Submitted by Steven Kaszab

I hate this subject with a passion. Nothing can drive apart a relationship, group of people or stop a conversation stat like abortion. 

Abortion: A medical procedure that saves the life of one and ends the life of another. Simple.

It crosses all boundaries and introduces an erroneous perception of belief for many of our neighbor’s.

What is the lie you may ask? Well it is all in the terminology used by the medical profession, politicians and those who support this human right. Human right? Well if we can accept one lie, “that we all as free people are equal in many ways”, then we should have the right to our safety and healthy bodies. Women have the right and ownership of their bodies. Good, well that’s done. Now the central lie. That the life within the womb is called a “fetus”, and not a child since its still in the woman’s body. A life, but somehow denied protection by the law to remain alive in time. Its life force is superseded by the life of the woman carrying it. 

Who made that decision? Well the US Supreme Court did, passing  into law Roe & Wade, a decision that allowed for abortions in America, and ultimately through out the world too. Hey, if the biggest democracy in the world can decide this, so could others. Follow the quacking duck. This past Friday , a conservative lead Supreme Court has overturned this ruling, opening up a huge bag of firecrackers ready to be lighted into an explosion of who the hell knows for sure. Can’t be good. Not for the victims of rape, incest and those whose lives are threatened by , yes the fetus and its condition. Horrors upon horrors, we will now have each State within their Union able to decide how, when and where the State can control their female population. Its all about control.

The Conservative Right, with their religious allies will claim the right to control Women and their bodies, mostly for religious reasons(What would Jesus Do?), but it is a guy thing. That’s right folks. A further lie raises its ugly head, that being ” Women are equal to Men”. Well in several States within the US Union that is not true. They want you to believe that Women are equal to Men in Texas, Georgia, Florida, Alabama and so many other States but we all know that is not true, otherwise Women would be allowed to respectfully, intelligently and morally decide what to do with their bodies.

I am a spiritual and religious person, and I abhor abortion, capital punishment, paying excessive taxes and the like. As a former Franciscan Friar TOR, I met several Women who truly needed an abortion. Yah, we talked and debated until we could do it no more. I could have said horrible things right out of the Religious Playbook most Catholics have read. Your committing a terrible sin, your going to be damned etc, etc. I did not., and in fact accompanied a young Woman to and during the procedure. 

 Why did I assist these Ladies? Well what was the truly greatest of laws given us by Christianity and many other sacred religions? We can make our own decisions. WE Have The Right & Ability to CHOOSE. Well here go the Men again, playing God. They want to tell 50% of this planet what the hell to do. Long ago I have met Men who murder owners of abortion clinics, nurses and doctors that work there too. Real God fearing Men who were members of The Army of God, a known domestic terrorist group t hat has declared a holy war upon the abortion genocide(as they called it). Abortion is a destroyer of life in so many ways. I hate its conception and practice, but I acknowledge its purpose to liberate Women from a future of pain and distress. Socio-economic aside, no one makes a decision like this easily. I don’t see the religious right and its many membership offer much more than words and prayers to those who truly need this procedure and assistance.

ALLAHU AKBAR – GOD is Great-God is Greatest  That is true. The sacred books of most religions tell us that The Righteous, is a person of Wisdom, who decides Well. Well folks while America is going backwards towards the time when Women were to be present, but not heard. A time when Men ruled the roost, even if that meant that of their wives, daughters, sisters and mothers would be under their command. It’s The Hand Maiden(book to movie)  in the flesh.

Ladies, is this not the time and anywhere being the place, to stand up for your rights as a human being?

Most Men care about family, community and nationhood, but they have a collectively tarnish out look on life. Many will impregnate someone, and some will stand by their choice and action by being responsible, yet many will not. I lived in the Bronx for a year, and cannot remember how many single Women with children lived down the block from the guy who will not acknowledge his children. The number of single Women with children has grown from 9% in 1994 to 16% in 2014. That stat has gone up since then. Ladies, the society you live in will care for you, support and protect you only if you force it too. Take it by the horns and lead.

Ladies how can you allow a bunch of elderly lawyers(the Supreme’s)  overturn Roe & Wade without a seriously revolutionary  fight? In many States that you live in, politicians are going to start pressuring for other sever changes to the law, and how society views citizens rights and privileges. Friends  in the LBGTQ Community, look out! Your next in line. How about overturning same sex marriages? Maybe there will be a return to some horrid southern traditions. Who knows? 

