Submitted by Steven Kaszab

I hate this subject with a passion. Nothing can drive apart a relationship, group of people or stop a conversation stat like abortion. 

Abortion: A medical procedure that saves the life of one and ends the life of another. Simple.

It crosses all boundaries and introduces an erroneous perception of belief for many of our neighbor’s.

What is the lie you may ask? Well it is all in the terminology used by the medical profession, politicians and those who support this human right. Human right? Well if we can accept one lie, “that we all as free people are equal in many ways”, then we should have the right to our safety and healthy bodies. Women have the right and ownership of their bodies. Good, well that’s done. Now the central lie. That the life within the womb is called a “fetus”, and not a child since its still in the woman’s body. A life, but somehow denied protection by the law to remain alive in time. Its life force is superseded by the life of the woman carrying it. 

Who made that decision? Well the US Supreme Court did, passing  into law Roe & Wade, a decision that allowed for abortions in America, and ultimately through out the world too. Hey, if the biggest democracy in the world can decide this, so could others. Follow the quacking duck. This past Friday , a conservative lead Supreme Court has overturned this ruling, opening up a huge bag of firecrackers ready to be lighted into an explosion of who the hell knows for sure. Can’t be good. Not for the victims of rape, incest and those whose lives are threatened by , yes the fetus and its condition. Horrors upon horrors, we will now have each State within their Union able to decide how, when and where the State can control their female population. Its all about control.

The Conservative Right, with their religious allies will claim the right to control Women and their bodies, mostly for religious reasons(What would Jesus Do?), but it is a guy thing. That’s right folks. A further lie raises its ugly head, that being ” Women are equal to Men”. Well in several States within the US Union that is not true. They want you to believe that Women are equal to Men in Texas, Georgia, Florida, Alabama and so many other States but we all know that is not true, otherwise Women would be allowed to respectfully, intelligently and morally decide what to do with their bodies.

I am a spiritual and religious person, and I abhor abortion, capital punishment, paying excessive taxes and the like. As a former Franciscan Friar TOR, I met several Women who truly needed an abortion. Yah, we talked and debated until we could do it no more. I could have said horrible things right out of the Religious Playbook most Catholics have read. Your committing a terrible sin, your going to be damned etc, etc. I did not., and in fact accompanied a young Woman to and during the procedure. 

 Why did I assist these Ladies? Well what was the truly greatest of laws given us by Christianity and many other sacred religions? We can make our own decisions. WE Have The Right & Ability to CHOOSE. Well here go the Men again, playing God. They want to tell 50% of this planet what the hell to do. Long ago I have met Men who murder owners of abortion clinics, nurses and doctors that work there too. Real God fearing Men who were members of The Army of God, a known domestic terrorist group t hat has declared a holy war upon the abortion genocide(as they called it). Abortion is a destroyer of life in so many ways. I hate its conception and practice, but I acknowledge its purpose to liberate Women from a future of pain and distress. Socio-economic aside, no one makes a decision like this easily. I don’t see the religious right and its many membership offer much more than words and prayers to those who truly need this procedure and assistance.

ALLAHU AKBAR – GOD is Great-God is Greatest  That is true. The sacred books of most religions tell us that The Righteous, is a person of Wisdom, who decides Well. Well folks while America is going backwards towards the time when Women were to be present, but not heard. A time when Men ruled the roost, even if that meant that of their wives, daughters, sisters and mothers would be under their command. It’s The Hand Maiden(book to movie)  in the flesh.

Ladies, is this not the time and anywhere being the place, to stand up for your rights as a human being?

Most Men care about family, community and nationhood, but they have a collectively tarnish out look on life. Many will impregnate someone, and some will stand by their choice and action by being responsible, yet many will not. I lived in the Bronx for a year, and cannot remember how many single Women with children lived down the block from the guy who will not acknowledge his children. The number of single Women with children has grown from 9% in 1994 to 16% in 2014. That stat has gone up since then. Ladies, the society you live in will care for you, support and protect you only if you force it too. Take it by the horns and lead.

