They are two of several factors that influence crime, but cannot be generally applied to the overall crime situation.

    There are persons who society considers to be ‘gainfully employed’ that are involved in crime.

    Yes, violence has always been us. But, it is okay for the usual suspects to ‘mount their daily soap boxes’ to spew shiite with monotonous regularity, without taking certain factors into consideration, because they seem to believe they ‘know everything,’ when, in actuality, the evidence suggests otherwise.

  23. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    know more than enuff to know that if you DON’T DEAL WITH THE ROOT CASE….10 years from now ya will still be blaming EVERYONE ELSE EXCEPT FOR WHERE THE BLAME SHOULD BE PLACED…

    and even blame innocent people too…anything to NOT FACE REALITY…

    Even Hal saw the mess for what it really is….others are PRETENDING NOT TO…

  24. Who are the white collar criminals importing weapons and drugs?

  25. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    A lot of that information can still be found on (BFP) Barbados Free Press..

    ..all the criminals syndicates and cartel members are identified…

  26. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    William…i came to find out that there are multiple books in circulation on the topic, just read 3 OF THEM…..and apparently, from information also circulating,it’s alleged that the same can be said of the guns as already said about the drugs…

    ..don’t know how the BUers missed all THAT INFORMATION for the length of time they have hung out in cyberspace..

    “This is a realist’s view of the drug war. The final irony is that the police, the party and the judiciary, the joint enforcers of the drug war, are the ultimate facilitators of the trade and Barbados is now a text-book Caribbean narco-democracy.”

    i did not even know that information was out there….

  27. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Who are the white collar criminals importing weapons and drugs?”

    me thinks those accused are the best people to ask…”facilitators” is a very powerful word..

  28. The pressures of a society looking for help and ways out

    Four bodies die in a house explosion in St . Phillip
    Police are asking for assistance from people in finding causes

  29. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    or we can ask the FOWLS IN POWER…….they should at least know a few names and CAN SHARE…

  30. David

    Some people have a habit of readily accepting any information that’s shared across social media platforms, simply because it confirms their particular biases.
    As such, there aren’t any attempts to verify the authenticity of the information or credibility of its source.

    I’ve seen people use the directorship flowcharts from the ICIJ database, for example, to maliciously imply directors of companies listed thereon, have offshore bank accounts as a result of being involved in illegal activities.
    However, ICIJ issued a disclaimer, which contains the following statement:
    “The inclusion of a person or entity in the ICIJ Offshore Leaks Database is not intended to suggest or imply that they have engaged in illegal or improper conduct.”

  31. @Artax

    The offshore leak was a dump of CAIPO’s database. As you correctly opined it does not mean anything illegal has occurred.

  32. My condolences to this family.

    Barbados as a country is in deep trouble.


  33. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Deeper trouble than that…

    but the limited in intellect will LOOK FOR ALL TYPES OF EXCUSES to hide the crimes committed on the island AGAINST THE PEOPLE…….and tink dey fooling sumbody

    wen dat same information has been WELL KNOWN SINCE THE 1990s..

    everyone running in those circles know….and even those who don’t, but have every detail of what transpired from the 70s-80s..simply because IT’S NO SECRET…

    problem for them…..can’t hide anything anymore…

  34. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    It’s the all-knowing Fowls who need to give up a list of names…

  35. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    What was also found in the ICJ CAIPO DUMP……that many, many ARE ALSO INVOLVED IN MONEY LAUNDERING…and other schemes and scams….hence a worldwide investigation that STILL NAMES AND SHAMES…EVERYWHERE..

    from Panama Papers, to Paradise Papers to the latest one that called evabody and got many still RUNNING FOR COVER…

    can’t change REALITY…no matter how HARD YA TRY…

  36. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    *ICIJ dump…

  37. It’s a good thing certain individuals ‘said’ they DON’T READ my contributions and they would NEVER RESPOND to them.

    Yet, they come out ‘swiping.’