Fight for what is right, including the Right to Life. Stop lying about your intentions. If God were like us, would each of you be dictated too? Or would you be allowed to CHOOSE, even if it is a bitter thing.

396 responses to “Abortion: Liberator or …”

  1. Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol Avatar
    Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol

    Human Nature / It Ain’t Hard To Tell
    Little Children across AmeriKKKa are asking their parents
    “Why are there so many unwanted babies made”
    Their Mummy and Daddy Sing to them a Michael song
    If they say why (why?), why (why?)
    Tell them that it’s human nature
    Why (why?), why (why?), does he do me that way?
    If they say why (why?), why (why?)
    Tell them that it’s human nature
    Why (why?), why (why?), does he do me that way?

  2. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Well the French decided they would inscribe a woman’s right to abortion into their constitution in reply to the repealing of Roe v. Wade….and they are making sure it is impossible to take away that right…

  3. Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol Avatar
    Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol

    I’ll be back tomorrow night
    It’s so hard to leave you baby
    But that is how it is sometimes

    Let Me Go

    A Million & One Questions

  4. Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol Avatar
    Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol

    Lovemaking is a Spiritual Practice

  5. “The decision whether or not to bear a child is central to a woman’s life, to her wellbeing and dignity. It is a decision she must make for herself. When Government controls that decision for her, she is being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for her own choices.” ~Ruth Bader Ginsburg

  6. @ David
    “Do you all understand what feeding the animals mean? Some if you never learn.”
    But Boss, do YOU understand what FENCING the animals mean?
    Shiite man, this animal aint hungry, it is clearly mad as shiite……

  7. DavidJune 26, 2022 4:50 PM

    “The decision whether or not to bear a child is central to a woman’s life, to her wellbeing and dignity. It is a decision she must make for herself. When Government controls that decision for her, she is being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for her own choices.” ~Ruth Bader Ginsburg


    So Ruth Bader Ginsberg would have supported the six justices had she still been on the court making it 7 to 2.

    It’s not in the constitution so but out.

  8. I believe that a woman’s body is hers and she can exercise control over it, no one should be able to dictate what a woman can or cannot do with her body.

    I said before that many people care for the unborn but when they enter the world but not so much after, a prime example occurred a few weeks ago when a hundred “good men” with guns were unable to enter a classroom with an unlocked door where presumably a “bad man” with a gun slaughtered young children.

    Does anyone know the child poverty rate in the “richest” country in the world? The answer may surprise you but it is higher than all other first world nations in the world and a little digging would find that the rate for Latino and black children is higher than for other races so the next several years will be very interesting.

  9. Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol Avatar
    Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol

    AOC says Supreme Court justices lied under oath about Roe v Wade, should be impeached

    ‘There must be consequences’ for lying during confirmation process, New York congresswoman says
    “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called for the impeachment of two Supreme Court justices on Sunday for misleading senators over their views on whether Roe vs Wade should be overturned.”

  10. In canada we have abortion but the provinces decide at how many weeks that it will be funded by the taxpayer, so why is it unreasonable for each state to decide what is right for them and how much they want to pay.. If you dont like what one state is doing move to another ,why do you think people and companies are moving to texas from california. because of crime and business they are allowed to move where the rules are a fit for them.

  11. When people say individual States will determine whether to clamp down on women’s rights they mean Republican States are going to clamp down on Women.
    Supreme Court’s manipulative fraudulent political partisan shenanigans has announced Civil War in AmeriKKKa and are dancing to the war drums of extremist Republican interests not the Nation’s.

  12. Worth a listen to understand how the constitution and court work.

  13. Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-olJune 26, 2022 7:10 PM

    AOC says Supreme Court justices lied under oath about Roe v Wade, should be impeached

    ‘There must be consequences’ for lying during confirmation process, New York congresswoman says
    “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called for the impeachment of two Supreme Court justices on Sunday for misleading senators over their views on whether Roe vs Wade should be overturned.”


    AOC is a complete airhead who does not understand the term “settled law”.

  14. … she should stick to tending bars.

  15. I see the thought of a bunch of mostly wutless, probably advantage-taking, old farts controlling a woman’s womb and leaving her holding the starving baby has affected somebody’s language.