Ladies how can you allow a bunch of elderly lawyers(the Supreme’s)  overturn Roe & Wade without a seriously revolutionary  fight? In many States that you live in, politicians are going to start pressuring for other sever changes to the law, and how society views citizens rights and privileges. Friends  in the LBGTQ Community, look out! Your next in line. How about overturning same sex marriages? Maybe there will be a return to some horrid southern traditions. Who knows? 

Fight for what is right, including the Right to Life. Stop lying about your intentions. If God were like us, would each of you be dictated too? Or would you be allowed to CHOOSE, even if it is a bitter thing.

396 responses to “Abortion: Liberator or …”

  1. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @John”Women want sex just like men.”


    Maybe you have never heard that from time to time a woman says of a man

    “He only annoying my puzzy”

  2. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    We have been a brutalized people, so much so that some of us don’t even recognize brutality when we see it. Just yesterday a child care official stated that once OUR children graduate from state care at age 18, the state has difficulty finding family members who are willing to take them in for a year or two or three until they find their feet in the work force and can buy their own groceries, pay their own utilities and pay their own rent. In most of these cases the young people who are graduating from state care are MALE. I am convinced that way too many Bajan men do not love their sons, grandsons, nephews etc. and are perfectly happy to abandon them. Every one of these young people released from care has a father, a grandfather, an uncle, a stepfather, and mostly none of these peica men are willing to helpa a vulnerable young MAN for a year or two.

    Until you men start behaving like real men, until you start fathering your sons, we don’t want to hear a word from you about abortion or anything else.

    So SHUT UP already.

    And “yes” I have raised a child not related to me by blood, marriage or “liv-wid” from infancy to university graduation.

    It actually int that hard.

    Abortions will not decline until we have many. many more real-real men, instead of the peica sh!ts you are willing to foop, pull up their pants and go, leaving their unfortunate sons behind.

  3. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    And looka don’t lemme start calling names now from the political class, the religious class, the professional class and the rich white men class.

  4. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Cuhdear Bajan
    I believe it should always be a woman’s right to choose.
    I also believe that men should always look after their children .
    However, male bashing is not the answer here. We only focus on men who don’t but there are many men who do look after their children .
    We need half way houses to assist both men and women who are returning to society after serving time in prison or any such institution.
    There should be at least a dozen of such places set up strategically throughout the country. A lot of the work could be done by retirees and volunteers.
    We need to go beyond these narrow confines of male and female bashing and find real solutions to real problems.
    The society is evolving to such an extent that we now have females and males , who want to have and adopt children, to raise in their personal lifestyles.
    In other words not every woman that genuinely wants a child, wants to be in a heterosexual relationship and the same goes for some men.
    We need to grow up and stop turning up with twigs to fight problems that have big sticks.

  5. Cuhdear Bajan,

    They know very little about women. That is something I have heard many times. As I said before, long time I had that discussion in the beauty salon one Saturday morning. Man, it was hot in deh! I revived the topic a few weeks ago. Same ting.

    Uh tell yuh, a lotta women does fake orgasms to get it over with.

    John says a man wouldn’t be fooled by a fake orgasm.

    There is a famous scene from a movie where Meg Ryan shows her dinner date how its done.

    P.S. Of course, most women do want sex with a man who is considerate enough to listen to her needs instead of thinking he is The Greatest.

    Some women are lucky enough to find a needle in a haystack. There are some needles around. Of course there are.

    P S. We don’t bash men. We bash BAD men. Just as we bash BAD political leaders. We cannot deny that we have a problem with men who run away and leave the woman holding the baby. It does not only happen with women who are not married but also with women who are or were married at the time. After the divorce some men abandon their children.

  6. Cuhdear BajanJune 27, 2022 9:50 AM

    Until you men start behaving like real men, until you start fathering your sons, we don’t want to hear a word from you about abortion or anything else.


    There are few traditional men around because there few traditional women around!!

    Each got to take potluck and either move on or don’t complain.

  7. I cant understand why women fake orgasms, do they really think men care..

  8. Supreme Court pouring the licks in the Democrats.

    Coach allowed to pray on the field!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @William Skinner June 27, 2022 10:08 AM “@ Cuhdear Bajan However, male bashing is not the answer here.