    Only people with ‘limited intellect’ would ‘copy and paste’ malicious or unsubstantiated information from gossip sites such as ‘Naked Departure’ and attempt to pass it off on BU as TRUTH.

    But, I’ll take someone’s advice not ‘to feed the animals,’ because they have a tendency to go on, and on, and on, perhaps not knowing when to stop.

  38. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Yall too DECEITFUL…got to keep an eye on ya…lol

  39. SILLY excuse.

    Some sources define DECEITFULNESS as ‘having a tendency or disposition to deceive or give false impressions,’…… for which you’re well known.

    Posting UNSUBSTANTIATED information about people to maliciously and intentionally sully their reputations, simply because it satisfies your particular agenda and to give people the false impression you’re in possession of news that was somehow conveniently ‘hidden from the public,’…… is a perfect example.

    Yes it may be true that many persons listed on the ICIJ database were involved in illegal activities.

    But, unfortunately, some people have a PROPENSITY for MISUSING information.

    That’s why there’s a Computer Misuse Act.

    Based on how the ICIJ flowcharts were presented on BU and the ensuing comments, would’ve lead anyone to believe the people mentioned were guilty of committing a crime, thereby casting aspersions on their characters.

    Listing the NAMES of THOSE PERSONS who ‘are on the run,’ would have given CREDIBILITY to the process…….

    ……rather than the names of persons against whom evidence was NOT presented to indicate they were actually involved in scams, money laundering or other financial improprieties.

    For example, someone posted a directorship flowchart of a construction company that listed Caswell Franklyn as a director…… and then implied he had an offshore account, for which he was asked to explain.

    That, my friend, is deceiving the forum by misrepresenting the truth.

  40. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    really expect me to read that junk…bring something useful…

  41. By taking the time to make your above comment, clearly indicates you’ve read it.

  42. HantsJuly 4, 2022 8:31 AM

    Poverty and unemployed youth leads to crime.


    Does poverty on its own lead to crime?

    Ca you be employed and yet poor?

    How do you explain white collar crime by those are not poor or we assume employed but should know better.

    Were the attorneys at law who stole from their clients poor and unemployed?

    Something is obviously wrong in the world.

    It is a malaise being spread by the media and its glorification of various causes which involve criminality.

    Thus, all countries have the problem.

  43. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Artax…i really did not read it…only scanned, not the same as reading, the only word i saw was Caswell and construction……i don’t read everything, only look for key words…

  44. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    The ones whose hands are SOAKED IN THE BLOOD of our young people….wonder what they will do when there is A RECKONING, an ACCOUNTING…

  45. I disagree with the premise that pinpointing the crime hotspots does not provide useful insight.

    This actually is profound as it highlights what Pacha is saying most well.

    The areas so pinpointed have long been areas of concern, from the 1970s.

    Crime has been hand in hand with poverty and a lack of true social developmental policies, particularly for these areas.

    While it is true that the island is small and such violence affects all of us, these districts are really the test of whether social change has taken place, to benefit all.

    It has clearly not. And yes, that the problems will spread is of huge concern.

    That policies have failed to improve the outlook for these areas, over forty years, speaks to the failure of successive governments.

    Read again what Pacha wrote.

    Artax is correct in his assessment of the use of the BDF.

    Such is an emergency measure and does not address long term social change, as is needed.

    The matter also has deep economic ties, the word poverty oversimplifies what is a complex structural matter.

  46. a hungry man is an angry man

  47. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “The areas so pinpointed have long been areas of concern, from the 1970s.”

    as designated…AS SETUP..

    how many representatives these areas had since 1966…..and they keep degrading and not improving…the city looks like A DUMP..

    “Crime has been hand in hand with poverty and a lack of true social developmental policies, particularly for these areas.”

    there is irrefutable evidence that these depressed areas are deliberately PAUPERIZED to get the effect that we still see decades later…all in a bid to ENRICH THE GREEDY AND CORRUPT..

  48. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Creativity and innovation…..A POSITIVE…


    definitely making it to my site.

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