    I have a much shorter fuse. Long time me a cuss wunnuh old, controlling farts!


    What a stupid skunt.

  16. A good listen.

  17. @John
    AOC really upsets you, I wonder why
    How about Republican Congresswoman Mary Miller who thanked Trump for his “victory for white life”, BTW she also said “Hitler was right” on January 5th

  18. @Steven Kaskab “Roe & Wade, a decision that allowed for abortions in America, and ultimately through out the world too.”

    Does American law apply throughout the world?



    I’ve never worked a day in America or paid a cent in taxes there. Can I apply for my social security pension then?

  19. @Dullard June 26, 2022 6:25 AM ” can we have the same fervour in advocating the right to refuse putting experimental jabs in our bodies?”


  20. @Steven Kaszab “I hate this subject with a passion. Nothing can drive apart a relationship, group of people or stop a conversation stat like abortion.”

    Do people really talk to others about abortions they have had, plan to have or did not have?

    Are those conversations as interesting as conversations about my gall bladder surgery?

    David can you please start a thread about the circumcisions the boys of BU have had, have not had or plan to have? While you are doing it you might add a thread on vasectomies too.


  21. @Critical Analyzer June 26, 2022 11:00 AM “advised the woman get her tubes tied after the abortion to prevent the need for future ones.”

    Or wunna men can get your tubes tied, so that you don’t impregnate women when you know very well that you have no intention of sticking around for the 20-25 years it takes to raise a child.

    Or the women can stop having sex with wunna foopers.

    No sex, no pregnancies, no abortions, no sexually transmitted diseases, no need to pay child support. support. All quick, easy and effective.

  22. @de pedantic Dribbler June 26, 2022 12:02 PM “why should we legislate – if you say one can do with their body as they will – when a consenting adult child decides to become sexual active with their parent!”

    Because incest is very likely to increase the rate of severe disabilities in a society, and seriously disabled children are a burden not only to their parents but to the rest of society whose taxes has to pay for their care.

    I am thinking of a case of incest now when the child born still seems fine more that 60 years later, but that child’s child was severely disabled and dead by 3 years old after a lifetime of severe illness.

  23. @Critical Analyzer June 26, 2022 1:12 PM “Sex is currency, especially in times of hardship where some women use it to get their rent, bills and debts paid. If the man says unprotected sex or no money, condom burst or otherwise get accidentally pregnant and you don’t want no child for the man, abortion is the escape.”

    If wunna men were as nice as you want people to believe you are, and a woman needed money for rent, bills or debt, you would GIVE her the money and not ask for nor accept sex in return.

    No sex, no pregnancy, no abortion.

    But the truth is a lotta wunna, real-real wufless and irresponsible.

  24. @Critical Analyzer June 26, 2022 1:56 PM “@Hants . A wutless man like you…”

    I doubt that Hants is any more wutless that the other men of BU. I suspect though that he is significantly more truthful than most or even more truthful than all.

  25. Cuhdear BajanJune 27, 2022 12:13 AM

    @Critical Analyzer June 26, 2022 11:00 AM “advised the woman get her tubes tied after the abortion to prevent the need for future ones.”

    Or wunna men can get your tubes tied, so that you don’t impregnate women when you know very well that you have no intention of sticking around for the 20-25 years it takes to raise a child.

    Or the women can stop having sex with wunna foopers.

    No sex, no pregnancies, no abortions, no sexually transmitted diseases, no need to pay child support. support. All quick, easy and effective.


    Nit wit solution!!

    Women want sex just like men.

    Natural urges.

    Neither is vasectomy a solution, just exposes the woman.

    All it will do is expose the unfaithfulness of the woman and your misandry … like the premadonna who often tries to upstage you for misandry.

    Tubal ligation works because only women can have children and they can have children with any man of their choice, vasectomy or no vasectomy.

    The only way a vasectomy will work is if the woman is faithful, which we all know is not the case in many instances.

  26. SargeantJune 26, 2022 11:28 PM

    AOC really upsets you, I wonder why
    How about Republican Congresswoman Mary Miller who thanked Trump for his “victory for white life”, BTW she also said “Hitler was right” on January 5th


    Sarge boy

    A pity you have to tell half to make your flimsy point.

  27. Teenage pregnancies have been on the wane since Roe v Wade.

    Somebody has the youth’s ear and it isn’t the pro abortionistas!!