    I am not male bashing. I am bashing neglectful, bad behaved men.

    As Bob said “who de cap fit, let ‘im wear it.”

  10. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @Lawson June 27, 2022 1:34 PM “I cant understand why women fake orgasms, do they really think men care..”

    We know that you don’t care, but we fake orgasms so that you would get the hell offa us, so that we can do something more valuable with our time, like get a good night’s sleep.



  11. @Cuhdear
    We know that you don’t care, but we fake orgasms so that you would get the hell offa us
    I thought that you didn’t care for missionaries….

  12. Angel Dub (Scientist Mix),
    Angelline Kan’Sing

  13. The hoods are off! Giddy with success, Republicans are now talking openly about reversing federal desegregation and interracial marriage protections.

    Return EVERYTHING to the states is the cry!

    As if we didn’t know that is what they want.

    Clarence Thomas,

    Send not to know for whom the bell tolls
    It tolls for thee!

    You and Ginni are an “ABOMINATION”!

    This is what happens to n***** who do the white man’s bidding.

    Stupid, racist John Knox,

    Kentanji Jackson was anticipating that she may have to rule on a “what is a woman” case and it is not customary to prejudge. The questions are supposed to reveal the nominee’s attitude towards and process of making decisions, not personal opinions.

  14. NorthernObserver Avatar

    you are willing to foop, pull up their pants and go….
    Easier to use zippers…no pulling down or up.

  15. And what is a traditional woman? Come to think of it, what is a traditional man?

    I never wanted a traditional man. I don’t know any woman who does.

    Most of the dead farts were way worse than those still alive.

    Cuhdear Bajan’s mother found a needle in a haystack.

    Cuhdear Bajan,

    It is because men don’t care or care enough to exert themselves to understand what the particular INDIVIDUAL they are with needs in order to reach orgasm that women fake it and end their frustration.

    Many men expect every woman to enjoy their habitual moves. If she doesn’t appreciate The Greatest, then something must be wrong with HER!

    Then there are men, like Lawson, who DON’T CARE AT ALL. Once they have their fun it is all done. Hurry up, woman! I am sleepy! Snore, snore!

  16. Agree with Sparrow. lol

  17. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Wha loss, you guys having much fun!

    @Donna, fah sure @John Fellow presents as a deep-red racially motivated critic but you leaning far over the edge to suggest that “Republicans are now talking openly about reversing federal desegregation and interracial marriage protections.”

    How exactly that gine happen???

    There is a reality to life despite. These actions by the US Supremes or the red state legislatures are actually based on some semblance of law and reality … not one acceptable to liberals but a valid reality nonetheless.

    There is no legal or US constitutional basis that could validate those two suggestions …

    Looka, no lotta long talk… this is all about action at the voting booth. Republicans have been priming this pump carefully for years so it’s IMPOSSSIBLE to believe that it can now be upended just so by disarrayed Dems … moreover there are some policies pushed by liberals (Dems) re Trans athletes, as an example, that are simply wrong-headed.

    The conservatives are more focused and clearly will lie, steal, deny their inherent integrity and subvert their supposed faith to support THEIR ideologies ( as in ‘I strongly refute 45’s attempts to subvert the election buuut I would vote for him if he run again’ …WTF).

    So yes voting rights are being assaulted, teaching about racism is unacceptable and on and on but there WILL be NO legislative RETREAT to ‘miscegenation’ nor broader acts of racial segregation.

    Alas of course we liberal minded folk do need to stay focused on our rights being subverted … on that you are absolutely 100% accurate.

    And too, be wary of the down-low racists among us.

    I gone.

  18. DPD,

    I did not say it will happen. I said that some Republicans are openly expressing that wish.

    I see dem pon youtube, Young Turks. lol

    As far as polling goes, the last one I heard this morning gave Democrats the edge. Of course, that does not take into account the expected shenanigans.

    But.. maybe it is time the US collapses under Far-right Republican RULE. I can only watch and wait. YOU can do more than that.

  19. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Northern and all, I imagine that there is nothing more precise to identify a Bajan than the word: foop!

    But other than seeing that word for the first time in the toilets at primary school I have no idea why it’s so inherent to Bajan vernacular. Are our Guyanese or Panamanian brethren familiar with it as well (I must enquire!) ?

    Does any one have insight on this word … origins, associations or such?

    Mr. N my old English teacher would label it as onomatopoeic I suppose. As it has that wonderful languid active sound reinforcing how foreplay gets down with OPP , to quote 5Dub!😎🙏🏿

  20. Hants,

    You living in Quebec? lol.

  21. de pedantic Dribbler
    It seems that this reversing civil rights stuff is on the B’stards wish list,
    they were more whites against civil rights than for them
    Young Trump would have been anti MLK and more KKK

  22. 30 years ago a mixed race couple down South would have been shot
    Blacks and people of colour would be safe in Atlanta, but if they left the city they could get shot
    I was offered a job at Delta Airlines in Atlanta, GA but declined it

  23. DonnaJune 27, 2022 4:28 PM


    I did not say it will happen. I said that some Republicans are openly expressing that wish.


    All you are doing is repeating the crap spewing from the Democrats mouths.

    They are desperate, they know that unless they burn the whole thing down their days are numbered.

    Go and read the decision and show us where Clarence Thompson or any judge said anything about contraception or whatever your overactive imagination believes he said.

    The Democrats are the insurrectionists that need to be dealt with and please God, after 2022, they will be, one by one.

    Here is an example of the insurrectionists at work,

    Senator Schumer

    The US Government has three branches, the Legislative, the Executive and the Judicial.

    Here we see Senator Schumer threatening the Judicial Branch with impunity.

    Here is Congressman Watters doing the same.

    Then there is the President and DOJ who encouraged protesters to go to the Justices houses and one turned out to be there to kill.

    These jokers are wasting time on the January 6th hearings.

  24. You need to listen to sane people and not run off like Chicken Little making up stories!!

    Clarence Thomas said nothing about going after gay marriage or any such thing that is used to inflame idiots imaginations.

    Here is a bit of what he said.

  25. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “We need to go beyond these narrow confines of male and female bashing and find real solutions to real problems.”

    i see them still warbling on about sexual assault in the work place, while progressive countries CRIMINALIZED THAT DECADES AGO….. but some expect they will ever do anything about elder abuse which COMMENCED IN THE PARLIAMENT…

  26. Nobody believes right wing crap not even right wing they know the deal

    John absorbs it like a sponge. The internet fucks with stupid idle minds like his.

  27. Precedents, super precedents and settled law!!

    Coney Barrett

  28. Gorsuch

  29. … and then, Ginsberg!!

    Never 100% in favour of Roe V. Wade!!

  30. After Clarence Thomas said that the Court should reconsider their decisions on contraceptivesvand gay marriage.

    Is that not what I said?????

    Go back and read again!

  31. Most people are pro abortion with limits… only 19% think abortion is acceptable in 3rd trimester roughly the same amount of people that thought amber heard didnt crap in johnny depps bed.,

  32. World, Africa

    African Union calls for probe after dozens die at Morocco-Spain land border
    AUC chairperson expresses ‘deep shock, concern’ over ‘violent treatment’ of African migrants attempting to cross border
    Jeyhun Aliyev – 27.06.2022


    African Union Commission (AUC) Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat called late Sunday for an “immediate investigation” after the deaths of dozens migrants trying to cross from Morocco into the Spanish exclave of Melilla.

    “I express my deep shock and concern at the violent and degrading treatment of African migrants attempting to cross an international border from #Morocco into #Spain, with the ensuing violence leading to the deaths of at least 23 people and injuries to many more,” Mahamat said on Twitter.

    “I call for an immediate investigation into the matter and remind all countries of their obligations under international law to treat all migrants with dignity and to prioritize their safety and human rights, while refraining from the use of excessive force,” he added.

    Around 2,000 migrants, many from Sudan, tried to cross the militarized border fence Friday and were met with force from both Moroccan and Spanish authorities.

    Initial reports indicated five dead, but Moroccan authorities later raised that figure to 23. Helena Maleno Garzon, head of the NGO Walking Borders, said at least 37 people lost their lives.