    The pro lifers have been winning for a while, longer than you can imagine.

    The really miserable women are the died in the wool pro abortionistas who just want to sow division.

    The young people got it!!

    Suspect they will tend conservative as time progresses.

    The liberal progressive Democrats cannot even begin to imagine the problems they have created for themselves.

    Their ideologies have supplanted reality and they are out of touch.,percent%20ended%20in%20an%20abortion.

  28. John Knox is a fucking Airhead who fucks Racist Murdoch
    ‘3 Supreme Court Justices Lied Under Oath’

    “Scalp Dem” — Wild Apache Super Cat

    Well hear wicked man say them riding west
    Tell them that them buck up inna Lord Jesus horse
    And Jungle Jesus gun and the Apache dem who line up head
    And lick off chest, no guy test
    Hear wha’ we tell them!
    Well I can see unuh disappointment,
    Bounty Hunter Killer cowboy, unuh claim that unuh riding West
    And a guy a run off him mout’,
    and a big up him chest ’bout Apache dem come distress
    But make me tell unuh this
    Unuh make sure God a unuh bulletproof vest
    ‘Cause when mi pop off and splurt anyting weh
    come fi test, mi say, them gone underground fi go rest
    Make me tell you ’bout scalp dem
    Scalp dem, and hang dem up high
    Scalp dem
    Scalp dem, and hang dem up high
    Scalp dem
    Scalp dem, and hang dem up high
    Me a go scalp dem.
    And hang dem up high
    Indian from all direction
    Surround the whole of dem inna di Grand Canyon
    Nesbert, Cherokee and Cheyenne
    Capture outlaw raiders and Bounty Killer gang
    Him woman a fi di Wild Indian
    Me take the money and the gold, and burn the wagon
    Rush up John Wayne an’ the one Levon
    Him cavalry friend, we burst them one by one
    And they rest of them me have under detention
    Tell them that Apache run the Western land
    Me a go scalp dem
    Scalp dem, and hang dem up high
    Scalp dem
    Scalp dem, and hang dem up high
    Scalp dem
    Scalp dem, and hang dem up high
    Me a go scalp dem
    Y-y-y-you a hear me man?
    Well I can see unuh disappointment,
    Bounty Hunter Killer cowboy, a di first time unuh riding West
    A guy a run off him mout’,
    and a big up him chest ’bout Apache dem come distress
    But make me tell unuh this
    Mi say, no hurry-come-up shooter cyan test
    ‘Cause when mi pop off and a splurt all
    cowboy dem disturb, and di whole town under distress
    And let me tell you ’bout scalp dem
    Scalp dem, and hang dem up high
    Me a go scalp dem
    Scalp dem, and hang dem up high
    Scalp dem
    Scalp dem, and hang dem up high
    Me a go scalp dem.
    And hang dem up high
    A bwoy a talk ’bout, I bet the bwoy cyan try
    ‘Bout him, “shoot Apache Chief and him ‘fraid that he a fly”
    Him must have shot a bald eagle from out of di sky
    Cast him!!!! And hang him up high
    Bring fire dance, and now the bwoy die
    Him woman, she bow down and a cry
    And when she start cry she hear shots multiply
    We kill two outlaw and we scalp in July
    We let go Eli, ’cause Eli no fi die
    We let go Josey Wales and the worl’ know why
    We sign a treaty, after the war sign nuh die
    But if a boy slip, we kill and sound fly
    And we a go scalp dem
    Scalp dem, and hang dem up high
    And we a go scalp dem
    Scalp dem, and hang dem up high
    And we a go scalp dem
    Scalp dem, and hang dem up high
    And me a go scalp dem.
    And hang dem up high
    Well I can see unuh disappointment,
    Bounty Hunter Killer cowboy, unuh claim that unuh riding West
    A guy a run off him mout’,
    and a big up him chest ’bout Apache dem come distress
    But make me tell unuh this
    Unuh make sure God a unuh bulletproof vest
    ‘Cause when mi pop off and splurt anyting weh
    come fi test, mi say, them gone underground fi go rest
    Make me tell you ’bout scalp dem
    Scalp dem, and hang dem up high
    Scalp dem
    Scalp dem, and hang dem up high
    Scalp dem
    Scalp dem, and hang dem up high
    Scalp dem.
    ‘Cause tonight dem a go die

  29. Izod,

    Yuh mudda was the stupid skunt. She should have aborted you and made the world a better place.