    Earlier on Sunday, the Moroccan Association for Human Rights (AMDH) published an image showing authorities from the North African country digging around 20 graves, which the organization says were meant for the migrants who died in the pandemonium.

    On Saturday, several non-governmental organizations released a joint statement demanding a probe into the treatment of migrants during their attempt to cross the border. The AMDH specifically pleaded against burying the bodies without an investigation.

    Meanwhile, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has only applauded Spanish and Moroccan collaboration on the border, saying the mass migration attempt was “well resolved.”

    I’ve watched the accompanying videos, in which border policemen are seen kicking and beating the African migrants with batons.

    I’m amused that the ‘BU Africanists’ are EXTREMELY SILENT on those types of ISSUES involving “Afrikans.”
    Nor, have they mentioned anything about the BLATANT VIOLATIONS of adult and children’s rights in the ‘blood diamond’ trade……

    …… preferring instead to focus on silly, unsubstantiated comparisons between South Africa and Barbados…… or the ‘black faces in Parliament trying to scam the Continent.’

    Perhaps Africans are UNAWARE of the 30 Articles of Human Rights as well…… and are probably WAITING on certain individuals to either publish them in a book, magazine or post them to a blog.

  33. Wait! Sane people? On FOX??????

    You mean sane PERSON. There’s only ONE left. Chris Wallace gone.

    Have they aired the 2000 Mules yet? If not, what is the hold up?


    The Pillow Man still banned?


    What ever happened to the Kraken lady?

    Like the Kraken got her tongue!


    And talking about sanity –

    Let me give you a check up – is the earth round or flat?

    Did man go to the moon?

    Is Elvis dead?

    A little Q-Anon reality check for the suspected nutcase!

  34. Weird … you can jerk off at the women on your talk show…tooben it for short…and your back on the air but poor franken gets the boot for pretending to do something .

  35. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

  36. DonnaJune 27, 2022 6:35 PM

    After Clarence Thomas said that the Court should reconsider their decisions on contraceptivesvand gay marriage.

    Is that not what I said?????

    Go back and read again!


    Which pages you read?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote the text, just copy and paste.

    He was distinguishing them from the Dobbs case under consideration.

  37. Not a mention of gay marriage, just one mention of same sex marriage in referring to a case both sides relied on..

  38. Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol Avatar
    Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol

    USA and the whole world is disgusted at USA and it’s “supreme” court
    It’s a no-brainer fox news et al will be pushing out cunting propaganda as soon they can think up their bullshit..
    It’s a no-brainer john will be propagating fox news et al propaganda when he finds it
    It’s a shame that john does not have the means to think for himself using his noggin and can only read out the scripts that they produce
    fuck this for a game of soldiers
    if people had an interest in what fox et al for was saying they would be looking them up themselves
    John is a simpleton and a moron

  39. Uncle Thomas or Stephen (watch Django) is a Republican through and through, he was the only SC judge who sided with Trump’s request to deny releasing Presidential documents, at the time people were unaware that Ginni worked furiously trying to keep Trump in power.

    AOC said the quiet part out loud, Uncle Thomas should resign or be impeached, yuh think he didn’t know about Ginni’s activities? The Republicans want us to believe that Uncle Thomas is like Caesar’s wife Pompeia i.e., above reproach.

  40. @de pedantic Dribbler June 27, 2022 4:29 PM “Does any one have insight on this word … origins, associations or such?”

    Foop is an attempt to sanitize the phrase “F or U nlawful C arnal K nowledge” that has become the dirtiest acronym in the English language.

    Sometimes we Bajans try to be polite. It is not everything we would say in the presence of our grandmothers or Sunday School teachers.

  41. @Sargeant June 27, 2022 2:18 PM “@Cuhdear We know that you don’t care, but we fake orgasms so that you would get the hell offa us. ++++++++++++++++I thought that you didn’t care for missionaries….”

    I didn’t say a thing about missionaries, or the missionary position. I said “get offa us” I didn’t say “get offa THE TOP of us”

  42. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @JohnFellow it takes a certain type of warped, biased thinking to get where you folks do as in:

    1)“Here is an example of the insurrectionists at work,[…]Here we see Senator Schumer threatening the Judicial Branch with impunity”…. and 2)“Here is Congressman Watters doing the same”, and 3)_”Then there is the President and DOJ who encouraged protesters to go to the Justices houses and one turned out to be there to kill”.

    SMH … This from the people who supports a president who encouraged rampaging rioters to proceed with the possible lynching of the US vice president when he did not complete a act he COULD NOT because it was ILLEGAL and unconstitutional.

    A president who sicced crazy folks on average citizens to terrorize them in their homes … folks who unlike the Supremes DO NOT have armed and trained security teams to protect them.

    You have big cajones, to validate a lying, crooked president’s crap and then attempt to rail road others with that level of minor BS!

    Wait there with the folly that “These jokers are wasting time on the January 6th hearings”

    Over 340 guilty verdicts from rioters, charges of sedition on others that will be upheld and you call it wasting time 🤣🤦🏾‍♂️

    Your man 45 has been nailed to the cross already … when his lieutenants like Eastman and Clarke and Powell et al finally get crucified – as they will- be prepared for him to ‘give up the ghost’ … he is done!

    So enjoy your current victories … and suck long on the honey. The taste of the imminent losses will be a very bitter gall

  43. DavidJune 27, 2022 10:32 PM


    Teen (15-19) abortions have fallen dramatically in the past 30 years in America.

    In the Asian population, the lowest, it is 2 to 3 teen girls per 1000.

    Overall it is 15 to 18 teen girls per 1000, down from 61 to 62 thirty years ago.

    A factor of 4, huge fall.

    The foolish woman reporter questioning the lawmaker has to invent some hypothetical eventuality the likelihood of which is slim to infinitesimally small to try and score a political nonsense point.

    The reality is that the Constitution can be changed and abortion right up to 9 months for teen agers can be put in as a right except that the incidence has fallen so dramatically that it would take a tremendous set of legwork to persuade the voters.

    Democrats cannot do that in the prevailing circumstances, they have blown their cover and their modus operandi as insurrectionists is known.

    That airhead foolish woman reporter could have spent her time researching and presenting instances of child brides around the world and spoken to the prevalence of abortions in this group which my bet is zero.

    That would have meant she would have had to think and do the leg work before coming on TV with a concocted hypothetical just to score some idiotic nonsensical political point and waste people’s time.

    If after 6 weeks a 12 year old does not know she has been raped then something is really wrong in her family and her rape and pregnancy is the least of its worries …. for sure it will happen again.

    If the age range 13 -19 had been used in the stats above, the stats would have gone through the floor as the denominator would have increased dramatically and the numerator would have barely moved.

    Sure an individual real but rare case of a 12 year old even getting pregnant is horrific in this day and age in Western Civilization but it is not a death sentence and in some countries around the World it would be considered the norm.

    … but the press is not supposed to use real minors.

    Now if the male offender had been prosecuted that would have been a story the public should hear about … but then again, the male offender may have been 10 or 11!!

  44. Oops …. the graph depicts birth rates, not abortions.

  45. … so my hypothetical to match the hypothetical the female reporter is using is … fewer teen girls, 15 -19 get pregnant.

    The opposite hypothetical is that more teen girls have abortions.

    But the difference between these two hypotheticals and the reporters is the real numbers.

    The Reporter can’t tell us how many girls 12 years old get pregnant … or have an abortion.

  46. Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol Avatar
    Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol

    Teen (15-19) abortions have fallen dramatically in the past 30 years in America.

    is the morning after pill included your data when stalking the net like an old pervert
    a lot of young young girls with babies were impregnated by dirty old old men
    it is a damn shame you do not have intellectual the brain capacity for proper data analysis and are a waste of space to the human race
    you are not even a half decent troll trolling away
    why don’t you post on alt-right sites

  47. why don’t you post on alt-right sites

    clarification disambiguation*
    why don’t you go forth and multiply
    and do not come back here again with alt-right crap

  48. de pedantic DribblerJune 27, 2022 11:15 PM


    It’s driving the leftists crazy!!!!

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