  30. “Godspeed for women’s rights. They judge you, they judge Christ.”
    Kendrick Lamar closes Glastonbury with powerful plea for women’s rights
    Kendrick Lamar – Saviour (Glastonbury 2022)

  31. Selassie Is The Chapel, The Wailers, Am I a Soldier of the Cross?, The Zion Travellers

    Selassie Is the Chapel / Bob Marley and the Wailers
    Haile Selassie is the Chapel
    Power of the Trinity (Trinity, Trinity is He)
    Build your mind on this direction
    Serve the living God and live (Living God and Live)
    Take your troubles to Selassie
    He is the only King of Kings (King of kings, King of kings is he)
    Conquering Lion of Judah
    Triumphantly we all must sing (All must sing, all must sing)
    I search and I search on book of Man
    In the Revelation, look what I find
    Haile Selassie is the Chapel
    And the world should know (All should know, all should know)
    That man is the Angel
    Our God, the King of Kings

  32. Yup Hants is the truthful one. He is also the non-judgmental one. And I am certain, the one who believes in letting people make their life choices as he has had the privilege of making his.

    Men of his type, I do not hate. So…. I am not a man “hater”.

    I like Hants. (And a few others here whose names I shall not mention in case a leave a deserving person out)

    Suffice it to say, if you are not a misogynist, DONNA DOES NOT “HATE” YOU.

    Just as if you are not a racist, Donna has no racial problem with you.

    But misogynists and racists? I often comfort myself by imagining I have a wide wide broom that can sweep you all off the edge of the earth! I’m doing it right now!


    But the earth, as SOME know, ain’t flat!

  33. The Massive
    Massive Dread
    This Is Massive
    Aruba The Bubbler

  34. Ha ha! It just occurred to me that in America, most of those who don’t know the earth ain’t flat, voted for Donald Trump and still think he won the election!

  35. Now here’s the thing about Planned Parenthood, what does it matter how it started out. I prefer to abort a foetus than to watch a toddler starve, or to watch my teenager shot up by cops or to watch my adult son incarcerated for decades and exploited for profit for a non-violent marijuana offence.

    These are the things Republicans support, even today when Democrats have seen the light.

    Give the black women the support, stop judging them for their marital status, assure them that you have their and their children’s backs, improve their communities, their job prospects, their pay and their lives…..and most of them will not have an abortion unless it is rape or incest.

    Sane women do not like having abortions. Most of us LOVE babies.

    Was it Toni Morrison who wrote a book about a slave who killed her daughter rather than watch her suffer the indignities that she herself had suffered.

    “Beloved” now banned in Texas schools, I think.

    Fiction but it expressed a sentiment that I share.

  36. When I referred to Black People becoming “Woke” on the net, as in “Awakened and Enlightened like a Buddha” to stand up for their rights, White Boy Spies were offended and have now made a trope of being Woke as something that is taking away their right to be racist supporting their history of crimes to humankind from slavery to colonialism to white supremacy. Right wing media now talk about woke 100-1000 times every day.
    That’s what happens when you debate with white scum, they pervert all information on media for right wing politics.
    That summarises all interaction with them using their prejudice minds to act smart crack jokes to twist and argue without listening to what people say.

    This short yoga set is a great way to start your day!

    Yoga Wake Up Series Anne Novak 2

    Yoga video: Short and Sweet Kriya to Get Your Energy Moving

  37. I am hearing that some states are preparing laws to curtail the travelling of women to other states for abortions under some conspiracy to commit a crime provision.

    Keep on trucking GOP! Create some new Democrats!

  38. How will this decision affect the vote in the US in upcoming elections?

  39. Donna I totally disagree with your point watch them starve, watch them shot up by cops, watch them incarcerated for years, ????? In the similar words of joe biden Black babies have the right to be born just as much as white babies,
    This is about belief and cash ,if a majority in your state believe that taxpayers shouldnt be on the hook after a certain date and another state wants to pay for it great. If the state your in doesnt represent your views move.
    The economy the economy the economy.David

  40. The blogmaster does not profess to understand the attitudes of Americans. Just a curious observer against a background that whether we agree or not it is a culture that is commodified for global consumption.

    It is a country where mass shootings of innocent people occur routinely yet weapons sales continue to trend upwards.

    Go figure.

  41. Go figure.
    They are CURSED!!
    It cannot be ‘figured’ with brass bowl logic… (which is why so many are talking such BS here…)
    This is spiritual…. It is the stuff of which KARMA’s REPARATIONS are made

    You will witness the end results shortly…

  42. Nudity and Art
    Changing the Culture
    Shock and Awe
    Some radical protestors in AmeriKKKa should copy the french feminist group Femen with topless protests to make their point, or make some nude / bodypaint protests
    Like MLK they should be prepared to be arrested and get news coverage for their cause

  43. 555dubstreetJune 27, 2022 3:30 AM

    John Knox is a fucking Airhead who fucks Racist Murdoch
    ‘3 Supreme Court Justices Lied Under Oath’


  44. Stop being a cunting right wing parrot erectile dysfunctional pussy hole your whole life Mr. Celibate with no children


  45. Similar principle with Dread Scott.

    Supreme Court set a precedent which was ultimately overturned.

    ………. by the Civil War and the 14th amendment to the Constitution!!

    At the time the precedent was set, the Supreme Court was packed with Democrats …. from the slave states.

    Better for Roe V. Wade precedent to be corrected civilly in Congress.

    The Democrats who want abortion need to get Congress to ratify an amendment giving them what they want.

    There ain’t going to be no civil war over abortion.

    Sure the Democrats will inflame and incite people like they always do in their numerous insurrections but dying for abortion just is not worth it.

    The problem they have is that they are out of touch with reality, young people have moved on.

    There is no longer the stigma attached to having a child out of wedlock.

  46. The biggest lie the Democrats tell the public and themselves is they are doing it for ALL women.

    My bet is that most women do not want they are selling, nor do their men and getting any sizeable part of the American population to adopt some radical position dreamed up by a bunch of idiots and idealogues (eg AOC) even on a state by state basis is not going to happen.

    Cost of Living, inflation gas etc etc are going to be things that determine what happens in November, my gut tells me abortion is not going to be an issue … but of course I could be wrong …… although I seldom am!!.

  47. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David, when you ask so easily “How will this decision affect the vote in the US in upcoming elections?” the simplest answer is that from griot @BushTea that it’s all irrelevant because as he says “This is spiritual […] You will witness the end results shortly…”!

    But if one is looking for a non-spiritual answer then the response is somewhere between it will effect it no more than normal and it will effect it with a whole lot of BS noise and ancillary violence due to the other other significant divisive issues. The response from @Lawson re the always true its the economy stupid will play a part of course !

    This is very simple brother … if the Dems are only NOW waiting for this abortion angst to push them over the top then they are freaking DOOMED.

    1.The Repubs have evolved the lying narrative of wide-spread fraud into a veritable election ‘cottage industry’: they have their own folks managing all these audits; they have pushed election deniers into position to be possibly in charge of state elections in the key ‘swing states’; they are generating significant millions by mining this narrative.
    2.They have gerrymandered congressional seats in various states that a) have reduced Dem represented areas and conversely increased the red areas for Repub thus b) their chances to win the House is vastly more assured.
    3.They ALREADY have a lock on the Supremes … (and whereas Barry Gordon could change his awesome ladies as he wished we can be assured that Biden CANNOT with this group).

    So yes the economy is in a tail-spin with recession looming due to the impact of Putin’s war and yes the incumbent Pres will suffer as a result so with all that does it make practical sense that Dems are NOW going to be more stoked over THIS gut-check reality anymore so than all the Republicans that are energized over 45’s lies and all else!

    The Dems were facing a blood bath defeat in the world of cyclical US politics where incumbent presidents get soaked at the midterms … so maybe … just maybe this may ease that a bit … but in the grand scheme of all things as arrayed, I think NOT!

    But Trump’s likely indictment in Georgia is the big unknown effect … not sure it will happen before November but obviously the entire show will continue to sensitize his supporters to all the issues of race, abortion, immigration etc and keep them agitated … will it be enough to get lots of Dem folks out to the local elections … we shall see!

  48. Look on the bright side, the Supreme Court is even less likely to look at abortion in the foreseeable future as it is supposed to be getting a new justice who does not know what a woman is and thus hasn’t got a clue about abortion!!

  49. John lol…dribbler economy was tanking before Putin

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